PS2 Mod cost

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PS2 Mod cost

Post by MovingTarget »

So I have a UK PS2 and I'm dying to play some of the Japan(asian?) only shmups.

I asked around recently and was given a price of £80-90 to get my ps2 chipped. Now I'm pretty sure this is way too expensive, maybe it was partly due to the risk(being illegal). What price should I be paying for this?

Is there any alternative ways thats almost as cheap? Is there certain websites that will do it based in the UK where I could send the black box of tricks off to get chipped?

Thanks for your time
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Post by system11 »

This has been pretty much shut down in the UK by Sony through the courts. There are a few shady places still offering the service - but I haven't found one who could even tell me what chip it is, or understand what it could do. When I said I wanted the Matrix Infinity installing, all I got was a blank look from one place, they didn't have a clue.

If I was fitting chips, I'd want at least 50 quid for the work - but I won't even do it, because it's a horrible task - take a look at the fitting insutructions, and ask how much you'd want to be paid for that. I used to repair arcade PCBs, and chipping a PS2 scares even me ;)

Best way is to get yourself a Japanese PS2, they're not too pricey these days, I have a spare one if you're in the UK (couldn't resist getting a Sakura one) - £50 plus postage, old model, comes with box and manual and so on. LMK.
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Post by zakk »

The DMS4 EZI chip is much easier to install, as it requires no soldering. Just the ability to take apart and reassemble your PS2, really. Might want to look into that if you think you can do that without breaking stuff.
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Post by Ghegs »

Back when I got my PS2 modded I paid 100 EUR for it, so it is rather expensive. And it wasn't even a shady company, 'twas all good and proper. They even offered a year's guarantee to their work. Modding has been on the verge of being illegal here for few years now, but the final word has yet to been said. :D
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Post by brokendivide »

bloodflowers, only assuming MovingTarget isn't interested (seeing as this is MT's thread :s), and you're willing to sell it still, I'd be very much interested in that PS2
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