Weightlifting/exercise thread

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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by DDDP »

Stevens wrote:DDDP - I know it's a few months late but with pistol squats (or anything where your not going full range of motion) I've always found it helpful to have a concrete stopping point. A pile of books, a box, anything that tells you you've reached the proper depth without guessing. How has your training been going since the summer?

Stay strong farm.
oops! didn't see your ping until now, but thank you for looking out for me :D

Progress is steady. I'm deep into cold training, spending several hours a day in 25-45F weather for the last month or so. The passive calorie burn from this is kinda insane so I've been eating a bit more carb-heavy and getting away with it. Otherwise I'm keeping to the same routine of daily exercise + weeknight Boxing club. I'm finally at a point where all my joints are strengthened enough to handle the heavy workload.

My core is probably the biggest "upgrade" since I last checked in. Dragon flags using my kettlebells as a counterweight, various hollowbody/plank/horse stance/etc isometric holds for 3+ minutes, several sets a day, L-sit chin ups on the rings, ring dips, stuff like that. Abs and lower back are lookin epic. I am trying to cut weight below 185 so that i can compete at two different amateur weight classes.

Now that my shoulders are healed up and stronger, I'm still slowly improving my handstand. I can at least bear the weight on my shoulders when I gently balance my toes against a wall, but the balance isn't quite there.

There has been too much progress to comment on since I last checked the thread, so lemme just summarize by saying: GREAT WORK DUDES!
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by Randorama »

Hello everyone,

15/21 for me. Cold is kicking in, so I am exploiting it to consume more calories while doing the same old stuff. It does work - I get hungry near the end of each training session unless I add extra honey in my breakfast, which is always a pleasant way to store the necessary extra energy :wink:

Something I didn't notice at the mirror is that my trapezoids and upper neck are looking really heavy, due to all the rowing. It is true that I have begun to feel that shirts are too tight again, at the neck & shoulders level. Fun fact is that weight is not changing much - but maybe traps can become bigger and thicker without becoming heavier, or something.

xxx1993: you need to rotate exercises, because if you repeat the same routine each day, you can plateau very early on. Variety is king, in training, so you can try other exercises and see how it goes.

Marc: All very impressive! Were you doing sports, when you were younger? Your aerobic levels suggest some strong experience in football or other cardio-heavy sports. Just don't worry and cut the booze gently: the results will be majestic even with small cuts!

DDDP: you may want to switch to harder variations of isometric exercises once you are confident with the 3-minute mark; though numbers depend on a lot of factors (of course), the 3-minute mark for static/isometric exercises is an indication that the body has "learnt" the position and can be subjected to harder challenges.
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by xxx1993 »

Fitness Boxing tends to changes things a bit sometimes.
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by DDDP »

Randorama wrote:Hello everyone,
DDDP: you may want to switch to harder variations of isometric exercises once you are confident with the 3-minute mark; though numbers depend on a lot of factors (of course), the 3-minute mark for static/isometric exercises is an indication that the body has "learnt" the position and can be subjected to harder challenges.
I'm still struggling with certain balance/strength issues, but yes, my overall mindset is to keep pushing into harder isometrics/holds as i get stronger. e.g. I can plank for over 3 minutes, so I often use harder variations like planche regressions, pushups/planche on rings, holding one arm/foot up, etc. Double-true on rings, where you gain strength on a hold as a foundation for more advanced moves later

This method has given me steady progress over the months. However, it's entirely possible I am "leaving gains on the table" but I didn't start this fitness thing by impatiently min/maxing :lol:

Good job on the cold training btw. I've been WFH in my garage and the temp has fallen within the 30-40F range (currently 35F). It makes a tremendous difference over the course of the season
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by Randorama »

DDDP: sorry for the late reply...as long as you can claim that your balance is perfect, then spending time on balance/static exercises is always time well-spent. A little extra confidence is always good, so no need to rush in my book.

Cold training: well, the gym is 15-16 C (low 60's F), so it's not really that cold. Personally I feel more comfortable this way or with even lower temperatures (low 10's C), but not too cold for calisthenics. I hate the idea of struggling with a too hot room in winter, for sure!

17/21, btw. I had to battle with sinusitis for two weeks, not fun :?
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by DDDP »

Randorama wrote:DDDP: sorry for the late reply...as long as you can claim that your balance is perfect, then spending time on balance/static exercises is always time well-spent. A little extra confidence is always good, so no need to rush in my book.

Cold training: well, the gym is 15-16 C (low 60's F), so it's not really that cold. Personally I feel more comfortable this way or with even lower temperatures (low 10's C), but not too cold for calisthenics. I hate the idea of struggling with a too hot room in winter, for sure!

17/21, btw. I had to battle with sinusitis for two weeks, not fun :?
Thank you for the advice, I'll keep doing my isos and attempting harder ones as time goes on.

Good work on the cold training! My wfh zone is in my garage, current 40F (my wife bought a wall thermometer so I can always glance up and see). At least there's no wind whipping through :shrug: I also went on a 4mi weighted walk in the cold with my wife yesterday. All the extra cold exposure helped burn off the sugar from Christmas season treats!

Not sure if I mentioned it earlier in the thread but I've been boxing every/almost every weeknight for 1 1/2 years, so the calisthenics and isos I do at home are adjusted to account for an evening workout at boxing club for ~90 minutes.

I'm faithfully walking several miles per week holding a kettlebell or something, which builds absurd all-day endurance. Weaning myself off caffeine over the last year and yet still feeling energized is mainly thank to exercise, specifically the endurance-building stuff. Gaining more endurance at jump-roping which is my favorite "cardio" in the toolset.

Hope all of you kept the pounds off during the holidays!

Any goals / plans for 2023?
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by Randorama »

DDDP: All good stuff from what I see...frankly, my suggestion is "keep going and feel good", as your schedule seems really solid. Also, yes, wind is a killer, as I know from years of rowing and cycling.

Holidays were good. We (=wife and I) do not eat more than an average week-end though we eat "in season", so recovering is a matter of spending 2-3 days eating less (We're less hungry! Easy!:wink: ). I'd add that we're more inclined to eat more main dishes and/or protein-rich dishes during holidays, if we want to eat more. I mean: Christmas lunch, we indulged by getting an extra pizza in 2 after eating an overall rich but balanced meal (small dish of pasta, steak and roasted veggies, then the aforementioned pizza and tons of fruit).

Goals...I am setting the new ones in February, when I will take a break. Just to be boring: I complete two 23+3 weeks cycles as I follow an "Asian academia calendar" (the new year is in Spring). 21 weeks at full gas, 2 at "pure, slower cardio" pace, then 3 weeks of rest. Next semester, I would like to insert one-hand exercises and improve rowing performances, as I should be more or less ready. That, and I may switch to green tea (rather than black) for tea afternoon time (rather than black): I will need to improve my tea brewing skills, though :wink:
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by GaijinPunch »

Okay, so I'm back-ish. I can say that I am now out of pain in regards to the back. That doesn't mean it's healed so I have a good 15 months or so of being extra vigilant. There are some other high risk exercises I likely won't be doing ever again, but at my age who gives a shit.

I was in Japan for the holidays and ate pretty poorly by Japanese standards. But, that's over. I've been dabbling in the gym for a few months but it has been pretty weak shit. I got better workouts w/ my resistance bands in Japan. I'm 2 days in to actually putting on some decent weight. Going to introduce some light jogging next month, which will be my first time in a year. Not sure if I can make it to a pool any time soon as they are all a decent drive a way. Price of living in the city.
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by BryanM »

God, it's been forever since I've been swimming.

There seems to be a place nearby I could go for three buckeroos a swim, but it's gonna be jam packed with people. Not the mellow relaxing place I can drift around and daydream in, or pound out laps. (It'd be less packed if it were open now, but I seem to be the only one to get the apocalypse memo that winter isn't a real thing anymore.)

The same goes to a lesser extent sprinting. I miss having those dirt orchard roads of my childhood..
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by GaijinPunch »

The pool has always been a cluster fuck for me. I had a brief time during the pandemic when I could duck out about noon and nobody was in the pool at my local gym. It was a shit pool but whatever. In Tokyo I was cycling distance from a 50m Olympic (and you know it was clean AF) but if you weren't done by 17:00 it turned into the Yamanote line. I remember right after the big tsunami in 2011 it took weeks for anything to open. I went to the first public pool that opened... along with half of Tokyo. I felt like I was back in the womb and my mom went white water rafting.
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by xxx1993 »

I started doing my Daily Workouts in Fitness Boxing 2 for an hour now as opposed to just 38 minutes.
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by Randorama »

21/21, and a week of of pure cardio to relax muscles is coming next. Off to the swimming pool, I hope.
3 weeks of rest, and I will also figure out what improvements can be within my range next semester.

Hope you guys are all doing fine.
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by Stevens »

Randorama wrote: Suggestions?

Hope you guys are all doing fine.
Any other specific goals other than get stronger? Which imo is a fine goal all on its own. Have you considered branching out into things like muscle ups, flags, or the planche?

Things over here are OK. Been dealing with some should issues since Thanksgiving - made a rookie mistake - and as a result I have had to shuffle things around, dial some things back, eliminate hand stand push ups entirely (I still have dips for vert push) and I've added neck work in to replace hspu's.

Doing well all things considered.

On another point lately I have been diving into the strongmen/body builders of the bronze and silver eras. Guys like Steve Reeves, Gene Sandow, George Hackenschmidt, and John Grimek. It is a time past, but these guys still have a lot to share. Been an interesting and enlightening rabbit hole.
You're sure to be in a fine haze about now, but don't think too hard about all of this. Just go out and kill a few beasts. It's for your own good. You know, it's just what hunters do! You'll get used to it.
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by BryanM »

God, we are getting old. It feels like just yesterday the 70's Big blog was all about memey old timey buff dudes content. Pics. Stuff like quotes from Dinosaur Training ("You either grow, or die. The suitcases don't care which.") or that Tate story about eating the pizza.

The last post is this introspective musing on masculinity and his life after amputation. Sometimes the internet gets too real.
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by GaijinPunch »

Wait til you actually go to the gym to feel old. I'm starting from close to zero, yet again, in my late forties. Early on it was due to laziness, moving cities, or whatever but these last two restarts were pandemic first then injury. Hopefully the last time, but who the fuck knows.
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by Randorama »

All done, and time for some rest.

Steve: I would like to recover the strength and endurance level of my early 20s, so I will keep working on both. My balance has gone from bad to worse over the decades (too many hits while playing rugby), so I can try muscle ups and see if I don't fall, I guess! Full one-hand movements are the next targets, and I will read some more on the topic of training and technique. I may probably re-insert weighted but simpler movements (e.g. chin-ups with extra weight).

From decades past, I think that I like Ahnold Sch. among the guys I know, mostly because he has always praised and used calisthenics as well (Example here). I think that recently he made a comment on some of these social media thingies that roughly sounded like...Spartans and Vikings did not have fancy gyms and yet they were "shtrong" :wink:
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by o.pwuaioc »

GaijinPunch wrote:Wait til you actually go to the gym to feel old. I'm starting from close to zero, yet again, in my late forties. Early on it was due to laziness, moving cities, or whatever but these last two restarts were pandemic first then injury. Hopefully the last time, but who the fuck knows.
This was me since 2020. I was doing great. By 2021, I started to gain a few pounds. Got a new job and moved to a new state, which is far less runner-friendly than NYC, so I'm sitting at 10+ pounds over what I was 3 years ago.

I did start biking to work, but then I also started working from home more often. I just ended up buying an Echelon Connect bike for when I work from home/have to take the train to work. So far I'm really enjoying it. Between it and the free weights, it feels like I have my mini-home gym back.
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by BryanM »

I acquired access to a hamster wheel and decided to become a fullblown masochist with a daily four minutes of hell daily.

I'll probably fall well short of a four minute mile, but it has given me some new philosophical thoughts. You know the concept of the conservation of happiness? How for one person to have happiness, someone else must experience an equal or greater amount of suffering? (Such as the slaves that assemble our clothes.)

I've come up with the idea of the certainty of misery. That everyone has a minimum amount of misery they have to endure, and you can spread it out over the day or compress it into like... four minutes...

Eh, it was just a thought.
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by BIL »

I miss my hamster, he took to climbing his cage and fell and gave himself a concussion, motherfucker dead. 3; Vet said "HE TRYING TO BURN OFF HE XCESS NRG, CAGE 2 SMALL" then I showed him the luxuriant cage my little brother (petshop) had gifted me and he said "Oh."

God damn it. Stupid little fuck. I suppose in another life he might've fallen off a tall tree or some shit. Who knows. Perhaps that was my portent of misery for that month.

EDIT: Bryan pls be careful don't kill urself like my hamster 3;
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by GaijinPunch »

I got excited thinking I was gonna learn BIL's exercise routine... and add it to the list of things you best me at.
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by BIL »

I'm basic bitch to the core tbh Image After achieving my dream of wowwing my fellow homoaesthetic gym BFFs, I noticed that all the oldschool dockworkers I knew were still killin' it in their 80s (ol' homie knocked up his 20something wifey in his 70s, kid's doing great Image), while the buff gym dudes were having back surgery in their 50s. :sad: EDIT: I don't think Starting Strength is a good resource anymore!

So I shifted more to bodyweight stuff, pullups etc, with lots of sledge hauling, and the free weights kept fairly moderate. 400lbs squat 1RM @ 170lbs isn't an extravagant goal for committed guys in their 20s/early 30s, but these days I'm more worried about safeguarding against inguinal hernias, and not shitting my pants while hauling groceries. Last thing I want now I'm a wealthy old fuck is to blow out my nutsack, I worked hard for this! :shock:
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by GaijinPunch »

If you go back a couple of pages I document fucking my back up (with very little weight). Did a lot of reading, and saw a specialist, thanks to long time poster lawnspic who just happened to pop into this thread. Was a long road to get out of pain, now I'm trying to get back to my optimal fucking weight, which hopefully I'll hit in the early summer. The biggest change is many exercises are altered or off the table b/c now I know what my body can handle angle-wise before I will round my back due to the laws of physics. I can still do squats (haven't yet) and deadlifts (probably won't ever again), but other things that twist the spine are out (forever). This is mainly in core exercises. There's some equally challenging shit though, so I should be good.

I also do pullups!
Last edited by GaijinPunch on Sun Apr 02, 2023 6:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by BIL »

I've always found my overall activity level trickier to maintain, since my job is sedentary as all hell, and on top of that, my favourite thing in the world (can't get rid of it by eating it or blasting a load at it! :shock:) is to sit on my ass playing videogames, reading/writing about videogames, and recording myself playing videogames, for hours on end, with snacks of varying healthfulness. Basically if I could get away with not moving I would. Image So I use my fortunately massive and hideously unruly yard as a hamster wheel, in addition to the old M/W/F routine. Seems to be keeping me from turning into the Numa Numa guy, though I know I'll have to tamp the calories down eventually.

As basic bitch as it gets, I know, but all I really want is to not shit my pants, or get ran over by an incoming train because I couldn't lever my ass up off the track. My great-uncle Harbl ran his own land-clearing company into his late 80s, the guy was out there in his sun hat annihilating thick tropical bush with a stiff machete alongside his grandsons, to no appreciable loss of performance. Wife was a fuckin MILF too! He carked it peacefully in his sleep a decade later, still looking a million bucks. I'd rather be wiry tough Uncle Harbl than hulking wounded Ronnie Coleman, that poor dude. :sad:

Speaking of poor dudes, popped into the convenience store on the way home last night, and man, the manager can't be more than mid-30s, but the poor fucker is visibly suffering. Big fat belly spilling over his belt, sweating, pale, nodded him my usual "hiya" and got an exhausted "alright m8," dude that age shouldn't sound ready to drop just walking about the workplace. Someone should have a word. Not me though, he'd probably think I want to pound him, like I suspect the cute twink behind the counter raving on my choice of foodstuffs has designs on pounding me. :shock: I might ask how he's doing tomorrow, might lead somewhere useful. I can't imagine him fucking in that state!

EDIT: Well I can, but by doing so, I'm getting flashbacks to GamerGate War Hero Ethan "The Gunt" Ralph's revenge sex tape! In which he lies on his fat tubby arse with his trademark gunt rippling and sloshing like a waterbed! :o That's no way for a man to fuck!

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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by GaijinPunch »

Your uncle sounds great - or as your people might say, a top chap. Dying at close to a hundred w/ a Milf for a wife - he truly lived! And yes, I can buy seeing guys in their 30's that have aged 20 years or so. Awful diet and no exercise do it, so keep at it in the big yard. I'm right in the middle of the city, so have shit... and my gym is absolutely garbage but almost free, so it's hard for me to justify $100-$200 a month for a fancy one.
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by Stevens »

BIL wrote:
mid-30s, but the poor fucker is visibly suffering. Big fat belly spilling over his belt, sweating, pale, nodded him my usual "hiya" and got an exhausted "alright m8," dude that age
You can be 40 and feel like you're 80 or 80 and feel like you're 40.
You're sure to be in a fine haze about now, but don't think too hard about all of this. Just go out and kill a few beasts. It's for your own good. You know, it's just what hunters do! You'll get used to it.
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by BIL »

^ Word :cool:
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by GaijinPunch »

Stevens wrote: You can be 40 and feel like you're 80 or 80 and feel like you're 40.
I lovely gay man quite literally half my age recently asked me what my skin care secret was, so I'm gonna take that compliment and run with it.
Last edited by GaijinPunch on Mon Apr 03, 2023 3:34 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by BIL »

^ You always do the best typos :cool:
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by GaijinPunch »

BIL wrote:^ You always do the best typos :cool:
Another Freudian Typo FTW. Edited it, then saw your comment and edited it back for posterity. I think I gotta own that one.
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Re: Weightlifting/exercise thread

Post by Randorama »


...I have recently started "teaching" students about calisthenics on Friday mornings. "Fake Asia" Universities often have obligatory P.E. credits.

Students basically need to do some exercise to get a BA, and the corresponding courses are often coordinated by the students' department plus the Uni's P.E. faculty. OK, that's roughly the way it works in China and S. Korea; dunno in Japan, the third of the main "fake Asia' countries.

On Fridays, a lady colleague and I train with the students, give some tips on push-ups and weight-lifting, and basically hang around while the P.E. lecturer actually does the real teaching job. Basically, we get paid to motivate the students with a "see! Even your old geezer professors train!" attitude. Since my colleague is a 100/200 metres runner and still competing at Masters/senior levels, we also have track'n field kids joining and working on core fitness with us.

China still suffers from absolutely rampant ageism: basically anyone who's older than 40 is dead and should be venerated as a revenant walking ancestor, or something. Ironically, young generations generally have absolutely horrendous fitness levels unless they practice some sports (less than 5% of the population), and even those who practice generally have no fucking clue on nutrition. Whenever I say that "fake Asia" countries are stuck in the Middle Ages but have smartphones, I also think about general health and fitness education levels. And people in their 40's acting they're already dead or something.

So, I often have situations in which I need to motivate kids who have the strength of octogenarians after a heart stroke (...and too much coke abuse, I daresay), while my colleague explains to the kids how to easily squat 180 kgs, 6x6, pronto (reps x series). In case you wonder, my colleague could be described as a slightly overweight version of Chun-Li, or some stereotypical "Asian woman with legs hypertrophy" (I mean, she also eats too much rice and she's a mother of two). She confessed one day that she would like to beat up every and each kid who complains about weightlifting being too hard after booze nights. I suspect that she would win with one hand tied behind her back :wink:

...I am doing fine, myself.
Chomsky, Buckminster Fuller, Yunus and Glass would have played Battle Garegga, for sure.
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