ST: Espgaluda (PS2 Arcade Mode) - created by Douggie

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ST: Espgaluda (PS2 Arcade Mode) - created by Douggie

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ST: Espgaluda (PS2 Arcade Mode)

Espgaluda (Arcade Mode - PS2)
The Arcade Mode of the PS2 version is covered, or just the normal arcade and therefore not the Arranged Mode with the E.S.P. Rade characters (maybe later on, because I haven't really played this). I'm not a very good shmupper, but this game seems way easier than most Cave-games. The only thing is that I get such bad high scores (my max is 8 million to the beginning of stage 4 in one credit), so I decided to make a topic about this game regarding scoring and other mechanics revolving around it. Please fill me in on mistakes or other things I haven't noticed yet. Or the structure. Sorry, if it's written badly...

Update June 23:
-Notes that written last time worked into the the text
-Added some info about the Kakusei mode: seconds and points
-Terminolgy added
-Info about Gold terms (extracted from the post from zakk and BER - thanks!)
-More updates later this evening?

Oh I will write this here for people missing it out:
The controls (buttons) in Arrange Mode are reversed! So they?re still costumizable, but the in the option screen they're the controls shown in the brackets!

These are the official terms, but I will explain what terms I also use for them (sorry, this isn?t written in one time, so I might have left some older terms in it by mistake). I found these terms in the Simulation Mode Options, so they have to be correct:
Seireiseki: The green gems are called this way, but to make this more accessible, I will refer them as Green Gems instead. Everybody knows what I means instead.
Gold Ingot: These are gold gems appearing from the enemy. Sometimes I also refer them as Gold Gems or just Gold.
Kakusei Mode: When I write Kakusei Mode, I mean the Kakusei Normal Mode, so when you still have Seireiseki (Green Gems) left. I couldn?t find an official term for this one, but I think everybody means this mode when they mention Kakusei Mode. I also used the term Slow Mode for this.
Kakusei Overmode X: This is when you?re in Kakusei Mode when you have no Seireiseki (Green Gems). The X represents which level of Overmode you are, ranging from 1 to 4. Level 1 is the first one you?re in and level 4 the last. I also used Speed-Up Mode for this and others also refer this to Red Kakusei Mode.
Normal Mode: Not an official term, but I refer to this term as then you?re not in Kakusei Mode.
Laser: Also not an official term, but this is the term I use when I mean the focused shot, when holdeing down the shot button (A).

P1 means player one, P2 means player two. This is determined by which controller you're using: if you're using the controller in port one on the PS2 (so the left one), you'll be player one and if you're using the controller connected to port two (the right one) you'll be player two.
P1's statistics & data (so the bars, scores, info on gems, etc.) will be displayed on the left side, P2's on the right side.

Continues & Lifes
The PS2 version provides on default 3 lives (that means your current life + 2 extra lives), but can be changed in the options screen, with the minimum of 1 and the maximum of 5. There are unlimited continues, so that means that free play is enabled, like is displayed on the upper left. Unfortunately, there is no way to change this.
When continuing, the player is given an MP icon which will, when collected, give the player full power (so 4 power-ups in one). You need to watch out though, this icon can also be collected by the other player that is currently alive (when playing with another player that is), so beware of that!

Dying can be done in two ways: when the hitbox of your character intersects with the hitbox of either an enemy or a bullet. Dying results into the following:
1. If there's one at least one life left one life will be lost (seen by the number of hearts on the top side) or if not, so no lives left, the game over screen appears.
2. If the player revives, the number of green gems will be reset to 250 and you will lose half of the gold ingots you have. When you have an odd number of gold ingots though, the number will be rounded down when halving it. -2-
3. The player will lose his power and the power ups collected (with a maximum of 4) will be released, so the player can collect these again in his next live.
4. Something with the rank?
5. A 4 second green shield around your character when reviving: so you'll be invincible for 4 seconds.

High Score
Your high score will only be recorded if you're game over. So it doesn't matter how many continues you've used, the score you've achieved in last continue will matter, all the scores in previous continues will be discarded. That means if you're a ?cheater?, you can get a MP at the beginning of the game and still retain a high score (if that helps any, that is).

For so for I know, the Simulation Mode has got 256 levels of rank you can select. The higher the rank, the harder the game, that means that enemies will spit more bullets and mid-bosses and bosses will even release different types of patterns (or harder ones of the same version). Some will appear regardless the rank, so not all patterns are rank-based. -2-
[NOT CHECKED] It is said that rank is based on your gold ingots -2-, but what is actually meant by this is unclear. When testing in Simulation Mode, the game didn?t change with having 1000 Gold Ingots. On the other hand, I don?t know whether Simulation Mode changes the rank or not, it was set on Default.
Also it?s unclear whether rank is based on the current number of Gold Ingots or the total you?ve collected.

Three buttons are used when playing this game (but you could beat the game by pressing using one):

This button can do two things:
Tapping the button again and again: This is just your normal shot. As in all Cave games one press of the button creates a small series of shots
Holding the button: just like the DoDonPachi-series it will create a more focused laser, which is of course stronger than your normal shot ([NOT CHECKED] because it?s focused, not sure? - meaning that that the damage is the same with both types of shots when you're really close to an enemy?). When using this your character will move slower and it's a good way when dodging certain patterns (for more percision).

By pressing this button you activate Kakusei Mode and by pressing this button again, it will de-activate Kakusei Mode. Please remember this, because I had this nasty habit to hold the button and thought that depressing the button would de-activate it. More on this later (below).

Just like in E.S.P. Rade, a guard barrier can be called. By pressing and holding the button a green barrier is created around the character. This is available on both normal and Kakusei mode. More on this later (below).

There are two characters, which differ from each other in shots and in speed -1-, actually similar to DDP: DOJ.

Ageha is the stronger and faster character of the two, which needs to make up for his narrow shots. Even though his shots are narrow, similar to the chopper in DP and DDP his shots move together with his movements, but with the difference that he fires two shots next to each other at a time instead of three. So the main shot of Ageha is devided in two parts: when Ageha moves to the left side his left side of his main shot turns to the left (same angle as Tateha's shot ? about a little less than 40 degrees), while the right side of his shot remains shooting upwards. And the reversed way.
When using his laser, two beams appear with in between them fast ?normal? shots (by ?normal? I mean just shots, because they don?t look like the shots he shoots when you?re keep pressing the shot-button).

Tateha is the less stronger and the slower character of the two, but the difference in her shots is that her shots are shot wide (similar to the green ship in the DDP:DOJ). If I'm not mistaken, it shoots to five different side, one upwards, two in about an angle of 40 degrees (left and right) and two between them. This has the advantage that she doesn't have to move that much when enemies are all over the screen. This is especially handy when there are a lot ?"popcorn enemies" (enemies that die within one or two shots), they die instantly without moving too uch and before they have the chance to shoot a bullut.
When using her laser, one beam will appear with two fast shot near it. So it's the reversed of the one of Ageha and therefore less stronger than his.

Game Mechanics

Seireiseki ? also: Green Gems
Green Gems can only be acquired when your character is in Normal Mode. When destroying an enemy (whatever enemy doesn't really matter: normal, ground, bosses, etc.) green gems will appear that will fly right to your character: so green gems will be collected automatically when an enemy is destroyed.
It seems that every enemy has a standard number of gems they release when destroyed, but there?s an extra bonus you can acquire: [NOT CHECKED YET] there is an extra bonus of one gem (what size?) when you kill an enemy in the top 20% of the screen. -2- My guess is that it means that the enemy must be located in the top 20% of the screen.

[NOT CHECKED YET] There are two sizes of Green Gems, but it?s not clear what the values are. It could be just 1 and 2 respectively (my guess).

The number of green gems can be maxed to 500, you cannot acquire more, after that the enemies will release Gold Ingots, instead of Green Gems, but see below for that.

Gold Ingots
These can be acquired in all modes. There are actually two ways to get these:
1. Destroying an enemy: This can be done when you?re in Normal Mode and have 500 Green Gems, in Kakusei Mode or Kakusei Overmode. You get Gold Ingots for each enemy you destroy. [NOT CONFIRMED YET] The rules (amount) are the same one in each mode. My guess is that that the rules are the same like acquiring Green Gems: there?s a standard number per enemy and an extra bonus when certain conditions are met. These conditions are not the top 20% though, but more based on the current number of Gold Ingots.
2. When you?re in Kakusei Mode, every destroyed enemy will have it's bullets (so the ones that specific enemy has shot) transform in gold gems. Every Gold Ingot here has a number next to it, which represent a multiplier. The multiplier says how many times the bullet value will be multiplied, but more on this later (below).

Gold Ingots are acquired automatically, like the Green Gems, so there's no collecting needed here (as opposed to E.S.P.Rade).

[NOT PRECISE YET] What I did notice is that the number of gold gems will decrease when fighting a boss: about 5 every second. I think this is just a reason for killing of the boss as fast as possible, because you receive more points when per Gold Ingot when you destroy the boss when your Gold Counter is at a higher number (see below). [NOT CONFIRMED YET] You will receive 0 Gold Ingots when you have 0 Gold Ingots currently (so in your Gold Counter) when destroying a boss.

The number of Gold Ingots can be maxed to 1000 and the value of the each Gold Ingot varies on the number of Gold Ingots you currently have (so the number displayed on your Gold Counter) -3-. Also the you can see that the size is different with each value: the higher the value, the bigger the Gold Ingot will be.

Gold Counter Points per Ingot
000-099 100
100-199 150
200-299 200
300-399 300
400-499 350
500-599 400
600-699 600
700-799 650
800-899 700
900-1000 900

What is noticing here are two things: the number of points per Gold Ingot isn?t distributed linearly or exponentially. This means that the most ?profiting? moments are when you have 600-699 Gold Ingots and more than 900 Ingots. Guess that the makers wanted to push you at certain moments.
Also filling it to 1000 doesn't seem to have any effects in scoring (900 is already the maximum), but the reason for this is probably the decrease there is when fighting a boss (like described earlier).

Guard Barrier
By holding the guard barrier button (C), a green barrier will be created around the the character and when doing this the green bar on the bottom of the screen (on the side of the player) will start to deplete. According to the options of the Simulation Mode there are 100 levels in the Guard Barrier bar. [NOT PRECISE] According to my stopwatch, a full bar approximately holds 13.5 seconds of green shield, but each level on the green bar is Worth 0.125 seconds of Green Barrier (see below). There are some exceptions:
1. In Kakusei Mode and Kakusei Overmode the Auto Barrier (more on this later) takes up 50 levels, so 1/2th, of your Green Bar.
2. A quick press on the button will already take 25 levels of your green bar, so 1/4th. This means that this is the minimum that is taken and [NOT PRECISE YET] the minimum will have the Green Barrier activated for 1 second. After that the bar will deplete slowly with 0.125 seconds for each level.

What?s nice to know is the face that when you have less than 25 levels of green bar left all will be taken for that one second of Green Barrier. So when using the Green Barrier often you should just stop before you use up all of the green bar, so you?ll get that bonus of 0.775 seconds extra.

What the Guard Barrier does is making the character at the moment invincible, meaning that every bullet that touches the character will be absorbed and enemies will be damaged. By releasing the Guard Barrier button, the Guard Barrier will disappear and turn into a laser, which is shot upwards (or forwards), so this can be sort of used as a "bomb". The longer the button is hold, the bigger the barrier and the bigger, more powerful and the more amount of lasers that will be shot. During the time of shooting the lasers you're also invincible.
[NOT CHECKED YET] It's uncertain to me if the number of shots absorbed by the barrier will increase the power and size of the laser and whether there's a maximum of power. There seems to be a maximum in the size of barrier though (when about 50 levels are depleted). The maximum number of lasers shot are five and the mimimum two.

When you're in Kakusei Mode and Kakusei Overmode, there's this ability activated, which is called Auto-Barrier. This means that the Guard Barrier will be activated automatically when your hit by a bullet in Kakusei-mode. As far as I know, this happens for 1 seconds (just like pressing the Guard Barrier button once) and there's no way to extend it or shorter the length of it.
According to the translation of the manual -1-, not only 50 levels of your green bar will be depleted (50%) or the remaining of the green bar of there are less than 50 levels left, but you will also lose 1/4th of your current total gems. It is unclear whether there's more of the green bar taken than usual. Also, like losing a life, if the number of that 3/4th of gems left is rounded down.

Kakusei Mode
Now finally something about the Kakusei-mode where it seems you can score the best:

Effects of the Green Gems and Time:
You can turn in Kakusei Mode anytime you want, but there are two different effects in Kakusei Mode:
1. When you have at least one Green Gem: enemies, bullets and the scrolling of the level will go slower, except for your character, he or she will move at the same speed as in normal mode. [NOT CONFIRMED YET] It seems that the current rank will be boosted to level 256. This means more bullets will be shot, with the same delay between the bullets as if they were in Normal Mode, allowing for more bullets on screen at one time.
2. When you have at no Green Gems: everything will go faster, except for your character, he or she will move at the same speed as in Normal Mode and the scrolling of the screen (not sure?). This is actually reffered as Kakusei Overmode and will be explained later on.

Like said before you lose Green Gems for time spent in the Kakusei Mode, but there are actually two ways to lose green gems:
1. [NOT PRECISE YET] For each second you are in Kakusei you'll lose 10 green gems, so every 1/10 second you lose one green gem.
2. [NOT PRECISE YET] There will be 10 green gems (not sure if this is the exact amount) lost additionaly when an enemy is destroyed

The minimum time which is taken is 10-20 gems (not sure what the exact amount is), so that means that is what you lose when you quickly press the Kakusei-mode button (B) twice. This, is not a wise thing to do though, a split second doesn't justify the 1-2 second taken and later on you'll see other reasons why.
The number of green gems left will be displayed in the ring around the character - so the time for the player to be in Slow mode, but remember that this ring is only visible in Kakusei-mode, so always check your number of green gems before you go into Kakusei-mode (or at least be sure about it), because, if you don't, you'll end up in Speed Up mode and can be killed by a bullet before you know it.

Bullets and their Colors
Bullets can basically have two colors, but there's a total of three:
1. Blue: the bullets are like this in normal mode and travel at normal speed
2. Pink: the bullets are like this in Kakusei mode and travel at a modified speed, in normal Kakusei mode (so the character has more than one green gem left) the bullets are bright pink and they travel in slow mode speed, so at roughly half the speed. In Speed Up mode (so when you have no green gems left) they are dark pink will travel at a faster than normal speed and differ in speed according to the level of Speed Up mode you are.

Slow Mode Bullets
When you're in Slow Mode (so you have green gems left and are in Kakusei mode), the only advantage isn't that the bullets are going slower, but the enemies will also shoot more bullets, or at least, more salvos (the delay between each salvo of shots will be smaller - not sure of the distance between the bullets are also smaller). And because the bullets go slower, there are more bullets on screen. How can this be handier? Read below.

As said before, next to each gem, for which was an enemy bullet before, there's a number which acts as a multiplier. Each gem is worth xxxx points and the number next to it will multiply that number of points (not sure?) and number of gems you get (not sure?).
The following is important to remember: the multiplier will increase with each bullet that is turned into a gold gem in ONE session of Kakusei mode, so as long as you don't change back into normal mode, the multiplier for each bullet that is turned into a gold gem will be increased. The amount isn't clear at this moment, but the maximum is 100.

Tactic for getting high multipliers and scores
Of course it's nice to get the gold gems by letting an enemy ship (or character or whatever) spread a lot of bullets and just when the enemy is about to explode, you turn into Kakusei mode and collect the gold gems, but there are two reasons why not to do this:
1. First of all by switching quickly you'll lose too much gems to have a good rendement (not sure if this an English word)
2. Secondly, you're not using the scoring system to it's full advantage

So what you need to do is try to find spot that have a lot of enemies and at that moment you change into Kakusei mode. Be sure to have enough green gems at your disposal though. When in Kakusei mode, just wait until the enemy has shot enough bullets (read: a lot) and then try to shoot the enemies who have their bullets closest to you first (because they disappear when you shoot the enemy - so basically, if you have it planned well and know what you're doing you can stick in one spot) and make sure there are a lot bullets on screen. Because multiplying is based on one session in Kakusei mode, staying longer and a lot of bullets will guarantee to the 100x multiplier, so in formula form:

Staying longer in Kakusei Slow mode + a lot of bullets + killing the enemies without getting hit = a lot of gold gems + nice multiplier = a good score

You may want to make sure to turn back to normal mode when your green gems are zero, so don't forget there's the Speed Up mode.

Oh, there's one thing I'm not sure, but I've noticed of but when an enemy has just shot in when you're in normal mode and then you turn into Kakusei Slow mode, the delay will between the salvo of the enemy will stay like it was in normal mode until the next shot. So only after the first salvo is shot in Kakusei Slow mode the delay between the salvos of the enemy changes. Can anybody confirm this? Because this can create another tactic of when pressing the Kakusei mode button, the best of course just before an enemy shoots and the worst during an enemy shooting (I noticed that in the latter situation it took longer before the enemy shoots in Kakusei Slow mode, because I used to do that).

Of course to get a high score requires much practice, incredible good timing - you need to know when each enemy is about to die - and probablysome memorization. The memorization can be learned by looking at the Super Replay (either in the game itself or the Additional DVD given), but be honest: what fun is this?

Warning sounds
Nope, I'm not talking about the warning sounds when there'a boss approaching (this game doesn't have a warning sign, just a warning sound - some sort of robot sounds), but if you listen carefully a warning sound, the same as when the boss is approaching, will be played when a boss or sub-boss has about 10% energy left of a part. With part I mean a part of the energy bar of the boss, which is mostly devided into a few parts.
This warning sound can be handy, so you don't need to keep an eye on the boss meter all the time: you can do your dodging and when you hear the sound, you can shoot some little more until 5% of his energy (or the part) is left, stop shooting, then wait and dodge until a lot of bullet are onscreen - or if you know the boss better, wait just before he's going to shoot a lot of bullets - change into Kakusei mode and then kill him for a lot of gold gems. Be sure to have just enough green gems, otherwise you need to time it really good.

Kakusei Overmode ? also: Red Kakusei or Speed-Up mode
When you're out of green gems and you're in Kakusei-mode, the bullets will change color to a more darker pink and they will go faster. [NOT CHECKED OUT YET] I?m certain the rank also changes, as there are more bullets, but I?m not really sure what the exact connection is.

There are four levels of Kakusei Overmode and to get to each level the ring that appears around your character must be filled. So after filling it three times you get to the fourth level. How fast the ring fills up depends whether you?re shooting or not and is as following: [NOT PRECISE YET] 5 seconds when you?re not shooting, 15 seconds when you?re not shooting. [NOT CHECKED OUT YET] I have to check out when the bar starts growing slowly or fast: when the button is not pressed or when there are no bullets of you onscreen?

There has to be an extra bonus though, when the game gets harder, and the bonus is awarded in points for every mili-second of staying in the Kakusei Overmode. [NOT CONFIRMED YET] As for as I know the amount of Gold Ingots does not change the points awarded to you.
I timed this per 5 seconds, so when going to the next level, except the last Overmode level, I had to this manually. So beware it?s [NOT PRECISE YET]:
Kakusei Overmode Level 1 - per second: 1200 points
Kakusei Overmode Level 2 - per second: 3000 points
Kakusei Overmode Level 3 - per second: 4800 points
Kakusei Overmode Level 4 - per second: 7000 points

[NOT CHECKED YET] You stay in the same level as you were in the last level when going to the next level, not sure what happens when your ring is partially filled though. Also not sure when switching back and forth though. It?s pretty clear when I say your level gets reseted when you die.

Arranged Mode
As for Arranged Mode, it's a different story: bullets go faster, there are more bullets and supidly enough, they reversed the controls (so A is pierce shot and B is shoot instead) - not sure if there's Kakusei mode though. If the scoring system is same as E.S.P.Rade, you can read another topic regarding E.S.P.Rade's scoring system. Can anybody confirm this?
On a side note, does anybody know whether this mode is a mode made by Arika or if it was already made by Cave, like the Death Label from DDP:DOJ?

Questions left and a To Do list:
-More bullets absorbed in barrier means stronger lasers?
-Holding the shot button: strength of focused shot?
-Why do you loose gold gems when fighting a boss (about 5 every seccond) and what do gold gems have to do with scoring
-Angle of Ageha shots?
-Any secret characters?
-Exact speed changes in Speed Up Kakusei mode
-How does the ranking system works (because there's this option in the simulation mode)
-What does the robot-sound say?
-I need a term for Speed Up mode and not Speed Up mode in Kakusei mode
-Any other suggestion, terminology, spelling errors etc. are welcome

notes (AKA thanks to the following people):
-1- see ... php?t=4093 - Translation of manual (?) by Yamo skraP
-2- see post below this one ... php?t=7885 ? Remarks by zakk
-3- see post in ... php?t=6324 ? Remarks by BER

Side note: Luckily I saved this in a file, because it seems that after a few hours of inactivity you log off automatically, meaning you need to log on again, meaning you lose your post. Is there anything to do about this?

I've quick checked out some points which will I put in later on:
- Gameplay in Arrange mode is almost the same as Arcade Mode, except that it's with E.S.P.Rade characters, so instead of a laser (focused shot) you have the charged beam. The Kakusei-mode stays intact. As said earlier B is main shot, A pierced shot and Auto Fire is barrier. This is the controls showed between the brackets in the options menu (in case you've been wondering what that meant)

Last edited by Douggie on Wed Jun 23, 2004 6:31 am, edited 2 times in total

Thu Jun 17, 2004 6:11 pm


Joined: 12 Jan 2004

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Ok, here come the corrections:

When you die, you lose gold. You lose half of it, actually.

Rank is based on your gold. You can see the difference in rank best in bosses and mid-bosses, it triggers different patterns. Some will always appear regardless of rank, however.

Green gems: all info available points to kill position having some sort of effect on gems.
According to this source: ... 98612.html

Killing an enemy in the top 20% or so of the screen gets you an extra gem. The translations I can get are rough, but that seems to be the case. Also, there is some mention of the 'red run level' increasing your gems somehow, but I can't recreate this at all in simulation mode.

Gold: these have a few purposes. 1) They contribute to your score when you clear bullets. 2) They indicate rank. 3) There's an end-of-game bonus based on how many you have.

Red Kakusei: You get points just for being in this mode. Dunno how many/sec.

Running this through translators hurts my head, but someone may be able to get useful stuff here: ... 98612.html

Scoring: (BER's first post) ... php?t=6324

Tue Jun 22, 2004 1:44 am

Dr. Shinobi

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zakk wrote:
Killing an enemy in the top 20% or so of the screen gets you an extra gem.
Is this while the enemy is in the top 20% of the screen, or while you yourself are? Any idea?
gaming journal

Tue Jun 22, 2004 2:07 am


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OK, so here's my stupid question to throw into this thread, having only owned the game for perhaps an hour.

Reading through this stuff quickly, I'm under the impression that you could play the game very traditionally and ignore the gold altogether since it increases rank. Of course, it is very nice being able to slow down bullets and I don't mean you can avoid the mechanism altogether, but I'm suspicious if you were just trying to 1cc it, you might do better mostly avoiding big gold combos.

---If you Live, Shoot!---

Fri Jun 25, 2004 9:54 am


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Rank is barely noticeable anyways, I wouldn't worry about it too much.
"When you got plans as big as mine baby, you gotta cover all angles. And the biggest angle of a clean getaway."

Tue Jun 29, 2004 9:11 pm


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Yeah, like Cigs said, rank doesn't make much difference, & the Extends at 4 mill & 10 mill after really help. Halfway decent scoring isn't that difficult to tie into a safe run, so there isn't much reason to skip it.

When you want to kill em dead you let them swallow you instead...

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Thu Jul 01, 2004 9:48 am


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When turning on Kakusei mode (triangle button) it seems that you become invincible. However, once in a while I die in this mode. How do I know if I am invincible or not?

Another question: Sometimes when I push the triangle button for Kakusei mode it will initially give me the barrier shot. Then I have to push it again to get the Kakusei shield. Why is this?

I'm not yet trying to learn the scoring system. I just want to understand the basic mechanics first.

Sat Jul 03, 2004 10:27 am


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If you hit a bullet in Kakusei mode it will AUTO USE the guard barrier for you. It will drain 1/2 of it when it does this, so you can get hit two times in kakusei mode before you die.

I need to do some experimentation to determine what happens if you have less than 1/2 of an energy bar left and take a bullet hit in Kakusei to fully answer the question, but the short answer is: You can hit a bullet in kakusei mode depending on how much guard barrier energy you have left.

As far as the 2nd question goes either 1: you are hitting kakusei and immediately getting hit by a bullet, trigger guard barrier. However, after the barrier finishes you should STILL be in kakusei, so I don't understand why you have to push it again. 2) your controller is messed up

Sat Jul 03, 2004 11:32 am


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Thanks for the info. I may have been wrong about the pushing-it-again thing. I just thought I remembered doing that at some point.

So now I know that I still need to avoid bullets in Kakusei mode, although it can save me in an emergency.

That leads to another question: In an emergency, such as when I know I'm about to be hit, is it better to push CIRCLE (barrier shot) or TRIANGLE (Kakusei)?

Sat Jul 03, 2004 1:26 pm


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Can someone tell me what the Full Auto Yes/No in the options menu does?

Thank you in advance.
Armed Police Batrider... CHOP U!

Sat Jul 03, 2004 8:47 pm

8 1/2

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Full-Auto just means that you can assign a button to do rapid fire for you so you don't have to tap-tap-tap for your normal shot if you don't want to.

One note: On the final form of the last boss--DON'T USE YOUR SHIELD/BOMB. The blast only gives it life. Also, I'm not totally certain but it seems like your shots during slow-mode don't hurt it, only normal fire does.
Hardly hoping...
I spend it all on game machines. - Modest Mouse

Sun Jul 04, 2004 4:00 pm


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8 1/2 wrote:
Full-Auto just means that you can assign a button to do rapid fire for you so you don't have to tap-tap-tap for your normal shot if you don't want to.

It's also useful for getting some serious precision when enemies are almost dead, and a quick tap of the normal shot button would kill them prematurely.

Tapping AUTO instead fires very few bullets and gives you a lot of control when whittling boss lifebars, etc. down to nothing before going into Kakusei.
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Mon Jul 05, 2004 1:31 am

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sffan wrote:
Thanks for the info. I may have been wrong about the pushing-it-again thing. I just thought I remembered doing that at some point.

So now I know that I still need to avoid bullets in Kakusei mode, although it can save me in an emergency.

That leads to another question: In an emergency, such as when I know I'm about to be hit, is it better to push CIRCLE (barrier shot) or TRIANGLE (Kakusei)?
Kakusei autobombs are a larger drain on your barrier gauge than normal bombs, and when they fire off your gold ingot chain is lowered, so it'd depend on whether you think you can pick through the pattern in bullet time or whether you just don't see a cutback and getting hit looks inevitable. Don't rely on the kakusei autobomb.
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Mon Jul 05, 2004 1:21 pm


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Just out of curiousity (I dont know if the FAQ actually answered this question), but does getting hit or using up Guard Barrier reset your Kakusei Overmode meter (the three rings) back to the initial setting? Many times Ive had the Overmode meters full, only to have to refill them at some point later in the game.
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Fri Jul 09, 2004 3:55 pm


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It resets when you die. It doesn't seem to change if you have to use auto-guard barrier.

Fri Jul 09, 2004 5:49 pm


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Sorry I haven't updated this for a long time, but I had some problems with the Internet (and quite busy, so I didn't have much time to play the game). I'll try updating it tommorrow with some notes I'd written earlier. Now on some replies:

JM: Any other extends than 4 and 10 million?

zakk: I called it Auto-Barrier, but is Auto Use - like you said - the correct term? If you have less than 50% of the green bar, you still have one Auto Use Barrier left, it doesn't really matter, unless it's fully empty.

8 1/2, cigsthecat: Thanks for explaining the Full Auto option, but isn't a rapid-button standard in the config, whether Full Auto is on or off? Because it wouldn't make any sense making the standard button a rapid button, as you don't have the laser anymore. Maybe it's just the thing cigsthecat said, a diffference in pressing the rapid button (small burst or still auto) - I'll check that out!

About rank: for me it's quite unnoticable too, but I guess that's because I die often (or more often than "Expert" players that is) and then rank gets reset. As I noticed in the options you have 256 levels of rank and if it's increasing slowly you'll probably not notice it immediatly. But wouldn't this matter if you try to 1-Life the game? Because the distinction between rank 0 and rank 255 will make quite a difference, as I've noticed, and you might reach rank 255 near the end of the game, making a difference in whether you'll make it in one life or not.
But actually this is the only purpose I can think in trying to keep your rank low... Like said before, it's hard to measure it (unlike DDP:DOJ).

I don't know if the FAQ is very clear at this point, so if you still have suggestions, I'll gladly hear it!

Tue Jul 20, 2004 3:27 am


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The only differences I notice is that based on how well you do (possibly) you will get different patterns. Not more difficult ones, just different. Even if you life to the last level it doesn't affect rank too much.

I've decided that I absolutely HATE how the powerups race to the top of the screen when you die, in other news.
"When you got plans as big as mine baby, you gotta cover all angles. And the biggest angle of a clean getaway."

Tue Jul 20, 2004 1:28 pm


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I've been translating the enemies names. I'll post here, even not being related to strategy & tactics, it can be a nice addition to the guide, feel free to use it at will.

Understanding the names helps to realize how polished is this game's art direction.

Please note that some errors may occur (especially items marked with ???). Corrections are highly appreciated.

- Stage 1 -

SI(SHI) - N - RA Hei
Shinra Soldier (Officer)

SI(SHI) - N - RA Hei
Shinra Soldier (Private)

HU(FU) - A - N

MI - SU - TE - i - HU (FU)
Mistif (???)

RA - U - DE - i - ZU
Raudiz (???)

TA - I - RA - N - TO

TA - RA - I - RO - N
Tarairon (Seems to be a kind of fish)

RI - ZA - [dash] - DO - HU (FU) - RA - I

HE - VU - N - ZU - DO - A
Heavens Door

Middle Boss:
I - KA - RO - SU
Icarus (Greek Mythology. The guy who flied the sky with wax wings. Flied too close to the sun and so fell in the ocean)

SE - SE - RI

E - KU - SU - KA - RI - BA - [dash]

GU - N - GU - NI - RU
Gungnir (In Norse Mythology, Gungnir is the Spear of Odin)

MU - RA - KU - MO
Wall of Clouds

- Stage 2 -

DE - SU - SU - TO - [dash] - KA - [dash]
Death Stalker

TO - RO - TU - KO

MO - [dash] - RU - . - MO - [dash] - RU
Mall-Mall (or Mole-Mole?)

WA - I - A - [dash] - MU
Y Arm

GU - RI - N - A - U - RU
Green Owl

TE - N - PU - RU - . - ZA - . - SA - N
Temple of the Sun

TE - i - A - MA - TO - tu - TO

MO - I - RA - I
Moirai (Greek Mythology. The Moirai are three sisters, they personify the fate. See why this mid-boss has 3 "bits")

GI - RE - TE - i - N

SE - I - RE - [dash] - N
Selene (Greek Mithology. Selene personify the moon. She's represented by a young women, riding the night on a silver chariot)
* I don't know if this must be translated as Selene or Siren. I choose Selene until someone correct or certify.

SE - I - RE - N - . - KO - N - PA - KU - TO
Selene's Compact

- Stage 3 -

SI - RO - tu - KO
Sirocco (Description by Babylon: hot dry wind that originates in the Sahara and blows across the Mediterranean Sea into southern Europe)

KE - RU - BE - RO - SU

RE - I - ZI

A - [dash] - RI - MA - N
Ahriman (Babylon: the evil spirit in the dualistic doctrine of Zoroastrianism)

SU - RE - I - PU - NI - [dash] - RU A
Sleigh ??? A

SU - RE - I - PU - NI - [dash] - RU B
Sleigh ??? B

SU - RE - I - PU - NI - [dash] - RU C
Sleigh ??? C

BA - ZI - RI - SU - KU

DO - RA - GO - N - HU (FU) - RA - I

A - RE - KU - TO
Alecto (Greek Mythology. She's one of the Erinyes)

E - RI - NI - E - SU - E - N - ZI - N
Erinyes Engine (Erinyes is the huge battleship. In Greek Mythology, Erynies are the three avenging goddesses)

TE - i - SI - PO - NE
Tisiphone (Greek Mythology. Another of the Erinyes)

ME - GA - I - RA
Megaera (Another Erinye, completing the trio)

Middle Boss:
HE - RA - KU - RE - SU
Heracles (Greek Mythology. The famous hero. In Roman Mythology is known as Hercules)

ZI - e - RI - HU (FU) - i - tu - SI - yu

A - MA - RA - N - SA - SU

A - MA - RA - N - SA - SU - . - BA - DO
Amaransas Bad

- Stage 4 -

HU(FU) - a - HU(FU) - NI - [dash] - RU
Fafnir (Norse Mythology. It's a mythical dragon)

GI - GA - N - TE - SU
Gigantes (Greek Mythology. They were enemies of the Olympian gods)

A - [dash] - MO - GU - RI - HU(FU) - o - N
Arm Griffon

NI - [dash] - BE - RU - N - GE - N
Nibelung [Nibelungen in german] (German Mythology. A race of dwarfs. They appear in the epic poem Nibelungenlied and in Wagner's Opera Tetralogy "Der Ring des Nibelungen")

Mid Boss:
DA - I - DA - RO - SU
Daedalus (Greek Mythology. Architect and sculptor, he built the Minotaur labyrinth)

RO - MI - RU - SU - & - RE - MU - SU
Romulus & Remus

ME - ME - N - TO

PI - tu - TO - HU(FU) - o - [dash] - RU

RE - RI - tu - KU

- Stage 5.1 -

KI - N - GU - BA - BU - [dash] - N
King Baboon

BE - RU - ZE - BU - BU
Beelzebub (A demonic figure. He has the appearance of a fly and is regarded "The Lord of Flies")

SA - I - KU - RO - PU - SU

SE - SE - RI Futatabi
Seseri Again

A - I - GI - SU
Aegis (Greek Mythology. Zeus armor. He used that in the Titans battle)

- Stage 5.2 -

A - RI - SU - KU - RO - [dash] - N - . - O - BU - O - [dash] - NA - [dash]
Alice Clone (Ob Owner ???)

A - RI - SU - KU - RO - [dash] - N - . - SE - I - RI - N - GU - KU - RI - [dash] - NA - [dash]
Alice Clone (Syringe Cleaner)

A - RI - SU - KU - RO - [dash] - N - . - HU(FU) - RO - A - SU - I - [dash] - PA - [dash]
Alice Clone (Floor Sweeper)

Boss 1:
HU(FU) - e - ZA - [dash] - GA - RU - [dash] - DA

GA - RU - BI - tu - TO

Boss 2:
ZI - ya - KO - U

Boss 3:
Shouryou Yuugou Rinkai
Holy Ghost Fusion (Critical condition)

Boss 4:
Shouryou Kesshou
Holy Ghost Crystal


Update: I got the main char's speeches romanized. Soon enough I'll add other chars speeches too. Don't know how accurate is this, but comparing with the in-game voices, sounds pretty ok.

Ageha Speech

- Select -
M: kono chikara ha...
F: iku wayo

- Picks up an item -
M: iyoshitsu !
F: ii waa...

- Guard Barrier -
M: doodatsu !
F: okaeshisuruwa !

- Hit 1 -
M: kuutsu !
F: kyatsu !

- Hit 2 -
M: guhatsu !
F: aatsu !

- After hit return -
M: shin detamarukatsu !
F: mada shine naino !

- Enter 1 -
M: oi , me^ru kitazo
F: me^ru noyouyo

- Enter 2 -
M: tsu kita
F: matte tawa

- Enter 3 -
M: koreha ... tadagotojanaina
F: suteki na shirase yo

- Enter 4 -
M: kita , mitaidaze
F: maa , nanigoto kashira (kigou)

- Enter 5 -
M: N/A
F: ima goro ... nani ...?

Tateha Speech

-Select -
F: yon deru
M: iku zee !

- Picks up an item -
F: yattanetsu !
M: kitaaa ^ tsu !

- Guard Barrier -
F: ko n no ^ utsu !
M: kuraeeeitsu !

- Hit 1 -
F: kyautsu !
M: guutsu !

- Hit 2 -
F: autsu !
M: uutsu !

- After hit return -
F: mada tatakae rundakaraatsu !
M: iyattanaatsu !

- Enter 1 -
F: me^ru dayotsu
M: me^ru daa !

- Enter 2 -
F: mattetayo (kigou)
M: kiyagattanaa !

- Enter 3 -
F: chakushin desu !
M: kita ze ^ ! hayaku toreyotsu !

- Enter 4 -
F: ee ^ naninani ~!?
M: kuhaatsu ! to ^ cha ^ ku !

- Enter 5 -
F: o niichan , chotto dete !
M: dare dayo !? isogashi inoni !
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Sun Jul 25, 2004 6:38 am
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Post by BulletMagnet »

Just got the game and decided to read this over to get a better idea of what's going case anyone cares, I think I figured out one of the enemy name translations that the author was confused about:
SU - RE - I - PU - NI - [dash] - RU
I believe that this is supposed to be "Sleipnir," the eight-legged horse which Odin rode in Norse mythology.
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Post by GaijinPunch »

Anyone want to go into specific strategies on the last boss? I've not 1CC'ed anything since I was a kid, but I can get to the last guy (2nd part of 3rd form) in this game, so I might as well fight on. I've been doing simulation mode to practice, but am not getting too far.

The last part is what kills me. I know the idea is to generally stay in the center, making a small circle, avoiding all the shit coming out you... it just starts to be too much. The fact that kakusei and your barrier don't work here...or work against you I should say, sucks!
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Post by zakk »

Since this doesn't appear to be anywhere in all the cut and paste mess above, here's the end of game bonuses:

Life - 1,000,000 each (max 6,000,000)
Life slot - 500,000 each (max 3,000,000)
Barrier gauge - 16,000 per 1% left (max 1,600,000)
Gold - 1,000 per piece (max 1,000,000)
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Post by Shion »

Sorry for bringing up an old topic like this, but could anyone explain to me how to obtain the bonus life in stage 3? I know it's there, since I've gotten it before. I just can't figure out how to trigger it.
This extra life would lift me up to the 1CC, so I really have to know :)
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Post by freddiebamboo »

Shion wrote:Sorry for bringing up an old topic like this, but could anyone explain to me how to obtain the bonus life in stage 3? I know it's there, since I've gotten it before. I just can't figure out how to trigger it.
This extra life would lift me up to the 1CC, so I really have to know :)
Have you watched the replays that come with the game? They are very useful.

You get it by killing the orb thing at the end of the level in kakusei mode, 3:50 on this guys youtube vid:
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Post by Shion »

Ah, right. Kakusei mode it is :)

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Post by Kiken »

One more thing to add to the mess above...

The focused shot (holding down the Shot button) is called Rapier.
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Post by Shatterhand »

I have a question regarding this game.
Does the shield/bomb guage ever recharges? Or I have that amount of shield for one life, and that's all?

and I still can't see how this is the easiest Cave shmup. I find Mushihime-sama a lot easier than this.
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Post by Lynx Winters »

There's three items that give you back 50% of your barrier meter. One is about halfway through stage 3, one is somewhere in 5-1, and the other is in 5-2. I don't know about the last two, but the first one isn't hidden at all.
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Post by jpj »

Shatterhand wrote:I have a question regarding this game.
Does the shield/bomb guage ever recharges? Or I have that amount of shield for one life, and that's all?

and I still can't see how this is the easiest Cave shmup. I find Mushihime-sama a lot easier than this.
the shield does automatically recharge, but it is very slow
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Post by Lynx Winters »

what no

No it doesn't. No. Stop filling people's heads with lies. No.
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Re: ST: Espgaluda (PS2 Arcade Mode) - created by Douggie

Post by Frederik »

:twisted: Rise from your grave :twisted:

So yeah, Espgaluda, very cool game. I´m surprised that not more people have discussed this so far, especially considering
it´s emulated in MAME now. Oh well!

Now my question:

I have this weird idea in my head that staying in red mode for a while increases the amount of green gems you get. Does
this have any truth to it? In a lot of superplays they jack up red mode quite a bit, so there has to be some reason for that.
I think it also increases rank - after I experimented a bit on stage 1 and played it in red mode until it wouldn´t increase anymore,
the stage boss had some noticably fiercer patterns. I assume this also means more enemies in later stages, though I´m not really sure about that.
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Re: ST: Espgaluda (PS2 Arcade Mode) - created by Douggie

Post by Despatche »

Raising your Overmode level to max will cause enemies to produce more green gems (which helps you stay in normal Kakusei mode longer), and probably does drive up rank in the process. Keep in mind that getting hit will completely reset the level.

Most players will charge their Overmode level at the first boss and keep that for the rest of the game, I think.
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Re: ST: Espgaluda (PS2 Arcade Mode) - created by Douggie

Post by Frederik »

Thanks for clearing that up :)
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Re: ST: Espgaluda (PS2 Arcade Mode) - created by Douggie

Post by Aliquantic »

There was also this short thread on the finer details of Kakusei Overmode, the key part being that you need to destroy enemies near the top of the screen to get bonus gems, and that's where Overmode gives you some extra gems.
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Re: ST: Espgaluda (PS2 Arcade Mode) - created by Douggie

Post by Frederik »

Thanks! It´s a bit unfortunate this thread is so all over the place, a well written guide would be fantastic. If I knew the game inside-out I would do it, but I´m still struggling quite a bit with this game :lol:
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Re: ST: Espgaluda (PS2 Arcade Mode) - created by Douggie

Post by Despatche »

The particular post seems to be contradicting. For the record, it feels like I do get more gems by stage 2, having charged Overmode to max on the stage 1 boss.
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Re: ST: Espgaluda (PS2 Arcade Mode) - created by Douggie

Post by Aliquantic »

The post does say you get more gems with Overmode, but Overmode mainly increases the amount of extra gems you get from destroying things in the upper portion of the screen (which, along with strategic midboss bombing, is the critical part to get more gems) so it's not an all over gem multiplier.

Of course any extra gem is always nice and there's no risk in raising Overmode on the first stage, so you should do it... but it implies it may not be worth the risk to raise Overmode again if you die later on.
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Re: ST: Espgaluda (PS2 Arcade Mode) - created by Douggie

Post by Despatche »

Indeed, not to mention end-of-game stock bonuses.

And I see what is meant now: you get more gems in general simply on max Overmode... but there are also bonus gems by killing things at the top of screen, and you get more of these with max Overmode? Rough.
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Re: ST: Espgaluda (PS2 Arcade Mode) - created by Douggie

Post by emphatic »

A tip from me: try to find spots on every stage where going into overmode doesn't interfere with scoring later in the stage. If you happen to die after the "gem rewarding state" has been activated, you will have to activate it again. In ESPGALUDA II, this state (once unlocked) will remain even if you die. Overmode will also keep your points rolling in even when you're not actively killing enemies, so making a habit of going into it when your gem stock is low/depleted is good. Right after the mid bosses of stages 1-4 are excellent for this.
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Re: ST: Espgaluda (PS2 Arcade Mode) - created by Douggie

Post by Despatche »

A tip from me based on the above tip: don't die. Again, end-of-game bonuses.
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Re: ST: Espgaluda (PS2 Arcade Mode) - created by Douggie

Post by croikle »

Overmode spins up much faster if you're not shooting. I haven't seen that written down, and it's handy to know.
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Re: ST: Espgaluda (PS2 Arcade Mode) - created by Douggie

Post by BareKnuckleRoo »

Is it me, or is Tateha's laser actually stronger than Ageha's when in normal mode? I could be going nuts, but I swear I'm seeing boss phases end faster when I'm using Tateha compared to Ageha (lasering away the whole time as both). Also, Tateha's Kakusei mode shot appears to be more damaging when pointblanking than Ageha's Kakusei laser (this is less unusual as shot is risky to use against bosses when you're trying to dodge through tight waves, so it's a risk vs reward thing).
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