Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by Drakon »

darcagn, I never made a lot of money from this. Why does everyone assume I had a constant flow of business?

Voultar if you read those two quotes. The first one I say that myself as a customer I partly blame myself for not doing enough research. Sorry I should have written "partly" to be more clear. I didn't think you'd understand it as 100% responsible. The second one I blame customers for having the mentality that since I didn't do a good enough job for them that they think I don't care, without ever once thinking that maybe it was another reason. I never said that I have the mentality that someone I hired doesn't care, no matter how crappy of a job the person does, unless you meant something else.

I think I brought this up because I'd often get blamed for things that weren't my fault at all. Such as people's av cables and setups not being wired correctly.

I refunded phonedork 80$ for what was broken. All the other systems I worked on were working. If he had wanted more money all he needed to do was ask but instead he told me everything was great and he was very happy with the service. Clearly I didn't think it was solely his fault.

I was referring to the systems that were working but the internal quality was subpar. I think it's fair that the customers somewhat share the responsibility for that since I had posted pictures of what my work looked like and given many warnings.

It happened to me because I was pushed into doing it before getting the chance to gain enough proper tools, skills and experience. I thought that by doing my best to warn the customers of what they were getting into that they would understand, that's my mistake for thinking that would work.

I know you're not trashing me, you don't need to keep saying this. I never said this is an excuse, it's just an explanation of what happened since nobody ever bothered asking.

Since everyone believed skips telling them that I don't care, they never thought of just talking with me to work things out and instead joined in his circus. Skips made people believe that talking to me would get them nowhere and this caused a huge breakdown in communication. This is why the circus just continued instead of any actual useful dialogue, because Skips put all of his effort into making people believe that I don't care and that talking with me and giving me any chance to explain anything would be a waste of time.

Any time someone would make a post even hinting that maybe talking with me may help, skips would interject and spread the message that I don't care and you shouldn't do that. Skips didn't want the stupidity to end and he never did anything with the intent of making things better.
Last edited by Drakon on Tue Sep 15, 2015 1:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by jamisonia »

Drakon you are so completely full of shit is spewing everywhere. Your mea culpas are falling on deaf ears because people remember how you acted. You weren't "pushed".

Years ago, prior to the NESRGB you were posting pictures of an RGB Modded Famicom you claimed to have created without the use of PlayChoice 10. I PMed you asking how you did it. Do you remember your response? I can only provide you a commission, I won't tell you how to do it, I only do commissions. You never gave back to the community, you only took.

Later when I posted the SNES YPbPr Thread on RB, you chimed in, only to tell us we were stupid and the only decent SNES mod to worry about was the 1 CHIP with CXA2075, and we needed to stop trying to figure out our stupid mod. Again, absolutely nothing but smugness and obsession with getting your "commissions".

I was surprised to find that smugness was a defense mechanism. You come here so apologetic, yet taking no responsibility yourself. Only blaming the community and your customers. The community would have welcomed you with open arms if you were willing to contribute to it, and become a better modder in the process. For most of us, its too late.
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by Drakon »

Oh I know it's falling on deaf ears, very deaf ears. My reply was directed at voultar because he at least tries to listen.

When I told you which snes mod is better did I say that I wanted people to hire me in those posts? I'm pretty sure I didn't. That's a perfect example of me "giving back to the community", by telling people which system I think is better to pursue. I'm sorry if my posts came off sounding like something else, maybe if you hadn't convinced yourself my motives are all evil then you would have seen it for what it was.

At the time you messaged me I was getting constantly hounded to teach people things for free and it was too much. I thought at the time that by asking them for commissions then they'd finally go away. I didn't realize they'd take that as meaning I'm obsessed with commissions, I never expected them to hire me. Later I changed how I dealt with those messages to just not responding, there's no way words can be twisted if there are none.

This is a textbook example of me trying to help people for free and having them twist it into something completely different.

If you didn't have deaf ears you would have read me apologizing over and over and saying that customers were only partly responsible.
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by philexile »


Well this thread has gone to crazy town – Drakon, there is no conspiracy against you! I met Drakon about 2 years ago when all this stuff was going on. I *think* I can offer an impartial view of this, so here is my experience:

– Around August 2013 I decided to get a NES/Famicom modded for RGB. This was a few months prior to the official NESRGB release. I Googled around and, of course, Drakon’s name kept popping up because at the time he was one of the few English speaking modders offering the mod.

– Drakon sold me on the Top Gun Vs. mod along with the F-Labo – a mod that he said he perfected. I do very specially recalling him saying that he did some special modifications (secret sauce) to the kit to improve the audio/video quality that other modders didn't do.

* Side note: I found that Drakon's claims about doing special mods to the F-Labo kit were false. The more I learned, the more I could see that – aside from using a different video encoder chip for s-video – nothing was special about how he built the kit.

Also, as I searched around for more info about the RC2C05-03 PPU and the circuit that was required for the palette, I discovered Bakutendo's blog - see below:

I'm pretty sure that this and other Japanese blogs is where Drakon got most of his ideas from – and there is nothing wrong with that. But when I was talking to him he made it seem like he was inventing all this stuff in his private lab, when the reality was he was just using Google to translate Japanese blogs.

– At this time, Drakon introduced me to Skips because he wanted advice on a PVM monitor purchase. Skips was a moderator on Drakon's message board.

– While chatting, I saw a big red flag when Drakon said he didn't own or use flux and didn't understand what it was for. I wasn't an experienced a modder, but that really caught my attention.

– At this point I asked Skips for his personal opinion on Drakon’s work quality. He reluctantly told me that Drakon's mods were pretty sloppy and he advised not having him do the mod. This may have been the same time that Phonedork got in touch with Skips to fix the issues he was having.

– I want to stress that Skips was not out to get Drakon at all. I really had to prod him to get his opinion on Drakon's work and he wasn't looking to chase people away from Drakon. I got the impression that he was his friend and extremely hesitant to say anything negative. There was no agenda. Skips just kept seeing a lot of bad customer service and a lot of sloppy work but could not in good conscious recommend Drakon’s services to me. Eventually he got fed up and posted about it.

– I also contacted a former client of Drakon's and he sent me pictures of his Top Gun Vs. RGB modded AV Famicom. It was the insanely messy hot glue pictures that have been posted all over the place. To be clear: this client was not in anyway unhappy with Drakon's work. The AV Famicom functioned OK and it as far as I know still does. That said, I didn't want this sort of mod for myself and I was very happy that I didn't hire Drakon.

– I had already paid for the F-Labo kit and Top Gun Vs. chip. Drakon shipped these to me and they arrived without issue. I did look into it further and he did add some extra "handling" fees onto the charge, but I didn't really care. However, he did act like he was breaking even, which wasn't true.

– At this point I heard about about the NESRGB mod, so I tried to sell the kit and PPU on eBay for what I paid, but was unable to. I decided to do the mod myself. I contacted Drakon to see if he'd be willing to give me pointers here or there over IM. He said he'd only do this if I paid him $175 for his time and effort and would even give me "the amazing secrets." I declined this offer.

– Skips offered to help and he assisted me through the process. I'd send him pictures, etc. At one low point, he even allowed me to ship my console to him to have the CPU and PPU replaced after I attempted to desolder them with a heat gun (which Drakon said was how he did it) . . . don't use a heat gun to desolder. Ever. :P

– I will say that despite my not paying Drakon, he did answer my questions from time to time when we chatted and was usually really nice and helpful.

Eventually, I got decent at modding. Skips helped a lot with this by offering constructive critism. Here is the AV Famicom with Top Gun PPU that I finished up in October 2013:


To sum up in my opinion:

• Drakon was not trying to dupe Skips in anyway by "acting" poorly. Drakon wasn't "acting" for Skips. Also, I know Skips pretty well and whatever he says (even if it isn't nice) is true.

• At least 2 years ago, Drakon was willing to take advantage of people who weren't in the know – this could be as small as overcharging for a kit or it could even be a little more serious as saying he has some "secret sauce" mod no one else knows about. It could also be as bad as sending someone back a console that has been around the block, as game-techus documented in his second video about Drakon.

• Drakon has been trying to improve his work, but only after Skips and the people "outed" him. Up until that point he was willing to live by: if it works, it can be put together sloppy.

• The last time I spoke with him he was continuing to improve his mods and the way he deals with people. Maybe that is why he is posting here now? He was also working on some interesting rom hacks.

I've never said anything before and I won't again. This time I had to comment because this soap opera/mafia story that Drakon is telling about feeding Skips misinformation is just too much. Drakon isn't evil, but he wasn't always upfront with customers – some would say completely dishonest – and it led to some problems which we've seen.

All this said: he "inspired" me to get more into modding and I can do a NES RGB mod in my sleep now, so its not all bad. :D
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by Foonch »

I believe this was Drakon's reaction ha-ha..

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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by Strider77 »

Drakon, who was your "protege" you told me about? I had contacted you about getting an RGB mod on an AV Famicom and you said that you would probably have your "protege" handle the mod since you were so busy.
Damn Tim, you know there are quite a few Americans out there who still lives in tents due to this shitty economy, and you're dropping loads on a single game which only last 20 min. Do you think it's fair? How much did you spend this time?
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by ChrisK1977 »

I just wanted to chime in and say that Drakon has no interest in contributing to any communities.

He posts SNES MSU1 videos all over Youtube. So I messaged him once via YT, asking him when he was going to release the patches he made, and he said "never, unless I am paid for my time in creating them" which I thought was real weird (as I've never heard of anyone charging for a ROMhack before).

He said he wouldn't do it for less than in the four figures. I thought he was joking at first but nope he was dead serious.
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by ApolloBoy »

Strider77 wrote:Drakon, who was your "protege" you told me about? I had contacted you about getting an RGB mod on an AV Famicom and you said that you would probably have your "protege" handle the mod since you were so busy.
I think Skips had talked about Drakon calling him his "protege" so it might have been him.

Good thing you got your NESRGB mod done by me instead of that hack Drakon...
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by Skips »

That is correct Apolloboy, I was at least one of the people he was referring to in this manner. Not long after I had given Phil my opinions Drakon mentioned to Phonedork that I was his pupil or student. Phonedork told me over the phone a day or two later what he had said. It was something along the lines of that. Keep in mind I did not say anything negative to Phil about Drakon when I gave my opinion and even then he still had to prod me for them. At that time I was not looking to drive customers away from him or expose him (although I strongly felt he should not have been taking commissions).

I had also mentioned some of the various methods to Phil about how to reduce jailbars right after he asked me about Drakon's mod work. He was actually still considering commissioning Drakon after I gave him my opinion however Drakon REFUSED to do any of the steps I had given to Phil in terms of jailbar reduction. Drakon instead referred to them as stupid and refused out right to do them, even though they took about five to ten extra minutes to do. His unwillingness to do a simple task the commissioner was asking him to is what really drove Phil away from paying for his services. About a week after this happened he said that student/pupil crap to Phonedork. I think after giving Phil my knowledge on jailbar reduction coupled with him deciding to try it himself made Drakon think I was trying to steal customers from him. The exact opposite was true, Phil offered to pay me to do the mod for him. I turned Phil down but offered to guide him through the process. I think the whole student/pupil/protege thing was a poor attempt to make him look better than he really was to try and win those customers over again.

In all honesty there was not one thing Drakon told me that was actually beneficial to my mod work. Almost all the information he showed me was either just him removing low pass filtering capacitors in audio circuits, copying application diagrams, or pulling information off places like bakutendo or other oddball sites that not many knew about at the time. There really just was not anything that could be considered his at that time.

This was actually the straw that broke the camel's back for me. That coupled with the stuff everyone has seen in all the posts of mine and phonedorks. I broke off contact with him after this which was in August of 2013. I waited about a month before going public with the messy mod work thread on (September 19) after this had happened. Even then I still thought long and hard about not doing it, in the end I felt it more beneficial to the various communities than harmful.

This is not the first time this has happened either. It seems any time he has a falling out with someone he accuses them of stealing his secrets and mentions how they break off communication with him when they get what they want. He mentioned the same lines to me about whoever the person he was doing work with on overclocking SuperFX games. I guess at one point he had a partner working with him on it and that partner stopped working with him for some reason. He did not elaborate past the "stealing information/secrets" bit you see him accusing me of in this thread. He saw the overclocking as "his" genius invention (which he charged over $100 to do per cart at the time BTW). After talking to Shadow (the owner of Arcade works, creator of the BLW and Omega CMVS) I found out that Drakon had gotten all this overclocking information from various forums. Shadow had provided me with links back then however I no longer have them.

My guess is it was more copied ideas and he just had a falling out with his old partner. There was a time when I was even talking to Drakon and mentioned to him that Xian Xi had complimented me on my work on a CMVS I had built over on the forums. I was new to that stuff at the time and was pretty stoked someone like him was complimenting my work. I mentioned it to Drakon over skype (we were still friends at this time) and he told me I should tell James I learned everything I knew from him (drakon). At the time I thought Drakon was joking as he was actually asking me for help with CMVS stuff at the time (he had just received an MV1B) however after the discussion with Phonedork I really don't think that was the case.
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by Josh128 »

Man someone could make a movie about all this stuff... :mrgreen:
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by Skips »

It would be a terrible B movie at its best.
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by QXC »

Skips wrote:It would be a terrible B movie at its best.
"Your movie this week is The attack of the hot glue drama!, an entertaining new millennium tale about communication... or something like that."

Sorry, I had to.
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by darcagn »

Skips wrote:It would be a terrible B movie at its best.
We would need to inject a little hyperbole into the plot. Perhaps Drakon can unleash a monster made of hot glue. Sort of like The Blob.
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by Drakon »

Thanks philexile for making a reasonable post. I had of course always been working to improve my work. I don't want people to think that skips and others posting hate helped me improve. If anything, doing that greatly slowed down my progress. I was self taught and I guess pretty slow at getting the right tool and doing things properly. I realize I didn't progress as fast as everyone thought I should. In my life other things are a bigger priority. It's completely untrue that I didn't care about finding better ways to build things. Those sort of comments make people believe that's what I'm like and that's the reason why basically all comments I receive are useless hate.

Most of the comments I got were people telling me how bad my work was with nothing constructive being said.

Philexile pointed out that he hated hot glue so I sent him work without it. If people communicate concerns with me I either do work the way that they want or I tell them that I don't have the tools to do what they're looking for.

Strider: No idea who you're talking about.

Skips wanted people to wrap the ppu in tinfoil which increases the risk of shorting those hard to find rgb chips. I mentioned that doing so is dangerous and that you would need to hire someone else to get that done because I didn't feel like risking it. This is a perfect example of people getting angry at me just because they didn't get the answer that they wanted from me.

Skips really put in little effort to come forward with any of his concerns. The same goes for these customers who posted dissatisfaction with my work. Instead people seemed to think that making public accusations about me and acting like I don't care is what's helpful. It didn't help anything.

If concerns had been brought to me in a constructive way that would have been a much better benefit. All this hate posting has done has created a lot of hate towards me and nothing constructive. I've seen a few talented people leave after they saw all the hate because they didn't want the same thing to happen to them. I'm sure a lot of potential people to get into the hobby were also scared away because they were worried about having hate posts about them and their work just for posting their work.
Last edited by Drakon on Thu Nov 12, 2015 4:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by darcagn »

Drakon wrote:If concerns had been brought to me in a constructive way that would have been a much better benefit. All this hate posting has done has created a lot of hate towards me and nothing constructive.
You are being incredibly selfish. No one owes you constructive tips or anything of the sort.

You are (were) a hired modder. Whether or not you take it "seriously," you're running a business at that point. A business shouldn't have to be told how to perform basic electronics work. At the point you've become a business, it is none of the community's concern whether or not your skills are coming along nicely, or how you're "progressing."

Your posts are an attempt at revisionist history to make yourself look like you're just a guy doing mods in your spare time and you're being picked on. Those who are privy to the actual situation understand that you didn't conduct yourself in that manner.

Please stop bumping the thread with your woe-is-me bullcrap. If you want this to die, then just let it die.

As far as if this so-called "hate posting" has been constructive--yes it has. It has shown would-be customers to not do business with you. That's saved a lot of people from getting fucked. But since you only care about yourself, I'm sure you don't see it that way.
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by Drakon »

I never said anyone owes me anything. I'm tying to suggest more mature and useful ways to handle things.

Nothing is dead. The hate posts and videos about me and my work are still up. I still receive daily hate messages as a result. These hate messages are directly inspired by all the hateful posts and videos about me, whether they're true or not. There's nothing I'd love more than moving on but people who are inspired by the hate really go out of their way to make sure their anger messages reach me.

Once again, my "business" started by popular demand. I was reluctant to get into it and I warned a lot of customers that I really didn't have much experience. I posted a lot of pictures of what my work looked like. You are correct I was and am a guy doing it in my spare time and I am being picked on.

I understand that it's easy to misunderstand a person over the internet. A lot of people misunderstood my conduct as a result. I'd say something and people would interpret all sorts of false messages from what I said.

Thanks to all the still existing posts people think everything I do looks like my early modding work, even today. Thanks to what skips posts people believe I somehow steal everything and that I don't progress and that talking with me is useless. The truth is I was progressing and it would have happened faster if people hadn't turned it into this circus. When people talked to me like I do care about their concerns I'd always do my best to find the best solution and improve.

Thanks to those posts would-be customers think that's what my work still looks like and that talking to me is useless. It's all just propaganda.

I don't want people thinking that making posts like that instead of trying to talk to a person about concerns is more beneficial.

The problem is that you're all brainwashed into thinking all I would ever do is screw people and therefore you believe I deserve nothing but useless hate. My work was what it was at the time, I offered to clean it up as best as I could for free if previous customers pay for shipping. I'm sorry that so many people misinterpreted what I told them when they messaged me. As a result I've stopped replying to people unless I know I can give them the answer that they want, to avoid more misdirected anger.

When I met skips he was convinced that so many people out there were "trash". He said that he loved neo-geo so much because they "take out the trash". Skips is very quick to label a person as complete scum, and act accordingly. Skips would never believe that he's way over-reacting. Yes my work was pretty bad, but I wasn't out to screw people.
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by Strider77 »

Let the hateful saga continue!!!
Damn Tim, you know there are quite a few Americans out there who still lives in tents due to this shitty economy, and you're dropping loads on a single game which only last 20 min. Do you think it's fair? How much did you spend this time?
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by Skips »

The thing Drakon is referring to with the foil would only cause damage if you were a gorilla incapable of doing any sort of delicate work. It actually did help with clearing shit up, he was just too damn lazy to do it. It was one of those you gotta do it exactly right and triple check your work sort of things. Far too advanced for someone that, at the time, still entombed everything in a hard case of glue I guess.


Pretty sure this guy has autism or some other sort of mental disorder (Asperger's?). And no I am not saying that as a joke, I am really starting to think that. Myself and others have posted enough evidence to show all his bullshit already, at this point its pointless to continue and I am tired as fuck of telling the chronicle of Drakon (as well as sifting through his bullshit for others). You guys have fun with this dude, maybe if he eventually waits long enough between people's replies they will forget his bullshit transpired. Something tells me if and when he does get a clean start he will just do the same bullshit again. Peace out on this one dudes, have fun.
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by AndehX »

If he had common sense, he'd just disappear and then come back with a completely new name.
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by Drakon »

Not wanting to add tinfoil around the chip had nothing to do with laziness. The rgb from these systems was already clear enough and this tinfoil idea only made a very small difference putting your rare chip at a big risk of shorting. This is a perfect example of how when someone has a different opinion about something than skips, he acts as if the person is an idiot who's "challenged" or "lazy" etc etc. I politely told philexile to hire someone else to do this "tinfoil upgrade", it didn't seem like a big deal to me. Skips blew up about it and acted like I was being an asshole for recommending that philexile hires another person and that skips' idea wasn't worth it. The real cause of Skip's rage is that he simply can't handle someone even hinting that skips may be wrong about anything.

Philexile tried to make it sound like skips was forced into doing these things and that skips tried really hard not do go out of his way to spend years stalking me online, posting my unrelated personal information without my permission, encouraging people to hate me, and posting lies about me, both publicly and privately. Skips wanted this mess to happen from the beginning.

Before skips directed all of his hate towards me skips started making angry posts on his blog. I noticed that Skips seemed really agitated so I sent him a message asking him if he had any issue with me and if there was anything he wanted to discuss. Skips never replied, instead he has spent years spreading misinformation about me. Skips never had any interest in finding a better way to handle anything. Getting skips to post these things was not like pulling teeth at all, from the beginning skips wanted this to happen and he never wanted it to stop.

Long before any of this happened Skips had hired me to build and mail him one of those rgb kits. Skips specified that he didn't want any glue so I built it without any glue. Skips received the kit without any mess and there was nothing wrong with it. Skips doesn't mention this, or anything else that makes me look good, because that would make skips look like an asshole.

I told Philexile that I had success using a heatgun to desolder chips, but I was sure there were more proper and better tools out there. Philexile tried using the heatgun anyway. When the heatgun didn't work out for Philexile, he blamed me, ignoring the fact that I said there's probably better tools for the job.

This sort of thing happened a lot with me. People would ask me for advice. I'd tell the people what worked for me but I'd also mention there are probably better ways to do it. People would try my way anyway. When people didn't have success, suddenly their mistakes were blamed on me.

Skips isn't "tired as fuck", all of the anti-drakon posts and videos are still up. Skips likes generating lies about people. As skips' post shows, he's convinced that I'd just do some sort of "bullshit again", ignoring all evidence that my work did greatly improve, which would have happened faster if skips hadn't used me to gain attention. This "bullshit" is completely made up in Skips' mind.

Skips and other people just focus on the worst examples they can find of work that's years old now and ignore everything that shows that they're wrong about me. Because of this ignorance a lot of people online go out of their way to message me to tell me that they think I still use lots of glue and that talking to me like a normal person is a waste of time. It's because they read posts by skips and buy into his lies.

There's a lot of misdirected anger in this community and a lot of people prefer to believe that someone is completely bad and deserves this sort of treatment. One person who messaged me summed up what a lot of people believe. He said "if you don't defend yourself, you deserve all the hate". Obviously that's not true, but that's what a lot of people out there believe, that other people's misdirected anger is somehow my fault. People do this because it gives them an excuse to be a dick to a complete stranger since in some twisted way that makes them feel better about their own problems, issues and insecurities.

Skips had his mind made up about me from the beginning, nothing was ever going to change his opinion and he refused and continues to refuse to believe that he could ever be wrong about anything or anyone.
Last edited by Drakon on Fri Dec 18, 2015 3:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by Skips »

I guess waiting long enough between posts makes it much easier to lie? Good thing no one except your close buddies actually buy into your bullshit. No one cares anymore, just shut the fuck up.

*edit* Wanted to clear up one specific lie in the above post. I had bought a FLABO kit off Drakon because I did not find out/know where to order on my own until about 3 days after I had paid. That actually really fucking sucked because he charged me $150 for the kit and it was a well used kit and WAS covered in hot glue. It looked like he had used it in another project and coated it with glue then went back to pick SOME but not all the glue off of it before sending it to me. So hes full of shit, it still had fucking glue on it. I actually ordered a kit from Japan as well once I found out I could use the SUTO Corp to get it to me. I paid $90 total with the Suto Corp fees and the kit took me 10 minutes to build.
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by Drakon »

Skips wrote:I guess waiting long enough between posts makes it much easier to lie? Good thing no one except your close buddies actually buy into your bullshit. No one cares anymore, just shut the fuck up.
Here's some proof of just how "willing" skips was to move on. Skips hates anything that makes him look like what he really is, which is an asshole.

I remember sending skips a fresh kit without glue because that's what he requested. Whether it's true or not wouldn't matter anyway. Skips would tell people everything I make is covered in glue even if it wasn't. Skips knows that people read these posts and believe them without ever dealing with me or questioning skips.

Whenever I post something that shows that these people are assholes and are wrong about me the response is always the same: "nobody cares any more, just shut the fuck up". Yet these same people go around forums and continue posting the same hate crap about me even today. Why? Because it's the only way they can feel better about themselves.

Obviously these people don't believe that "nobody cares any more", they just hate having anyone post that they're wrong and are assholes. These people want me to "shut the fuck up" because this was never about the truth or being fair, it was always about being angry in their own lives and taking it out on others over the internet. Skips loves doing this sort of thing and there's nothing skips hates more than anyone posting the truth about skips and what he does.

Skips is lonely, has terrible money management skills, has no girlfriend, gets no attention, lives alone, is very out of shape, is miserable, thinks guns are cool, thinks racist words are fine, has a job where he has way too much free time on the internet, and is in a lot of constant pain. Skips decided that dedicating his efforts into bringing myself and anyone who's better off than him down is the best way to handle his shitty situation. I'm sorry that skips has such an unhappy life, but it's really not my fault.

The people in a community who contribute to spreading hate towards a person do so because they have nothing better to contribute. I didn't make these forums into such a negative and un-constructive place, all the people who believed idiots like skips and had nothing better to contribute are the reason.

If anything is to be learned from all of this it's that this community needs to be nicer to and more patient with people who are getting into this hobby and not producing work that's up to everyone else's standards.

Because a person doesn't progress as fast as you think the person should doesn't mean that the person is "challenged" or "lazy", it means that the person has a life. Everyone has a life outside of this hobby and everyone's life is unique and beautiful. Some people are busier than others, and therefore, some people progress faster than others.

People need to learn that if someone doesn't progress as fast as they like that the person isn't "lazy" or "challenged", it's just the person has a busier life.

Skips ignored the pictures I posted here of my recent work that uses minimal glue. You'd never see skips go out of his way to post anything that makes me look good. However skips will gladly go out of his way re-post pictures of my work that's years out-of-date without my permission on as many places as he can. In fact you could even say that skips is obsessive about posting anything that will make me look bad and will get skips even more attention. Skips isn't interested in spreading the truth, only repeatedly posting the worst examples of what a person did no matter how out of date it is.

Once again, here's what my work has looked like for a long time:


Last edited by Drakon on Fri Dec 18, 2015 4:08 pm, edited 23 times in total.
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by Skips »

Drakon wrote:
Skips wrote:I guess waiting long enough between posts makes it much easier to lie? Good thing no one except your close buddies actually buy into your bullshit. No one cares anymore, just shut the fuck up.
Here's some proof of just how "willing" skips was to move on. Skips hates anything that makes him look like what he really is, which is an asshole.

If anything is to be learned from all of this it's that this community needs to be nicer to and more patient with people who are getting into this hobby and not producing work that's up to everyone else's standards.

Because a person doesn't progress as fast as you think the person should doesn't mean that the person is "challenged" or "lazy", it means that the person has a life. Everyone has a life outside of this hobby and everyone's life is unique and beautiful. Some people are busier than others, and therefore, some people progress faster than others.

People need to learn that if someone doesn't progress as fast as they like that the person isn't "lazy" or "challenged", it's just the person has a busier life.

Skips is lieing about the kit he bought from me it was a fresh kit that I built without glue.
Like hell it didn't have glue on it.
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by Drakon »

Notice his skips didn't at all address the fact that I messaged him before this happened asking him if he had any issues with me and he completely ignored it. Skips is only interested in what potentially makes me look like a bad guy and ignores everything else. Even when skips was pretending to be my friend it was very obvious that skips was only interested in finding anything about me that skips could use to potentially damage my reputation and earn skips more attention.

Skips hates that some people agree with me. I'm so glad there's such beautiful people out there who understand that regardless how bad the quality of my work was I've always been a reasonable person. They're the sort of people who would try to avoid posting anything bad about another person. That's the sort of people I prefer to surround myself with.

I just want it to be clear that I was never trying to defend how bad the quality of my work used to be. I'm just defending the fact that skips and his followers believe that talking to me like a normal person is a waste of time.
Last edited by Drakon on Fri Dec 18, 2015 4:18 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by Skips »

Drakon wrote:Notice his skips didn't at all address the fact that I messaged him before this happened asking him if he had any issues with me and he completely ignored it. Skips is only interested in what potentially makes me look like a bad guy and ignores everything else.

Skips hates that some people agree with me. I'm so glad there's such beautiful people out there who understand that regardless how bad the quality of my work was I've always been a reasonable person. I just want it to be clear that I was never trying to defend how bad the quality of my work used to be. I'm just defending the fact that skips and his followers believe that talking to me like a normal person is a waste of time.
Yup ALL those people agreeing with you on the internets.

P.S. I ignored you because it was nothing more than your typical running in circles self delusional bullshit. Thats pretty much all you are doing here, spinning in circles and repeating yourself like a parrot.
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by Drakon »

Skips wrote:P.S. I ignored you because it was nothing more than your typical running in circles self delusional bullshit. Thats pretty much all you are doing here, spinning in circles and repeating yourself like a parrot.
And skips admit it. I had gone out of my way to try to find a more mature and constructive way to address skips' concerns but he wasn't interested in doing anything but trash talking other people on the internet, when there clearly was a better way to handle things. From the beginning skips treated me like I wasn't interested in improving and nothing I said or did would convince skips otherwise. Skips was on a witch hunt for attention and unfortunately since I had gained some attention for myself skips made me his target. If I had just been some small guy on the internet that nobody cared about then skips would have for sure left me alone and just gone after somebody else who would have gotten skips even more attention.

Skips tries to make me feel small, when really he just does all of this for attention because he otherwise wouldn't get any.
Last edited by Drakon on Fri Dec 18, 2015 4:14 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by Skips »

Drakon wrote:
Skips wrote:P.S. I ignored you because it was nothing more than your typical running in circles self delusional bullshit. Thats pretty much all you are doing here, spinning in circles and repeating yourself like a parrot.
And skips admit it. I had gone out of my way to try to find a more mature and constructive way to address skips' concerns but he wasn't interested in doing anything but trash talking on the internet. From the beginning skips treated me like I wasn't interested in improving and nothing I said or did would convince him otherwise. Skips was on a witch hunt for attention and unfortunately since I had gained some attention for myself skips made me his target.


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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by Drakon »

Skips wrote: Full


Did skips see a mirror? Why does skips spend all his time doing this stuff? Because skips' real life is so lame and pathetic that skips has nothing better or more constructive to do with his time.

I really hope that skips learns that doing stuff like this is just childish and a waste of time. There are much better ways that skips could be getting attention. For example, posting how to do work properly is great and helpful.

Skips likes posting hate because it unfortunately gets skips even more attention than positive posts. Skips isn't talented enough to come up with good enough things to post that would get more attention than skips posting bad things about other people.
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by Skips »

Drakon wrote:
Skips wrote: Full


Did skips see a mirror? Why does skips spend all his time doing this stuff? Because his real life is so lame and pathetic he has nothing better or more constructive to do with his time.
Doing all what stuff? I am merely replying to your self delusional bullshit. I don't even post regularly anywhere anymore so the only thing keeping this going is your dumb ass digging up old threads and continuously replying. I am merely replying to you. Only reason I even replied to you today was because you were stroking your boner for me in the thread. Also I am not into dudes so sorry to disappoint you there.

If you MUST know what I am doing at this moment I am making a last minute modification to an AV Famicom I sold that I have to get shipped out today. Since my PC is at my work desk it is quite easy to stop and take three seconds to reply to your bullshit.

You want some constructive criticism? Well here it is. If you want to actually get back into the modding communities stop with this bullshit woe is me story and start posting your projects regularly again. Got an RGB or HDMI NES you did but no new information? Well post it on the forums anyway, just showing off the work will do tons to help repair your tarnished reputation. Go into the forums on places like this and offer technical advice to people. If someone trolls you for your past work just STFU and ignore them. Going into long bullshit victim stories like you have done here will get you no where. Stop digging up the past, very few believe you. Every time you go on a long rant like this people see it, go digging, and see all your past bullshit. This just makes people not want to work with you even more.

Your best bet at coming back and participating in places is to start fresh and stop crying like a fucking manchild. If you start posting new projects that are actually decent looking people will want to commission you again and will seek your services out once more. If someone makes a post you dislike or digs up the past, ignore it and continue on. At this point its up to YOU to prove your worth in the modding communities and long ass back and forth posts like this are doing nothing to exonerate you. If you participate and show your competency people will eventually stop badgering you. Saying you have changed does not mean shit, you need to get up and prove it slowly over time.
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Re: Thread Split: Drakon's Modding

Post by Drakon »

I found threads skips posted in 2015 referencing me with those same old pictures from when all of this started. People read that and continue sending me messages based on that, even today.

That's how backward it is and that's how skips has always wanted things to be.

The least skips could do is admit that he's a pathetic asshole who gets off on all the attention this has brought him. I admit the quality of my old work was terrible and I never had any problem doing that. I just needed to get good enough to realize how bad my old work really was. The only person who refuses to improve is skips. Skips loves keeping this community in the stone-age of maturity. Ironically the reason why skips' life is so lonely and pathetic is because skips is so immature and skips refuses to become more mature.

Skips pretends to not care about this stuff yet skips obsessively posts about it. It's because skips loves attention and skips hates anything that could make skips look bad and take that attention away. The only modification skips needs to make is to his pathetic life and how he handles his lame situation.

I was still posting my work regularly when all of this happened but skips made sure that people ignored it and focused on all the bad examples. Sometimes skips would just have to make a post finding some small thing about my decent looking work that could have been done better just to make me look bad in order to get skips more attention. However skips didn't spend much time doing that because it made skips more stupid looking than reposting the worst examples skips could find.

Skips is under the delusion that I somehow need places like this. Unfortunately my life is so good that I don't need to "come back" to places like this. Skips doesn't understand that I have a life because skips doesn't have a life and skips doesn't know what having a life is. If people want me back and want to be decent towards me then that's great, if not then no problem. This is another lie that skips helps make people believe, that I somehow need to mod for hire. I get a lot of weird messages from strangers who seem to think I really care that I don't have their business.

All I want is for people in places like this to change their attitude towards how they treat each other. By posting here I'm not trying to win back anything. I'm trying to make people realize there are so many better and more helpful ways to work with each other.

Since skips has ignored it now twice, here's a recent job I did:



I'm not posting this to win back any trust. I'm posting it to bring attention to the fact that skips wants to ignore things like this. Skips enjoys hating and skips loves the attention it brings him because he wouldn't get attention otherwise.
Last edited by Drakon on Fri Dec 18, 2015 4:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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