GD: Mushihimesama Futari 1.0 Version differences

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GD: Mushihimesama Futari 1.0 Version differences

Post by EOJ »

This lists the differences in ver 1.01 (X360 port) as compared to ver 1.5 (PCB/X360 port). Also noted is the difference between ver 1.0 (PCB) and ver 1.01.

-Can't suck in ground gems by pressing laser.
-Current multiplier number doesn't flash-and-fade near your character when you absorb gems
-Bombs do close to no damage (they act mainly as a temporary bullet cancel)
-No (worthwhile) score increase from destroying the lanterns in Stage 5 (they are also grey, whereas in 1.5 they are blue).
-Many different bullet patterns throughout the stages & on the bosses
-Bullets are faster overall.
-Location of the stage 5 1UP is different (it's in a house before the house it's in in ver 1.5).

-Green gems aren't worth more than normal gems (i.e. there's no proximity effect).
-No rank [that increases with your overall multiplier]
-Death reduces overall counter by 50%, but stage counter by 30%

-You can't spawn large gems by hitting laser when the chaining bar is flashing red (this is a pretty huge gameplay difference)
-Gem values are different (takes longer to build up the multiplier, but also longer for it to go back down)
-Chaining bar takes longer to reduce to zero
-Can't milk the stage 2 boss

-Green gems aren't worth more than normal gems (i.e. there's no proximity effect).
-Change shot type every 500 on the counter
-Death reduces overall counter by 50%, but stage counter by 30%

-Abnormal Palm is weaker, and moves slower
-Normal Palm is stronger
-Normal Reco is slightly weaker

-Ver 1.01 adds 2 bomb carriers (one at the end of stage 2, the other at the end of stage 3).
-Ver 1.01 fixes a hit detection bug during the final pattern of the stage 4 boss in Original mode.
-Ver 1.01 adds lifebar notches during the boss fights, to indicate the end of boss phases (just like ver 1.5)
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Re: GD: Mushihimesama Futari 1.0 Version differences

Post by BareKnuckleRoo »

Giant bump since I'm finally getting around to playing 1.01 for the 1CC.

1.01 (and presumably 1.0) laser behaviour changed in 1.5. In versions prior to 1.5, if you press and hold shot, you will fire a brief spray of rapid shots before your laser activates, meaning it's much harder to get laser-only kills when the counter is blue. In 1.5, pressing and holding shot will not fire immediately and will activate the laser after a splitsecond delay (you will fire rapid immediately if you are tapping). This makes 1.5 easier to laser, stop, laser, stop, etc, to get gems when the counter is blue in Original/Ultra.

Normal Palm is actually a bit weaker in 1.01 than in 1.5, his shots don't kill stuff quite as quickly in my experience. This is noticeable against a lot of bosses, midbosses, larger enemies like the beetles in stage 3, etc. This could also be due to enemy health tweaks, but generally expect him to take a bit longer to kill some stuff than 1.5 (his damage is upped in 1.5, but his laser is still slightly weaker than Normal Reco's in 1.5).

When using Palm Abnormal's rapid shot, in 1.5, the weak side shots will only start doing the rotating fire outwards thing if you are moving left/right for a prolonged period of time, whereas in 1.01 and prior (?), as soon as you move horizontally while using rapid shot, your orbs will start rotating immediately firing their erratic and mostly useless spray everywhere.

Some enemies were added in 1.5 that aren't in 1.01. Most noteworthy one I can see is no manta ray in 1.01 after the stage 2 midboss.

1.5 gave more enemies a bullet cancel screen on death property. For instance, the giant beetles in stage 3, the lanterns in stage 4 and the red land dragons in stage 5 do not cause a fullscreen bullet cancel on death in 1.01. This will probably kill you the first time you meet them if you play 1.5 first then have to learn 1.01's harder stages.

Stage 3 is the biggest difficulty jump in 1.01 IMO. Namely the lack of bullet cancel on the giant beetles and a couple extremely difficult patterns on the boss that are much slower and easier in 1.5. Stage 4 actually isn't so bad aside from the lack of cancelling on the lanterns that fire in spirals, and the most noteworthy difficulty increase in stage 5 is that one of the smaller, tougher dragon rider enemies that appears frequently through the stage on the ground fires 3-way spreads which means you need much wider dodges at certain sections. Larsa also has a couple nasty patterns that fire highspeed sniper shots as the pattern ends which were toned down in 1.5 (the first attack, the second time the aimed spreads are fired).
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Re: GD: Mushihimesama Futari 1.0 Version differences

Post by SMC »

It seems like you have a slightly smaller hitbox in 1.01 than 1.5, at least for Ultra mode. I don't know if that extends to the other modes but obviously Ultra is the one where it makes the most difference.
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Re: GD: Mushihimesama Futari 1.0 Version differences

Post by CStarFlare »

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Re: GD: Mushihimesama Futari 1.0 Version differences

Post by SMC »

What I'm suggesting though is that 1.01 Ultra's hitbox is smaller than 1.5 Ultra's hitbox. Or possibly just that the bullet hitboxes themselves are smaller.
Either way, it's really noticeable against that one Larsa attack with the rotating layers of needles, large bullets and small bullets.
Some stuff happened there that definitely would have killed me in 1.5

EDIT: Another difference I noticed: it appears that the icicles in 1.01 Ultra have considerably less health than in 1.5.
I wouldn't be surprised if there were health tweaks like this all over the game.
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