The Non-Shmup 1CC Thread - Share Your Triumphs Here!

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Re: The Non-Shmup 1CC Thread - Share Your Triumphs Here!

Post by Randorama »

Finally 1-CC'ed Captain Commando, putting a 31-years old grudge to rest.

In a nutshell:

1. The switch to Jennety/Mummy Commando was the key choice I had to make after decades of playing with the Captain, losing interest very quickly, and leaving the game aside for another decade. Mummy/Jennety has a weird, slow way of moving but also has a long range with his attacks and can poke attacks very fast. I prefer fast, mobile characters but he can control crowds very easily;

2. Stages are not very difficult, once you know how to handle the more annoying enemies (e.g. Z's) and know when to dash and when to take position and poke. With Jennety, it is also easy to exploit safe spots due to the character's attack range;

3. Bosses are generally annoying and cheap, but once more Jennety's range and poking frequency can be exploited to win fights cheaply. The special attack/super joy also has a very solid defensive function that can solve most of the dangerous situations (e.g. missing a dash attack and being open to Genocide's fire/ice balls);

4. I 1-CC'ed the game a first time...after dropping a life to Shtrom jr. (ST 2), yes. I played very conservatively and reached Genocide (ST 9, final boss) without too many problems. I performed the infinite throw-and-dash trick successfully until he was at his last bar of energy, but then missed the throw. The boss decided to suicide by spamming the screen-wide explosion attack, which leaves him open for 4-hit combos afterwards. He performed that attack 2-3 times, I combo'ed him accordingly, and all went well. I had 3 other 1-CC's, dropping a life at Monster (ST 4), Blood (ST 7), Doppel (ST 8 ) and Genocide. I landed a 1-LC just now, and decided to write this post.

I still have ambivalent thoughts and feelings about the game. I find the patchwork design...not bad but at times lazy. Ninjas and underwater cities, then a visit to Callisto? OK, whatever. The game engine feels like a prototype that was to be tested and refined before using it for a more fleshed out project (i.e. Cadillacs'n Dinosaurs). Still, it's a short game and it plays closer to a Technos game, as you can control the enemy flow and the pace more than in Final Fight. Nevertheless, a victory is a victory.

Does anyone have a difficulty list of Capcom belt scrollers, btw?
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Re: The Non-Shmup 1CC Thread - Share Your Triumphs Here!

Post by wiNteR »

I got 500-level on TGM-2 death mode. The time was 3:41:26.

I had done a 500 run couple of years ago, but it was on 60Hz version .... and the time was a few seconds slower [this is without accounting for 2--3 second difference caused by faster timer in the correct frequency version]. This year, around April, I started playing this mode again.

No manual locking after 300. My idea was to manual lock till 400 level and then just play without it. However, my consistency after 300 was bad with manual locking and this resulted in lots of runs ending at somewhere between say 430 (or 440) level and 500. So a week or two ago I decided to give up on manual locking in 300--400 section [and leave it for if and when I play this mode again].

Few other things:
(1) I also have a 500 on sudden TI (in texmaster), but of course the time is way off from the required time to break 500 [not unexpected since I didn't manual lock at all]. Perhaps I might re-visit this mode in near future and improve the time a little bit by manual locking till say the 200 level.

(2) Not sure what happened to the port that had some probability to come out on PC?

(3) Does anyone know of a clone (since there seems to be less and less chance of any official game featuring 20G versus), that offers 20G versus mode? Of course that is with some basic options like choice of rotational system (and stuff like that).

(4) The game seems to be getting more and more obscure (in some ways that is). What I mean is that a number of older sites containing strategies or tricks etc. seem to be either getting defunct or disappearing. I mean certainly more videos are available now (but perhaps(?) it might be less obvious to adopt some trick from a video in some cases).
Has anyone archived any of it or is there an alternative [say a one stop site] where these are available.

Granted that I have never looked up any specific strategies or tricks, but that's partly because I think that they become useful after a certain level of play (which I don't have currently I think).
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Re: The Non-Shmup 1CC Thread - Share Your Triumphs Here!

Post by Air Master Burst »

Awesome job on the Captain Commando 1LC! I've never managed a 1LC, but I've done the 1CC with Captain and Mack (Captain was in an actual arcade in the 90s!)

Personally I would rank Capcom's belt-scrollers by tier, since doing it individually is highly subjective based on characters chosen and playstyle.


Final Fight
Armored Warriors


Captain Commando
Warriors of Fate
Knights of the Round (maybe I just suck at it)
Cadillacs and Dinosaurs


Battle Circuit
King of Dragons
D&D games
The Punisher

I haven't really played much Battle Circuit, WOF, or KOTR; so I could be wrong about them. I've played so much AVP it might actually be a harder game than I give it credit for.
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Re: The Non-Shmup 1CC Thread - Share Your Triumphs Here!

Post by BEAMLORD »

1cc'd Rondo of Blood (PCE) with Richter. Boss route was Wyvern > Werewolf > Minotaur > Dullahan > Death > Classic Boss rush/Shaft > Shaft's ghost > Dracula. The "standard" route? I haven't found all alternate routes yet, so there are stages and bosses I've not seen as yet.

I think the Boss roster in this game is really well-rounded, from those I've fought. Excluding Wyvern and Dracula himself, I've found them all fun and fairly challenging. Drac is perhaps a little disappointing, being an homage to OG battle of battles. With only a few extra attacks to work around, he certainly gave me less trouble than most of the others.

I came back to Rondo after starting Symphony of the Night the last week for the first time, fancying a change. Having seen a bit if not all of Rondo by now, the number of re-used sprites from that game in SotN is truly shocking :mrgreen: Still, enjoying that game in its own way, although I'm fairly sure that the classic linear action format pre-SotN is my preferred jam.
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Re: The Non-Shmup 1CC Thread - Share Your Triumphs Here!

Post by Air Master Burst »

I believe the default route in Rondo is top path the whole way; there's two options for every level except the first and last. I don't think you can get the good ending that way, but it's been a while and I don't remember where all the NPC rescues are off top.

ETA: also, getting the Maria clear is a lot of fun, even though she's kinda cheesy and it's a lot easier than with Richter.
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Re: The Non-Shmup 1CC Thread - Share Your Triumphs Here!

Post by xxx1993 »

I came SO close to 1CCing Locked ‘N Loaded! I doubt I can do a run as good as this…
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Re: The Non-Shmup 1CC Thread - Share Your Triumphs Here!

Post by Sima Tuna »

Usually getting close is a sign you're about to break through mental barriers. It might feel like a lucky fluke you got that far, but it's probably not.

Re: The Non-Shmup 1CC Thread - Share Your Triumphs Here!

Post by xxx1993 »

Sima Tuna wrote:Usually getting close is a sign you're about to break through mental barriers. It might feel like a lucky fluke you got that far, but it's probably not.
The thing about Locked 'n Loaded is that I play when it's not even completely emulated yet. The gun sometimes jams when I shoot, and if I'm unlucky, I can cause the game to crash if I shoot at a certain spot. Not to mention enemies take very cheap shots as shown in the Airport, Warehouse, Office Building, and Smuggler's Lair stages.
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Re: The Non-Shmup 1CC Thread - Share Your Triumphs Here!

Post by Randorama »

(Double post, since it is a bout 1-CC'ing non-shumps).

So, I decided to 1-CC (again) Bucky O'Hare (Konami, 1992). I originally 1-CC'ed the game with Jenny many moons ago (OK, 30 years ago, in the arcade), but this time I decided to use Bucky.

The game is based on a comic and related multi-media franchise from the late '80s/early '90's period. It is an interesting blend of beat'em up and action game: characters use laser guns and other attacks to kill soldiers from the evil Toad empire and free various planets from their oppression, while moving in a glorious parallax format ("on a scrolling plane, like a beat'em up" if I am using the wrong words). Characters can shoot left and right but not diagonally, and scrolling mostly is to the right, but some sections go up or down and ST 6 is shmup-like stage with our heroes riding maglev vehicles while blasting submarines and tanks.

Aside a gun that can be up-graded twice, each character has a close-range punch attack and a "gimmick" attack (in-game name for the special attack), triggered by pushing A+B (attack+jump); C is the button that triggers the screen-clearing bomb. Each character has their own gimmick attack, so by choosing one of the four characters (Jenny, Bucky, Blinky and D.E. Duck), players choose which gimmick attack to use. I believe that the "A" versions (e.g. EAA) have a different attack layout, but I only played the "B" versions, whence my comments.

There are a few other attacks at the player's disposal (e.g. a jump+down dash), but the gimmick attack is clearly the main players' resource: it lands considerable damage and, in cases like Jenny's, can be use to attack enemies outside the line of fire. Gimmick attacks differ considerably in nature: Bucky shoots a fire-ball like attack in a straight line that deals considerable damage, but Jenny shoots a boomerang-like laser homing onto enemies. Strategies for stages and stages' sections (and boss fights) thus depend on the gimmick attacks, since players will often need to use them to clear more densely packed sections, and the passages scrolling vertically (N.B. gimmick attacks do NOT consume energy, and they are designed to be used intensively).

The game is more or less easy, though difficulty hinges on board versions, settings and characters. The U.S. version (versions UAA, UAB) is the hardest one; European, Asian and Japanese versions become increasingly easier in this order (versions EAA, EAB; AAA, AAB; JAA, JAB). If the game is set for 4 players and a second loop, bosses seem to have more hit points and the first loop seems easier. I suggest that you set the game to "2 player" mode and one loop, which means that boss will not have tons of hit points (a staple of Konami games of the time) and you play one loop at a slightly harder setting. Each version gives you two extra hit points after clearing a stage, and has energy drops ("life" icons) that add 3 hit points and possibly roll over the life counter. If you have a full energy bar (5 hit points) and 2 lives, a "life" icon will roll over the count to 3 lives and 3 hits. B versions, and especially Asian and Japanese versions, seem quite more generous with these items and with gun power-ups.

Jenny seems the strongest character because of her homing gimmick attack; Blinky (the one-eyed robot) has a close-range flamethrower attack that makes most sections tricky, so he seems the weakest character. Bucky and Duck have gimmick attacks that put them between these extremes, possibly at the same level (Duck has an energy beam with a cross-like shape that sweeps the screen in a outward-bound spiral). The game has 8 stages, all rather long and with long boss battles: a 1-CC should take around 45 minutes, even if the first four stages are rather easy and slow-paced. Using Jenny to 1-CC the JAB version on "2 players mode" and 1 loop should be a relatively approachable matter, once a player has a good understanding and knowledge of the stages' layout.

The quirks of the game can sum up my opinions as well:

- The game has a lovely cartoonish style and a cutesy "orchestral SF" OST. However, hit detection is sometimes hideous. All characters and backgrounds tend to have softly shaded contours, so sometimes it is hard to understand if a bullet is on your line, if an enemy is too close and can hit you, and so on (ST 5 is a serious offender because of the floor's colour hiding the bullets' lines). I generally suggest to keep a distance from enemies and look at bullet's shadows to figure out whether they can hit you or not;

- All enemies can exploit generous i-frames, and so can you. This means that bosses may take forever to die, because they have tons of hit points (yes, even in the aforementioned "2 player mode+B versioN" combo), and hitting them consecutively means shooting, wait around one second that the i-frames animation ends, then shooting again. Most bosses will also just give aural cues about being hit: keep your ears peeled to your sound devices or you'll miss them;

- Stages are long but not too difficult, provided that players get quickly used to hit detection problems. Players can use bombs and repeated gimmick attacks to clear the screen, especially when there are a lot of bullets on screen. It is however important to kill enemies quickly, because bullets are SLOW and take forever to leave the screen. In later stages, this means that chaotic situations can quickly arise because enemies take a lot of time to die (generous i-frames' side effect), gimmick attacks require tricky strategies to be effective, and enemies' placement is at time lazy (or: programmers just filled some passages with enemies). Bombing can solve these situations, anyway;

- Boss battles can be tedious, for the reasons cited so far (again: tons of hit points, generous i-frames, etc.). I would also add that the last ST 5 - ST 8 force players to use conservative strategies, in perfect "hit'n run, Konami style" manner. For instance and simplifying a bit, with Jenny it is possible to kill the ST 7 boss by going to the lower-right corner and spamming the gimmick attack continuously....for 2-3 minutes or so. Similarly, the final form of the final boss (third form, ST 8) can be cornered and shot to death, but the player still needs to pummel the fire button for 1 minute or so. The first and second forms are easy, but spam attacks so frequently that landing hits takes forever. In short: if you don't die of boredom or frustration, boss fights are generally manageable.

- Item drops are rather random. I had a 1-LC run in which the game decided to spam me with bomb items and lives, So I finished the game at 7 lives and 5 bombs to spare (but I used 15 or so, receiving 2x5=10 bomb items per stage). On other credits, I received 2 lives and 3 or 4 bomb items in total. This is a feature that appears in earlier Konami games, e.g. Dark Adventure from 1987 (please browse a few pages back). I personally find it deeply irksome, also because in Bucky it seems unrelated to rank (if the game has any rank system).

All in all, this is a nice early '90s game with a lot of interesting aspects, great visuals and OST, and a slower pace that can be fun when you're not in the mood for hectic action. I remember reading the comics because I liked the art and the cheesy but witty writing (courtesy of Bill Golden and Larry Hama, if I recall correctly), so the nostalgia effect allows me to overlook all the "peculiar" design choices that make the game a quirky experience. Honestly, once I became used to the wonky hit detection again , it became easy to re-learn the stages and beat the Toad empire the second time around. I am not sure that I will pursue other 1-CC's any time soon, but it has been nice to also clear this 30-years old grudge match.

Stay tuned for more reports!
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Re: The Non-Shmup 1CC Thread - Share Your Triumphs Here!

Post by BurlyHeart »

I was a huge fan of the TV show as a kid, with Deadeye Duck being one of my fav characters (see my profile pic!) Indeed, the game finishes the story of the TV show, which was cancelled abruptly without closure.

This is game is on my '1cc to do' list, so to speak. I've played a bit casually and very much enjoyed the aesthetics.

Great write up, many thanks for putting it together.
Last edited by BurlyHeart on Mon Nov 14, 2022 10:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Non-Shmup 1CC Thread - Share Your Triumphs Here!

Post by Feedbacker »

Got the Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon 1CC with Sailor Jupiter. I liked the game a lot so I'll stick around for a while and try to snatch a NoMiss but wether or not I'll be able to not die during the Zoisite & Kunzite feels a lot random.
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Re: The Non-Shmup 1CC Thread - Share Your Triumphs Here!

Post by Randorama »

BH, glad to be of help. At some later point I may add some technical comments in the other threads, if you would like to have some handy tips at hand. Also, if you have a chance, I'd suggest to read the original comic: Michael Golden's art was really spectacular.
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Re: The Non-Shmup 1CC Thread - Share Your Triumphs Here!

Post by BurlyHeart »

BurlyHeart wrote:Metal Slug 1cc on ACA Neo Geo for PS4.
Forgot to upload this run. Re-watching it is nerve-wracking lol. By no means perfect and more than a few hairy moments throughout.
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Re: The Non-Shmup 1CC Thread - Share Your Triumphs Here!

Post by Leandro »

I just 1cced Final Fight on the Capcom Arcade Stadium in Score Challenge Mode! It was just a survival run though since I don't know the score tricks.

Still not enough to make top 10 on the leaderboard, I got 11 position. Plenty of great scores by asian players.
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Re: The Non-Shmup 1CC Thread - Share Your Triumphs Here!

Post by Gamer707b »

Just finished Cuphead DLC last night. SPOILER ALERT: beat the last boss after getting all the veggies, then fought the last boss. BUT, I still had that very confusing graveyard puzzle. Finally figured it out. It's different for everybody. Got to fight the secret boss. pretty easy boss actually. Overall, very good DLC and you get a lot of gameplay for the 8 bucks. Eventually, I'll go for a perfect rank, just not now. Amazing effort on the part of these devs. If more devs put this kind of quality work into their games, I'd be in gaming heaven.
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Re: The Non-Shmup 1CC Thread - Share Your Triumphs Here!

Post by Gamer707b »

Did a 1 cc on Contra on the Switch Collection.

Re: The Non-Shmup 1CC Thread - Share Your Triumphs Here!

Post by xxx1993 »

I finally 1CC'd Locked'n Loaded!

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Re: The Non-Shmup 1CC Thread - Share Your Triumphs Here!

Post by XoPachi »

Cleared Ninja Saviors on my Switch.
Tbh this game is easy, it's just Jubei. He's the worst shit in the game. Everything before and after solely him is pretty smooth. The last boss is really not that good either, but it's not a particularly rough fight, it just has a lame and extremely tedious gimmick that makes the battle drag on way longer than necessary.

I don't know why I wanted this on my Switch. I hate beat em ups. But there's something methodical about this one I appreciate and I think being a straight 2D plane makes it more appealing to me. It's slow and while I'd prefer it was faster, it's a sort of Castlevania slow in that positioning is emphasized dramatically. At least that's the gist I got.
Co op in this game is a nightmare.
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Re: The Non-Shmup 1CC Thread - Share Your Triumphs Here!

Post by BEAMLORD »

Nice work. I recently 1cc'd it as well, with Ninja (Normal) on PS5.

I actually quite like the final boss. May be a bit gimmicky in that it's not a straight up brawl like the rest, but I don't necessarily think it's a one-trick affair. You have to control the crowd, be mindful of aerial threats and long-range snipers, and watch them fucking laser walls. It's satisfying launching goons face-first into that glass enclosure (think the big robos hit twice, or am I misremembering?). I think it's a nice bit of set-piece theatre to round out proceedings, although it is a bit of a victory lap once you have it down.

In general, I found Phobos and Deimos the most troubling of the bosses in general. Those tandem knee slides and foot stomps ended alot of my runs. Was pretty pleased when I absolutely fucked the pair of them in my recorded run.
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Re: The Non-Shmup 1CC Thread - Share Your Triumphs Here!

Post by BIL »

^ Yep! Big enemies like Golems and Shinobus will hit more than once, at least with certain throws. Ninja's Giant Swing and Kunoichi's Hair (both up+atk] should do the trick. I think Kamaitachi's Caber Toss (away during standing combo) works similarly, but it's been forever since I used him. Kunoichi's bulldozer slam (fwd+atk) is also really handy for landing repeated hits; get a large enemy grappled, slam 'em, scruff 'em on wakeup and repeat.

A handy stopgap with Phobos & Deimos's slidekick, like a lot of aggressive enemy attacks, is to superjump straight into it. You're totally front-invincible during, and will get a nice barrage of sparks and blade-on-armour SFX. There's the telltale back-hop as well, ofc. This works with their stomp too, as with Neo Gigantos.

There's also an odd exploit-ish trick to Gigantos, and I suspect P & D, but with it being two-on-one plus zako, I never really bothered. Captured here; basically, get into overlap, land a combo, then about-face - rinse/repeat.

I like the final boss too, it's a different, uneven and shifting sort of pressure from the preceding game. Easy to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory if I'm not aggressive enough. And yeah, that glass shatter effect is just too goddamn sweet. :cool:
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Re: The Non-Shmup 1CC Thread - Share Your Triumphs Here!

Post by XoPachi »

BEAMLORD wrote:Nice work. I recently 1cc'd it as well, with Ninja (Normal) on PS5.

I actually quite like the final boss. May be a bit gimmicky in that it's not a straight up brawl like the rest, but I don't necessarily think it's a one-trick affair. You have to control the crowd, be mindful of aerial threats and long-range snipers, and watch them fucking laser walls. It's satisfying launching goons face-first into that glass enclosure (think the big robos hit twice, or am I misremembering?). I think it's a nice bit of set-piece theatre to round out proceedings, although it is a bit of a victory lap once you have it down.

In general, I found Phobos and Deimos the most troubling of the bosses in general. Those tandem knee slides and foot stomps ended alot of my runs. Was pretty pleased when I absolutely fucked the pair of them in my recorded run.
It does get varied, I just don't think the specific required throw is the most elegant thing to do consistently. So I end up missing a lot and it just kind of takes a while. Eventually I was getting fatigued. Despite how much is going on, it's actually not terribly tough just a bit annoying. The Twins are one of the easier fights for me because Gigant and his reappearance I cheese extremely hard with Ninja. "The Bat Breaker", as I call his down throw trivializes the more telegraphed, slower to attack bosses.
Ninja is so stupid in this game. lol
I'm told Thighs is the real boss killer, but she's...hard to control for me. There's some things I don't understand how to pull off with her and Jubei just eliminates me if I pick her.
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Re: The Non-Shmup 1CC Thread - Share Your Triumphs Here!

Post by chum »

Since my last post here I've gotten lots of new 1ccs mostly from playing in Yolympics.
Well, I usually don't go for new 1ccs outside of tournaments, so I guess it makes sense.
I'll try to order all the new ones from hardest to easiest, and I'll describe if I was going for score at all

WindJammers (45 Second Japanese rom)
This game is fucking brutal. The AI gets crazy! Took a lot of attempts to get this clear. I had to learn weird tactics, defend well, and get lucky with enemy/stage orders and the ai.

Cosmo Gang the Video
This game is a breeze, and then stage 30 happens. From that point onward, it's complete hell. I no missed to stage 32 and then lost 4 lives, 2 on that level, 2 on the final boss. Really charming game but holy fuck.

Metal Slug 4
This game actually isn't very hard in terms of skill, but because it is long and a memorizer, practice was needed. Also, I was going for score which required extra practice and ruined a no-miss from the scoring tactic on the final level. This killed my score completely as I would've had well over 5 million without that death. This was my first time learning a slug game and It's a bit of a black sheep, but I actually don't think it's THAT bad, the final level alone is actually really good, the rest of the game is hit or miss

Mystic Warriors (Japan)
I opted out of scoring because you can only really score by milking bosses. This game isn't too bad for the most part but there are difficulty spikes that makes the game very hard to no-miss. The stage 6 boss is absolutely insane on max rank, so I always died there! Really cool game visually and musically, but pretty average on gameplay.

Dragon Spirit
It's a shmup but whatever. everything gets included. This game is a great slowpaced adventure, usually we want shmups to be faster, but sometimes they can get a pass being slow. I really vibe with this game, but it's not really a "great" game, I just fucking love the music, being a dragon, and the scenery. Stage 8 is absolutely pants on head retarded. We get score by spending all the lives we have on the final level. I did that and then game overed in my pb but i did clear before that.

Battle Circuit (No TLB)
If Yolympics lasted a couple of more days I would've gotten the TLB clear next, but time ran out. I didn't intend to clear without TLB but didn't reach the requirement (missing 1000 coins). Very fun game, one of the appeals is how overpowered you feel, with each character having different advantages. The Blue guy is one of the more entertaining characters to use in bmups, but I cleared with the ostrich because I was under the impression that would be easiest.

Rabio Lepus (Difficult mode)
I was playing for score but never managed to get lucky on the mammoth in a run so only 8.6 millions. I could get 11 or even 12 millions with a good mammoth :(
While the bullets are fast which is fun, everything else about the game is just kinda boring, so I'm not a fan.

I really like how hard they made the 2nd level, it's unusual an arcade shmup does something like this. I like the enemy hell nature of the game; the screen gets so crowded, you do have a healthbar though so I guess that's why. It's not that hard to clear because you have a healthbar.

Valkyrie no Densetsu
This game isn't hard but it does take a while before you can clear it because there's a lot that can go wrong that you wouldn't expect and you kinda just have to have it happen to prevent it for next time. After a couple of failures I could clear it consistently. Really cool game, but the final level sucks and the game is pretty glitchy

Space Bomber
Fun scoring system and wacky aliens is based but the bosses are especially generic for Psikyo makes the game good but not necessarily great.

Turbo Out Run
Visually a downgrade from OutRun and the cars are way more unfair, but the courses are more complex and the difficulty has gone up. I think OutRun is more timeless and visually appealing but this game has its own appeal. I managed 50 millions but yeah the game is very mean.

I did a little bit of scoring but not too much and almost got a counterstop on my first clear lol. Easiest arcade counterstop of all time? Also I was surprised by how quickly this could be cleared

This game is hilarious. Sure it's extremely clunky but man it is hilarious! Recommended to people with good sense of humour. For scoring, we just try not to take damage.

Wild West C.O.W. Boys of Moo Mesa (loop 1)
Empty feeling game, didn't play long. Maybe loop 2 gets better?

Also it's not a new 1cc but last year I managed to up my Sailor Moon score to 2.045 millions, with only 2 random crystals, that's a 60k score improvement on execution points compared to my 2.015 million score, since that one had 3 random crystals.
I recorded the video with commentary:
Without commentary it can be seen on ReplayBurners, if you don't want to listen to me
After that run I combed through the game to look for all the points I could, and determined that there were some strategies that aren't hard to do that I could add. But I still decided to quit because the game had become a bit stale after playing it for a month or two, and it seemed unlikely to beat the World Record with my strategies.
I still maintain this game needs more love! Sailor moon bmup is awesome.

Also I managed to get 51 millions in OutRun, a couple of seconds off of perfect without the Gear Gacha technique. Pretty happy with that. I don't see myself going to improve this. If ever again, I would learn Gear Gacha next, but I have no plans to.

Replays of everything I mentioned is or will soon be on my Youtube (sometimes in bulk form)
Since Yolympics is over I guess I will not 1cc anything again until next time... or will I? I'm thinking of doing more co-op 1ccs now! Does anyone else like doing Co-op? Everyone I co-op with is so far away that our connections are far from ideal, which still works,but... it would be smoother to do co-op 1ccs with a good connection. Of course, a good teammate with a good temperament is more important than the connection.
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Re: The Non-Shmup 1CC Thread - Share Your Triumphs Here!

Post by BIL »

chum wrote:Metal Slug 4
This game actually isn't very hard in terms of skill, but because it is long and a memorizer, practice was needed. Also, I was going for score which required extra practice and ruined a no-miss from the scoring tactic on the final level. This killed my score completely as I would've had well over 5 million without that death. This was my first time learning a slug game and It's a bit of a black sheep, but I actually don't think it's THAT bad, the final level alone is actually really good, the rest of the game is hit or miss
Congrats on the clear! Yeah, people tend to dogpile MS4 over its recycled graphics and "official ROMhack" ethos. In terms of level design, I consider it easily competitive with Nazca's games; in some ways, a bit better. The curve isn't as harshly balanced towards the endgame, for one. And a couple stretches are genuinely first-rate, like the third stage's fiendishly-arranged vertical climb, and the fifth's relentless upper route, which I chickened out of for the low route's lame autoscroller, halfway through, because I just wanted to knock out a quick 1LC. :oops: Image

I like Mission 4's low route as well, with the truly biblical mummy horde. It's a game I still plan to go back to sometime.
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Re: The Non-Shmup 1CC Thread - Share Your Triumphs Here!

Post by velo »

XoPachi wrote: Ninja is so stupid in this game. lol
When you said everything was easy but Jubei I kind of assumed you got a Ninja clear. He's a little bit easy mode across the board, but especially on Phobos+Deimos and the final boss I think he gets off light compared to the other characters.
Randorama wrote: Does anyone have a difficulty list of Capcom belt scrollers, btw?
Late, but there are some opinions here: ... &p=1097685
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Re: The Non-Shmup 1CC Thread - Share Your Triumphs Here!

Post by Gamer707b »

@XoPachi Congrats on the Ninja Saviors clear. Still need to get on this myself. I'm the complete opposite with beat em ups. Grew up playing them at home and the arcades. Love em. I'm super happy they're kinda making a comeback. Lots of good ones coming out of the indies. Have you tried Fight N Rage? I'd put that one as one of the best, if not the best modern beat em up.
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Re: The Non-Shmup 1CC Thread - Share Your Triumphs Here!

Post by Sir Ilpalazzo »

I think Vludi's Capcom brawler difficulty rankings were pretty good too; I broadly agree with them.

Very impressive list, chum! I'm going to have to check out your Sailor Moon run - from what I've played it of it lately, it seems rough around the edges and very brutal, but has its own appeal and some interesting design.
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Re: The Non-Shmup 1CC Thread - Share Your Triumphs Here!

Post by XoPachi »

velo wrote: When you said everything was easy but Jubei I kind of assumed you got a Ninja clear. He's a little bit easy mode across the board, but especially on Phobos+Deimos and the final boss I think he gets off light compared to the other characters.
I didnt realize he was so dumb until I played the others. I think he looks the coolest and his dash really makes him more appealing.
Yaksha I can get through most of the game no problem but Jubei instantly kills me as her and the final boss is MUCH harder I find. She has a bit of a combo game which is interesting though.
Gamer707b wrote:@XoPachi Congrats on the Ninja Saviors clear. Still need to get on this myself. I'm the complete opposite with beat em ups. Grew up playing them at home and the arcades. Love em. I'm super happy they're kinda making a comeback. Lots of good ones coming out of the indies. Have you tried Fight N Rage? I'd put that one as one of the best, if not the best modern beat em up.
I was given Rage years ago and I didnt like it at all, I'm afraid. The only beat em up I seriously like outside of Ninja Saviors is Dragon's Crown and thats mainly because the RPG elements mitigate the beat em up elements somewhat. And Amazon is stupid, dumb broken. The new Turtles game was decent but is not something I'm itching to play again.
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Re: The Non-Shmup 1CC Thread - Share Your Triumphs Here!

Post by Sir Ilpalazzo »

That is part of the reason why I like the SNES original more, honestly. Ninja and Kunoichi are incredibly well-considered, with weaknesses and shortcomings that are really interesting to play around - especially Ninja - but in Once Again, the huge buffs they've received flatten a lot of those interesting quirks out, making Ninja in particular a simpler, more linear character. The remake is still an absolutely stellar game, and it does retain some of its bite if you make playing for time your primary goal, but I like the original's emphasis on survival play.
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Re: The Non-Shmup 1CC Thread - Share Your Triumphs Here!

Post by chum »

BIL wrote: Congrats on the clear! Yeah, people tend to dogpile MS4 over its recycled graphics and "official ROMhack" ethos. In terms of level design, I consider it easily competitive with Nazca's games; in some ways, a bit better. The curve isn't as harshly balanced towards the endgame, for one. And a couple stretches are genuinely first-rate, like the third stage's fiendishly-arranged vertical climb, and the fifth's relentless upper route, which I chickened out of for the low route's lame autoscroller, halfway through, because I just wanted to knock out a quick 1LC. :oops: Image

I like Mission 4's low route as well, with the truly biblical mummy horde. It's a game I still plan to go back to sometime.
Thanks. I'm just happy that I ended up enjoying the game more than I initially thought I would. Practicing stage 6 before getting ready for runs was always fun. My first impression of it was terrible, with that awful, awful stage 2 boss, that practically required a cheese strat. I started playing Metal Slug X on fightcade recently and It's a lot better. That's probably the best game in the series? Up to 4 at least, I haven't tried the ones after. It also seems reasonably easy to no-miss clear so I might try that out. For now though I'm more interested in the co-op.

Right now I'm just in the mood to try out lots of different games. Trying to learn the 1cc in the Tokimeki puzzle game (fiendish game...), I 1cced Tokkae-dama with one of the strong characters and now want to do it with a shit character (keep getting rekt on stage 7), I might try the Gussun Oyoyo 1cc as well, and trying to get a high score in Soldam's endless mode... speaking of, couple of days ago I 1cced Soldam, a difficult puzzle game clear, It's one of those games where a single minor mishap can just snowball and end everything at any point, because of those darn Sekiero blocks! A really amazing game though, I highly recommend it, especially the endless mode, since it is much more faster and exciting and doesn't have those annoying Sekieros.
There's a couple of beatemups and shmups I still want to 1cc that I never did such as Warriors of fate, Denjin makai ii, Gunsmoke, Parodius Da (1st loop) but right now I'm more in an mood to explore new games, I might still learn one of those as well. I played Battlantis for a bit too and kinda digging it, but it's pretty strict. I don't mind the randomness too much, I love unfair games.
Warriors of Fate showed up in Yolympics and I got to stage 8 without really learning much in the way of strategies or patterns, mostly just playing on reaction, it doesn't seem as hard as I thought, not compared to Final Fight... well, I'll probably be playing most of these enough to at least 1cc half or most of them soon enough!

I'm looking for fun things to play (score/clear) so feel free to recommend me something overlooked. After that Soldam 1cc I'm spending some time now and then just trying random games in mame.
Sir Ilpalazzo wrote: Very impressive list, chum! I'm going to have to check out your Sailor Moon run - from what I've played it of it lately, it seems rough around the edges and very brutal, but has its own appeal and some interesting design.
Sailor moon needs more love, I think it is underrated, it does have its flaws but what bmup doesn't? It is a bit rough but the enemies are superb, they have interesting AI, you will immediately begin to feel like the game is simply waging on war on you when you start stage 3. Your own kit makes you feel powerful because of how well you can neutralize your threats. The timer is a bit of a bitch on some stages but I also think that makes the game a bit more exciting because it forces you to get more confident in your gameplay so you can speed through the game. I don't think the timer is a bad thing! The bosses are meh, but they're not as bad once you learn how to fight them. Sailor Moon is tough, but I think it's much easier than Final Fight personally!
Also it is one of the bmups that is well worth to play for score in my book, minus the score rng, but you can easily calculate your score outside of the rng you got anyways. Sure maybe it's not as great to play for score as some of the best shmups are but it's good fun all the same, if you enjoy the game.
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Re: The Non-Shmup 1CC Thread - Share Your Triumphs Here!

Post by BIL »

chum wrote:
BIL wrote: Congrats on the clear! Yeah, people tend to dogpile MS4 over its recycled graphics and "official ROMhack" ethos. In terms of level design, I consider it easily competitive with Nazca's games; in some ways, a bit better. The curve isn't as harshly balanced towards the endgame, for one. And a couple stretches are genuinely first-rate, like the third stage's fiendishly-arranged vertical climb, and the fifth's relentless upper route, which I chickened out of for the low route's lame autoscroller, halfway through, because I just wanted to knock out a quick 1LC. :oops: Image

I like Mission 4's low route as well, with the truly biblical mummy horde. It's a game I still plan to go back to sometime.
Thanks. I'm just happy that I ended up enjoying the game more than I initially thought I would. Practicing stage 6 before getting ready for runs was always fun. My first impression of it was terrible, with that awful, awful stage 2 boss, that practically required a cheese strat. I started playing Metal Slug X on fightcade recently and It's a lot better. That's probably the best game in the series? Up to 4 at least, I haven't tried the ones after. It also seems reasonably easy to no-miss clear so I might try that out. For now though I'm more interested in the co-op.
Yeah, to be honest, the Nazca trio (MS1/X/3; I consider 2 sadly unplayable on hardware spec, its slowdown is maddening) are easy survival games, by arcade standard. They're legitimately heroic scoreplay undertakings, but also prone to tons of milking, as many manual-scrollers are; not my cup of tea, though I have to respect the competitive players. From survival standpoint, they're mostly about sheer cathartic kick, and enjoying Nazca's undeniable pixel mastery; less about the thrill of nonstop dicing with death ala Argus no Senshi, Daimakaimura, or Saigo no Nindou.

MSX is the overall best, I would concur. MS1 is a bit mild (tons of Slug time), while MS3 is deliberately grueling (its Final Mission is longer than the preceding run put together, a real endurance test). MSX has a nice balance of MS1's straight-ahead tank massacres and MS3's titanic sendoff.

It should be noted, though, that all three games sport very noticeable endgame difficulty spikes; even MS1 has its infamous bridge, an all-sides ambush which takes some figuring out. MSX's final stage is entirely bereft of vehicles, until the 11th hour; and its final boss is heavily designed around total lockdown tactics via amassed grenades; a real RNG-crazed input-reading killer if you let it escape and run amok, far nastier than MS4's static final boss. Combined with the easy runup, a Nomiss takes a bit more endurance than it may first seem.

All this said, I adore all three games; if you like one, it's a safe bet you'll like the rest. MS1 has perhaps the most gorgeously contiguous 2D world ever seen, eschewing the sequels' deliberately zany science fiction/horror elements for pure earth n' gunmetal WWII satire; and its tank massacres are uproariously good cathartic fun. MS3 has absolutely reams of enemies, vehicles, and alternate routes, far more than you could ever see in a single run; its extended runtime and punishing Final Mission (autofire strongly recommended for its vertical STG segments) make it a sharply divisive game amongst Slug fans, but if you're into its brand of excess, it'll prove a treasure trove.

MS5 isn't recommendable in the same light, nor is it as good a compact Mission Pack as MS4, but it's still got Nazca's super-smooth engine, and after a couple of lukewarm opening stages, it does eventually warm up. The fourth stage is especially good. Worth a look if you want more from the series, safely ignorable if you're happy with the preceding.
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