I've realized it's better for my mental health to take a step back from political shit and just focus on making my life better every day than I was the day before.
Eh, every hobby that involves consumption is about wasting time with little effort involved. Unless you produce that kind of content and need to catch up with the scene, I guess.
Honestly I don't understand why everyone's too bummed out about reaching the endtimes, this was the natural and obvious endpoint of all things. The last time I had hope for anything getting slightly better was March 2016; we all should have gotten the depressive spirals out of the way then.
Now all hopium should be put into the anthropic principle continuing to give us plot armor in the future, and the machine god turns out to be a nice guy for no reason. There is no other rational reason to be hopeful. Just a religious belief in a creepy metaphysical observer effect. That's where we're at now.
BulletMagnet wrote: ↑Wed Jan 22, 2025 10:37 amBy the line of reasoning you present here the guy who tried to assassinate Trump but missed should have been let off with a warning because he was a bad shot.
The "oh, it was just a tour group that got out of hand" narrative is, to put it bluntly, fascist shit.
Yeah.... they sure do like to self-report on themselves.
This is the hill they want to defend at all costs? "The police officer who got hit in da head with a fire extinguisher wouldda died anyway!"
You can't.... you can't have a conversation with these people, they're just going to pretend to be retarded and that they don't understand simple cause and effect. I honestly respect the vampires who are
honest about being vampires, and don't pretend to be retarded. But they're such a precious minority: Bullshit is an endless mountain, and their primary weapon.
And of course that's how their playbook works:
Step 1. Pretend to be retarded
Step 2. Everyone outside the cult reacts with contempt, as pretending to be retarded is extremely offensive and derogatory to both parties involved
Step 3. Instead of then acknowledging cause and effect exists, and choosing to stop dehumanizing yourself... get offended at being 'attacked' and dig into your religion's doctrine even deeper. Gotta circle the wagons, it's fight or flight time bro.
It's all tribal animal emotion that wants to kill/suppress the outsiders and take their shit. Not rational human thought.
All engaging with them in the media does is reduce the opportunities to make an appeal to the people who'd prefer everyone had healthcare, instead of four billionaires getting to carry out the Epstein fantasy of turning all of humanity into their breeding stock.
If you think you're safe from that because you're male or infertile, you haven't internalized I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream properly.