Recommended Anime/Manga?

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Re: Recommended Anime/Manga?

Post by Lemnear »

Steamflogger Boss wrote: Thu Nov 23, 2023 12:50 am There was an anime scene here in the 90s but it was a lot smaller. Really *just* before my time entering the fandom so I'm going off the word of older fans about it. But really even when I got into it (like 2002) there was still largely a huge stigma around it in the US.
Here they were liberal with the censorship, i remember i was little and nothing prepared me for OAV like Alita Battle Angel, or The Legend of Lemnear...around mid-late 90s this time...
vol.2 wrote: Thu Nov 23, 2023 1:25 am
BryanM wrote: Tue Nov 21, 2023 1:47 pm In my youth we had almost nothing. Voltron and pretty much nothing else. My favorite show was Thundercats, which probably ruined my life and made me overly sympathetic to furries.

Pretty much anything that was a break from the norm was like mana, so OVA's like Lupin and Fist of the North Star were the vanguard. I saw them on this weird TV station that felt slightly illegal. Reading about how college kids in that time had to make friends with clubs overseas and they'd trade tapes of shows is such a trip.
I grew up in MD, so we had Otokon in the mid 90s when it moved from U Penn down to Hunt Valley. I was at the first few of them before I moved away. It was basically started by guys like that who were trading stuff. I was also lucky enough to have a local comic book store that rented VHS tapes of anime. A lot of them were all those early OAVs from AnimEigo and Genon, but also all of the first Viz stuff to be released in the states like Ranma

On local TV, we also had Macross in the form of Robotech, Speed Racer, Astro Boy, and translated Miyazaki stuff played on Nickelodeon; I first saw Nausicaa on Nick in must have been the late 80s or early 90s, definitely before HS
You tend to value something more if you have to go out and work to get it. (My trash-digging hobby really is an embodiment of that sentiment. For every 1 thing I find that I like, I have to sift through like 20+ things that I don't.)
I think the reason that the journey to find the thing is what creates the value. imho, it's not the value of "working for it," it's the actual experience of interacting with the world that enriches cultural media. As a long time record collector, there has always been something fun and special about going to the record store, or having a conversation with a friend and stumbling upon new music that adds to the enjoyment. Of course it's still possible to do that, but most people are just sticking to the Spotify playlists at this point. It's great for set-it-and-forget-it, but not so good at creating strong connection and personal meaning to the music. It's psychological element to the media that's somewhat lost or replaced

Perhaps with anime though, it was the scarcity of it here in the early days that created the value. I feel lucky that I got to watch Macross in the Japanese form in the early 90s, and I had the "rentals" at the comic store; I absolutely treasured all that stuff back then, and I would watch anything I could get my hands on lol. Even today, I still have a kind of reverence for older anime that stems from those times
I think the value (for me) is what they left inside me. Is nearly indescribable... :oops:
Steamflogger Boss wrote: Thu Nov 23, 2023 2:04 am I've probably mentioned this before, but anime is horrifically overproduced now. The goal of anything has always been profit but a lot of stuff getting worse has lined up with tons more being pumped out. There are still some interesting series but you really have to dig.
I miss this, i miss the detailed hand-drawn animations, mature dub, the 88/2000s aesthetic (and some later exceptions).
The stories were also written better...the characters were deeper...
Ye, now everything is predictable...animations are simplified with 2D/3D CGI and the plot is always the same...they can't push my imagination and sense of immersion like older stuff :cry:
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Re: Recommended Anime/Manga?

Post by BryanM »

Lemnear wrote: Wed Nov 22, 2023 5:30 pm
BryanM wrote: Tue Nov 21, 2023 1:47 pm I still can't believe no one translated that one about the shark flood apocalypse, with the heroes surviving on a floating bathtub and the fat guy in his underwear. Did humanity fail to tell that that one had to be a masterpiece, from the cover alone???
What the hell is that? :lol:

Let's see, I'll have to search for it...

Bathtub ni Notta Kyoudai: Chikyuu Suibotsu Ki. It's just as exploitative as it looks.

There's like a dozen series like this released every year in the seinen rags. Very few of them are translated by fans. Even fewer ever get an official license.

It's like Junjo Ito is the only horror guy anyone talks about. You Will Hear The Voice Of The Dead? Nadda. (I even once read a comment saying she was a Junjo Ito "ripoff". ffs. Rolling your brain on glass, indeed...) The one with the goldfish apocalypse? Nah. It's Time To Go To His Stomach, OK? WTF is that. Etc etc.

I can understand not talking about the one where having sex keeps the zombies away, that's uh something to keep in the closet and only share with one's closest friends. But there's such a wide breadth of stuff that's never talked about anymore. Everyone's attached to their childhood favorites like there isn't more stuff in the same vein being made.

Matlock is great for what it was, I'm sure Harry Potter isn't as bad as I think it is (it is)... there's other stuff out there ffs!

But of course I'm a webnovel guy, so finding/making new things to feel some kind of stimulus is necessary for me personally.

The goal of anything has always been profit but a lot of stuff getting worse has lined up with tons more being pumped out.

How Ergo Proxy was made was such a trip. The guy was given total freedom to do whatever the hell he wanted to do, and he did. Old edgy cable programming. Reminds me of the wild west days of the internet... before the normies came in and everything became so corporate.

There's some mixed ups and downs from webnovels and lightnovels (in addition to the usual professional manga artists) being a major driving force in the scene's creative direction. In one sense, it's great the nerds get to decide what gets made. It's brought us things like Haruhi. On the other, it's kind of like they've given up. "Fuck it this shit doesn't matter. Make the product yourselves."

I'm not picky about animation - everything doesn't have to be a laborious work of art like Kill la Kill or Madoka Magica. But characters, worldbuilding, hobbies/things you have to think about... maybe put a little effort into one or another? Be about something?

Aria of a Holy Swordsman is endemic of something that's very bleh, but occasionally has seeds of something resembling a feel. I think 98% of it is just the music, though. Outside of that its female characters don't live for anything besides the MC's penis, braindead shit like that. It literally has a moment where one character asks the other "what do you like about him" and the answer is "I DON'T KNOW."

lol. Just lol.

And on the other hand, WorldEnd is 100% feels beginning to end. That one was originally a webnovel, too.

One Piece

I read a comment the other day that had me confused a bit, about how the One Piece treasure was buried over 20 years ago and people in the world think it's nothing more than a myth.

My confusion came from how the manga itself is over 25 years old now. The crew should be a bunch of grandmas and grandpas.

It literally has a moment where one character asks the other "what do you like about him" and the answer is "I DON'T KNOW."
(In contrast, a dissimilar scene in Is This A Zombie responds with "It's his ass." So brave the writer is, having an actual answer to such complicated, philosophical questions... I think he also commits the sin of occasionally having a character have an opinion.)
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Re: Recommended Anime/Manga?

Post by Steamflogger Boss »

BryanM wrote: Thu Nov 23, 2023 12:01 pm I'm not picky about animation - everything doesn't have to be a laborious work of art like Kill la Kill or Madoka Magica. But characters, worldbuilding, hobbies/things you have to think about... maybe put a little effort into one or another? Be about something?
But man, that high level animation stuff is awesome. Shaft is just so cool I think. I'm not as high on Trigger but something like Little Witch Academia does have a ton of style to it. There is something that is pretty simple but just works imo. Like KLK it's really not pretending to be anything deep which I can respect if that's what you are gonna go for and do it well.
BryanM wrote: Thu Nov 23, 2023 12:01 pmAria of a Holy Swordsman is endemic of something that's very bleh, but occasionally has seeds of something resembling a feel. I think 98% of it is just the music, though. Outside of that its female characters don't live for anything besides the MC's penis, braindead shit like that. It literally has a moment where one character asks the other "what do you like about him" and the answer is "I DON'T KNOW."

Yeah the bottom level harem stuff is pretty bad. I don't even require much (I mean look at the shit I watch) but this stuff I don't give a second thought to generally.
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Re: Recommended Anime/Manga?

Post by Lemnear »

Udderdude wrote: Tue Nov 21, 2023 2:23 am I just mentally filter out shit like this at this point. It's just background noise to me. Whatever this latest trend is might not last much longer now that we've got isekai vending machines and pigs. this point...maybe was because of the horrible Netflix selection... 3 Random Example among many:

Seven Deadly Sin: is nearly-soulless and totally to save the world without epicness...and with mono-dimensional characters. 5/10.

The Promised Neverland starts off very well only to collapse at Ep7 or 8...and explode like a clogged toilet... unremarkable ending...(4/10), first few EP 8/10.

Records of Ragarok: the plot is cool, and it's the only cool thing here. Statick cheap animations and just the "concept" of the duel between "Legendary Humans VS Gods" that holds everything together :\
Good idea, bad execution..a 6/10 for encouragement :roll: .

Modern shonen are driven by nothing...80% of the cases is just the progagonist's burning desire to fight!
In 99% of the cases is a special kid (and the villain wants to conquer the world cuz is bored) and in 100% of cases it ends like:
The Good Guy: "i love to fight! :D "
The Bad Guy: "what a coincidence, me too :twisted: "
The Good Guy: "OOOOOOHHH!!!!!"
The Bad Guy: "AAAAAAAAAHHH!!!"
Flashes and Explotions of unimaginable power then:
Option A: The Good Guy Wins.
Option B: The Good Guy lose and goes back to training, then Retry?"
After the Option A resolve, another challenger comes in action, even more powerful!!! and that no one knew a shit about before his first appearance. :lol:

The last good Anime i watched was AOT (10/10).
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Re: Recommended Anime/Manga?

Post by BryanM »

Yeah the bottom level harem stuff is pretty bad. I don't even require much (I mean look at the shit I watch) but this stuff I don't give a second thought to generally.

Aria is a rung or two above the very bottom, there were a few things I actually liked about it. But man did my attention perk up to 100% when this question got asked. I had absolutely no idea what the answer could possibly be - such mysteries are where true adventure lies. My mind raced a mile a minute trying and failing to come up with possibilities - with only one plausible one coming to mind that I frowned at very frownily. To be let down so quickly... I yelled "MOTHERFUCKER, YOU WROTE THIS SHIT. IF YOU DIDN'T HAVE AN ANSWER, YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO BRING UP THE QUESTION. FUUUUUUUUUUUU-" so loud in my head.

The sad thing is I wasn't completely surprised. There are many other shows that had a similar exchange happen, decades before this thing ever got animated. Normally I like those kind of moments of brief introspection in the fucked up universe these kinds of characters have to inhabit. (God it took me forever to google out The Fourth Heroine. One shots DO NOT get a lot of attention... and of course that MF'er Bard knows all about it, but only if I name the series by name. Grr.)

I enjoyed Witch Academia from what I saw of it, but eventually my attention wandered somewhere else and hasn't wandered back.

Ah this, reminded me the animation of Rokudo's Bad Girls came out this year. More highschool shonnen with some battle elements. If they didn't butcher it, it should be some silly mindless fluff.

Lemnear wrote: Thu Nov 23, 2023 4:06 pmThe Promised Neverland starts off very well only to collapse at Ep7 or 8...and explode like a clogged toilet... unremarkable ending...(4/10), first few EP 8/10.

I've talked about this one a bit. The author spent literal years plotting out the first arc. Carefully thinking through logical actions and plans the characters might take in that situation. The cat and mouse game.

Unfortunately once he got syndicated there was no time for writing, just drawing. By the end it's completely unrecognizable to what it started as. The world isn't as grimdark as initially portrayed - it's a magical happy shonnen world where everything works out for the MC just because.

Maybe it was inevitable no matter what he did. Prison Break after they break out of the prison... the entire premise breaks down and all the tension drains out, right?

Since you seem to have enjoyed series based on tabletop RPG's, you might enjoy Goblin Slayer. I recommend the manga version. If you don't, eh, you'll have wasted only a minute of your life.

Sometimes while wading through the garbage I'll come across a two page spread and think "man, the artist didn't have to try this hard". A recent isekai I came across, Grand Dwarf, didn't quite hit that level. But still had just a little bit of the sense of wonder I think is at the heart of fantasy.

80% of the cases is just the progagonist's burning desire to fight!

Oof, the battle manga tends to be around the worst. Sex and violence are better as seasoning and garnishes, not what the thing should be about every single second. "Wrestling isn't wrestling."

Even Kenshiro took a few seconds to weep some man tears as he wiped another man's brain matter off of his dick. Bleugh.
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Re: Recommended Anime/Manga?

Post by Lemnear »

BryanM wrote: Thu Nov 23, 2023 7:38 pm
Lemnear wrote: Thu Nov 23, 2023 4:06 pmThe Promised Neverland starts off very well only to collapse at Ep7 or 8...and explode like a clogged toilet... unremarkable ending...(4/10), first few EP 8/10.

I've talked about this one a bit. The author spent literal years plotting out the first arc. Carefully thinking through logical actions and plans the characters might take in that situation. The cat and mouse game.

Unfortunately once he got syndicated there was no time for writing, just drawing. By the end it's completely unrecognizable to what it started as. The world isn't as grimdark as initially portrayed - it's a magical happy shonnen world where everything works out for the MC just because.

Maybe it was inevitable no matter what he did. Prison Break after they break out of the prison... the entire premise breaks down and all the tension drains out, right?

Since you seem to have enjoyed series based on tabletop RPG's, you might enjoy Goblin Slayer. I recommend the manga version. If you don't, eh, you'll have wasted only a minute of your life.

Sometimes while wading through the garbage I'll come across a two page spread and think "man, the artist didn't have to try this hard". A recent isekai I came across, Grand Dwarf, didn't quite hit that level. But still had just a little bit of the sense of wonder I think is at the heart of fantasy.
Sound like the story of half the Netflix series...shutted down for the same reason.
Hope that Goblin Slayer isn't like Demon Slayer (graphically cool...but poor in substance) :?...
80% of the cases is just the progagonist's burning desire to fight!
BryanM wrote: Thu Nov 23, 2023 7:38 pm Oof, the battle manga tends to be around the worst. Sex and violence are better as seasoning and garnishes, not what the thing should be about every single second. "Wrestling isn't wrestling."

Even Kenshiro took a few seconds to weep some man tears as he wiped another man's brain matter off of his dick. Bleugh.
Sex and violence must be contextualized.

Kenshiro isn't a fighting opera, the best parts are the dialogues between the characters BEFORE the fight, or immediately after.
When they cry, when there's drama...and i like this concept of "Suffering = Fortitude", the more you have suffered...the tougher you are.
Is not just :"i'm powerfull and unbeatable" (because i'm stronk-special-plot-armored) , but more like: "i'm strong because i've witnessed the apocalypse....i was betrayed, survived wars...crying over every loss..." this is REAL force, not stupid superpowers.
And i like that even the villains are subject to "this rule".

Lemnear has some of the most graphic abuse i ever saw on a main character, BUT is contextualized and add depth to the character, in a Kenshiro way. Stacking all the shit that happens.
To this i also add Berserk and Claymore.

While in modern Shonen, no one suffer for real...and no one learns anything from anything...they just fight and keep reviving their friends :lol: ....their drama always starts and ends in a single narrative arc, and then is ignored as if it never happened. They simply win without any sacrifice....
PS: and authors no longer know how to write a good love story.
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Re: Recommended Anime/Manga?

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Really wish they would have adapted more of Claymore. I had to do the worst thing imaginable to finish it: read.
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Re: Recommended Anime/Manga?

Post by ryu »

Has there been anything worth watching lately? I kind of stopped watching anime a few seasons back because most new shows these days are just complete trash. :?
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Re: Recommended Anime/Manga?

Post by Steamflogger Boss »

Heard good things about 16bit sensation but haven't watched it myself yet. I enjoyed the previous major work from the same author though.

In general I don't watch a ton of new stuff. Pretty sharp decline after around 2015 tbh. I do watch some new stuff but it's hard to just broadly recommend things.

Mushoku Tensei is one that has been brought up before in here and it is fairly interesting. I think it did something recently that pissed off some people, but I don't remember what.

@Bryan: I need to start Goblin Slayer, added that to my stack recently.
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Re: Recommended Anime/Manga?

Post by Udderdude »

In terms of modern stuff, I'm still watching an average of 10 shows per season. I've also recently gone back through all seasons of anime a second time (first time was in 2018) and have doubled my backlog. Including tons of shows with no subs. Yay!

16-bit Sensation is pretty good, definitely seems to be trying different things even at this point (5 episodes left).
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Re: Recommended Anime/Manga?

Post by Lemnear »

ryu wrote: Fri Nov 24, 2023 8:53 pm Has there been anything worth watching lately? I kind of stopped watching anime a few seasons back because most new shows these days are just complete trash. :?
Steamflogger Boss wrote: Fri Nov 24, 2023 9:47 pm Heard good things about 16bit sensation but haven't watched it myself yet. I enjoyed the previous major work from the same author though.

In general I don't watch a ton of new stuff. Pretty sharp decline after around 2015 tbh. I do watch some new stuff but it's hard to just broadly recommend things.

Mushoku Tensei is one that has been brought up before in here and it is fairly interesting. I think it did something recently that pissed off some people, but I don't remember what.

@Bryan: I need to start Goblin Slayer, added that to my stack recently. wasn't a personal impression :lol: (or :cry: ).
The question is...why do they continue with this trend? is beloved? Because a lot of this series are mainstream for some time and then fall into oblivion...
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Re: Recommended Anime/Manga?

Post by BryanM »

Steamflogger Boss wrote: Fri Nov 24, 2023 9:47 pmMushoku Tensei is one that has been brought up before in here and it is fairly interesting. I think it did something recently that pissed off some people, but I don't remember what.

The fact that a 30 year old hikkomori gets reincarnated as a child and gets to be a creeper beyond his years is innately problematic. I think stuff like that's an inevitable consequence of not hand waving things away into an abstraction. (Horror factoid about Nekopara: since the catgirls age at the same rate as cats, they'll be grandmas in a few years. With cataracts and degenerative bone problems.)

The author really hung onto his rights for many years before a new animation studio looking to make a name for themselves came along. Mushoku's supposed to be Studio Bind's Haruhi..... but I guess we'll have to see how well they can do in the long run, once they have more than a couple shows to their name. I imagine they'd make their own IP after they won't need something else's fanbase as a primer to get things going. ("Tritium in an atom bomb" I always call that.)

... they can probably burn another decade or two just doing the Mushoku spinoffs, though. Good lord that man wrote multiple bibles worth of stuff...

The question is...why do they continue with this trend?

There's just a diminishing return on doing the same thing over and over. New things are new, old things are old. As more stuff is made, less new stuff can be made.

Fundamentally a ton of things are just a reskinned Beowulf.

As for "everything sucks", everything has always "sucked". People only remember the good and forget the bad, like an ex-girlfriend after a few decades. Maybe it had more to do with how young YOU were, and how new everything was to YOU.

Only a minority of content should align to a specific person, everyone's different and it's far easier to be picky when you have a flood of choice. Bland ass Star Wars was enough ten thousand years ago, but different people liked it for different reasons and want to explore the niche they preferred. Which naturally fragments the audience and exasperates the feeling of "gosh I hate everything now", ignoring that what they do get is highly targeted: literally made just for them.

There are perverts out there that absolutely love the Holiday Special, especially the segments with the wookies growling out there. All opinions are held.

(Honestly I think anything that doesn't acknowledge that people are selfish shitheads is fundamentally out of sync with reality. The isekai genre quickly stripped away the few uncomfortable bits of reality from Mushoku, because it makes people feel uncomfortable. And a large chunk of the content is just this thing over and over.

The "nice guy" mayonaise-shaped protagonist is the most insufferable thing. He doesn't have to be totally evil, but if your MC isn't some kind of bastard or another, you don't have a character.)

(Also being overpowered is generally a trait you see in villains, since kicking the ass of a weakling isn't seen as an accomplishment.)

(Now I'm angry at how One Punch Man got ruined. All because of the relentless demand of raw content demanded bad writing. The actual comic is 1/30th the size of the commercialized version when it comes to page count, but feels like it's +50% more.)
Last edited by BryanM on Sat Nov 25, 2023 11:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Recommended Anime/Manga?

Post by ryu »

The fact that a 30 year old hikkomori gets reincarnated as a child and gets to be a creeper beyond his years is innately problematic.
I've heard worse from a friend about recent isekai shows. You can tell the people who write the source material for these haven't left their rooms in a couple decades.
I need to start Goblin Slayer, added that to my stack recently.
I thought Goblin Slayer had a great premise, if maybe the intro scene is a bit much. The main character and his development early on is great, but then the novel just... stagnates and keeps repeating its structure. Because it's what sells I guess.
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Re: Recommended Anime/Manga?

Post by BryanM »

The loneliness epidemic is a hell of a thing. Guys bankrupting themselves for waifus in gacha games? Kid stuff.

I just learned about women who get used as wallets by host clubs, and get pushed into prostitution by their imaginary boyfriend host. To try (and fail) to pay back their debt.

Not leaving your room isn't merely the only ethical act one can do, but it's the only way to be safe, too.

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Re: Recommended Anime/Manga?

Post by Lemnear »

BryanM wrote: Sat Nov 25, 2023 10:28 am
The question is...why do they continue with this trend?
There's just a diminishing return on doing the same thing over and over. New things are new, old things are old. As more stuff is made, less new stuff can be made.
Fundamentally a ton of things are just a reskinned Beowulf.

As for "everything sucks", everything has always "sucked". People only remember the good and forget the bad, like an ex-girlfriend after a few decades. Maybe it had more to do with how young YOU were, and how new everything was to YOU.

Only a minority of content should align to a specific person, everyone's different and it's far easier to be picky when you have a flood of choice. Bland ass Star Wars was enough ten thousand years ago, but different people liked it for different reasons and want to explore the niche they preferred. Which naturally fragments the audience and exasperates the feeling of "gosh I hate everything now", ignoring that what they do get is highly targeted: literally made just for them.
I like only stuff aligned to me in a way or another. Can't identify with something too much different.
ryu wrote: Sat Nov 25, 2023 11:00 am
The fact that a 30 year old hikkomori gets reincarnated as a child and gets to be a creeper beyond his years is innately problematic.
I've heard worse from a friend about recent isekai shows. You can tell the people who write the source material for these haven't left their rooms in a couple decades.
Isn't isekai made for that goal? For people that spent years on MMOs?. Maybe even made by someone that spent years on it?
Not my genre...i've played a couple of D&D campaigns (one was 5 years long) in the past and they were much more well written than any isekai :lol: .
BryanM wrote: Sat Nov 25, 2023 11:08 am The loneliness epidemic is a hell of a thing. Guys bankrupting themselves for waifus in gacha games? Kid stuff.
There are various kind of loneliness...i'm a mixed Tsundere/Yangire androgynous venus, one stays with me for too long...too much complex and twisted :roll: (and they can't bear the weight of my traumas, barely myself..).
BryanM wrote: Sat Nov 25, 2023 11:08 am I just learned about women who get used as wallets by host clubs, and get pushed into prostitution by their imaginary boyfriend host. To try (and fail) to pay back their debt.
Now i understand why this was such a common question online bhuahahaha :lol: (and boring too :roll: ).
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Re: Recommended Anime/Manga?

Post by null1024 »

Ended out checking out Dorohedoro from this thread and boy, it's cool. I really cannot get over how much I like the art. Every god damn page is cool.
Come check out my website, I guess. Random stuff I've worked on over the last two decades.
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Conduct unbecoming of a Lord

Post by Lander »

Youuuu~ Yieeegh! The Kacho Man's gonna take you on at TatamiSlam Sen, HURRU KOGAN! (メ`w´) *Pomp and Circumstance March No.1 in D Major*

(Finished up the Shigurui anime. Got distracted for a week. I return to post, chisel in hand.)
Prelude to Madness
An episode of asking oh shit how long until Kogan switches off in front of polite company for House of Punishment - smartly answered with Not At All! - leading up to the piece de resistance of wondering where that pesky line is. Very nice; a little evasion here, a touch of weakness there, looking less like the established Oni until the very end.
Boen Saw Redi Da!
Brilliant climax. Despite being so late in, the show still lulled me into a false sense that Irako was yet keeping his victims on tenterhooks, set to withdraw after his grand performance to let them stew in piss and plan his true deathblow. Not so!

No, that was the sound of the pillar crashing to the ground... - just right. Fingers versus earth, the master reaches his peak. Tall enough a tale to qualify as folk epic, while still reserved enough to duck Folded1000Times edgemastery. What an aftermath! Gorno supreme, no-hints hardguessin' intact right up until the gaping brainpain reveal.

And the pinnacle of madness / nadir of just about everything else, which follows. What the fuck are you doing to the corpse, lad :shock: oh god, stop! Strong Breed doesn't work orally!

Figures that Mie would be completely broken by this point; in so deep that the least-terrible man is all that matters, perhaps with some of that twisted paternal loyalty in the mix too despite it all. Tones of being out of one's depth throughout, now I think of it - asked myself a few times whether the men were aware of how fucked their situation was, or whether they were long since submerged. The latter, I think - no light at the end of the tunnel is simply the way of Kogan-ryuu.

Ballsy to finish on the hiring mat instead of paying off the intro duel, but also canny; compartmentalizes the anime tidily into its own standalone without any lingering don't forget to want more tease.
BIL wrote: Sun Nov 19, 2023 1:55 pm Spot on; it's squarely in the Zankoku Jidaigeki tradition. IIRC, its source novel Tournament At Sunpu Castle was part of the genre's 1960s boom. The author had a great description of the setting; "A handful of sadists leading an army of masochists." It's an anthology orbiting the dread live steel contest, tales of those who found themselves there. Shigurui adapts one; much as I'd love the rest, as with any good anthology tale, it's resoundingly complete unto itself. Without wishing to spoil, if you dig the anime, the manga is an easy recommendation.
Sounds like a veritable wellspring of dark and twisted stories! Love that incisive description. I'd guess that the mentioned sadists get some drip-feed limelight over the broader anthology; the small highlight in the anime was just enough to establish the nasty whims of the powerful without belabouring the point and distracting from the main story.

That's a point, is it still Necrofeudal if it's after the warring states period? Necropeaceful, hmmm... Image
BIL wrote: Sun Nov 19, 2023 1:55 pm Speaking of the 60s; on film, Mischief Maker's spiritual triptych Harakiri / The Sword of Doom / Samurai Rebellion is highly endorsed! Harakiri's probably the one to watch, on the sheer conviction of dear old Tatsuya Nakadai; but all of 'em are starkly memorable snapshots of feudal iniquity. (credit to Nakadai, he's in the other two as well, unrecognisably protean as ever)
Nice, added to the list! It'll be good to get back onto classic live action with some non-Kurosawa work; hard to know where to start given the sheer breadth of Jidaigeki, so my last study stalled out after the big-name stuff (and a failed search for readily-available Mito Komon subs, alas!)
BIL wrote: Sun Nov 19, 2023 1:55 pm I was gonna say "Nah just a mournful fap," going by the manga. But the more I remembered the anime's erm tempo (*wapwapwapwap*), the more striking that mental image became. :lol: The Hovis SEED EXPLOSION™ is in the manga, though! Image

All doubtlessly inspired by The TRVE Master Of Hentai Image Image Image
The acceleration is quite striking :lol: those artful motherfuckers. Plausibly deniable Marilyn Manson; an immaculate crime.

Director-san! (Crap, I can't ask him directly...) What was your true intent with this scene?
[Polite Laugh] Naturally, the shirtlessness symbolizes purity, and the metaphor is of scattering an innocent soul to the wind.
A-ah, I see... But what abou-
Good day, Interview-kun Image [T/N: Spectacles flash means 'I Know You Know I Know, And You Can't Say Shit']

null1024 wrote: Mon Nov 27, 2023 5:31 am Ended out checking out Dorohedoro from this thread and boy, it's cool. I really cannot get over how much I like the art. Every god damn page is cool.
Hell yeah :) the comparison to BLAME isn't one I make lightly!
Left Extreme: Sewer levels don't have to suck
Right Extreme: MAGIC LAND!
Moreso for having checked out some other Q stuff as well; if Doro is the everyone has one great story in them auter work, Dai Dark is the well earned sit-back-relax-have-fun that follows.
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Re: Recommended Anime/Manga?

Post by Udderdude »

The trend of painfully stupid isekai continues, this time with .. DC characters? I don't even what is this

I might still check it out just to see how much of a disastrous clusterfuck it is.
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Re: Recommended Anime/Manga?

Post by BryanM »

Those sound like dangerous last words, before you irrevocably go through ego-death and come out the other side as an isekai fanboy. You'll have a whole set of Overlord+KonoSuba figurines, and the like.

The best murder hobo shows are always the ones where the murder hobos enjoy murder hobo'ing. The worst are the ones where they're mayonnaise-shaped protagonists:

"Yeah I just murdered a billion zillion d00ds. Whatev I do this every episode : |. Oh hey look my numbers went up. : / ... That happens every episode, too : |. Can't wait until I get the Meteor Shower skill that lets me drop 1,335 meteors, instead of the Meteor Shower skill that I have now that only lets me drop a crappy 1,333 meteors..."
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Re: Recommended Anime/Manga?

Post by Udderdude »

Too late, I'm already watching (and enjoying) Kage no Jitsuryokusha ni Naritakute! This cringelord, edgelord, LARPlord has me hooked. Also Delta best shade.

(Is it telling that most of the isekai I actually enjoy are parodies of isekai?)
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Re: Recommended Anime/Manga?

Post by BryanM »

Ah, they're not parodies at all. They're in fact crystal solid orthodox. (The vending machine one you mentioned is positively ancient to me: it was written like ten years ago.) They just have the decency of being entertaining.

The girl collector + MC without a soul (or a goal) thing isn't what the genre was supposed to solely be about. It's honestly gotten so bad (since it's the internet where everything happens so fast, this happened within a couple of months within the scene) that authors had to start explicitly making the MC a skeleton or an animal of some sort to let the audience know sex isn't the core point of their story. And even that isn't a guarantee, as evinced by the reborn as a fenrir one. No, not the "Reborn As A Rich Man's Dog" fenrir one, that guy's a good boy. The one with the boob elf.

... there will come a day when that isn't sufficient to describe what I'm talking about. Erg.

The author is what really matters more than anything else. These kids desperate to make a buck are too scared to be their real selves, and just blandly copy the trappings of whatever seems popular.

I remember reading the description of The World Only God Knows and thinking I'd hate it. I remember seeing Saiki K art, and thinking it looked retarded and stupid. You can't really tell shit from looking at the surface : /
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Re: Recommended Anime/Manga?

Post by Lemnear »

Someday i should write a synopsis of my entire D&D Campaign...but for now, the Second Part of Ancient ITA Openings:
Original: i can't even find the original opening :lol:
Ita: Ginguiser this one is so stupidly catchy!

Original: Gatchaman i like this one :o
Ita: Gatchaman another stupidly catchy Op.

Ogirinal: Gaiking
Ita: Gaiking like Lupin 3rd , this one is not related to the anime and the song is Ganymed - It Takes Me Higher (1979), but is the original intro here. There are a lot of "Darius" ships in it D:

Original: Gakeen
Ita: Gakeen, strange and serious lyrics.. apart from the chorus...
A handsome boy with his girlfriend,
this solidarity is profound,
the woman is sweeter but she also knows how to suffer,
man is stronger but he also knows how to die,
but united they make a creature stronger than ever

Boy, if you found the girl,
remember that you owe her loyalty,
the woman is sweeter but she also knows how to punish,
and man, stronger, can also suffer,
but with two you can go higher, higher than ever
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Re: Recommended Anime/Manga?

Post by Steven »

Was looking for stuff in my desk when I randomly found my K-On movie film strip. Hard to see and my camera sucks, but here it is.
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Re: Recommended Anime/Manga?

Post by Lemnear »

Steven wrote: Fri Dec 22, 2023 3:50 pm Was looking for stuff in my desk when I randomly found my K-On movie film strip. Hard to see and my camera sucks, but here it is.
I will not be surprised if at some point you showed a 1:1 golden statue of the six Toaplan original members...or a legal ban on approaching any developer. :lol:.
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Re: Recommended Anime/Manga?

Post by Ghegs »

I watched 16bit Sensation because it was mentioned in this thread, was expecting something like "New Game!" but from a 90's perspective...but then it goes off the rails at about the halfway point, I got the feeling even the creators didn't really know what to do with the story anymore.

Turns out the anime is an original story and its main character isn't even present in the manga at all. And the manga turns out to be much more what I was hoping to see. Very much grounded in reality, and it gives some interesting insights into 90's computer culture in Japan. It's been almost completely fantranslated, too. Very fun read.
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Re: Recommended Anime/Manga?

Post by Lemnear »

Ghegs wrote: Fri Dec 29, 2023 8:28 am I watched 16bit Sensation because it was mentioned in this thread, was expecting something like "New Game!" but from a 90's perspective...but then it goes off the rails at about the halfway point, I got the feeling even the creators didn't really know what to do with the story anymore.
is very common nowadays in movies, music, videogames.
In 16bit Sensation i think the art-style is totally wrong, too much modern for the theme.
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Re: Recommended Anime/Manga?

Post by Udderdude »

Ghegs wrote: Fri Dec 29, 2023 8:28 am I watched 16bit Sensation because it was mentioned in this thread, was expecting something like "New Game!" but from a 90's perspective...but then it goes off the rails at about the halfway point, I got the feeling even the creators didn't really know what to do with the story anymore.

Turns out the anime is an original story and its main character isn't even present in the manga at all. And the manga turns out to be much more what I was hoping to see. Very much grounded in reality, and it gives some interesting insights into 90's computer culture in Japan. It's been almost completely fantranslated, too. Very fun read.
I read the manga, too. I found them both interesting in their own way, of course the anime goes and does whatever it wants .. I still liked it. lol
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Re: Recommended Anime/Manga?

Post by cj iwakura »

ryu wrote: Fri Nov 24, 2023 8:53 pm Has there been anything worth watching lately? I kind of stopped watching anime a few seasons back because most new shows these days are just complete trash. :?
There's been quite a few great shows. My standouts have been Nier Automata, Frieren, MF Ghost, and Spy X Family.

Horimiya is also excellent, if you want a romantic comedy that has, gasp, an actual couple.
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Re: Recommended Anime/Manga?

Post by Udderdude »

Dungeon Meshi finally got an adaption and it's by Trigger. So far, seems pretty good. I want MOAR.
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