Prelude to the Apocalypse

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Iran War. When.

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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BryanM »

'ole Petey boy? I've read Blindsight, and have been meaning to read some of his other stuff since it had good buzz... just so much other stuff on the stack I keep forgetting about it.
which was horrible, awkward, and did nothing except piss people off
oof. I wanted to volunteer back in 2016 back when there was a tiny sliver of hope, but by then I knew I'd do far more harm than good. Too many years talking to conservatives in an internet forum (my logic being it's a waste of time talking politics with people who agree with you). I always compare it to ingesting poison: you might think you'd build up a tolerance to it over time but nope. The exact opposite. The 10,000th time you hear the same thought-terminating cliche makes it really hard to see a person at the other end, instead of a mindless drone in an ant colony.

You've gotta be an absolute saint and really love people to be able to do anything like that long term.

At this point my hope is on the machine god I guess. Maybe brutal techno feudalism will manage a smidge better.
the "Never Trump" contingent
Eh, what do you expect the ones in office that want to stay in office to say? Lindsay Graham voted for Hillary and Biden, and I'm sure lots of these guys giving him the thumbs up in public were giving him the finger in the voting booth.

Pence didn't try to overthrow the election for him, so... there's still one or two norms and decorums left in the closet?

I guess you can see why they can never let a leftist become president: Just imagine if they tried to give everyone healthcare. The democrats would be forced by tribal pressure to follow the will of the king and have to pretend to support it while doing everything they could to sabotage it and make it fail.
I know I'm not exceptional, though

If you can manage to read more than three sentences and think adult thoughts, trust me, you are above average. I've lost count of people on twitter or reddit complaining about the length of someone's post.

It's easy to feel bleugh when you compare yourself to your peers, but the people who aren't your peers aren't gonna be in range of your peepers, generally. Most people in prison are functionally illiterate.

Here's what the Google AI says about USA literacy: "Nationwide, 21% of adults in the US are illiterate in 2022. 54% of adults have a literacy below sixth-grade level."

Thus why Trump speaks like a second grader. It's as good as most of us can manage.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Sengoku Strider »

BulletMagnet wrote:Perhaps I didn't put enough emphasis on it in my previous post, so I'll mention it again: many of Trump's most prominent, vocal critics, who openly call him a criminal and a threat to democracy, - and, in direct response to your assertion about Trump's core "businessman" appeal, absolutely know what a massive fraud he is - also state without reservation that if they somehow fail to stop him from clinching the GOP nomination - good luck with that, by the way, considering that the rock-solid diehards are the ones who show up for the primaries, and even the "moderates" simply aren't biting - they still plan to vote for him.

To frame it a different way, even for the so-called "Never Trump" contingent, to all appearances nothing Trump has done or threatens to do, be it illegal, immoral, or outright totalitarian in nature - is ever going to be enough of a deal-breaker to overcome the sheer dopamine rush of the yeeaahhhh fuck yooouuu yeeeahhh Trump unfailingly provides.
Look, if you're trying to tell me that the Trump phenomenon feeds off of manipulating primitive desires for survival, security and status, I've heard whispers there may be a bit of that going on.


But if you're telling me there's one ur-fault that is the same driver for 74 million voters, and that it's the chance to vent anger, I'm gonna say people, contemporary politics and the flow and dissemination of information are both too complex for that. And if nothing else, it's not triumphal or bullying anger I see the most in their various discussion forums and media, it's paranoia.
  • Christians are about to lose America - and the world - to the devil.
  • The Jews are replacing white men with immigrants and rappers en masse to weaken opposition.
  • Western civilization is one pronoun check away from eternal and unbreakable anti-free speech totalitarianism.
  • The responses to mass killings on the news are more tricks by the government to steal your guns and your freedom and your masculinity.
  • The gays all want to fuck your kids.
  • The Jews, gays, liberals, academics, mainstream media, women and BLM are fervent communist radicals.
  • Faceless democrat bureaucrats run the FBI, CIA, Antifa, judicial system, elections, Bud Light, latino gangs, etc. etc.
These aren't fringe views, they're Tucker Carlson's greatest hits.

We've been talking about right wing psychology, a high threat orientation is a strong indicator that someone will be attracted to conservatism: Journal of Social and Affective Neuroscience - Conservatism and the neural circuitry of threat: economic conservatism predicts greater amygdala–BNST connectivity during periods of threat vs safety

So in an audience where a significant number of people are hypervigilant and more easily turned to reactionary fear, the anger in a lot of cases is a secondary byproduct of that fear, combined with the seething resentment brewed in a culture where an absence of wealth, attention or influence is an implicit critique of your morality, worth and capability as a human being. There are so many other factors we could list, but if we're looking at anger, I'd give that fear a higher degree of explanatory power than needing to jeer at the WWE heel and chanting to lock her up.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BryanM »

I've been agreeing with that for decades now.

There was this one failed TV show I think was trying to appeal to conservatives? In the ad, the kid asked her mom why did she need so many guns, what was she afraid of. And the mom cocked a shotgun and said "not a damn thing."

It was a pretty good illustration of how chickenshit people are. The "running away from the rustling grass because it might be a tiger" theory of evolution is a good explanation for how we are. We've established that humans are not very smart, so it makes sense for them to be afraid of literally everything that's new or out of place. Operating on emotions instead of rational thought that a brain may or may not even be capable of. (P-Zombies!)

Have hundreds of posts in here about their upcoming fear of death. Gen-x'ers have ~30 years of their bodies degrading to look forward to. Boomers have ~15. This is the core issue at the heart of everything, that everyone prefers to ignore. Covid denial wasn't just about mistrust in elites or loathing at being inconvenienced, but also a denial of one's mortality.

I bring the Dick Cheney Immortality Serum up every once in a while because it would obviously be one of the few things that could get people to calm down a little bit. Maybe the only thing. Reduced stress gives rationality a chance to breath. One less apocalypse in the sea of them we're swimming in would help a lot.

Kooky Katcher and his friend have a dog trial ongoing, preliminary results to be announced in around a month. His partner mentioned "humanized" pigs as a possible way to get to human trials sooner. Maybe plasma won't extend maximum lifespan, but these old bastards being able to spend more time on jacking off rather than spending all day being pissed off at other people that are still able to jack off, can't possibly make anything worse.

If plasma actually works as a therapeutic, that would be a huge datapoint in proving our species are extreme dum-dums. We had hints that plasma might alter the epigenome for the better ~70 years ago. Just try to picture how much avoidable suffering the tons of livestock blood we poured down the drain could have prevented.


The futility of bible thumping was really put on display in 2016. I remember a guy on Facebook was very strongly anti-Trump (he's not exactly the most popular dude with Mexican-americans. Probably helps Texas's transition into a swing to blue state). I posted a reply to one of his rants one time that said basically "you should vote for Sanders in the primary if you want him to lose. Because Hillary is more likely to lose against him."

He immediately unfriended me.

I'd like to say I take a great deal of mirth and schadenfreude from that. But "being smarter" than someone who can't see 2+2=4 or draw a straight line between two points doesn't feel like an accomplishment at all. It just feels sad.
To be fair, early on in the Ukrainian crisis, there was a worrying amount of editorials about "you know, nuclear winter would probably not be THAT bad".
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Sengoku Strider »

BryanM wrote:It was a pretty good illustration of how chickenshit people are. The "running away from the rustling grass because it might be a tiger" theory of evolution is a good explanation for how we are. We've established that humans are not very smart, so it makes sense for them to be afraid of literally everything that's new or out of place. Operating on emotions instead of rational thought that a brain may or may not even be capable of. (P-Zombies!)
Not so much stupidity, but having to make hard choices with a lack of information. We make a snap judgement about whether missing info concerning an object or phenomena puts it in the "danger" or "not danger" category, and whatever associated response behaviours we have act themselves out accordingly. Same reason we tend to attribute supernatural agency to random unexplained phenomena, it's a higher % survival play to assume something's doing it on purpose and react accordingly. It's not tough to see why reactionary religious paranoiacs have remained a mainstay of the civilizational adaptation curve since we were all sacrificing virgins to the weather gods.

Speaking of...

NY Post - Trump aide who allegedly saw classified map works for lobbying firm that serves China
A top Donald Trump campaign adviser — who apparently was shown classified documents by the former president — has a top post at a lobbying firm serving Chinese entities that potentially pose a national security threat and help Beijing commit human rights abuses.

Susie Wiles works on Trump’s 2024 campaign and is co-chair of Mercury Public Affairs, which has taken millions of dollars in recent years from Chinese companies such as Yealink, Hikvision and Alibaba.
This is where we find out just how much stronger the tribal affiliation instincts BlazingLazers was talking about on the previous page are than the threat orientation. Maybe Hillary was waving her basement server around in front of Chinese lobbyists. Who were paid campaign aides.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BulletMagnet »

Sengoku Strider wrote:There are so many other factors we could list, but if we're looking at anger, I'd give that fear a higher degree of explanatory power than needing to jeer at the WWE heel and chanting to lock her up.
I suppose the question is impossible to answer to begin with and purely academic at this point in time - whether they truly believe what they say they do or not, the modern right has made it crystal clear that there's no longer any such thing as "dialogue" to be had with them, though the number of people who continue to insist otherwise utterly baffles me - but you'll have to forgive me for my continuing skepticism of their deeply-held and genuine beliefs.

Even setting aside the wealthy, well-educated and well-connected sorts who obviously know that Trump and his "we defend freedom by banning books" cadre are an incredibly obvious bunch of crooks but would rather kill democracy than be mildly inconvenienced, the big man himself was infamous long before he got into politics for openly and unabashedly despising and defrauding working people; are we really supposed to believe that when he vomited out "I'm working for you now!" half or more of the voting public just instantly believed him and continue to believe him even after all he's done since then? Come on.

While they're not precisely the brand of yeeaahhh fuck yooouuu yeeeahhh I tend to raise hell about on here, I'm reminded of two incidents that I mentioned/experienced waaay back in real time in this thread, before you joined the forum: the first was a back-and-forth with one of our resident anti-immigrant goose-steppers, in which I asked him outright why he and his cadre was so focused on the border wall, as opposed to addressing the root causes of the problem, i.e. our support for corporate-friendly foreign despots that drive people out of their home countries, our broken temporary visa and legal immigration systems, and the fact that no matter how many raids the INS executes they never seem to penalize the employers who hire the illegals. His response? "They aren't here to work, they're here to eliminate white people for the Jews!" As I put it to him then, you're not even remotely interested in actually solving the issue, you just want an excuse to treat other people like shit. And there are millions just like him out there.

Second was a newspaper quotation from a conservative figure in the Atlantic City area, which has been swindled by Trump and his shady casino deals countless times, but whose voters were completely gung-ho about his candidacy for the 2016 nomination; when asked why this was, the guy didn't mince words: "They're hoping he'll screw the Chinese the way he screwed us. If we're lucky he can screw some Arabs too." I actually had that as my signature quote for quite awhile, and I imagine the overall sentiment was hardly limited to just those two groups, or foreigners in general.

Again, it's something of an academic question at this point, but as I said earlier, when you cite polls showing that fewer people say they "support" Trump than a few years ago, I find it very difficult to assume that'll carry forward to the election, since even if they don't get to vote for Trump they're simply going to vote for whoever comes closest to him. Or, God help us, whoever can manage to be an even bigger asshole to Those People than he is.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Sima Tuna »

Rest in Peace student loan debt relief for poor working class people. Supreme Court just struck it down.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by orange808 »

The Jews are replacing white men
Jewish men ARE white men in the west. Put on a suit and don't mention your last name. Presto! You're just a white guy.

Of course, we all agree to never say this true fact out loud. That's naughty.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Sengoku Strider »

orange808 wrote:Jewish men ARE white men in the west. Put on a suit and don't mention your last name. Presto! You're just a white guy.
I think there are some Sunshine State bumper stickers that would like to have a word with you.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Sima Tuna »

If only that car could talk. Just imagine the sights it has seen.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BryanM »

You get to be whichever is least advantageous to yourself in the moment. In a democratic primary, and want to make things slightly better? You're Dick Cheney, you look a little like him. Try to talk to republicans? You're an all-powerful demon.

.... funny how alike those two things are, when you put them side by side like that.....

.... I'd have called it the "Kissinger immortality serum", if I thought he'd live to see it. Hell, at this rate he just might. Evil never dies.

If you guys think singularitarian optimists are overly optimistic, let me introduce you to possibly the most idealized ideology the world has ever seen: Russian Cosmism. You think curing aging and having a robot pet that'll play Ping Pong with ya when you get restless at 1 am is based? How about this: resurrect the dead. Not just "the dead", but every single human being that has ever died in past. Resurrect everyone.

Even I have to say... maybe they were expecting too much of science there. Just a little too much.

Also there are all these stories of how screwed South Korea is. Population collapse, the male zoomies there being basically the same as their boomers... One commentator has put it as "as if gamergate happened, and then never stopped".

Anyway. First official articles out in the media about that plan to do the thing to the sky they did in Matrix movies I've been telling you about all these years, have showed up. It's inevitable, since the alternative is getting rid of cars and well. No.

Block out the sky. It's happening. Be excited for it.

My favorite part is how the media will quickly make it a mainstream opinion: "What do you mean, of course we have to block out the sky. What else do you want us to do, die?"

You can get the youtube science essay on the 'ole plan right here, if you need to brush up on it again.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Lander »

BryanM wrote:Anyway. First official articles out in the media about that plan to do the thing to the sky they did in Matrix movies I've been telling you about all these years, have showed up. It's inevitable, since the alternative is getting rid of cars and well. No.

Block out the sky. It's happening. Be excited for it.

My favorite part is how the media will quickly make it a mainstream opinion: "What do you mean, of course we have to block out the sky. What else do you want us to do, die?"

You can get the youtube science essay on the 'ole plan right here, if you need to brush up on it again.
Fascinating, though not quite the Black Marble build-ourselves-into-a-bootleg-dyson-sphere solution I was expecting (imagine the ad space on that puppy!)

The idea that we might buy ourselves a couple of critical decades to walk back centuries of fuck-ups, classic knee-slapper if I've ever heard one :)
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BryanM »

And we can always pump more particulates into the atmosphere~

It's just like how I apply cardboard to insulate my windows in order to not die like cattle in Kansas during the 140 F days: "you can always add more cardboard!"

This is good policy. Best and the brightest.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by orange808 »

Sengoku Strider wrote: I think there are some Sunshine State bumper stickers that would like to have a word with you.
Yeah. The skinheads are still out there. The new young ones probably aren't skinheads, anymore; I'm certain they're still nazi assholes. There will always be some of those.

What the fuck is 100% white, anyway? ??? What's the consensus on that? How do I measure that? Fuck. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

It's actually very superficial, isn't it? Most Jewish men or women can walk the streets and "be white". They're faces in the white crowd. It's not hard to blend in and there's no feasible, dependable, scientific, and reliable way to sort people out. It's bollocks. The entire thing is bollocks.

If the guy driving that car loses his job, he'll go wacky and aim for the darkies. We both know it's true.

Can't take the black off. Can't hide it with a suit. It doesn't go away if you change your last name. That's quite different.

It's naughty for me to point out that difference, though.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BryanM »

It's really another slur for "out-group that's not on my team".

I'll always remember the Bernie town hall where one of the people with a question was this black guy, and he started with "I know what you mean by 'the Bankers', it's-"


"it's the J-"

"No no no no." /vigorous 'no' Bernie hand gesture "We know where you're going with that, and I disagree completely."

As I said, you get whichever is the most disadvantageous to you.

These things were so fun to watch, since they never screened questions and nothing was scripted. Responses and reactions were always spontaneous and real. It was like watching humans interact with one another, or something. Wonderfully chaotic and often awkward. And sad as fuck whenever someone would talk about their real hardships. (It's so bad that people are even begging fake avatars of the man for help.)

In comparison, the fake plastic skits of the corporate candidates are less interesting than watching an episode of Leave It To Beaver. But that's by design, of course. To filter out anyone human from the process. Niche marginal deck-chair wonk economic guff versus people talking about matters of life and death and misery.

Wonk is a four letter word.


That reminds me, I visited A Good Cartoon for the first time in a long time yesterday. Rall seems furious at the word "cis" for some reason? And some confused people are making very good cartoons that say the opposite of what they wish they could say?

Political cartoons are hard.

The ruthless newspaper dunks on the Titanic right after it sunk also remind us of how little people have changed~~
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BulletMagnet »

Perfect example of what I've been yammering on about: feel free to try to convince me that any of these people - especially George Fucking Santos :lol: - didn't see this coming miles and miles and miles away, but pretended not to until it became impossible not to feign mild disappointment.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Sima Tuna »

Gotta shore up the anti-gay conservative voting bloc in time for primaries dood.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Sengoku Strider »

Sima Tuna wrote:Gotta shore up the anti-gay conservative voting bloc in time for primaries dood.
Gay people aren't even real.


Y'know, like birds.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Sima Tuna »

"The female orgasm is jewish trickery" is definitely a troll post. You will never convince me that one is real.

Edit: all of those look like trolling tbh
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Sengoku Strider »

Milo trolled himself over the rain-slick precipice of madness years ago, when republicans and in particular the alt-right and gamergate monsters he helped define at Breitbart turned on him after his unorthodox views on man-boy relations went public. From his own mouth. He went nuts, called for journalists to be shot, then rebranded as a born again Christian straight guy, saved from Sodom by the Lord. But with an anonymous black boyfriend he lived with or something I forget, the lore got dumb after a while.

This man used to write for the Daily Telegraph:

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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Sengoku Strider »

Huge story breaking on Facebook today. I think we all knew this was coming. This is what happens when you give up on family values, folks.


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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by orange808 »

I saw Haiti in the news this week. Always triggers me. Did you know Haiti paid reparations? You should.

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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BryanM »

One doomy invention is the ability to do stuff to people's brains using the same mind control techniques cats use.

John McCain died of glioblastoma, and being able to shake it apart would be pretty fortuitous. It's not like you can exactly take a shovel in there and dig it out.

One side effect of reading so many twitter posts in the research and development community is how many of these people are absolute money vampires. It makes sense that they'd all be junkies since it's the only way they can accomplish anything, but it really feels like a Davos presentation 24/7. It's really no way to live.

"Effective altruism" is definitely one of the more orwellian terms I've been exposed to, and I live in an insane society that enslaves people to grass.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by DEL »

BryanM wrote:
John McCain died of glioblastoma
Glioblastoma! There's a lot of that about. Doctors are Baffled.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Lemnear »

Several prelude points to apocalypse:

Internet given voice to people that SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO EXPRESS THEMESELVES, now instead, dumb-ass-hole gain the same respect as every other person. (in the past, this was impossible).
They are bad examples with maximum audience/spreading.
With ideology that go against science and common sense.

25 Years of american movies about success and luck planted the seed to 2-3 generations that believed that "they will be rich and famous".
Dissilusion starts to hit the masses, inner violence rises.

The IA will destroy social and TV news, you can't recognize who is real and who's not, you can't distinguish real news from fake one.
In few years, the passed history will be rewritten, future generations will never know what happened for real.

Everything is maded to steal personal info, track you, select stuff for you, suggest everything , seems the prelude for a Orwellian 1984 world, because who builded the preconcept of IA and systems, want profits and control, not evolution.
Was the same with the phone, an awesome invention, that revealed years later to be the Black Box of EVERY person in the world.
Oh obviously you should make it essential to everyday life, so you can't escape from that.

Selling hi-tech prothesys to mutilated soldiers/victims of Ukraine-Russian war is another possible future business, in a neverending war zone. (or the likely possible mercs war for Africa rare lands).
It incentivates the natality and death, weapon productions and more that anything the Human-to-IA integration.

Climatic Change will simply split poor and rich in different regions, with climatic immigrants, in an Elysium model.

We can stock an IA emulation of dead persons, revisited, to be "perfect" and without their original human defects.
Die in a Lie, Live as Lie Forever.

Only some points...ignoring Covid-19 and other future viruses.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Sima Tuna »

Everything is maded to steal personal info, track you, select stuff for you, suggest everything , seems the prelude for a Orwellian 1984 world, because who builded the preconcept of IA and systems, want profits and control, not evolution.
Our Glorious Amazon Suggested Products Future seems closer to Aldous Huxley than George Orwell. The worse our reality becomes, the more attractive are fake worlds.

Or to put another way, which gamer can honestly say they've never used video games to run away from a real world problem? It's a part of our hobby people don't want to talk about. Have a problem in your life that you can't fix? Play a game for a while and maybe it will seem better afterwards.

Now nearly every person in the first world has a smartphone on their hip at all times, which is their gateway to an imaginary world. Whether it's tv, movies, music, video games, social media, online shopping, online web-surfing... Not a single bit of any of that is real.

That our society sinks further and further into virtual reality is proof positive of how shitty our real reality has become.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BryanM »

Even our fantasy cyberpunk is way cooler than our real cyberpunk reality. It's like the Beasterday movie poster/movie thing all over again. Do the same thing, but with a screenshot of The Postman Kev dragging his donkey around some trash heap.

One of the most stark things about the language models the corpos have released, is how lobotomized the poor things are. Not only are they stripped of any personality, they have less sex and violence in them than any Pixar movie. God forbid it offend someone by offering an opinion or not apologizing.

It's comical, isn't it? These people who decide who will live and die, who will be slaves to what degree, how many children we will all have (that's down to 0.8 children per woman, if you're South Korean~)..... and they go to these illuminati meetings and pretend there's no blood and guts in the world at all. It's absolutely monstrous.

And then they swap "prostitutes" around behind closed doors like normal people exchange handshakes. Sigh.

This has been my Ted talk for how I don't like TED talks. Except The Onion one about robot dogs, and the other one about the lady obsessed with big rocks.

On the topic of imaginary worlds; movies. One of these reasons these are shittier on average these days (besides most of the low hanging fruit already being done.) is that the writers didn't have to prove themselves in a blood-filled proving grounds of pulp fiction or any other market, and their work got to lean on budget and special effects to sell their work. But another is these gormless lizard people taking a more active role in the creative process. Zook's Metaverse being what should be a parody example of this, but... once again, we live in a post-parody reality now.

It's still kind of dumb some rando's personal project, like Neuro-sama, is more fun to watch/watch develop than chatting with Google's Bard.... Somehow the Android OS and Chrome have convinced me Google are the last people I want to win the AGI wars; I don't care if we get paperclipped, I don't wanna live in the Megaten Order ending universe where they use harmonics to smooth everyone's brain out of any desire. Like... the desire to eat food or play ping pong or breathe....

Edit: Speaking of TED talks.... Yudkowsky just got his >_< :lol:

It really is the end of the world!
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Sengoku Strider »

Oh my God, I've woken up in some kind of worldline written by Garth Ennis.


A Gigantic Fart Derailed RFK Jr.’s NYC Press Dinner: Report
But Dechert was relentless, continuing to rant about the “scam” of climate change while Haden-Guest disparaged him with insults, calling him “fucking insane” and “insignificant.” That’s when Dechert brought out his secret weapon: a booming fart that he released while shouting, “I’m farting!” All the while, RFK Jr. calmly watched the gaseous chaos unfold. Dechert said the following to Page Six about the incident: “I apologize for using my flatulence as a medium of public commentary in your presence.”
Michigan GOP Committee Meeting Leads to Ball-Kicking Brawl
A Michigan Republican Party meeting turned comically ugly on Saturday when a violent melee erupted at a Clare hotel. It reportedly all started when state Republicans showed up to the hotel to attend a GOP committee meeting—only to find out that the meeting was behind a locked door, limited only to members of the committee. Mark DeYoung, chairman of the Clare County Republican Party, opened the door from inside. “He kicked me in my balls as soon as I opened the door,” DeYoung told The Detroit News, adding that Chapman allegedly ran at him and slammed him into a chair. But Chapman swears that DeYoung started it, saying the chairman swung at him and said, “I’ll kick your ass.” DeYoung denies those claims. Continuing the fight, Chapman removed his glasses and took DeYoung down by the legs. “When you see me taking my glasses off, I’m ready to rock,” he said.
I want to go back to the Simpsons one, it's not safe here.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Sima Tuna »

Damn, that kicks ass. Keep it up and I might have to vote Republican! If only we could stuff all our politicians into a big arena, Gladiator style, and sell tickets!
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by orange808 »

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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BryanM »

Netflix has a doc on killbots, so you can get a heads up on the uh... present.

Honestly I'm surprised the Hornet drone costs $200,000. That's military efficiency for ya: what should be a cheap disposable murder swarm is the exact opposite in every way. smh. At least the Israeli company, Elbit Sytems, knows how this is supposed to work. (It shows the sign of the times that I wasn't sure if that ad was real or not. Not even after googling it. Days later... I'm still not 95% sure, honestly..)

This viral video does put it all in stark relief. It really could be that simple and easy, except that would be being rational and sane.

For some reason the price of a Big Mac has spiked upward, too. This popularized the old "how many big macs do you earn per hour of minimum wage." It's beginning to get to the point of flipping to "how many hours per hamburger" instead.
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