ZeroRanger (formerly FINALBOSS) - New DEMO out now!

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Re: FINAL BOSS - New Demo Out!

Post by guigui »

Thanks for the reply eebrozgi.
Turning BG dumming off did lessen the flickering, but it still present, probably my linux config since I saw that on other games.
I still cant hear sound.

Not that big deal, you guys made a great work with this. Please keep up and release full game !
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Re: FINAL BOSS - New Demo Out!

Post by S20-TBL »

If the other games you have involve flickering on Linux, it may probably be OpenGL related assuming you're running them on Wine. Judging from what I've seen playing Final Boss the game seems to use Game Maker's surface-drawing capabilities, which use DirectX and Direct3D. But I could be wrong.

EDIT: To clarify, since OpenGL is the analogue to DirectX then perhaps the flickering is related to how Linux is handling your games' screen redrawing, and not necessarily in the games themselves. Additionally, I've been told the latest version of Wine has much better Direct3D support, so maybe you're using an outdated version?
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Re: FINAL BOSS - New Demo Out!

Post by eebrozgi »

Final Boss doesn't actually use surfaces at all, if knowing that helps getting around the problem.
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Re: FINAL BOSS - New Demo Out!

Post by S20-TBL »

Then it might simply be his OpenGL settings, or his Wine version. I'm aware that the latest Wine build wrapper has been patched for better Direct3D compatibility, so changing to that might address his background flickering--assuming he hasn't changed to it yet. If he has then it might be something in OpenGL.
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Re: FINAL BOSS - Latest version: 2014/03/09

Post by Emuser »

Guys, if you haven't already done so go play this. Seriously.

Don't just stop with 1 credit and stopping in stage 2, keep playing, earn credits, see what the whole game has to offer. I made this mistake last year because it doesn't open up right away, and in a genre where decisions are made with attract demos and playing the 1st stage, there is more to this than what is initially seen.
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Re: FINAL BOSS - Latest version: 2014/03/09

Post by Ebbo »

I just watched your stream highlight. Too bad I missed the live stream but it was still a lot of fun to hear your genuine reactions - very helpful stuff as well! Although the development has been as slow as ever, we're still working on this project and hope to finish it one day so all the feedback is still welcome.

Thanks for the recommendation. Hopefully I'll catch your stream next time if you're planning to play this some more.
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Re: FINAL BOSS - Latest version: 2014/03/09

Post by Avalon »

I've been playing your game for a while and I wanted to ask... Is there a "SECRET" TLB that I don't know about? Something that requires "shmup-jedi sk1llz" to unlock?

I can get to the Stage 2-3 Boss (and his awakened form) with as many credits as I want, but after I win the special-weapon duel, he suddenly lets loose with an attack so incredible it causes everything to disappear in white light! ("So this is the power of...")

I also looked in the sound test and found a track called "Black Onion". It sounds really menacing, worthy of a TLB's 'final form'. But I never hear this track while playing the game.

Is there something yet to discover even after the Final Boss becomes the Final Boss? Like, I dunno... A TRUE FINAL Final Boss OF DOOM?
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Re: FINAL BOSS - Latest version: 2014/03/09

Post by Ebbo »

Thanks for playing our game!

Unfortunately that particular boss is simply the boss of stage 2-3. The game is still unfinished, so you'll have to wait for the real final boss quite a bit longer.

About the track: don't worry too much about it. There are few extra tracks that can only be found in the sound test.
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Re: FINAL BOSS - Latest version: 2014/03/09

Post by Special World »

Heard about this today, played this today, totally blown away. Thoughts:

1. This is simply one of the most professional games I have ever played. There are very few games where I feel like the devs have thought of everything, they know everything, and they know exactly what I would want. Final Boss is like that. Every aspect of this game does exactly what I want it to and then goes one step further. Even just seeing the orange logo for this game, even just seeing a screenshot, I could tell that you guys knew exactly what you were doing. I don't think I'm exaggerating at all when I say this is some truly next level shit.

2. If I have one standout complaint, I think that Final Boss is too meme-ey. I know a lot of people will probably disagree with me (though I haven't read the comments in this topic thus far), but I think the game stands so strongly on its own that text like "Be attitude for gains" and the Dodonpachi-esque Ronald McDonald Gainax dude at the end diluted the feel of the game. I'm totally fine with facing the Vic Viper and Bydo ships, as they're really cool and have very distinctive bullet patterns. And I'll admit that the Wonderwitch brings a smile to my face. I guess in some places it just goes a little too far. I'm interested in what Final Boss is all about, not how much you guys know about scrolling shooters (apparently everything).

3. This game begs for a classic Hudson-style caravan mode. Just absolutely begs for it. 2 and 5-minute challenges where I can just shoot the crap out of everything, please. You know, once you're totally done with everything else @_@

4. It bugs me that I can't keep firing if I hold down the button in-between stages. I mean like when I start a new stage and I have to re-press the shoot button to begin firing again.

5. Holy fucking shit that snake tower boss WHAT

6. I don't know what your plans are for this game, but I feel really deeply that once you're finished with everything, you should sell it for a reasonable price. Let me explain. It seems like you guys are willing to keep this a free game as a service to the community. I totally get that and I think that's super commendable. Honestly. And honestly, I love getting thing for free. But what I'm worried about is that you guys are going to finish this game, release it for free, and then only Shmups Forum is going to play it because only Shmups Forum is going to hear about it. I'm gonna start a new bullet point because I'm about to say something very crazy that I feel very strongly:

7. Final Boss is the shooting game equivalent of Shovel Knight. I don't know if you like Shovel Knight, but for myself and a lot of other people, Shovel Knight is like... the revival and near-perfection of a certain style of platformer. To me, Final Boss has that same feel. Most shooting games these days are too traditionalist, too bullet hell, or too halfassedly experimental. Final Boss is none of these things. It's like a perfection of the classic shooter form. I like Final Boss more than Gradius, I like it more than R-Type. But if there's one influence I feel very keenly, it's M-Kai and Qute. To me, Eschatos was like this perfect epiphany of How Shooting Games Can Be But Aren't. That's not an insult to shooting games. I love shooting games. But Eschatos was such a radical redefinition and re-appropriation of new and classic ideas that it totally blew me away. It showed me just how much I was taking for granted as part of the shooter formula. Final Boss is like that. There's so much of it that's not new, that's re-appropriated. It's like, basically Cho Ren Sha, Judgement Silversword, and Raystorm in a blender. But it's so good. Simple but satisfying scoring. Meaningful powerup choices. Absolutely amazing level design. A loop that feels totally warranted and important. It's just so good.

8. So, back to my original point: I feel like if you don't sell this at some point, there are going to be a lot of people who say "Eh some freeware indie shooter, whatever." And I don't want that, not because I want you to make money (I do), but because I want as many people to play this as possible, and I think if you can get this on Steam or (god forbid) PS4, then I think you'll expose a lot of people to this great game, and you'll be able to get reviews of it, and I think you'll get some really positive press. That's totally just my take on it, and if you think more people will play it as freeware then by all means keep it freeware. I'm not a market analyst or anything. And maybe you planned on selling it for $10 or so anyways. I don't know. But I think Final Boss is fucking amazing and I do think that more people will play it if they have to pay just a little bit. Because otherwise they can just play it anytime they get around to it, right? Which means they'll probably never play it. In my experience, anyhow.

I think I had more to say about other stuff I love and stuff I want to see but now I forget because I got on such a tangent. But I was wondering: Do you guys have a lot of coding experience, or are you just using Game Maker's native functions? Because Final Boss is honestly really inspiring.

ED: Oh yeah, also. Does the shield from the charge shot allow you to gain extra points from grinding enemies? Or does it all amount to the same number of points? Because it seems unfair (in the grand scheme, anyways) to have the lock-shot get extra points unless the grind-shield can get extra points as well. I'm not sure I want the end-game for that powerup to turn into constant enemy grinding, but...
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Re: FINAL BOSS - Latest version: 2014/03/09

Post by Special World »

I might be overstating the case of how good this game is, but I really don't think so.
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Re: FINAL BOSS - Latest version: 2014/03/09

Post by Squire Grooktook »

I agree with everything Catstronaut said.

I definitely, definitely, definitely think you should consider ultimately selling this. Not for yourselves, but because I believe a game like this could do a lot for the popularity of the genre in general.

It might require removing some copy righted material like the Vic Viper and some music tracks, but it would be worth it IMO.

Now to add what feedback I can that Catsronaut didn't already mention:

-What really strikes me as the most interesting/original/innovative about Final Boss is how the game evolves and grows more complex and dynamic with each stage. Acquiring new weapons from defeated bosses has been done a few times before, but never like this. Because in the games that have done it in the past, the new weapons just fulfilled some different need for damage or shooting angle. Each weapon in Final Boss adds a whole new layer to the game. The back/side shot turns it into a multidirectional shooter like Side Arms. The Recca Shot adds an offensive/defensive element ala Eschatos and Recca. The sword/drill adds a deep melee mechanic and kicks the scoring into overdrive, etc. etc. It's almost like the shmup equivalent of a metroidvania or zelda game as the onscreen action gradually unfolds and evolves with each new piece of equipment you gain.

I've never played anything like it.

-I like how you went with a slightly larger hitbox then most danmaku games. One thing I hate from modern shmups that try to recapture the classic style, is that they just give sparser patterns but keep the hitbox size small. It always makes the action feel so...empty. I think you nailed a terrific balance here with a lot of leniency but a big enough hitbox to keep you moving fast and the tension high.

-I have only two real critisicms of the game: The first is that I think that the first two stages are a bit dry. I was told several times "don't quit after the first two stages! it opens up!". They're not bad, but for a game this impressive, I think more could be done to make the first two stages more memorable. Since you don't have many powers in the first two stages, I think that would be a good time to get down and dirty with some simple but pure bullet dodging action. I'm not suggesting it turn into a danmaku game or anything, but taking a note from a Toaplan shooter or something like that and having a little bit more violence and intensity survival wise might spice things up a bit. There's plenty of good shooting already, and the scoring is fun, but I think a little bit more dodging could work wonders.

-Second: As much as I love the sprite work and presentation, I'm not totally sold on the blue and orange color scheme. It's not something I minded or even noticed at first, but overtime it started to burn itself into my brain a little. The games aesthetics are so impressive, I'm kind of dying to see what it would be like in full color vision.
RegalSin wrote:Japan an almost perfect society always threatened by outsiders....................

Instead I am stuck in the America's where women rule with an iron crotch, and a man could get arrested for sitting behind a computer too long.
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Re: FINAL BOSS - Latest version: 2014/03/09

Post by Ebbo »

Thank you both for your insightful feedback, we really appreciate it.

The point about meme-ey feel is certainly warranted. When we began creating the game, lots of things were just thrown in without too much of thinking or simply seeped in as we played and learned from other games and whatnot. Even though we still kinda design things like that, we do try to think of ways to make the references either more subtle or use them in somewhat unexpected manner. Some of the references and messages have been already toned down. The references won't probably disappear completely though. I understand some people can feel annoyed by them for the reasons you mentioned. However the game is still incomplete.

Also I can't probably stress how happy mentions of SK, Qute and Cho Ren Sha make me. Eschatos might be eebrozgi's favorite shmup and I adore it as well.
Special World wrote: Does the shield from the charge shot allow you to gain extra points from grinding enemies?
Grinding enemies with the charge shield won't net any extra points. To be clear, lock-on doesn't get any extra points either. Locking enemies simply replenishes the multiplier which makes the scoring easier. The charge does have its own advantages that we've adjusted slightly since the latest version.
Squire Grooktook wrote: The first is that I think that the first two stages are a bit dry. I was told several times "don't quit after the first two stages! it opens up!". They're not bad, but for a game this impressive, I think more could be done to make the first two stages more memorable.
This is something that burns at the back of my mind, along with dozen of other things. I do want to spice things up but it has to be done in a way that feels right. I certainly agree that it shouldn't just be more bullets or stuff like that. It will probably have something to do with keeping more advanced players busy but can also go unnoticed by new players so that they won't be too intimidated. So maybe something scoring related? Whatever it is, it will take some time and elbow grease.

Now I'm trying sum up some of my thoughts regarding the discussion whether or not the game should be a commercial product. Final Boss started at very small scale and we never really intended it to take this long to complete. The things have changed a lot since then in a way we (or at least I) couldn't really predict. Steam and other indie friendly platforms are much bigger now and indie studios themselves have grown to a whole new level as well. FB has improved a lot but so have other games and developers. That's why I'm personally still hesitant to say whether or not I'd feel comfortable for outright asking money for the game. For an example the color scheme Squire mentioned is sort of telltale sign of lack of a proper artist and my personal understanding and skills on such matter. After all these years FB is still in my eyes a "some freeware indie shooter", which can be both a blessing and a curse.

That being said, finishing the game is probably going to take several years. We've got plenty of time to change our minds by then. Whether or not the game will still be available for free shouldn't ultimately matter as long as we can satisfy - and exceed - players' expectations.

Sorry about the long post. Lots of the things you mentioned have certainly crossed our minds before so I thought it would be good to vent a little. Hopefully I get to return this topic with a proper announcement soon enough :wink:
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Re: FINAL BOSS - Latest version: 2014/03/09

Post by Special World »

I think maybe the way to spice up the first two stages is to add one or two more enemy types? The first stage has a lot of popcorn enemies, and the second stage has that long bit with the boxes, bombs, and crabs. Just a thought. I think when you consider the entire levels they're pretty dynamic, though. And I think the difficulty of the stages is just great. I really have to use the continues in this game; I like that even the first level brings it.

Also, I am gonna straight up smack you in the face right now: DO NOT BE DOWN ON YOURSELF FOR THE ARTWORK. Are you kidding me? The artwork in this game is absolutely amazing. It's fucking perfect. Don't think for a second that you need a "proper" artist, because the art of Final Boss totally nails it. Just 100%. I'm not sure I like the artwork of *any* shooting game more than Final Boss's. If Final Boss is going to stop being "some indie freeware shooter" (I think it's much more than that already, honestly), then it's going to be because the game has 6 levels, a caravan mode, online leaderboards, native joystick support, achievements, etc. That's up for you to decide. But it will be worthy of someone's $10* because it's a well-rounded, feature-rich game, and NOT because you changed your artstyle. If you hire some "proper artist," I will cry. I'm no proper artist myself, but I understand art on some fundamental level at least (source:, and I can tell you that Final Boss is pure gold. It's chunky and authentic, and it doesn't seem slavishly retro like so many other indie games. I will not let you tell yourself that the art in Final Boss isn't good.

As for the color scheme, I myself quite like it. I think it's stylish and will really appeal to critics. But I can understand if somebody played the game and thought, "Hmm, this is kinda basic, isn't it." So maybe (one day) as unlockables you should make one or two color filters. Experiment with coloring the game in full. Or, try to make each level a different contrasting color scheme. I dunno. Experiment with it. See what works best. But don't go thinking that your color scheme is "worse" because it's more basic. Try things out and go with your gut, and if you think you have a couple viable options, include them in the game as unlocks.

* I say $10 not because I think a completed Final Boss game will "only be worth $10" but because I understand the realities of the situation. I think if you do a really good job and play your cards right, Final Boss could easily make for a solid $20 download, which is pretty much as high as people will go for a download-only game. But as a new developer you're untested, and as a traditional scrolling shooter dev you're really working against popular opinion. At $10 or $15 you're still working within the "somewhat inexpensive" game range, but you're also assigning yourself a somewhat premium price for a download game. What this does is it adds value to your product. A ton of people will balk at paying $40, $60, $80 for a scrolling shooter, but at $10-$15 they can be convinced by a good review. And by paying a little bit more than $1 or $5, they value your product a little more, and they'll treat it as an actual game rather than something they play on a boring Friday and forget about. Because Final Boss is a game that really just gets better—I think it would be a travesty for somebody to game over on the first stage and say "that's it?" But if they only pay a dollar or two, they'll treat it as expendable and they won't play any more than that. They'll game over once and never play it again because hell, what's $2? I don't wanna wig you guys out or anything, but I'm telling you straight up—you are making a gem. And not just from "super shooting game fan" perspective. Final Boss has the foundations to be a game that anyone can play and enjoy on their own respective level. Final Boss really cuts through a lot of the bullshit that makes people hate shooting games.
Last edited by Special World on Sun Aug 09, 2015 4:46 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: FINAL BOSS - Latest version: 2014/03/09

Post by Special World »

Also, if everything I've said is overwhelming: just know that you guys are doing exactly what you need to do right now. You're taking time to work on your game, and you're making it shine. If you want to add a level or two and call it complete and release it as freeware, that's fine. You'll get a lot of free press from anybody on these boards, I'd wager. And then after that, if you're still thinking about becoming the Final Boss, you can work on the extra features that'll make it shine as Final Boss Complete on Steam or PSN. Whatever you guys want to do. But don't hear me say stuff like "achievements, online leaderboards, palette swaps, etc" and get lost in the details or worried about all the stuff you'd have to do. Because there's time for that shit later, if you decide to do it. You don't need to worry about that at all right now.

Other thoughts: Maybe you should create a type of popcorn enemy that shoots simple shots? That might alleviate some of the issues Grooktook is having with the first few stages feeling too slow. There's a lot of shooting things not as much dodging until you come to the bosses. I also think parts of the third stage are too easy, particularly the final boss. He launches all sorts of volleys, but they're pretty easy to avoid. He doesn't feel very final at all, especially after the end boss of stage 2 (bastard!).

I think the thing I love most about this game is just how much is crammed into each stage. The third stage in particular (i assume it'll stay the last stage if you add more to the game?) is like... something new is happening all the time. The fact that you can have something awesome like the snake tower and have it just be another part of the stage blows my mind. Any other game would have that as the ultimate showcase at the end of the level, and any other game would have the train part be an entire level unto itself. There's a flow here that's very Eschatos, like you're reluctant to do anything that would break up the pace of the game. It's just like... section to section to section to section to okay NOW we can end the level. Also, I actually totally hate bosses in most shooting games (I tolerate them at best), but you guys have done a really good job. They're fun as hell. They're more like Raiden bosses: Short, sweet, and to the point.
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Re: FINAL BOSS - Latest version: 2014/03/09

Post by eebrozgi »

Whoa, thank you for all the kindness and feedback. I wonder if there's much more to what I can reply to after Ebbo, but I'll try.
Special World wrote:If I have one standout complaint, I think that Final Boss is too meme-ey.
As Ebbo said, this is largely a mark of the beginning of the project and the feedback is something we can agree on and have been toning them down. For example, in the current build the aforementioned "attitude for gains" and miniboss remix tracks have been replaced with different things.
Special World wrote:It bugs me that I can't keep firing if I hold down the button in-between stages. I mean like when I start a new stage and I have to re-press the shoot button to begin firing again.
Will fix.
Special World wrote:Do you guys have a lot of coding experience, or are you just using Game Maker's native functions?
Everything's done with GML and there's not external dll:s or such used, if that is what you meant.

Eschatos definitely is my favourite shmup and Shovel Knight went up to my all-time favourite games as well, so I too am really happy to hear those mentions. Thank you once again!
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Re: FINAL BOSS - Latest version: 2014/03/09

Post by Squire Grooktook »

Ebbo wrote:
Squire Grooktook wrote: The first is that I think that the first two stages are a bit dry. I was told several times "don't quit after the first two stages! it opens up!". They're not bad, but for a game this impressive, I think more could be done to make the first two stages more memorable.
This is something that burns at the back of my mind, along with dozen of other things. I do want to spice things up but it has to be done in a way that feels right. I certainly agree that it shouldn't just be more bullets or stuff like that. It will probably have something to do with keeping more advanced players busy but can also go unnoticed by new players so that they won't be too intimidated. So maybe something scoring related? Whatever it is, it will take some time and elbow grease.
I actually think the scoring element is fine, since there's some pretty tight chains to manage.

What I think it needs is a little bit more tension/nervousness on the survival level. For example, two of my favorite games which have great first stages IMO are Cho Ren Sha 68k on hard and Ketsui. Both first stages are pretty easy, but they have little moments near the end where things get a little hectic and you get tempted to bomb. IE the last two tank rushes in Ketsui and the last rush of enemies in crs68k hard where the suicide bullets get a little out of control.

Also for the record I think the second loop versions of both stages are perfect.

Special World wrote:I think maybe the way to spice up the first two stages is to add one or two more enemy types? The first stage has a lot of popcorn enemies, and the second stage has that long bit with the boxes, bombs, and crabs. Just a thought. I think when you consider the entire levels they're pretty dynamic, though. And I think the difficulty of the stages is just great. I really have to use the continues in this game; I like that even the first level brings it.

Also, I am gonna straight up smack you in the face right now: DO NOT BE DOWN ON YOURSELF FOR THE ARTWORK. Are you kidding me? The artwork in this game is absolutely amazing. It's fucking perfect. Don't think for a second that you need a "proper" artist, because the art of Final Boss totally nails it. Just 100%
Totally agree here. I love your art.

Oh also, Cagar told me to tell you to release the update lol.
RegalSin wrote:Japan an almost perfect society always threatened by outsiders....................

Instead I am stuck in the America's where women rule with an iron crotch, and a man could get arrested for sitting behind a computer too long.
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Re: FINAL BOSS - New Demo Out!

Post by Cagar »

Cagar wrote:
Cagar wrote:Holy ****ing shit.
This is the coolest shmup that I've ever played.
Agreed with everything that Special World and Squire said...
After all the bullet hell years and whatnot with the genre, it has come down to an unfinished "freeware indie shooter" being my favorite shmup of all time.
How did it end up like this?
Who even am I anymore?

and by the way, my avatar is straight very related to the game.
Last edited by Cagar on Mon Aug 10, 2015 3:39 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: FINAL BOSS - New Demo Out!

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Re: FINAL BOSS - Latest version: 2014/03/09

Post by Zaarock »

I think 1-1 is fine for a first stage. It's a solid introduction and still difficult to get an optimal score in. 1-2 can be boring compared to the loop because it's long without much survival challenge and there's a lot of stalling of the chain on the crabs (which love to walk offscreen and sometimes not even spawn). In contrast 2-2 is easily the hardest stage to survive through and max chain while being a lot more fun with the addition of the third and melee weapons. Maybe the RSG-style level design with walls and enemies from all sides just works better with a larger variety of weapons..?

Nice to see this game get more love, it deserves all of it imo. I remember talking to a japanese player about it and he thought the devs should at least accept donations since there are people who want to support quality STG like this.

maybe cagar should try more shmups
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Re: FINAL BOSS - Latest version: 2014/03/09

Post by Special World »

Did a write-up on Final Boss for my blog: ... inal-boss/

One question: Is there an easy way to play as the second player? Or do I just edit my controls until they work for 2p?

Also, I don't even know that anything's wrong with the first two stages at all. Maybe they could be made better, I have no idea. But it feels to me like any discontent could be alleviated by just having more stages. Like, maybe there would be no problem with the box-ey part of stage 2 if it wasn't so large a proportion of the game. I think it's really enjoyable, anyhow. It's like, I love ice cream, but only if I also have time to do something else today besides eat ice cream. Does that make sense? Probably not. Oh well.

ED: Holy crap @ boss of second level of 2nd loop
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Re: FINAL BOSS - Latest version: 2014/03/09

Post by Squire Grooktook »

Special World wrote:Also, I don't even know that anything's wrong with the first two stages at all.
Oh believe me, they're good. As good as many of the first stages in the best shmups. But this game is so perfect, it's the only thing I can even begin to criticize or give feedback on that's not "WOW SO AMAZING" ;)
RegalSin wrote:Japan an almost perfect society always threatened by outsiders....................

Instead I am stuck in the America's where women rule with an iron crotch, and a man could get arrested for sitting behind a computer too long.
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Re: FINAL BOSS - Latest version: 2014/03/09

Post by Ikazu-san »

The only thing missing from stage 1, is disrupting that scene near the end. Like, if you kill these background enemies with lock on before midboss does, you deny him a powerup or something like that. Would need to buff charge shot against that midboss, though.
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Re: FINAL BOSS - Latest version: 2014/03/09

Post by GhostGK »

I'm trying it out & loving it..!! Pure awesomeness..!! :D

The colour platte is so pleasing to look at.. The music is heroic..
The gameplay is just so fun too.. Epic..

& to think, this isn't even your final form.. :P
Can't wait to see what'll be coming next!
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Re: FINAL BOSS - Latest version: 2014/03/09

Post by Ebbo »

Final Boss will finally receive its next update... But not quite just yet since there are still some last minute polishing and testing left. The new version will be released September 27th. Among some minor audiovisual changes this "Raw Label" will fix several glitches/balance issues and adds new options as well as a co-op ending for normal mode.

Here is a new gameplay trailer of some of the changes.
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Re: FINAL BOSS - Latest version: 2014/03/09

Post by Dave_K. »

I know this was asked before, but any chance of adding tate (rotate) screen mode?
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Re: FINAL BOSS - Latest version: 2014/03/09

Post by Ebbo »

Unfortunately implementing tate option has proven much more taxing than expected, so it won't make its way into next version. It's a bummer because it's the one thing we actually promised to implement... However last time I talked with eebrozgi about the matter, we could release a separate "tate" version along with the new update. It's far from an elegant solution, sorry about that.
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Re: FINAL BOSS - Latest version: 2014/03/09

Post by Ikazu-san »
Please don't fix that.
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Re: FINAL BOSS - Latest version: 2014/03/09

Post by eebrozgi »

Compromise: I'll make the music fade slowly back in in case of Nice Recover. Deal?
If watching the trailer of the game
makes you feel a certain way
I would be very happy if
you would give the game a try

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Re: FINAL BOSS - Latest version: 2014/03/09

Post by Ikazu-san »

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Re: FINAL BOSS - Latest version: 2014/03/09

Post by Dave_K. »

I'd be more than happy with a one-off tate build if it relatively easy to do for you. :) Just call it the arcade version as it will be played in a cabinet. ;)
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