Metal Torrent / Aa Mujou Setsuna

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Metal Torrent / Aa Mujou Setsuna

Post by SFKhoa »

I figure I should make a board here since it's been officially released for all regions now.
Metal Torrent (also titled Aa Mujou Setsuna in Japan) is a DSiware STG developed by Arika (Mihara) and the

basis of this game revolves simply around chaining.
Not chaining enemies, but items generated from destroying enemies.

- Type A / Red Orion / Accipiter (Easy)
1. brokenhalo - 134,233,978 - ALL
2. trap15 - 121,647,577 - ALL
3. fergzilla - 121,334,345 - ALL
4. HaggarFist - 111,270,027 - ALL
5. wds - 104,498,537 - ALL
6. spadgy - 97,740,117 - ALL

- Type B / Blue Nova / Bateleur (Insane/Maniac)
1. SFKhoa - 255,286,891 - ALL
2. HaggarFist - 147,330,336 - ALL
3. spadgy - 142,192,154
4. HEX- 132,353,713 - ALL

- Type A / Red Orion / Accipiter (Easy)
1. brokenhalo - 154,751,029 - ALL
2. HaggarFist - 102,186,682 - ALL
3. fergzilla - 96,497,934 - ALL
4. trap15 - 92,170,187 - ALL
5. spadgy - 78,046,414 - ALL

- Type B / Blue Nova / Bateleur (Insane/Maniac)
1. SFKhoa - 263,777,770 - ALL
2. HaggarFist - 149,349,959 - ALL
3. spadgy - 117,459,182 - ALL
Last edited by SFKhoa on Mon May 13, 2013 12:08 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Metal Torrent / Aa Mujou Setsuna

Post by nash87 »

how come no one ever submitted any scores for this awesome game? guess i'll start

Pattern mode
HaggarFist - 111,270,027 - all - type A
HaggarFist - 147,330,336 - all - type B

Random mode
HaggarFist - 102,186,682 - all - type A
HaggarFist - 149,349,959 - all - type B
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Re: Metal Torrent / Aa Mujou Setsuna

Post by adversity1 »

We had a scoreboard over at CAVE-STG which I failed to update, sorry about that. ... 1#msg11581

My scores:

Pattern Mode Type B (Maniac)
HEX- 132,353,713 - ALL

I cleared it with Type A at one point but I shit-chained it so never bothered recording the score. Sold my DSi after that. Sigh. Might pick the game up again when I get a 3DS.
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Re: Metal Torrent / Aa Mujou Setsuna

Post by trap15 »

trap15 - 121,647,577 - ALL - Type A

trap15 - 92,170,187 - ALL - Type A
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Re: Metal Torrent / Aa Mujou Setsuna

Post by spadgy »

How come everybody's suddenly submitting scores? By pure chance I just picked up this game on a whim, and it turns out there's been a flurry of score submitting.

Here's mine:

Pattern mode
spadgy - 97,740,117 - ALL - Type A
spadgy - 121,550,752 - ALL - Type B

Random mode
spadgy - 78,046,414 - ALL - Type A
spadgy - 109,613,340 - ALL - Type B

So far I've only really focused on Pattern/Type B; time to learn a bit more about Type A and Random.

Fingers crossed SFKhoa is still updating this (he's got the top scores on the game's own Type B pattern boards).

In fact, is that in-game online high score board international (as in scores for both Metal Torrent and Aa Mujou Setsuna), or is it just a Metal Torrent (non-Japan) board?
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Re: Metal Torrent / Aa Mujou Setsuna

Post by adversity1 »

Nice scores Spadgy!

One way to check if Japanese scores are reflected on the EU/US boards is to search for YOSK. He had some brutal scores when this game first came out. I would tell you my own ID but I can't remember it and have sold my DSi.
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Re: Metal Torrent / Aa Mujou Setsuna

Post by SFKhoa »

spadgy wrote:So far I've only really focused on Pattern/Type B; time to learn a bit more about Type A and Random.

Fingers crossed SFKhoa is still updating this (he's got the top scores on the game's own Type B pattern boards).

In fact, is that in-game online high score board international (as in scores for both Metal Torrent and Aa Mujou Setsuna), or is it just a Metal Torrent (non-Japan) board?
Looks like everyone's getting into it now because the game itself can be redeemed with Club Nintendo points as of recent.
I'll update it soon (more like after this post). Also, Metal Torrent's leaderboards is pretty much for international minus Japan. They have their own leaderboard and the scores are nuts.
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Re: Metal Torrent / Aa Mujou Setsuna

Post by spadgy »

I see. Thanks for the info SFKhoa, and thanks for the update. At least I'm there to fill the last place in every mode!
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Re: Metal Torrent / Aa Mujou Setsuna

Post by spadgy »

A small improvement on Pattern:

spadgy - XXX,XXX.XXX - XXX - XXX

Still bloody last though!

EDIT: New better score below!
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Re: Metal Torrent / Aa Mujou Setsuna

Post by spadgy »

Finally not last at Pattern/Maniac!

spadgy - 142,192,154 - ALL - Type B

And a little bit of progress at Random...

spadgy - 117,459,182 - ALL - Type B
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Re: Metal Torrent / Aa Mujou Setsuna

Post by wuuds »

I'm so late to this party! Going to be picking this up on Tuesday I think.
I really enjoy Ketsui Death Label which is also not a 'full game' so I hope I'll enjoy this too :)
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Re: Metal Torrent / Aa Mujou Setsuna

Post by wuuds »

So I downloaded this yesterday and tried it out. I just held down the fire button and dodged bullets for all I was worth. I got a first score of 77,979,107 which I was quite proud of until I checked the online leaderboards! I placed a pathetic 7777th overall!

So this morning I tried it again and what happened? I couldn't even reach that 'fluke' score! I was dismayed. So I played around a bit and I think I'm finally get a hang of it a little more. I love the chaining system when I manage to make it work. My play is sloppy and all over the place right now but I'm enjoying the hell out of this game.

My latest score:

Pattern mode
wds - 104,498,537 - ALL - Type A

All in all I've moved from 7777th to 675th :) A good feeling
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Re: Metal Torrent / Aa Mujou Setsuna

Post by SFKhoa »

You should try using Type B, it's way more fun to try scoring with.
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Re: Metal Torrent / Aa Mujou Setsuna

Post by wuuds »

Yeah? The manic one you mean? I'm struggling to figure out that laser :/
For some reason I can't make it work for me. Quite frustrating haha any tips would be welcome.
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Re: Metal Torrent / Aa Mujou Setsuna

Post by SFKhoa »

You know how the item chain ends when there are no more items on-screen? The laser can help delay that chain break as long as you have it held down before you get the last item on screen. That way, it'll buy you time for when the next enemy spawns and you can continue your chain from there.

Also, destroying enemies with the laser turns all of the bullets it fired into items as well as all the bullets trapped within the diffuser circle around your ship (in its laser phase).
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Re: Metal Torrent / Aa Mujou Setsuna

Post by wuuds »

Ah I see! Thanks for clearing that up for me. Gonna check that out immediately :D
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Re: Metal Torrent / Aa Mujou Setsuna

Post by brokenhalo »

pattern mode

brokenhalo - 134233978 - all - type a

random mode

brokenhalo - 154751029 - all - type a

these are some old scores from when the game first came out.
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Re: Metal Torrent / Aa Mujou Setsuna

Post by wuuds »

Some crazy scores there. The worst part is that I can see where I can keep the chain going but I just can't pull it off yet! At least it's weekend so I can practice a bit more now.

Still.. that's like 30mil on top of my score.. damn.. I need to re-evaluate my strategy a bit
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Re: Metal Torrent / Aa Mujou Setsuna

Post by SFKhoa »

You can watch my replay (available in the leaderboard) to get some good pointers as well.
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Re: Metal Torrent / Aa Mujou Setsuna

Post by wuuds »

And I can find these under SFKhoa yes?
If so then I will definitely check the replays out.
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Re: Metal Torrent / Aa Mujou Setsuna

Post by fergzilla »

fergzilla - 121,334,345 - ALL - Accipiter
fergzilla - 96,497,934 - ALL - Accipiter

I played it on a 3DS, in which its analog stick makes control easier on the thumbs. Should we note whether we play the game on a DSi or 3DS?

Also, I have a feeling that this game was made on a modified version of the Ketsui DS engine. It doesn't help that Arika helped develop both Ketsui DS and Metal Torrent. Plus, some sprites wouldn't look too out-of place in a game like Dodonpachi. The scoring seems to work like a calmed-down but still huge version of Dodonpachi Daifukkatsu's, too.
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Re: Metal Torrent / Aa Mujou Setsuna

Post by brokenhalo »

fergzilla wrote:Also, I have a feeling that this game was made on a modified version of the Ketsui DS engine. It doesn't help that Arika helped develop both Ketsui DS and Metal Torrent.
i got that feeling too. it would be nice to see atlus make their own full fledged shmup. they obviously have the passion, and metal torrent was great fun.
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Re: Metal Torrent / Aa Mujou Setsuna

Post by spadgy »

Good to see people are still playing this and enjoying it - and less good to see I'm still propping up the bottom of every board!
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Re: Metal Torrent / Aa Mujou Setsuna

Post by SFKhoa »

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Re: Metal Torrent / Aa Mujou Setsuna

Post by M.Knight »

Pattern Easy
M.Knight - 124,960,162 - ALL

Pattern Maniac
M.Knight - 201,216,712 - ALL

Random Easy
M.Knight - 115,889,757 - ALL

Random Maniac
M.Knight - 211,844,525 - ALL
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Re: Metal Torrent / Aa Mujou Setsuna

Post by OSUANDY »

OSUANDY - Pattern Mode - Accipiter - 107,057,268 - All
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