Bloodrayne: Betrayal XBLA / PSN (2D castlevania clone)
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Re: Bloodrayne: Betrayal XBLA / PSN (2D castlevania clone)
Contra 4 is the best WayForward game I've played and I thought it was mediocre. I am kinda interested in trying out Shantae again, tho. Maybe next time I sign up for Gamefly.
Re: Bloodrayne: Betrayal XBLA / PSN (2D castlevania clone)
Anyway, I don't feel Bloodrayne Betrayal is a good meter to judge WayFoward games by.
- Posts: 374
- Joined: Sun Aug 30, 2009 3:08 am
Re: Bloodrayne: Betrayal XBLA / PSN (2D castlevania clone)
Laura Bailey: “Did you miss me?”
Rare fan art of Rayne in her sleek Betrayal outfit
So Bloodrayne Betrayal got an HD remaster of sorts awhile back. Ziggurat acquired the rights to Bloodrayne and they re-released all of the games in an effort to build awareness and gauge interest for a potential sequel.
The HD remaster “Fresh Bites” is available on all contemporary platforms and it technically marks the third version of the game. The earlier PC release supposedly received some adjustments to the physics and controls. I have very little experience with that version so I can’t confirm. I played quite a bit of the original on PS3 and PSN says I’ve logged around 66 hours into Fresh Bites. Though I would probably add another 20 hours or so as I’ve put a considerable amount of time into both the PS4 and PS5 versions and I don’t think PSN accounts for that.
Changes to Fresh Bites:
• Voice acting with Laura Bailey and Troy Baker reprising their rolls from previous games
• Higher Resolution (up to 4K)
• 120hz mode (PC, PS5, and Series X)
• New, easier difficulty option
An Obsession
I’ve been putting a lot of time into the game on PS5 over the last few weeks. I’m working on a segmented playthrough of S rank chapter runs without upgrades. Collecting red skulls that are hidden throughout stages will allow the player to upgrade their base health or the amount of bullets Rayne carries. So call it a personal challenge. I had completed a no upgrades run last year, but I wasn’t happy with a lot of my execution. So I’m starting over, running chapters over and over until I’m happy with how a run looks, flows, and feels. I’m not going for no damage runs or even high scores, just solid runs that look good and showcase some of the unique setups and combat the game has to offer. Once completed I plan to stitch everything together into a seamless run, which is really cool because you can see some neat level transitions and progression that is unfortunately broken up by score tallies and a return to the map upon completion of a stage (chapter).
Version Preference
I would love to recommend Fresh Bites as the definitive version, but I honestly don’t feel like it’s the best way to play the game. I recommend the legacy releases on 360 and PS3 if you have a way to play them. FB has a problem with sticky or dropped inputs. Betrayal uses a delayed input method to initiate combos (attack, attack, pause, attack) and that did not translate well in the port. There seems to be a rolling timing or sync issue. At irregular intervals the game will hit a window where inputs are either slightly sticky or they don’t register at all. When this passes the game syncs up and everything works as it should. This is exaggerated at 120hz and I recommend keeping the game at 60. I notified Ziggurat over a year ago and they opened a ticket, requesting video to send to WayForward, but I never heard anything beyond that. The game remains this way today.
Thoughts on the Game
I really, really like Betrayal. Then again I tend to gravitate toward unconventional and borderline kosuge games. Everything is so… manual. After spending this much time attempting runs and experimenting with routing and enemy setups I’ve found the combat to be extremely stylish and open-ended, emergent even. Ground pounds to fling enemies into the air so Rayne can bounce between them, juggling them with pistol shots on the way down, infecting an enemy and rocketing it into others for chain detonations. This is all possible and fully accomplished by the player’s own creativity and execution. If you can think of a cool setup, you can probably make it happen. Then the game puts the brakes on this emergent style with its strict timing for score requirements. High scores aren’t required to progress, but they are there taunting players at the end of every chapter.
I remember reading somewhere that Betrayal underwent a major concept change during development. To me it feels like the game was originally intended to be a momentum platformer, but maybe the team ran out of time or the budget to make it work. It’s like everything was scaled back and the game was given a more direct sense of control. So much of the movement is unintuitive or unconventional. Sometimes Rayne has inertia, sometimes she doesn’t. Sometimes the inertia can be canceled. The high jump doesn’t make any sense. It requires the player to be moving forward and then press the opposite direction and hit the jump button, but the dash can be used to instantly cancel and initiate the high jump anyway. There’s a kick flip that can be used to fling enemies into each other that can be canceled into immediately after a jump. The game requires this at a high level of play, but it seems to be an emergent technique.
Betrayal also reaffirms my belief that WayForward caters to the speed runner crowd first and foremost. At certain points in a stage the player is locked into an arena where they must kill waves of spawning enemies before they can progress. These forced combat segments are almost puzzle-like once the player memorizes enemy spawns and understands the most optimal action the developer wants them to take. As I mentioned above, deviating from this (or attempting to style on the enemies) will usually penalize the player’s score through lower time bonuses. There are obvious routes the developer wants players to take through levels as well. A problem arises however, possibly from that supposed shift in development focus. The game is riddled with RNG. Sometimes enemies will spawn in certain locations, sometimes they won’t. Sometimes enemy A.I. will path a certain way and sometimes it won’t. Enemies might change up the timing of their attacks, completely wrecking the speed run aspect of the game. This is further exacerbated in Fresh Bites by dropped and sticky inputs. It leads to safer tactics that handicap combat and movement. The RNG is intentional and the player is constantly reminded of it when random enemies can appear during level introductions for a passive 150 points kill or a chance that Rayne can comically fall into a stage rather than the expected rocket coffin slam.
In Closing
I revisit the game every few years and I enjoy rediscovering it. When I find that balance between style and the game’s rules and I’m able to weave through enough of the technical issues, it’s magical. Here is my favorite run in chapter 3. It’s not perfect and I don’t collect all of the treasures, but everything aligned as I wanted and I found this perfect flow. Rayne is just gleefully tearing through enemies and parkouring her way through the level in a way that cutscenes in previous games imply she would.
There is no community for this game really. Fans of the franchise generally disregard Betrayal because of its radical genre departure from the previous games. This sentiment itself could be disregarded, but WayForward has expressed intent to move the series further in this direction (or as a metroidvania) if they are given the keys. I love the second mainline game and it would be a shame if it never received a direct sequel or 3D character action follow-up. I’m not even sure if either will come to pass as I don’t think Ziggurat’s efforts in reviving interest in the franchise were successful. Both “Fresh Bites” and the “ReVamped” remasters of the first two games didn’t seem to chart well enough to justify further investment.
Maybe the overall disinterest in Betrayal is part of the charm for me. I can discover and rediscover things on my own without a fanbase already there, having picked it apart, having found the most optimized ways to play. The lack of interest has also led to lost knowledge. Digging through old GameFAQs threads will yield videos from players who have long since abandoned the game. They use techniques like rapid head stomps and infected explosion pileups that newer players haven’t rediscovered or figured out yet. If someone is looking for a relatively untapped and unintuitive platformer to experiment with, I highly recommend picking up any version on a sale. Maybe it will hook you as it has me.
I’m hoping to finish my updated S rank run in the next week. I will post it here when I do.
Rare fan art of Rayne in her sleek Betrayal outfit

The HD remaster “Fresh Bites” is available on all contemporary platforms and it technically marks the third version of the game. The earlier PC release supposedly received some adjustments to the physics and controls. I have very little experience with that version so I can’t confirm. I played quite a bit of the original on PS3 and PSN says I’ve logged around 66 hours into Fresh Bites. Though I would probably add another 20 hours or so as I’ve put a considerable amount of time into both the PS4 and PS5 versions and I don’t think PSN accounts for that.
Changes to Fresh Bites:
• Voice acting with Laura Bailey and Troy Baker reprising their rolls from previous games
• Higher Resolution (up to 4K)
• 120hz mode (PC, PS5, and Series X)
• New, easier difficulty option
An Obsession
I’ve been putting a lot of time into the game on PS5 over the last few weeks. I’m working on a segmented playthrough of S rank chapter runs without upgrades. Collecting red skulls that are hidden throughout stages will allow the player to upgrade their base health or the amount of bullets Rayne carries. So call it a personal challenge. I had completed a no upgrades run last year, but I wasn’t happy with a lot of my execution. So I’m starting over, running chapters over and over until I’m happy with how a run looks, flows, and feels. I’m not going for no damage runs or even high scores, just solid runs that look good and showcase some of the unique setups and combat the game has to offer. Once completed I plan to stitch everything together into a seamless run, which is really cool because you can see some neat level transitions and progression that is unfortunately broken up by score tallies and a return to the map upon completion of a stage (chapter).
Version Preference
I would love to recommend Fresh Bites as the definitive version, but I honestly don’t feel like it’s the best way to play the game. I recommend the legacy releases on 360 and PS3 if you have a way to play them. FB has a problem with sticky or dropped inputs. Betrayal uses a delayed input method to initiate combos (attack, attack, pause, attack) and that did not translate well in the port. There seems to be a rolling timing or sync issue. At irregular intervals the game will hit a window where inputs are either slightly sticky or they don’t register at all. When this passes the game syncs up and everything works as it should. This is exaggerated at 120hz and I recommend keeping the game at 60. I notified Ziggurat over a year ago and they opened a ticket, requesting video to send to WayForward, but I never heard anything beyond that. The game remains this way today.
Thoughts on the Game
I really, really like Betrayal. Then again I tend to gravitate toward unconventional and borderline kosuge games. Everything is so… manual. After spending this much time attempting runs and experimenting with routing and enemy setups I’ve found the combat to be extremely stylish and open-ended, emergent even. Ground pounds to fling enemies into the air so Rayne can bounce between them, juggling them with pistol shots on the way down, infecting an enemy and rocketing it into others for chain detonations. This is all possible and fully accomplished by the player’s own creativity and execution. If you can think of a cool setup, you can probably make it happen. Then the game puts the brakes on this emergent style with its strict timing for score requirements. High scores aren’t required to progress, but they are there taunting players at the end of every chapter.
I remember reading somewhere that Betrayal underwent a major concept change during development. To me it feels like the game was originally intended to be a momentum platformer, but maybe the team ran out of time or the budget to make it work. It’s like everything was scaled back and the game was given a more direct sense of control. So much of the movement is unintuitive or unconventional. Sometimes Rayne has inertia, sometimes she doesn’t. Sometimes the inertia can be canceled. The high jump doesn’t make any sense. It requires the player to be moving forward and then press the opposite direction and hit the jump button, but the dash can be used to instantly cancel and initiate the high jump anyway. There’s a kick flip that can be used to fling enemies into each other that can be canceled into immediately after a jump. The game requires this at a high level of play, but it seems to be an emergent technique.
Betrayal also reaffirms my belief that WayForward caters to the speed runner crowd first and foremost. At certain points in a stage the player is locked into an arena where they must kill waves of spawning enemies before they can progress. These forced combat segments are almost puzzle-like once the player memorizes enemy spawns and understands the most optimal action the developer wants them to take. As I mentioned above, deviating from this (or attempting to style on the enemies) will usually penalize the player’s score through lower time bonuses. There are obvious routes the developer wants players to take through levels as well. A problem arises however, possibly from that supposed shift in development focus. The game is riddled with RNG. Sometimes enemies will spawn in certain locations, sometimes they won’t. Sometimes enemy A.I. will path a certain way and sometimes it won’t. Enemies might change up the timing of their attacks, completely wrecking the speed run aspect of the game. This is further exacerbated in Fresh Bites by dropped and sticky inputs. It leads to safer tactics that handicap combat and movement. The RNG is intentional and the player is constantly reminded of it when random enemies can appear during level introductions for a passive 150 points kill or a chance that Rayne can comically fall into a stage rather than the expected rocket coffin slam.
In Closing
I revisit the game every few years and I enjoy rediscovering it. When I find that balance between style and the game’s rules and I’m able to weave through enough of the technical issues, it’s magical. Here is my favorite run in chapter 3. It’s not perfect and I don’t collect all of the treasures, but everything aligned as I wanted and I found this perfect flow. Rayne is just gleefully tearing through enemies and parkouring her way through the level in a way that cutscenes in previous games imply she would.
There is no community for this game really. Fans of the franchise generally disregard Betrayal because of its radical genre departure from the previous games. This sentiment itself could be disregarded, but WayForward has expressed intent to move the series further in this direction (or as a metroidvania) if they are given the keys. I love the second mainline game and it would be a shame if it never received a direct sequel or 3D character action follow-up. I’m not even sure if either will come to pass as I don’t think Ziggurat’s efforts in reviving interest in the franchise were successful. Both “Fresh Bites” and the “ReVamped” remasters of the first two games didn’t seem to chart well enough to justify further investment.
Maybe the overall disinterest in Betrayal is part of the charm for me. I can discover and rediscover things on my own without a fanbase already there, having picked it apart, having found the most optimized ways to play. The lack of interest has also led to lost knowledge. Digging through old GameFAQs threads will yield videos from players who have long since abandoned the game. They use techniques like rapid head stomps and infected explosion pileups that newer players haven’t rediscovered or figured out yet. If someone is looking for a relatively untapped and unintuitive platformer to experiment with, I highly recommend picking up any version on a sale. Maybe it will hook you as it has me.
I’m hoping to finish my updated S rank run in the next week. I will post it here when I do.
Last edited by ExitPlanetDust on Fri Aug 30, 2024 1:16 am, edited 5 times in total.
Air Master Burst
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Re: Bloodrayne: Betrayal XBLA / PSN (2D castlevania clone)
This was a great read, keep up the good work! I always love seeing games like this get appreciated properly.ExitPlanetDust wrote: ↑Wed Aug 28, 2024 10:18 pm I really, really like this game. Then again I tend to gravitate toward unconventional and borderline kosuge games. Everything is so… manual. After spending this much time, attempting runs and experimenting with routing and enemy setups,
King's Field IV is the best Souls game.
- Posts: 374
- Joined: Sun Aug 30, 2009 3:08 am
Re: Bloodrayne: Betrayal XBLA / PSN (2D castlevania clone)
Thanks. It’s one of those games on a short list that I really enjoy. Games that have been largely ignored or are panned because of trendy opinions of the time at their release. Eh, I didn’t realize this thread was buried in “off topic.” Maybe I should have created a new one in “other gaming.” Maybe when I finish the playthrough.Air Master Burst wrote: ↑Thu Aug 29, 2024 2:47 amThis was a great read, keep up the good work! I always love seeing games like this get appreciated properly.ExitPlanetDust wrote: ↑Wed Aug 28, 2024 10:18 pm I really, really like this game. Then again I tend to gravitate toward unconventional and borderline kosuge games. Everything is so… manual. After spending this much time, attempting runs and experimenting with routing and enemy setups,
More Off Topic Than Off Topic (Radio Edit)
Quality bump!
I dunno any of these games but I know good posts.
Wait, wasn't this the IP with the film starring lovable Inflatable Bobs-chan from T3? Crikey m8. 

Just report it as Off Topic to Shumps High Command, with a polite attached request to move to Other Gaming, they will take care of it. ;3ExitPlanetDust wrote: ↑Thu Aug 29, 2024 3:33 pm Eh, I didn’t realize this thread was buried in “off topic.” Maybe I should have created a new one in “other gaming.” Maybe when I finish the playthrough.

光あふれる 未来もとめて, whoa~oh ♫
- Posts: 374
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Re: Bloodrayne: Betrayal XBLA / PSN (2D castlevania clone)
Cool! That edited style run sounds like it'll be a fun watch, particularly after the quality Chapter 3 play 
I'm surprised to see Bloodrayne in 2D, after witnessing the 3D iterations BITD and thinking they might be worth a look sometime as beater curiosities. This one reminds me of Inti's work, what with the focus on speed and mobility.
I was always surprised we didn't see more 2D 'character action' stuff in the wake of Dishwasher - perhaps we did, and I just wasn't paying enough attention to XBLA, but it felt like ages had passed when ICEY came out and briefly reminded everyone that the genre was once a thing.
Shame to hear about the input issues, that's some really fundamental stuff to slip up on for a modern rendition, especially with 120Hz on the table. It might be worth trying to stuff the PC version into Special K and see if tweaking any of its various input / graphical / framepacing knobs helps, since it reaches in pretty deep and has various features to try and standardize bad implementations.

I'm surprised to see Bloodrayne in 2D, after witnessing the 3D iterations BITD and thinking they might be worth a look sometime as beater curiosities. This one reminds me of Inti's work, what with the focus on speed and mobility.
I was always surprised we didn't see more 2D 'character action' stuff in the wake of Dishwasher - perhaps we did, and I just wasn't paying enough attention to XBLA, but it felt like ages had passed when ICEY came out and briefly reminded everyone that the genre was once a thing.
Shame to hear about the input issues, that's some really fundamental stuff to slip up on for a modern rendition, especially with 120Hz on the table. It might be worth trying to stuff the PC version into Special K and see if tweaking any of its various input / graphical / framepacing knobs helps, since it reaches in pretty deep and has various features to try and standardize bad implementations.
- Posts: 374
- Joined: Sun Aug 30, 2009 3:08 am
Re: Bloodrayne: Betrayal XBLA / PSN (2D castlevania clone)
Ok, thread’s in the right place now. Thanks, BM.
I also recommend Bladed Fury if you enjoyed ICEY or 2D character action in general. Usually written off as a lite Vanillaware clone, it has cool combat and a hilariously broken parry that turns boss battles into speed kills.
Oh, please don’t expect the rest of the run to be that impressive. It should be a solid run with a little flash thrown in, meeting requirements for S ranks without upgrades.
Definitely check out the 2nd game. It’s a neat time capsule for character action of the era before the genre collectively decided to follow DMC and Ninja Gaiden. It tries its own thing and the dismemberment was impressive for the time. Bailey’s and Baker’s performances are perfection. Laura is Rayne and this early role in her career shows why she’s in everything now and why studios will trip over themselves to work with her.
ICEY is such a great game. I feel too many focus on its Stanley Parable gimmick, missing out on the fantastic combat and traversal. Played straight, it’s a great 2D DMC-lite. That back alley arena is so good.Lander wrote: ↑Thu Aug 29, 2024 11:17 pm I was always surprised we didn't see more 2D 'character action' stuff in the wake of Dishwasher - perhaps we did, and I just wasn't paying enough attention to XBLA, but it felt like ages had passed when ICEY came out and briefly reminded everyone that the genre was once a thing.
I also recommend Bladed Fury if you enjoyed ICEY or 2D character action in general. Usually written off as a lite Vanillaware clone, it has cool combat and a hilariously broken parry that turns boss battles into speed kills.
I would love to read your findings. It really is a shame that Fresh Bites is hamstrung by this.Lander wrote: ↑Thu Aug 29, 2024 11:17 pm Shame to hear about the input issues, that's some really fundamental stuff to slip up on for a modern rendition, especially with 120Hz on the table. It might be worth trying to stuff the PC version into Special K and see if tweaking any of its various input / graphical / framepacing knobs helps, since it reaches in pretty deep and has various features to try and standardize bad implementations.
- Posts: 374
- Joined: Sun Aug 30, 2009 3:08 am
Re: Bloodrayne: Betrayal XBLA / PSN (2D castlevania clone)
Run’s done.
As I said, it’s not a perfect, high score, or no damage run. It’s a full game cut at a quick pace, all s ranks without upgrades.
As I said, it’s not a perfect, high score, or no damage run. It’s a full game cut at a quick pace, all s ranks without upgrades.
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Re: Bloodrayne: Betrayal XBLA / PSN (2D castlevania clone)
I played through Betrayal's PC port years ago, and just finished up the re-release now, and I'm glad to read this thread and hear about the input issues because I don't remember being so inconsistent at getting what I want to come out. 
This new version's what, quarter-assed? Eighth-assed? Some resolution and frequency support, voice acting for the handful of lines (I do appreciate hearing Laura Bailey in the role again), and a new "standard" difficulty setting that word online says does nothing but lower enemy damage. In a game where enemies have almost no chance to kill you. On original/hard/classic you can facetank an enormous amount of hits if you collect health upgrades, get full heals every ten feet, can suck blood for for a mid-encounter i-frame pick me up if you need more, and can bounce on fools' heads for slow safe kills that most don't have an answer to. Which is not to say I didn't die a lot, from chapter 8 onward, only that it was from platforming challenges. The people who rage quit over the acid pit saw chase or wraiths + disappearing platforms combo of doom are SOL. Combat meatiness, though, must be found not in survival but in going for high ranks.
I'll tell you WayForward's a garbage dev any day of the week, but damnit, I like this janky little game.

This new version's what, quarter-assed? Eighth-assed? Some resolution and frequency support, voice acting for the handful of lines (I do appreciate hearing Laura Bailey in the role again), and a new "standard" difficulty setting that word online says does nothing but lower enemy damage. In a game where enemies have almost no chance to kill you. On original/hard/classic you can facetank an enormous amount of hits if you collect health upgrades, get full heals every ten feet, can suck blood for for a mid-encounter i-frame pick me up if you need more, and can bounce on fools' heads for slow safe kills that most don't have an answer to. Which is not to say I didn't die a lot, from chapter 8 onward, only that it was from platforming challenges. The people who rage quit over the acid pit saw chase or wraiths + disappearing platforms combo of doom are SOL. Combat meatiness, though, must be found not in survival but in going for high ranks.
I'll tell you WayForward's a garbage dev any day of the week, but damnit, I like this janky little game.
RegalSin wrote:You can't even drive across the country Naked anymore
- Posts: 374
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Re: Bloodrayne: Betrayal XBLA / PSN (2D castlevania clone)
1/6 assed? It’s a low effort release. All of the recent BR remasters are. At launch the “dot dot dot” text tone from the original Betrayal played over the spoken dialogue that replaced it. It was patched out, but still. How did someone miss that?
I bring gifs.
“Surprise, motherfucker.”

Pile up!
Temper tantrum
Pew pew pew!
“There isn’t enough room for all of us.”
Another pile up!
Air time

I bring gifs.
“Surprise, motherfucker.”

Pile up!









- Posts: 2848
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- Location: A star occupied by the Bydo Empire
Re: Bloodrayne: Betrayal XBLA / PSN (2D castlevania clone)
Love the gifs! They inspired me to do another run today to knock some "cadavers" off the scoreboard
RegalSin wrote:You can't even drive across the country Naked anymore
Re: Bloodrayne: Betrayal XBLA / PSN (2D castlevania clone)
Yeah holy fuck those are some killer cuts
Meant to say EPD, marked your review for R2RKMF index!

光あふれる 未来もとめて, whoa~oh ♫
- Posts: 374
- Joined: Sun Aug 30, 2009 3:08 am
Re: Bloodrayne: Betrayal XBLA / PSN (2D castlevania clone)
Go get em’Mortificator wrote: ↑Wed Sep 25, 2024 11:55 pm Love the gifs! They inspired me to do another run today to knock some "cadavers" off the scoreboard
Thanks mate, I’m honored.
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Re: Bloodrayne: Betrayal XBLA / PSN (2D castlevania clone)
Thank you for such a detailed examination of the game's mechanics! Really good to read.ExitPlanetDust wrote: ↑Wed Aug 28, 2024 10:18 pm If you can think of a cool setup, you can probably make it happen. Then the game puts the brakes on this emergent style with its strict timing for score requirements. High scores aren’t required to progress, but they are there taunting players at the end of every chapter.
I like these postmortem's of game design, as it does hurt a bit to see game design intentions versus executions go wrong, but it can be instructive.
Making a run 'n' gun with a transforming grappling hook: ChainStaff. Also made a shmup with multi-ships: Shoot 1UP DX, and more .

- Posts: 374
- Joined: Sun Aug 30, 2009 3:08 am
Re: Bloodrayne: Betrayal XBLA / PSN (2D castlevania clone)
ICEY was just announced as a free a character for the BlazBlue Entropy Effect (correction, not mobile) and I remembered this post. She looks so cool too (heh). Really makes me wish we could get a sequel. Actually, the game is old enough that I wouldn’t mind a remake of sorts with updated combat.
It encouraged me to start playing the game again on PS5. I’m trying to get a no death NG Judas path run on Hell difficulty. It’s tough and I’m still experimenting with upgrades. I can max out the disc move and level up the bounce combo for some cheese. Some of the boss setups are absurd on this difficulty. Carlos is partnered with a Gorger.

Here’s Ideon made easy if anyone wants to abuse him.
Glad you enjoyed my novel.MommysBestGames wrote: ↑Tue Oct 15, 2024 3:43 pm Thank you for such a detailed examination of the game's mechanics! Really good to read.
I like these postmortem's of game design, as it does hurt a bit to see game design intentions versus executions go wrong, but it can be instructive.

Very cool to see you here. Your new game looks like it’s coming along quite well. I’m a sucker for a grappling hook or hook shot mechanic.
Last edited by ExitPlanetDust on Tue Jan 21, 2025 1:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Bloodrayne: Betrayal XBLA / PSN (2D castlevania clone)
Ah yes - I've been remiss in taking so long to reply. Nice run, it's cool seeing bosses dismantled in style!
And that's surprising, I didn't think ICEY was reknowned enough to see tie-ins beyond the indie sphere. Canny choice for the genre though, and lovely animation quality; Entropy Effect looks more impressive than I'd expect of a mobile game, judging by the flashy combo GIFs on its Steam page. Is it one of those that started as a mobile grind-a-thon, and got a legitimate release later with the gack scraped off? I could be convinced to delve back into BB's enjoyably abstruse timey-wimey lore if the combat's good.
(And I wonder if ActorSkinName_01 is a concession to meta, or just honest to goodness trailer jank

And that's surprising, I didn't think ICEY was reknowned enough to see tie-ins beyond the indie sphere. Canny choice for the genre though, and lovely animation quality; Entropy Effect looks more impressive than I'd expect of a mobile game, judging by the flashy combo GIFs on its Steam page. Is it one of those that started as a mobile grind-a-thon, and got a legitimate release later with the gack scraped off? I could be convinced to delve back into BB's enjoyably abstruse timey-wimey lore if the combat's good.
(And I wonder if ActorSkinName_01 is a concession to meta, or just honest to goodness trailer jank

Nothing like a bit of air tourismExitPlanetDust wrote: ↑Mon Jan 20, 2025 5:57 am Here’s Ideon made easy if anyone wants to abuse him.

Squire Grooktook
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Re: Bloodrayne: Betrayal XBLA / PSN (2D castlevania clone)
From what I can tell, Entropy Effect was originally developed for PC and mobile ports haven't even arrived yet (though planned). From everything I've heard it's just a straight action roguelite platformer / hack and slash. Some friends of mine spoke highly of it, though unless it's as amazing as Synthetik I tend to be automatically wary of roguelites, so it's sort of on the "wait for a big sale and when whim strikes me" backlog.
Aeon Zenith - My STG.RegalSin wrote:Japan an almost perfect society always threatened by outsiders....................
Instead I am stuck in the America's where women rule with an iron crotch, and a man could get arrested for sitting behind a computer too long.
- Posts: 374
- Joined: Sun Aug 30, 2009 3:08 am
Re: Bloodrayne: Betrayal XBLA / PSN (2D castlevania clone)
Ah, my mistake. It’s too bad it isn’t mobile. I would give it a shot or will give it a shot when it is ported.