New gen not powerfull enough article

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Post by icycalm »

Strider77 wrote:That guy who wrote that article is full of shit
So, if a moderator is reading this, how far are we allowed to go? I mean, instead of saying "Icycalm I think you are wrong because of this and that reason" he says "Icycalm you are full of shit because of this and that reason". He is obviously being rude on purpose.

So how far am I allowed to go in response?

Where do you draw the line Bloodflowers and co.? Because you HAVE to draw it somewhere.

So can I start talking about this guy's mom now?

What about simple swearing?

Can I call him a dipshit, asshole, moron, fucktard, etc etc?

Please let me know.
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Post by Acid King »

I agree that power would be better spent on polys rather than resolution but this generation has had just as big a graphical jump as 64/128... just look at Morrowind and Oblivion. The change in graphics is just as drastic there as there was between Mario 64 and Sonic Adventure.
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Post by SuperGrafx »

Not only was there a huge graphical leap between Morrowind and Oblivion, but in my opinion, what really made a huge difference was the inclusion of the Havok phsyics engine. Everything just came to life and became hugely better. The 360 was able to pull off both the super detailed graphics/landscapes along with the enhanced physics reasonably well, given it was a near-launch game.

What am I getting at? Well, it's the other variables that that new consoles offer up not just enhanced graphics. Oblivion wouldn't be any fun if it just had new graphics with the old Morrowind lifeless combat system (where it felt as if you were swatting at flies whenever using a melee weapon). Graphics are not everything, it's all other ambient stuff that makes next-gen games stand out.
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Post by Strider77 »

So, if a moderator is reading this, how far are we allowed to go? I mean, instead of saying "Icycalm I think you are wrong because of this and that reason" he says "Icycalm you are full of shit because of this and that reason". He is obviously being rude on purpose.
I never said anyone in here was full of shit, I said I fealt that article was.... in fact afterwards I even stated I don't think anyone here is stupid and see where they are coming from....

You know what... I'll edit my post.... there i changed my wording if that was a major issue, it's resolved. Maybe being in the army gave me to much of a potty mouth for the general public. :cry:

I've seen others use harsher language than this and I don't think anyone here needs to put on kid gloves when talking. There are folks in this thread that I've either sold or bought things from. It's not like i think they are bad folks. But if I see things a certain way then that's the way I see it. Like I said others have some valid points, but i think I do also. I think my biggest difference is that I belive this gen can handle more complex graphx AND put them out in HD. Sure I would agree if they put them out in 480i they could divert some more juice that gets used to put out that HD signal but not to the point where it henders overall performance. Also I don't see that juice as a waist. For me, the games DO look better with HD and thats part of what makes the next gen look nice.

I would agree most of the 360 games out look like slightly improved past gen games with HD res. I STRONGLY feel that it's not the hardware, it's the lack of effort. I think gears is proof of that and it's 1st gen. Plus we still have 2 more systems not out yet. We can't jundge those yet, only assume or predict.
Damn Tim, you know there are quite a few Americans out there who still lives in tents due to this shitty economy, and you're dropping loads on a single game which only last 20 min. Do you think it's fair? How much did you spend this time?
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Post by Ceph »

icycalm wrote:
Strider77 wrote:That guy who wrote that article is full of shit
Thanks. You just reminded me why I stopped posting here.
Please continue posting and help keep the idiot-quota down :)

About the article: You do have a point, however I wonder how much processing power (percentage of CPU usage) is really needed for resolution; it may be a bad comparison, but for Instance when I change my desktop's resolution to 1/4 of what it is now my computer does not suddenly become 4 times faster.
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Post by nZero »

Ceph wrote:
icycalm wrote:
Strider77 wrote:That guy who wrote that article is full of shit
Thanks. You just reminded me why I stopped posting here.
Please continue posting and help keep the idiot-quota down :)

About the article: You do have a point, however I wonder how much processing power (percentage of CPU usage) is really needed for resolution; it may be a bad comparison, but for Instance when I change my desktop's resolution to 1/4 of what it is now my computer does not suddenly become 4 times faster.
Apples and Oranges. For Windows XP, your GPU has jack-all to do with rendering your desktop, and even with all of the theme effects enabled it's going to take a miniscule amount of CPU time to draw. On any video card made in the last 8 years or so, given enough video memory, blitting a 1920x1080x32bpp desktop is a negligible difference in resources required from blitting a 640x480x32bpp desktop.

For a game, suddenly the CPU needs to be available for AI, controls, sound, setting up display lists, physics, and so forth. The rendering had better be offloaded nearly entirely to the GPU. A GPU that can reasonably be assumed to handle a certain amount of finished pixels per second. Now... 640x480 -> 307200 pixels, which leaves plenty of overhead for multiple rendering passes, fancy pixel shader effects, antialiasing, advanced lighting and shadowing, and whatnot. Moving up to 720p (1280x720) -> 921600 pixels. Ooh... just rendering one frame is now taking roughly 3x the rendered output pixel bandwidth. 1080p requires over twice that per frame. Maintaining 60 or even 30 frames per second given such utilization of GPU resources, how much power is left over to make sure the scene looks good?

Maybe an oversimplified explanation, but...
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Post by Strider77 »

It takes 2 gameboys, a virtua boy and a lynx to equal enough juice for HD. God.... Everyone knows that.
Damn Tim, you know there are quite a few Americans out there who still lives in tents due to this shitty economy, and you're dropping loads on a single game which only last 20 min. Do you think it's fair? How much did you spend this time?
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Post by icycalm »

Strider, we are cool now.
SuperGrafx wrote:What am I getting at? Well, it's the other variables that that new consoles offer up not just enhanced graphics.
I got that response a lot when I first posted that article. Some people failed to realize that when you are talking about graphics, you are talking about graphics.

Of course the new consoles offer a lot more things than just prettier graphics; of course they are a big leap forward in terms of anything you'd care to mention. These things go without saying.

All I am saying is that upping the rez doesn't do as much for overall visual quality as upping the polygon count and effects. Like I mentioned, just compare Half-Life at 1600x1200 to Half-Life 2 at 640x480. There is simply no comparison.
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Post by D »

icycalm wrote:Strider, we are cool now.
Strider77 was way out of line saying what he did. The kid glove thing is ridiculous. It's like breaking somebody's nose and immediatly after that calling him a baby. Furthermore the article was trully great. I'm not trying to suck up or anything, but an article like that is very hard to make. To make it understandable to folks. I understood it completely and it kind of empowered dorment suspicions. I do not understand why people comment about all of the specifics in the article. When Icycalm states something like "20 time more powerful". Don't take that literally. I think he does state that in the article. It is a great article. Perhaps there will be a follow up someday for some people to take offense to and for me to be really interested about. It must've hurt when you make such a great effort to educate the public and people try to take you down. Great revolutionaries are always hated. So you could try and take it as a compliment even. :wink: it's hard. I once made a thread about experts disappearing from this board. This is just a prime example of what I meant. I hope you will in the future still educate us that are willing to listen.
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Post by Ceph »

My question wasn't answered though (perhaps because simply we don't know): What percentage of the next gen consoles' GPUs are used for resolution? Let's say you make a console calculate a vector and then display it at different resolutions. Isn't the calculation of said vector itself what uses most processing power? (I'd really like to know, that's why I'm asking)
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Post by Strider77 »

I don't think i was that harsh..... I've seen FAR worse. I still see some of the points and analogies a bit rediculous in that article. I still think it's wrong to judge this gen before we even seen everything. 1 out of 3 is out and were looking at 1st gen games. Like I said over and over, if someone looks at gears of war I don't see how they couldn't be impressed or see a significant leap.

And to top it off we don't even know how much putting out an HD res saps a 360, much less a PS3. The Wii... well it went the route everyone is hammering for. So i guess we'll see what looks the best over time. I'm still personally impressed with 480p.

I think folks are confusing my main point. These systems can do both, well maybe not the Wii. To write an article based on a handful of crappy US developed games on one system isn't very thurough.
Damn Tim, you know there are quite a few Americans out there who still lives in tents due to this shitty economy, and you're dropping loads on a single game which only last 20 min. Do you think it's fair? How much did you spend this time?
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Post by Strider77 »

you can blow up a Nintendo 64 game to whatever resolution you want and it will still look as primitive as it normally does -- you might get rid of some jaggies in this way but the game will not look fundamentally better.
This isn't true to me (well using a 64 game, yes I'd agree). When I popped in Ninja Gaiden in my 360 after I got my HDTV I was amazed at how it DID make the game look so good (better even). I had 2 buddies who have played that game all the way threw and they had the same reaction. Same thing with Chaos Theory.... they most certainly do NOT look worse and most deffinately look BETTER.
If you are still wondering where I am going with all this let me make my position clear: I believe that the PS3 and the Xbox 360 are not powerful enough to handle true HDTV resolutions, and at the same time deliver the large variety of new effects necessary to approach photorealism.
He uses DOA 4 as an example only, then makes claims about hardware he's never seen and wasn't released yet (PS3). I don't see how anyone can't think it's a bit of a rant or biased somehow.

Then I'm shocked anyone here was expecting photo realism from this gen. Thats crazy expectations, i never expected that. That's basically saying you expect a system to be able to make movie quality visuals REALTIME. Hell most movies still to this day that use CG effects I can still tell aren't real and those aren't even realtime. How could someone expect to get that out of machine that costs 300 to 500 when budgets on movies FAR excede that just to create prerendered effects?!

What folks don't get in this thread that's been brought elsewhere is that it takes way more manpower, time and resources to get a next gen game pumping out awsome visuals.

Think about it this way. What if I gave you a 20 blocks to stack in the shape of a house or something and told you "you have to use all of them". Then afterwards I told you OK, now here is 10,000 and you must do the same, be sure to use ALL of them. It's pretty clear it's gonna take ALOT more time and effort. We are talking millions of polygons now. Even if you had hardware strong enough for photorealism it would take an enormous amount of manpower OR a VERY long development time. The budgets required to make games of this calibur would have to be increased per game significantly to pay all that extra manpower and other costs. I mean think about having to sit and creat a 3D model on a desktop constructed of 500,000 polygons. Thats you sitting there having to make individual polygons and attach them to one another 500,000 times. Then your still not done.

Alot of comments have been made by developers when these new systems started to be shown on how the smaller developers might not be able to cope with this due to rediculous budgets a game requires to actually put a dent in the hardware it's running on.

EA or square-enix will be fine but smaller folks like snk or treasure wouldn't be able to throw the cash or manpower like those two can. i'm not saying that makes them bad developers, but I think it's a relavent point.

This gen is the weirdest I've seen in awhile, i honestly can't see where it's headed and who's gonna be the winner this time. One is way powerful and it's price matches that, ones is pretty compitent power wise and has a good 1 year lead, another is weak on power but takes a totally radical shift in gaming and focuses on smaller games ect. Then on top of it we have the issue of development costs for games catching up to movies now.
In other words, if you take any currently available Xbox game, which has been designed to run at 480i, and you try to display it at 1080i, you will need a system approximately seven times as powerful as the original Xbox. Similarly, to run a regular PlayStation 2 game at 1080p you will need a system fourteen times as powerful
This ain't true at all.... it's not that simple. Those machines weren't made to do those resolutions.

My car is a manual. It's made so me and me alone can control the RPMS. That means I decide what I want... speed versus power. I can keep my car in 3rd gear longer than a automatic. That'll make my RPMS higher and that gives me more power. With that extra power I could pull more weight than an automatic. An automatic car isn't made with the option to over rev a gear, it will automtically shift up once it reaches a certain RPM.

My point with that info is this. Both the automatic and the manual have the same damn engine and everything else, one technically has no more power than the other. What one of them DOES have is a different way of letting you control it, it was built with that kind of usage in mind. Ask anyone who likes a stick and they'll say it's b/c it gives them more control. One car is NOT 4 times as powerful engine wise over the other but one can most deffinately have an easier time pulling weight uphill than the other. In this thread PC resolutions were brought and someone in here mentioned it apples and oranges... some PCs don't have to use that much extra juice for a higher res, some others due. It depends on how and what it was designed to do.

And if it takes a system 7 times more powerful than an xbox in order to display an xbox one game in 1080i. Then that means the 360 is 7 times more powerful then a xbox, b/c it most deffinately display an xbox game in 1080i and not break a sweat (via emulation on top of it). If you agree with this dude then I'd have to say if the 360 is an xbox times 7 then it's pretty f=@king strong. Genrally we see a double in performance every next gen, but hell..... now we skipped up to 7 times more the power.

So i gotta say I don't think I was that outta place to call BS when I see it.
Damn Tim, you know there are quite a few Americans out there who still lives in tents due to this shitty economy, and you're dropping loads on a single game which only last 20 min. Do you think it's fair? How much did you spend this time?
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Post by D »

Strider77 wrote:So i gotta say I don't think I was that outta place to call BS when I see it.
you were. And saying you've seen far worst is like torturing somebody for a day and saying after that day that the guy is lucky because people have been tortered for longer. I still think we are all on the same page here. It's just a few factors to keep in mind.
Some have new gen stuff so they can't take any form of critism well. Some have no new gen stuff and think it might blow. There are differences as pointed out by Strider77 that it's all up to the developers how impressive the game will be. But that is not the point at all. We are talking in general terms here. Strider77, I think it is safe to say that you have not read the entire article in one go. You 2 could be best friends, hell we all could be(/are?) And to call something like this BS (or the the writer even) is really ridiculous, out of place and IMHO plain wrong. Icycalm is not touchy at all. He is strong, he kept himself from calling you names. Can't you see the power in that? You call something BS when it is BS. The article is great. Perhaps (hopefully) the future will prove it wrong. But I bet Icycalm is not that far off. Remember that we are all filosophizing here about the future. If somebody says something you could get away with calling it BS. When somebody has a complete site including a technical article, you can still call it BS, but then you need better arguments. Sometimes I feel you are missing the point. And because you did the BS bit we are still discussing it. We should focus on the topic. I'm not saying that what you said is completely wrong. I'm just saying that you should read the article better. I like you both, but since I started this thread I feel obliged to defend the accused :D
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Post by Strider77 »

OK... I can get a bit heated when I see something that I know is incorrect when i say "know" I mean when I see something that my mind just cannot except as true. Like someone telling me the sky is pink, I wouldn't swallow that... I can't, no way. There are alot of comments in the article that make me feel the same way. Like saying a next gen system would have to be 7 times stronger than an xbox to display an xbox game in 1080i. I think "WHAT?!?.... that's EXACTLY what a 360 can do!!", but i don't believe a 360 is an xbox times 7 at all.

I didn't even realize the author was a someone on here. They were kinda nameless to me. So yeah I probably coulda used for formal words to say how i feel. It wouldn't get me that bent out of shape if someone said the reverse to me AND pointed out why. It may have aggrivated me at 1st but if I was saying stuff that was wrong then sure call me out. I've been wrong MANY times before and was full of shit when I thought wasn't. But the guy hasn't said one word and that is pretty cool. Like i said before I don't think anyone here is stupid, and on top of it I went back an edited my post and from now on I'll reframe from using potty talk when making comments about something that could be related back to a person.

That's as far as I'll go though. If the author can see things one way then I can most deffinately disagree and even say it's not true. It's not like I do what alot have done and just talked a bunch of crap and not given anything to back it up. Only one or two lines out of everthing I posted in here could even be considered insultive. I am a dork about this stuff and I can get hardheaded/impulsive when I see something that I can't even begin believe is true, it's a character flaw sure, but I'm civil. like I said I can see where these conclusions are coming from and there is thought behind them and a logic, but it's not right, they are incorrect. At least thats what my brain is telling me.

But for the record sure I apologive for the word choices, but the not the context of what I was saying. I really didn't know it was someone on here and that was a pretty big oversight. Lots of folks on here has called such and such game shitty and or crappy, thats no different than what i did b/c there are human being behind those game to just like this article. The situation is deffinately different though b/c they aren't members of this board and it's not personal. So yeah.... I'm sorry for that. I think the author may have even bought some stuff from me. No hard feelings and none of it was a personal attack. My mind and my mouth don't have a filter when I see something i can't swallow. :cry:
So i gotta say I don't think I was that outta place to call BS when I see it.
you were. And saying you've seen far worst is like torturing somebody for a day and saying after that day that the guy is lucky because people have been tortered for longer. I still think we are all on the same page here. It's just a few factors to keep in mind.
Although I do kinda chuckle to myself when I read lines like that and think of how it would sound with a word swapped out to be more appropriate.
So i gotta say I don't think I was that outta place to call untruths when I see them.
I'm easily amused sometimes, it just sounds funny worded that way to me. Not that I would have said it that way if I was cutting back on the 4 letter words.
Damn Tim, you know there are quite a few Americans out there who still lives in tents due to this shitty economy, and you're dropping loads on a single game which only last 20 min. Do you think it's fair? How much did you spend this time?
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Post by chtimi-CLA »

i disagree with icycalm's reviews most of the time, but i find they have some good insight (i'm thinking about the ghosts'n goblins one).
this one was spot on.
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Post by Inkvisitor »

Time for some sources and real world facts that supports the article.

Recently the support for 1080p was dropped in favour of 720p in some of the releasetitles for the PS3. Among those are Motorstorm and Resistance: Fall of Man.

This is what microsoft has to say about 1080p: ... 80p-games/

So in reality, my TV has 1080p native screen but some games will not support it. Even if they could have made settings for "picture quality" and have it run smoothly in higher resolution. And yes, I am personally fond of not having the "quality" option in console games, as it belongs on the PC end of things.
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Post by Strider77 »

I never cared about having 1080p, Sony started all that. Regardless with the way everyones talking on here I would think you all would be happy that everything is running in a LOWER res. I'm tired.... If you guys can sit here and honestly say gears of war does not look next gen enough I'm speachless.

To the guy who has a TV with a naitive 1080p reslution. What brand and model is it, how much did it run? Why did you buy it you are not interested in HD material?

I've made some very valid points and have made a really strong effort to explian myself but i think it's funny in all the responces no one, not once has commented on any of my explanations and told me why I was wrong. I think just the comment alone about a system having to be 7 times more powerful than an xbox or 14 times to display an older games in 1080p is a very concrete example of just being plain wrong, b/c a 360 CAN do that. Then on top of that no one has said if they have seen GOW or not, I really want to hear if you guys think that game doesn't look like a legit step forward. I played most of my way threw that game on a SDTV b/c i took it to a friends house the night I got it. On that TV I was still floored by the visuals. That scene where you roll up in the forest at night with the rain and thunder looks so good. The rain makes everything wet and you can see the water running down the trees ect. If these kind of visuals are not good enough for you folks out of a 1st gen game.... please let me know what you have been playing that has you so spoiled. I really want to know b/c I gotta be missing out.

I'm not biased, I'm not trying to defend this b/c I have bought them. I own alot more than that, I love games and don't get caught up in all that standing blindly behind one machine. I have everything 16 bit and up, except a PS3 and Wii. My eyes have seen the 360 pull off what your saying it can't. If everyone played by the your rules from the start we'd still all be playing atari..... or still be hooking up systems threw RF.
Damn Tim, you know there are quite a few Americans out there who still lives in tents due to this shitty economy, and you're dropping loads on a single game which only last 20 min. Do you think it's fair? How much did you spend this time?
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Post by system11 »

HD is a load of hype - there's no real gain until you're on 50" displays. They'd have been better off using the extra power to get 480p games running at 60fps. Go watch a good quality DVD on a decent screen and player. Now tell me it's lacking. They've got some HD demo setups at the local electrical warehouse stores, it's not worth the money. It'll be worth having when it's the standard, and as cheap as normal res is now.
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Post by Strider77 »

well I have a 32 in and when I flip from 480p to 720p I most deffinately can see a diffrence. Now i'm just convinced it's the same old case of "if i don't have it or can't have it sux". Not from everyone but from some and i believe some are saying they have something when they don't, i find hard to believe you'd shell out that much cash for something you think is pointless.
Damn Tim, you know there are quite a few Americans out there who still lives in tents due to this shitty economy, and you're dropping loads on a single game which only last 20 min. Do you think it's fair? How much did you spend this time?
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Post by azmun »

Strider77 wrote:Then on top of that no one has said if they have seen GOW or not, I really want to hear if you guys think that game doesn't look like a legit step forward...If these kind of visuals are not good enough for you folks out of a 1st gen game.... please let me know what you have been playing that has you so spoiled. I really want to know b/c I gotta be missing out.
Ok, I finally got to see GoW in person at a demo display (it was just released today here in Europe). There was one kid playing it and I was just watching him. Previously, my only exposure of the game was through videos.

If there was a game that got me spoiled, I'd say it's Resident Evil 4 on Gamecube. Sure GoW has better graphics and all. But the leap isn't as significant as what I've experienced in past transitions between next generation systems.
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Post by icycalm »

Strider77 wrote:If you guys can sit here and honestly say gears of war does not look next gen enough I'm speachless.
Strider, you are still missing the point.

NO ONE is saying Gears of War does not look next-gen enough. NO ONE is saying it doesn't look awesome.

All I am saying is it would look better in 480p with loads more polygons and effects.

Strider77 wrote:I never cared about having 1080p, Sony started all that. Regardless with the way everyones talking on here I would think you all would be happy that everything is running in a LOWER res.
You are right about this. Personally, I am happy to see games beeing made for 720p instead of 1080i/p. 720p might very well be the sweetspot for this generation. I guess I should go add this comment in the article.

Strider77 wrote:well I have a 32 in and when I flip from 480p to 720p I most deffinately can see a diffrence. Now i'm just convinced it's the same old case of "if i don't have it or can't have it sux".
For the record, we've all had HD displays for over a decade. They are called "VGA monitors".
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Post by elvis »

icycalm wrote:For the record, we've all had HD displays for over a decade. They are called "VGA monitors".
Jesus Christ man! Don't tell them that! Think of all those poor marketing people you'll put out of business!!!

(And with that, he shuts down his PC running a 21 inch "1200p" CRT monitor he's been using for roughly 10 years).
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Post by elvis »

** Note: I meant to post this some days back, but the forums were broken. So it was saved to my desktop and posted today. Apologies if it goes back in time too far. **
Strider77 wrote:
They're so far from realitme and truly life-like graphics it's not funny.
There's still 20 years of catchup to go before they hit film quality.

I NEVER expected this from these next gen machines. Thats a pretty tapll order to go from last gen (xbox being the best) to film/real quality visuals, an unrealistic expectation even. Plus after being exposed to all that graphic quality in your environment your saying DON'T go HD?! You just said how much better all that profession equipment looked and now you say why bother making a step towards that?!
The computing power of a video card today is exponentially greater than that of entire clusters some 5 years ago. Yet the output of modern consoles is still lacking from film of 5 years ago.

I believe a big part of the gap between games and film boils down to developers and artists, and even moreso the producers not giving their teams enough time to polish the games. Call it a side effect of the industry as it stands today, but companies would rather push out unfinished games and make a quick return on investment than leave it in-house for another 6 months and push out something magic.

But I disagree with your point above: based on the power available to an average home console, I do not believe film-quality visuals is a big ask. In fact, I look at the current generation of games and see software that takes advantage of less than 10% of the computing power available to it. Game developers have yet to discover the power of Asymmetric Multi Processing, and what it can offer to realtime graphics engines. Once they figure that bit out, there'll be another leap in visual quality. But as it stands, there's not enough time spent researching new graphics engines, and too much time being spent flogging tired developers to push out substandard crap in time for the Christmas rush.
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Post by Strider77 »

I do not believe film-quality visuals is a big ask.
I think it's a bit much, come on you saying that I should expect a machine in my home for 400 to give me visuals that would completely fool my eyes. In otherwords someone could recreate the whole a movie I've all ready seen before and make it looks so real I'd never know a machine was actually rendering the whole thing on the fly and i have no clue?! I know no one would make a movie into a realtime demo... thats not my point. I don't think that could be done (for a reasonable price), I mean I have seen nothing realtime on a machine that was affordable come close to that. Even in movies, Lord of the Rings flicks may be the only movies i can think of that had renderings of organic things that my eyes didn't automatically regect as fake and rendered, mind mind still knew otherwise of course but my eyes alone had been fooled.
If there was a game that got me spoiled, I'd say it's Resident Evil 4 on Gamecube. Sure GoW has better graphics and all. But the leap isn't as significant as what I've experienced in past transitions between next generation systems.
Resident Evil 4 did the same for me, that game looked great on the GC. It had my eyes drooling. But to be fare.... that came out on the tale end of the GS's life cycle. It's far from 1st gen software. I agree it looked.. hell, still looks awsome. I bet the new zelda will still impress me visually also.
For the record, we've all had HD displays for over a decade. They are called "VGA monitors".
I know but i never said anything bad about monitors or fealt like I was elite due to having an HDTV. Believe me If I could have gotten a CRT monitor that could do 750p the size of my HDTV I would have been all over it. Monitors are still better than TVs. Still the monitors rez still needs a system to output VGA. The DC was the real 1st step towards HD games. I think we can all agree DC games via a VGA box look great.

I dunno, I was feeling the same way as you guys or was suspicious earlier this year. But after seeing GOW I can't say this anymore. Unless something that has never happened before, from this point on games will look worse than a 1st gen game on the 360, I would imagine it's safe to say they are only gonna get better looking.
Damn Tim, you know there are quite a few Americans out there who still lives in tents due to this shitty economy, and you're dropping loads on a single game which only last 20 min. Do you think it's fair? How much did you spend this time?
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Post by Inkvisitor »

Strider77 wrote:To the guy who has a TV with a naitive 1080p reslution. What brand and model is it, how much did it run? Why did you buy it you are not interested in HD material?
I was just making an example. My monitor/TV is an LCD and is actually 1024x768 natively. So I'm still interested in having HD material.

When I first got it I noticed right away that video with poor resolution looked much worse than it did on my smaller VGA monitor. Flaws are easier to spot when the picture is blown up to twice the size. So now I always have to hunt for the content with the best resolution. I can tell you that I rather watch a TV show that was recorded in HD.

However, I am pointing out that the problems that before only existed in PC games have now moved on to consoles. I rather have a game that runs smoothly in higher resolution than a game that looks great but at lower framerate. Framerate in PC games can be somewhat improved by tweaking the level of graphic detail but that would feel awkward on a console. Sure, those options are usually directly related to advanced functions in the GPU. And we can't really expect developers to make options for different sets of polycount, not even on PC games. Right now it looks like developers on the PS3 have chosen to lock down the resolution, instead of doing those things.

I wish we could settle for 720p as the golden standard that would last for years. Just as 480i lasted for a long time. But the native resolution on TV sets seems to be a moving target right now. I will explain why see this as a problem.

LCD monitors are built with only one resolution in mind (atleast they are right now). If I go lower than 1024x768 the picture will go blurry. If I go higher it will still not look right because it crushes down the pixels. It has to be spot on.

I am also fairly certain that games can have higher resolution than 480p and still have all the graphical bells and whistles. Modern GPUs should be able to handle atleast 720p with ease, but it's questionable if the same can be said about 1080p. I think we know by now that GPUs are being pushed towards both higher resoultion and advanced features at the same time. There is not a known ratio for how much better a game would look if some resolution was sacrificed.
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Post by nZero »

elvis wrote:The computing power of a video card today is exponentially greater than that of entire clusters some 5 years ago. Yet the output of modern consoles is still lacking from film of 5 years ago.
I agree with the statements regarding budgets and development timetables holding back overall graphical and animation quality. However, as far as computing power being available, those clusters still took various minutes per frame rather than 1/60th of a second or less, and used techniques (i.e. raytracing + radiosity) that are computationally expensive to perform in realtime on today's complex scenes on even the most parallelized and programmable of GPUs designed to accelerate rasterization. Game engines are taking too long to break out of the traditional OpenGL rendering pipeline to take advantage anyway. Then again, some ambitious developer could surprise me yet, we'll see.
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Post by elvis »

Strider77 wrote:I think it's a bit much, come on you saying that I should expect a machine in my home for 400 to give me visuals that would completely fool my eyes.
nZero wrote:I agree with the statements regarding budgets and development timetables holding back overall graphical and animation quality. However, as far as computing power being available, those clusters still took various minutes per frame rather than 1/60th of a second or less, and used techniques (i.e. raytracing + radiosity) that are computationally expensive to perform in realtime on today's complex scenes on even the most parallelized and programmable of GPUs designed to accelerate rasterization. Game engines are taking too long to break out of the traditional OpenGL rendering pipeline to take advantage anyway. Then again, some ambitious developer could surprise me yet, we'll see.
nZero has the answer. Strider77, you are placing limitations on modern hardware due to modern software. If you look at the raw throughput numbers, modern hardware is more than capable of creating the effects we saw 5-10 years ago in realtime today. The only thing holding it back is the software we use.

Rendering processes are severely inefficient. The proof is looking at non-realtime rendering. Look at software like Mental Ray, and then compare it to VRay which spits out similar quality in quite literally half the time. The techniques are available to improve rendering performance in non-realtime software, and likewise in realtime, complete with all the 3D features you want (raytracing, radiosity, global illumination, subsurface scattering, etc, etc).

OpenGL and Direct3D are two APIs which are quite long in the tooth. They are both very broad in what they can achieve, and both notoriously slow. Enormous potential exists in a modern day video card, and what you and I see on a screen is quite honestly 1/10th of what is possible due entirely to old software holding it back.

The raw numbers are there. I work on and around render farms all day. It's my 9-5 job to build these sorts of clustering environments for small-to-medium film studios, architects, etc. See the results of my hardware building efforts here:

The numbers we get out of our half-million dollar clusters 10 years ago we're seeing coming out of a pair of $700 SLI video cards today. In fact, it's going so far that people like Nvidia are taking steps to devide the bridge between realtime and non-realtime graphics with stuff like this:

While they sell it commercially, this is just a glorified research project into making SOFTWARE work better with existing hardware. They're still not at full potential yet, but it's a move in the right direction.
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Post by Strider77 »

Now with more time gone by I wanted to bring this up.... with gears, lost planet, VF 5 ect out. Just curious if folks STILL think the only bump in power is with the resolution.
Damn Tim, you know there are quite a few Americans out there who still lives in tents due to this shitty economy, and you're dropping loads on a single game which only last 20 min. Do you think it's fair? How much did you spend this time?
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Post by icycalm »

Strider77 wrote:Now with more time gone by I wanted to bring this up.... with gears, lost planet, VF 5 ect out. Just curious if folks STILL think the only bump in power is with the resolution.

You still have absolutely not the faintest clue in the universe what I was talking about, God bless you!
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Post by ktownhero »

Gears would not look better in 480p, don't be an idiot. You don't see PC Gurus piping up their PCs so that they can run games in 640x480 with everything turned on :roll:
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