Ginga Force - Complete Translation

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Re: Ginga Force - Menus and Chapter 1-3 - Translation

Post by pestro87 »

Kollision wrote:Thank you so much for doing this! :D

Qute could use it and patch the game with an English option for the menus later on, huh?
Now that would be awesome! :D I think that an English option patch would be appropriate since it's region free and has plenty of text in it. In the meantime, I'll keep translating for you guys :)

Also, feel free to make requests if there's anything in particular that you would like to see me translate from the game. My goal right now is to complete the translation for Chapter 4-10 but if there's a request, I'll prioritize that instead.
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Re: Ginga Force - Menus and Chapter 1-3 - Translation

Post by guigui »

Great job on the shop translation, please clear the game so that we know what the still locked items are !

Also, can you translate an end of mission screen ? The one with all those numbers being added up weirdly enough and giving you CR.

Also looking forward ratikal images for weapons.

Great job guys !
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Re: Ginga Force - Menus and Chapter 1-3 - Translation

Post by pestro87 »

guigui wrote:Also, can you translate an end of mission screen ? The one with all those numbers being added up weirdly enough and giving you CR.

Score Report
ミッション時間 = Mission time
被弾数 = Number of deaths
ターゲットパーツの被破壊 = Target parts destroyed


CR Report
回収したCR = Amount of CR that was recovered
クリアボーナス = Clear Bonus
チャプター合計 = Chapter Total
合計所持CR = Total CR possession

I believe that "Chapter Total" = "Amount of CR recovered" + "Clear Bonus" and "Total CR possession" = Your initial amount of CR + BONUS TOTAL + "Chapter Total" but I'm not 100% sure on this.

You can find the Score Attack end mission screen translation here: ... 27#p881527
guigui wrote:Great job on the shop translation, please clear the game so that we know what the still locked items are !
Thanks! All right, I'll prioritize completing the shop translation then :)
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Re: Ginga Force - Menus and Chapter 1-3 - Translation

Post by guigui »

You're the man :D Consider adding those information in a strategy guide in the future
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Re: Ginga Force - Menus and Chapter 1-3 - Translation

Post by pestro87 »

I'm still working on unlocking everything in the shop but I translated Chapter 4 in the meantime. I didn't translate "danmaku" (弾幕) as I assume that we're all familiar with that term.


Chapter 4 - 兵器密売現場を押さえる! vs. セラム

Chapter 4 – The hold-up at the weapons trafficking scene – vs. Serum
Information is received that weapons trafficking might be taking place on an incommunicable area with green plains.
Investigate the scene.

Intro cutscene

Nina: その付近で、兵器の密売がいわれているという情報が入りました
Nina: We’ve received information that weapons trafficking might be taking place in the vicinity

Nina: そこは特殊な磁場の影響により通信不能になるエリアが広がっています
Nina: A special type of magnetic field has been set up that makes this area incommunicable

Nina: 犯人はそれを利用して秘密裏に取引を行っているようです
Nina: The criminals seem to be using it in order to conceal the transactions

Margaret: 通信不能な緑化エリア。。。。。。密売にはぴったりの場所ね
Margaret: An incommunicable area with green plains…… that’s the ideal place for trafficking

Nina: 情報によれば取引の時間はもうまもなくです
Nina: The transaction should be taking place anytime now, according to the information that we received

Nina: もう少し進むと通信が出来なくなります。十分注意してください
Nina: I will not be able to communicate with you anymore. Please take care of yourselves

Margaret: 了解。ニーナ、また後でね
Margaret: Understood. Later, Nina

Nina: はい、気をつけてくださいね
Nina: Yes, please be careful, ok?

Margaret: でもスタンドアローンなんてちょっと不安だわ
Margaret: But I can’t be calm if it’s a stand-alone mission

Alex: 大丈夫だって!何が出てきたって俺が叩きのめしてやるぜ
Alex: That’s ok! I’ll beat whatever comes at us

Margaret: まったく、その自信はどこから来てるのよ。。。。。。
Margaret: Where did this confidence come from all of a sudden…...

Stage start

Margaret: 見つけたわ!接近して!
Margaret: I’ve found it! Approaching!

Serum: おやおや、MSSの方が何のご用ですか
Serum: Well well, don’t MSS have more important things to do?

Alex: しらばっくれてんじゃねー
Alex: So you’re going to dismiss us that easily, huh?

Alex: ここで武器の密売をしているのはお見通しなんだよ
Alex: They’re dealing with weapons here, just like they said/predicted

Serum: あなた方には関係の無いことです。お引き取りお願えませんか?
Serum: That’s none of your business. Would you be so kind and stop tugging at my heels?

Alex: 関係アリアリだ!見逃すとでも思ったのか?
Alex: This is an aerial matter! How could you have believed otherwise?

Serum: やれやれ、ヒーローごっこですか?もっと大人なビジネスをしましょう
Serum: Well well, so you’re quite the hero, huh? Just let the adults do business
(the literal translation is actually “Just let us do adult business” but that sounds like something completely different in English…)

Serum: そもそも貴方の機体と私の機体では火力の差は歴然です
Serum: For starters, the difference in firepower between your aircraft and mine is obvious

Serum: もともにやり合っても勝負になるようには思えません
Serum: It doesn’t seem like this will be an even fight

Serum: ここはひとつ取引といきませんか?
Serum: How about stepping away from this one transaction?

Margaret: 取引ですって?そんな手が通じると思ってるの?
Margaret: So there is a transaction? Did it ever cross your mind what you can do with those things?

Serum: 致し方ありませんね
Serum: It can’t be helped

Serum: それでは諦めるまで、お相手して差し上げましょう
Serum: Before giving up, the difference between you and your opponent will become apparent

Alex: 相手にとって不足は無い!その鼻へし折ってやるぜ!
Alex: Looks like we don’t have a shortage of things to fight against! I’ll break that guy’s nose!

Margaret: 普段見つからない場所だとはいえなんて派手な装備よ
Margaret: Who would’ve known that you would see this kind of fancy equipment in a place like this?

Margaret: アレックス、大丈夫?
Margaret: Alex, are you ok?

Alex: このくらい大丈夫だ。そんなにヤワじゃないって
Alex: I’m ok, somehow. I'm not that weak

Serum: 私の武器が欲しいようでしたらお売りいたしますよ?
Serum: If it’s my weapon that you’re after, how about I sell it to you?

Serum: ちょっとお高いかもしれませんが。。。
Serum: Oh that’s right, it might be too expensive for you…

Alex: だれがお前なんかから買うか!こっちはMSSなんだぞ?
Alex: Who would want to buy something from you? Do you even know who MSS are?

Serum: それは残念です
Serum: That’s a shame

Serum: つくづくお話が通じない方々ですね
Serum: I guess that you're people who talk a lot but who don’t understand

Serum: 大体マグニ社も、幹部クラスはあんなに腐敗しているというのに
Serum: I guess that you could say the same thing about the Magni company as there’s so much corruption amongst the Executive Class.

Serum: MSSのそれも末端となるとまじめな方々もいたものですね
Serum: MSS is just their cloak that takes itself way too seriously

Margaret: 腐敗してるとか末端とかひどい言われようね
Margaret: “Corruption”? “A cloak”? You sure say some bad things

Alex: 言わせておけよ
Alex: For sure

Alex: 武器を密売してるような連中から言われてもちっとも心に響かないぜ
Alex: I won’t put any weight behind something that was said by a guy that deals with weapon trafficking

Serum: しつこい方々ですね
Serum: And persistent people at that

Serum: それではこれで退いて頂けませんか?
Serum: Well then, it’s time to say goodbye. Maybe this will make you retreat?

Alex: なんだあのちっこいのは!
Alex: What is this thing? It’s so tiny!

Alex: ちいさいこせにすげぇ弾幕だぜ!
Alex: Such an incredible danmaku to be produced by such a small thing!

Serum: まだまだありますよ
Serum: I still have some left for you

Serum: このまま戦ったところでどうにもなりませんよ
Serum: This won’t be like anything else that you’ve fought before

Serum: そろそろ諦めて、ご退散頂けないでしょうかね?
Serum: You should’ve given up by now, when will you retreat?

Margaret: あきらめるってさ、どうする?
Margaret: “Give up”, how do you do that?

Alex: そんなことを言われて諦めるわけないだろ?
Alex: That’s unlike you to be saying things like “not giving up”?

Pre-boss battle

Alex: よっしゃ!視ぐるみ剥がしてやったぜ
Alex: Alrighty! The veil has finallly come off

Boss battle

Serum: こんな機体一機に兵装ユニットを剥がされるとは・・・・・・
Serum: This aircraft is a one machine, you have only stripped off the weapons unit

Serum: 私はあなた方には興味は無いのです、放っておいては頂けないのですか?
Serum: I'm not interested in you guys, can't you just let me be?

Serum: 大体、私はマグニ社のやり方が大変気に食わないのですよ
Serum: I'm very repulsed by the ways of the Magni company

Serum: あなた方はマグニ社が何をしでかしているが
Serum: You guys have been deceived by the Magni company

Serum: 分かっているのですか?
Serum: Don't you know?

Serum: おっと、これは口が滑りました、今の発言は忘れてください
Serum: Ah, my mouth slipped, please forget what I said

Post-boss battle

Serum: うあっ
Serum: Aaah

Alex: よっしゃ!一丁上がり!
Alex: All right! This one's over!

Margaret: よかった、ほっとしたわ
Margaret: Thank God

Margaret: こんなところで撃墜されたら
Margaret: To be shot down in a place like this...

Margaret: 骨を拾ってもらうことすら、出来なそうだもんね
Margaret: ...would they even be able to pick up the bones?

Margaret: そういえばあいつ、マグニ社が何かしでかすとか言ってたけど
Margaret: Speaking of which, what was he talking about being deceived by the Magni company?

Margaret: 一体なんのことかしら?
Margaret: I wonder what on earth that was about?

Alex: あんな野郎の言うことなんか、気にする必要ないだろ?
Alex: You don't need to worry about what a bastard like him says, ok?

Margaret: そうかもしれないけど、何か引っかかるわ。。。。。。
Margaret: Perhaps you're right, but I thought I caught something...
Last edited by pestro87 on Fri Jul 01, 2016 8:47 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Ginga Force - Story Mode - Chapter 1-3 - Translation

Post by denpanosekai »

capture (回収) – Capture (Money)
10,000 CR
武器のリリースでCRを自動回収 – Makes CR move towards the player when his weapon is fired
Doesn't that specifically say "release"? Either way this item doesn't seem to do much for me. I think you still have to be within a certain range.
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Re: Ginga Force - Story Mode - Chapter 1-3 - Translation

Post by pestro87 »

denpanosekai wrote:
capture (回収) – Capture (Money)
10,000 CR
武器のリリースでCRを自動回収 – Makes CR move towards the player when his weapon is fired
Doesn't that specifically say "release"? Either way this item doesn't seem to do much for me. I think you still have to be within a certain range.
Yeah, I translated "release of weapon" to "when the weapon is fired". I don't think that you need to be within a certain range but I only tried the item once so I don't really remember.
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Re: Ginga Force - Menus and Chapter 1-4 - Translation

Post by guigui »

The effectiveness of this extra is also unclear to me.
Can you clarify if this is active when you DO fire, or when you DO NOT fire ?
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Re: Ginga Force - Menus and Chapter 1-4 - Translation

Post by pestro87 »

I tried out the item today and I didn't notice any difference whatsoever :/ I'll add a note next to it.

I've unlocked everything in the shop now so I should have a complete shop translation up sometime tomorrow :D
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Re: Ginga Force - Menus and Chapter 1-4 - Translation

Post by guigui »

pestro87 wrote:I tried out the item today and I didn't notice any difference whatsoever :/ I'll add a note next to it.

I've unlocked everything in the shop now so I should have a complete shop translation up sometime tomorrow :D
Yay, that would be very good ! Thanks a lot.
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Re: Ginga Force - Menus and Chapter 1-4 - Translation

Post by pestro87 »

The shop translation is now complete.

Also, I changed my translation for the "capture" item to a literal translation instead since I'm not sure what the item does.
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Re: Ginga Force - Menus and Chapter 1-4 - Translation

Post by guigui »

pestro87 wrote:The shop translation is now complete.
Good new, thanks a lot. It is fun how they put a god mode item in here.
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Re: Ginga Force - Menus and Chapter 1-4 - Translation

Post by pestro87 »


Chapter 5 - 暴走を止める! vs. ゲンゾウ

Chapter 5 – Stop the haywire – vs. Genzo
The computer system in the Septonium mining facility has gone out of control.
Head to the scene and put a stop to the cause of this haywire.

Intro cutscene

Nina: 操業停止中のセプトニウム採掘場で採掘メカが暴走しています
Nina: The mining mechanism in the Septonium quarry went out of control during shutdown

Nina: 採掘場に向かい、暴走した原因を突き止めてください
Nina: Approaching the quarry, please put a stop to the cause for this haywire

Alex: 原因ったってなー
Alex: What the cause is…?

Alex: そんなんちょっと行ったところで分かるもんなのか?
Alex: That’s a little vague; do you know where we would go?

Margaret: これも任務よ、行くだけ。行ってみましょう
Margaret: That’s also a part of our mission. Let’s go

Stage start

Alex: さっそくお出迎えか!
Alex: Welcomed right away, huh?

Margaret: 採掘施設のメカだから。なるべく壊したくないけど
Margaret: But it’s the mining facility’s mechanism. Preferably, we should avoid breaking as much of it as we can.

Margaret: これじゃしょうがないかしら
Margaret: Maybe it can’t be helped

Alex: トロッコまで暴走してるな
Alex: A truck that’s gone haywire

Margaret: 何か貨物を載せてるみたいね
Margaret: There seems to be some kind of cargo loaded onto them

Nina: トロッコに積載されているのは高純度のセプトニウム鉱石のようです
Nina: It seems like high purity Septonium ore are loaded on the trucks

Nina: 価値高いものなのでなるべ壊さずに回収してください
Nina: They consist of such high value; please recover it without breaking any

Alex: 回収ったってどうすりゃいいんだよ
Alex: So it’s ok if we recover it, huh?

Margaret: 荷台のトロッコは壊さずに動力車だけ壊したらどうかしら?
Margaret: Maybe it’s possible to destroy the motor vehicle without breaking the cargo beds?

Nina: 名案ですね。それでいきましょう
Nina: That’s a good idea. Well, let’s go

Alex: よっしゃ。やってみるぜ
Alex: Alrighty. Let’s give it a shot

Nina: 暴走メカのほかに何者の生体反応があります
Nina: Besides the mechanisms that have gone haywire, some living being must’ve also had something to do with this

Alex: そいつがメカを暴走させてるのか?
Alex: Are you saying that somebody made the mechanisms go out of control?

Genzo: おまえらここでなにをしとるんぢゃー!
Genzo: What are you guys doing here?

Margaret: ぎゃっ、なに!?
Margaret: *cry*, what?!

Alex: さてはおまえがメカを暴走させた犯人か!?
Alex: Well then, are you the criminal who made the mechanism go haywire?!

Genzo: ワシの仕事場お荒らすやつはさっさと出て行け~~!
Genzo: I watch over this workplace, you vandals! Hurry up and leave!

Nina: さきほどの人物の素性が判明しました
Nina: The previous person has been identified

Nina: ここ第6セプトニウム採掘場の現場主任シゲタ・ゲンゾウです
Nina: It’s the foreman of the 6th rank of the Septonium mines, Shigeta Genzo

Nina: どうやら、採掘現場への執着が強すぎていろいろ問題を起こしていたようです
Nina: Apparently, his strong affection to the mines seems to have caused various problems

Nina: そのため操業停止になっていましたが相当未練があったようですね
Nina: And so, by the time the shutdown came it seems like it became a lingering attachment

Margaret: 仕事熱心も度を過ぎると問題だわ
Margaret: The problem here is past the extent of just working hard

Alex: まったくだぜ
Alex: Totally

Alex: あいつまで暴走してるんじゃないか?
Alex: Maybe it was this guy that caused the haywire?

Margaret: まさかね。。。。。。
Margaret: Can it really be…

Nina: ひとまずこのまま、施設下部に進み調査を続行してください
Nina: For the time being, please proceed to the lower region of the facility and continue the investigation there

Alex: 了解
Alex: Understood

Margaret: 下方向からロックオン反応。注意して!
Margaret: There are lock-on sensors incoming from below. Be careful!

Nina: おそらく掘削用のレーザーです
Nina: It’s probably the laser for drilling

Nina: もし当たったら溶けちゃいますよ?
Nina: You will melt if it hits you and I guess it won’t ask you first, huh?
(this part was actually a bit tricky to translate properly. I believe that ちゃい is an informal form of てしまい which means something along the lines of “do something without worrying about its outcomes”)

Alex: 溶けちゃいますよ?
Alex: So no questions asked with the melting?

Alex: じゃない!!
Alex: I guess not!!!

Alex: こっちの身にもなれって
Alex: There are even more incoming over here

Nina: 冗談ですよ。気をつけてくださいね
Nina: It was a joke. Please take care of yourselves

Genzo: おまえら~~ユルさんぞ~~
Genzo: You guys! You’re so annoying!
(I don’t know whatユル means but I assume that ユルさんぞis an informal way of うるさい which means annoying or noisy)

Margaret: ぎゃっ!
Margaret: *cry*!

Alex: また出た!!
Alex: He left again!!

Margaret: 油断ならないわね
Margaret: Caught us off guard again

Margaret: またトロッコよ。さっきより数が多いわ
Margaret: Another truck. There are more of them than before

Nina: 数が多いからってやけにならないでくださいね
Nina: Please don’t give into despair just because there’s more of them

Alex: わかってるよ。どっかの暴走オヤジとは違うぜ
Alex: I know. Somehow these are different and they seem to be even more out of control

Alex: 動力車だけ破壊すればいいんだよな
Alex: It’s all good if we destroy the motor vehicle first

Margaret: 分かってるならさっさと手を動かして
Margaret: If you already know that then move your hands quickly

Alex: へいへい、手厳しいこと
Alex: Hey hey, that’s harsh

Genzo: おまえらまだワシのメカ逹を苦しめるつもりか~
Genzo: How is it possible that you guys are still being a pain for the supervisor of the mechanisms

Alex: だから止めに来たんだって言ってるだろ!
Alex: I came here because I’d say that it’s about time for you to stop!

Genzo: うるさい、さっさとワシの採掘場から出て行け~
Genzo: So annoying, hurry up and leave the supervisor’s quarry

Pre-boss battle

Genzo: 出て行かないというのなら、こうしてやる!!
Genzo: So far I haven't unleashed it, but this time I'll do it!!!

Boss battle

Margaret: きゃっ、何て攻撃!?
Margaret: *cry* What kind of attack is that?!

Alex: うぉい、あれホントにただのシーリングマシンか?
Alex: Woah, is that truly just a sealing maching?

Margaret: ニーナ、あのマシンのスペックは?
Margaret: Nina, what are the specs on that machine?

Nina: 型式番号EV-V05通称フライングモール
Nina: Model number EV-V05 aka. Flying Mole

Nina: セプトニウムエネルギー開発の要として投入されたマシンですが
Nina: It serves as the fundamental machine for septonium energy development

Nina: 掘削機として性能が非常に高く戦闘用にも転用されかねないとして
Nina: It's used as an excavator but can be used for high-level combat as well

Genzo: どうだ、ワシに付いてこれるか?
Genzo: What's that, are you following me?

Alex: くっ、岩石を掘り進んでやがる!
Alex: Damn, he's digging through the rocks!

Margaret: あとを付いて行ける?
Margaret: Will you follow him?

Alex: マジかよ?
Alex: Are you serious?

Alex: うおぉーー!!
Alex: Woaaaah!!!

Genzo: くっ、まだ付いてくる気か
Genzo: Damn, you're still on my tail

Alex: ひゃー、埋まるかと思ったぜ
Alex: Whew, I thought we were going to be buried

Margaret: あらっ?キレイ光。。。。。。セプトニウム鉱石ね
Margaret: Ah. Beautiful light... It's septonium ore, right?

Alex: そんなこと言ってる場合だよ、どんどん攻撃が激しくなってるぞ
Alex: That's quite something to say in a situation like this, the attacks have intensified by a lot

Margaret: また突っ込んでくるわ
Margaret: He is also digging

Genzo: ここの鉱石は全部ワシのもんじゃ~~
Genzo: All of this ore is mine

Margaret: むちゃくちゃ言ってるわね
Margaret: That's a crazy thing to say

Margaret: 早く捕まえちゃいましょう
Margaret: You should have been caught earlier

Post-boss battle

Genzo: ひゃぁぁぁーーー
Genzo: Aaaaah

Alex: よっしゃ
Alex: Alrighty

Genzo: ううぅ。。。。。。ワシの職場を返せぇ。。。。。。
Genzo: Uuuuh... return to my workplace...

Margaret: ご愁傷様ね
Margaret: My condolences, sir

Margaret: ニーナ、何か暴走の原困は掴めた?
Margaret: Nina, do we have an idea of the original cause for the rampage?

Nina: やはりゲンゾウは、メカの暴走には関係ないようですね
Nina: Again, Genzo's rampage doesn't seem related to that of the mechas

Nina: えっと、情報部から情報が来ています
Nina: Wait, receiving information from the intelligence department

Nina: 採掘場の管理システムに、何者かの不正アクセスを確認したとのことです
Nina: It's been confirmed that someone with unauthorized access got to the mining management system

Nina: 採掘場の深層部まだ来ても、物理的な原因は見つかりませんでしたから
Nina: No signs of a physical cause have been found in the lower regions of the mine

Nina: 以降はMSS情報部が調査を行うことになります
Nina: The MSS intelligence department will investigate it later

Alex: なんだ、結局無駄足だったのかよ
Alex: What, so it was all for nothing

Alex: しかもあんな暴走オヤジとやり合う羽目になるし
Alex: We just ended up with an old man's rampage

Margaret: まああのゲンゾウっていう男は放っておいてもいずれ大問題を
Margaret: Well, it could have been a big problem if we left this man Genzo alone

Margaret: 引き起こしていたでしょうから無駄じゃ無かったんじゃない?
Margaret: So it wasn't a complete waste as who knows what he could have caused over here?

Alex: まあ、そう言うことにしておくか
Alex: Well, you could say that
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Re: Ginga Force - Menus and Chapter 1-6 - Translation

Post by pestro87 »


Chapter 6 - 輸送シャトルを守れ! vs. フアン

Chapter 6 – Protect the shuttle transportation – vs. Huan
A shuttle transportation that’s heading towards the launch elevator has been attacked.
Defend the shuttle and secure the suspect.

Intro cutscene

Nina: マグニ社の輸送シャトルが、所属不明の歩行メカに襲われています
Nina: The Magni company’s shuttle transportation has been attacked by walking Mechs from an unknown affiliation

Nina: シャトルは無人ですが、もし破壊されたりしたら被害は甚大です
Nina: The shuttle is unattended; however, it would do enormous damage if it were destroyed

Nina: シャトルを守りつつ犯人を確保してください
Nina: Please protect the shuttle while securing the suspect

Huan: ぐふふふ、このシャトルはわいのもんや!
Huan: Hehehe, this shuttle is mine!
(it seems like もん is an older form of もの. Also, Huan seems to be using the Kansai dialect so I have therefore translated わい to ”I”)

Stage start

Alex: シャトルの後方に接近
Alex: Approaching the rear of the shuttle

Margaret: ぎゃっ、歩行メカってアレなの?
Margaret: *cry*, is that an array of walking mechs?

Alex: シャトルの上に虫みたいなメカがウヨウヨしてるぞ
Alex: Mechs are crawling like insects on top of the shuttle

Nina: 無人の小型機を護衛に付けているみたいですね
Nina: It looks like the small unmanned aircrafts are trying to escort it

Margaret: 気持ち悪いわ、アレックス、さっさと何とかして!!
Margaret: Alex, somehow I suddenly have a bad feeling about this!!!

Nina: 多数の小型機によって、シャトルのコントロールが奪われているようです
Nina: It seems like the large number of small aircrafts have managed to hijack the controls of the shuttle

Alex: おっと、中型機もいるのか
Alex: Uh-oh, also, what are the medium sized aircrafts for?

Margaret: ぎゃー、あんなのもいるの?
Margaret: *cry*, what are those for?

Huan: ふっふっふ
Huan: Hahaha

Huan: 後ろで遊んでる間に金目のもんは全部いただいてまうでー
Huan: While you’re playing in the back, I’m getting all of the good stuff here
(the literal translation is actually “valuable things” and not “good stuff”)

Alex: 尾翼の下にもびっしり固まってやがるぜ
Alex: There are even more of them densely packed under the tail wing

Alex: このちっこいの、自力で飛行も出来るのか
Alex: How can they fly on their own when they’re this small?

Huan: どうや、こいつらかわいいやろ?
Huan: How indeed. Aren’t they adorable?

Margaret: やーん、ありえないわ
Margaret: *sigh*, I don’t even… (this is a pretty loose translation here)

Margaret: アレックス、上!
Margaret: Alex, above us!

Alex: おう、びっくりした
Alex: Yeah, that was a surprise

Alex: シャットルのバランスが崩れるじゃねぇか
Alex: Can’t the shuttle loose its balance?

Alex: 大体どこから飛んできてるんだよ、あれは。。。。。。
Alex: It flew from somewhere around here…

Margaret: だいぶ片付いてきたかしら
Margaret: I wonder if it’s been cleaned up
(I believe that Margaret is referring to if they’ve wiped out all of the mechs and airplanes from the shuttle)

Alex: そうはいってもまだまだ出てきやがるぜ
Alex: Yet still, they’re friggin' still coming out

Margaret: やっと犯人の大型機が見えてきたわ
Margaret: Finally the criminal’s large aircraft has appeared

Huan: わいのメカが退治されてもうた
Huan: My mechs have been exterminated

Huan: しかしやな、わいのは防衛用の機体やさかいちょっとやそっとでは傷つけられへんで
Huan: However, with my aircraft’s defense, you can’t even put a tiny little scratch on it

Margaret: 攻撃を続ければ、シャトルから押し出せそうね
Margaret: If we keep attacking it, it’s going to push it off the shuttle

Margaret: このまま押し出して落とすのよ!
Margaret: It’s still here; we need to push it so that it drops off!

Alex: よっしゃ!
Alex: Alright!

Huan: お前らは知らんやろうが、このシャトルにはエラい積み荷を乗せとんやで!
Huan: You guys don’t know what this shuttle, Ella, has as its cargo!

Margaret: もうすこしよ!
Margaret: Just a little more!

Huan: なんやえらい押されとるでー。こらーもっと踏ん張らなあかんがな
Huan: What a great push. I can’t hold on anymore

Huan: あかん、おちてまうーー
Huan: No, you beat me

Huan: って、この機体飛べるっちゅうねん
Huan: So this middle-aged man will have to fly this aircraft
(I'm not 100% sure on this one )

Alex: あいつふざけてんのか?
Alex: Is this guy kidding?

Alex: 俺たちは漫才やってんじゃないんだぜ!
Alex: He’s not being a jokester for us!

Pre-boss battle

Huan: ぐふふふ、金目のもんはぎょうさんもろーたでー
Huan: Hehehe, a large quantity of money went into this thing

Boss battle

Huan: あとはお前らも落としてしもて証拠隠滅やー
Huan: And If you destroy it, you'll also lose the evidence

Margaret: キャノン砲を破壊したわ
Margaret: Canon destroyed

Huan: まだまだこんなもんやないでー
Huan: Still, it's not the only thing

Alex: うおっ、なんだよ、さっきより火力上がってないか?
Alex: Woah, what? Didn't he just increase the firepower?

Margaret: 足を狙えば、少しの間攻撃を弱められそうよ
Margaret: Aim for his legs, you'll most likely weaken his attack a little bit that way

Alex: こんな攻撃されたんじゃ、狙ってる余裕があるかどうか
Alex: Which direction is he trying to aim in with this attack

Margaret: 砲塔全部破壊したわ、もうすこしよ
Margaret: All turrets have been destroyed, just a little more

Huan: 追加兵装が全部破壊されてもうたがな
Huan: All of the additional weapons have been destroyed

Huan: お前らようやりよるなー
Huan: Because of you guys, I'll give you for this

Alex: くっ、兵装を破壊してもまだこんなに火力があるのかよ
Alex: Shit, still so much firepower even with the weapons destroyed

Post-boss battle

Huan: あかーーん
Huan: Aaaaah

Alex: よっしゃ!
Alex: Alrighty!

Nina: 任務完了です
Nina: Mission complete

Nina: 近くに軌道エレベータがあるのでそこまで護送してください
Nina: This is close to the orbital elevator, please escort yourself through it

Huan: なんやこないな若造に捕まってしまた。。。。。。
Huan: Why oh why did I get caught by these youngsters...

Huan: なんやこれは
Huan: What is this

Huan: シャトルから盗んだチップがエライ光っとるがな
Huan: You're stealing all of the chip from the shuttle, what is this terrible light?

Margaret: 一体何が起こってるの?
Margaret: What the hell is going on?

Alex: うお、どうなってるんだ?
Alex: Woah, what's happening?

Alex: 操縦がきかねぇ!!
Alex: I can't control it!!!
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Re: Ginga Force - Menus and Chapter 1-6 - Translation

Post by guigui »

Dude you ARE crazy, this is a good work.
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Re: Ginga Force - Menus and Chapter 1-6 - Translation

Post by pestro87 »

guigui wrote:Dude you ARE crazy, this is a good work.
Haha, thanks! :D
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Re: Ginga Force - Menus and Chapter 1-6 - Translation

Post by Aleksei »

After reading all this, I am convinced that I should play this game.
Thank you for all your hard work!
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Re: Ginga Force - Menus and Chapter 1-6 - Translation

Post by VixyNyan »

The next chapters involving Inspection System "Spacia" (the orange hair girl) and the white-masked guy Virizion (Birijion) will be an interesting read. Margaret's old friend shows up in the next chapter too. Keep up the good work. ^^
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Re: Ginga Force - Menus and Chapter 1-6 - Translation

Post by pestro87 »

Thanks guys! Yeah, there's been plenty off subtle hints thrown around in Chapters 1-6 but Chapter 7 is where the story really takes off. Just the title of the Chapter alone, says a lot: "真実の幕開け" which means "The truth unfolds" (the literal translation is actually "opening the curtain of truth")
VixyNyan wrote:Inspection System "Spacia" (the orange hair girl)
I was actually not entirely sure if スペシア is supposed to be "Spacia", "Specia" or "Special". I've translated it to "Special" in Chapter 1 and 2 so I was thinking of sticking with it for the time being. It's a bit strange though since it should've been スペシアル if it was indeed "Special". However since it says in the "gallery section in the game that セブンティア is "Seven Tier" I figured that maybe スペシア is supposed to be "Special".
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Re: Ginga Force - Menus and Chapter 1-6 - Translation

Post by VixyNyan »

Yea, adding RU at the end does make it Special. Specia/Spacia is like a nickname to the holographic girl. Either one is fine. ^^
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Re: Ginga Force - Menus and Chapter 1-6 - Translation

Post by Aquas »

Alex: そうはいってもまだまだ出てきやがるぜ
Alex: Yet still, they’re f***ing still coming out
Alex says "fucking" yet it's an All Ages rated game?? Translations have been lovely, by the way. Thanks!
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Re: Ginga Force - Menus and Chapter 1-6 - Translation

Post by ZacharyB »

There aren't really any vulgar words in Japanese, not in the same way English words are vulgar. Alex is just saying "they're still coming out" in a really emphasized way, which in a high-tension situation in English, would probably come out with "fucking" used as an intensifier (especially within what I imagine is a harried policing corps).
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Re: Ginga Force - Menus and Chapter 1-6 - Translation

Post by pestro87 »

Thanks, Aquas! You bring up a good point. I'll revise my translation to "friggin'" instead of "f***ing".

You nailed it, ZacharyB :)
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Re: Ginga Force - Menus and Chapter 1-6 - Translation

Post by pestro87 »


Chapter 7 - 真実の幕開け

Chapter 7 – The truth unveils
Hound 1 lost control and is heading towards something…

Intro cutscene

Margaret: 機体の制御が奪われてる
Margaret: We’ve lost control of our aircraft

Margaret: だめだわ、通信も効かない
Margaret: It’s no use, communication doesn’t work either

Margaret: なに!?
Margaret: What?!

Alex: いったいなんだってんだ?
Alex: What the hell is it doing?

Alex: くっ、いったいここは。。。。。。?
Alex: Damn, what the heck is this place…?

Special: あなたがたを待っていました
Special: I have been awaiting you

Margaret: えっ??スペシアがなんでこんなところに!?
Margaret: Huh??? Why is Special in a place like this?!

Special: 私はマグニ社の幹部ビリジアンによってここに隔離されていました
Special: The Magni company’s executive, Viridian, has isolated me here

Alex: どういうことだ?スペシアはセブンティアの監視AIだろ?
Alex: What are you saying? Isn’t Special the AI that monitors Seven Tier?

Alex: 地球連邦から、セブンティア統治の条件としてマグニ社の監査を任されてるっていう。。。。。。
Alex: The Earth Federation entrusted the Magni company with the task of governing over Seven Tier…

Alex: 現にこのまえも、ニュース映像でセントラルシティに。。。。。。
Alex: Actually even before this, there was news footage of the Central City…

Special: ここ半年間、姿を見せていたのはビリジアンが配置したダミーです
Special: Over the past six months, Viridian placed a dummy/doll as the representative
(the literal translation is actually “…as the figure that was shown”)

Margaret: まって、話が急すぎてわからないわ。どういうことかしら
Margaret: Wait, you’re speaking too fast for me to understand. What do you mean?

Special: 順を追ってお話しします
Special: I’ll break it down for you step-by-step

Special: 半年前、ここ惑星セブンティアの重要資源であるセプトニウムについて
Special: Half a year ago, our planet Seven Tier’s most important resource was Septonium

Special: 新たな事実が判明しました
Special: New facts were then revealed

Special: マグニ社は、セプトニウムエネルギーの星系間伝送を最大の目標として、惑星を開発してきましたが
Special: The Magni company’s ultimate goal was to use the Septonium energy that is transmitted between the solar systems, to exploit planets

Special: セプトニウムエネルギーは、星系間を伝送するほどの出力を取り出すと
Special: When more and more Septonium energy is transmitted between the solar systems and the output is retrieved

Special: 人体に強い悪影響を及ぼすことが判明したのです
Special: It was discovered that this had a strong negative impact on the human body

Special: マグニ社の幹部であり、セプトニウム事業を強く押し進めていたビリジアンは
Special: The Magni company’s executive, Viridian, was greatly pushing to proceed with the Septonium business

Special: それを隠すために、私をここに隔離したのです
Special: To cover up for this, I was isolated here

Special: 私は、事態を打開し監視の使命を全うすべく
Special: I was assigned the mission of monitoring in order to remedy the situation

Special: ネットワークの脆弱性を突いてわずかながら情報を発信しました
Special: I have transmitted little information using the minor vulnerabilities of the network
(although it says "vulnerability" here, I assume that Special is referring to "loopholes")

Special: それを受け取ったのがあなた方ということです
Special: That is how you were able to receive this

Margaret: なんてこと
Margaret: Oh my God

Margaret: これがホントなら、セブンティア始まって以来の一大事じゃない!
Margaret: If this is really true then what’s started here on Seven Tier is not a big deal!

Alex: 俺たちはさながらセブンティアを救うヒーローってところか
Alex: So just like we’re heroes and save Seven Tier, we save some other place?
(the literal translation is actually “where?” instead of “…we now save some other place?” but I assume that that’s what Alex is referring to)

Margaret: セラム言っていたのはこのことだったのね
Margaret: Serum said something about this

Special: ビリジアンに探知されました
Special: We have been detected by Viridian

Alex: まずい、みつかっちまったか!
Alex: This is bad, we’ve been spotted!

Margaret: どうしましょう?
Margaret: What should we do?

Alex: どうするも何も、今セブンティアを救えるのは俺たちだけなんだろ?
Alex: How can we do anything? I wonder how we can save Seven Tier now?

Alex: やるしかない!
Alex: We have to do it!

Margaret: そうね、その通りだわ!
Margaret: That’s right!

Special: 私に考えがあります。ひとまずここから離れましょう
Special: I have an idea. Let’s get out of here for now

Special: ルートは。。。。。。
Special: This route…

Stage start

Nina: 上層部から退却命令が出ています
Nina: Orders to retreat have been received from the top

Nina: ただちに帰還してください
Nina: Please return immediately

Margaret: ニーナ、ごめんなさい
Margaret: I’m sorry, Nina

Margaret: 今回は命令に従えないわ
Margaret: This time I will disobey the order

Nina: マーガレット、どういうことですか
Nina: Margaret, what do you mean?

Margaret: セブンティアの一大事よ
Margaret: There’s a serious matter regarding Seven Tier

Margaret: いまさっき、ビリジアンに捕らわれていた本物のスペシアを確保したの
Margaret: Just now, we secured the real Special that had been held captive by Viridian

Nina: 本物のスペシア?いったい何ことですか?
Nina: The real Special? What in the world do you mean?

Brown: マーガレット、いま、本物のスペシアといったな?
Brown: Margaret, did you just say “the real Special”?

Margaret: ブラウン隊長!
Margaret: Captain Brown!

Brown: 私も独自にビリジアンのことを追っていたのだ
Brown: I have also been after that Viridian guy myself

Brown: しかし、これで裏が取れたな
Brown: However, this has taken a different turn

Nina: 隊長、上層部の部隊がこちらに。。。。。。きゃっ
Nina: Captain, the upper management’s troops are here…*cry*

Brown: しまった、ここにもやつの手が。。。。。。
Brown: Crap, so that guy has control over this place as well…

Margaret: 隊長! ブラウン隊長!!
Margaret: Captain! Captain Brown!!!

Viridian: ブラウンめ、まだかぎ回っていたのか
Viridian: Brown keeps snooping around

Viridian: だが、すこし足を突っ込みすぎたようだな
Viridian: However, it seems like a little kick with my foot did the trick

Margaret: ブラウン隊長をどうしたの?!
Margaret: What happened to Captain Brown?!

Viridian: なに、邪魔者にはご退場願っただけだよ
Viridian: What? I just wanted to put a stop to the nuisance

Viridian: そもそも雇い主に逆らうとはどういうつもりかね?
Viridian: What would you rather have me do with someone who turned against his own employer in the first place?

Alex: どうもこうもあるか!
Alex: You’ve gone too far!

Viridian: そういうことならば致し方ない
Viridian: It can’t be helped when it comes to those kinds of things

Alex: なんだって?
Alex: What’s that?

Viridian: ここは私のテリトリーだ。君らには向も出来んよ
Viridian: This place is my territory. Also, you will not be able to proceed any further...

Viridian: せいぜい頑張りたまえ
Viridian: …(because) my hardest workers (will stop you)
(I’ve added what I believe Viridian is implying within the parenthesis)

Margaret: 軌道エレベーター接近。ターゲット反応あり!
Margaret: Orbital elevator approaching. Reacting to its target!
(the target being Alex and Margaret)

Margaret: 武装してるわ
Margaret: It’s armed

Alex: くっ、ここはヤツのかごの中って事か
Alex: Damn, what did that guy put in this thing
(Alex is referring to the turrets that are placed in the orbital elevator)

Special: どうにかここを抜けて。軌道上まで出てください
Special: Something doesn’t seem right here. Please exit through the top of the orbit

Alex: そこまで行けたら何とかなるんだろうな?
Alex: Could it even be possible to somehow go up there?

Special: 考えがあると言ったはずです
Special: I should have said that it was an idea

Margaret: スペシアを信じましょう
Margaret: Let’s believe in Special

Margaret: とにかく今はここを抜けることに集中して
Margaret: Anyways, focus on how to exit from here

Alex: 了解!
Alex: Understood!

Margaret: エレベーターの武装を撃破
Margaret: The elevator’s armament has been destroyed

Alex: よっしゃ!
Alex: All right!

Margaret: まだまだ追っ手が追ってきてる
Margaret: There are still pursuers following after us

Alex: こりゃまた手厚い歓迎だな
Alex: Shit, another warm welcoming

Margaret: 頑張って切り抜けて!
Margaret: Do your best to get through!
(the literal translation is actually “work hard to cut your way through”)

Alex: やってやるぜ
Alex: I’ll give it a try

Margaret: ふたたび軌道エレベーターからターゲット反応あり!
Margaret: Another “target reaction” from an orbital elevator!
(the target being Alex and Margaret)

Alex: また武装エレベータか
Alex: Another armed elevator?

Alex: こんなもんがあるなんて聞いたことねぇそ
Alex: Hey, I’ve heard about something like this

Margaret: 押しつぶされるわ、よけて!
Margaret: The shaded parts can crush you!

Alex: うぉっとっとっと
Alex: Woah woah woah

Alex: どうなってんだこりや
Alex: What kind of crap are we getting now

Alex: 避けるったって限度があるぞ
Alex: You say that we should avoid the limits?
(I assume that “limits” refer to the borders of the shaded areas or the limited space that they can maneuver in)

Margaret: 集中して避けるしか無いわ
Margaret: Don’t just concentrate on avoiding it

Alex: 気安く言うなって!
Alex: You're telling me to be careful!

Margaret: ほら、集中!集中!
Margaret: Hey, focus! Focus!

Alex: うわわわわ
Alex: Woooaaah

Alex: よし、突破!
Alex: All right, we managed to break through!

Alex: ひやひやしたぜ
Alex: That was scary

Margaret: だいぶ上空まで来たわ、あとすこしよ
Margaret: Just a little bit more and then we’ll reach the sky

Alex: くぅー、まだまだくるぜ
Alex: Sh… they’re still coming

Alex: ほんとに突破できるのかよ
Alex: Can we really break through?

Margaret: ちょっと、弱気になってどうするの
Margaret: Wait, what did you do to become so weak?

Margaret: なんとしても進むのよ
Margaret: Do whatever it takes to proceed

Alex: わかってるって!!
Alex: I know!!!

Alex: ふう、なんとかなったぜ。このまま宇宙まで抜けるぞ!
Alex: Phew, we managed somehow. At this rate, we’ll exit into outer space!

Margaret: まって、後ろから何か来るわ!!
Margaret: Wait, something is approaching from behind!!!

Boss fight

Natsuki: やっと追いついた
Natsuki: I finally caught up with you

Natsuki: ハウンド1、止まりなさい
Natsuki: Hound 1, please stop

Natsuki: これは重大な服務規定違反です
Natsuki: This is a serious violation of the service regulations

Margaret: ナツキ?!
Margaret: Natsuki!?

Alex: 知り合いか?
Alex: Acquaintance of yours?

Margaret: ええ、研修生時代の同期よ
Margaret: Yeah, we were in the same trainee group

Natsuki: マーガレット、いったいどうしてこんな事を?
Natsuki: Margaret, why the heck are you doing something like this?

Margaret: ビリジアンのせいで、セブンティアの人々が犠牲になってしまう
Margaret: Because of Viridian, the people of Seven Tier will be sacrificed

Margaret: 私たちはそれを止めなきゃいけないの!
Margaret: We have to stop it!

Natsuki: にわかには信じがたい話ですね
Natsuki: That was sudden. That’s an incredible story

Margaret: ナツキ, お願いだからここを通して
Margaret: Natsuki, for goodness sake, let us through

Natsuki: 理由はなんであれ、命令違反は命令違反です見逃せません
Natsuki: Whatever the reason is, you've violated your instructions and you will not get away with it

Margaret: ナツキ、もう一度言うわどうしても分かってくれないの?
Margaret: Natsuki, do I really have to say it one more time?

Natsuki: 残念ですが見過ごせません
Natsuki: It's unfortunate but this cannot be overlooked

Margaret: あいかわらず堅いのね
Margaret: Firm as always

Natsuki: 止まらないのなら、強行します
Natsuki: If you won't stop then you will be, by force

Alex: うぉっ、なんて攻撃だよ
Alex: Woah, what kind of attack is that

Natsuki: もうこれ以上は。。。。。。
Natsuki: No more...

Natsuki: マーガレット、止まってください
Natsuki: Margaret, please stop

Margaret: 止まれないわ、そこを通して
Margaret: I won't stop, we've gone through this already

Natsuki: 無理矢理でも、止めます
Natsuki: Then you will be stopped, by force

Alex: ますます攻撃が激しくなって来やがった
Alex: The attacks became increasingly more violent

Margaret: きゃっ!
Margaret: *cry*!

Margaret: どうしてこんな戦い、しなきゃならないのよ!
Margaret: Why are you fighting, it doesn't have to be this way!

Alex: くうっ、なんでもいいからここを越えるぞ!
Alex: Damn, I'll take anything other than this!

Margaret: あともう一息よ
Margaret: Another breath after that

Alex: うりゃぁーーー
Alex: Uryaaa!

Post-boss battle

Natsuki: っ。。。。。。、マーガレット。。。。。。
Natsuki: Hh.... Margaret...

Alex: よっしゃ! 軌道エレベーターを抜けたぞ!
Alex: Alrighty! We passed through the orbital elevator!

Margaret: ごめんね、ナツキ
Margaret: I'm sorry, Natsuki

Margaret: いまはセブンティアの運命がかかっているのよ。。。。。。
Margaret: Now the fate of Seven Tear is hanging on a thread...

Special: 無事、軌道エレベーターを抜けられたようですね
Special: Safety, looks like we made a safe escape through the orbital elevator

Special: このまま目標ポイントまで向かってください
Special: Now please head towards the target point

Alex: そこに何があるんだ?
Alex: But what's over there?

Special: 行けば分かります
Special: I don't know unless you go there

Margaret: 従うしかなさそうね
Margaret: That's unlikely of you not to obey

Alex: しっかし派手にぶちかましちまったね
Alex: But we can't just blindly obey

Margaret: そうね
Margaret: That's right

Margaret: これじゃすっかりマグニ社とMSSのお尋ね者だわ
Margaret: By doing so we would have completely followed Magni company and MSS' wanted man
(tr note: slightly loose translation here)
Last edited by pestro87 on Mon Jun 27, 2016 2:34 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Ginga Force - Menus and Chapter 1-8 - Translation

Post by pestro87 »


Chapter 8 -スペシア共同戦線

Chapter 8 – United battlefront Special
The truth of the Magni company is revealed.
What in the world is awaiting them at the destination that Special instructs them to go to?

Intro cutscene

Special: 見えてきました
Special: It’s been spotted

Margaret: あのシャトル?
Margaret: That shuttle?

Special: はい、あちらのシャトルに着艦してください
Special: Yes, please land by the shuttle over there

Alex: 了解
Alex: Understood

Margaret: さて、一体何が待っているのかしら
Margaret: Well, I wonder what exactly is awaiting us

Huan: 誰かと思えばお前らかいな
Huan: I think someone is accompanying you

Alex: フアン!!
Alex: Huan!!!

Margaret: どうしてここに!!
Margaret: What are you doing here!?

Huan: どうしてもこうしてもこれはわいの船や
Huan: What indeed. And why here indeed. Because this is my ship

Alex: だいたい、さっき軌道エレベーターで捕まえたままおいてきただろ
Alex: I thought that you were caught earlier, around the time when we were in the orbital elevator

Huan: 混乱に乗じて命からがら逃げ延びてきたんや
Huan: I took advantage of all of the chaos and managed to break out and escape

Huan: そこのスペシアちゃんも用があったみたいやしな
Huan: Seems like that Special-chan over there also had something to do with it

Special: ここは隠れるのに最適でしたから。。。
Special: Because this was the ideal place to hide…

Special: もともと、フアンにシャトルを狙うように仕向けたのは
Special: Originally, I set the shuttle’s destination towards Huan

Special: 私の情報によるものです
Special: Based on the information that I had

Huan: まんまと乗せられてしもうたわ
Huan: It must’ve gotten an awful ride here
(I’m not 100% sure on this one)

Huan: しかしなぁ、セブンティアが壊滅したらわいの商売もあがったりやからな
Huan: I wonder, however, if my business would go bankrupt if Seven Tier was destroyed

Huan: 協力したるわ
Huan: We’ve worked together

Huan: お客も二人見えとるで
Huan: Clients also need a second person

Serum: これはこれは、どなたがいらっしゃるかと思えば。。。。。。
Serum: Well well, I think someone has returned…

Tini: ちゃおー
Tini: You did it!
( I believe that ちゃおー is just a shortened version of てしまう which indicates that an action has been completed. So in this context I assume that Tini is referring to that they completed the action of returning)

Alex: セルム!それにティニー!
Alex: Serum! Together with Tini!
(loose translation here – he actually says “besides Tini”)

Alex: お前ら捕まってたはずじゃ??
Alex: You guys were supposed to have been caught???

Serum: 私を甘く見て頂いたち困りますね
Serum: Embarrassed that you had underestimated us?

Serum: あんな場所からは、裏から手を回してさっさと戻りましたよ
Serum: You turned your hand and returned quickly from such a place
(I assume that he means that they turned their hand on the Magni company)

Serum: これもビジネスというやつです
Serum: This is also what men calls business
(I’m not 100% sure on this one)

Serum: 少し前に、そちらのお嬢様から連絡を受けましてね
Serum: A little while ago, I was contacted by that lady over there

Alex: スペシアか?
Alex: Special?

Special: 。。。。。。。。。
Special: …

Serum: これはマグニ社の一大スキャンダルですからね利用しない手はありませんよ
Serum: Because of the scandal with the Magni company, there’s no one there to support you

Serum: しかし、あなた方と手を組むことになるとは思いませんでしたがね
Serum: However, I did not think that I would join forces with you

Margaret: ティニーは?
Margaret: Tini?

Tini: ボクもスペシアからメッセージを受け取ったんだ
Tini: I also received Special’s message

Tini: この天才的な頭脳をかりたいんだって!
Tini: This genius could share its brain power, isn’t that what you said?

Tini: さすがスペシアたん見る目がちがうよ
Tini: Special-tan sees things differently
(“-tan” is similar to “-chan”. I think that “tan” is mostly used by children)

Margaret: ずいぶんお気楽ね
Margaret: You’re quite carefree, huh?

Margaret: いま何が起こってるかわかってるんでしょうね?
Margaret: Does anyone know what’s going to happen now?

Tini: わかってるよ!セブンティアのみんなを守るんでしょ?
Tini: I know! We’ll protect everyone in Seven Tier, right?

Tini: ボクってば世界を救うヘロイン?
Tini: I’m the great heroine that saves the world, right?
(I believe that “ってば” just adds emphasis on “ボク” and that’s why I translated the first part of the sentence to “I’m the great” instead of just “I’m the”)

Margaret: 大丈夫なのかしらこんなんで。。。。。。
Margaret: I wonder if we will be ok like this…

Special: お二人は私がお呼びしました
Special: I reached out to you two

Special: ティニーには、私をネットワークに再接続する手伝いをお願いします
Special: Tini, please assist me to reconnect to the network

Tini: それならもう準備できてるよっ
Tini: Whenever you are ready

Alex: 早っ
Alex: Hurry

Tini: 天才的ハッカーティニー様にはこのくらいちょちょいのちょいだよ
Tini: This is a walk in the park for the great genius hacker, Tini

Tini: このターミナルからどうぞ
Tini: Using this terminal
(どうぞ actually means more like ”go ahead” instead of ”using” but ”go ahead from this terminal” sounds strange)

Margaret: はい、繋げたわ
Margaret: Yes, there's access

Special: 再接続開始。。。。。。
Special: Reconnection begins…

Special: ネゴシエーション中。。。。。。
Special: Negotiation in process…

Special: 来ました!
Special: Connected!
(The literal translation is actually “Came!”)

Special: フアン、ブリッジのモニターを借ります
Special: Huan, borrow the bridge’s monitor
(I think that “bridge” in this context refers to the network bridge that Tini created)

Huan: あいよー
Huan: Aye aye

Margaret: ちょっとなによ、どういうこと?
Margaret: Hey wait a sec, what does this mean?

Huan: こりゃえらいこっちゃ
Huan: Oh great…
(loose translation here)

Special: セブンティア全域に厳戒態勢が発動されています
Special: A high state of alert has been triggered throughout Seven Tier

Special: セプトニウムの一件がネット上で拡散し。各地でデモが起こっているようです
Special: Information about one of the Septonium affairs is spreading across the net. Demonstrations have occurred in many parts.

Tini: あちゃー、もしかしてハッカー仲間。みんなに手伝ってもらったから
Tini: Uh oh, perhaps it’s my fellow hacker companions. I received help from everyone

Tini: そこからばれちゃったのかな~
Tini: I wonder if it got discovered from that

Margaret: ティニィ~~~~
Margaret: Tini!

Tini: ごめんなさい~~ボクそんなつもりじゃぁ~~
Tini: I’m sorry! I mean it!

Alex: でもこれでセブンティアのみんなに。知れ渡ったわけだろ?
Alex: But this is everyone in Seven Tier. I wonder how it was discovered?

Alex: ビリジアンの企みも、これで止められるんじゃないか?
Alex: Another one of Viridian’s plots, do you think you can stop this?

Serum: しかしこれはマグニ社にとっても大きな痛手です
Serum: However, this is a very big blow for the Magni company

Serum: そう簡単にはいかないのでは無いですかね
Serum: But I guess it’s not going to be that easy, huh?

Margaret: そうね
Margaret: That’s right

Margaret: 現に、デモが起きて厳戒態勢が敷かれていると言うことは
Margaret: In fact, it says that demonstrations are occurring on a high state of alert and is spreading

Margaret: マグニ社全体で隠蔽しようとしている可能性もあるわ
Margaret: There’s a possibility that they will try to conceal the entire Magni company

Alex: 状況は好転してないって事か
Alex: So the situation hasn’t changed for the better?

Special: ビリジアンの動きを察知しました
Special: Viridian’s movement has been detected

Special: ビリジアンは、建造中のセプトニウムエネルギーシステムを動作させるつもりです
Special: Viridian is constructing a Septonium Energy System that he intends to operate

Margaret: なんですって?!
Margaret: What in the world?!
(loose translation here. She actually says something like “Is that so?” but I wanted to convey the proper emphasis)

Alex: そんなことしたらどうなるんだ?
Alex: What happens if he does such a thing?

Special: 不完全なセプトニウムエネルギーシステムで最大出力を出せば
Special: If you let out the maximum output from an incomplete Seponium Energy System

Special: セブンティアごと崩壊する可能性があります
Special: There’s a possibility that the entire Seven Tier will collapse

Tini: ふぇぇ、そんなぁ~~
Tini: Wouaaaa, that’s…

Margaret: とにかく止めなきゃ
Margaret: In any case, we will stop this

Alex: よっしゃ!
Alex: Alrighty!

Special: 私はビリジアン正確な位置を突き止めます
Special: I have located the exact position of Viridian

Special: ティニー、手伝ってください
Special: Tini, please assist me

Tini: わかった!
Tini: Got it!

Special: セルムはハウンド1の武装をお願いします
Special: Serum, please arm Hound 1

Serum: お安いご用です
Serum: Sure thing
(loose translation here. He actually says something along the lines of “that’s an easy thing to do” or “that’s a walk in the park”)

Special: アレックスとマーガレットは出撃の準備をお願いします
Special: Alex and Margaret, please prepare for take off

Alex: 了解!
Alex: Understood!

Margaret: 了解よ!
Margaret: Roger that!

Serum: どんな武装でも用意してありますよ。どうしますか?
Serum: The armaments have been prepared. What will you do?

Viridian: あんなやつらにしてやられるとは。。。。。。
Viridian: And outwitted by those guys…

Viridian: もういい、すべて消し去ってやる
Viridian: That’s ok though, all will be wiped out anyway

Special: ビリジアンの大まかな潜伏先が判明しました
Special: An approximation of the location of Viridian’s hiding place has been found

Special: 第4区画にあるエネルギー伝送施設のどこかです
Special: The energy transmission facility is located somewhere in the fourth section

Special: 第4区画に行くための軌道エレベーター付近には多数の護衛艦が配置されています
Special: To go to the fourth section you need to pass by the orbital elevator where a great deal of enemy defense aircrafts are located

Special: 一戦交えることになると思われますが覚悟はいいですか?
Special: I believe that there will be a battle that comes and goes, are you well prepared for this?
(I’m not sure if一戦交えるis supposed to mean that it’s a battle that comes and goes or if it means that it’s a battle where blows are traded)

Alex: あたりまえだぜ!ここまで来て引き下がれねぇよ!
Alex: We’re naturals at those things! What’s come at us so far has been taken down!

Margaret: その通りだわ!
Margaret: That’s right!

Special: 了解しました
Special: Affirmative

Special: それでは発進準備を行います
Special: Let’s prepare for departure

Tini: ビリジアンの正確な位置が分かったら連絡するね
Tini: I’ve found contact of Viridian’s exact location

Margaret: 了解、ティニー
Margaret: Understood, Tini

Serum: 武装は済ませておきましたよ。機体の調子はどうですか?
Serum: I’ve completed arming the ship. How do you like the condition of the aircraft?

Alex: 今までになく絶好調だぜ!
Alex: It’s the best that it’s ever been!

Huan: ほな気いつけてな。後方から出来るだけ支援するで
Huan: Later, take care. I can only support you from the back end

Margaret: フアン、頼んだわね
Margaret: Huan, I’m counting on you

Margaret: それじゃあ行くわよ!!
Margaret: Well then, we’re off!!!

Alex: 了解!
Alex: Understood!

Alex: ハウンド1、発進!
Alex: Hound 1, depart!

Stage start

Alex: さっそく大艦隊のお出ましだぜ!
Alex: A large fleet is coming at us!

Margaret: セブンティア全域の大混乱のおかげでこっちから注意がそれてるわ
Margaret: We need to be careful over here because of the chaos on the entire Seven Tier region

Margaret: 一気に第4区画まで行くわよ!
Margaret: Go towards the fourth section at once!

Alex: よっしゃ!了解だぜ!!
Alex: Alrighty! Copy that!!!

Margaret: あとはティニーたちが、ビリジアンの居場所を突き止めてくれることを祈りましょう
Margaret: Let’s hope that we will locate the whereabouts of Viridian based on what Tini and the others gave us

Alex: あいつらなら大丈夫さ。みんなを信じようぜ!
Alex: They said that it’s ok. Let’s believe in everyone!

Margaret: そうね、私たちは私たちの出来ることをしましょう!
Margaret: That’s right. Let’s do what we do!

Tini: こちらティニー
Tini: Tini here

Tini: ビリジアンの位置が判明したよ!
Tini: Viridian’s position has been found!

Alex: でかした、ティニー
Alex: Well done, Tini

Special: 第9軌道エレベーターです何とかたどり着いてください
Special: It’s the ninth orbital elevator, please reach it somehow

Margaret: 了解!
Margaret: Understood!

Alex: 第9軌道エレベーター、着いたぜ!
Alex: Arrived at the ninth orbital elevator!

Margaret: 無理矢理でも突入するわよ!
Margaret: But we’re being forced inside!

Alex: よっしゃ!うりゃぁーーー
Alex: Alrighty! Uryaaaa

Special: システムの起動まで時間ありません
Special: There is no time left until the system is launched

Special: 急いでください
Special: Please hurry

Viridian: まさかここまで来るとは。。。。。。こざかしいやつらめ
Viridian: It can’t be that you’ve made it this far… You guys are a little bit intelligent

Viridian: この星もろとも吹き飛ばしてやる
Viridian: I’m gonna blow away this planet along with everyone

Viridian: ディスペシア時間を稼げ
Viridian: Di-Special, it’s work time

Special/Di-Special: 了解しました、マスター
Special/Di-Special: Affirmative, master

Alex: スペシア?
Alex: Special?

Margaret: まって、様子が変よ
Margaret: Wait, her appearance changed

Alex: こいつが本物と入れ替わっていた偽のスペシアか!
Alex: This guy has replaced the real one with a fake Special!

Viridian: よく分かったなほめてやろう
Viridian: Good, I understand that you praise me

Viridian: ここのセキュリティシステムは、までディスペシアの管理下にあるのだよ
Viridian: The security system is here, have it under control, Di-Special

Viridian: まあせいぜい、そいつと遊んでるんだな
Viridian: Well at best, you could play with him

Alex: くっ
Alex: Crap

Margaret: なんとしてもあいつを止めなきゃ
Margaret: We have to do whatever it takes to stop him

Alex: うわっ、こりゃ最大級のセプトニウム精製施設だな
Alex: Wow! Shit, this has to be the largest Septonium refining facility

Margaret: ビリジアンはたぶんこの先よ。急いで!
Margaret: Viridian is probably up ahead. Hurry up!

Alex: よっしゃ!
Alex: Alrighty!

Boss battle

Viridian: ディスペシア、何をしている?さっさと片付けろ!
Viridian: Di-Special, what are you doing? Get yourself together!

Special/Di-Special: 了解、マスター、ここは通しません
Special/Di-Special: Understood, Master. You will not pass

Alex: Something came out, we're stuck!!! Are we it's food?

Margaret: 時間は無いわ急ぐねよ!
Margaret: Don't rush it!

Post-boss battle

Special/Di-Special: 機能、停止します。。。。。。。
Special/Di-Special: Features, stopped...

Alex: Alrighty!

Viridian: くそ、役立たずめ
Viridian: Shit. Useless

Viridian: だがもう起動シーケンスは開始された
Viridian: But the other startup sequence has been initiated

Viridian: すでに時遅しだよ、諸君
Viridian: Gentlemen, it's already too late
Last edited by pestro87 on Mon Jun 27, 2016 2:35 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Ginga Force - Menus and Chapter 1-8 - Translation

Post by ratikal »

Sweet, glad to see you are still updating this. Cool to see what the story actually is.
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Re: Ginga Force - Menus and Chapter 1-8 - Translation

Post by pestro87 »

ratikal wrote:Sweet, glad to see you are still updating this. Cool to see what the story actually is.
Thanks, ratikal! The story takes quite an interesting turn on Chapters 7 and 8 imo :)

It shouldn't take too long to translate Chapters 9-10 + the Epilogue as there aren't a whole lot of dialogues on those. Chapter 10 is essentially just "uryyaaaa" :lol:
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Re: Ginga Force - Menus and Chapter 1-8 - Translation

Post by pestro87 »


Chapter 9 - 決死の抑制 – vs. ビリジアン

Chapter 9 – Suppress the certain death – vs. Viridian
The startup sequence has been initiated at the hands of Viridian.
Stop this at all costs or else there won’t be any future for Seven Tier.

Intro cutscene

Viridian: すべに起動シーケンスは開始した
Viridian: The entire startup sequence has been initiated

Viridian: 時遅しだよ、諸君
Viridian: Gentlemen, you were too late

Alex: くっ。。。。。。
Alex: Crap…

Special: こちらでもシステムの起動を確認しました
Special: The startup of the system has been confirmed although we are over here

Special: 起動の最終段階では軌道上の星間アンテナ施設で
Special: The final stage of the startup takes place on the Interstellar Antenna Facilities that are in orbit

Special: コントロールする必要があります
Special: We absolutely must gain the control

Special: ビリジアンはそこへ向かうと考えられます
Special: I believe that Viridian is heading over there

Viridian: 君らには何もできんさ
Viridian: You guys can’t do anything about it

Stage start

Alex: ブリューナク艦フル装備か!
Alex: Is this a fully equipped Bryunak battleship?

Margaret: こんな戦艦相手なんて。。。。。。
Margaret: What? Such a battleship to have as an opponent…

Alex: 成せば成る!
Alex: We can do it if we’ve made it this far!
(slightly loose translation here but I believe that this is basically what he means)

Alex: 怖じ気づいたって始まらないぜ!!
Alex: I will not start giving in to fear!!!

Margaret: そうね
Margaret: That’s right

Margaret: 発進したわ、追って!
Margaret: It took off. We’re being chased!
(Margaret is referring to that the battleship took off and that popcorn enemies are chasing them)

Alex: よっしゃ!
Alex: Alrighty!

Margaret: エンジンから再び熱源反応!真後ろにいたら危ないわ!
Margaret: A heat reaction is coming from the engine again! It’s dangerous to be directly behind it!

Alex: くっ、派手にエンジンを噴かしやがって。。。。。
Alex: Shit, what a friggin’ loud engine rev…

Alex: このままじゃ離される
Alex: At this rate it’ll leave

Margaret: エンジンにダメージを与えれば速度を落とせるかもしれない
Margaret: If we do damage to the engine, we might be able to lower its speed

Alex: エンジン1機破壊!
Alex: First engine unit destroyed!

Viridian: くっ、こざかしいやつらめ
Viridian: Damn, you guys are slightly intelligent

Margaret: 速度が落ちたわ今のうちに前進よ
Margaret: The speed dropped. Proceed forward while you still can
(slightly loose translation here. She actually says “Proceed forward while now” but I assume that she means that they should proceed forward while the engine is damanged)

Left route

Alex: 左舷に出るぜ!
Alex: Coming up on the port side!

Viridian: この艦の火力を甘く見るな。地獄に送ってやる
Viridian: Don’t underestimate the firepower of this ship. I’m going to send you to hell

Alex: その言葉、そっくりそのまま返してやるぜ!
Alex: I’ll throw all of those words back at you!

Margaret: ミサイル反応多数!
Margaret: A large number of missiles have reacted!

Margaret: さく裂するタイプのミサイルね
Margaret: So it’s the missile type that explodes, huh?

Margaret: 爆発に巻き込まれたらダメよ!
Margaret: Don’t get caught in the explosion!

Margaret: 後方から敵機。気をつけて!
Margaret: Enemy aircrafts are approaching from behind. Be careful!

Alex: 了解!
Alex: Understood!

Margaret: やや前方に、艦載機射出用ハッチがあるわ
Margaret: Just up ahead, it has a hatch that opens for carrier ships

Margaret: 射出部は装甲が薄いはず
Margaret: The unit that opens should have thin armor

Margaret: ハッチを狙って
Margaret: Aim for the hatch

Alex: 了解!
Alex: Understood!

Alex: ハッチ破壊!!
Alex: Hatch destroyed!!!

Alex: くっ、なんか出てきやがった!
Alex: Damn, what in the world came out!?

Margaret: こんなのを相手にしてる場合じゃないのに!
Margaret: If it’s not that then it’s an enemy like this!
(loose translation here – I assume that she means that the fighting never ends, at first it was the battleship and now this new aircraft that flew out from the battleship)

Viridian: せいぜい頑張って追いつくんだな
Viridian: At best, good luck catching up

Alex: 中型機、破壊!
Alex: Medium sized aircraft, destroyed!

Viridian: ふん、どいつもこいつも役立たずめ
Viridian: Hrmph, every single one of them are useless

Viridian: フッ、そんな機体では火力も推力も足りん
Viridian: Hmm, an aircraft like this has enough firepower and force power

Viridian: 何をしたって無駄だよ
Viridian: Whatever you did was in vain

Alex: エンジンもういっちょ破壊!
Alex: One more engine destroyed!

Middle route

Margaret: 甲板に出るわ
Margaret: Approaching over the deck

Alex: くっ、砲門だらけだ
Alex: Damn, it’s full of gunports

Alex: こりゃあ全部を相手してたらきりがねえぞ
Alex: Shit, it’s just endless with all of these opponents

Margaret: うーん、どうすれば。。。。。。
Margaret: Yeah, can we make it…?

Margaret: 左右のビーム砲は予備があるタイプね
Margaret: It has horizontal beam cannons as its primary type

Margaret: 破壊してもまた復活してくるわ
Margaret: In addition to that, it comes back to life after it’s been destroyed

Margaret: 中央のVLS16門を狙って
Margaret: Target the middle gate VLS16

Alex: よっしゃ!やってみるぜ!
Alex: Alrighty! I’ll try!

Margaret: 前方に艦橋!気をつけて!
Margaret: The ship’s bridge is up ahead! Be careful!

Alex: うぉっと、あぶねぇ
Alex: Ugh, this is friggin’ dangerous

Margaret: 艦首に出るわ
Margaret: Coming up on the “neck” of the ship

Alex: うおっ、なんて弾幕だ!
Alex: Woah, what a danmaku!

Viridian: この圧倒的な火力差に敵うとでも思っているのか?
Viridian: What do you think that you can do against your enemy when there’s such an overwhelming difference in firepower?

Alex: よし!破壊した!
Alex: All right! It’s been destroyed!

Viridian: くっ、まさか。。。。。。
Viridian: Shit, can it be…?

Viridian: くそ、あの小型機でなぜここまで出来る?
Viridian: Shit, how can that small plane make it this far?

Viridian: これで振り払ってやる!
Viridian: I’m gonna shake you up and make you pay for this!

Margaret: エンジン3機破壊!もうすこしよ!
Margaret: Aircraft engine 3 destroyed! Just a little more!

Right route

Alex: 艦の右舷に出るぞ!
Alex: Coming up on the starboard of the ship!

Viridian: 自ら懐に飛び込んでくるとは余程死にたいようだな
Viridian: Flying right into me. It looks like you really want to die
(the literal translation is actually “Flying right into my bosom”)

Alex: 命に代えても止めてやるぜ!!
Alex: I’ll stop you even if it costs me my life!!!

Margaret: 多数の小型機が接近
Margaret: A large number of small aircrafts are approaching

Margaret: 舷側砲にも気をつけて!
Margaret: Be careful of the broadside cannons!

Alex: よっしゃ!
Alex: Alrighty!

Margaret: こっち側にもハッチがあるわ
Margaret: There’s another hatch on the side here

Margaret: ハッチを狙って
Margaret: Target the hatch

Alex: 了解!
Alex: Understood!

Margaret: ハッチ横のビーム砲来るわよ!
Margaret: The hatch’s horizontal beam cannon is about to fire!
(she actually says “is coming” but it’s implied that she means that the beam cannon is about to fire)

Alex: ちょっ!!
Alex: Ouch!!!

Alex: こりゃきっついぜ!!
Alex: Shit, that’s tough!!!
(I’m not 100% sure about this one)

Margaret: 弾道をよく見て避けるのよ!!
Margaret: Look for the trajectory and avoid it!!!

Alex: まだまだ来やがる!!
Alex: They’re friggin’ still coming!!!

Alex: よし、ハッチ破壊!!
Alex: All right, hatch destroyed!!!

Margaret: なに?
Margaret: What?

Alex: おいおいおい。。。。。。
Alex: Woah woah woah…

Alex: 艦載機が大量に出てきやがった!
Alex: A friggin’ large amount of aircrafts appeared!

Viridian: ふははは
Viridian: Hahaha

Viridian: 押しつぶしてしまえ
Viridian: Crush them

Alex: もうかなりダメージを与えたはずだぞ
Alex: We’ve already dealt a considerable amount of damage

Margaret: そうね。でもまだ推力が落ちないわ
Margaret: That’s right. However, the thrust force still hasn’t dropped

Viridian: くそ、どうしてこの艦がおまえらなどに。。。。。。
Viridian: Shit, how is this ship that you are using able to…

Viridian: 私を本気で怒らせたらどうなるか
Viridian: I’ve become so seriously angry that I don’t know what will happen

Viridian: みせてやろう
Viridian: I’ll show you

Viridian: 全ビーム砲。照射開始!
Viridian: All beam cannons. Start irradiating!

Margaret: ぎゃっ!
Margaret: *cry*!

Alex: くっ!
Alex: Shit!

Alex: ここまで来てやられてたまるか!
Alex: It’s all led up to this moment!
(I’m not 100% sure about this one)

Margaret: 側面のビーム砲はいくらでも出てくるわ
Margaret: There’s no stopping the amount that’s coming out from the beam cannon on the side
(the literal translation is actually more along the lines of “the beam cannon let’s out as much as it would like”)

Margaret: 中央の副砲を重点的に狙うのよ!
Margaret: Focus on aiming for the central duo-cannons!

Alex: よっしゃーー!
Alex: Alrighty!

Alex: うぉ~~~~~!
Alex: Woah!

Viridian: なぜだ!
Viridian: Why?!

Viridian: あんな小型機一機、なぜ追い払えないのだ!!
Viridian: Why have you chased after me with that small aircraft that’s only a single machine, yet you haven’t been disposed of?!!!

Outro cutscene

Alex: うぉりゃ~~~~~
Alex: Uoryaaaaa

Margaret: やったわ。戦艦の推力が落ちていく
Margaret: We did it. The battleship’s thrust force is dropping

Alex: 止まったのか。。。。。。?
Alex: Did it stop…?

Margaret: たぶんね
Margaret: Probably

Margaret: まって!戦艦から高エネルギー反応!
Margaret: Wait! A high energy reaction is coming from the battleship!

Alex: やばいっ!!
Alex: Oh no!!!

Viridian: まだだ、まだ終わらんぞ!
Viridian: Not yet, it’s still not over!
Last edited by pestro87 on Tue Aug 04, 2015 5:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ginga Force - Menus and Chapter 1-9 - Translation

Post by pestro87 »


Chapter 10 - 最終決戦 – vs. ビリジアン

Chapter 10 – The Final Battle – vs. Viridian
Although the battleship was prevented, Viridian wasn’t stopped.
The battle takes place at…

Intro cutscene

Viridian: まだだ、まだ終わらんぞ!
Viridian: Not yet, it’s still not over!

Alex: なんだなんだ!?
Alex: What what?!

Margaret: 戦艦を捨てて出てきたわ!
Margaret: He abandoned the battleship and came out!

Boss fight

Viridian: こうなったら。お前らもこの星も
Viridian: So it came down to this. You guys along with this planet
He actually says “star” and not planet but I assume that he is referring to Seven Tier

Viridian: 全員道連れにしてやる!
Viridian: All of you joined together to do this!

Alex: うぉっ!!
Alex: Woaaah!!!

Margaret: きゃっ!!
Margaret: *cry*!!!

Special: あの機体は高出力テスト用の実験機です
Special: That aircraft is an experimental machine used for high output power tests

Margaret: スペシア!
Margaret: Special!

Special: おそらくそう長くは持たないでしょう
Special: It probably won’t last very long

Margaret: このカタパルトを抜けたらすぐ星間アンテナ施設よ!
Margaret: This will soon catapult through the Interstellar Antenna Facilities!

Margaret: もしそこまでたどり着かれたら。。。。。。
Margaret: We reach it. Followed him all the way

Alex: くっ、全部巻き添えにする気か!
Alex: Shit, trying not to collide with all of that

Alex: 着く前に何としても止める!
Alex: Stop him at any costs before he gets there!

Viridian: うおぉぉぉーーー
Viridian: Uoooh

Alex: はぁぁぁぁぁーーー
Alex: Aaaah

Viridian: おまえらのせいで
Viridian: Because of you guys

Viridian: おまえらのせいで!!
Viridian: Because of you guys!!!

Viridian: 私の計画が台無しだーー!
Viridian: My plans are ruined!

Viridian: 全員、全員、すべって地獄に送ってやる!!
Viridian: Everyone. Everyone. I'll send you all to hell!!!

Viridian: うおおおぉぉぉぉぉーー
Viridian: Uooooooooooh

Alex: くわぁーーーーー
Alex: Woaaaah

Margaret: こんなのって。。。。。。 こんなのって!!
Margaret: This is it... This is it!!!!

Viridian: はあぁぁぁぁぁーーー
Viridian: Aaaaaah

Alex: うりゃぁぁぁぁーーーー
Alex: Uryaaaaa

Viridian: うおおおぉぉぉぉぉーー
Viridian: Uooooooooh

Alex: くあぁぁぁぁーーーーー
Alex: Woaaaaah

Viridian: はあぁぁぁぁぁーーー
Viridian: Aaaaaaah

Alex: うりゃぁぁぁぁーーーー
Alex: Uryaaaaaa

Viridian: はあぁぁぁぁぁーーー
Viridian: Aaaaaah

Alex: うりゃぁぁぁぁーーーー
Alex: Uryaaaaa

Viridian: うおおおぉぉぉぉぉーー
Viridian: Uoooooooh

Alex: くあぁぁぁぁーーーーー
Alex: Woaaaaah

Viridian: はあぁぁぁぁぁーーー
Viridian: Aaaaaaah

Alex: うりゃぁぁぁぁーーーー
Alex: Uryaaaaa

Viridian: ぐぉぁぁぁーーー
Viridian: Woaaah

Alex: 。。。。。。はぁ、はぁ、はぁ。。。。。。
Alex: ........*panting*, *panting*, *panting*.......

Margaret: 。。。。。。。。。。。。ううん。。。。。。
Margaret: ........*groan*.....

Margaret: 一体。。。。。。。どうなったの。。。。。。
Margaret: What the hell.... what happened.......?

Special エネルギー反応なし
Special: There's no energy reaction

Special ビリジアン機、消滅しました
Special: Viridian's machine has disappeared

Alex: 。。。。。。ほんとか。。。。。。。。。?
Alex: ...... really......?

Margaret: 。。。。。。。。。。やったわ。。。。。。。。。
Margaret: ...... we did it......

Margaret: 。。。。。。終わったんだわ
Margaret: ...... it's over

Alex: よっしゃーーーーー!!!!
Alex: All riiight!!

Outro cutscene

Epilogue - Easy
Margaret’s perspective




ティニーは今回の件で才能が認められて, エンジニアの道を歩み


Viridian’s plot was prevented and the people of Seven Tier were saved.
After that, Viridian’s scheme became known to the people.
Special returned to her duty monitoring ships. Peace was restored to Seven Tier.

A direction regarding the Septonium energy has been initiated on the planet of Seven Tier.
Leaders are worried that this will determine what the future will hold.

Captain Brown and Nina were released safely.
Serum and Huan took advantage of all of the confusion and returned to their homes.

Tini, acknowledged her talents in the subject matter and began pursuing the path of becoming an engineer.
The incredibly steadfast Special, monitored ships.

Work for Alex and I continued on but that’s for another story.
Well then, I’ll see you again somewhere!

Epilogue - Normal
Alex’s perspective






Viridian’s plot was prevented and the people of Seven Tier were saved.
After that, Viridian’s scheme became known to the people.
Special returned to her duty monitoring ships. Peace was restored to Seven Tier.

A direction regarding the Septonium energy has been initiated on the planet of Seven Tier.
Leaders are worried that this will determine what the future will hold.

Nina and Captain Brown were released safely.
In addition to that, Serum and Huan took advantage of all of the confusion and returned to their homes.
This is really fortunate!

That genius, Tini, became a recognized engineer.
However, Special, who is steadfast, remained monitoring ships.
(the literal translation is actually that she’s “hard as stone”)

Work for Margaret and I continued on but that’s for another story.
Well then, we’ll meet again somewhere!

Epilogue - Hard
Nina’s perspective





Viridian’s plot was prevented and the people of Seven Tier were saved.
After that, Viridian’s scheme became known to the people.
Special returned to her duty monitoring ships. Peace was restored to Seven Tier.

A direction regarding the Septonium energy has been initiated on the planet of Seven Tier.
Leaders became worried that this would determine what the future will hold.

Myself and Captain Brown were released safely and we were ok.

Margaret and Alex haven’t talked to me much regarding the events.
They were spoken of as the heroes who saved Seven Tier, although it seems like they didn't get to meet them.
(as in, the people who spoke of them as heroes didn't get a chance to meet them)
Last edited by pestro87 on Fri Jul 01, 2016 10:37 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Legendary Hoamaru
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Re: Ginga Force - Menus and Chapters 1-10 - Translation

Post by Legendary Hoamaru »

Fantastic job, pestro87. This has been a great read!

So I'm guessing there aren't any differences in text between the endings for the different difficulties?
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