Kyukyoku Tiger (Twin Cobra)

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Re: Kyukyoku Tiger (Twin Cobra)

Post by Steven »

lol yeah, that's not happening now. I will say that Same! is one of my other top 5~6 favourite Toaplan games, though. It's very close with what some might consider an unlikely contender: Teki-Paki! Yes, I love Teki-Paki.

I put the replay in my previous post with the score. PS5 does indeed do 60FPS capture if you tell it to! Yay, happiness!

It says it's going to be processing for 2 hours still, so SD only until then. Just so everyone knows, if you comment on it there, I won't see it since I never log in on Youtube because I hate Google and try to avoid having Google spy on me as much as possible!
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Re: Kyukyoku Tiger (Twin Cobra)

Post by Steven »

Stage 7 boss. I hate this thing. I have switched to PCB and so now I don't have autofire. Anyone got any advice for dealing with this thing without auto? I can only get past it like 25% of the time, so I am thinking of just going for time out without even destroying the left side because it takes me 3 bombs to pointblank the left side without auto. I got my PCB signed by almost the entire dev team on Saturday, so I sort of asked Uemura-san about this boss.

"Why did you make the stage 7 boss so hard? This is the single hardest thing in the entire game!"
"Which one is that one again?"
"The double tank thing with the connector"
"Oh yeah, that one... *laughs*"
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Re: Kyukyoku Tiger (Twin Cobra)

Post by emphatic »

Steven wrote:Stage 7 boss. I hate this thing. I have switched to PCB and so now I don't have autofire. Anyone got any advice for dealing with this thing without auto? I can only get past it like 25% of the time, so I am thinking of just going for time out without even destroying the left side because it takes me 3 bombs to pointblank the left side without auto. I got my PCB signed by almost the entire dev team on Saturday, so I sort of asked Uemura-san about this boss.

"Why did you make the stage 7 boss so hard? This is the single hardest thing in the entire game!"
"Which one is that one again?"
"The double tank thing with the connector"
"Oh yeah, that one... *laughs*"
Many players just let it time out without shooting at it.
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Re: Kyukyoku Tiger (Twin Cobra)

Post by Steven »

That is probably what I am going to do. I have done it a few times on PS4, but sometimes it still manages to get me if I try to fly behind the boss too and it decides to back up. Need to practice the time out some more, I think.
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Re: Kyukyoku Tiger (Twin Cobra)

Post by SPM »

Steven wrote:Stage 7 boss. I hate this thing. I have switched to PCB and so now I don't have autofire. Anyone got any advice for dealing with this thing without auto? (...) it takes me 3 bombs to pointblank the left side without auto
Two words: Green laser! That's the only way I could beat it without bombs/autofire.

I'll load a savestate in MAME when I get home and upload it in case you want to check it out
I think it's a good strat for a no-miss / no bomb / no autofire / no time-outs clear XD

-> Here it is: KTiger - 7 Boss - Green Laser - No Bombs - No Timeout
I used my 6Hz autofire without noticing, but that can be easily achieved just tapping :D

(I hate that it's a Youtube short... Don't know how to upload it as a regular video)
"Oh yeah, that one... *laughs*"
:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Kyukyoku Tiger (Twin Cobra)

Post by Steven »

Green Laser it is, then! I'll go try that. I played the game for like 3 hours straight yesterday. Had to take a break just because my arm got tired of smashing the fire button. Honestly the stage 4 boss gives me a bit of trouble without auto as well, and I usually either die there or have to bomb my way through it. This is a very different game when you can't just insta-kill half of the bosses with the 30Hz autofire before they even get a chance to shoot at you.

Edit: yep, green laser. I was almost fully powered up when I got there so the rank was super high and the boss was shooting really fast and I bombed twice to not get hit, but it works. I thought that laser was pretty useless, but apparently not. Then I died on the next stage in the first 30 seconds lol. Made it to stage 8 boss and got killed by the helicopters just as the boss appeared. That mess of shit at the end of that stage is ridiculous. Made it to stage 9 the other day, so I know I could have done it if I'd managed to deal with the helicopters.
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Re: Kyukyoku Tiger (Twin Cobra)

Post by SPM »

Glad it works for you ^^
the stage 4 boss gives me a bit of trouble without auto as well, and I usually either die there or have to bomb my way through it. This is a very different game when you can't just insta-kill half of the bosses with the 30Hz autofire before they even get a chance to shoot at you
True true! For the 4th boss I don't have a clip with the green laser, but I have a recovery strat without bombs which should work with the laser as well.

-> Kyukyoku Tiger - Stage 4 Boss - Checkpoint Recovery (No Bombs)

Green is useful only in 2 situations for me: bosses 4 and 7 once you are powered-up enough (Red becomes useless) and you don't want to use bombs or a 30Hz autofire. It makes the beginning of stages 5 and 8 harder until you change your weapon, but still doable.
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Re: Kyukyoku Tiger (Twin Cobra)

Post by Steven »

Yeah, I tried green laser against stage 4 bosses on one of my recent playthroughs. Still not fully comfortable dodging the super fast boss shots with the high rank from max power, so I bombed twice, although the second was a panic bomb that I probably didn't need. I think I should be close to getting the no-auto clear soon. I just have to not do anything stupid on stages 8 and 9 and I should be okay since stage 10 is oddly one of the easiest stages in the game.

I really should get some sort of thing so I can put up replays from PCBs. It would be cool to be able to put up a 1-ALL no-auto PCB replay.
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Re: Kyukyoku Tiger (Twin Cobra)

Post by Steven »

The hollowest of hollow victories. Goodbye, Twin Cobra. I look forward to never playing you again.

Twin Cobra arcade
Steven - 2,112,720 - 244 - Yes - 1P - PS5

Here is my shitty replay of my shitty run, which I am too lazy to edit to remove the loading screens, further increasing its shittiness.

Oh yeah, the Steam/GOG version of Twin Cobra is still completely broken, with the majority of the zako helis not even spawning at all. Kyuukyoku Tiger seems okay, strangely.
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Re: Kyukyoku Tiger (Twin Cobra)

Post by Steven »

I can't believe I just did this, but I did, so here it is.

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Re: Kyukyoku Tiger (Twin Cobra)

Post by Steven »

Got my 3rd 1CC just now, and the second on PCB without auto. God damn the second loop on this thing is vicious. I made it to just before the stage 2 boss this time, but I somehow didn't get a better score; I must have skipped too many stars on stage 8. Anyone got any advice for not getting totally annihilated on the loop other than "don't die when you have the spread shot"?
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Re: Kyukyoku Tiger (Twin Cobra)

Post by Steven »

Yay, second place~

Kyuukyoku Tiger arcade
Steven - 3,158,840 - 316 - No - PCB
I actually had to stop playing to go to work, which makes me sad, as I think I could have gone much further. Another day, perhaps.
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Re: Kyukyoku Tiger (Twin Cobra)

Post by Steven »

I got autofire. It helped.

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Re: Kyukyoku Tiger (Twin Cobra)

Post by ryu »

Looks like I definitely need to no miss into stage 4.

Kyuukyoku Tiger
mar!!! - 536,250 - 82 - yes - PS4

Has anyone heard from Despatche btw?

Edit: Oh the trick is to just let those suicide bombers fly past you.

But what the fuck is that boss? :shock:
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Re: Kyukyoku Tiger (Twin Cobra)

Post by Arino »

ryu wrote: Fri May 24, 2024 8:56 pm Looks like I definitely need to no miss into stage 4.

Kyuukyoku Tiger
mar!!! - 536,250 - 82 - yes - PS4
nice, how far is this in to the game?
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Re: Kyukyoku Tiger (Twin Cobra)

Post by ryu »

Not even halfway through. This one's 10 stages long - roughly twice the playtime of Hishouzame
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Re: Kyukyoku Tiger (Twin Cobra)

Post by Arino »

haha yeah i know its like 45min or something. just didnt know how much your PB would be of that :D
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Re: Kyukyoku Tiger (Twin Cobra)

Post by ryu »

I think this game goes up to area 200. Might be mistaken though :roll:
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Re: Kyukyoku Tiger (Twin Cobra)

Post by Steven »

There are 240 areas per loop. Assuming no miss for both, Hishouzame is 16 minutes for loop 1 and this is about 43. Depending on how much you die, expect 50 to 60 minutes per loop.
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Re: Kyukyoku Tiger (Twin Cobra)

Post by ryu »

Kyuukyoku Tiger
mar!!! - 680,900 - 92 - yes - PS4

Finally out of that slump it seems. Was stuck at a PB of 630k for the entire week...
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Re: Kyukyoku Tiger (Twin Cobra)

Post by Steven »

Stage 4 boss has 2 strategies. Use Green Storm + one bomb each if you don't want to or can't pointblank with 30Hz Blue Eye, or if you do have 30Hz you can pointblank them with Blue Eye and kill them both before either one gets a chance to shoot you. The spot you have to stay in to pointblank safely is very small, so it's safer to bomb just in case your position is off. Be careful if you use Green Storm because it almost completely obscures enemy shots, so it's important to bomb, not for the damage, but to prevent you from being hit by something that you couldn't see because of your own shot.
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Re: Kyukyoku Tiger (Twin Cobra)

Post by ryu »

Thanks. I finally made it

Kyuukyoku Tiger
mar!!! - 796,340 - 110 - yes - PS4

Not even halfway through and this feels like a great achievement lmao
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Re: Kyukyoku Tiger (Twin Cobra)

Post by Steven »

You died just before one of the most difficult parts in the game, and the stage 5 boss is extremely scary when you see it for the first time and can be very difficult to recover against if you don't know about the strategy of intentionally dying to go back to the Otakebi field to power up, but you can recover without this strategy if you want to. It's not that bad once you know what to do, but it was by far the hardest part of the game for me for whatever reason. If you can get past the Otakebi field, you can clear the game.
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Re: Kyukyoku Tiger (Twin Cobra)

Post by ryu »

The field wasn't hard for me to figure out. Recovering on the boss just seems to be impossible though lol

Did you mean dying right after respawning there will put you back another checkpoint?

Kyuukyoku Tiger
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Re: Kyukyoku Tiger (Twin Cobra)

Post by Steven »

The game is divided into areas. The way it works is that if you die you will be respawned at a checkpoint, which probably is the beginning of an area, but the checkpoints are actually slightly ahead of the point at which you are respawned, so if you respawn and die again before you reach the next area, you won't have actually reached the checkpoint that you respawned at, so the game will send you back to the previous checkpoint, causing you to regress.

This is not something that was intentionally programmed into the game, but they did notice it during development and decided to leave it that way for some reason. Sometimes you can use this to go backwards to power up. You have to die very soon after respawning to go backwards. I've never timed it, but if I had to guess I would say that you must die within about 2 or 3 seconds to do it.

I have a recording of recovering against the boss without going back somewhere. I'll post it later when I can.

Here it is:

This was about a month ago. I was having a VERY bad day here, but I unintentionally ended up showing all of the recovery strategies for the stage 5 boss all in one clip and I did get the clear on this credit. No autofire here. You can kill the Otakebi without bombs even without auto, but it's harder, so I usually bomb the first two just to be safe. With auto you can 30Hz pointblank them and save your bombs.

If the image quality looks terrible, it's because this is on PCB going into the Framemeister and then a cheap capture device. No audio because the solder on the audio wire on the PCB capture thingy somehow broke. I do need to resolder it eventually, preferably soon.
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Re: Kyukyoku Tiger (Twin Cobra)

Post by ryu »

Thanks for the advice!

I can do the recovery before the stage 5 boss now, but can't defeat the boss unless I'm actually fully powered up. Guess I'll have to work on my strategy there.

The token system is brilliant and I can't believe it isn't in more games. It discourages suiciding for extra points and rewards no missing in an organic way. DOJ Arrange S would be amazing had it this system instead of just giving you points for your remaining extra lives at the end (and all of those extra lives would make so much sense had the game a checkpoint system).
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Re: Kyukyoku Tiger (Twin Cobra)

Post by ryu »

Finally managed to get past stage 5!

Kyuukyoku Tiger
mar!!! - 1,532,320 - 157 - yes - PS4

Might leave it at this because I'm not sure I can actually beat it any time soon, and there's probably better games to spend more than a month on for the clear. Will see how practicing the second half goes.
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Re: Kyukyoku Tiger (Twin Cobra)

Post by Nguyen VinhLOC »

Very awesome replays i'm currenly learned on:

Kyukyoku Tiger
MASA - 26,759,420 - 999 - Yes - PCB

Note: This is not me playing, i'm posting this for anyone new to this game can watch
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Re: Kyukyoku Tiger (Twin Cobra)

Post by Nguyen VinhLOC »

My first try:

AC - Twin Cobra
Vinh Loc - 368,900 - 70 - Yes - PCB

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