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Re: Obama: A Real American President Guy

Post by cj iwakura »

Wow, that thread title change, haha.

As a Floridian, let me just say I tried.
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Re: Obama: A Real American President Guy

Post by Durandal »

Mischief Maker wrote:Why are you celebrating?

Bernie's revolution just died.

He could have been a powerful force in the senate. Now he's going to end up taking all the blame for Hillary's loss and end up a pariah like Ralph Nader.
Yeah, RIP:

Now onto the next biting question:
How the hell did the polls get it so wrong?
Xyga wrote:
chum wrote:the thing is that we actually go way back and have known each other on multiple websites, first clashing in a Naruto forum.
Liar. I've known you only from and forums.
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Re: Obama: A Real American President Guy

Post by BryanM »

She lost Pennsylvania? The swing state that never swings and always votes blue? I believe this proves our conspiracy theory that it is not Trump that was the plant. Hillary was the plant for Trump.

Rinse and repeat. Try nominating someone human next time, democrats. Another link to the god emperor carolus rex meme video for the new page.

At least we can extract some joy from all the horrible people disappointed by this outcome. Nate Silver. Those fireworks bought for Hillary's victory celebration. The very very very awkward and shameful speeches Hillary, Obama, and Biden now have to give about no, they're not the failures at being human beings, it's that damn Bernie Sanders breaking that money in politics taboo.
How the hell did the polls get it so wrong?
* Enthusiasm gap is very wide. Saying you'll vote for Hillary is easier than actually doing it. Trump is everything republicans ever wanted combined with the fact all the corporate money was on her side gets some wide sectors of very different people very fired up.

* Their sampling frames were biased toward Clinton: ie, the kind of person willing to spare 20 minutes of their lives for no gain to answer a survey is more likely to vote for Hillary than Trump.

* Even to a robot, admitting that you're going to vote for Trump or sit at home instead of voting for Hillary is a shameful admission to yourself both about the state of our country and yourself.

Online surveys like the Mechanical Turk can overcome some of these problems, but then you have a sampling bias of people willing to answer surveys on their computer for $4 an hour. A good sampling pool only gets harder to get every year. Famously back in the old days when no one had anything better to do, they'd get response rates of like 80%. Today you're doing awesome if you can get 3% to respond.
Now he's going to end up taking all the blame for Hillary's loss and end up a pariah like Ralph Nader.
I respect your life choices and allow you to have opinions (our new god emperor may not allow us such luxuries after all), but bail out with the pariah stuff. He didn't "steal" votes from her by running third party. He endorsed her and campaigned for her. He bent the knee.

He's already a pariah within the democratic party. They'll try to smear him. But their attempt to blame him won't resonate with voters. Voters are not fucking completely retarded.
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Re: Obama: A Real American President Guy

Post by Sumez »

What the fuck usa
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Re: Obama: A Real American President Guy

Post by Xyga »

Durandal wrote:Now onto the next biting question:
How the hell did the polls get it so wrong?
This is why I said Trump would win.

Whenever a far-right party is involved in an election race many people won't casually tell - and certainly not to pollsters - that they'll vote for its candidate.
Personally I trust reading the mood over polls shit, always did and I was never wrong; if most people are assholes, the asshole candidate will win.

The world hasn't entirely registered that yet, today opinion is made on the internet without retenue and there's no way to stop disinformation. Alt-Right nazis and Russia understood it well many years ago and that's why they've put much more effort into online propaganda than any other party or institution, and that certainly played an enormous role.

The counting's not over but it's very likely that Trump has won the election indeed, so after that they'll focus on Europe again where several crucial elections will happen, and they'll keep doing it until the EU collapses and most countries turn to far-right nationalism.

They'll get the Dark Ages 2.0 they so desire.

Seig Heil ! Motherfuckers.
Fuck you USA.
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Re: Obama: A Real American President Guy

Post by Durandal »

On a lighter note, the liberal stereotype will have to be changed from self-absorbed and smug to delirious and distraught, as many across the states fail to comprehend the reality we've been living in for the past 5 hours and 55 minutes.
Meanwhile, I've got some bets to collect.
Xyga wrote:
chum wrote:the thing is that we actually go way back and have known each other on multiple websites, first clashing in a Naruto forum.
Liar. I've known you only from and forums.
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Re: Obama: A Real American President Guy

Post by Ed Oscuro »

BryanM wrote:our conspiracy theory that it is not Trump that was the plant
Credibility of BryanM posts: Continuing to fall past zero

You changed the thread title just as things are getting interesting for your original hypothesis and you're wasting time on this ancient Glenn Beck nonsense (that even Beck is now shying away from). We are going to have that experiment I wrote and talked about a long while ago, and we'll see how it turns out for Trump and the GOP, who don't see eye to eye with each other, and indeed with the nation.

Now there is a problem for whose vision goes forward - Trump's? Or the GOP neoliberal view? Probably neither, since the electorate apparently expect Trump to make good on all those insane promises he made during the election. (For example, the small business tax cut that he quietly killed off for accounting purposes, yet happily let people believe was still coming.) They jointly own Obamacare now, so this is a pyrrhic victory, if indeed it's a victory at all.

Trump and the GOP own gridlock, they own the economy and trade deals, they have a shot at a "reset" with Russia, and more.

Trump isn't done yet. This time, I hope that actually being President forces him to buckle down and get some things done. And look! Chris Christie is running the transition.
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Re: Obama: A Real American President Guy

Post by supergrafx77 »

Xyga wrote: Fuck you USA.
Do you need a tissue, pal?
Arrogance/Corruption in this election on the DNC's part, got served/Paid-in-Full.
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Re: Obama: A Real American President Guy

Post by Ed Oscuro »

Maybe Trump will once he realizes that he easy way out - "the system is rigged, they're crooks" is now closed to him. He owns that system now.

If you want to gloat, do so, but we're looking at another President who didn't win the popular vote. We know how well that turned out last time, but my one sincere hope is that this time the illusion of a mandate to just do whatever the fuck is going to be restrained, especially given all the promises voters were fed.
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Re: Obama: A Real American President Guy

Post by BryanM »

The republicans didn't win this election, the democrats lost it. Why do I have to explain this over and over.

Obama would have won this election. Sanders would have had a landslide. Clinton almost won.

One thing that annoys me is people don't get is when you add to one side you subtract from the other. 2012 election went 51% to 47%, right? A margin of 4%. Romney only had to get a tiny bit higher than 2% more of the vote to win the popular vote.

If Hillary was 1 to 1.5% better than she is, she would have won today. Even with all the corporate servitude.
Credibility of BryanM posts: Continuing to fall past zero
You sound delirious and distraught. Calm down, maybe become an alcoholic for the next four years.
You changed the thread title just as things are getting interesting for your original hypothesis
The hell are you talking about

Trump killed the republican party. It's a walking corpse. With absolute total political and judicial power. He'll sign off on everything they've wanted to do as our third zombie president in a generation. That's as boring and forgone as things can get.

Now we're paying attention to Obama's lame duck session he really hopes nobody will pay attention to.
you're wasting time on this ancient Glenn Beck nonsense
The hell are you talking about. Trump could not win without Hillary Clinton's active help. That's the mechanical black and white outcome of her running again. Of course I don't believe her intention was to lose. (Even though nearly everything she did helped her lose, so I wouldn't dare ridicule anyone who actually believed as such completely out of hand. That would be failing the "nut test".) Did your sense of humor die too? Jesus, liberals.
Last edited by BryanM on Wed Nov 09, 2016 7:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Obama: A Real American President Guy

Post by Ed Oscuro »

No, I get it - everybody was hopped up on grass juice and think that's the end of all the problems.

As you say, your points aren't interesting anymore. What's interesting is that there is a chance that we actually have that grand experiment I talked about a while back - that, or just as likely we see Trump fall apart into a quivering mess if he can't deliver.

You say the GOP is dead, but there we are - they have the House, they have the Senate. If it really makes you that happy, you can call them zombies, but the same people will still be casting votes in Congress.

Please, stop being so stupid. /r/ thread split so BryanM can take a well-deserved break from being self-mandated thread moderator and truth teller, pls.
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Re: Obama: A Real American President Guy

Post by Lord Satori »

Does California have the right to secede?
BryanM wrote:You're trapped in a haunted house. There's a ghost. It wants to eat your friends and have sex with your cat. When forced to decide between the lives of your friends and the chastity of your kitty, you choose the cat.
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Re: Obama: A Real American President Guy

Post by BryanM »

Ed Oscuro wrote:As you say, your points aren't interesting anymore. What's interesting is that there is a chance that we actually have that grand experiment I talked about a while back - that, or just as likely we see Trump fall apart into a quivering mess if he can't deliver.
Nobody expects Trump to deliver shit. Border wall? Hillary in prison? Come on.
You say the GOP is dead, but there we are - they have the House, they have the Senate. If it really makes you that happy, you can call them zombies, but the same people will still be casting votes in Congress.
Yes, I'm absolutely thrilled my life is going to get even shittier now. It feels great, when a year ago I was hopeful Sanders was going to finally annihilate the racists and start to fix our political spectrum.

It tastes just like eating dog turds, ed. Thanks for caring.
Does California have the right to secede?
The federal government says no but what are they going to do to you if you do it? Nuke you?

Don't answer that.
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Re: Obama: A Real American President Guy

Post by supergrafx77 »

Breaking News on MSNBC (wish I recorded this):
MSNBC just reported seconds ago that Cher and Lady Gaga are behind stage at the Hillary Camp, IN TEARS.
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Re: Obama: A Real American President Guy

Post by Durandal »

Requesting that the thread poll be changed to 'How will America look like AFTER this term?'
  • - Trump in shambles, America in shambles
    - Not all that bad, but not much has changed anyways
    - Fourth Reich Rising
    - WW3
    - A Hillary presidency would be more preferable in hindsight
    - Trump failed to deliver on most of his promises
    - Mass riots, protests, and a civil war likely happening soon
    - Trump died on the way to the White House
    - Trump actually Made America Great Again
    - Trump impeached halfway through his term
supergrafx77 wrote:Breaking News on MSNBC (wish I recorded this):
MSNBC just reported seconds ago that Cher and Lady Gaga are behind stage at the Hillary Camp, IN TEARS.
Meanwhile the delirious and distraught rich folks are emigrating en masse to Canada. Why not Mexico?
Xyga wrote:
chum wrote:the thing is that we actually go way back and have known each other on multiple websites, first clashing in a Naruto forum.
Liar. I've known you only from and forums.
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Re: Obama: A Real American President Guy

Post by BryanM »

Cher said some very mean things about Sanders. I'm going to unbury some of those dog turds
I'll leave it to just that (very mild) one, because she recanted three months later after actually bothering to learn anything about him.

That, and two twitter posts on a page can cause cancer.
Requesting that the thread poll be changed to 'How will America look like AFTER this term?'

- Trump in shambles, America in shambles
- Not all that bad, but not much has changed anyways
- Fourth Reich Rising
- WW3
- A Hillary presidency would be more preferable in hindsight
- Trump failed to deliver on most of his promises
- Mass riots, protests, and a civil war likely happening soon
- Trump died on the way to the White House
- Trump actually Made America Great Again
- Trump impeached halfway through his term
I understand the desire to do this right now, but emotions are extremely hot. The checkbox "Which of this shit will come true" end of the world poll can wait and will happen. The mandatory overdose of Trump memes right now could break people's souls. (Seriously.... I'm fucking tired of talking about the man.)

Nobody cares or pays attention to lame duck sessions. But it's an important window in time where a lot of sausages get made they don't want you to see.
Last edited by BryanM on Wed Nov 09, 2016 7:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Obama: A Real American President Guy

Post by Ed Oscuro »

BryanM wrote:
Ed Oscuro wrote:As you say, your points aren't interesting anymore. What's interesting is that there is a chance that we actually have that grand experiment I talked about a while back - that, or just as likely we see Trump fall apart into a quivering mess if he can't deliver.
Nobody expects Trump to deliver shit. Border wall? Hillary in prison? Come on.
No, they do. It's like the genius voter Jeremy Hobson met.

Trumpism is at least as dead as the GOP. Trumpism was all about not making commitments and being flexible. Well, guess what? He's not going to run the entire government in whatever way he pleases. The GOP is still going to be in Congress casting ballots.

Really failing to see if you've got a bigger point here. Cher's twitter points don't matter any more than the army of Trump twitterbots. It's all appearance, but none of the substance. It's not interesting to me.

*puts "don't blame me, I felt the Bern" sticker on*

I get it, more than 90% of everything is shit. That's not news; you can go to bed now.
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Re: Obama: A Real American President Guy

Post by Illyrian »

<RegalSin> we are supporting each other on our crotches
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Re: Obama: A Real American President Guy

Post by ED-057 »

Jill Stein only got 1mil again? Even in this freak show?

Oh well. Interesting times ahead. I wonder if the corporate media is going to kick and scream about this or if they are going to suddenly forget everything they've been saying for the last year.
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Re: Obama: A Real American President Guy

Post by Durandal »

It's official now.
Pack up your bags and reload your guns. The aftershocks always bring the unpredictable with them.
Xyga wrote:
chum wrote:the thing is that we actually go way back and have known each other on multiple websites, first clashing in a Naruto forum.
Liar. I've known you only from and forums.
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Re: Obama: A Real American President Guy

Post by Mischief Maker »

BryanM wrote:Nobody cares or pays attention to lame duck sessions. But it's an important window in time where a lot of sausages get made they don't want you to see.
I'm surprised you didn't make the poll about the TPP.
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

An oligarch walks in and grabs nine cookies for himself.

Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: Obama: A Real American President Guy

Post by Sumez »

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Re: Obama: A Real American President Guy

Post by Ed Oscuro »

Durandal wrote:It's official now.
Pack up your bags and reload your guns. The aftershocks always bring the unpredictable with them.
Haha, just reminded me - are people going to buy more or less guns after this one? :lol:
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Re: Obama: A Real American President Guy

Post by Mischief Maker »

I just heard someone shoot off a firecracker in downtown Madison WI right after they called it for Trump.

I don't even know my home town anymore, let alone my country.
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

An oligarch walks in and grabs nine cookies for himself.

Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: Obama: A Real American President Guy

Post by BryanM »

Man, the speeches and essays that're going to fall from this one....
I'm surprised you didn't make the poll about the TPP.
Man, the balls they would have to have to pass that after this shitshow.

It's as good as screaming "PRIMARY ME" in the middle of a nuclear firestorm.
I wonder if the corporate media is going to kick and scream about this or if they are going to suddenly forget everything they've been saying for the last year.
I think they'll start licking the president's boots almost immediately. After all, if they don't, others will. And they'll get the access.

This is how overton windows shift and why so many people are worried (or glad, in the case of folks like Opus) about his views on non-whites. (I'm sure most of you missed this in my lust for accelerationism, but his comments on Mexicans make me particularly furious. Even supergrafx77's comments on them get a rise out of the angertron. I'm from the central valley. These are the people I grew up with and their parents and grandparents.)

On the upside increasingly fewer people watch TV every year.
Ed Oscuro wrote:That's not news; you can go to bed now.
No my imaginary internet friend Ed is worried about the republicans

Also my imaginary real life friend BryanM is also worried about the republicans
Last edited by BryanM on Wed Nov 09, 2016 8:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Obama: A Real American President Guy

Post by Ed Oscuro »

Mischief Maker wrote:
BryanM wrote:Nobody cares or pays attention to lame duck sessions. But it's an important window in time where a lot of sausages get made they don't want you to see.
I'm surprised you didn't make the poll about the TPP.
Thanks for picking out a gem from Bryan's post that I missed. I don't know why he's spending so much time frontloading his posts with the "there's no tomorrow" talk, which has all been said and isn't even true, let alone interesting.
ED-057 wrote:Jill Stein only got 1mil again? Even in this freak show?
Johnson hit around 3%, too, so the Libertarians aren't getting federal funding in 2020. I'm sure they'll be very upset.

This does support my contention that people voted for Trump because they support magical thinking - but not magical thinking to the extent that they think that everybody else is going to vote for a third party. Interesting paradox.
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Re: Obama: A Real American President Guy

Post by Durandal »

Mischief Maker wrote:I just heard someone shoot off a firecracker in downtown Madison WI right after they called it for Trump.

I don't even know my home town anymore, let alone my country.
Xyga wrote:
chum wrote:the thing is that we actually go way back and have known each other on multiple websites, first clashing in a Naruto forum.
Liar. I've known you only from and forums.
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Re: Obama: A Real American President Guy

Post by Xyga »

Putin is without a doubt convulsively soiling his pants right now.

Goodbye Baltic States.
Strikers1945guy wrote:"Do chicken balls?!"
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Re: Obama: A Real American President Guy

Post by Ed Oscuro »

tear of joy intensifies

@ BryanM: I'm not worrying about the GOP.

@ Xyga: The other day I heard that Putin's actual comment about Trump translates best to "colorful," not "genius" as Trump said. That road seems to be one-way. I'm hopeful Trumpy can patch things up actually, but more worried that he flies off the handle with rage once he starts getting daily briefings about Russia.
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Re: Obama: A Real American President Guy

Post by Cee »

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Last edited by Cee on Wed Nov 09, 2016 8:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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