Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by Drakon »

gojira54 wrote:The only pics I've ever seen of your stuff is shit, pls prove otherwise

I don't want to because a: I have no interest in doing this work any more and b: I already posted pictures of better work in this very thread.

I honestly just want to live my life peacefully but threads like this ensure a steady stream of idiots harass anything I post, even if it's completely unrelated to hardware.
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by mikejmoffitt »

Stop replying to the thread.
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by Drakon »

mikejmoffitt wrote:Stop replying to the thread.
Remove this thread and I happily will.
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by Ikaruga11 »

mikejmoffitt wrote:Stop replying to the thread.
You can't just ignore a problem and expect it to go away. You have to address it. A mod or admin should delete this thread as it's no longer relevant, and is bordering on harassment.
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by leonk »

easy and free solution:

- create a new alias
- stop replying to threads

Only reason anyone at this point will care as much as you do is if you still sell mods to customers under your current alias and don't want them to see these comments. If this is the case then what you said above about moving on is false.

Just stop replying.
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by Drakon »

leonk wrote:easy and free solution:

- create a new alias
- stop replying to threads

Only reason anyone at this point will care as much as you do is if you still sell mods to customers under your current alias and don't want them to see these comments. If this is the case then what you said above about moving on is false.

Just stop replying.
I stopped selling work years ago. I stopped replying many times. The harassment continues. If people left me alone I'd leave these places alone.

You don't want me to reply because you don't like to hear any opinion other than your own.
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by Ikaruga11 »

Posting this on Drakon's behalf:
Drakon wrote:Nobody wants to take responsibility for what they've done to me. Every single one of those people say that what they chose to do to me is my fault, like their own actions are somehow my fault. Random strangers on youtube posted that if I don't defend myself against these people that what's happening to me is my fault. I tried defending myself but people blindly follow these haters and are unwilling to listen to anything I have to say.

The bad quality work was mine and I never denied it. I knew at the time my work wasn't good quality and I warned many customers about it. The lie is that these people are trying to make it look like I don't care about good advice or improving myself and that I'm only looking to scam people.

Phonedork lied to me by saying he was very happy with my work and thanking me for my work after I gave him a partial refund for his damaged case. Phonedork, like so many others, believed all of the bullshit skips told him and he made himself believe that just being honest with me wouldn't work and that there was no other way than to just attack me.

After years when I finally found phonedork's post about him being unhappy with my work, which was buried in pages of bullshit posts, I sent phonedork a private message here saying I was willing to refund him more and all he had to do was contact me and be honest. Phonedork ignored this pm and I wasn't able to get in contact with Phonedork until years after when skips contacted him on my behalf.

Once I was finally in contact with Phonedork and he was actually honest with me everything was cleared up very quickly. If he had just been honest with me it would have been cleared up in the beginning before all of this happened. It was all of these bullshit lies skips and friends were spewing about me that created a communication gap between Phonedork and I and made it take years to resolve something that would have normally been resolved instantly. When talking with Phonedork, he admitted that he actually believed me, because he had personally seen skips completely bad mouth another person who had never done anything bad and had only said very nice things about skips.

Skips posted that what he did to me is my fault. Even though when skips started making angry posts before specifically targeting me, I sent skips a very friendly e-mail asking him to please discuss anything about me that's bothering him. Skips ignored this e-mail and he's admitted to this in this thread. Yet skips still acts like he was forced into doing this and he had no other choice.

The real truth is that skips and I disagreed on something very minor, the idea that wrapping the old rgb ppu chips in tinfoil is a proper solution for video jailbar interference coming off of those chips. I very politely disagreed that this is a good idea because of the risk of short circuiting those rare chips, and skips completely flipped out at me and lost it because of this. That's the whole reason skips came after me, with these people if you disagree with them on anything, regardless of how insignificant, they label you as "shit" and do everything they can to publicly damage your reputation so everyone else will side with them.

Voultar helped teach me how to work on my crt and modify it to accept rgb. I added a bunch of my own circuitry and ideas so I posted that it was a joint effort. Voultar completely flipped on me and in spite my every effort to politely discuss this over pm or messenger, he started very selectively publicly posting private messages I had sent him that made him look right and made me look like a liar.

GameTechUS is one of those people that every time I made something new, he'd pm me asking me to just give him my latest work for free. I eventually became tired of seeing people clone my work and making money from the copycat work. GameTechUS sent me a pm when I came up with a circuit for the nes, keep in mind I had helped him for free in the past. This time I very politely declined to just hand him my work for free and I explained why. Instead, I just gave him the exact same information I was given that I used to come up with the circuit on my own.

Next thing I knew, when people turned against me, gametechus posted his video about my work and he made it sound like he had problems with me and that he had no choice but to post that video. The honest truth is I was never rude to GameTechUS, I never said anything bad about him at that point, I always thanked him for any tips and suggestions. On top of that, I had also helped him for free many times. It was when I very politely cut gametechus off from free-work handouts that he decided to turn against me. That's the real reason why he posted that video, I didn't do something so horrible that he was forced into it and had no alternative choice.

Anyway, sorry for the long rant. I'm just hoping to finally find someone who is willing to actually listen to the truth of what goes on in these places.

Since skips and friends posted the worst examples of my old work that they could find to gain people's trust, they then could say any lies they wanted about me and everyone would automatically believe them without ever questioning them. These lies are that they were forced into attacking me because I don't want to improve I'm only a scammer etc etc.

The real truth is I have a very busy life outside of this work. I have other sources of income that generate much more money for much less effort, so my other work was more of a priority which is why I progressed more slowly than others with console modifications. If I were some scammer then I wouldn't have gone out of my way to send phonedork yet another refund years later when I had NO intention of ever returning to doing this sort of work.

But because people automatically believe all of the lies skips said, nobody is willing to believe that I'm not the sort of person skips says I am, nobody is willing to even consider that they may be wrong about me. Now it seems to have gotten to a point where even if the evidence does very obviously show that skips and others were lying, people would be unwilling to admit that they were wrong about me just because they've been wrong for so long that it would be embarrassing for them to admit it. Also people in these places rarely (almost never) admit they were wrong about someone.

So now these people just want me to shut up and stop replying to the thread because I'm the only person looking to spread the actual truth and that makes them look like assholes. They could very easily unsubscribe from that thread, but the unspoken truth is that they want to stay subscribed so if any other bad news about me ever gets posted they can join in. If anything good about me ever gets posted they get very annoyed and do everything in their effort to silence it, whether it comes from me or other people. For them it's not really a "drakon's mod work" thread that accurately represents my work, it's a "let's attack drakon because I have misdirected anger that needs to go at a witch" thread.

One time over pm I managed to get leonk to admit why he's so randomly angry at me, even though I've never done anything bad to him. Leonk told me that making his nes conversions that he had to fix poor quality work done by a lot of faceless people. So, even though leonk has never had to fix any of my work, since I'm the only person who's done bad work in the past who has a face and I'm not trying to hide from my past mistakes, leonk is taking out all of his anger about fixing other people's work on me.
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by lettuce »

The thread that keeps on giving :lol:
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by Voultar »

Drakon wrote:Voultar helped teach me how to work on my crt and modify it to accept rgb. I added a bunch of my own circuitry and ideas so I posted that it was a joint effort. Voultar completely flipped on me and in spite my every effort to politely discuss this over pm or messenger, he started very selectively publicly posting private messages I had sent him that made him look right and made me look like a liar.

Dude, don't lay any of your bullshit on me. I was initially trying to help you and was miffed by the fact that you were grievously misrepresenting the facts (which is a consistent theme of yours). I didn't selectively post PM's to make anyone look right.

Take some fucking responsibility for yourself, and stop pointing your finger in every other direction casting blame.

I just did a 40 minute feature on Youtube fixing shitty PC-Engine mod-work, and I feel no guilt. The moment that money is being exchanged for services is the moment that those excuses become irrelevant.
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by Drakon »

"I was initially trying to help you and was miffed by the fact that you were grievously misrepresenting the facts (which is a consistent theme of yours). I didn't selectively post PM's to make anyone look right."

You only posted pms from the beginning when it was you very generously doing all of the teaching. You neglected to post the parts where I said some of your suggestions didn't work, and I told you I came up with ideas of my own that worked better. To me this is more "grievously misrepresenting the facts".

"Take some fucking responsibility for yourself, and stop pointing your finger in every other direction casting blame."

Yeah I've only for years admit to my poor quality work and apologized for it. I'm asking for you people to stop pointing your fingers and casting blame for creating the false image that I don't care and I'm some sort of scammer. This has lead to a big disconnect of communication.

"I just did a 40 minute feature on Youtube fixing shitty PC-Engine mod-work, and I feel no guilt. The moment that money is being exchanged for services is the moment that those excuses become irrelevant."

I hope you didn't name whoever did the work, that won't help that person improve. I'm not trying to make excuses for my poor quality work. I'm trying to point out the fact that threads like this help nothing and lead to people harassing me in places that have nothing to do with hardware work. Stop trying to justify attacking other people, start trying to help other people. If you set a bad example others will follow, if you set a good example others will follow.
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by Voultar »

Drakon wrote:"I was initially trying to help you and was miffed by the fact that you were grievously misrepresenting the facts (which is a consistent theme of yours). I didn't selectively post PM's to make anyone look right."

You only posted pms from the beginning when it was you very generously doing all of the teaching. You neglected to post the parts where I said some of your suggestions didn't work, and I told you I came up with ideas of my own that worked better. To me this is more "grievously misrepresenting the facts".

"Take some fucking responsibility for yourself, and stop pointing your finger in every other direction casting blame."

Yeah I've only for years admit to my poor quality work and apologized for it. I'm asking for you people to stop pointing your fingers and casting blame for creating the false image that I don't care and I'm some sort of scammer. This has lead to a big disconnect of communication.

"I just did a 40 minute feature on Youtube fixing shitty PC-Engine mod-work, and I feel no guilt. The moment that money is being exchanged for services is the moment that those excuses become irrelevant."

I hope you didn't name whoever did the work, that won't help that person improve. I'm not trying to make excuses for my poor quality work. I'm trying to point out the fact that threads like this help nothing and lead to people harassing me in places that have nothing to do with hardware work. Stop trying to justify attacking other people, start trying to help other people. If you set a bad example others will follow, if you set a good example others will follow.

Okay Drakon, would you like me to clarify this by posting the entire PM transcript? Doing this will completely quail any confusion. The remarkable thing is that you have an excuse for everything.

I don't believe you understand the difference between someone who does a shitty job tinkering with electronics as a hobby and someone who does a shitty job tinkering with electronics for profit.
Last edited by Voultar on Wed Jun 14, 2017 7:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by Drakon »

Voultar wrote:Okay Drakon, would you like me to clarify this by posting the entire PM transcript? Doing this will completely quail any confusion. The remarkable thing is that you have an excuse for everything.

I don't believe you understand the difference between someone who does a shitty job tinkering with electronics as a hobby and someone who does a shitty job tinkering with electronics for profit.
Sorry that won't work because the private messages were only in the very beginning, we moved to messenger very early on where there is no existing recorded transcript. I'm not at all trying to take away from the awesome help you provided and I'm extremely thankful.

I do understand the difference, but under neither circumstance is it justified to do what people did to me and make me look like a person who doesn't care and only wants to scam people.
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by Voultar »

Drakon wrote:
Voultar wrote:Okay Drakon, would you like me to clarify this by posting the entire PM transcript? Doing this will completely quail any confusion. The remarkable thing is that you have an excuse for everything.

I don't believe you understand the difference between someone who does a shitty job tinkering with electronics as a hobby and someone who does a shitty job tinkering with electronics for profit.
Sorry that won't work because the private messages were only in the very beginning, we moved to messenger very early on where there is no existing recorded transcript. I'm not at all trying to take away from the awesome help you provided and I'm extremely thankful.

I do understand the difference, but under neither circumstance is it justified to do what people did to me and make me look like a person who doesn't care and only wants to scam people.
Don't worry. I log everything.

Jason's 2nd video is an AV Famicom you modded. The fact that you swapped the guys minty unmolested AV Famicom motherboard for one of your old PC-10 hackjobs provides more than enough merit to be very critical of your practices. You can't be angry with him over that. Consumer's should be made aware of these things. That's how people make informed decisions.

Or, are you implying that Jason lied about the facts and that entire situation was intentionally misconstrued?
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by Drakon »

Voultar wrote:Don't worry. I log everything.

Jason's 2nd video is an AV Famicom you modded. The fact that you swapped the guys minty unmolested AV Famicom motherboard for one of your old PC-10 hackjobs provides more than enough merit to be very critical of your practices. You can't be angry with him over that. Consumer's should be made aware of these things. That's how people make informed decisions.

Or, are you implying that Jason lied about the facts and that entire situation was intentionally misconstrued?
Once again, that customer freaked out and threatened to attack my reputation if I didn't immediately mail out his system when I was very very busy with other things. I accidentally mailed the wrong system and I'm sorry for that. If you have patience with me (and I'm talking about only waiting for 2-3 weeks if I'm busy, which is what I politely asked the customer for) and don't threaten me then everything does go smoothly. Being critical is fine if you're willing to listen to my side of the story too.

People were very critical of me long before that video was posted. I don't care how bad I think another person's work is, unless it's someone I've had a personal experience hiring, I refuse to form an opinion about that person and start spreading such opinion because it most likely would be biased.
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by Voultar »

Drakon wrote:
Voultar wrote:Don't worry. I log everything.

Jason's 2nd video is an AV Famicom you modded. The fact that you swapped the guys minty unmolested AV Famicom motherboard for one of your old PC-10 hackjobs provides more than enough merit to be very critical of your practices. You can't be angry with him over that. Consumer's should be made aware of these things. That's how people make informed decisions.

Or, are you implying that Jason lied about the facts and that entire situation was intentionally misconstrued?
Once again, that customer freaked out and threatened to attack my reputation if I didn't immediately mail out his system when I was very very busy with other things. I accidentally mailed the wrong system and I'm sorry for that. If you have patience with me (and I'm talking about only waiting for 2-3 weeks if I'm busy, which is what I politely asked the customer for) and don't threaten me then everything does go smoothly. Being critical is fine if you're willing to listen to my side of the story too.

People were very critical of me long before that video was posted. I don't care how bad I think another person's work is, unless it's someone I've had a personal experience hiring, I refuse to form an opinion about that person and start spreading such opinion because it most likely would be biased.
I gather that you have a lot of bad customers. You make it sound like they're ultimately responsible for the things that go awry.

You do realize how ridiculous that sounds, right?
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by Drakon »

Voultar wrote:I gather that you have a lot of bad customers. You make it sound like they're ultimately responsible for the things that go awry.

You do realize how ridiculous that sounds, right?
Absolutely not. With Phonedork I always felt bad about what happened to his system. I felt bad in the beginning, which is why in the very beginning I gave him a partial refund of what I thought would be fair. Phonedork told me he was very happy with everything, even though he wasn't. I don't think it's much to say that Phonedork was partially responsible for me not being able to provide him what he wanted, because what he said he wanted and what he really wanted weren't the same.

Even though this other customer threatened me of course I felt bad that I accidentally mailed the wrong system.

Even though the customer with the toaster claimed his system wasn't working when it was, I feel terrible about that horrible job I did in a toaster nes too.

These are all things I've said before, I assumed you'd read them.

The truth is I had a lot of great customers who put up with poor quality work and still praised it. I just wish these people had been more vocal and willing to defend me to give a much more accurate representation instead of only the bad examples.

You're making it sound like the few unsatisfied people out of many satisfied people represents me. The most reasonable unsatisfied customer was Phonedork. I just wish he had been honest with me because that would have been much more productive than what he chose to do.
Last edited by Drakon on Wed Jun 14, 2017 7:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by Voultar »

Drakon wrote:
You're making it sound like the few unsatisfied people out of many satisfied people represents me.
What do you consider a few? And how many does it really take?
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by Drakon »

Voultar wrote:What do you consider a few? And how many does it really take?
The three above customers, of which, only one of them ever directly mentioned to me he was unsatisfied, and one completely lied about being very satisfied. Unfortunately he made demands that made no sense, he wanted me to fix something that wasn't broken and refused to try anything on his end to see if it actually was broken or if it was something related to his setup.

All other customers told me they were very happy with my work and thanked me.
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by donluca »

leonk wrote:easy and free solution:

- create a new alias
- stop replying to threads

Only reason anyone at this point will care as much as you do is if you still sell mods to customers under your current alias and don't want them to see these comments. If this is the case then what you said above about moving on is false.

Just stop replying.
I just want to echo those suggestions.

After all those pages I've made up my mind about you and realized that whether people start agreeing with you or not, it's just better to start off fresh.

New nickname, new website, new youtube channel. Internet gives you this fantastic opportunity to get a new identity whenever you like and start again from scratch.

The whole point is: if you've really become better at modding, you'll be recognized as a good modder, you'll start building a great reputation and all will be good.
If you've lied all along and you're still making bad jobs and mistakes, you're going to get drawn back into all this.
Oh, and people at that point will probably connect your new identity to your old one.

That's it, if you're interested in getting back to this. Otherwise just shut down everything and stop giving a damn about random people on the internet - they're probably not worth your time.
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by Drakon »

donluca wrote:
leonk wrote:easy and free solution:

- create a new alias
- stop replying to threads

Only reason anyone at this point will care as much as you do is if you still sell mods to customers under your current alias and don't want them to see these comments. If this is the case then what you said above about moving on is false.

Just stop replying.
I just want to echo those suggestions.

After all those pages I've made up my mind about you and realized that whether people start agreeing with you or not, it's just better to start off fresh.

New nickname, new website, new youtube channel. Internet gives you this fantastic opportunity to get a new identity whenever you like and start again from scratch.

The whole point is: if you've really become better at modding, you'll be recognized as a good modder, you'll start building a great reputation and all will be good.
If you've lied all along and you're still making bad jobs and mistakes, you're going to get drawn back into all this.
Oh, and people at that point will probably connect your new identity to your old one.

That's it, if you're interested in getting back to this. Otherwise just shut down everything and stop giving a damn about random people on the internet - they're probably not worth your time.
Yes, I'd love to shut down this thread and move on from this place, that's what I'm asking be done.
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by donluca »

Drakon wrote:Yes, I'd love to shut down this thread and move on from this place, that's what I'm asking be done.
But you can't, this is out of your reach, so live with it and carry on.
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by Drakon »

donluca wrote:
Drakon wrote:Yes, I'd love to shut down this thread and move on from this place, that's what I'm asking be done.
But you can't, this is out of your reach, so live with it and carry on.
Well then I can raise more awareness of the effects of these sorts of threads. If you don't like to see it, then join the effort to get it shut down and make sure that in the future, situations like this are handled in a better way.
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by leonk »

Drakon wrote: Once again, that customer freaked out and threatened to attack my reputation if I didn't immediately mail out his system when I was very very busy with other things. I accidentally mailed the wrong system and I'm sorry for that.
1) you care about the reputation of a fake name too much. Unless people are calling your cell phone or posting your home address for everyone to see; your attitude is puzzling.

2) people don't accidentally sent the right shell with the wrong guts. You were just caught.

At this point, the only and permanent contributions (like it or not) you have brought to this community are:

- example of what not to do
- example of sellers to stay away
- educate buyers to do their homework before paying someone for work

I know in your mind it all sounds bad but this is the way it is and this is the way it's going to stay FOREVER.

Don't believe me? what do you think of names like Ted kaczynski, Ted Bundy, karla homolka? I know their contributions to society were at a totally different scale then yours but this analogy seems the only one that has hope of getting to you. Your alias will forever be tied to your past contributions no matter how hard you try to change the community perception.
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by Drakon »

leonk wrote:
Drakon wrote: Once again, that customer freaked out and threatened to attack my reputation if I didn't immediately mail out his system when I was very very busy with other things. I accidentally mailed the wrong system and I'm sorry for that.
1) you care about the reputation of a fake name too much. Unless people are calling your cell phone or posting your home address for everyone to see; your attitude is puzzling.

2) people don't accidentally sent the right shell with the wrong guts. You were just caught.

At this point, the only and permanent contributions (like it or not) you have brought to this community are:

- example of what not to do
- example of sellers to stay away
- educate buyers to do their homework before paying someone for work

I know in your mind it all sounds bad but this is the way it is and this is the way it's going to stay FOREVER.

Don't believe me? what do you think of names like Ted kaczynski, Ted Bundy, karla homolka? I know their contributions to society were at a totally different scale then yours but this analogy seems the only one that has hope of getting to you. Your alias will forever be tied to your past contributions no matter how hard you try to change the community perception.
Of course people send the wrong items when they have a bunch of identical looking ones and they're unfairly pressed for time due to being threatened. What's amazing is how everyone completely glossed over all of the free work and contributions I made. I'm asking for an accurate representation of me, not one that completely ignores everything good and only focuses on anything negative you can find.

I'm sorry that your life has become so miserable to the point that the only way you can feel any joy is by throwing other people under the bus. I'm very certain that you have much more in common with Ed Kaczynski, Ted Bundy and Karla Homolka than I ever will. I made mistakes on pieces of hardware which I'm very sorry for, but you attack people.
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by leonk »

Drakon wrote:Well then I can raise more awareness of the effects of these sorts of threads. If you don't like to see it, then join the effort to get it shut down and make sure that in the future, situations like this are handled in a better way.
1) what effects? you are being very vague. Are people coming to your house at night and knocking on your door?

2) "join the effort". What effort?? Besides you, I never saw a single person stand up for you and say stop using your alias as an example of bad work.

I personally hope these threads will not go away. They and YouTube videos need to stay around to educate people.
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by leonk »

Drakon wrote: I'm sorry that your life has become so miserable to the point that the only way you can feel any joy is by throwing other people under the bus. I'm very certain that you have much more in common with Ed Kaczynski, Ted Bundy and Karla Homolka than I ever will. I made mistakes on pieces of hardware which I'm very sorry for, but you attack people.
Bingo. Now I finally understand the root of the problem.

You can not differentiate between attacks on your work and attacks on you personally. You think your work is you ... And as long as this perception is going to exist, trying to make you understand otherwise is hopeless.

Good luck with your quest.
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by Drakon »

leonk wrote:
Drakon wrote:Well then I can raise more awareness of the effects of these sorts of threads. If you don't like to see it, then join the effort to get it shut down and make sure that in the future, situations like this are handled in a better way.
1) what effects? you are being very vague. Are people coming to your house at night and knocking on your door?

2) "join the effort". What effort?? Besides you, I never saw a single person stand up for you and say stop using your alias as an example of bad work.

I personally hope these threads will not go away. They and YouTube videos need to stay around to educate people.
The effects are people following me anywhere I go online and bringing this stuff up in videos and conversations that have nothing to do with hardware. The effects are instead of people being willing to give helpful tips and suggestions, treating me like I don't care and therefore they think that spreading hate propaganda about me is the only way to "help".

Join the effort to give people a more fair chance before you throw them under the bus. Many people, like you, made up your mind about me completely based on very biased information that other people said and with zero interaction with me. You've never given me any benefit of the doubt.

I love youtube videos that show people how to properly do this sort of work, those are proper education. I don't even mind videos showing bad work (even though they don't help) as long as the person who did the work isn't named. Once you name a person that's when people start believing that this person must have done it on purpose and they start harassing that person.

The problem with these places is if you ever make a mistake people automatically treat you like you did it on purpose. The least you could do is admit that if hypothetically you were wrong about me that you're helping nothing and only making these communities worse by attacking any potential talent (or potential competition) who ever made a mistake.

I feel horrible for making all of those mistakes. I've only been trying to explain why the mistakes happened, I never wanted to try to justify them. If I didn't feel bad I would still be offering to do this work instead of turning it down.
leonk wrote:Bingo. Now I finally understand the root of the problem.

You can not differentiate between attacks on your work and attacks on you personally. You think your work is you ... And as long as this perception is going to exist, trying to make you understand otherwise is hopeless.

Good luck with your quest.
You're wrong again (as usual). I'm fine with people making angry comments about my hardware work in videos and places that have to do with my hardware work. The problem is that now I get harassed in content and conversations I make that have nothing to do with hardware work.
Last edited by Drakon on Thu Jun 15, 2017 3:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by gojira54 »

OK this thread has got weirder than ever but is still amusing
WTF :s
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by Drakon »

gojira54 wrote:OK this thread has got weirder than ever but is still amusing
WTF :s
Haha, that's not a system I worked on. Still is a funny picture.
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by ApolloBoy »

Drakon wrote: Haha, that's not a system I worked on. Still is a funny picture.
Drakon's actually right, that was done by a guy named "jerbar" over on Sega-16: ... ut-genesis
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