The Sega Mega Drive/Genesis Thread (NEW)!!!

Anything from run & guns to modern RPGs, what else do you play?
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Re: The Sega Mega Drive/Genesis Thread (NEW)!!!

Post by Ed Oscuro »

I believe I saw one of the sliding guys in one of the later stages, though they're never really a major issue.
BIL wrote:I do get a bit of a Rolling Thunder vibe from the third stage's cover-exploiting baddies.
Historical digression: RT certainly adds a lot with the way of cover-exploiting enemies, something which Shinobi seems to have copied. I've tended to try to separate the two by the additional elements of RT that Shinobi doesn't carry over - Shinobi just expects you to shuffle / shuriken / bounce through enemies. ESWAT is of course not exactly like either, but when I was playing it I felt that it had the most in common with something like the MD Shadow Dancer.

I just played through Asmik's port of Shinobi to the PC Engine again (best version of the ending theme!) and it's kind of startling how different it feels to what I think of as "normal" Shinobi (the MD versions). Lots of invisible enemies dropping in, and some very precise enemy bounce tactics to deal with if you don't want to use magic. One of the late stages has you facing off against two of the sword and scimitar bros from above; if you jump into the middle of them you'll get bounced repeatedly until one of them chops you. Very picky and in a way unpredictable. Most of the bosses are actually pretty lame - Mandara stands out in particular with its infamous "HA" opening, which I'm sure requires magic on the PC-Engine - and then the wall-mounted face just throws two kinds of fireballs at you (jump over the first, stand for the second; my worst enemy was my own attempt to split-second time jumps, which inevitably put me back in the way of a bouncing fireball). It does have a few differences from the arcade - I don't mind losing the bonus stages, but losing Stage 2 still upsets me, as it has some of the more interesting enemies and some kinda neat early SEGA warehouse/dock scenery. No sword attack, either, so you're just stuck with dodgy shuriken timing and spamming enemies to death.

E-SWAT's slime pit jumpers were kind of odd...I think you're supposed to tank your way through, or else just avoid them entirely. Not sure, I'll have to look again.

I think it's really that final stage with elevators and other fast-reflex stuff, along with the fragile character, that gets me. The character is suited up to really change the Rolling Thunder / Shinobi action prototype, but instead I saw a lot of "cute" puzzle areas with goodies in leaps of faith, and a lot of demand for fast reflex action (or just memorization) in place of the deliberative action I think is the hallmark of Rolling Thunder and Shinobi - and which I mostly prefer, actually.
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Re: The Sega Mega Drive/Genesis Thread (NEW)!!!

Post by BIL »

For the slime pit (where you're locked in a rising elevator with goop erratically arcing upwards), I just use the crouch-walk. ESWAT man's sprite fits pretty comfortably under the flying goop.

OT, but totally give Ningen Heiki: Dead Fox (FC) a go if you haven't - only my having still not tried Rolling Thunder 3 stops me from calling it the best example of the style. Superb hybrid of RT's discipline and Shinobi's flexibility (you can bend jumps, but go around bumping enemies and you'll die faster than you can say BERUMONDO). The relentless door-bothering for sweet sweet Informant (and his stage-clearing bomb) can get a *little* tiresome, but a relentlessly stalking sudden death staves off tedium. Nothing worse than leisurely popping out of a door and getting your head blown off! Crumbs!

Bizarrely enough it's super cheap even CIB, I don't think people like it much. :[ FOR NOW anyway!
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Re: The Sega Mega Drive/Genesis Thread (NEW)!!!

Post by Ed Oscuro »

You have no idea how many games I boughted off your say-so of late ;) Dead Fucks was picked up a while ago to the tune of 35 Dollar Menu Items (no mail-in card, but minty otherwise, yay). Plus many other things also.

ALSO, I got a reminder about how obsessed I was with finding a "good condition" Game Gear Aleste / II today - I discovered I've got three of the bloomin' sequels D: All are fine, too...
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Re: The Sega Mega Drive/Genesis Thread (NEW)!!!

Post by BIL »

I do have veeery slight pretensions of being a forum tastemaker... :mrgreen: However I keep it low-key, living in fear of a "YOU WASTIN MY MONEY MUHFUCKA" backlash. :lol:

I lost my recent Game Gear adventuresome bottle when I saw an ebay unit advertised as "all caps replaced." BRRR. >_< I can't get into that stuff right now. Actually a big reason I decided to build a small OG Gameboy + GBA collection was the abundance of viable hardwares to play them on.

(to be fair I can't get into NES/Genesis/SNES stuff right now either, but that's more because pesky NTSCJ goodies keep popping up and they're easier to get, here in Europashire)
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Re: The Sega Mega Drive/Genesis Thread (NEW)!!!

Post by EmperorIng »

trap15 wrote:
EmperorIng wrote:the boss fight against the jets is just too cool of a setpiece.
Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes that part is probably a big reason why I kept playing the game. There's so much cool stuff and so many Data East-isms everywhere, it's hard to not like.
Ha ha, what are "Data East-isms" I wonder? I think:

-Ugly sprites and backgrounds
-bosses with 1 or no frames of animation
-borderline kuso mechanics
-good tunez

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Re: The Sega Mega Drive/Genesis Thread (NEW)!!!

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Sadly missing from MD MR. :[



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Re: The Sega Mega Drive/Genesis Thread (NEW)!!!

Post by Strider77 »

Damn it BIL... I might have to pick up Fire mustang now. I use to play that in the arcade as a kid so it already has some nostalgia going on. just youtubed it do to your commentary. I just got Chelnov.... but now I find myself dwelling on the fact I don't have Golden Axe 1 or 2 (I have 3) and need E-Swat also.

Speaking of Golden Axe 3, I picked that up at a friends shop for cheap last year (around 25.00). I don't think it's so bad like folks say. What did you think of that one BIL or anyone else for that matter?
Damn Tim, you know there are quite a few Americans out there who still lives in tents due to this shitty economy, and you're dropping loads on a single game which only last 20 min. Do you think it's fair? How much did you spend this time?
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Re: The Sega Mega Drive/Genesis Thread (NEW)!!!

Post by BIL »

GAIII's certainly not terrible, but I found it a letdown compared to the first two and contemporary MD beaters like Bare Knuckle III and Splatterhouse Part 3. GA1 is dirt simple but at least keeps pressure on. And despite II's reheated player sprites, under the hood it's a major upgrade. Where I like the original partially for its iconic standing in the early MD library, the less heralded sequel is genuinely a really solid beater.

It's been a good few years since I played III, but with the above mentioned in my collection I've not been compelled to pick it up since.
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Re: The Sega Mega Drive/Genesis Thread (NEW)!!!

Post by BrianC »

I have 2 and 3 in M2's 360 Sega Vintage Collection. I definitely find both to be underrated, though I like 2 better than 3. The music in 2 is also very nice. Too bad Revenge of Death Adder doesn't have a home version.
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Re: The Sega Mega Drive/Genesis Thread (NEW)!!!

Post by BIL »

I know right? :/ As much as I love the Columns Saturn collection, where TF were Golden Axe and Shinobi?

And then they got left out of the PS2 AGES line as well. :lol:
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Re: The Sega Mega Drive/Genesis Thread (NEW)!!!

Post by Ed Oscuro »


Sadly missing from MD MR. :[



We're all pretty fond of pointing out crazy Data East things (Chicken's Restaurant, still the best) but some Sega stuff is nuts too. Deja-Vu Textile Wastes? Sounds like an artist's in-joke to me...textile wastes are really a thing, though, and add to the industrial feel of that area. Still!
BIL wrote:For the slime pit (where you're locked in a rising elevator with goop erratically arcing upwards), I just use the crouch-walk. ESWAT man's sprite fits pretty comfortably under the flying goop.
Oyaa, but I think I still got semi-slimed a few times :( I'm pondering trying to try jumping over them entirely, though it probably won't work
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Re: The Sega Mega Drive/Genesis Thread (NEW)!!!

Post by EmperorIng »

I would like to know peoples' thoughts on the Genesis Monster World games. I am playing around a bit with Monster World IV on KEGA, and while I've only beaten the first dungeon the game has very much impressed me. Maybe I am a sucker for such pretty grafix.

Wonder Boy III: Dragon Trap* EDIT: Wonder Boy III: Monster Lair on the arcade didn't impress me too much because the bosses took forever to kill. Maybe the Gen/MD port is different? And people seem to really like Wonder Boy in Monster World... It's not as hardcore-action as this thread likes to talk about but maybe we all need that cutesy ARPG to turn to from time to time.
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Re: The Sega Mega Drive/Genesis Thread (NEW)!!!

Post by Rob »

EmperorIng wrote:I would like to know peoples' thoughts on the Genesis Monster World games.
I like 'em quite a bit. Monster Lair not so much.

Monster World III is a hair tougher than 4 (still easy) and has a more open hub world, which is nice. MW4 feels a little toned down, but has that '94 MD sheen.

There's an arcade version of Dragon's Trap or Monster World (III), or do you mean Monster Land?
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Re: The Sega Mega Drive/Genesis Thread (NEW)!!!

Post by Obiwanshinobi »

Off topic: I don't know about actual hardware, but Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap (SMS version, two-regional ROM) emulated on Wii (default region - Japan) displays "Monster World II: The Dragon's Trap" on the title screen. Is it the same on a real Japanese console?
EmperorIng wrote:Wonder Boy III: Dragon Trap on the arcade didn't impress me too much because the bosses took forever to kill. Maybe the Gen/MD port is different? And people seem to really like Wonder Boy in Monster World... It's not as hardcore-action as this thread likes to talk about but maybe we all need that cutesy ARPG to turn to from time to time.
Don't you mean Monster Lair? The Dragon's Trap wasn't coin-op from what I know.
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Re: The Sega Mega Drive/Genesis Thread (NEW)!!!

Post by drunkninja24 »

Posted this in another thread, but its appropriate here as well

Picked up a Mega Amp a while back to get quality sound out of my Genesis 2
Fairly simple install, mostly just removing old capacitors and rerouting their lines to the new amp

Sound is so much clearer now, and IMO actually sounds better than the Model 1s, especially unfiltered

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Re: The Sega Mega Drive/Genesis Thread (NEW)!!!

Post by EmperorIng »

I guess I like too many others fell victim to the series' confusing nomenclature.

I meant I played the arcade Wonder Boy III: Monster Lair(?) and was left a little underwhelmed in that I enjoyed the forced-scrolling platform levels but the shmup bosses took way too long to kill. At least its music is good?

re:MW4 I thought that Beyond Oasis was as good-looking a Genesis title can be but those giant animated sprites in MW4 are fairly enchanting. I feel like one of the things that drew me to trying it out first was also the inclusion of a run button. :oops:
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Re: The Sega Mega Drive/Genesis Thread (NEW)!!!

Post by Obiwanshinobi »

So much more to MW4's presentation than the mature engineering. Aesthetically, Ristar (another late MD game) leaves me largely indifferent, but Monster World 4 has that, for lack of a better word, feminine flavour - rarely found in games - going for it (last one that did it for me was Ballance, meaning it's not about playable characters or any story, both simply absent in the latter).

Speaking of Ristar, mascot playable characters must be darn tricky to get right. I keep wondering whether Captain Lang would make me care a bit if it wasn't by Data East, notoriously hard to dislike. Naming two games about equally fad-driven.
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Re: The Sega Mega Drive/Genesis Thread (NEW)!!!

Post by scrilla4rella »

Anybody else into Alien Storm?

Ever since I was a kid I've always ignored the game. None of my friends had it (perhaps because it was an early release). Anyway I picked it up on a whim and have been thoroughly impressed.

My expectations were extremely low, but in my view it's an underrated gem (yeah, yeah, it's an over-used term..). All three of the different gameplay styles (cursor shooting, side scroller shooting, and brawler) are satisfying and the graphics are well done for the time. The music is decent (nothing special) and the levels aren't overly drawn out. The three different selectable characters all have drastically different animations and are fun to try out.

The enemy designs and bosses are a bit lame and the mechanic of saving energy is half-baked but other than that I'm pretty damn pleased with my purchase. I feel like the animations and some of the character designs may have inspired Capcom's Alien versus Predator on CPSII.
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Re: The Sega Mega Drive/Genesis Thread (NEW)!!!

Post by TransatlanticFoe »

No-one I knew with a MD as a kid had it but I played the arcade game and enjoyed it (as much as a credit feeding kid with no coordination can). Picked it up on the SMS at the time (not a bad version but nothing special) and much later when I got a MD. The mix of belt scroller and shooting gallery is fun, but the running stages are just too easy. The final stage is really painful too, boring generic background and frustrating maze layout.

It's no Golden Axe or Streets of Rage, but is still a nice game.
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Re: The Sega Mega Drive/Genesis Thread (NEW)!!!

Post by Strider77 »

I had it when it came out. Friends and I played it often.

Two words.... LASER WHIP!!
Damn Tim, you know there are quite a few Americans out there who still lives in tents due to this shitty economy, and you're dropping loads on a single game which only last 20 min. Do you think it's fair? How much did you spend this time?
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Re: The Sega Mega Drive/Genesis Thread (NEW)!!!

Post by BrianC »

I played a bit of Alien Storm at a friend's house and liked it. I plan to pick up up eventually.
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Re: The Sega Mega Drive/Genesis Thread (NEW)!!!

Post by scrilla4rella »

TransatlanticFoe wrote: but the running stages are just too easy. The final stage is really painful too, boring generic background and frustrating maze layout.

It's no Golden Axe or Streets of Rage, but is still a nice game.
Totally agree. I think the dash mechanic is neat, not amazing but much better than I was expecting.
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Re: The Sega Mega Drive/Genesis Thread (NEW)!!!

Post by stryc9 »

I had Alien Storm as a kid, it's not bad at all IMO. The music is pretty good, some funky stuff going on there.

I picked up Pulseman - not the original but a CIB repro (my days of grabbing the pricey Japanese exclusives are over, nailed most of 'em anyway). Holy shit my eyes. The casino part of the America stage will give you an epileptic fit if you are that way inclined. I can't help but think this might have been a legit reason why it was passed over by SOA.

Great graphics (some of the best) and sound, though perhaps some of the level design is a bit pedestrian early on. It improves as you get further in however. Not a fan of the Mega Man-style vertical descent in the water where you have to avoid the rows of spikes, but apart from that I've enjoyed my time with it.
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Re: The Sega Mega Drive/Genesis Thread (NEW)!!!

Post by MR_Soren »

My family got a Genesis for Christmas when the Sonic 2 bundle was available. We mostly just had well-known stuff like Sonic, Shining Force, Phantasy Star IV, etc. Sold all of our consoles and games in 1998 - stupid move.

Over the past several years, I had been picking up Genesis games when I found them cheap at thrift stores, flea markets, etc. I grabbed anything that sounded shmuppy and ended up with Thunder Force II, Thunder Force III, Gaiares, and Target Earth in addition to a few random games like Buck Rogers, Dragon's Fury, and Blades of Vengeance. This was in anticipation of eventually buying a Genesis - and that turned out to be more difficult than I expected.

I used to see Genesis consoles everywhere for $25 or less, but now I can't find one within 150 miles! Instead I bought a Retron 5 to play my Genesis games.

Ugh. Damn thing won't play about 1/3 of my games, and the ones it will play often feel like they are suffering from video or input lag. I ordered a real Genesis on eBay, but the seller has been very slow to ship. In the meantime, I bought more games that looked interesting and a few that I always wanted to play:

Contra: Hard Corps - Really liked Contra, Super C, and Contra III: The Alien Wars. I had a huge smile on my face as soon as I stuck this into my Retron. Made me happy enough to almost forget the $80 I spent. Feels more focused on set pieces and boss fights than the other Contra games. Not good or bad, just different. Really, really like this one so far.

Rocket Knight Adventure - I remember EGM rating this very high, and I can see why. Wonderful animation, great variety of obstacles, and fun gameplay. Unfortunately I could not get past the mine carts - I kept overjumping. Until I get my real Genesis and hook it to a CRT, I'm blaming lag. Hopefully I won't find out that I just suck.

Gaiares - Stealing weapons from the enemy ships? So cool! Need to spend more time with this.

Thunder Force II - I prefer the side-scrolling stages, but this is a solid game overall. I hope to clear these games in order.

Thunder Force III - Seems significantly better than Thunder Force II. Better graphics, levels are more interesting, no more overhead stages.

Thunder Force IV (Mega Drive) - This game absolutely destroys me! Love the intro. Will have to really practice at this one. Not sure if a Mega Drive cart will work on a real Genesis though.

Fatal Rewind - This was cheap and looked interesting. I feel like getting hit is often inevitable due to the character's limited attack capabilities. Overall, I enjoyed the ability to explore combined with the lava forcing progression.

Gain Ground - I played the arcade version of this on the Genesis Collection for Xbox 360, and it seemed interesting. I really like plotting out the best way to complete each stage, and my wife enjoys playing backseat driver when she watches. Fantastic game concept, I feel like an updated version of this could do well today.

Phelios - Standard shoot-em-up with a cool mythology theme. I like it overall, but probably not worth the asking price.

Stormlord - I remember reading about some controversial female depictions in EGM, and I was curious to see it in person. The artwork is wonderful. All the big mushrooms and cool monsters - it reminds me of that 80s kind of fantasy that we don't see anymore. Game seems to be more puzzle than action. I'll try to figure my way through this at some point, but it was not as fun as I hoped.

Another game I remember reading about in EGM is M.U.S.H.A. They were absolutely raving about that, but this was at a time when I did not have a Genesis or much interest in shmups. Looked it up, and it goes for $300 - $400 complete. For that price, it better be the most amazing game ever. Is it?

I mostly popped in here to see what games other people are talking about so I will know what to buy next. A few games I am interested in: Mutant League Football, Truxton, Castlevania: Bloodlines, Gunstar Heroes, Mega Turrican, Wings of Wor, Sorcerer's Kingdom, Ghouls and Ghosts, Valis, Valis III, Alisia Dragoon, Devilish, Gods, Master of Monsters, and Wiz 'n Liz. (Plus the usual Sonic, Golden Axe, Streets of Rage, etc.) Since I live in the middle of nowhere, I can pretty much only buy games when traveling or on eBay. Any comments or suggestions are welcome.

I also did some reading about programming / development for the Sega Genesis, and I might want to tinker with that sometime. Sounds fun.
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Re: The Sega Mega Drive/Genesis Thread (NEW)!!!

Post by BIL »

MR_Soren wrote:Thunder Force IV (Mega Drive) - This game absolutely destroys me! Love the intro. Will have to really practice at this one. Not sure if a Mega Drive cart will work on a real Genesis though.
Pretty sure TFIV (JP) is chip-locked, unfortunately. It can be helpful to boot ROMs in Kega Fusion with the region set to another territory - usually they'll behave exactly like real stuff.
Another game I remember reading about in EGM is M.U.S.H.A. They were absolutely raving about that, but this was at a time when I did not have a Genesis or much interest in shmups. Looked it up, and it goes for $300 - $400 complete. For that price, it better be the most amazing game ever. Is it?
Strictly speaking, there are better Genesis verts for much less. For a system original I'd suggest Elemental Master, and including ports Fire Shark. Not as flashy, but fundamentally much tighter shooters. I'd also suggest Space Megaforce (SNES) over Musha - similarly hardware-pushing Compile vert with the vital addition of suicide bullet difficulties.

Musha is cool as hell, but I consider it more of a system showpiece than a first-rate STG.

re: Bloodlines, you can't go wrong there, especially if you're liking Hard Corps and Rocket Knight, and especially if you like other traditional CVs. An MD trilogy of boss-obsessed, hardware-lashing sidescrolling excellence.

Here's a few more of my favourites (including some imports) - there are lots of other good lists around that point in the thread too.
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Re: The Sega Mega Drive/Genesis Thread (NEW)!!!

Post by Xyga »

BIL wrote:Strictly speaking, there are better Genesis verts for much less. For a system original I'd suggest Elemental Master, and including ports Fire Shark. Not as flashy, but fundamentally much tighter shooters.
Undead Line ! Dangerous Seed ! Twinkle Tale ! plus the other Toaplan ports, yeah.
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Re: The Sega Mega Drive/Genesis Thread (NEW)!!!

Post by BIL »

Undead Line, Twinkle Tale and Slap Fight MD for sure. Chuck in horis Eliminate Down and TFIV, and that's my MD STG GOD TIER right thar.

Of course most of those tend to make Musha look affordable. :lol: FUCK this tragic age. >_> Drive a man to flashcarts.
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Re: The Sega Mega Drive/Genesis Thread (NEW)!!!

Post by MR_Soren »

BIL wrote:
MR_Soren wrote:Thunder Force IV (Mega Drive) - This game absolutely destroys me! Love the intro. Will have to really practice at this one. Not sure if a Mega Drive cart will work on a real Genesis though.
Pretty sure TFIV (JP) is chip-locked, unfortunately. It can be helpful to boot ROMs in Kega Fusion with the region set to another territory - usually they'll behave exactly like real stuff.
Never heard of Kega Fusion, but I'll use Google when the time comes. Or maybe I'll just sell TFIV and buy Lightening Force despite the awful name.

Another game I remember reading about in EGM is M.U.S.H.A. They were absolutely raving about that, but this was at a time when I did not have a Genesis or much interest in shmups. Looked it up, and it goes for $300 - $400 complete. For that price, it better be the most amazing game ever. Is it?
Strictly speaking, there are better Genesis verts for much less. For a system original I'd suggest Elemental Master, and including ports Fire Shark. Not as flashy, but fundamentally much tighter shooters. I'd also suggest Space Megaforce (SNES) over Musha - similarly hardware-pushing Compile vert with the vital addition of suicide bullet difficulties.

Musha is cool as hell, but I consider it more of a system showpiece than a first-rate STG.

Here's a few more of my favourites (including some imports) - there are lots of other good lists around that point in the thread too.

Thanks for the suggestions. I bought Super Aleste some years ago because Space Megaforce was too expensive. Played the crap out of it and posted some decent short-game scores on this forum. Didn't realize it was considered better than Musha. Keep hoping I'll find Musha in a rummage sale sometime.

re: Bloodlines, you can't go wrong there, especially if you're liking Hard Corps and Rocket Knight, and especially if you like other traditional CVs. An MD trilogy of boss-obsessed, hardware-lashing sidescrolling excellence.
Glad to hear it. Playing Contra HC and Rocket Knight made me kind of sad thinking about how good Konami used to be. I'll be sure to set aside some cash for Bloodlines - don't want to miss any of this golden age Konami!

BIL and Xyga: Most of these are Japan-Only games, right? I'm probably going to put those on the back burner for now - or get a flash cart. I love collecting and playing originals, but this market has gone nuts since the mid-late 2000s when I had my last burst of eBay collecting. I am learning that I really had no idea what was available on the Genesis back when I had one.
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Re: The Sega Mega Drive/Genesis Thread (NEW)!!!

Post by BIL »

Yeah, with the exception of TFIV the five I listed are JP-exclusive. I'd go with flashcarts for JP stuff, at least to preview, were I getting into the system now. Prices on some of the best stuff is nuts, sadly.

Bootleggers are an annoyance, too, though it's still fairly easy to root out fakes with some research and common sense. Some of the Chinese stuff I've noticed is really fucking scummy, and makes me wonder how things will be in a few years' time.
(legits on top/bottom, middle is boot, spot the difference - woop woop! paper quality's probably shit too, but I could see photos snaring an unwary buyer)

Having said all that, lots of great JP stuff is still easy enough to pick up. It's only the absolute top end that's gone crazy. Shadow Dancer for action/platforming, Bare Knuckle II for beating, Puyo Puyo Tsuu for puzzle action, Hellfire/Same Same Same for hori/vert STG, plus hyper-ambitious mecha sidescroller Ex-Ranza for something different would be a good action-geared starter set.
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Re: The Sega Mega Drive/Genesis Thread (NEW)!!!

Post by MR_Soren »

BIL wrote:Having said all that, lots of great JP stuff is still easy enough to pick up. It's only the absolute top end that's gone crazy. Shadow Dancer for action/platforming, Bare Knuckle II for beating, Puyo Puyo Tsuu for puzzle action, Hellfire/Same Same Same for hori/vert STG, plus hyper-ambitious mecha sidescroller Ex-Ranza for something different would be a good action-geared starter set.
Thanks for the suggestions. Most of these look like they had US releases. I actually have Ranger X (Ex-Ranza), but I need to get a six-button controller. The bit I stumbled through with 3 buttons seemed interesting.

I don't have the space / AV ports to handle too many consoles, but I've heard that it's not too difficult to mod a genesis with a region switch. I might try that and get some of the less expensive Japanese games.

Disappointing to hear about the bootlegs. I'm fine with people making repros as long as they are described properly. Real sleazy to try passing them off as originals and pricing them as such.

I'm more about playing than collecting, so original hardware + CRT is more important to me than original cartridges. On the other hand, I don't like paying much for loose carts, so I end up seeking complete copies of most games; I'd rather pay $80 CIB than $40 loose.
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