Movies you've just watched

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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by BryanM »

xxx1993 wrote:Halloween Ends was a good sendoff for Laurie Strode.
I hate being bombarded with critic numbers when I googled this thing. I'm gonna use a BIL-esque constipated with rage emote to express this let me find it.....


Ah, there we go.

Anyway, it's not google's place to tell me what to think. That's RLM's job.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by BIL »

99% of critics are shit too.(^w´ )
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by neorichieb1971 »

BryanM wrote:
Movies are freaking terrible now. All the talent moved to TV, didn't it?
Movies for theaters are edited at the writing stage so its appropriate for kids. They usually cut out 20 minutes of the movie so they can make more showings per day.

There is only so much you can with JP/JW. I hate everytime they put kids in front of a T-rex, it worked the first time but after that you just think in your brain that no movie maker will have a kid eaten by a T-rex in front of the camera so the illusion of danger has gone. And yet they have done it time and again.

Dominion is good for a home theater workout but the script is balls. Since Jon Snow in Game of Thrones swam in icy waters and ran 30 miles to the wall in -20C I thought I would never see that shit again. But here we are in Dominion, where a few miles apart we have a tropical forest from a ice polar region, in which the main protoganist gets dropped into -20C waters, swims out, and then runs at full speed from a dinosaur.

It doesn't need to make sense, just money.
This industry has become 2 dimensional as it transcended into a 3D world.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by ChurchOfSolipsism »

GaijinPunch wrote:Am I weird that I liked In the Mood for Love the best?
No no noooo, it's just that it's awesome! Maggie Cheung and Tony Leung at the absolute height of their game, phenomenal cinematography, a wonderful soundtrack, not a wasted minute, it's just about the perfect film.

Re: Highlander: yeah, no idea how this could become such a smash hit, it's entertaining and incredibly cheesy, but there's no comparison between it and true classics like The Terminator or Indiana Jones or whatever.
Let me use this opportunity to remind people that Starship Troopers exists, is waiting for its every couple of years rewatch and has Michael Ironside and Clancy Brown in great roles! :D
BIL wrote: Sun Jun 02, 2024 11:01 pm Imagine a spilled cup of coffee totalling your dick and balls in one shot, sounds like the setup to a Death Wish sequel.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by BIL »

Can confirm over many years and audiences, Robocop, Total Recall and Starship Troopers work a charm for black-comedic ultraviolent movie nights. :cool: Verhoeventastic! Possibly the strongest science-fiction/action triple crown of any director? Surely amongst the most stone-facedly hardcore. Cameron's Terminator/The Abyss/Aliens is strong too, though the second might stretch the "action" criteria a bit. Sub in Piranha 2, maybe. Image
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by vol.2 »

BIL wrote: Cameron's Terminator/The Abyss/Aliens is strong too, though the second might stretch the "action" criteria a bit.
No more than Alien. The Abyss is sorta Alien underwater. Good grief though, I haven't seen Abyss since it came out in the theaters and I still remember wincing when they breath in the fluid stuff.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by BryanM »

neorichieb1971 wrote:There is only so much you can with JP/JW. I hate everytime they put kids in front of a T-rex, it worked the first time but after that you just think in your brain that no movie maker will have a kid eaten by a T-rex in front of the camera so the illusion of danger has gone. And yet they have done it time and again.
Hee hee, Silent Night Deadly Night 2 tried the same trick. The protagonist was in the middle of his climatic murder spree, and this little girl on tricycle pedals right up next to him in the middle of it. You're supposed to go "oh no she's in danger", but if you have two braincells by now you know this movie doesn't have the guts to go there.

In Dominion, I was skimming it with a boomer family member and during the scene where the kids bunker down in the barn to the locusts she was like "if the kids die I'm out" and I was like.... what's wrong with you that you would consider that remotely a possibility, here.

They do need to basically cut kids out of these things. You can have teenagers, they can be torn to shreds if you're sneaky about it. (....damnit, no you can't. They can't even kill the "likable" main characters in these things. Malcolm dies in the original book, bleeding out from not having any legs.)

The thing with Jurassic Park, is it needs to be treated like any horror movie. Friday the 13th, Alien, etc. You have to keep mixing stuff up and going into increasing contrived situations. Whether it's going into space, whether they keep futilely trying to make Dinosaur Seaworld ("we've got it: this time, no one will be eaten! I promise!") etc etc. It's all wonderful schlock, like old giant rampage monster movies.

Here's an example of what I mean: you know how he kept holding out his hand to calm dinosaurs? How stupid that was? What if, he like really had super empathy powers, like the little twerp on Captain Planet with the power of heart? And he used these powers to enslave some dinosaurs to fight other dinosaurs? And he rode around on some of them and became an evil dinosaur overlord and enslaved populations of people and made them handfeed him grapes?

.... it's the very much the wrong way to go absolutely, but it's like, if you're gonna give your humans super powers.... don't be half-assed about it. The worst thing a movie can be is boring.
Dominion is good for a home theater workout but the script is balls. Since Jon Snow in Game of Thrones swam in icy waters and ran 30 miles to the wall in -20C I thought I would never see that shit again. But here we are in Dominion, where a few miles apart we have a tropical forest from a ice polar region, in which the main protoganist gets dropped into -20C waters, swims out, and then runs at full speed from a dinosaur.
I've been getting into Jacob Geller videos lately, and Fear of Cold was the second one I watched.

I think a huge factor in the current state of movies is due to the people making them haven't known fear, suffering, desire, dreams or hardship. Just a bunch of sociopathic suits that don't have any grounding in the reality the rest of us live in.

You have to assume that also applies to audiences who buy this stuff, as well. The profit motive is biased to the affluent.

It's similar to that phase where horror games became mass market action games. But unlike horror games, there's not much pressure in cinema to get someone with anything to say back into creative power. The sin of Ghosbusters Answer The Call wasn't that it didn't bring in revenue, it was that it cost too much for the revenue it pulled in. If its budget was roughly half what it was, we might still be in the Feigverse right now.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by vol.2 »

The Boxer's Omen is on youtube, so that's what I'm doing this afternoon. Well, that and dealing with all the stupid Baltimore Marathon BS today.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by BIL »

I was thinking hard on the drive home from the liquor store, how to wangle my beroved John Carpenter into the aforementioned Verhoeven and Cameron SCI-FI/ACTION EXTRAVAGANZA TRIPLE CROWN. :o The Thing, obviously. But it's no action movie, per se. Then I decided - what is horror but morbid action unnervingly paced? And so I decided SF/Horror is ok too! Even then, it's not easy! :shock:

For the last two, I'd go with Escape From New York, which is really just plain near-future dystopia with the mildest dusting of SF - not a film to watch for its perfunctory-at-best action. But the great man's inimitably pitch-black 80s pulp gives it unmistakable macabre presence. That one bird who just gets pulled through the floor early on, brr. So I don't think my bros would be pissed.

The last, I'll reluctantly select Prince of Darkness, having initially written it off as too flawed and love/hate. But I keep coming back to the considerable brace of scenes, lines and text I couldn't forget if I tried, and judging by discussions over the years lots of others are the same.

I've got a message for you
And you're not going to like it

in fact

Greater than the sum of blah blah but no for real. I figure it'd be a decent middle act before Thingy's unrivalled quality blows the windows out (what a delightful movie to watch with newbies!). My only hesitation is They Live, an undeniably stronger film overall, though less bluntly horrific in nature.
BryanM wrote:
neorichieb1971 wrote:There is only so much you can with JP/JW. I hate everytime they put kids in front of a T-rex, it worked the first time but after that you just think in your brain that no movie maker will have a kid eaten by a T-rex in front of the camera so the illusion of danger has gone. And yet they have done it time and again.
Hee hee, Silent Night Deadly Night 2 tried the same trick. The protagonist was in the middle of his climatic murder spree, and this little girl on tricycle pedals right up next to him in the middle of it. You're supposed to go "oh no she's in danger", but if you have two braincells by now you know this movie doesn't have the guts to go there.
Michael Bay's execrably bad Transformers movies have a similar issue. You know at no point is a meatbag going to explode under the weight of these frenetically spinning, thrashing machines, so they become walking anti-drama zones.

This being Bay, he likes to rub your nose in it, as literally as a film can. Wow, no, I thought Ironhide was going to turn that screaming bird into dog shit. I'm amazed at his feat of robo-agility, and relieved at said bird's survival! Wow!

Assault On Precinct 13 (OG) and The Blob (1988), those'll cure what ails. Not the urge to see children slaughtered - you should probably just neck yourself - but the terrifying absence of conventional restraint. Like any good trick, the directors know it gets old fast, but both films reliably hit newbies square in teh feels at their respective haul-offs.

(arguably, Blob still holds back with
the kid who gets nommed up being the annoying sidekick, not The Kid. Still, hardcore. The battlefield is merciless!
If its budget was roughly half what it was, we might still be in the Feigverse right now.
Ah, deep in Kev's cavernous rectum, kept company by the great mind himself. I don't care about any of this stuff, but I have to say, his ideas and directorial style were both dogshit appalling. Who could ignore such pathos! A bit like that BezosVision LOTR show that's getting dunked on by every neckbeard you know as I type. 3;
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by BryanM »

I forgot the old man who paid for the park dies in the book, too. He gets swarmed by a horde of tiny chickensaurs.

Also I think there's a part with a boat, and either the T-Rex chases them in the river, or there might be a plesiosaur idk.

There's no fire-breathing pterosaurs or evil dinosaur/human serial killer teenage girl villain or anything like that, tho. Would be good additions for book 5 if someone wasn't a coward.
BIL wrote:my beroved John Carpenter
This evil fuck (>`D`>

You have no conception of how deep his hatred for us goes, until you've seen The Ghosts of Mars or Vampires.

I learned yesterday he was a consultant on F.E.A.R. 3 (because its production was a boondoggle ofc), where he probably did absolutely nothing but collect a paycheck.

And I learned just now he said that he wanted to direct a Dead Space movie 2 hours ago because I watched a youtube video that mentioned the FEAR thing yesterday. Carpenter has some spooky powers, I would say, if it wasn't literally Halloween so the coincidence isn't so coincidental.

If it ever comes to anything, I really hope it's 80's Carpenter and not the wrathful 00's Carpenter or maybe a new exotic 20's Carpenter.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by BIL »

I ninja-fixed it :3 It's not a hard scene to find! Sadly!
BryanM wrote:
BIL wrote:my beroved John Carpenter
This evil fuck (>`D`>

You have no conception of how deep his hatred for us goes, until you've seen The Ghosts of Mars or Vampires.
Oh god yeah, needless to say in the BiruVerse he went into a nicotine withdrawal coma when work dried up. THEN, the Halloween licensing cheques cleared, financing the aircraft carrier's worth of cigs needed to restart his brain! He slept through the 90s/00s/10s and woke up a couple years ago as a beloved rockstar! :o It turned out some asshole was using his name to make those shitty-ass movies while he was on ice - wow! :shock: Image Fin~
I forgot the old man who paid for the park dies in the book, too. He gets swarmed by a horde of tiny chickensaurs.
Lovable Nedry gets PWNED a lot more distressingly too, I'll always remember the rovely description of him blind and feeling something warm drop into his hands, realising it's his own eviscerated guts. Then, wacky tar spitter critter presumably bites his knackers off, I guess! Aieee!

EDIT: oh wao, JP SUPERFANZ have illustrated such graphic scenes from the book! Holy fuck would it suck to be picked up by your head like that, oof
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by Mischief Maker »

The problem with the Jurassic Park book is it's not nonstop action, every other chapter the plot has to come to a screeching halt so Jeff Goldblum's character can preach at the audience.
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

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Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by vol.2 »

If you've got JP on the brain, the YouTube channel Hats Off Entertainment did a video about deleted scenes recently.


One Cut of the Dead (2017) 7/10

Japanese meta-zombie film about a film crew filming a zombie flick and then getting attacked by real zombies. I don't want to send any real spoilers, but I can safely say it's not really a horror film, more of a horror themed comedy. I loved it; it was heartfelt and fun and there was some good silly practical effects.

Phantom of the Paradise (1974) 7/10

Brian DePalma's musical vehicle for a Paul Williams score. Most of you probably know Paul Williams was the songwriter for the Muppet Movie, well this film has some similar vibes, especially in the outlandish 70's costuming (and the general musical vibe of course). The best parts of the film are sets for the musical numbers, Beef's number opening the Swan being my favorite. I'm not sure how I avoided this one for so long, and I'm sure I would have enjoyed it a lot more 25 years ago. As it is, I can immediately recognize what's great about it even though I found it boring sometimes.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by BIL »

Great movies. :cool: One Cut is a marvelous combination of shoestring heart and keen technique - always a pleasure to observe unfold, long after the first watch. I didn't see Phantom until very late either, promptly fell balls-out in love with basically everything about it.


It's kind of another Streets Of Fire "Everything I Like" case. Image

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Post by NYN »

BIL wrote:
I've got a message for you
And you're not going to like it

Not that I would deign to tell a sire of quotation how to use a quote, yet would it not be complete with aforementioned message?
Should I offend I will gladly take axe or exile, just allow me to give proper thanks to His Excellency for recommanding The Blob and From Beyond many times ago to someone other than me and rather undeserving, however I took it and was delighted by the obvious keeness both possess. I'll remain your eternal nasal spray.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by BIL »

Such a wicked scene! One of many... as someone said on teh toob, it's one golden age Carpenter film that legitimately could use a remake. The setpieces and thrumming dread are there, just needs a stronger scaffold. Even a very loose reimagining, built around the core of those chilling transmissions and the evil paradox at their heart. Fuckin creepy story... could maybe even work as a 45min anthology piece.

Have you seen Re-Animator and Cronenberg's The Fly? They're natural companion pieces to aforementioned two gems, you'll almost certainly dig those too. First was largely the same key people (Stuart Gordon, Jeff Combs, Barbara Crampton), second is part of another triple crown, the Improbably Superior 80s Remakes Of 50s Creature Features alongside Blobby and Thingy. :cool:
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prince of flys, west of lice

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Prince of Darkness, though not without flaw, remains my favorite among the Carpenters and gushed my share here about it. No doubt it would be overseen by others in a poll among The Thing and The Plissken and Jack Burton and The Halloween. Not by me. It's my kind of End of the World movie. Not with heroes, but with inconsequential too-smart eggheads. "What? E.V.I.L. in liquid form??! *snort* Invalid concept!!" Tickles me endless. And the score is so dreamy, I daresay to my ears it's his most accomplished! By the way: have you seen Susan? Radiologist? Glasses? No? Dang.

I would be remiss to not know Mr Herbert West and Brundlefly! Entry-level Cronenberg, and when I followed up on it a horrorgate opened in my mind. It stays open still, ugly draft with a waft of body secretions. Glad you champion this kind of stuff in full. Otherwise what's the point of a Interlist?! In earnest.

How do you feel about The Dark Half by Romero? Seen it?
WhatImageeven mean, though?!
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Re: prince of flys, west of lice

Post by BIL »

Perfect description of Brundlebro. :mrgreen: Like the radio-friendlier major-label LP by the balls-hard garage punks, one they spent the next two decades living down. :cool: What a magical time for horror filmmaking, when mo' money typically meant less problems. In the hands of accredited masters like Bergy, anyhow. These days I'm comfiest with his scuzzy 70s/early 80s canon, most signally the improbably disturbing Shivers. Sex zombies lmao! Wait. Stop that. Oh hell no. Christ!
NYN wrote:How do you feel about The Dark Half by Romero? Seen it?
You know it's odd, I knew that story mainly from the PC game, and I caught the latter half (bwaa!) of the movie once as a kid (enough to recall the gist, but no real substance). So it's one of those I've always put off, pretty foolishly tbh - I had a similar relationship with Pet Sematary, but knowing the outline does nothing to diminish a pitch-black sledgehammer of loss and madness. (the book moreso than the willfully leavened if still thoroughly evil film)

I have to say I'd no idea Romero was behind it! Or forgot, maybe - them decades are stacking up. Due a prompt rewatch, methinks - yet another 70s/80s (60s even) hero whose better years are to be treasured, and latter mis-steps written off in an abundance of hard-earned charity. Diary Of The Dead had precisely one good shot, imo; that scene of the characters walking single-file down a hallway, only for a zombie to unceremoniously join them before getting his nom on. Big fan of the Dry Monster Reveal ( :shock: Image) - I must go looking for that superbly sidescroller-composed shot from Pumpkinhead feat lovable Mr. Henriksen. Otherwise though? Cannot forget the (presumably) unintended desecration of Added Country BGM!
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by vol.2 »

Speaking of Carpenter, I watched Halloween (1978) tonight. 8/10

I watched it once in middle school, and that was over 30 years ago. It's exactly how I remember it, but it means so much more than I thought it did at the time. My impressionable little brain didn't gawk the nuances of sexual repression and the beauty of the cinematography.

Also confirmed my impression that the HS girl trio was clearly much older than the roles they portrayed. JL Curtis in particular looks much older than her actual age in the film. And the little kid she's babysitting is clearly styled after Star Wars and I would bet he was cast in part to his resemblance to what a younger Mark Hamill might have been.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by To Far Away Times »

The original Halloween is, by far, the best of the slasher movies.

Best directed, best cinematography, best music.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by drauch »

vol.2 wrote:The Boxer's Omen is on youtube, so that's what I'm doing this afternoon. Well, that and dealing with all the stupid Baltimore Marathon BS today.
I love that movie so much. My favorite of all the black magic-themed movies. I wish Shaw did more horror stuff. Devil Fetus is also a classic and has kind of the same formula of weird things happening slowly and culminating in a bonkers finale. I keep hoping for the Bluray treatment any day now.

Regarding Prince of Darkness, ehhhh, I wish I liked it more. I've tried a couple times and it doesn't do much for me. Has some brooding imagery and I'm all for the slower pace, and a lot in common with Quatermass and the Pit, even referencing it, but by the end it just comes across as messy and empty, like he was so close to something better but couldn't put his finger on it. I'm sure I'll give it another shot; I last tried again back in 2016. Seems incomprehensible to not like something from him during that time period, but it's certainly one of his more divisive movies during that golden age of banger after banger.
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by Some-Mist »

saw decision to leave at a film fest. beautifully shot super stylized korean detective flick by park chan-wook (oldboy, thirst, the handmaiden, etc). at 2 hours and 20 minutes it definitely felt long, but it was worth seeing just to keep up my tradition going for the 9th year in a row (excluding 2020 due to covid cancellation)

seeing white noise on sunday at the same fest which is the of the noah baumbach adaptation of the don delillio book w/ adam driver/greta gerwig/don cheadle/etc. pretty stoked :mrgreen:
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endsville, ol hoss

Post by NYN »

BIL wrote:I have to say I'd no idea Romero was behind it! Or forgot, maybe - them decades are stacking up.
You had help there. The book came out in 1989, and the movie was completed in '91. Only to be unreleased for 2 more years due to financial trouble from Orion. So, to not a one surprise it tanked, having no steam behind it to get to folks. Shameful. And, you know, '93 was the Year of the Dinosaur :roll: . Amazes me how little known it is, and for what it's known peeps think very little of it. "Naw, not his best by a long stretch!" Yeah, that's why one watches movies, to play the role of the critic :x . Similar to Prince (not the Artist). Get your ticket for this one ripped this season, why don't you? Eager to know what you make of it.
WhatImageeven mean, though?!
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by Air Master Burst »

To me John Carpenter's best movie will always be They Live, but then again I also adore Ghosts of Mars, so I probably just love trash. In the Mouth of Madness is pretty underrated, too.

The most recent shitty Jurassic World was nearly identical to the fake movie they were making in The Bubble. Jurassic Park Camp Cretaceous on Netflix is fucking baller though, especially for a kids show! Highly recommended.
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Re: endsville, ol hoss

Post by BIL »

NYN wrote:You had help there. The book came out in 1989, and the movie was completed in '91. Only to be unreleased for 2 more years due to financial trouble from Orion. So, to not a one surprise it tanked, having no steam behind it to get to folks.
Ah man, Orion's demise always gives me secondhand feels. Like many small boys, Terminator and Robocop were the fuckin coolest things ever to me, so even my gradeschooler ass had some gratitude. Will watch upon the morrow and report back! Blimey, Romero never had an easy go of things, did he? At least until he'd well and truly hit the nostalgia circuit in the 00s.
Air Master Burst wrote:To me John Carpenter's best movie will always be They Live, but then again I also adore Ghosts of Mars, so I probably just love trash. In the Mouth of Madness is pretty underrated, too.
They Live and ITMOM are good stuff! I don't put much distance between the latter and his 70s+80s classics, tbh - certainly wouldn't kick it out of a JC movie night. Lots of creepy imagery (including some very nice, tastefully obscured practical Things What Shouldn't Be), and Sam Neill (tangent!) is great fun. Not as authentically batshit fuckin crazy as he is in the blistering Possession, but then that's Lynch and this is Lovecraft.

Technically not a JC film (he was a producer), but I'll rep Halloween III: Season of the Witch for cultier work in his orbit. I so wish they'd continued in this anthology vein. Invigoratingly bizarre sf/horror, evil to the mahfuckin bone. :shock: Features a great trial run for Dan O'Herlihy's later masterclass of bureaucratised evil The Old Man. :cool:

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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by Air Master Burst »

BIL wrote:and Sam Neill (tangent!) is great fun. Not as authentically batshit fuckin crazy as he is in the blistering Possession, but then that's Lynch and this is Lovecraft.
Sam Neill lives for that shit, it would seem. Kinda funny that most people just know him from Jurassic Park because that's the sanest, most grounded character I think I've ever seen him play; and he's still gleefully threatening a teenager with raptor-claw disembowelment like 10 minutes into the damn thing. Apparently he was the guy Dalton beat out to play 80s Bond, which sounds like absolute batshit insanity. I don't even like Bond movies and I'd watch that!

He's even fun in otherwise terrible outings, like that crappy third Omen movie where he was the president.

ETA: Also, someone at Lego must either really hate or really love Sam Neill, because this is how dirty/hilarious they did him on the back of the big-ass Jurassic Park gate set:

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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by vol.2 »

Air Master Burst wrote:
ETA: Also, someone at Lego must either really hate or really love Sam Neill, because this is how dirty/hilarious they did him on the back of the big-ass Jurassic Park gate set:
lmao. it's also possible he had the right to deny marketing photos for merchandise and he said no, but that seems like a perfect way to say "fuck you"
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by BIL »

Air Master Burst wrote:Apparently he was the guy Dalton beat out to play 80s Bond, which sounds like absolute batshit insanity. I don't even like Bond movies and I'd watch that!
Ha, I remember hearing that too, long after his amiably rumpled-yet-barking 90s run. Was like "Wait what the fuck?" then watched Possession and was like "Ahh." Could definitely see that dapper fiend as Book Bond in one of his "BAWW IMMA QUIT" ebbs, snapping one Spetsnaz's neck while shooting another in the nuts and stompin' on 'em, proffering the lousy commie cunt a headshot in exchange for... INFORMATIONS Image Image



This between downing a preposterously heavy full-course meal with several large drinks and nailing Ursula Andress's ass to the sheets with his massive todger, ofc! Not that our bleary-eyed hero has anything near such a good time in Possession, getting his ass handed to him by that crazy homo kraut and his combat ballet! Image
He's even fun in otherwise terrible outings, like that crappy third Omen movie where he was the president.
Indeed, another of those reliable performers who'll render even the worst shite at least survivable!
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the immortal classic

Post by NYN »

BIL wrote:
"Trade secrets!"
Much to say about this one! It's so nuts! Watched it first last December, slack-jawed. The audacity in producing such a flick! Even with a sympathetic indulgence there are so much glaring gaps and unresolved threads. Honostly, the portrayal of a divorced man of medicine by Tom Atkins is stellar for its spot-on depiction of alcoholism and nicotine addiction, with an extra aptitude for scoring sweet fornication while under siege by evil man-bots. What a legend! That ending though :o.
Score by Carpenter.
8 more days to Halloween, Halloween, Halloween
8 more days to Halloween
Silver Shamrock
WhatImageeven mean, though?!
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Re: Movies you've just watched

Post by Stevens »

The Lost Boys. I watch it every Halloween, but tonight I have tickets to it at the Alamo! Never seen it on the big screen.
You're sure to be in a fine haze about now, but don't think too hard about all of this. Just go out and kill a few beasts. It's for your own good. You know, it's just what hunters do! You'll get used to it.
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