RQ: Psyvariar 2 bosses

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RQ: Psyvariar 2 bosses

Post by qmish »

While i'm doing some small progress (finally got around to shield chaining with ramming etc.), i struggle with bosses. Also because i'm generally bad with such "danmaku" style situations where you have tiny little hitbox you don't see well (unlike Mushihimesama etc.) with bullet patterns that don't have large gaps mostly etc. And while watching (super)plays helped me to realize some things, they go beyond "basics" which i need to overcome.

Ok, let's start with early ones. For convenience i will use those extra small pics from japanese fansite (that site also has some advice but mostly on scoring), they are enough to remind if you already seen it.

1) Stage 0 (mid)boss


Despite getting better with him (at first i only was around level 20 when i defeat him, now i usually about level 33-38 after he leaves), i haven't perfected my way of dealing.
I often rush at him in attempt of shieldchain on top of him, but sometimes i die from his pink attacks before he starts things with red orbs. And if i stay at bottom/middle i don't get much buzz and need to concentrate on his patterns (pink groups and yellow bullets) and i miss chance to get many levels from his red orb attacks unlike when i go right to him.

2) Stage 1 boss


1st wave. What's funny, in stage select/practice mode you can sit still and buzz through this attack (with small chance of random blue dot killing you). But in actual game walkthrough your position is slightly different so you can't do "cheap trick", instead go fo actual dodging. I'm more or less ok with this one unless many blue dots come at me. Usually i go to right bottom and dodge things there. Btw i've read that blue lines give you more buzz than red ones.


2nd and 3rd waves. Firstly, you can use them for speedkill first phase of boss as i've seen from videos. There is a spot above point of origin of attack, you need to go here. Ideally you should adjust your neutrino gauge during 1st wave but i'm not good enough for that so i can just use a bomb instead to give me shield. Being there, it's better to move a bit up and down instead of buzzing right at wave's center origin so boss can last longer. Enabling hitboxes visuals in ps2 port helps to see where you can go, but i tend to not turn it off and just go where his "head" is.

Alternatively, "usual" way of dealing with these rotating waves is more or less easy, move while being between lines, just be careful when they change directions and look for occasional blue dots yeah.


4th wave. This is where my problems start :lol: This pattern is based on two attacks at same time. Boss shoots pack of random bullets at your way and then adds double circular waves that eventually reach borders. Bullets from circular waves are more or less easier to dodge, but it's pack of bullets that's main troublemaker. He continue add them aiming at you and often you end up near left or right part of screen with no good place to move away as you are dodging bullets from circularwaves yet boss shot random packs at you and they block your way. In my best attempts i tries moving in opposite directions to prevent being trapped.


5th wave. Fairly okay to dodge as there are some less concentrated paths through it if you manage to see.


6th wave. Random shots, i find them harder to get through sometimes. Not sure but i thought there is stronger variation of it sometimes between 4th and 5th waves which japanese site didnt capture.


7th wave. This one is pretty bad and harsh for me. As you see it consists of two patterns at same time. I know you can stay at top left so you only dodge rotating lines, but it's also hard for me as i'm awful with such precise movements it demands and i'm also not feeling ship's hitbox as good especially when dodging bullets from sideways.

After that boss does 2nd and 3rd waves again and explodes to second phase.


2.1st wave. I'm really bad at this too, mostly get through with luck only if i do. These circles are pretty chaotic when they fill the screen and space betwen them is small. So i often fail at this "very danmaku" thing.


2.2nd and 2.3rd waves. Twin rotation waves. I know you can do trick with buzzing at point of origin here too for speedkill or levelup, but i'd say it's much harder than in 1st phase so i'm not sure yet how to do that. As for "usual way", it's harder than rotating lines from 1st phase but doable with enough concentration... It's mostly dangerous when 2.2nd wave ends and 2.3rd wave start and you find urself on line and not between lines. Or do a wrong move... Bam!

There are other waves after that, but i don't even reach them usual....

3) Stage 2 boss (a bit of...)


1st wave. I often died as i'm bad with precise paths, but thankfully it has some more wide routes through it so you can go through them...


2nd wave. And then i die here...


So, hoping for your advice/commentary.

I also need to repost some Saurian's posts on later bosses regarding scoring...
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Re: RQ: Psyvariar 2 bosses

Post by qmish »

bump due to recent Psy2 discussions from here viewtopic.php?f=1&t=61756&start=30 .

on stage 2's spider i can speedkill him, but fail at surviving "more" patterns.
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Re: RQ: Psyvariar 2 bosses

Post by qmish »

After abandoning game for a while, and coming back to it, really I am so rusty now :oops:
Once again stage 0 gives troubles for reaching treshold to trigger stage 1 into hard.
It somewhat sucks when you remember you've reached the state when you was doing it "regularly" and then you are like "aaaah what happened to me".

Anyway just wanted to bump this cause Psy2 is amazing. Wish it would get remaster one day.
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Re: RQ: Psyvariar 2 bosses

Post by M.Knight »

Yeah Area 0 is quite dense for how short it is. It has a lot going for it at first, so remembering all the strats can be challenging.

A few things to remember on the red mecha :
-The neutrino gauge changes colors as you destroy the lifebars and you can insta-destroy them with the level-up contact damage. So the first level-up is the "hardest" to get
-The pink bullet clusters are aimed, so tap-dodging and sometimes baiting the bullets when changing directions will be helpful (I do that to get inside the orange lanes pattern more easily)
-There will be red ball attacks when the mecha moves all the way to the right, then to the left. Standing back a little bit in advance during those attacks can help for consistency.
-When the red mecha is in spin mode, there's two streams of dark blue bullets that can be used to chain level-up. Trying to follow the moving origins of those two streams with my mech (doing some V movements) will give better neutrino intake and more level-ups.The transition to get there from the final red ball attack might be a bit tricky tough
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