GD: Soreyuke! Burunyanman Portable System Guide

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GD: Soreyuke! Burunyanman Portable System Guide

Post by ACSeraph »

or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Moe


Hmmmm do I really want to be known as the guy who wrote the shmups forum system guide for Burunyanman...? Meh whatever, call it completionism. There's no info on it here, and after a questionable purchase to have something new to play on my Vita TV I discovered that actually, this is a surprisingly good STG.

Despite appearing to be an eroge taped to a halfassed STG, the reality is that a surprising amount of care went into the actual gameplay of Burunyanman. But someone in marketing realized panties sold better in Japan than shmups do so it was never really made clear just what kind of game this was. Predictably it went ignored (mostly) by the community.

So Imagine my surprise when I discovered that this is actually a game with fun mechanics and a well executed scoring system. I played this pretty much all day yesterday and figured out how everything works. I would like to share my findings for anyone willing to give this game a shot, because it actually is quite fun. Whoever was in charge of creating the gameplay systems clearly had respect for the genre, even if marketing did not.

Word of warning though, this is probably one of the most sexualized shmups ever made. Things like Caladrius, Deathsmiles, and Otomedius don't even come remotely close. So if you can't look past that to the good game underneath you may want to just move along. I'll make sure to fill this guide with tons of pictures and bright pink text as a moe endurance test :wink: (Protip: Don't google image search this game)


System Guide


After booting up the game you will see quite a few options written in katakana, the bottom one is for settings and the top one is story mode. Story mode will first ask you to select a data slot, and then input your name. This game has a bit of a weird setup since it clearly wasn't marketed towards actual STG players. Whenever you clear a stage it will save, and if you gameover it will start you at that stage upon continuing, with your remaining bombs and lives as they were when you got there. There are no continues. In a way this is set up quite well for learning the game, and forces the casuals to actually halfway learn it too. However it's also inconvenient, as the only way to start a new run from stage one is to delete your save and create a fresh one. Once you have selected your name, slot, and difficulty you will move to character select.




Damage: Low

Speed: Molasses

Rapid Shot: 3 line spread vulcan

Rapid Shot Options: Two cats trailing behind in a horizontal formation. They fire a single line of shots.

Rapid Shot Graze: 5 line spread vulcan

Rapid Shot Graze Options: Same as non grazing

Hold Shot: Concentrated fire

Hold Shot Options: Shot remains unchanged but the formation locks (not useful)

Hold Shot Graze: Wider, more damaging concentrated fire

Hold Shot Graze Options: Same as the standard hold shot options



Damage: Decent

Speed: Fast

Rapid Shot: 1 horizontal line of bullets, and 2 firing at 45 degree angles up and down

Rapid Shot Options: Two cats trailing behind in a horizontal formation. They fire a single line of shots.

Rapid Shot Graze: Adds two more 45 degree shots firing behind

Rapid Shot Graze Options: Same as non grazing

Hold Shot: Concentrated fire

Hold Shot Options: Shot remains unchanged but the formation locks (not useful)

Hold Shot Graze: Wider, more damaging concentrated fire

Hold Shot Graze Options: Same as the standard hold shot options



Damage: High

Speed: Fucking stupid slow

Rapid Shot: Green laser

Rapid Shot Options: Two cats trailing behind in a vertical formation. They fire the same green laser as you do. Bullets that hit them will be cancelled

Rapid Shot Graze: Green laser plus a homing laser

Rapid Shot Graze Options: Homing laser

Hold Shot: Concentrated fire

Hold Shot Options: The two cats rotate around you while firing the standard green laser. Bullets that hit them will be cancelled

Hold Shot Graze: Wider, more damaging concentrated fire

Hold Shot Graze Options: Same as the standard hold shot options


- You shoot things that are shooting back at you in a horizontally scrolling environment.

- Some bullets are cancellable with your hold shot, namely the big blue shots you will see right at the beginning of the game and the missiles shot at you by certain enemies. Everything else cannot be cancelled.

- If you graze a bullet your shot will be powered up like in Shikigami no Shiro. Occasionally this changes the shot properties entirely. Grazing also causes the game to go into slow motion, allowing for the navigation of otherwise extremely thick patterns. Your hit box becomes visible only while grazing.

- Level one features destructable environmental hazards that will kill you if touched, however all other stages do not.

- The hold shot slows you down as in most modern games, and point blanking will increase your damage output quite a bit.

- Some large midboss type enemies will drop items after being defeated. These are options (cats), bombs (bells), and extends (your character's face).

- Press bomb to bomb.

- The maximum bomb stock is unlimited, but if you die you lose all of them and respawn with 3 bombs. Bombing will flash a sexy image on the screen, and subsequent bombs within the same life will produce progressively raunchier images. The final image is obtained by burning through 6 bombs within one life. I am not sure if this has any impact on the gameplay (I doubt it does).

- From Kollision: bombing creates coin showers out of nowhere. This is useful for scoring whenever you max out medal value, and from my observations the bonus you get from this exceeds the end-of-stage bonus for bomb stock. Bombing is definitely good for the ending (when you're able to destroy the credits for more points). Bomb away, suicide, keep bombing, etc. Just remember to not die with uncollected medals on screen.

- Options are lost at death, and are not particularly common drops, so recovery takes quite a bit of time. It isn't usually too difficult to survive without options though.

- All enemies drop medals. (More on this in the scoring section)

- There are no score based extends that I am aware of.

- Certain large enemies and all of the bosses drop tuna cans when defeated, that grant 3000 points each.


Ah yes, the part that saves this game from mediocrity. The meat of your score comes from maintaining a medal chain throughout the stages. When you kill an enemy they drop one or more medals, which will fly directly towards your ship. They don't follow you though so if you make a large movement they will fall off of the screen. There's a sort of vacuum effect when you are within a certain range of the medals, so you don't have to worry about perfectly lining up to them. The base value of a medal is 200, and each subsequent medal adds one to the value until you miss one and it falls of screen. So if you pick up 100 medals without missing any, the first will be worth 200 and the 100th will be worth 300. It maxes out at 2000 and will not reset until you either miss a medal, die, or clear the stage. Bombing has no effect on the chain.

One important point is that failing to kill an enemy entirely will not break your medal chain. At times, it is more advantageous to your score to avoid killing certain enemies if it would cause you to break your chain.

The thing that will separate a particularly high scoring run from a more standard scoring run is milking the bosses. Certain enemies explode into hundreds of medals when killed, and at max chain the payouts are massive. Most bosses have attacks where they will spawn enemies or destroyable bits that give large payouts, and these points can be milked for exceptionally high scores. For example, a survival run of stage one with Meinyan-man will yield around 1.5-2 million points total, and a fully chained basic scoring run will yield 3.5 million. But if you milk the grenades spawned by the boss' second form you can get over 5 million from the stage. However, especially in the case of later bosses, milking will lead you to facing some particularly nasty attacks that could otherwise be avoided by speed killing. Classic risk versus reward.

Other things with a more negligible impact on score include:

- 100 points for each bullet grazed

- Bonus points for grabbing additional Option icons

- 3000 points for each tuna can you pick up

...and there you have it. Now that you know the fine details, go forth and get dem digits. You might be pleasantly surprised by the game that awaits you.
Last edited by ACSeraph on Wed Dec 06, 2023 9:38 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: GD: Soreyuke! Burunyanman Portable System Guide

Post by Kollision »

Thanks for making this, I love the game, played it a lot on my PSP a few months ago. :)
Some great music in it too.

I don't know if that's also the case on the Vita or PC versions, but on the PSP one thing that might be worth mentioning is that bombing creates coin showers out of nowhere. This is useful for scoring whenever you max out medal value, and from my observations the bonus you get from this exceeds the end-of-stage bonus for bomb stock.

Bombing is definitely good for the ending (when you're able to destroy the credits for more points). Bomb away, suicide, keep bombing, etc. Just remember to not die with uncollected medals on screen.
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Re: GD: Soreyuke! Burunyanman Portable System Guide

Post by ACSeraph »

Yeah I was really honestly pretty surprised by it as my expectations were quite low. Felt like it deserved a system guide here at a minimum, in order to maybe get more people willing to try it. It's not doing itself any favors with all the pervy stuff either. The worst part is that if they had kept the same basic story of cats versus mouse army, but left the cats as normal cats and took the cute-em-up route rather than the ero route, it would have been a really excellent game setting-wise too. And I agree, it has a great soundtrack.

And yeah I said I bought it for my Vita, but it's just the digital PSP version. I don't know much about the PC version either, other than it's a full on porn game (hence the protip). I think it came out prior to the PSP one and doesn't have Meinyan-man as a character, so it might have system differences also.

Thanks for the bomb info, I added it to the guide and credited you. You aren't kidding about the credit sequence being the perfect place to burn through all your remaining resources for a huge payout.
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Re: GD: Soreyuke! Burunyanman Portable System Guide

Post by guigui »

After reading this guide, I gave this game a go.
Those characters are so sloooooow !
I found Meinyan-man to one I'm the most confortable with, easier to keep medal chaining, but speed is still a problem.
Don't you think game would have been more interesting with more speed ?
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Re: GD: Soreyuke! Burunyanman Portable System Guide

Post by guigui »

Well, finally Sukunyan-man has my preference, best "speed" of the whole group.
Also, point blanking at least doubles damage output, doesn't it ?
As for bombing, is that a good idea to bomb at an early part of the stage to quickly maximize medals values ?
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Re: GD: Soreyuke! Burunyanman Portable System Guide

Post by ACSeraph »

Yeah the speed is really slow on the other characters. I prefer Meinyanman either way though, because she has a lot more interesting mechanics. Her speeds is offset by her option ability to cancel bullets and the Homing laser has tons of interesting uses too. And yep, Id say point blanking is probably along the lines of 2X damage.
guigui wrote:As for bombing, is that a good idea to bomb at an early part of the stage to quickly maximize medals values ?
This is a really interesting idea, but I think the payout would be the same regardless of whether you used them to build the chain or used them to profit after.

Lets use smaller numbers to illustrate.

Lets say max chain multiplier is ten and a bomb drops 5 medals. There are 20 enemies in the stage.

If you bomb twice at the start to build a chain: 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10(from the bombs)+(10x20)(from the enemies)=255

If you bomb after building the chain normally: 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10(from the first ten enemies)+(10x10)(from the remaining enemies)+([5x2]x10)(from the two bombs)=255
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Re: GD: Soreyuke! Burunyanman Portable System Guide

Post by Kollision »

Seraph is right.
You might as well save bombs to wear bosses down + take the coins at the same time.

My favorite character is Sukunian, pretty much for her speed. And she's still too slow sometimes. :roll:
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Re: GD: Soreyuke! Burunyanman Portable System Guide

Post by guigui »

I see about bomb computations ACSeraph.

On another note, how the heck am I supposed to handle that medal vacum effect ?
If I get it right : when I kill an ennemy, medals are automatically attracted to my current position. But if I change position before medals reach me, they are still attracted to my previous position and there is a high chance I miss them.
Soooo, dont move at all ? Seems quite boring, but might also explain why ACSeraph likes to bullet cancel with options

I also noticed that, if you miss a medal, the worst idea is to bomb before it goes outscreen hoping that this will attract it to you. It wont, you will loose your chain anyway, and your bomb.

A last spicier note : you DO get some exclusive arts when you game over, dont you ? Just dont press buttons too fast, enjoy the defeat.
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Re: GD: Soreyuke! Burunyanman Portable System Guide

Post by SuperSoaker360 »

Sweet, a guide on this game. Finally your taste in kusoge meets mine! :mrgreen:
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Re: GD: Soreyuke! Burunyanman Portable System Guide

Post by CStarFlare »

Been playing this recently. I almost wish it had a censored NA release, which is something I've never really said before. I'm emulating and would rather play legit, but I'll be damned if I get caught with this in my possession.

Hard Mode is great. Scoring seems to be increased by 50% across the board - base medal value is 300, each medal increases value by 3 until you max at 3,000. Tuna is worth 45,000 and so on. More importantly, there's no slowdown when grazing, which makes milking significantly less tiresome.

One thing I didn't notice in the first post which is extremely important is that bombing cancels bullets into coins. Between this and the scoring buff in Hard mode you can walk out of stage 1 with over 20 million without ever suiciding or being in danger at all.

Another thing I've noticed is that killing the dragon in stage 2 seems to be an automatic full medal value. Not entirely sure yet if it's because of how many it drops or if it just sets it to max - I see 3,000s flashing very quickly. Granted, I just bomb it so that means I've got even more coins coming in at that time. Also, I'm pretty sure your normal shot clears blue bullets as well - it's hard to reliably do so since both projectiles have such a small hotbox, though. Definitely not much good for defensive purposes.

Overall it's a neat game, but the milking is a little excessive. Every portion of the 1st boss is milkable (each round of the shooting mice is worth slightly less than each grenade) for more than the whole stage is worth and none of them are at all dangerous. The score they give tends to overshadow more interesting opportunities, like using large enemies to cancel each other's shots for extra coins.
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Re: GD: Soreyuke! Burunyanman Portable System Guide

Post by ACSeraph »

I didn't really stick with the game long enough to get into hard mode, but it sounds interesting so I may have to give it a try at some point. All your info is good stuff, so when I have a little time on my hands I'll add a subsection for hard mode to the main guide and credit you.

About the bombing for medals though, if I recall correctly they aren't attracted to your position like normal medals, making them pretty hard to gather up with the sluggish characters. How are you grabbing them all without breaking the medal chain?
CStarFlare wrote:I'm emulating and would rather play legit, but I'll be damned if I get caught with this in my possession.
There is a digital version available on PSN for around 2000 yen. That's the version I usually play, since it works on the Vita TV.
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Re: GD: Soreyuke! Burunyanman Portable System Guide

Post by CStarFlare »

About the bombing for medals though, if I recall correctly they aren't attracted to your position like normal medals, making them pretty hard to gather up with the sluggish characters. How are you grabbing them all without breaking the medal chain?
I can't speak to bombing in the stages, but they totally come to you when you do it on bosses. Throw out a few on the first boss's last attack and watch everything come together. (EDIT: It works on stages too. Not sure what you've experienced, though)
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Re: GD: Soreyuke! Burunyanman Portable System Guide

Post by SpaghettiCat »

There is another mechanic undocumented here: with many enemies if you get right in their face they do not shoot you. So on the last stage when those yellow teddy bears come out that normally shoot fat lasers: get right in their face and hold Hold Shot and they don't shoot you.

Also another tip: don't think you'll unlock anything extra by using more than 6 bombs in 1 life.I got 7 bombs, and it repeats the 6th picture again for the 7th bomb.
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