GD: Battle Garegga Rev.2016 Menu Translations

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GD: Battle Garegga Rev.2016 Menu Translations

Post by CloudyMusic »

Since I'm sure people are going to ask for it, here are some English translations for the more important Japanese-only menu options in Battle Garegga Rev.2016 for the PS4. Menu options that are already in English and things that should be self-apparent (e.g. "go back to previous screen") won't be included here. If you feel that I've left something out that's important or have a correction, post it here!

Online manuals
Japanese version
English version

Common Prompts
  • The prompt that appears after continuing basically just says "you can't record your score after continuing." The checkbox is "don't show me this again."
  • The prompt that appears after changing certain game options (bullet visibility, BGM, etc) warns you that doing so will reset the game; you can hold Circle to reset, or press X to cancel your changes.
Pause Menu


自機セレ前: Before ship select
自機セレ後: After ship select

Game Setting

System Setting

遅延対応設定: Input delay reduction. ON = less delay.
リプレイ自動登録: Automatically save replays. If off, it will prompt you after every run. If turned on and your replay storage is full, the lowest-scoring replay that you have not "locked" will be overwritten.

Other Setting

アドバタイズサウンド設定: Attract mode sound (あり = on, なし = off)
コンティニュー設定: Continues allowed (可能 = on, 不可 = off)
隠しキャラクターの出現: Secret ships enabled
敵弾カラー変更: Enemy bullet color change (reference video)
  • OFF: Arcade default
  • 点滅なし: Bullets glow red and blue, but do not flash
  • 点滅(明): Bullets glow red and blue, and flash white
  • 点滅(暗): Bullets glow red and blue, and subtly flash in a darker color
  • 点滅(ピンク単色): Bullets flash pink
  • 点滅(ブルー単色): Bullets flash blue
  • 点滅(イエロー単色): Bullets flash yellow
  • 点滅(グリーン単色): Bullets flash green
クイックリスタート設定: Quick restart location (before/after ship select)
FREEPLAY設定: Free Play mode. When ON, you don't need to insert a credit to play. (Currently, the game still forces you to bind a button to Credit if this is ON. You can bind it to a button you don't actually use like L3/R3, though.)

Custom Mode Settings

DIPスイッチ難易度: Dip switch difficulty setting
STAGE EDIT: Allows you to change the stage order during play.
アーケード版に存在した特殊モード: Enable selection of Extended, Harder, and Special modes from the PCB.
プレイヤー数設定: Player life count
エクステンド設定: Extend setting (100万EVERY = every 1 million)
ランク上昇固定化: Fixed (unchanging) rank
ランク上昇の変化量(全体): Rank increase rate (overall)
ランク上昇の変化量(時間): Rank increase rate over time (per-frame). Multiplied by the "overall" factor set above.
ランク上昇の変化量(行動): Rank increase rate from actions (item pickups, shooting, etc). Multiplied by the "overall" factor set above.
敵の耐久力設定: Enemy health
敵弾の密度設定: Enemy bullet density
敵弾のスピード設定: Enemy bullet speed
マッドボールのランダム攻撃: Mad Ball (st. 2 boss) random attacks
スレイヤー撃破時のアイテム: Item dropped from Slayer (stage 5 giant bomber)
ウエポン数設定: Special weapon stock (per life)
小ウエポンの増加量: Small weapon fragment value (+1 through +5)
オートウエポンの発動数: Auto-weapon (autobomb) activation
  • 大1個以上: 1 full weapon or more
  • 大1個以上+ショット中: 1 full weapon or more + shooting
  • 小1個以上: 1 small weapon fragment or more
ウエポンのスコア設定: Special weapon score (ウエポン破壊点重視型: weapon destruction score oriented)
アイテム落下速度の設定: Item falling speed
  • ランクによって変動: Varies with rank
  • 最低ランクの速度固定: Fixed at minimum rank speed
  • 最低ランクの速度の75%: 75% of minimum rank speed
  • 最低ランクの速度の50%: 50% of minimum rank speed
勲章アイテムの自動吸引: Automatic medal suction
勲章ロスト時のペナルティ: Penalty for dropping a medal
  • 最低レベル: Lowest level
  • 5段階ダウン: 5 levels down
  • 3段階ダウン: 3 levels down
ウエポン発射時の無敵反映: Invincibility when using special weapon
自機の当たり判定: Player ship hitbox adjustment
  • OFF: Default
  • 1/2サイズ: 1/2 size
  • 最小サイズ: Minimum size
ゲーム内連射速度: Game autofire speed (Arcade or fixed at 15Hz)
ショットパワーの設定: Shot power (Arcade or fixed at rank 4 or 5)

Controller Setting

Square button: cycle rapid fire setting for the highlighted button.
The "Rapid My Set" value is adjustable during gameplay by pressing the "Rapid Speed" button. For example, if you give a button a rapid value of "Rapid My Set", then you can cycle that value dynamically during gameplay by pressing the Rapid Speed button. The current value will be shown on the controller gadget window:


For example, you could have one Shot button that fires at the dynamic "Rapid Speed" value, along with a separate shot button with a fixed autofire rate (or no autofire) in addition. Think of "My Set"/"Rapid Speed" as an autofire dial selector on an arcade machine that you can adjust as needed.

Autofire rate is fixed (unchangeable) at 15Hz in both Premium and Super Easy modes.
Screen Setting

画面回転方向: Screen rotation direction
Simple presets:
  • 横画面くっきり: Horizontal, clean scaling
  • 横画面フィット: Horizontal, fit to screen
  • 横画面レトロモニター: Horizontal, retro monitor
  • 縦画面くっきり(左回転): Vertical, clean scaling (left rotate)
  • 縦画面フィット(左回転): Vertical, fit to screen (left rotate)
  • 縦画面レトロモニター(左回転): Vertical, retro monitor (left rotate)
画面サイズタイプ: Screen size types
  • フィット: Fit
  • ドットバイドット: Dot by dot
  • マニュアル: Manual
スムージング設定: Smoothing
スキャンライン設定: Scanlines
壁紙表示設定: Wallpaper display

Sound Setting

BGMボリューム設定: Background music volume
効果音ボリューム設定: Sound effects volume

Ranking Viewer

All Ranking

Circle button: Download replay
Square button: Show details
Triangle button: Show my position

Local Ranking

Circle button: Play replay
Square button: Show details

Replay Theater

Circle button: Play replay
Square button: Lock replay
Triangle (long press): Delete replay

Battle History

ゲーム起動時間: Total game runtime
ゲームプレイ時間: Active playtime
勲章獲得数: Medals acquired
10000点勲章獲得数: 10,000 point medals acquired
10000点勲章を落とした数: 10,000 point medals missed
ウエポンパワー(小)獲得数: Small special weapon items acquired
ウエポンパワー(大)獲得数: Large special weapon items acquired
ショットパワー(小)獲得数: Small shot items acquired
ショットパワー(大)獲得数: Large shot items acquired
オプション獲得数: Option items acquired
エクステンドアイテム獲得数: Extend items acquired
スコアエクステンド回数: Score extends earned
メインショット発射数: Number of times main shot fired
ウエポン発動回数: Number of special weapons used
フォーメーションチェンジ回数: Number of times option formation changed
スペシアルパワーアップ獲得数: Special power-ups acquired
スペシアルフォーメーション獲得数: Special option formations acquired
累計獲得スコア: Total score (1万点 = 10,000pts)
プレイヤー選択回数: Number of times ship chosen
  • 1号機: Silver Sword
  • 2号機: Grasshopper
  • 3号機: Flying Baron
  • 4号機: Wild Snail
  • ガイン: Gain
  • チッタ: Chitta
  • ミヤモト: Miyamoto
  • ボーンナム: Bornnam
ボス撃破数: Number of times boss destroyed
  • ノーズラフィン: Nose Laughin (stage 1 boss)
  • マッドボール: Mad Ball (stage 2 boss)
  • アースクライシス: Earth Crisis (stage 3 boss)
  • サタニックサーファー: Satanic Surfer (stage 4 boss)
  • ノーズラフィン改: Nose Laughin mk2 (stage 5 midboss 1)
  • マッドボール改: Mad Ball mk2 (stage 5 midboss 2)
  • スレイヤー: Slayer (stage 5 giant bomber)
  • ブラックハート: Black Heart (stage 5 boss)
  • フォートレス: Fortress (stage 6 turret wall)
  • ジャンキーモンキー: Junky Monkey (stage 6 boss)
  • ブラックハートmk2: Black Heart mk2 (stage 7 boss 1)
  • グロウスクイード: Glow Squid (stage 7 boss 2)
  • グロウスクイード最終形態: Glow Squid Final Form
クリア回数(機体別): Number of times clearing the game (by ship) [see ship name legend above]
クリア回数(ゲームモード別): Number of times clearing the game (by game mode)
  • アーケード: Arcade
  • プレミアム: Premium
  • スーパーイージー: Super Easy
  • カスタム: Custom
焼き鳥発動回数: Number of times you triggered the stage 2 birds
焼き鳥焼き回数: Number of times birds were hit?
ブラックハートのワインダー生存回数(ノーミスノーウエポン): Number of times Black Heart's sidewinder/vulcan attack was survived (no-miss, no-bomb)
  • ACモード ブラックハートmk2: Arcade mode BH2
  • ブラックハートおよびACモード以外のブラックハートmk2: BH1 and non-arcade mode BH2
自機爆発回数: Number of deaths
臨死回数: Number of near-death experiences (game over trick?)
クレジット数アンロック状態: Number of credits unlocked

* Stats won't be updated after continuing, after loading a savestate, or during replay playback.
Last edited by CloudyMusic on Fri Sep 29, 2017 1:02 am, edited 32 times in total.
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Re: Battle Garegga Rev.2016 Menu Translations

Post by Bananamatic »

Keres wrote:(I think this is more intended for people with laggy TVs somehow.)
maybe I'm just a disgusting cheater but I think you're meant to turn it down to lowest delay
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Re: Battle Garegga Rev.2016 Menu Translations

Post by CloudyMusic »

Yeah, I assume that someone with the game can explain exactly how that setting works, but it wasn't really clear to me from what's written.
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Re: Battle Garegga Rev.2016 Menu Translations

Post by Bananamatic »

if it's an M2 port then it's probably direct input lag adjustment
futari had the same, you had 0 delay with tearing, low delay without tearing, PCB delay and even more delay for some reason if you hate yourself
I have no idea how it would be only aimed at tvs with high delay, if it's the same as futari then there's no reason to set it to lowest except for if you still somehow play on the pcb and want to practice under the exact same conditions
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Re: Battle Garegga Rev.2016 Menu Translations

Post by DenT4F »

Thanks for this!
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Re: Battle Garegga Rev.2016 Menu Translations

Post by CloudyMusic »

I think I got just about everything. Let me know if there's something I left out that you want added.
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Re: Battle Garegga Rev.2016 Menu Translations

Post by owlnonymous »

Keres wrote:I think I got just about everything. Let me know if there's something I left out that you want added.
Thanks for your work!
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Re: Battle Garegga Rev.2016 Menu Translations

Post by CloudyMusic »

After Iast told me that he felt like setting delay adjustment to 1 reduced his input latency (which I guess I had never actually tried before for whatever reason), I decided to try it myself and it seemed to be the case to me too. I'd suggest everyone try it for yourselves.
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Re: Battle Garegga Rev.2016 Menu Translations

Post by CloudyMusic »

Updated slightly with new items as of patch 1.02.
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Re: GD: Battle Garegga Rev.2016 Menu Translations

Post by guigui »

Sorry to ask here, but can anyone link to the post that explains how to set up a JP account to get this ?
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Re: GD: Battle Garegga Rev.2016 Menu Translations

Post by Logge1002 »

Thank you very much. Already read this some days ago but now i have an accound and just wanted to say thanks!!!
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Re: GD: Battle Garegga Rev.2016 Menu Translations

Post by CloudyMusic »

An official English manual is now online:
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Re: GD: Battle Garegga Rev.2016 Menu Translations

Post by CloudyMusic »

Updated with the changes from 1.05. Let me know if I missed anything.
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Re: GD: Battle Garegga Rev.2016 Menu Translations

Post by defected78 »

I cant seem to change any of the options settings. They are all greyed out.

How do I do this?

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Re: GD: Battle Garegga Rev.2016 Menu Translations

Post by giga222 »

Thank you :)
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