GD: Cho Ren Sha 68K

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GD: Cho Ren Sha 68K

Post by Icecap Veiwin »

I don't know if there's another GD topic for this game that's not dead yet, so I apologize if there is. (I just assume anything that's not on the first page is dead; this assumption works well, actually.)

So yeah, any general tips for this game? I really suck at it. >.>;;

What's the most important powerup? I usually capitalize on POWER, then when I'm up into the 3rd-5th stage of my shot *hopes that's not confusing* I get a Shield then some Bombs.

Also, I have no problems with level 1-1, but I always have trouble with 1-2. (Can't beat the boss, lose all my lives at the big barrages.) Any general tips for 1-2?

(Yes, I do suck.)
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Post by BulletMagnet »

As far as powerups go I usually grab either a weapon powerup (or two) or a shield first, and then bombs after I've maxed out the other two. But my play style's hardly proven, heh...the farthest I've gotten so far is 2-0.

As far as the 1-2 boss goes, try to stay front and center of him as much as you can, making only small movements to dodge stuff; this not only allows you to keep a nice steady stream of fire on him (if you're fully powered up and keep up the pressure he actually goes down pretty quick), but dead center is actually the safest spot for some of his patterns.

Keep practicing: for some time I had some trouble with earlier areas myself, but with a little persistence things get easier. :)
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Post by Zach Keene »

Er... if you fly into the center of the power-up triangle and stay there awhile without touching any of them (or getting killed) you'll collect all three. :)
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Post by WarpZone »

Staying dead center under a boss and making slight adjustments as necessarily is also helpful for the 3rd and 5th bosses.
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Post by mannerbot »

Yeah, getting in the center of the powerup rings is very beneficial if you're just playing for survival, and essential if you want to play for score. There were some very helpful topics on the old forum, it's a shame that they're lost. Cigsthecat could probably write a pretty decent ST for this game though.
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Post by Tar-Palantir »

I think I have a copy of the old "Cho Ren Sha secrets thread". If I find it, I will post it here.
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Post by ForteMP3 »

The "center in the ring" tactic is a must, definately. however, you'll need to take some time and practice it, because as you center yourself in the ring, it rotates faster and faster. Obviously, if you're not perfectly centered, a powerup spins right into you, preventing you from getting all three.

And since powerups are worth points (Which multiply with every consecutive pickup) they're also handy. I THINK the max bonus for a pickup is 25600, but I could be wrong on that. However, this does mean that if you max out on powerups, you can get a total of 76800 points per powerup ring later on.

Here's a fun trick, I'm not sure if anyone knows this...I call it the Stage 1 Speed Kill. The two large ships that make up the first boss have some charge shots...Well, when each ship readies its charge shot, fly in front of the other, and get them to fire their charge shots right at each other. If either shot connects with the other ship, it's instantly killed. if you're really good, you can get them to kill each other with their chargeshots, meaning you can win this boss battle without having to fire even once.

The second boss' second phase is best dealt with by centering yourself under it.

The other stages I'm still having trouble with, ESPECIALLY those snakelike things that can only be harmed either by a Bomb or when they start firing. Anyone have any tips on that?

Also, does anyone have any hitbox data on ChoRenSha?
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Post by Krimzon Kitzune »

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Post by Dandy J »

Does anyone know what some of the things in the options menu do? I remember messing around with some of them and never noticed any difference.
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Post by BulletMagnet »

ForteMP3 wrote:The other stages I'm still having trouble with, ESPECIALLY those snakelike things that can only be harmed either by a Bomb or when they start firing. Anyone have any tips on that?
The things on Stage 3? Well, basically just watch their initial criss-cross patterns and practice them, they get easier to dodge once you get the hang of them; once they "open up" and throw the larger bullets at you they're aimed, so move out of the way when they do that. Of course, at that point they're vulnerable, so KILL! I'm also not sure on this, but in spots where they "layer" themselves in several rows, I think that if your shot is powered up enough it can go through "armored" ones and hit "open" ones in the back row, so keep shooting; I know I've hit the back row somehow, maybe I just snuck a stream in between two of them, but I think my shot might've been able to pierce.
Also, does anyone have any hitbox data on ChoRenSha?
I'm not positive, but I think it might be the little round red thingy on the ship sprite.
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Post by SheSaidDutch »

I love the spacecraft's design 8)

btw are there any update packs?

Just wondering because I remember looking at a site and there were apparently update patches on some jappanese site
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Post by Tar-Palantir »


Post subject: The Cho Ren Sha 68k Secrets Thread

I want to create a thread devoted to uncovering everything known about this phenomenal game. I'll list what I know, but I'm hoping others like SpooN and especially Gerk will fill us in with some more exciting stuff. Just tell us about that boss rush mode etc. already.

- The game has at least 6 loops, possibly more. If you beat the first 2 loops everyone knows about, then select "Continue" you're treated to 3rd and 4th loops, each with more difficult types of suicide bullets/lasers. After you beat these (I'll admit I needed a couple of continues to finish them), selecting "Continue" again gives you two more. I only got about halfway through the 5th before I died and decided I'd played enough Cho Ren Sha for one night. I have to wonder how far it goes. Unfortunately the demo I thought had been recorded didn't take.

Wed Jul 30, 2003 2:40 pm


For those who were wondering; the Boss Rush mode and Showtime replays in question:

Unzip into \ETC_DAT\, backup or delete your Demo.REP, then copy and rename the said file to the new "demo.REP". Watch demo, enjoy

I'll reveal how this is all possible, tomorrow.

P.S: Check out my shmup cursive in the first replay

Gerk, I officially dislike you.

Hardly a secret but something I didn't notice for a long, long while: performing a successful 3-item grab grants the player momentary invulnerability.



More stuff:
-There are 8 loops. Each has its own variety of death retaliation(s). Defeat the 8th Loop, and you might just get something special.
-The original Windows version had the Stage 5 and 6 tunes switched.

Contrary to popular belief, a no-shot game is NOT possible. This is due to the following factors:
1. The Level 4 bosses. If unchecked, they'll fly to the bottom of the screen, "crushing" you. Bombs would be an option, but you theoretically only have 3.
2. The final boss does not self-destruct. Not only that, it is immune to bombs, too.

-A lot of bosses have varied attack patterns, most of which won't be seen by a normal player because they take far too long to reveal themselves. The Stage 2 boss is notorious for this, due to its mines and (unique!) drone fighters that reinforce it if you take a while.
-When grabbing ANY powerup, you are momentarily invincible.
-The bosses of Level 0 are Ghosts (enemies you can fly through/over safely.) This means that, invincibility-wise, you can't damage them by touching them.
-Wait around long enough on the name entry screen, and the last boss will show up.


Omg, if you beat 8 loops (I didn't know that there are more than 2) what is your highscore?
I was too lasy to play since three weeks, now I have a new aim .


SpooN wrote:
Omg, if you beat 8 loops (I didn't know that there are more than 2) what is your highscore?
I was too lasy to play since three weeks, now I have a new aim .

As I told Cigs and he mentioned, CONTINUE after beating the 2nd Loop, to start on the 3rd, Stage 1. (=


What is everyones favourite version of this? X68 or PC? I'd like the PC version more if there was a scan-lines option...


bcass wrote:
What is everyones favourite version of this? X68 or PC? I'd like the PC version more if there was a scan-lines option...

Press F5.


Okay. Cho Ren Sha 68K, (IMO) THE BEST free shmup available, and one of the better shmups out there altogether, is known for its incredible depth and abundence of secrets/eggs/whatever. Recently, I had discovered something even more gamebreaking in this little gem. Known as Kakusi Mode (translating into English as, I believe, Everything Mode), this mode allows you to tweak many of the game's settings, to your content. (= Here's a description of what many of the options in Kakusi Mode, do:

VWAIT (00-07): I have no clue. Does anyone?

MUTEKI (00-01): Essentially, an invincibility switch. In this mode, you have a permanant shield, essentially. Unable to die, whenever you take damage you will instead hear the "Shield Break" sound effect. Normally, when you crash into an enemy, it causes substantial damage to the enemy you hit. Since you are unable to die in this mode, crashing into and staying on top of an enemy will kill them very, very quickly. Bosses (save for the Level 0 bosses) can and will die in a matter of seconds. Fun stuff.
NOTE: Muteki replays MUST be in Muteki to run successfully; otherwise your ship will die every time it is hit, like normal, and the routines will be desynced like whut.

STAGE (00-0F): This dictates what stage you will start on, via the Continue function. Here is an index of stages:
1: Stage 1
2: Stage 2
3: Stage 3
4: Stage 4
5: Stage 5
6: Stage 6
7: Stage 0
F: Show Time!!
0: A very odd version of "Stage 0" set to the final boss theme. This stage is empty and endless on normal conditions, but if ONLYBOSS is enabled, you will fight the Stage 5 boss exactly as it appears in the normal CRS game. One of the points in my theory that Stage 5's boss, in appearance, was the original preplanned CRS's final boss.
8 through E are invalid stage indexes, and will revert back to 1.

ACCHO (00-0F): The loop, via continue, you will be playing on. Loop Index, complete with Death effect:
0: 1-1 to 2-0 (Nothing)
1: 2-1 to 3-0 (Orb; the 2nd Loop we all know+love)
2: 3-1 to 4-0 (Stream of purple bullets)
3: 4-1 to 5-0 (Several flashing red/blue narrow bullets)
4: 5-1 to 6-0 (Several lasers)
5: 6-1 to 7-0 (Pattern of Orbs)
6: 7-1 to 8-0 (Rows/Columns of Orbs)
7: 8-1 to 9-0 (A few orbs)
7 through E, though numbered properly (back to 0-0, and counting up), are the same as the 2nd Loop (Index 1)

TD_SPEED (00-3E): The speed of enemy shots. 10 is default, and it ranges from 00 (Bullets are stationary; they only will go away when bombed, you lose your shield, or you hit them) to 3E (Ungodly fast.) Of course, bullets all move at relative speed, this just controls the "normal" one.
NOTE: Lasers are not affected by the TD_SPEED variable. It's a fun way to mix things up.

JK_SPEED (00-7E): The speed of your ship. 30 is default, and this doesn't require much explanation; it's not as absurd as the bullet speeds can get.

BOSSONLY (00-01): The reason for the infamous replay. Set to 1, this will skip the normal stage and head straight to the boss. Great for practice or whatever creative intentions you may have.
NOTE: "Show Time!!" has no effectively defined boss; the switch will do nothing.

DEBUG (00-03): Debug mode, for, well, debugging purposes. 00 is off, 01 shows some basic statistics (Sprite count, Rank, etc.) and the value of what you just scored. 02-03 just show the value of what you just destroyed, pointwise (minus Hit Score.) Not sure of the difference in 02/03, if any.

KASEGI (00-00): No use, as far as I know.

SAVE: Saves your last game as the new DEMO.REP, #1 score or not.

EXIT: Lets you have fun.

Of course, you may be wondering, "Say, Gerk, how exactly do I access this awesome mode?" Well, here you guys go. The World Exclusive (Haha, shyeah right...!)

Note that this ONLY works in the September 12th, 2001 version (the newest version; CHO010912.) At the Title Screen, press the following keys in sequence: F3, DOWN, UP, DOWN, DOWN, Z, G, H, and HOLD UP for at least half a second. A sound should confirm correct entry. Then press F4 to reap your reward. (Psst...Or, just go to the options screen and hold UP for a few seconds. ^_~ This method works in any version, BTW.)
Remember me, next time you're playing some nasty rounds of CRS68K. (=

Seeya around,
---Gerk of 2MP2B


First off, thanks very much for the info Gerk. This is great.

However, I'm having a problem...the code works fine and I can access all the options, but whenever I play one of the new modes (showtime, a loop, etc.) the whole game runs at an insane speed and is completely unplayable. If I don't enter the code I can play the game normally as always. Did you have this problem? Any ideas how to fix it?



Press F, and it should work just fine.


I can't install this version ('This file is not a YZ-copressed file...') .
Does anyone have any ideas to help me?

Ok it works but:
I have the same speed problems as cigsthecat and pressing 'f' does not help and the level and loop options does not work too .


SpooN wrote:
I can't install this version ('This file is not a YZ-copressed file...') .
Does anyone have any ideas to help me?

Ok it works but:
I have the same speed problems as cigsthecat and pressing 'f' does not help and the level and loop options does not work too .

Are you START'ing or CONTINUE'ing? You should be Continuing.



Well this is frustrating. Pressing F brings the speed down a bit, but it's still going too fast. I can tell because if I exit then start a normal game the speed is regular again. Damn...I really want to play all these extras too.

Where did you find out about this anyway Gerk?


Today I played a game in the MUTEKI mode because I want to know what the perfect score is. I got 46422488 (I didn't play perfect 1-2000000 more should be possible) but I don't think that even the crazyest would be able to get this without MUTEKI.


I discovered it on my own.

Seriously, though...Highlight the text after my paragraph describing the method...That should solve your speed issues.

Baby Bonnie Hood


Ok, I will try to explain it:
If you move the ship into the middle of ther three items and hold it there for a while without getting an item, you will get all three items.


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bcass wrote:
The music is so popular in Japan that its finally being released on its own OST later this year. Original versions, and arranged, IIRC.

Signatures suck.
This one more than all the other ones.


Thu Aug 07, 2003 1:05 am


Uhm, my copy (latest version for windows)doesn't work properly, it goes at insane speed even if i press F, and i didn't access the special modes:why?


Randorama: Try restarting your computer when that happens. Every now and again when I crack it open for a game or two the speed is all out of whack, but a quick restart always fixes it.


The music is so popular in Japan that its finally being released on its own OST later this year. Original versions, and arranged, IIRC.


Any links or sources for this news?

The arranger's web site:

I think the OST can be bought during the Comic Market 64 in


cigsthecat wrote:
bcass wrote:
The music is so popular in Japan that its finally being released on its own OST later this year. Original versions, and arranged, IIRC.

Holy shit.

That is fantastic. This may just be the first and last soundtrack I ever buy...I think I'll explode if I don't have some sort of official Cho Ren Sha merchandise in my home. I would kill someone for a console port. No, make that several people.

Any links or sources for this news? ... 0728021639


vorc wrote:
Chou Rensha 68K original soundtrack pressed version coming soon

Chou Rensha 68K is a famous shoot'em up game for X68000. It's not a commercial software, but realized awesome high quality exceeding company games of those days. Now this game (including Windows port) is available for free at the author's homepage.

All vgms for this game was composed by Lusarin Kashiwagi aka LoSER who had been active as one of rare original MDX composers in X68000 scene since early 90s. They're impressive about unique FM synth instruments, and have been released as CD(-R) twice. But finally the definitive soundtrack cd will appear at Comic Market 64: the biggest Japanese market for doujin (=hobby) comic/novel/cd/software etc.

Not only the remastered complete soundtracks from original version and another parody version called Chobi Rensha 68k, but also arranged versions contributed by seven guest composers and even renewal versions made by the composer himself will be compiled as triple cd album. The tentative price is 2000 yen. At his homepage you can listen to 17 previews in MP3 format.

Baby Bonnie Hood
What determines the 1-Up's appearance? I watched cigs' replay where 1-Up's appeared very often; how come that doesn't happen when I play?


Babie bonnie Hood: it depends on how many 25,6k bonuses you take.This means that always getting the rotating trick working and never dying helps a lot.

By the way, i tried a few times to restart my computer, it still goes at an incredible speed.Also, is there a bgm menu anywhere?
Last edited by Tar-Palantir on Sat Jun 18, 2005 6:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by cigsthecat »

The basic strategy- never die, never bomb and use the powerup trick every time. More lives= ever increasing bonus that really adds up. Missing a 1up or not earning enough will really cost you overall. Later on in tricky spots you can bomb to give yourself time to get a powerup ring you'd otherwise be out of luck for. You'll lose 25k, but get the bomb back right away at least.

There are also key spots for certain bosses where you can trigger patterns that release little ships for extra points. In stage 1 early on if you kill the two large enemies fast enough you'll get a couple of bonus enemies that you can milk for some extra pods/points.

I think my replay is still up for download in the old TNL thread, but really you should pm Spoon and get his. I believe he has a 24 million range replay as well.

Also- remember that every time you take a powerup/bomb/ shield you are invincible for a brief moment. Use this.
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Post by Zach Keene »

Someone asked about 1-ups in that thread dump Tar-Palantir was kind enough to repost. You "earn" a 1-up for every million points you score, but to actually collect it you have to wait for the next power-up carrier to appear and already have a shield active before you destroy it. (25600-point items aren't directly tied to 1-up appearence though obviously they're a good way to rack up your million. :) )

The game remembers how many you've earned so if you manage to score three million points before getting a shield (and thus not collecting your 1-ups), the next three carriers after you get a shield will offer a 1-up assuming you don't lose it in the meantime.

EDIT: there's also a no-miss 24 million point replay file here.
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Post by SpooN »

Nice to see a cho-rensha 68k post (especially since I'm playing it again at the moment).

Some advanced technics, I will update this if I have the time.
There often appear two item-giving ships next to each other, so you can use the invincebility of the one item get to fly on the other ship and destroy it. With some practice you will find yourself in the middle of the three items of that ship after it blows up. This can save you often a bomb in the later levels.
Note: You mustn't shoot to perform this.
If you want a replay of that I can easily produce one.

If you hit any enemy with the green part of your shot you will earn some bonus points, not that much but if you are aiming for perfection...

Level one:
Learn how to milk the ships that only appear if you kill the "mid-boss" fast. I inveted a technic with low risk and a very high maximum score (can show you a replay of that, too).
Destroy the boss the right way: Shoot two times, plus one time with only 1/3 of your shot hitting, at the two ships. Then let them shoot two times at each other. To destroy the slivers that spread after the first bosse's defeat is the most important thing in lvl 1. I invented a technic for that, too (replay on request :) ). My highest lvl 1 score was 869.705 compare that to yours if you think these moves were not necessary.

Level two:
There is a way to destroy all the little ships in the beginning, play a bit around and you will see that their movement depends on your's.
You can milk the boss: Don't shoot too much at him and some drones will appear after his first form is destroyed.

Level three:
At one point there appear these turtle like ships in a straight line left and right from you. You can kill the most of them without bombing, train that (don't know if I have a replay of that but I could do one).

Level four:
Train to get the both of the three items in the beginning without bombing (I'm working on a good technic for that, works ok at the moment but not perfect).
Milk all the rocket ships.
Kill preferred the wings over the core at the bossfight, most often you can kill all parts of the boss separated (you can hit the wings even if you can't see them yet).

Level five:
Very hard one, I'm working on it. From theory I can say: If you destroy the core and at least one big and one smaller cannon of the battleships it's not worth to bomb here. But depending on how perfect you play until lvl 5 it can be necessary to bomb to get enough points for a second 1up in this level (which would be worth it).
Milk the boss, it's not worth to bomb to destroy his hard shields. I trained to destroy four of them after the last one it becomes very sick and 10k points are not enough for that risk.

Level six:
I'm working on some milking technics. Use the invincebility-three-item-get.

Level zero:
This level is easier as it seems. Use the invincebility-three-item-get.
Milk the boss, there is a way to milk both of his rocket-launchers and destroy them nevertheless in the end, I'm working on it :) .

Second loop:
Well, I'will see when I mastered the first loop.

Last boss:
First part: Learn the patterns, not that hard.
Second part: Find a way for yourself to do it, not that hard, too.
Last part: Be sure to go at the middle of the screen as long as the rubble of the second part are still there. I'm not sure but I think that should prevent the last form from moving to close to the bottom of the screen.
His patterns are similiar to the showtime patterns, so you can train them there. I have some dodging technics for myself but it's hard to explain.
If I was at school again (guess tuesday) I can submit you a replay of me beating the last form with only one bomb (which I could have done better) and the worst shot.

I hope you understood what I tried to say, if not let me know.
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Post by Icecap Veiwin »

Um, is the boss rush replay supposed to die at the fourth boss?
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Post by shoe-sama »

Holy shit random bump.
SpooN wrote:There often appear two item-giving ships next to each other, so you can use the invincebility of the one item get to fly on the other ship and destroy it. With some practice you will find yourself in the middle of the three items of that ship after it blows up. This can save you often a bomb in the later levels.
Note: You mustn't shoot to perform this.
Demonstration of this technique.
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Post by P_HAT »

how to turn on autofire? :?
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Post by Ghegs »

P_HAT wrote:how to turn on autofire? :?
There is no autofire in the game. However, it's possible to get it through other means - get JoyToKey and configure one of the gamepad's buttons the game doesn't use itself (that is, anything but buttons 1 and 2) to be Z with autofire.
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Post by P_HAT »

Ghegs wrote:
P_HAT wrote:how to turn on autofire? :?
There is no autofire in the game. However, it's possible to get it through other means - get JoyToKey and configure one of the gamepad's buttons the game doesn't use itself (that is, anything but buttons 1 and 2) to be Z with autofire.
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Post by VicViper_Mk2 »

has anyone tried fighting the real final boss? after finishing the final boss on the second loop, you fight an even stronger one. this one is murder, it starts out medium size, but when you do enough damage it expands almost twice the sizes and goes nuts with the pink cannons (nice sound effect though, like a rhyme) and just when you think you blew it up for good, the core comes out and goes totally beserk. the rotating shot and the high speed strafing is just beautiful to witness, but a pain to dodge.

i manage to get to this insane boss (with four lives, max power/bomb) but as soon as i started on the final form, it went downhill fast.
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Post by SFKhoa »

Check the high score board. A good number of us has 1CC'd the entire two loops, including the true last boss.
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Post by shoe-sama »

how u dodge tlb?
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Post by Hanuman »

Hello all I just joined so I could get someone to answer this question. Sorry about the serious thread necromancy.
Dandy J wrote:Does anyone know what some of the things in the options menu do? I remember messing around with some of them and never noticed any difference.
I am mainly wondering what the Screen option and the XSP_Mode options do. Would someone be able to clarify this for me?
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Re: GD: Cho Ren Sha 68K

Post by bossdemon »

yo anyone got any tips on the 5th and 6th bossesthe only time i beat the 5th boss was a like 6 bomb sucid mission and the just smacks me any tips
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Re: GD: Cho Ren Sha 68K

Post by landshark »

bossdemon wrote:yo anyone got any tips on the 5th and 6th bossesthe only time i beat the 5th boss was a like 6 bomb sucid mission and the just smacks me any tips
Play list of levels 1-1 to 2-ALL. Not a high scoring run at all, but it did the trick. ... D7FCC25E66
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Re: GD: Cho Ren Sha 68K

Post by Vetus »

Sorry for necromancing this old thread but I have a question: did anyone from you had problem with the sound of this game? I have downloaded from various sites (even from the original site...or the one I think it's the original: ) but still the game have issues with the sound. Any idea anyone? Or could you at least recommend me from where should I download it?
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Re: GD: Cho Ren Sha 68K

Post by LtC »

Vetus wrote:Sorry for necromancing this old thread but I have a question: did anyone from you had problem with the sound of this game? I have downloaded from various sites (even from the original site...or the one I think it's the original: ) but still the game have issues with the sound. Any idea anyone? Or could you at least recommend me from where should I download it?
Have you tried it in win95 (or whatever it was) compability mode?
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Re: GD: Cho Ren Sha 68K

Post by Vetus »

I guess not. How can I play on win95 compabilty mode? Should I download a specific version of the game for that case? Or do something else on the configurations of the game? Note that my pc have Windows XP.
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Re: GD: Cho Ren Sha 68K

Post by LtC »

Vetus wrote:I guess not. How can I play on win95 compabilty mode? Should I download a specific version of the game for that case? Or do something else on the configurations of the game? Note that my pc have Windows XP.
Ouch. I just tried on XP SP3 compatibility mode and the sound is destroying my ears.

I'm not 100% sure about XP but you should find compatibility mode settings from right clicking the executable which in my case is 'LATEST.exe' then going to 'properties' and looking for compatibility tab or settings. Change it to Win95.
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