ST: Dodonpachi Resurrection 1.5 Strategy Guide (WIP)

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ST: Dodonpachi Resurrection 1.5 Strategy Guide (WIP)

Post by adversity1 »

1.0 Introduction
This guide is written to give players an introduction to Dodonpachi Daifukkatsu 1.5. It is currently a work in progress

1.1 Differences from 1.0

+Addition of B-type, Green Helicopter.
+Max score counter increased by two digits.

1.2 Ship Types

A-Type  Do-NX-SF-25B Struggle Fighter "Deltasword"
+ Slightly more powerful laser/shot
+ Highest mobility of the ships
+ Chain rises quickest of the three when canceling bullets
- Short shot width requires intricate pattern building
- Short shot width and options placed on top of the craft means that bullet canceling demands a distinct strategy from the other two ship types: slowly moving away from bullets streams. Normal shot for Power style will require the player to move quite deliberately to avoid getting caught by bullet streams.
- Boost shot in Power mode does a little better but you can still get nailed by shots from the side.

B-Type Do-NX-AH-16B Assault Helicopter "Biaxe"
+Power and movement are both medium.
+Is pretty easy to learn chains with.
+Options on the side means it will be able to cancel bullets in Power style Normal mode up to hyper rank 2 with no real worries.
- Shot moves according to your movement and although two streams of bullets remain straight forward, the shift of the other two can mess up chain timing. This is especially true on Stage 4.

C-Type Do-NX-FB-72D Fighting Bomber "Spearhead"
+ Wide and constant shot makes chaining easier than the other modes.
+ Like B-type, can cancel bullets in Power Style Normal mode with no problems up to hyper rank 2.
+ C-type has the current highest score in DFK much to its wide shot which hits enemies otherwise unreachable by other ship types.
- Slow movement, which can lead to chain dropping if you do not move fast enough.
- Slowest chain increase while bullet canceling.

2.0 Modes

2.1 Bomb Mode

・Auto-bomb= when you are hit and you have a bomb item remaining, the bomb item will be used.
・Duration of the bomb will be much shorter than a bomb that you choose to use (i.e. hitting B).
・For high-scoring runs, bomb mode will require the player to make use of the "aura" technique by pressing the body of their craft up against enemies to jack up the hyper meter. Otherwise the hyper meter fills very slowly and the player may find themselves in tight spots and/or with very low chain numbers.

A: Shot (hold for laser)
B: Bomb
C: Autofire
D: Hyper

*Buttons C&D are interchangeable and can be adjusted to your play style across all modes.

2.2 Power Mode

・Power mode gives the player two shot types: normal and boost. Boost dealing more damage to enemies, it also fills up the player's hyper meter while canceling bullets in hyper mode.
・For this reason, Power Mode players will be able to fill their hyper meters quicker than any other mode, leading to higher chains early on which greatly increases the overall counter.
・However, Power players are not going to be able to run through the game canceling bullets around them with boost mode and expect the chain to be maintained. Due to the way hyper ranks increase, the effective length of the hyper shot shortens with every level, leading to inevitable chain breaks if hypers are used too much.

A: Shot (hold for laser)
B: Shot change (Normal/Boost)
C: Autofire
D: Hyper

2.3 Strong Mode
・Strong mode has higher power in shot and laser and is very easy to get a 1-all with. A 2-all is also not too challenging with this mode.
・However, Strong mode does not have Power's ability to cancel bullets for hyper meter and tends to kill enemies much quicker, meaning that scoring runs in Strong will need tricks to keep the chain intact and the hyper meter full.
・Auto-bomb= when you are hit and you have a bomb item remaining, the bomb item will be used.
・Duration of the bomb will be much shorter than a bomb that you choose to use (i.e. hitting B).

A: Shot (hold for laser)
B: Bomb
C: Autofire
D: Hyper

3.0 Chaining

Chaining in DFK is essentially similar to the other Dodonpachi games in that you have to destroy enemies within a certain amount of time to continue moving the counter up. This amount of time is governed by the combo gauge.

Things that maintain your chain/keep your combo gauge alive:

1. Destroying enemies.
2. Activating hyper.
3. Destroying bullets/obtaining airborne star point items.
4. Training your laser on enemies
5. Obtaining bee items.

Be aware that DFK's chaining system is a bit more lenient than previous games in the series. One thing makes it easier to chain is that killing multiple enemies at once will cause your combo gauge to decrease slower than killing them one at a time. DFK also projects enemy hit boxes onto the top of the screen, so if you think your chain is about to cut out you can hit laser and often your laser will catch on an off-screen, still invulnerable enemy.

Please see the scoring system section to understand how combos translate into points in DFK.

4.0 Hyper Rank

Hyper ranks raises with each hyper you use in DFK, and if it gets too high, it can be deadly to either yourself or your chain. Stages 4 and 5 are especially difficult to full chain if a player raises the hyper rank too quickly.

The game starts at rank 0. As the rank raises:

・Destruction/Cancellation durability of bullets increases ・More danger lasers appear
・Speed of bullets increase ・In second loop, number of suicide bullets increase.
・For BOOST mode in Power style, the green area of your shot will decrease.
This is a somewhat unnoticed feature of hypers in this game, but there is actually a red and green component to your shot. The green area is close to your craft, and will destroy enemy bullets and produce star items (keep your chain intact). However if you're canceling bullets in the red area, star items will not appear and your chain will be much more vulnerable.

Power style players must absolutely keep the above in mind.

4.1 Hyper Rules According to Loop

1st loop: the hyper rank is reset every stage. Hyper rank drops 1 when you die.
2nd loop: (Tsuujou) Rank from the last stage divided by 2.
(Ura) Rank from last stage -1
When a bomb is used, rank -1
If you die, -1

5.0 Scoring System

Unlike Daioujou, bee items in Daifukkatsu are nearly worthless. Almost all of the points in a serious scoring run will come from building the combo throughout the stage. A multiplier is put into effect for every enemy that you kill depending on the numerical value of your chain.


0-499 x1
500-999 x2
1000-2999 x3
3000-4999 x4
5000-6999 x5
7000-9999 x6
10000 and up x7

This multiplier ONLY takes effect when your hyper gauge is full, which means effectively that DFK requires a scoring strategy of building a big chain in the early part of the level via hypers and then no-hyper chaining from an advantageous point to maximize points.

Below your hyper gauge, you will notice a "+ value" in a box. I will call this your accumulative counter. Every time you destroy an enemy, its value is multiplied by the multiplier and not only enters your overall points, but also your accumulative counter.

Here's an example, if you destroy the first medium sized enemy in stage 2 after accumulating 1000 on the counter (and with a full hyper counter), the value of that enemy (Reiun), 353,200, is multiplied by 3 (approx. 1 mil points). Since this enters your accumulative counter, EVERY enemy you kill afterwords will have this value applied to them. Thus it is absolutely vital to build up the highest chain number you can before killing mid-sized enemies throughout the levels.

On stage 2, this is for instance the difference between 10 billion and 15 billion before the boss, in stage 3 the difference is already 30 billion or so.

Given that hyper rank is constantly raising the more you use hypers, you will want to plan out a smart strategy for each level which will require to use a minimum of hypers, otherwise you may find your chain cutting out and/or getting killed by bullets you can't destroy anymore.

6.0 Extends
10,000,000,000 and a 1UP hidden in the following installation on stage 3. Easy to get, just don't bomb.


7.0 Hidden Boss Route


Destroy three of the silos in the graphics above before the tanks rolls over them.
You cannot die before the tank hits the silos and you must have a hyper saved up by the time you kill the third tank, and that will take you into the Hidden Boss Route.

To stay in this route,

1) Don't die during a stage (bombing is OK, dying at boss is OK)
2) Pick up all bees in the stage

Scoring is definitely higher in the hidden boss route but do not despair if you get knocked back into the normal route. If you are a serious scorer and want to score well in the second loop, chances are you will not get the hidden loop every time, so it is better to have some practice on the normal route as well. Additionally, Stage 4 is much easier to chain in the normal route than the hidden route so it can actually help boost your score in the short term.

7.0 Bee Item Locations
(Thanks Erzane)

Normal Route ... omote.html

Ura Boss Route ... tiura.html

Bees come in three types, and any type will boost up your combo meter, which means that you can substitute picking up a bee for destroying an enemy in a pattern. In stage 5 for instance this is critical to maintaining the chain after the first popcorn rush.

7.1 Bee Types
Green: Fills up hyper meter by about 1/4.
Gold: Worth points multiplied by how many gold bees you picked up in a level. Worth shit in the overall point total so hardly worth stressing over.
White: Hyper meter and points.

8.0 Second Loop Conditions

Tsujou 2nd Loop
Fulfill one of: Collect 35 bee items, or clear the game having lost only one life or used only 2 bombs.

Ura 2nd Loop
Collect all 45 bee items and clear the game having lost only one life and used 2 bombs or less.

9.0 Random Tips

1. Good players will often bring their hyper rank from the previous level into the next level. Why is this done?
First, rank 5 will produce much more bullets to cancel and increase the player's initial chain value. Second, "smuggling" a hyper can reduce the total amount of hypers you need to use per level by 1. After your rank 5 hyper ends, hyper rank will be reset to 0 (in the first loop). If you are finding a part where you are having trouble canceling bullets, you may want to consider bringing your hyper in from the last stage.

Using this technique is basically essential for stage 3, I in fact had a hell of a time with stage 3 until I started bringing my hyper in from stage 2. Mainly this is because of the need to efficiently cancel the bullets of the mid-boss.

I also recommend this technique on stage 4.

2. "Smuggling" a hyper can be used to boost up your chain to 5000 in the first 10 seconds of stage 3 if you cancel the bullets of the red helicopters with a rank 5 hyper and then laser cancel the resultant Danger! lasers.

That's it for now.
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Re: Dodonpachi Resurrection 1.5 Strategy Guide (WIP)

Post by adversity1 »

Just porting over my old 1.5 guide from CAVE-STG (RIP).
Plan to put some more work into this at some point, hopefully soon. For now please use it to master the best Dodonpachi game and let me know if you have any questions. ;)
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Re: ST: Dodonpachi Resurrection 1.5 Strategy Guide (WIP)

Post by shaowebb »

Thank you for this guide. I was just looking for something like this today and now I think I know which combination of ships and styles I want to go for with how I play.
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Re: ST: Dodonpachi Resurrection 1.5 Strategy Guide (WIP)

Post by Erppo »

Decided to write some tips about some more advanced topics that are not really covered in the guide but are important to better scoring. Also added some stage specific notes.

Charging hypers

Normally you get charge from killing stuff and hitting stuff with the laser. Hitting things with the laser aura around your ship provides extra charge over that. As mentioned in the guide, green bees also give charge. Ideally you will rarely be charging your hypers normally.

Charging works differently when hypering and because of how the scoring works, you usually want to try to get your charge back to full during a hyper. Possible exceptions can arise if you purposefully want to do a section without a full charge to avoid breaking the chain there. You will not get any charge from normal laser hits or kills during a hyper. The exception is lasering enemies that have not yet fully appeared and hits with the laser aura. This means being at the very top edge and lasering appearing enemies is one of the best ways to recharge your hypers.

The laser aura charge increase is cumulative, hitting multiple targets at a time means more charge. This is especially useful with couple of boss attacks (the spheres at st4, the pods at st5, etc.) where you can bring yourself back to full charge almost instantly. Some bosses are also comprised of multiple "parts" which may not be really apparent, but this means you can charge better by point blanking them at certain points.

Power style of course has easier time recharging hypers, while the bomb style will have to rely on the tricks covered above more extensively. That doesn't mean Power can rely on the boost shot alone though, there are many situations where you want to charge faster in order to get more hits. One thing to note is that the charge rate of the boost shot is lowered significantly in the loop and may not be enough to recharge fully.

Getting hits

While the most obvious way to boost your hit count is bullet canceling, it's usually not the most efficient. Instead, the big counts are reached by countering enemy lasers with your hyper laser. This technique can be rather tricky though and requires good planning to use effectively. Pretty much any laser shooting enemy can be used for this technique, including the danger lasers spawned at higher hyper ranks by canceling enough bullets.

Blocking an enemy laser with your hyper laser gives you lots of hits really quickly but only if your laser is either not hitting anything while doing it, or hitting the source of the enemy laser. Every laser blocked this way gives hits so try to do this to many of them at once. With durable laser targets (the spheres of the st2 Ura midboss, the tower in st4, the wall lasers in st5), the best way is to point blank them having your aura block all the lasers fired by the target. This has the added advantage of recharging your hyper in the process. With weaker targets (normal laser turrets, the big lasers in st3, danger lasers) you must rely on lasering out of the screen (this method also works with the st5 wall lasers, it's not as good but easier to do). While doing this, avoid moving away from the target laser source, since this momentarily cuts the connection. Blocking a laser generates a stream of small stars so you don't have have to worry about breaking your chain during this.

Getting hits in the loop(s) is a whole different topic. With a lot more bullets around, you can reach bigger counts earlier just by enemy bullets, but there are also new difficulties. With the bomb ships, hypering at high ranks is extremely risky and doesn't usually allow efficient hit gathering. Therefore the normal scoring technique is to use manual bombs to lower the rank at the end of a stage so that you can start the next stage with a rank 1 hyper. The Power style works differently though, since even at rank 5 the boost hyper is usually strong enough to keep you alive.

The Ura loop allows starting stages with maxed hyper rank which gives an unique opportunity to Power style. A rank 5 hyper means a huge amount of bullets and that canceling them with the boost shot spawns a huge amount of danger lasers. With good planning, this technique can be used to rack up enormous hit counts very early.

One more thing to note: an active multiplier also multiplies the amount of hits you get. This means that when you are nearing 10000, the last hits can be gotten quickly just by normal chaining.

Stage notes

As already mentioned in the st2 example of the guide, the secret in getting good scores lies in getting the most out of high valued key enemies by killing them with a high active multiplier. The following is a list of all these targets that you need to watch out for. I'm not going to cover exact strategies. Good ones can be found from high scoring replays and if you're not after top scores, making up your own easier strategies is a lot of fun. Instead I will tell what you should build your strategy around.

Stage 1: The three big tanks crushing the silos. The Ura midboss can be used to boost your hits.

Stage 2: The three big ships in the start. Delay the Ura midboss enough to get the laser sphere attack, which can be used to gain a lot of hits.

Stage 3: The yellow and blue turret ships. The most obvious place to build your hits are the two big laser cannons after the first yellow ship. The Ura version is worth significantly more because of the huge tank army just before the midboss.

Stage 4: The two wide ships after the first laser tower. The laser towers themselves are worth a lot too, but killing the first one with a multiplier is not practical, since it's the main key for a big hit count.

Stage 5: This stage is a bit different with not really having any key targets. Closest to this are the wall laser cannons in the first third, but the difference they make is small compared to the other stages. The wall lasers are also what you should build your hit count with. The Ura version is again worth significantly more. This is because of the medium sized ships after the first midboss (kill it quickly for more of these) that give a nice boost to your chain value.

I apologize to adversity1 if he was already writing about these things. :lol:
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Re: ST: Dodonpachi Resurrection 1.5 Strategy Guide (WIP)

Post by adversity1 »

Good shit, Erppo!
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Re: ST: Dodonpachi Resurrection 1.5 Strategy Guide (WIP)

Post by twalden »

What's the strong mode unlock code for the PCB? Can't find it anywhere.
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Re: ST: Dodonpachi Resurrection 1.5 Strategy Guide (WIP)

Post by adversity1 »

After putting in a coin, hold down ABD on the 2P side and input the following code on the 1P side:
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Re: ST: Dodonpachi Resurrection 1.5 Strategy Guide (WIP)

Post by twalden »

Excellent, thanks!
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Re: ST: Dodonpachi Resurrection 1.5 Strategy Guide (WIP)

Post by BareKnuckleRoo »

Strong mode unlocks permanently on a 1CC of the game too, doesn't it? Kind of why I feel dirty using Strong mode before I've beaten it in Bomb/Power. :p Never mind, a 1CC does not unlock Strong style, only the code does.
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Re: ST: Dodonpachi Resurrection 1.5 Strategy Guide (WIP)

Post by AntiFritz »

BareknuckleRoo wrote:Strong mode unlocks permanently on a 1CC of the game too, doesn't it? Kind of why I feel dirty using Strong mode before I've beaten it in Bomb/Power. :p
I thought 1.5 had strong from the start.
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Re: ST: Dodonpachi Resurrection 1.5 Strategy Guide (WIP)

Post by BareKnuckleRoo »

AntiFritz wrote:I thought 1.5 had strong from the start.
You're right about that on the XBox 1.5 version, probably the 1.5 PCB too. I was under the impression having to unlock Strong only applied to the arcade ver 1.0.
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Re: ST: Dodonpachi Resurrection 1.5 Strategy Guide (WIP)

Post by Reiko »

Thanks adversity and Erppo for your posts. Game just arrived in the mail yesterday. Had a bit of a play of it and I feel pretty overwhelmed.

Checked some youtube videos (downloading one by Erppo right now actually to look at again later) and it just made me have more questions, such as why pick up the bees when they are green, since when I played I noticed the yellow ones give more score. But I see now it's because it fills the hyper bar, and having the bar full also gives more score.

Still feel pretty new, I'm sure I'll get the hang of it in time, but this helped a lot with the basics, so thanks :)
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Re: ST: Dodonpachi Resurrection 1.5 Strategy Guide (WIP)

Post by BareKnuckleRoo »

Reiko wrote:Checked some youtube videos (downloading one by Erppo right now actually to look at again later) and it just made me have more questions, such as why pick up the bees when they are green, since when I played I noticed the yellow ones give more score. But I see now it's because it fills the hyper bar, and having the bar full also gives more score.
Actually, you can get the benefit of both the Green Bee Hyper Boost and the Gold Bee Score Bonus by collecting the bees as they're in that flashing transition from one type to the other. Ideally, you'd grab all bees during their transition so you get both benefits, but it can be tricky to grab them just as they're changing, so sometimes it's safer just to grab it when it's green for the extra hyper (which is usually more important if you had to pick one) than trying to time it precisely.
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Re: ST: Dodonpachi Resurrection 1.5 Strategy Guide (WIP)

Post by Giest118 »

Isn't the score the bees give basically pocket change anyway? If you're chaining well, even simple popcorns will be giving you more points than gold bees.
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Re: ST: Dodonpachi Resurrection 1.5 Strategy Guide (WIP)

Post by Reiko »

Well he did say ideally. Thanks for that info though.
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Re: ST: Dodonpachi Resurrection 1.5 Strategy Guide (WIP)

Post by kathy »

awesome writeup(s!!!!) I love this game but im not very good at it yet! :wink:
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Re: ST: Dodonpachi Resurrection 1.5 Strategy Guide (WIP)

Post by Patashu »

For some reason this isn't listed in . Can it be added to the index? This is a useful guide.
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Re: ST: Dodonpachi Resurrection 1.5 Strategy Guide (WIP)

Post by ACSeraph »

Yeah seriously this needs to be added. Even using the standard search I never saw this when I was trying to learn DFK, and this guide is way too useful to go unseen.
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Re: ST: Dodonpachi Resurrection 1.5 Strategy Guide (WIP)

Post by Oniros »

ACSeraph wrote:Yeah seriously this needs to be added. Even using the standard search I never saw this when I was trying to learn DFK, and this guide is way too useful to go unseen.
Agreed. This is why I've been saying that stuff like this should go on a wiki, but no one is interested. :(
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Re: ST: Dodonpachi Resurrection 1.5 Strategy Guide (WIP)

Post by trap15 »

Wikis attract vandals, and authors can't make sure their work isn't tampered with. A wiki is not the right format for strategy guides.
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Re: ST: Dodonpachi Resurrection 1.5 Strategy Guide (WIP)

Post by ciox »

Still many wiki platforms let you restrict access to specific users that you invite, like Wikidot, I don't see why you couldn't use a wiki if you liked that format.
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Re: ST: Dodonpachi Resurrection 1.5 Strategy Guide (WIP)

Post by nihonmasa »

ok guys, need some help here.
Can't manage to keep my combo, and my gauge is slow to fill (playing strong with the green ship on the 1.5 pcb)
My combo sometimes drop and I just can't understand why...

when I watch superplays tthey also fill up the hypergauge much faster than I do, perfect example, start of first stage, they fill it in a few seconds.
So I am obviously missing something here, but what?

Many thanks in advance for any help!

edit: ok, got it for the hypergauge, but still finding it quite hard to keep the combo :)
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Re: ST: Dodonpachi Resurrection 1.5 Strategy Guide (WIP)

Post by adversity1 »

If you're having a hard time maintaining your combo, does it typically cut out while you're using hyper?
Because when you're in a normal state (i.e. no hyper), the game is easier to chain than DDP and DOJ. You just have to generally hit popcorn enemies with shot, then keep your laser on mid-sized enemies.

While in hyper though, things get a bit more complicated. Especially if you're playing Power. In Power, it's easiest to keep your chain going by cancelling bullets with your normal shot, however you need to switch between normal and boost so you can charge up your hyper meter again. Additionally, the more you hyper per stage the harder it will be to cancel bullets, which means that while you were trying to continue your combo, it will cut out.

Long story short, I imagine what your problem is is that you are hypering for survival (after hypering say 3 or 4 times). As a general rule you don't want to hyper more than three times in Stages 1-3 (depends on your pattern a little but yeah). Try to reduce the amount of times you're hypering and see if that helps keep your combo.
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Re: ST: Dodonpachi Resurrection 1.5 Strategy Guide (WIP)

Post by wasilewski »

How do you cancel bullets and get them to turn to stars in this game? I'm going crazy trying to figure out!
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