Neo Geo Stick 3 Ougi (PS2) - Red, white and odd

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Neo Geo Stick 3 Ougi (PS2) - Red, white and odd

Post by GeneralWong »

Did you guys saw that new SNK stick on Play-Asia? It's called Neo Geo Stick 3 Ougi and it looks pretty odd to me, especially the smaller buttons (although you don't need those for Neo Geo ports). At the same time I think it's pretty hot, I like the color combination. The price is also ok in my opinion. What do you guys think? And do you guys think it's a nice stick to play shmups with?
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Post by iatneH »

Looks like a special version of the PS2 NeoGeo stick.
I haven't used it personally, but the feel should be very similar to the original NeoGeo sticks. The smaller buttons are the L1/L2/R1/R2 buttons.

It should be ideal for playing all those Neo ports on PS2, but the stick won't work very well for Capcom and other fighters where the buttons are typically arranged in two rows of 3.
For shooters it should be OK as long as it only uses 2 or 3 buttons... but some people might be turned off by the angle you would have to make with your arm.

Also, I heard it is a bit difficult (or maybe impossible) to mod if you're not happy with the stick and/or buttons...

So I think the main point is that it is very good for a specific application, but is not very versatile to other applications. You may be better off spending an additional $10 and getting a HRAP1.
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Post by Specineff »

Holy crap guys. Have you noticed your avs are somewhat similar? Both feature an asian woman facing to the same side, with red clothing, and hair partially covering her face.

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Post by captain ahar »

that stick looks pretty hot. i might want one for the prettiness alone...
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Post by GeneralWong »

Specineff wrote:Holy crap guys. Have you noticed your avs are somewhat similar? Both feature an asian woman facing to the same side, with red clothing, and hair partially covering her face.
:P I think I've found my soulmate. :lol:
...but the stick won't work very well for Capcom and other fighters where the buttons are typically arranged in two rows of 3.
Yeah, that's why it's a Neo Geo stick, right...? :lol:
Also, I heard it is a bit difficult (or maybe impossible) to mod if you're not happy with the stick and/or buttons...
You've got a point there, but who is gonna mod a 'limited edition stick'? I think they can be counted on one hand to be honest.
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Post by Damocles »

GeneralWong wrote:
Also, I heard it is a bit difficult (or maybe impossible) to mod if you're not happy with the stick and/or buttons...
You've got a point there, but who is gonna mod a 'limited edition stick'? I think they can be counted on one hand to be honest.
People like me who will mod anything under the sun. ...and SAM. Buttons would probably be a pain to mod, but I'm sure someone would stick a Sanwa in that thing.
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Post by Daigohji »

The picture of that stick sure looks like concept art to me. The perspective is off in places, so it's definitely not a photo. I'd be wary of pre-ordering one, as there's no telling if they'll change the design.

Besides that, as has been previously stated, an HRAP1 is only $10 more.
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Post by elvis »


I hated the Neo Geo sticks then, and I hate them now.

Word on SRK is the original PS2 version of this stick (the graphite coloured one) used cheap shitty sticks which made the experience lacklustre at best. I hope they pull their fingers out and use some better components in this run.

Not that I'll be buying it anyway. Give me custom made Sanwa boxes any day.
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