UPDATE 1.14.10 | Bisus [new!] and Dzufu Tomorrow [updated]!

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UPDATE 1.14.10 | Bisus [new!] and Dzufu Tomorrow [updated]!

Post by null1024 »

Dzufu Tomorrow: http://s_a_2_d.sitesled.com/asdf.zip
Bisus: http://s_a_2_d.sitesled.com/bisus.zip

My current 2 projects.
Dzufu Tomorrow is a normal shmup, Bisus is a boss rush that is effectively 1: a test of GM8, every object in game uses translucency, 2: a mashup of Dzufu Tomorrow and bilateral, and 3: hard [not really anymore, now that you get 4 lives to beat each stage].

Dzufu was made in GM5, Bisus in GM8. Dzufu is slower, Bisus gets up to 400+ bullets no slowdown and all alpha blended, Dzufu starts to struggle with 100, and I had to implement pseudo slowdown for consistency across machines.

NOTE: Bisus switches the screen resolution to 640x480, Dzufu Tomorrow doesn't. Reason: I don't know if GM5 switches frequencies [e.g, to 60, which hurts like hell to look at on a CRT, which I haven't been able to get to to test it] when "default" is specified. GM8 doesn't, and it also states "no change" instead.

Image Dzufu Tomorrow [old screenshot]

Image Bisus [new!]

Dzufu Tomorrow Video [old, will update... eventually.]: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=goOqmhjFMHU

z - shoot + slow
x - increase speed [Dzufu Tomorrow only]
shift - slow
esc - exit
f2 - restart [Dzufu Tomorrow only]
f1 - help

Music, code and gfx -- 2010 null1024

What's new:
Bisus: everything. Highscores not saved yet. 2 levels.
Dzufu Tomorrow: redone level layouts, a boss, high score table.
Last edited by null1024 on Sun Feb 07, 2010 8:25 pm, edited 11 times in total.
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Re: [asdf] -- vertical danmaku STG with bendy ropes of bullets

Post by agustusx »

so based on the last update i saw at shmup dev, you must have at least 1/3 of a level done. Downloading now.(done) Never change the name. Period.

After a few quick runs I've got a few comments. I didn't really see the impact of pressing E, the background got dimmer but I didn't see a visual effect. What should i be looking for? Its good that you keep the backgrounds a different pallet than the enemies/projectiles, I can always tell where the action is. The attack patterns are interesting and give a fair challenge. The music fits the style, now more more more.

And thanks for giving the GMD, I can look at this and see if there is anything to learn. I'm still very rough at this "programming" concept so I can still improve on simple things. For example after working a bit my WOB, I realized my next game needed a better method for projectile creation. So half the game is done with scripts and the other with other methods. It's been discussed here in another thread but

var asdf;
asdf = instance_create(argument0,argument1,oeBullet)
asdf.type = argument2
asdf.speed = argument4
asdf.direction = argument3
asdf.curve = argument5
asdf.c_rate = argument6

is a good way to go. Managing bullets in a uniform location instead of particular objects is the smart way to handle things.
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Re: [asdf] -- vertical danmaku STG with bendy ropes of bullets

Post by null1024 »

Thanks. More music will come, and I probably should ditch my method and just use a DLL to load MP3s instead of using embedded WAV clips and an annoyingly complicated playback routine that skips numbers for reasons I can't figure out and have to try to work around when I want another clip to play.

Also, if E didn't work, it's probably the way your graphics card handles not having an area to draw. I turn off the background, and there's nothing being panted under it, and then I add a layer of alpha over the whole screen. Under normal circumstances, a fancy motion blur similar to that in Ad Nauseum 2 should appear, but much slower because of GM5's alpha handling.

PS: sorry, had to change the name. The kana says "asudufu" though [pronounce it].
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Re: [asdf] -- vertical danmaku STG with bendy ropes of bullets

Post by Ed Oscuro »

Dunno about anything else, but the title is brilliant. :D
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Re: あすづふ Dzufu Tommorow -- was [asdf]. updated!

Post by null1024 »

Finished the first level [might be put to second or third in final release...]
Added artificial slowdown [to make the experience consistent, you can't turn this off yet... sorry, but I'm too lazy right now]
Added another speed control, shift can be used to slow your ship down. It's more of a fine-tune key. Use it or not, it stays.
ADDED A NEW, MP3 SONG. Got rid of the old music, put some new stuff in that I made with Famitracker.

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Re: UPDATE 1.14.10 | Bisus [new!] and Dzufu Tomorrow [updated]!

Post by null1024 »

Updated again.
Added Bisus to this page, and updated Dzufu Tomorrow.
See first post for details.

Latest links:
http://s_a_2_d.sitesled.com/bisus.zip BISUS
http://s_a_2_d.sitesled.com/asdf.zip DZUFU TOMORROW
Come check out my website, I guess. Random stuff I've worked on over the last two decades.
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