Ninja Gaiden [NES] + R2RKMF: Scrolling Action Monogatari

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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Sidescrolling Action Miscs

Post by CIT »

BIL wrote:I think it was actually the MD topic where JM got some love. Easy to confuse such esteemed threads! ( :lol: )
Ah, yes, how right you are! And I concur, most definitely a thread that will live on the annals of Shmups Forum excellence.

I actually discovered a glitch in stage 1 of Ganryu as well, right when you jump into the well, it's possible to grab onto the underside of the ground and "leave" the stage, but you just end up dying. This, together with the minimalism of the game definitely gives off the impression that it was somewhat rushed. Another criticism I have, would be that for Musashi the default sword is always the best weapon (as you'll also see in gheg's superplay). At least this isn't the case when playing with Suzume, I found her kunai to be much stronger and more versatile.

Visco is a strange developer. Their games are always a tad on the trashy side, but I always found them surprisingly well designed and fun (Drift Out, Strom Blade, Vasara 1&2, Breakers Revenger — all very solid titles).
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Sidescrolling Action Miscs

Post by drauch »

Dunno how I missed Jewel Master! I've browsed quite a bit through the MD thread, but I'm admittedly quite the topic skimmer at times, especially when I'm trying to be <sneaky> at work.

Ganryu is groovy stuff, agreed. Shame it's one of the pricier MVS carts, presumably due to rarity, as it doesn't seem to generate a whole lot of conversation out in NeoGeo land.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Sidescrolling Action Miscs

Post by CIT »

Beat Ganryu yesterday. Think I missed some hostages, so will probably go back and explore some more. Also haven't beat it with Suzume yet. I find her to basically be "hard mode", her dagger is aimed lower, so it's not possible to spam on the bosses as much as with Musashi.


Big pimpin', mac daddy Musashi style! ^^

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The Neo Geo could've definitely used a couple more games like this. Only other one that comes to mind is Magician Lord. Still on the lookout for an MVS cart, as the CD is missing one of the audio channels (fucking sucks, because ML has really nice music).
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Sidescrolling Action Miscs

Post by BIL »

I was happy to see ActRaiser 2 (SFC) featured in Awesome Games Done Quick 2014 last month - this is a deceptively rich game that really benefits from a little expert demonstration. At first the action may seem stiff, much like that of the genuinely limited first game, but the abundant invincible attack frames and some devastating aerial techniques create something much more flexible and interesting.

At a more basic level it also has some good ideas for a sword-centric sidescroller. The Master automatically shields his front from projectiles while standing or crouching, and hitting [up] will instantly protect him from descending fire and also allow an upthrust. The sword attack animations are powerfully economical, the antithesis of Dahna's weak flailing. And since enemies are frozen and harmless during hitstun, it's entirely advisable to get toe-to-toe with and hack down even the biggest bruisers.

It's also quite an attractive game. The monster sprites are a little cartoony, but the settings are consistently strong - Modero's cliffside graveyards at sunset, Tortoise Island's tragic drowned town and Death Field's infernal war zone especially. Soundtrack isn't quite as memorable as AR1's epic, brooding Yuzo Koshiro score, but certainly strong enough.

This sequel seems to get mainstream flak for 1) being unplayably hard and 2) ditching AR1's simulation mode. The first complaint is an old story - it's tough and won't let you walk over it without practiced technique, sure. But owning and loving both games I find the second charge a bit sad. As amazing as the combined atmospheric effect of AR1's two halves is, neither is a great example of their respective genre. I'm glad the sequel pursued its one direction with considerable improvement.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Sidescrolling Action Miscs

Post by Squire Grooktook »

Yeah, I think Actraiser 1 and 2 are excellent in their own ways and both completely essential.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Sidescrolling Action Miscs

Post by BIL »

I really should've linked straight to Modero's "love in an elevator" section. Image

All About ActRaiser 2 Invincible Frames

This particular section sums up the game engine's finer points. As runner PJ says, casual observers will scream "FALSIFICARE" at his spike-bypassing, enemy-overlapping antics, but that's just how Quintet rolled.

Besides Youtube, high-quality downloads of most AGDQ 2014 runs are usually available here, though it seems the Internet Archive is down for maintenance ATM. Lots of great stuff in there. BigBossMan's Perfect Dark PA single segment is beast, BEAST I tells ya.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Sidescrolling Action Miscs

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As if there was ever any doubt, SMB1 has hardcore sidescrolling action MISC. Excellent ninja plumbing technique required for the 500pt run.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Sidescrolling Action Miscs

Post by trap15 »

I guess I didn't poke back in here earlier. After spending a few days poking at it, I learned to actually really like 2010SF's controls, despite how clunky and limited they are. At some point it just clicked and I really started liking it.

Anyways, I just pulled out the 1CC :lol:

The biggest sticking point and cause of resets for me is the vertical scroll stage in Planet 2; those goddamn floating plant things ruin me if I get bad RNG on them :?

Favorite stage definitely has to be the first stage in Planet 3, the environment and the music and the fight just go so well together, it's just fantastic.

Least favorite boss has probably got to be the guy in stage 2 on Planet 1, it ends up just being a mash-fest to try to kill him before he kills me :?
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Sidescrolling Action Miscs

Post by BIL »

Glad it eventually clicked with you! Congrats on the 1CC. :smile: Not an easy game to get to grips with.

For the Planet 1 barfight, I tend to spam distant standing punches to create slowdown, so I can both do heavy damage and react in time to his attack with a backflip (no matter which variation he chooses, straight, vertical or diagonal, the flip will keep me clear and allow repositioning). Fight dirty! :mrgreen: I find the rematch in the last stage a bit of a pain in the ass, since it's the same process with less space, less slowdown and more pressure.

Between practicing Gun.Smoke for this weekend's STG Weekly, I've finally been playing Natsume's Kage (of the Ninja). Like Dragon Fighter, it definitely saves its best stuff for last - stages 1 through 3 are absolutely solid, but it's only in 4.2 that it begins to feel truly outstanding, with much more demanding level design centered around the climbing mechanic. Currently at Stage 5, which quickly hits Solbrain/Shatterhand's difficulty and complexity.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Sidescrolling Action Miscs

Post by GSK »

The one thing that still irritates me about Shadow of the Ninja is that the later bosses have way more health than can be accurately displayed by their health bar, so you've gotta wail on 'em before a while before they even start to register damage. Not a big deal after a run or two, but still, it seems like something that could have really easily been addressed.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Sidescrolling Action Miscs

Post by BIL »

I never really thought of that - guess they could've gone with The Ninja Warriors Again's approach and made supa buff bosses' lifebars change colour once they're startin' to feel the pain.

I think the base sword/chain are a bit underpowered, making learning new parts of the game rather punitive. L2 feels more appropriate. I think they realised this in Solbrain, where there's just the one power upgrade to gain/lose. Still, it's worth grappling with. Pace can seem stop/start initially but it flows beautifully once you're smashing bosses and acing levels consistently. Eat a homing shuriken dick, st2 robosnake! You too, st4 turret hallway! Ohshi it's BIRDMAN. Combat and overall handling is Natsume's customary rock-solid, and the climb-up mechanic is so smooth and fun to execute, especially at points like stage 4's opening - Strideresque.

Usual great Natsume soundtrack too. I read an offhand comment recently that one of FC Contra's sound team later worked for them. Been meaning to look that up, would certainly explain the tonal resemblance to Hidenori Maezawa's rich FC sound in Dragon Fighter, Kage, Solbrain, Abadox and Final Mission.

Got a decent-ish Gun.Smoke ALL to contribute for this weekend's STGW so I'm gonna spend some more time on Kage, hopefully getting a first clear unless it springs some hellish difficulty spike on me.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Sidescrolling Action Miscs

Post by blackoak »

Beat Actraiser 2 the other day. Really good game, a little frustrating at times, but usually didn't feel unfair. I never got good enough to do some of the hit-stun/invincibility tricks I saw in videos, but I still enjoyed it. For fun I fired up the first Actraiser and it felt soooo wrong and simplistic. Glad I came around on this game.

I also beat Assault Suits Valken last week (not a 1cc, though). Beautiful and fun, not as hard as I had heard. I then tried Metal Warriors but it wasn't clicking, maybe I'll come back to it. Front Hazard was gorgeous and controlled well but was b-o-r-i-n-g as hell. Played it for a couple hours too, does it ever get more challenging? I'm guessing not...

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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Sidescrolling Action Miscs

Post by Ghegs »

Did you try Oniken yet? Really fun, I've been replaying it again. Volgarr is great too, and more polished of the two.

I finally gave Ninja Ryukenden III a proper whirl or two. Enjoyable, but pretty easy, I got to 6-3 on my second credit.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Sidescrolling Action Miscs

Post by BareKnuckleRoo »

BIL wrote:IOhshi it's BIRDMAN. Combat and overall handling is Natsume's customary rock-solid, and the climb-up mechanic is so smooth and fun to execute, especially at points like stage 4's opening - Strideresque.
I remember birdman being incredibly annoying. His looks reminded me of Ash from Bare Knuckle 3 except he's got a pet falcon. I recall having more trouble with him than with the final boss. :s Fantastic game though, Natsume made a LOT of awesome games.

Speaking of Natsume, I remember playing Wild Guns at a meet and trying to explain to someone that Annie was better than Clint because her doublejump height was higher, and her less controllable roll didn't move you as far horizontally, he was convinced they played pretty much the same. Clint's emergency roll tends to move him way too damn far, imo. :(
blackoak wrote:I'm craving a new good platforming experience, I think I'm starting to come to the end of the great and good classic games. I hope Shovel Knight is good.
Not a huge emphasis on the platforming itself, but I'm finding Risk of Rain a lot of fun, especially in online multiplayer. Unlock one of the high-tier melee classes with attacks that have ridiculous mobility and built-in invulnerability frames like the Miner or Mercenary, and it's a lot of fun mowing down groups of enemies safely while ranged classes with poor mobility keep dying to stuff the melee classes can easily dodge with their dashes and doublejumps.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Sidescrolling Action Miscs

Post by BrianC »

BIL wrote:Ohshi it's BIRDMAN.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Sidescrolling Action Miscs

Post by BIL »

Whoa, thread's almost a year old. Still a ton of stuff I need to play in depth. Hoping to do a little more playing than acquiring this year. ^__^

The sidescrollers that made the biggest impression on me in the last twelve months were probably Irem's Metal Storm and Holy Diver. The former's sharp Shinobi/R-Type hybrid, uncompromising loop and technical+artistic excellence easily place it among my most beloved action games. The latter's input glitches and sprite flicker are a damn shame, but as a towering, bloody monument to mythic NES/FC sidescrolling hell it made me giddy with each preposterously cruel ratcheting up. Worth learning to work with.
blackoak wrote:I'm craving a new good platforming experience, I think I'm starting to come to the end of the great and good classic games. I hope Shovel Knight is good.
It was suggested by Ghegs way back on page 1, but on the off chance, have you played Aicom's GUN-DEC/Vice Project Doom (FC/NES)? I've finally put some time on it this week, and I've been really enjoying myself. It's to Ninja Gaiden what NG is to Dracula, a quality imitation elevated by thoughtful riffage. Same dead-on collision, improv-friendly handling and combo of pre-set ambushes and twitchy action, made slightly more circumspect by Batman-esque melee/distance weapon selection. It's not as rock-hard as NG1 or NG3 but it's certainly keeping me engaged going for the initial clear. Even the handful of vert shooter and gun game stages aren't bad at all, they're concise and mechanically just as tight as the main game, and I don't need much encouragement to blow up plate glass with a grenade launcher.
Front Hazard was gorgeous and controlled well but was b-o-r-i-n-g as hell. Played it for a couple hours too, does it ever get more challenging? I'm guessing not...
I wonder about that game too. I intend to pick up a copy (it's cheap and I love the style, in addition to being a big mecha sidescroller fan). Definitely didn't seem like an unconditional winner, though. Leynos 2 (SS) is as meandering as I like my mechSSs to get, otherwise I prefer Valken/Ex-Ranza single-sitting epics.
Ghegs wrote:I finally gave Ninja Ryukenden III a proper whirl or two. Enjoyable, but pretty easy, I got to 6-3 on my second credit.
Have you played the US version? Definitely worth a go if NRIII doesn't satisfy you. I can't think of many games with such a vast regional difficulty divide (not many that are worth playing in both regions, anyway). It's truly not the same game, NRIII = party hearty, NGIII = Ryu you're a man now. ;-;
BareknuckleRoo wrote:I remember birdman being incredibly annoying. His looks reminded me of Ash from Bare Knuckle 3 except he's got a pet falcon. I recall having more trouble with him than with the final boss. :s Fantastic game though, Natsume made a LOT of awesome games.
His first form can be a real handful if you don't know how to bait him - basically at a certain range he'll always jump in and whiff, letting you stun him and run clear of birdy. Too close and he'll boot you right in the face. I'm going to try recording a decent clear this weekend, but like both Super Shinobis I find it a bit maddening to record since small mistakes lead to powerdowns and kill my pace.

I think the second boss (monster tank) is actually the most dangerous, or at least has the trickiest pattern (mortars... at least when it's not backing up so you can just hitch a ride and dodge 'em all). But if you make sure to carry in those grenades found right beforehand, hilarity ensues! Thought the final boss's styling was awesome but he was a little too pattern-oriented; bit repetitive compared to some of Solbrain's more volatile boss battles.

Natsume are possibly my favourite dev of the FC/SFC era. So good.
Speaking of Natsume, I remember playing Wild Guns at a meet and trying to explain to someone that Annie was better than Clint because her doublejump height was higher, and her less controllable roll didn't move you as far horizontally, he was convinced they played pretty much the same. Clint's emergency roll tends to move him way too damn far, imo. :(
Definitely more than negligible handling differences between the two. I prefer Annie as well, Clint's roll is a deathtrap. The Ninja Warriors Again is their masterpiece of character balance, I think. Kunoichi and Kamaitachi are already rich with divergence and Ninja is practically a bonus sequel unto himself.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Sidescrolling Action Miscs

Post by Ghegs »

BIL wrote:
Ghegs wrote:I finally gave Ninja Ryukenden III a proper whirl or two. Enjoyable, but pretty easy, I got to 6-3 on my second credit.
Have you played the US version? Definitely worth a go if NRIII doesn't satisfy you. I can't think of many games with such a vast regional difficulty divide (not many that are worth playing in both regions, anyway). It's truly not the same game, NRIII = party hearty, NGIII = Ryu you're a man now. ;-;
I haven't, no. I did read your dissertation of the two versions a few pages back, so I was expecting a relatively easy time, but was surprised just how easy I found it. I don't think I'll ever get the cart, but maybe I'll give NGIII a go in emu one of these days, and will just fall back to my Ryukenden I and II carts for harder ninja action.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Sidescrolling Action Miscs

Post by BrianC »

I wonder what the deal is with the Lynx NGIII. It appears to be based on the US NES version, but, seems to be missing parallax on one of the stages. From what I heard of it, sound seems to be poor too. Definitely not worth picking up over the NES one, but looks like an interesting curiosity.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Sidescrolling Action Miscs

Post by Austin »

Lynx NG III is solid for what it is, gameplay-wise anyway. Sound is kind of crappy and the visuals are garbled, but it is all there from a gameplay standpoint. I think the level design and enemy placement may even be identical to the US NES version. It's been a while since I ran through it though, so don't quote me on that.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Sidescrolling Action Miscs

Post by BrianC »

I just find it odd that Lynx got a port the arcade NG1 and then later got a port of the NES NGIII. I would love to hear the story behind that. I like how the Ninja Gaidens are on the 3DS VC. I don't prefer it over a real NES, but it's great for on the go play.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Sidescrolling Action Miscs

Post by CStarFlare »

Didn't want to bump the Castlevania thread, but I got the CV4 1cc tonight. A few days ago I defeated Death on my last life with one bar left and declared myself the winner - until I fell off of the invisible platform right before Dracula.

I did that once tonight too, but I had a few lives in stock. The final boss rush is actually really easy, but the room with the flying platforms is tense.

I played a large chunk of loop 2 a while back and it's more interesting than I'd expected, but I didn't have the stamina to try to go through the game again. I timed myself for some reason, and the game took 57:15 thanks to some silly deaths in the treasury. Even if I thought I could do it all again at a higher level, I just didn't feel like going through that much game again. Short attention span, I guess.

CV4 was really my first attempt at 1ccing a sidescroller. I think I did it for MM9/10 for achievements, and I may have done it back when I was trying to sub-1 hour MMX2 100%, but I wasn't really playing just for the joy of the clear. (I kind of like to pretend I'm speedrunning these games, but I don't have the willpower to actually do it well) I may go back and try to get 1ccs on the SNES Rockmans because I've been meaning to play them again anyway, but those should fall really quickly. Don't have much else on hand I can play for the clear, but I'll find other old favorites to play without credit feeding. :)
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Sidescrolling Action Miscs

Post by BIL »

Dracula IV is quite the time+energy investment, even just the one loop - interesting game for a first clear! :smile: If you're looking for more, I'd suggest Metal Storm (1 loop) for a distinctly arcade-concise sidescroller. And it's a goddamn fine game besides.

I don't have the discipline for speedrunning, and tbh I don't like running past stuff or taking damage purely to save time. All about the speedkills and agile maneuverings, though. Huge respect for the community - they're an invaluable source of detailed mechanical insights, and stuff like Funkdoc's CV4 one-life run at Awesome Games Done Quick 2013 is the sidescroller equivalent of Yagawa seat of the pants suicide flying. I find console sidescrollers most satisfying if played for one life clears, which tends to put their difficulty in the coinop equivalents' 1CC ballpark. The occasional arcade-tough clears like Holy Diver, Metal Storm 2-ALL and Alien Soldier SUPERHARD aside.

I've recently been replaying Akumajou Densetsu and CVIII back to back. The latter's loop is probably the oldschool Dracula trial with its brutal universal damage scale and an exclusive sine wave pest that anyone who hates medusa heads would run screaming from. OTOH AD's loop is no picnic either, with the same sadistic enemy placements, and I find the way its monsters do varying damage a more satisfying design choice (in CVIII all creatures great and small cleave off the max amount of health per character). TLDR I love AD just fine but am still incomplete without CVIII. ;-; A much, much less extreme variant of Ninja Gaiden III deprivation syndrome.

Also, got initial clears on a few more of my FC library recently.

YAMI NO SHIGOTONIN KAGE, not that other Kage (FC ver) comfy middle ground between Dragon Fighter's instantly accessible flatland hack n' slash and Solbrain's vastly more complex scenarios. As noted previously the damage->powerdown mechanic leans more towards methodically plotting out areas until you can sweep through without hesitation, and it packs the dense stage design and arcade game duration to ensure a playable ninja flick payoff at the end of the curve. Liked the attract mode, being a big Ninja Warriors Again fan. <333 Shunichi Taniguchi and company!

Image Image

GUN-DEC ultra high quality Ninja Gaiden-alike. I do think the damage scale could've been a bit harsher - you can really get smacked around to little ill effect, especially with the generous health drops between most areas. And bosses aren't very strong, but neither are the NGs' LOLOLOLOL. Otherwise, it absolutely nails the hurtling, reckless action/platforming style of Tecmo's games. A joy to handle with impeccable controls and airtight collision. Thoroughly entertaining sidescroller to tear through, and as with NGII the low damage scale is moot when you want to slice birdies like a badass.

Tokkyu Shirei Solbrain aka Shatterhand aka Punchman 3: PUNCHIN' ALL OVER THE WORLD apex of Natsume's informal sidescrolling action FC trilogy. the level design Image Huge, varied, perilous, a blast to run, jump and grapple through. Batman is an obvious comparison - like Sunsoft's masterpiece, SB's fixation on dangerous industrial locales is built around the character's perfectly judged hint of inertia, just enough to impart a riveting sense of weight and momentum to its athletics. The staple punch attack is another, with an interesting and important Final Fight combo riff, but the Options introduce another layer of technique entirely. Keeping them alive can be awkard at first, but there's a marvelous sense of synergy and mastery in skillfully deploying these little guys in tandem with the player character, even moreso with the immensely satisfying powerup mode hingeing on good play.

I'm not so sure Shatterhand was actually the game's original version, though I've seen more than one reliable source suggest this. Objectively, SH is the more polished game. Solbrain's exclusive fairground stage is distinguished from the rest by its brevity and simplicity - where the others feature regular direction changes and plenty of environmental dangers, there's little more than flatland here. Shatterhand replaces it with a far more developed bioweapons lab, still simplistic in comparison to the other stages but with unique steamjet and sludge hazards, exclusive enemy types and plenty of the game's sadly otherwise rare barrier smashing. Bosses follow a similar pattern - Solbrain's rather uninteresting fairground Amazon duo gain a more elaborate second form in Shatterhand, and this fight trades places with the wall-jumping boss who gains a trickier sludge-floored arena. There's also the slightly enhanced animation of the main character, whose jacket flutters during jumps, while hovering and during the stage select screen, while metal-encased Solbrain dude remains stoically unfluttered.

So yeah, SH seems like it'd have been the more polished later game. Would be interested to know more! As to which is best, SH's exclusive level and boss are better hands-down, but otherwise the games are pretty much the same cosmetics aside.

Super interesting FC/NES region diff tidbits (dat I seen)

-gravity inversion boss is a sexy nekkid wimmenz in FC, is some angry ghost thing in NES. This is the third Natsume game I'm aware of (after Kiki Kaikai Black Mantle + Ninja Warriors Again) where sweet pixel honeys get banhammered in NTSCU! Booo! No seriously I prefer the genetically engineered uberchick over Casper With Herpes.
-rocket decals in final stage read "SRS" in FC, "US ARMY" in NES. Provocations!
-"Zangief if he was in 2010SF" grenade chuckers seem to take more damage in NES versus FC, though it might be the booze talking.
Last edited by BIL on Fri Apr 04, 2014 11:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Sidescrolling Action Miscs

Post by BrianC »

Silly name change aside, I'm actually surprised by what wasn't changed in Vice Project Doom. The plot is fairly gritty for a US translated NES game.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Sidescrolling Action Miscs

Post by BIL »

Ya, I was pleasantly surprised when I looked up the English script for a laugh. Better VG story than Ninja Gaiden II for sure! I particularly liked the bit where our boy GUN-DECKARD interrogates a beaten boss with a gun shoved into his face and gets only "hur hur hurrr..." in response. Brrr! These aren't your average Black Manta chumps who'll reveal business reasons at the first tweak of a hammerlock!
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Sidescrolling Action Miscs

Post by Ruldra »

Shatterhand is a damn good game, much recommended. I suggest gving Solbrain a spin too just to see the differences by yourself, but in the end I prefer playing SH.

As for the letter combinations, you can try experimenting with them but I found that BBB (which triggers the grenade-throwing robot) is the most useful bot you can have and it's effective in every area of the game. Stick with that.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Sidescrolling Action Miscs

Post by Ed Oscuro »

BIL wrote:Ya, I was pleasantly surprised when I looked up the English script for a laugh. Better VG story than Ninja Gaiden II for sure! I particularly liked the bit where our boy GUN-DECKARD interrogates a beaten boss with a gun shoved into his face and gets only "hur hur hurrr..." in response. Brrr! These aren't your average Black Manta chumps who'll reveal business reasons at the first tweak of a hammerlock!
Their amazing plan was:

Clone their boy and send clone-chump out onto the streets in the hope that somehow he would stumble onto a series of possibly intentionally laid clues to lead him to the lair of the current Big Boss, all the way giving him only reasons to hate everything they stand for (and also destroy a large bit of it in the meantime).

Surely a scholarship and enrollment at the local karate shop would've been better?
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Sidescrolling Action Miscs

Post by BIL »

Ruldra wrote:As for the letter combinations, you can try experimenting with them but I found that BBB (which triggers the grenade-throwing robot) is the most useful bot you can have and it's effective in every area of the game. Stick with that.
Yes - I definitely stuck with BBB/grenades for most of the game. In particular, they're an easy way to take out those annoying Zangief guys. I like the laser variant (AAB) too - slower but it goes through walls. Great during the burning city's elevator ride, you can simply blow away that vertical rocket launcher for a much easier time.

I'm fond of ABA/katana as well; lack of projectiles makes some parts awkward, but its attack is fast, powerful and has a nice big hitbox, and it just feels badass chopping stuff with it. Works well on those hovercycle guys, and pretty much anything overhead.

A very useful trick I noticed for conserving Option health is to use the hover throw (duck and hold jump, then hit attack) to simply throw it offscreen at trickier points. I tend to do this for those homing mines that release suicide bullets if not killed at close range - chuck the Option, punch the mine to death. It's also important to know that the Option will move from your front to your back while [forward] is pressed, even if you're crouching or climbing. Very useful when you need to get in punching range without damaging the Option.
Ed Oscuro wrote:all the way giving him only reasons to hate everything they stand for
CTHULHU was actually WIMMENZ. (cue cast iron trigger finger)


But I was more intrigued, after a game's worth of mysterious facilities, by all the exposed piping in the ceiling of Big Boss's stately manor! It looks so tacky. But the yawning expanses of missing floor with only the odd crumbling brick footing make sense, in a ruined elegance/practical burglar defense way. Much preferable to Batman MD's aesthetic-spraining levitating platforms and spikey pits in the museum.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Sidescrolling Action Miscs

Post by Austin »

BIL wrote:Dracula IV is quite the time+energy investment, even just the one loop - interesting game for a first clear!
I find it interesting what peoples' perceptions are when it comes to what it takes to complete Castlevania IV. I have a bit of a biased point of view, because like Ninja Gaiden, it's a game I've been playing since I was less than a decade old (I'm in my early 30's now). It just seems so easy to me. I guess it's the decades worth of subtle pattern memorization without even really realizing that's to blame. :lol:

On a side note, I really wish the third loop in that game is more challenging than the 2nd loop. I don't think it's any different. Surely would have given it some added challenge for the long-timers out there.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Sidescrolling Action Miscs

Post by CStarFlare »

I chose Castlevania IV because I threw a random credit on it and found it much more doable than I'd thought - stage 7 or 8 on my first go without having played the game for years, and all my deaths seemed very possible to avoid. CV IV overall is actually fairly easy - the game gives so much meat that in loop one at least, the only real threat are instant-death traps and pits. Once you've got enough of them down, it's just a matter of not doing anything dumb. I'm curious why IV is considered an interesting first?

By contrast, in the NES titles I often don't have many expectations about progressing without any deaths - I just hope to hit the next checkpoint before my last bar disappears. I could see myself doing 1 without too much frustration, but I literally haven't even successfully creditfed through 3 yet. (That last bit before Dracula is a paaaaaain)

Rockman X games are super boringeasy, though. It's a nice excuse to play them again, but there's really no satisfaction in doing so unless I want to impose some limits to tanks or upgrades. X's upgrades and collectibles have always been the main draw for me, so I'm not excited by that prospect... time to skip to 7 and Forte, I guess.

Metal Storm looks really neat. Pity it's so spendy. Maybe I should try to do 1 and 3, then sell them and buy Metal Storm with the profits.
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Re: Ninja Gaiden [NES] + Sidescrolling Action Miscs

Post by BIL »

Oh no, it's not that IV is particularly difficult - more that it's a pretty long game for single sitting play even if you know it inside-out. Just impressed you stuck with it to the end, I guess. :smile:

I've been replaying Akumajou Densetsu with loop 2 start this weekend, and finding it surprisingly challenging for one credit play. I'd gotten used to thinking of it as a distant second to CVIII's brutal loop, but barring the absence of that hellishly random new sine wave pest, it's not that far off. Monsters still do lots of damage, especially to Grant and Sypha, and the former's throwing knife isn't as useful with the fast spawn rate making much bigger liabilities of its slow reload and low damage. It's certainly still a pretty intense ride, if not as ruthlessly punishing as the overseas version.
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