RQ: Psyvariar 2 Ultimate Final - Mission Translations

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RQ: Psyvariar 2 Ultimate Final - Mission Translations

Post by landshark »

Does anyone have any translations for what you are supposed to accomplish in each mission?
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Post by incognoscente »

iatneH started a listing here.

(old thread)
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Post by landshark »

Thanks. I tried searching. I kept coming across the psyvariar strategy threads.
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Post by Veracity »

Rather late on this - got around to buying it recently and have been playing with the mission mode. It's fairly well put together in terms of introducing what the game expects you to do a bit better than just playing it would, though the tiresome fast-forwarding and lifting of all the scenarios straight from existing stages suggest it may've been a little rushed. Japanese illiteracy is nowhere near the obstacle you might expect - things like the huge 'BUZZ 0/1700' counter act as subtle clues to what you're meant to be doing on most, and a little trial and error generally clears up the few slightly less obvious. Still, since it might be of use to someone, here's my slightly tidied-up notes. The only one I've not seen is shooting 20, since the Maitreya's invincibility timer sets my teeth on edge and I'm not sure I can face slogging away at 19 enough to crack it.

Code: Select all

Shooting (Kei/MDS Maitreya)

 1 Gain 150 buzz                                              1 life, no bombs
   For each of the first 3 waves, stay still and roll while they shoot round
   you, then charge and ram them while invulnerable.  Or get the buzz from
   anywhere else in the stage - it'd be harder to get under 150 than over.

 2 Destroy 20 enemies                                         1 life, no bombs
   By any means necessary.  Shoot'n'dodge, ram, whatever.

 3 Destroy 10 enemies with a bomb                               1 life, 1 bomb
   Stay still low on the screen while the first and second waves shoot round
   you, which should leave enough targets clumped within a bomb radius.

 4 Destroy only the yellow enemies                            1 life, no bombs
   Neutrino gauge manipulation tutorial.  Easy enough with roll shot, just
   don't get hit by the blue shots while doing it.

 5 Roll continuously for 15 seconds                           1 life, no bombs
   Destroying anything with your shot fails the mission.  Straightforward
   enough - start rolling immediately, tap dodge round the blue dots and red
   lines, and let everything else go round you.  If you object to roll assist,
   this is still easy enough by just rolling against the bottom of the screen.

 6 Gain 250 buzz                                               2 lives, 1 bomb
   You have ages to get this, so there's plenty of options.  Roll on the spot
   throughout all both blue and green salvos from the first wave of enemies
   for an easy 200-230, and get the rest from whatever.  Remember to kill off
   the yellow spinners if you're trying to level up.  The extra life and bomb
   shouldn't be needed.

 7 Destroy 3 boss life bars                                  2 lives, no bombs
   Roll, shoot, maybe dodge a bit.  You have to do all three bars before the
   vertical orange stream pattern goes off.  Spare life is pretty redundant.

 8 Destroy 6 enemies by ramming                               1 life, no bombs
   Fails shortly after the appearance of the third major group, so don't mess
   about for too long.  Remember you can get a burst of neutrino by shooting
   stuff when buzzing for invulnerability isn't an immediate option.

 9 Chain level 5 times                                        1 life, no bombs
   The count resets if you lose invulnerability.  Any number of possible spots
   to do it, but right at the beginning is simple enough.  Roll on the spot
   through the first salvo, then charge and ram towards the second wave while

10 Gain 250 buzz                                              1 life, no bombs
   Fails not long after the trail-layers, so you have to get most of it from
   them.  Shoot the immediately preceding wave for some suicide bullets to
   start you off.  If you're just short, the two yellow and one blue spinners
   can be used (quickly, before the automatic mission failure) to finish the
   job.  Each fires a ring of suicide bullets.

11 Time out the boss life bar                                 1 life, no bombs
   Shooting for neutrino if you want invulnerability is ok, as long as you
   don't destroy the life bar.  Low and to one side seems generally the best
   choice for wiggle room.  The telegraphed beam attacks would be free buzz
   under most circumstances, but all that's needed for the mission is not
   letting them hit you.

12 Survive                                                     2 lives, 1 bomb
   Everything up to the expanding flower pattern is trivial enough to avoid.
   There's no buzz requirement, so you can fire constantly (and ram on level
   up if you're feeling reckless).  Once the flowers start, stay immediately
   below the target and keep firing, and you should have decent gaps to work
   with.  Charge in and drop the bomb in its face for a damage boost, or hold
   onto it for panic button use; you're even allowed a death if you need it.

13 Gain 350 buzz                                              1 life, no bombs
   Mission 4 redux, only this time it's kind of vicious.  You have only until
   the end of the group of yellow and blue spinners.  Point-blank or ram the
   yellows to maximize buzz from their suicide bullet rings, then chain level
   on blue bullets.  You can ram the blue enemies for more suicide bullets,
   but let them keep firing until they're about to leave.

14 Gain 1300 buzz                                            2 lives, no bombs
   A conservative time-out is worth only around 1000, so this requires some
   selective aggression.  If you tackle the four screen-wide spirals (first
   form, second, third, penultimate and final patterns) high, timing
   invulnerability bursts to assist with positioning and allow quick lurches
   towards the point of origin on the two blue ones, you should top 1000 by
   the time the first form times out, then hit 1300 early in the second
   without any other high-risk antics.  There is a safe spot on form one,
   pattern four, underneath the back of the boss's head, just above the guns
   on its shoulders, that nets a little more buzz than you'd likely otherwise
   see from that pattern, but it's fiddly enough to get right that I'm not
   sure it's worth the trouble.

15 Gain 30 levels                                             1 life, no bombs
   There are 5 pairs of blocks, but you won't see the last ones if you let the
   earlier ones time out.  The neutrino gauge starts red and moves slightly
   toward green as each pair falls away.  The quickest way to remove a pair
   yourself is to focus fire (or ramming) on one of them - both fall once one
   is destroyed.  Speed kill the first two pairs - you're after levels, not
   buzz, so they're mostly worthless.  The bulk of the levels will come from
   the fifth pair - you should be able to rack up 20ish by point-blanking the
   flowery spam pattern (origin right, then left, then both at once).  Use
   your shot between flower salvos if your neutrino gauge is low, since the
   edge of the pattern can quite easily destroy the Maitreya.  The remaining
   levels can be gained from the third and/or fourth block pairs; it's
   possible with care to chain level while shooting on both, though the fourth
   is easier.  Speed killing the third pair is probably the least risky
   approach, as long as you get the most out of the fifth.

16 Survive for 80 seconds                                     1 life, no bombs
   Both life bars.  Fortunately, the time requirement spares you the big
   spammy pattern of you die now it does after you've annoyed it enough.
   Everything it throws out is individually pretty simple; the only thing that
   really warrants special attention is that the patterns overlap each other
   quite a bit, so make sure you're always alert for what's coming next.  As
   ever, shooting can be used for invulnerability purposes as long as you
   don't destroy a life bar.

17 Destroy the boss life bar in 10 seconds                    1 life, no bombs
   Roll and shoot continuously, ram when invulnerable, and don't get hit.  The
   right hand side has the blue spiral, which is slightly better for
   increasing neutrino, not that the difference is likely to be appreciable
   when shooting all the time.

18 Gain 1700 buzz                                            2 lives, no bombs
   The first three waves obligingly fire round you.  Ram through the next two
   (rows of cogs) for rings of suicide bullets as they fire their blue 3-ways.
   The middle section contains blue and yellow spinners (always central
   horizontally) and fish.  The fish fire green streams round you, red
   multi-shots at you, red spreads in your general direction, and the
   outermost ones fire arcs of blue suicide bullets; the spinners just fire
   suicide bullet rings, but the yellow ones slow down the neutrino fill rate,
   so should be dealt with quickly.  The green bullet streams aren't bad for
   buzz, but require you to stay still; the blue suicide bullet arcs are
   generally more helpful, as  you can start low and ride them up the screen
   for ramming chains.  The final section is two rows of cogs that fire some
   blobs, loose ring spreads, and yet more suicide rings - ram through them
   much like the cogs in the first section.  The spare life is nice to have,
   but using it isn't ideal, as it costs buzzing time.

19 Gain 35 levels                                            2 lives, no bombs
   God, I hate the Maitreya.  First life bar only.  The twin fans of blue
   rings are safe at the point of origin with a gauge over 50%-ish.  For the
   sets of blue rings that have accompanying red and orange spam, stay still
   at short range and it'll fire round you (this costs some buzz you could've
   had by chasing the blue rings, but the spam is a pain to dodge at range).
   The fast orange fans are slightly fiddly to do, but can be point-blanked
   safely by starting immediately below the boss and moving outward, away from
   their firing arc.  The red rings are aimed and move very slowly, so make
   sure they go somewhere you don't mind them being for a while.  Unless you
   stack four in one place, the red rings aren't very helpful, since you want
   levels, not buzz - give priority to blue bullets.  The life bar is quite
   hefty, so you can (and will likely have to) go fairly wild shooting for
   neutrino top-ups without running much risk of destroying it by mistake.

20 Gain 32000 buzz                                            3 lives, 6 bombs
   You have both life bars to work with, and start at level 450 with about 66%
   neutrino.  Sounds easier than buzz type mission 20 (100000 buzz), but this
   is offset somewhat by the fact the Maitreya can't chain invulnerability
   nearly so casually, so you'll probably be cowering conservatively out of
   harm's way for a few patterns the Five Ascetics can point-blank.  (Thanks
   to edo for this one; I didn't clear shooting type mission 19.)

Buzz (Yuhei/MDS Five Ascetics)

 1 Destroy 7 enemies with roll shot                           1 life, no bombs
   Can barely fail.  Just remember to roll before shooting stuff.

 2 Gain 80 buzz                                               1 life, no bombs
   Runs for the whole level (minus boss), so easy enough.  Start rolling
   bottom center to finish by the second wave of shots.

 3 Destroy 3 enemies by ramming                               1 life, no bombs  
   Start under rightmost enemy, roll through first volley of shots for
   invulnerability and ram all three enemies of first wave for quick finish.

 4 Destroy 2 boss life bars by ramming                        1 life, no bombs
   Slightly awkward, since it has only 3.  Shoot out the first bar to get the
   neutrino gauge to yellow.  Shoot the second to near-empty, then level up
   and ram - easiest pattern to level from is the vertical stream of orange
   shots.  Third bar is easiest to ram, since you can chain level by
   point-blanking the blue fan shots.  The orange vertical stream still works,

 5 Gain 800 buzz                                              1 life, no bombs
   You're aiming to empty all its life bars as fast as possible, then chain
   level more or less continuously.  Quickly shoot out all three life bars
   while buzzing opportunistically, then point-blank the orange vertical
   stream and stay there for the blue fan.

 6 Destroy only the yellow enemies                            1 life, no bombs
   Neutrino gauge manipulation tutorial.  Easy enough with roll shot, just
   don't get hit by the blue shots while doing it.

 7 Finish with 95-99% on neutrino gauge                       1 life, no bombs
   Dodge conservatively until about 7 seconds left on the timer, then shoot
   until the gauge is almost full.  There's a big lull in enemy fire at this
   point that makes it easy.

 8 Destroy boss life bar by ramming                           1 life, no bombs
   Shoot until it's nearly destroyed, then level up off one of the two
   screen-wide spiral patterns and ram the centre.  Mission fails
   automatically after that, so you don't have much choice.

 9 Chain level 4 times                                        1 life, no bombs
   The count resets if you lose invulnerability.  Can be done more or less
   anywhere, but the first pair of waves or the last pair before the boss are
   probably easiest.  You can incorporate some shot use to keep the gauge
   rising if the chain's not quite holding up.

10 Chain level 6 times                                        1 life, no bombs
   Must be done on the trail-layers, as mission fails just after them.  Shoot
   the immediately preceding wave for some suicide bullets to start buzzing a
   little earlier.

11 Destroy the yellow enemies by ramming                      1 life, no bombs
   Since they screw up the gauge, ensure it's all but full when they appear,
   level up by buzzing one, then use the level up speed burst to ram through
   both within your invulnerability window.

12 Survive without shooting                                   1 life, no bombs
   Self-explanatory, if easier said than done.  Keep invulnerability up as
   much as possible, and clear enemies whose bullets you don't need for buzz
   by ramming.  Prioritize yellow spinners.  The fish in the middle section
   that fire red spreads and multi-shots and green streams fire an arc of blue
   suicide bullets that makes keeping a chain going through them fairly easy -
   as long as you're in position to ram yellow spinners in a hurry, you
   shouldn't need to be without invulnerability for long.  Shooting actually
   doesn't cause failure, but destroying anything with your shot does - worth
   risking only if really desperate for a sliver of neutrino.

13 Gain 2700 buzz                                             1 life, no bombs
   There are 5 pairs of blocks, but you won't see the last ones if you let the
   earlier ones time out.  The neutrino gauge starts red and moves slightly
   toward green as each pair falls away.  The quickest way to remove a pair
   yourself is to focus fire (or ramming) on one of them - both fall once one
   is destroyed.  Most of the 2700 comes from the flowery spam of the last
   pair - point-blank (origin right, then left, then both at once), I don't
   think it can destroy the Five Ascetics even on an empty gauge.  The rest
   has to be gained from earlier pairs.  Destruction timing is pretty fiddly,
   and many solutions are likely viable, but this works: speed kill the first
   pair by shooting and ramming; speed kill the second by shooting; edge down
   on the third until the spirals start up, then move up and chain level while
   shooting; chain level through the fourth, destroying it by ramming after
   the second triangular spread; chain level through the fifth.

14 Gain 400 buzz                                              1 life, no bombs
   Whoop de doo, another fast-forward.  Fails after the second pattern (the
   staggered spiral).  Set off one invulnerability burst at the start of the
   spiral, circle near the boss once, then shoot your way to a second burst
   for another circle before the pattern times out.  Just staying inside the
   spiral very near the boss would be faster, but this seems easier and gets
   the 400.

15 Gain 800 buzz                                              1 life, no bombs
   And another fast-forward.  Fails after the...fly.  Chain level by wiggling
   about in its mouth, close enough to the eyes to buzz most bullets at their
   point of origin.  There's a couple of lulls during which you'll actually
   need to avoid taking a direct hit, but the main difficulty lies in not
   accidentally destroying the fly by ramming.

16 Time out the boss life bar                                 3 lives, 3 bombs
   Well, at least it gives you some lives and bombs to work with.  You're ok
   shooting for neutrino to hurry along an invulnerability burst, as long as
   you don't destroy the life bar.  The boss has more evil crap to toss than
   you have get out of jail free cards, though, so you'll need to pick some of
   it to get through the painful way.  The slow blue and orange spreads aren't
   too hard to fidget through at the bottom of the screen, the red dot spreads
   are navigable, and the beam attacks are pretty much all the free buzz you
   can eat.  That leaves the fast single-shot green and orange rings and the
   green sprays.  I can't see an easy way through the rings apart from
   cowering at the bottom of the screen to maximize space and hoping (may be
   possible to do it by looking at horizontal position relative to the boss,
   not sure).  The green sprays come in three distinct salvos: the first has
   only one row you need pass through just off-centre, low on the screen; the
   second can be swung through by diving to either bottom corner and then
   riding it back inward; the third might be passable low off-centre with
   alternating left/right twitching, but invulnerability from a level up or
   bomb is probably a more realistic approach.

17 Gain 8 levels                                              1 life, no bombs
   More fast-forward fun.  The first pattern covers only 180 degrees in your
   current direction, so you can circle it at short range without much risk.
   Alternatively, just stay low and fidget through the gaps while shooting for
   neutrino in preparation for the second pattern.  You can chain level by
   point-blank circling the second pattern - this isn't really harder than
   trying to fidget and sway through the wavy cage and, more importantly,
   should get your 8 levels.  Be sure to have a near-full gauge at the end of
   the first pattern - either stay very close (level up and refill), or keep a
   moderate distance for the last few salvos (don't quite level up).

18 Gain 37 levels                                               1 life, 1 bomb
   Worst fast-forward?  Probably.  Much the same principle as mission 17, only
   this one's far easier.  Point-blank circle continuously and you'll hit 37
   during the second pattern.  Bomb if the levelling chain is about to break.

19 Gain 14000 buzz                                             2 lives, 1 bomb
   First life bar only.  Many attacks can be point-blanked: the twin fans of
   blue rings can be done recklessly, then surfed to chain level; the blue and
   red drifty trails will maintain a chain, though they're often awkward to
   approach initially; the fast orange fans are slightly fiddly to do, but can
   be point-blanked safely by starting immediately below the boss and moving
   outward, away from their firing arc.  The red rings are aimed and move very
   slowly, so make sure they go somewhere you don't mind them being for a
   while.  Surfing inside red rings builds buzz pretty well, particularly if
   you cause two or more to overlap, but obviously leaves you trapped until
   you level up.  The bomb can be handy if you're not where you want to be -
   probably best used during one of the red and blue trail and red ring
   phases.  Avoid using the spare life, as lost buzzing time just makes the
   mission harder.  Don't time out at 13747 buzz; it's mildly vexing.

20 Gain 100000 buzz                                            1 life, 7 bombs
   And there I'd foolishly been thinking I might actually be able to clear all
   of them.  Bombing the first form into oblivion is one way to practice the
   second's patterns if you're not yet consistent versus the first, or just
   can't be bothered with it.  This might be a splendid candidate for just
   learning the patterns from the replay DVD, since it looks exhausting enough
   on execution alone, never mind actually working out a way through it that
   delivers 100K.
Last edited by Veracity on Fri Feb 08, 2008 12:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by animalleaderisgreat »

I only have 10 missions for Buzz and 10 for Shooting -- I've done all 10 on shooting, and the first 7 on Buzz. How do I get missions 11-20 to appear?
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Post by edo »

animalleaderisgreat wrote:I only have 10 missions for Buzz and 10 for Shooting -- I've done all 10 on shooting, and the first 7 on Buzz. How do I get missions 11-20 to appear?
There's 2 pages. Once you've completed mission 10, whilst highlighting any mission, press right to show the next page.

Hey Veractiy! Nice post! For Shooting Type mission 20, the "Herculean feat involving area 6" is gain 32000 buzz. It's the whole of the Gluon battle, and you get 3 lives, 6 bombs. Starting level is 450, and the Neutrino bar is about 2/3 full. Feel free to edit that into your original post.
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Post by landshark »

Veracity - thanks alot for the post!
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Post by Veracity »

edo wrote:Feel free to edit that into your original post.
Done, and thanks very much. Really must get back to this and try playing the actual game a bit more at some point - got distracted by a brief spell of Medium Unit nostalgia and haven't had time for it since.
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Post by postman »

Just picked up this game today, and this mission translation is very helpful! Thanks!

Also, wouldn't Psyvariar 2 be a great candidate for a next-gen remake? All the explosions and bullets could be easily handled by a ps3.......
Don't just dodge bullets, dance around them.
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Re: RQ: Psyvariar 2 Ultimate Final - Mission Translations

Post by qmish »

Those missions are evil.

Like, missions 10 and 13 for shooting type took me 50? 100? attempts until i managed to do them. And there are no videos of missions on youtube or nicovideo, so besides advice from Veracity (thanks for that and translations!), the only other thing to do is look for similar situations on superplay videos as missions take moments from main game, and sometimes what cool players did can be a hint. With mission 13, btw, its also a tricky how you can accidently shoot far away yellow spinner while dealing with closer one so you loose it - and in that mission each spinner w/sucide bullets potential counts.
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Re: RQ: Psyvariar 2 Ultimate Final - Mission Translations

Post by M.Knight »

qmish wrote: Sun Feb 25, 2018 5:16 pm Those missions are evil.

Like, missions 10 and 13 for shooting type took me 50? 100? attempts until i managed to do them. And there are no videos of missions on youtube or nicovideo, so besides advice from Veracity (thanks for that and translations!), the only other thing to do is look for similar situations on superplay videos as missions take moments from main game, and sometimes what cool players did can be a hint. With mission 13, btw, its also a tricky how you can accidently shoot far away yellow spinner while dealing with closer one so you loose it - and in that mission each spinner w/sucide bullets potential counts.
I recently finished clearing all the missions in the game and was able to record them in case you need some references :
Kei : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8P6tw78xYHQ
Yuhei : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQHn2NV77iQ

There's some tricky missions in the middle here and there but I wanna say the final ones against the TLB are usually the toughest, especially the Yuhei one since you only have a single life to do it. But on the upside this really prepares you for the arcade mode.
Also the way I did Shooting Type mission 19 is super scuffed :lol: I think you were intended to get most if not all of those level ups on phase 1 but I moved to phase 2 early and tackled it even without any of the usual bombs you'd carry to it.
RegalSin wrote: I think I have downloaded so much I am bored with downloading. No really I bored with downloading stuff I might consider moving to Canada or the pacific.
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Re: RQ: Psyvariar 2 Ultimate Final - Mission Translations

Post by EmperorIng »

What's cool about the Gluon missions is that you have to practically play them like a superplayer to beat them. They really want you to be a master of the buzz system and the boss patterns by that point. Good work!
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Re: RQ: Psyvariar 2 Ultimate Final - Mission Translations

Post by ShimmerEcho »

Those Gluon missions sound brutal. I’m still struggling with some mid-level ones, but seeing full clears like yours is both inspiring and intimidating. For Yuhei’s final mission, do you think it’s more about raw execution or perfect routing?
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