GD: Pink Sweets ~Ibara Sore-kara~

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GD: Pink Sweets ~Ibara Sore-kara~

Post by EOJ »

EDIT: Plasmo's superior guide has made mine obsolete, so please refer to his guide instead.
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Post by jpj »

cheers for starting this thread :)

there are also fixed 1-ups in stage 5 and 7
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Post by EOJ »

The fixed 1up in Stage 5 is had by bombing one of those big circular turret things towards the end of the level, right? How do you get the one in Stage 7?
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Post by jpj »

i've yet to get the one on stage 5 on credit-fed runs. but i think it's the humpty-dumpty style things on the far-right and far-left you sometimes see in the canyons. i think there are 5 in total, and you have to destroy them all (?).

for stage 7, i remember plasmo saying it was the same as stage 3 - there is a tank you take the wheels off, and another enemy tank crashes into it. i haven't seen that myself yet.
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Post by EOJ »

Updated with more info. Filled in the basic game modes, in-game reset command, and basic controls. More to come!
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Post by Dave_K. »

Holy crap, a reset command! They must have known people would be pulling their hair our trying to figure this game out.
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Post by EOJ »

I use the reset command all the time in Score Attack mode. Come to think of it, that might be the main reason why they put it in the game. You can't get out of score attack until the timer gets to zero, so if you're in the arcade and some guy gets sick of the mode after a minute or two and walks away, and you want to play a new credit, you can just enter the code.
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Post by Radiant »

just got an extend @ the 3rd boss.....i don't know exact what i did :? but he was shooting at me with the rockets which explode with the "green flare" and i guess i destroyed one of them...(sorry i was stressed :shock: :wink: )
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Post by Dave_K. »

Stupid me never realized the speed changing option. It can also be used to cancel your bomb if you laid off the fire for too long. Playing a fast Lace is almost criminal.

I'd like to understand the special powerups, if anyone happens to know (damnit Icarus, just by the board!)

Also the Meidi&Midi video shows multiple extends on level 3, that I can't figure out (besides the tank one). Didn't jpj say there was a medal fountain somewhere there as well?
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Post by Dave_K. »

Ok, I think I know why we see more extends on level 3 than just the tank one. I watched the two replays I have closely, and counted how many medals were dropped up to level 3, and it looks like after 35 dropped, the 36th medal pops out as a 1up. Counter doesn't reset if you accidentally pick up a medal, just drop 35 of them. At least thats my theory at this point.

[edit] This is completely wrong. [/edit]
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Post by EOJ »

Did you try that theory out, DaveK?

I think I figured out how to get a 1up in the middle of stage 4. You have to get through the part that starts right after the second waves of snakes (the "train snakes") and ends before the snake midboss without bombing.
Seems if I bomb my way through there (which is much easier), there's no 1up. If I blast my way through (this can be very hard due to all the bullet hell that spews out of those circular tank things), I get the 1up.
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Post by Dave_K. »

TWE wrote:Did you try that theory out, DaveK?
Tried it last night, and could not confirm the 35 dropped medals. There must be some other requirement I'm missing, like taking apart mid-bosses or getting all of Ocean's arm parts after he explodes. I'll have to try it out on invincible when I get time.
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Post by jpj »

twe, where is the medal fountain i think you mentioned on stage 4? was it bombing a certain wave of enemies in the 2nd half the level...? and have you tried that stage 4 1-up theory in a credit-fed run; to confirm or deny.
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Post by EOJ »

I think it's the last batch of enemies in the level, though it may be the last batch right before the snakes.

I never tried the Stage 4 1up on a credit feed run, but it's worked every time I've done it in a normal run. And isn't that what matters anyway? :wink:
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Post by Imhotep »

from the vids I've seen so far, I like this game and would love to play it.

I was wondering if cancelling bullets has an effect on rank. In one of those survival plays the player seems to use his bomb freely if he doesn't cancel any bullets with it.
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Post by Koma »

Thx for this thread,just received the game this week and his made in Hell!But really like it! :D
I need to read more your guide strategy about rank.
Good stuff that the game save score/name,i don't understand why other cave board doesn't,it's a revision board maybe?
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Post by Dave_K. »

I just noticed if you bomb the 3 trees trees in the first level, our old friends the flamingo's come out. Unfortunatelly it I think its only cosmetic as I didn't get any extra points. Maybe I was doing sometihng wrong?
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Post by EOJ »

Yeah the flamingoes are just for fun in this game, no points to be had there!

I think I figured out how to get the extend after the Stage 3 midboss. It's just time-based. I killed the three drones on the right, and two on the left, then killed the boss, and it drifted down the screen right after that. So you don't have to blow up all the drones, just have to survive for a certain amount of time (and raise the rank during that time?).
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Post by Dave_K. »

TWE wrote:I think I figured out how to get the extend after the Stage 3 midboss. It's just time-based. It's just time-based. I killed the three drones on the right, and two on the left, then killed the boss, and it drifted down the screen right after that. So you don't have to blow up all the drones, just have to survive for a certain amount of time (and raise the rank during that time?).
I believe its firing on the destructable bullets that triggers it (rearching some counter limit). By the time you killed off all the dones but one, it was spewing out a hefty amount of these bullets that you were canceling, bringing you to some limit. Then the next flying enemy you kill that was supposed to release a medal, releases an extend instead. At least thats my new theory. :?
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Post by Dave_K. »

Couple observations:

- Now I understand why they put that picture-in-picture of yourself after you defeat a boss at the end of each level. Without it, it wouldn't be fair in harder mode when those 1000 suicide bullets come out after the boss dies but the screen is covered up in cutscene graphics!

- I really don't like that respawned/suicide bullets in harder mode can come out far away from the emeny you just killed, sometimes 90 degrees (or more) from your current position. Its like having invisible snipers in all directions around you. Doesn't seem exactly fair. [update] Now I've seen everything, while pointblanking the begining stage 1 enemys, I got a single respawned suicide bullet up the ass that materialized from behind me traveling up screen.[/update]

- I think a superplay might spoil most of the fun/allure of this game. Once you figure out the optimal milking techniques for each boss, it can get quite boring to wait counter-attack wait counter-attack wait counter-attack...
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Post by hermosaguy »

What exactly is the extend mode? More bullets?
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Post by Kaiser »

hermosaguy wrote:What exactly is the extend mode? More bullets?
2 Loop game mode
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Post by hermosaguy »

Thank you! The game is damn hard, but fun.
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Post by jpj »

twe/dave.k have you tried that thing on stage 3 midboss again to see if that works...? very intriguing.

even though galford has taken down his dvd page i think the scores he had offer a lot of clues as to how 10+ million scores are achieved. i get a feeling that my initial thoughts on stage 6/score attack mode were right...

galford gets 8.9+ in score attack mode (with lace); and 19+ for a full run in arcade mode (with shasta). now while he probably accumulates more points in score attack mode with lace, rather than shasta, in a normal run of the game with the medals already up at 10k you would imagine he would be scoring 9+ on stage 6 alone. also, you would have no time constraints, and be able to milk the three midbosses, rather than trying to take them out as quickly as possible. and on his normal high score table, under the 19m was a score of 6.2 million up to stage 5. now as pink sweets has a reset command if you're having a bad run, i think it's safe to assume that this 6.2 up to stage 5 was quite a typical run for him. especially as it was made during the course of recording a dvd...

so in this respect, stage 6 is a bit like stage 5a in radiant silvergun: if you can reach it on 1 credit and can score well, you can potentially double your score.

i haven't played the game for a while now, but when i was playing it, i was hooked on score attack mode. from start to finish, the level is about 9 minutes long (killing all bosses as quickly as possibe); so if you begin the stage with 5 minutes on the clock, you will need at least 4 million to ALL it. i've reached just under 2m getting a fraction past the 2nd midboss, which i think is about halfway through the stage. but saying that, there are a few enemy types towards the latter half of the level who will all drop medals if bombed. but i get a feeling there must be some tricks to this level i don't know yet... :?

also, twe, could you put this link in the first post: ... index.html
as it has the break down of what each enemy and boss is worth (S for shooting, and R for killing with the bomb)
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Post by Dave_K. »

Its confirmed that milking destructable bullets, gets you extends. If you can take out each of the options on the stage 3 midboss, and still survive to take out the main section, that should be plenty of destructable bullets to score you at least 1 extend. Its fairly easy to do this with every ship except Lace's, because of the pause between her shots...unless you have the super power up. :D

I've only played a couple rounds of score attack, so I can't really comment there, but what you described sounds plausible for score requirements on the 1cc.

And thanks for that link, I don't know why I didn't notice this page before. Very interesting that you aren't penalized for bombing regular enemys in most stages (values are about the same). Only mid and end bosses really count. Although the train stage has some good scoring potential if you don't bomb.
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Post by jpj »

yeah, i try not to bomb as much as possible, because i'm under the impression that continuous bombing raises the rank very quickly. saying that though, a lot of bosses are very difficult to kill without bombing. it's also worth scanning each page because sometimes bombing actually scores you *more* points...!

i'm gonna boot this up and have a mess about tonight. but from what you're saying, do you think it's then possible to take out *some* turrets on stage 3 midboss, milk lots, then destroy the core for the same affect? i'd rather kill midbosses from stage 3 onwards without destroying all parts of them considering how fast they're bullet patterns speed up... :shock:
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Post by jpj »

also, quick mention, been watching some more vids and if you have 5 lives in stock, picking up a 1-UP puts you back down to three lives in stock.

(see what you mean on stage 3 midboss :D what other sections are good in the game for destructable bullets...?)
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Post by Dave_K. »

jpj wrote:also, quick mention, been watching some more vids and if you have 5 lives in stock, picking up a 1-UP puts you back down to three lives in stock.

(see what you mean on stage 3 midboss :D what other sections are good in the game for destructable bullets...?)
You mean from 5 extra in stock down to 2 extra in stock. I don't see any rank reduction or mega points for doing this, so I wonder why players choose to downgrade their extra ships, unless its actually rolling over (die once and you are back to 5?).

The only other extend milking I've seen in the videos is building up from the stage 1 midboss' destructable bullets through to the start of stage 3 (killing as many of those background/underground flying ships) to trigger an extend before getting to the stage 3 midboss. If you watch the Galford Stage 3 Harder replay, he scores a total of 4 extends in that stage! One extend at the start of the level from the background ships, one from the colliding tanks, and then 2 off the midboss because of the enourmous amount of destructable bullets. Man I wish he would release that DVD. :cry:
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Post by EOJ »

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Post by jpj »

dave: i think it's just a glitch in the game regarding 1ups. the most you can have is 5. but instead of getting points for extra extends, it rolls over :?: :?

i'm having more fun in score attack mode at the moment, than playing full runs. shasta's shots are very linear, and bocking out on stage 4 just after the midboss every fucking time is really starting to grate...

and goodluck to plasmo.
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