Weightlifting/exercise thread

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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by Leandro »

Funny that you mention the stuff about ageism on people over 40. A friend of mine recently called me and told me to fix my social and relationship life as quickly as possible because, according to him and his great wisdom, people become irrelevant when they reach 40.

I'm still exercising even though my shoulder is fucked up since September last year. Bone Marrow edema on distal clavicle, bursitis etc. My ROM is pretty limited nowadays, can't get my arm above head level without pain.
Can't put the bar on my back anymore to squat because of my right shoulder. Also can't lat pulldown or bench with normal grip ( I can bench and push up with close grip but it hurts a little, so I try to avoid doing it).
Rowing exercises are still fine and pain free so I'm doing them the most . Squatting while holding dumbbells is fine but it feels so ineffective compared to back squats with a regular bar, it saddens me.

I'm going through some dark times.

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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by Stevens »

Rando - Glad you're doing well. No surprise on the kids being soft, most kids everywhere are soft.

Leandro - Sorry you're going through that. You're already doing what I usually suggest to people - do what you can without discomfort. Wish I had more for you. You may find something of use here:

https://www.youtube.com/results?search_ ... lder+rehab

Keep us in the loop. Hope you feel better.
You're sure to be in a fine haze about now, but don't think too hard about all of this. Just go out and kill a few beasts. It's for your own good. You know, it's just what hunters do! You'll get used to it.
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by Leandro »

Stevens wrote:Rando - Glad you're doing well. No surprise on the kids being soft, most kids everywhere are soft.

Leandro - Sorry you're going through that. You're already doing what I usually suggest to people - do what you can without discomfort. Wish I had more for you. You may find something of use here:

https://www.youtube.com/results?search_ ... lder+rehab

Keep us in the loop. Hope you feel better.
Thanks a lot Stevens! This athlean channel seems really good, I'm gonna implement those variations on my elastic band exercise rehab routine, that sword raise one I didn't try yet
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by GaijinPunch »

I like the athleanX channel, but I was doing some of the core stuff to make my core stronger and hopefully alleviate back pain and made it way worse. So, be careful. Don't just push through b/c it's supposed to help.
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by BryanM »

I've made something of a ridiculous breakthrough when it comes to the hamster wheel. For some reason I feel like I can run forever. And when I stop, I'm only medium tired and not feeling-like-I'm-gonna-die tired. Highly unusual.

I doubted that I magically transcended the bounds of my human flesh, and gravitated to the one change I made in my life that could have had an impact: I'd been eating a couple handfuls of peanuts every day.

.... ..... the idea that I've been slightly anemic all of my life made me feel rather stupid. The only way to increase endurance is by generating more red blood cells, and I guess my body just couldn't do it with what I supplied it.

Since then, I've noticed some talk about magnesium deficiency. It's a nutrient completely absent in our corporate food, pretty much only seen in pricey greens or nuts. Hey google search AI, what's magnesium do?

"Magnesium is a key factor in making several parts of the body run smoothly: the heart, bones, muscles, nerves, and others. Without enough magnesium, these areas malfunction. This is summarized in research, which finds that a magnesium deficiency or low magnesium diet leads to health problems."

... that stuff sure sounds important, Harvard.edu!

Some anons have said they've even been bedridden throughout their lives before discovering this was the problem. The entire thing makes me kind of angry, since this really seems like it falls into the bucket of "important shit people really, really need to know". So, now I'm a bible thumper for peanuts.


For strength training, my current experiment has abandoned my obsession for only caring about the number on the bar. It was a simple metric that was probably warping things, as simple metrics tend to do.

So now I do a single long workset. (And a little isolation work for the arms.) One thing I've been trying out is this thing I call "working the hinge", which is just moving a little bit up-and-down repeatedly on the last rep. Particularly at the places where a movement is at its weakest: at the hole in the bottom, and the transition point where the shoulders/ass hand off the weight to the triceps/quads. (Around the 90 degree angle.)

The ideas behind this are twofold: One is to have a surplus of strength when I increment the weight. If I can do 20 squats in a row plus some jackass dinkering around, adding a pound to the bar and doing 20 squats without the jackassing should be easier, right? Secondly is to smooth out a motion by having fewer "weak" points.

How much that works out in practice is still to be seen. Adding a pound is very significant at these large volumes, especially for the press. My projection is it'll take nearly two more years before I have any conclusive results about it.

I'd feel annoyed that bodybuilding bro science guys were right, if it does amount to anything decent.
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by Bratwurst »

A regular intake of peanuts figures into my diet- I jog 2 miles every morning barring inclement weather. In my mind both habits appear to be the most responsible for my daily wellspring of energy.

I am a fan of whole nuts and peanut butter, but I would also recommend you check out powdered peanut mixes like PB Fit, essentially dehydrated peanut butter but with far less fat. The nutrient ratio remains the same and the consistency is what you care to make of it with your chosen volume of water.
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by GaijinPunch »

I use PB2 for smoothies -- less fat, but more importantly, much easier to administer.

Update for the thread: I had a pretty good winter, but I topped it off w/ 2 weeks in Japan where fitness wasn't really happening (other than some walks). I'm back now and am hitting the gym today. Will get back into my daily core exercises (which are to maintain integrity for my back, not to get ripped). The gym will likely be re-entry for the rest of this week, and next week figuring out exactly what to do. It's April though, so, I will phase out roughly one weight exercise per muscle group and up the cardio.
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by BulletMagnet »

Bratwurst wrote: Tue Apr 02, 2024 6:22 pmThe nutrient ratio remains the same and the consistency is what you care to make of it with your chosen volume of water.
I use peanut powder myself, but I do recall reading at some point that when you get rid of the oil some of the nutrients do go out along with it; feel free to correct me if I'm wrong on this.
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by Bratwurst »

BulletMagnet wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2024 11:43 pmI use peanut powder myself, but I do recall reading at some point that when you get rid of the oil some of the nutrients do go out along with it; feel free to correct me if I'm wrong on this.
Fair enough, I shall revise my perception of the stuff in light of that possibility. I compared the nutritional labels at some point in the past on a cursory level and was more concerned with the protein volume (along with the fact there weren't added oils like you get with a lot of peanut butter brands.)
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by BulletMagnet »

Yeah, macro-wise the protein's still there, but if memory serves some of the micros are in the fat.

A handful of other things I'd note for anyone who hasn't used PB powder before: 1) It's a ways more expensive than "regular" peanut butter, so be sure to factor your budget into it, 2) Most brands add salt and sugar or some other sweetener, and for good reason (powders without it have a particularly bitter taste), but usually not too much of either, so give the label a look to work out what fits into your diet, and 3) Flavored or not, don't expect it to be exactly like the real stuff, it isn't, but IMO it does get you most of the way there, and will cost you far less calories to snack on, especially for someone with a peanut butter weakness like myself.
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by GaijinPunch »

Most peanut butter in the US has sugar added. So fucking stupid.
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by blazinglazers69 »

I've definitely been putting the controller down a lot more this year and getting my ass in gear. Prior to the pandemic I was 160lbs (I'm 5'7). Then when my gf-now-wife moved in to quarantine with me in 2020 I went back up to 190lbs in about 2 years. Doordashing man. Not even once.

So I am SLOWLY clawing my way back to a nice physique. MyFitnessPal has been a game changer and I absolutely don't mind paying $80/year for the barcode scanner function and full features. It's so much more streamlined for calculating calories and macros and I love having all that accumulated data on myself. As someone with ADHD, having to calculate every morsel of food by hand, especially when I'm hungry, is a tremendous drain of energy and will for me.

As of today I am down to 181lbs after about 2 months. For the first time in awhile I feel like I'm seeing tangible progress when I look in the mirror which is fucking nice. I had a minor setback last month with a week long destination wedding getaway where I stopped counting calories and just focused on damage control and a decent amount of moderation.

Yesterday I said fuck it and went really hard for funsies. Did an hour on the treadmill at brisk walking pace and gradually increased the incline every 5 minutes. The treadmill says I burned 626 calories, but whatever it tells me I cut in half when keeping track of calories. It definitely FELT strenuous as fuck though. I might just have to graduate to the stairmaster.

I'm 35 and as I've gotten older I've definitely shifted from an ego "powerlifting" style of lifting to a bodybuilding style. It just makes so much more sense to me now. I had so many 400lbs+ deadlifts and 300lbs+ squats in my 20s and if I had fucked up badly on ONE rep and had an accident during those years I could have messed up my back and had to deal with chronic pain. Luckily I wasn't TOO reckless and have 0 issues.

But yeah, I'd rather look and feel great than lift heavy now. It's nicer getting complements on weight loss and having big arms/shoulders from friends and coworkers than some random gymbro complementing a 450lbs deadlift that I sloppily grind out in favor of my ego over my health. Again, thank god for maturity. I read a study that says people with ADHD don't really have a fully matured brain with better impulse control until they hit my age vs average people getting that at 25. Definitely rings true in my case. I might be a slow learner, but I do learn dammit.
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by MJR »

I'm 50 now, and been going to gym every weekday for three years now. Change in my physique is now quite obvious and I wouldn't trade this lifestyle for anything in the world. Also, people at bar consistently mistake me for someone in his thirties - probably because almost everyone past their thirties is so out of shape, I dont know.

I also learned a very simple trick to steadily increase what I can pull. Every time, increase your repeats by one. So, like 3 sets with 10 repeats on one day, then, 3 sets with 11 repeats the next time, and once I'm past 15-16 repeats, increase weights slightly. Got that tip from Arnold's mailing list and it works very nicely.
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by BryanM »

MJR wrote: Mon May 06, 2024 1:36 pmbecause almost everyone past their thirties is so out of shape, I dont know.

It is pretty ridiculous. Ernie Hudson did a fitness fluff shoot that you can see on the youtube, and yeah the man puts a little work into his body. (I felt like talking about it earlier, since he's also a user of the nut lifehack I recently discovered.)

Mischief once remarked Marianne Williamson looked pretty alright for being 8,000 years old, and I was like "... that's just the yoga. Almost any woman should be able to look like her at that age."

I've seen Bodyspace profiles of old men and women. You don't have to let your body decompose into a gumdrop and your bones wither away. You don't have to own a power rack like I do. You don't have to spend an hour commuting to a gym and turning it into some kind of excruciating ongoing expense and chore. Bodyweight squats are free. Pushups are free. You can spend 3 minutes a week doing something.

What really shocks me is how there are people who have some kind of sense of pride in not ever doing any kind of exercise. Somehow this is the stupidest, least respectable kind of self harm. I think people who cut themselves are way more sane than that, and I think cutters have some issues!

Also having seen others with no hand-eye coordination, I think not tossing a ball back and forth with a kid as a parent is child abuse. Those algorithms only have one shot at developing a foundation. Oof.

Anyway, as the saying in foreign countries goes: "I may be fat, but at least I'm not American fat." One of my uncles looks terrible, and he's not even at the level of that woman I saw in that Target with the cankles touching the floor. (This is literal, I'm not joking or exaggerating here.)

You can't see into somebody's mind to tell how broken they are, but their body tells an honest story. And we are a very, very sick country.
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by Steamflogger Boss »

BryanM wrote: Mon May 06, 2024 1:57 pm Anyway, as the saying in foreign countries goes: "I may be fat, but at least I'm not American fat." One of my uncles looks terrible, and he's not even at the level of that woman I saw in that Target with the cankles touching the floor. (This is literal, I'm not joking or exaggerating here.)

You can't see into somebody's mind to tell how broken they are, but their body tells an honest story. And we are a very, very sick country.
It's reaaally bad man. Whenever I'm by walmart or w/e there are so many cases of "well at least I'm not that bad".

I have a small routine every other day as well as getting in some stretching, crunches, push-ups etc daily Really does make a world of difference.
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by Randorama »

It's been busy, but I have learnt to do 1-hand push-ups, reverse handstand push-ups (my balance is terrible, and these are easier), and I am slowly mastering 1-hand pull- and chin-ups. I started doing monkey bars and some basic ring exercises, too, and progress is coming along nicely.

My plan is to learn all the moves in the (arcade version of) Ninja Gaiden/Shadow Warriors move-set. Probably, I won't learn the "flipping-up" movement due to the aforementioned "shitty balance" problem (i.e. grab the horizontal bar, do a half-a-circle movement with the whole body, land with your feet on the bar...that's ninja stuff indeed).

Other movements I can do, and being able to do the full ninja swing movements (i.e. swinging/lifting my body on a single arm) is hard and exhilarating at the same time. After all, it also involves having access to a new level of body awareness - when one limb does all the lifting work, assessing balance is way harder and you must definitely become aware of muscles and body parts that you may even not know of having.

I must also say that once I started doing harder movements, calisthenics-wise, I noticed an increase in size in key areas (arms, traps, abs), and I am not small for my height (1.74 mts). I am also swimming regularly, and having 1-2 sessions per week focusing on butterfly do help with size and power. Weight training may still be the key method to body size increase, but some forms of training are also extremely effective.

Joe Hayabusa and Strider Hiryu, watch your asses out.
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by Randorama »

So, 1/20, because I will do +2 weeks of swimming only training at the end of the semester. It's still very hot, so I am training at night. Nevertheless, I grossly underestimated how hot days have been and how hot horizontal bars can become after a day of exposure to sunlight.

As a consequence, at my third day of training I ended up cracking my new-forming blisters open while doing monkey bars. I felt like my hands were on fire after finishing, realised that I had something squishy on my hands, and voila'! I had pieces of freshly broken skin flapping around, with some blood gushing out. Removed the skin by hand, cleaned it up, put medical tape and continued training.

Some students were stone-faced, when they saw me continuing with my training. In my defence, I was clearly grimacing because medical tape is helpful in protecting skin from outer agents, among other things, but it does not act as a painkiller (and I rowed, afterwards). My hands look I have small stigmata, so it's all good anyway.

I am slowly learning one-hand pull- and chin-ups by using one finger on one arm as a stabiliser, and I must say that the road to the performing of one-arm exercises is though. I am also using a weight-supporting belt to do "simple" movements but with extra weight, which are a simple(r) way to increase strength without developing better balance (necessary, for anything one-handed). I stopped at +30 kgs on dips, but I plan on increasing steadily over this semester. Ninja stuff is going well, cracked open blisters permitting, and I plan on buy a ninja mask for when it's cold :wink:
"The only desire the Culture could not satisfy from within itself was one common to both the descendants of its original human stock and the machines [...]: the urge not to feel useless."

I.M. Banks, "Consider Phlebas" (1988: 43).
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