Games that are Overrated

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Re: Games that are Overrated

Post by xxx1993 »

Well, here are my problems with Snake Eater. The jabs it throws at James Bond (being a fan of James Bond, you bet I found it insulting and waited for karma to bite Kojima in the ass hard one day), Col. Volgin being an overly sadistic scumbag, people greatly exaggerating on the sadness of the ending (which is very similar to what Pixar simps tend to do with movies like Up and Toy Story 3, and not helping the fact that Snake being forced to shoot the Boss is pretty much like the ending of Old Yeller anyway), and the fact that it's a prequel, which means I hardly give a shit about it.
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Re: Games that are Overrated

Post by BIL »

xxx1993 wrote:Well, here are my problems with Snake Eater. The jabs it throws at James Bond (being a fan of James Bond, you bet I found it insulting and waited for karma to bite Kojima in the ass hard one day),
I think you've misunderstood Kojima's intent... he's on record as loving Bond, and Western action/spy thrillers in general, and has always paid little tributes as early as Shon Conreh being the model for MG2's Big Boss, MGS1's Tuxedo, MGS3's Zero being an avid fan of Bond, etc. I don't recall a single thing from Snake Eater that was anything but affectionate, but it's been a while. What examples do you have in mind?
Col. Volgin being an overly sadistic scumbag,
Was he really much worse than Liquid or Ocelot or Solidus? They all did absolutely hideous things too. Volgin's just a bit butchier, being a big buff homo in a spandex bodysuit. And unlike the first three, who only ever displayed coldness and anger, I'm pretty sure Volgin had genuine love for his boytoy Raidenovich! Try wearing the Raidenovich mask while fighting him. ;3
people greatly exaggerating on the sadness of the ending (which is very similar to what Pixar simps tend to do with movies like Up and Toy Story 3, and not helping the fact that Snake being forced to shoot the Boss is pretty much like the ending of Old Yeller anyway),
I don't take MGS or other pop culture dramas in general very seriously, but I gotta disagree. Old Yeller was a faithful hound who got sick and had to be put down for his own good. The Boss was a soldier who followed her orders to the end for the sake of the world, even when they mandated she give her own life.

Whether you think MGS3 is maudlin or not, you can't compare a hapless innocent creature to a soldier who made a conscious decision to accept her arguably unjust destiny.

I think it's actually a pretty compelling portrayal of selflessness in the line of duty, with the essential shading that she couldn't bear to leave her most beloved disciple believing she'd truly defected, hence sparing EVA. She was selfless, but not perfectly, robotically so... and her disclosing this truth to Big Boss posthumously may well have stoked the flames of future bloodshed. But people are imperfect and non-omniscent, and I like that my characters are, too.
and the fact that it's a prequel, which means I hardly give a shit about it.
I'm the first one to slam pointless prequels. (Silent Hill Origins? Yeah, great. Nothing improves horror like explaining everything!) But don't you think it's possible for them to be well-written, and genuinely contribute? It's not as if there's some cosmic law preventing it. I'd cite Better Call Saul as a good example of prequel writing; you know roughly where the protagonist will end up, but seeing him arrive there will expand your understanding of him tremendously.

Building the future and keeping the past alive are one and the same thing. - Solid Snake, MGS2

...I can't believe I'm posting about fuckin MGS stories in 2022, x93-kun. :o After MGS4 (another "DURR LETS EXPLAIN EVERYTHING" clunker), I said nope! Fuck it! I'm out!

Next thing you know, I'll be droning on about Silent Hill again. I suppose I've missed the comfy armchair chatting, after some fifteen years of The Hard Gayming! It's rough out there, on the coin-operated killing road... my arse cheeks are like a pair of scarred boulders after all the battling! I mustn't stay here too long, in case they go soft and malleable again, like cookie dough. Image
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Re: Games that are Overrated

Post by Sima Tuna »

I love Bond and I love Snake Eater because it's a massive homage to Bond movies.

Big Boss > Solid Snake and the story makes more sense than the usual Kojima up-his-own-ass whining. I'll take cold war tensions over Jack's therapy sessions any day.

Re: Games that are Overrated

Post by xxx1993 »

I don't trust everything Kojima says. He has a habit of twisting things around, like when he said Revengeance was a "parallel continuation", whatever the hell that is. And about Snake killing the Boss, I'm sick and tired of hearing "it's the saddest thing ever, if you didn't feel sad or cry at it then you're a monster" shit that's been shoved down my throat again and again and again. And yes, Volgin is a douchebag. Dropped a nuke and laughed about it, tortured Snake non-stop... At least Big Boss, Liquid, Solidus, and Ocelot had sympathetic motives. The thing about the Metal Gear fans and Kojima himself is that they seem to have this "it's all about me" mentality that they think the world revolves around them and that they're better than everything and everyone. That they're the best in the world and nothing will ever stop them. That Konami couldn't possibly survive without them to guide them through all their problems.
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Re: Games that are Overrated

Post by BIL »

xxx1993 wrote:And yes, Volgin is a douchebag. Dropped a nuke and laughed about it, tortured Snake non-stop...
Liquid, Solidus, and Liquid Ocelot all had plans to do a helluva lot worse to the world than nuking a random Soviet research facility. They also indulged in torture and arguably rape. I dunno bro, just seems odd to single out Volgin.

I'd almost think you were homophobic. :sad:
I'm kidding, take it easy :lol:
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Re: Games that are Overrated

Post by Blinge »

Wait so.. 1993, you dislike Volgin, the villain.. because he is evil. :?:

( my personal opinion is that he's a cartoon villain and i genuinely laugh and get entertained by Volgin.


he's completely clueless. in terms of story, everyone's run rings around him. Totally betrayed by everyone. )

The thing about the Metal Gear fans and Kojima himself is that they seem to have this "it's all about me" mentality that they think the world revolves around them and that they're better than everything and everyone. That they're the best in the world and nothing will ever stop them
just saw this. okay, unhinged.
moving on..
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Re: Games that are Overrated

Post by BIL »

Blinge wrote:( my personal opinion is that he's a cartoon villain and i genuinely laugh and get entertained by Volgin.


he's completely clueless. in terms of story, everyone's run rings around him. Totally betrayed by everyone. )
Ha, I know. He's this big brutal lummox in a story fulla snakes (and an ocelot) all stealing his shit out from underneath him, it's great. Although you gotta admit, his imposter-detecting method is first-rate. :mrgreen:

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Re: Games that are Overrated

Post by Blinge »

me a buddy of mine are always yelling volgin + other MGS character quotes at each other.

somehow volgin morphed into lamenting the economic downfall of the UK, but saying
'I may have lost the customs union... but I still have the Olympic Legacy !! "
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Re: Games that are Overrated

Post by Air Master Burst »

MGS3 desperately needs a proper RE2 style remake, because I still dearly love pretty much everything about it except for actually playing the damn thing.

Ideally they could streamline it and remove all the stupid camouflage and surgery stuff. Maybe amp up the stamina drain to force people to actively hunt for food more often, or else remove that too. Whatever they do, get rid of all the menu fiddling every 20 seconds.
King's Field IV is the best Souls game.

Re: Games that are Overrated

Post by xxx1993 »

How come TV Tropes calls Volgin a “Complete Monster” villain and the Villains Wiki a “Pure Evil” villain, then?
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Re: Games that are Overrated

Post by BIL »

If you're going to appeal to authority, at least appeal to ones that aren't comprised of random unwashed internet mutts. :wink:

Look at what the TV Tropes userbase says about the hardest game evar, fucking Metroid :lol:
THE BEST GAMERS wrote:The original Metroid (on the NES, of course). Those who play the game from scratch know that between Copy-and-Paste Environments inside of a maze, not starting at full energy (you have to fill it) regardless of passwords, only being able to shoot forward and up, needing the ice beam to fight Metroids in the last level despite not being told of this and having a choice of other weapons, and real hard bosses (especially the last one, which requires you to shoot while being harassed by turrets and "onion rings of death"), getting through the game at all is almost insane.
almost insane
I dunno x93, with their definition of "insanity" being a mildly challenging NES game, I'm loathe to trust 'em on similarly big ideas like "evil!" :o Do you really want to appeal to random internet midwits, instead of forging your own arguments? C'mon bro 3;
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Re: Games that are Overrated

Post by Sima Tuna »

Air Master Burst wrote:MGS3 desperately needs a proper RE2 style remake, because I still dearly love pretty much everything about it except for actually playing the damn thing.

Ideally they could streamline it and remove all the stupid camouflage and surgery stuff. Maybe amp up the stamina drain to force people to actively hunt for food more often, or else remove that too. Whatever they do, get rid of all the menu fiddling every 20 seconds.
Octocam in MGS3 might be a nice way to solve that issue. The menu fiddling to change camos is a definite negative and was largely fixed in Peace Walker. Camo in general being changed to outfits, so you're forced to decide between stealth, camo or armored suits was a neat change. Still not perfectly balanced though, since the steatlh and assault suits were way better than conventional camo.

Re: Games that are Overrated

Post by xxx1993 »

I also think the PS2 Ace Combat trilogy is overrated. I prefer Skies Unknown and Electrosphere.
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Re: Games that are Overrated

Post by Volteccer_Jack »

Volgin being evil is arguably the point of the character. He's one of the only genuinely "evil" characters in the franchise, nearly every other antagonist is some variant of "well-meaning extremist", even the biggest bad who created the Patriots was trying to make the world a better place. It's sorta interesting that all of the events of the entire series can be traced back to Volgin setting off a nuke for shits and giggles.

Also torturing Snake and plotting to use a nuke is literally the baseline for a Metal Gear villain. The whole premise of Metal Gear is that it is a nuclear weapon and that Snake is trying to stop the bad guys from using it. The "least worst" one would be Solidus I guess, since his plan was to set off the nuke in upper atmosphere, not directly killing anyone.
I'm sick and tired of hearing "it's the saddest thing ever, if you didn't feel sad or cry at it then you're a monster" shit that's been shoved down my throat again and again and again.
I don't know anyone who calls it "the saddest thing ever". But if you don't find the idea of someone willingly being labelled a traitor to their home in order to protect that home tragic and sad, then yeah you're a monster, lol. Equating that to Old Yeller is an insult to both stories.
Sima Tuna wrote:Octocam in MGS3 might be a nice way to solve that issue.
Purely mechanically I think MGS4 is a big leap forward from MGS3, it just suffers from a bunch of other problems which end up making it a weaker overall game (oh boy 20 minute codec conversation!). Then PW/PP are a step back mechanically from MGS4. :roll:
evil_ash_xero wrote:I couldn't get into Breath of the Wild, to save my life.

I just found it to be the most dull game. No dungeons? All the "stages" are those Tron looking puzzles? Weapons that constantly break?
Completely agree about "no dungeons". The new one really needs proper dungeons. You're wrong about the rest though 8)
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Re: Games that are Overrated

Post by BIL »

I consider Solidus more atrociously evil than Liquid/Volgin/Ocelot mostly for the whole child soldier thing, including personally murdering at least one boy's parents as a bonding exercise. Bit extreme. :lol:

Not that any of these guys are nice chaps, though Volgin's clearly the most casually brutal. It's like choosing between Tywin Lannister, Roose Bolton, and Gregor Clegane. Former two are capable of hideous atrocities, but typically only in the pursuit of their goals (Roose's enjoyment of prima nocta a stark exception, arguably repaid karmically via his monstrous bastard son Ramsay, believed by Roose to have poisoned his beloved legitimate heir). Clegane revels in brutality for its own sake, the agony and terror of his victims a reward in itself.

I think "evil" is most usefully defined as an absence of restraint, rather than a positive presence. Hence incredibly evil people like Tywin and Roose with no apparent desire to hurt anyone, if they can get what they want without doing so. There's a great scene in one of the ASOIAF books, where Ramsay Bolton promises a stubbornly-defended fort that he'll spare everyone inside, if they surrender. They do so, and he has them all flayed alive. Roose has no opinion on the matter, save that now, nobody will trust them, and the next fort will be defended to the death. He also advises his vile son to stop turning people into boots, because human skin is thin and less hard-wearing than leathat.

JFC, I wish that fat bastard GRRM would shit or get off the pot already. Guy writes some nicely-shaded fiends, when he can be arsed. Then again if I were that old and that rich, I'd tell everyone to fuck off too. Image
xxx1993 wrote:I'm sick and tired of hearing "it's the saddest thing ever, if you didn't feel sad or cry at it then you're a monster" shit that's been shoved down my throat again and again and again.
I don't know anyone who calls it "the saddest thing ever". But if you don't find the idea of someone willingly being labelled a traitor to their home in order to protect that home tragic and sad, then yeah you're a monster, lol. Equating that to Old Yeller is an insult to both stories.
Beautifully put. In more familial terms, it's also an adoptive mother and child being forced into mortal combat... which is arguably the thing that finally cracked The Boss's iron resolve, and led to the questionable mercy of her posthumous confession via EVA. It's a substantial tragedy.

Also, WTB MGS2 Gaiden/Alt. Scenario/PARALLEL CONTINUATION where Solidus successfully detonates the nuke, frying all electronics in NYC and most of the surrounding area, the city becoming a Dark Ages hellscape ruled by barbarian biker gangs. Then, Kojima gets to make his own Escape From New York game. :cool: Would be better than Escape From LA, guaranteed. :shock:
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Re: Games that are Overrated

Post by Sima Tuna »

xxx1993 wrote:I also think the PS2 Ace Combat trilogy is overrated. I prefer Skies Unknown and Electrosphere.
Ace Combat 4 is the best one, fite me irl.
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Re: Games that are Overrated

Post by Blinge »

I've never understood the appeal of TV tropes.

It's like the internet version of someone in the corner at a party/show who just says " yeah this has been done before, yeah seen that, yeah done that. "
he might look superior for a second, but trust me no one fucking likes him :lol:
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Re: Games that are Overrated

Post by xxx1993 »

Sima Tuna wrote:
xxx1993 wrote:I also think the PS2 Ace Combat trilogy is overrated. I prefer Skies Unknown and Electrosphere.
Ace Combat 4 is the best one, fite me irl.
I bet the PS2 Ace Combat games are what the "crisp, white sheets" Captain Torres was referring to.
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Re: Games that are Overrated

Post by Air Master Burst »

xxx1993 wrote:I also think the PS2 Ace Combat trilogy is overrated. I prefer Skies Unknown and Electrosphere.
Electrosphere is an interesting case because the western version was so butchered it's hard to fault anyone for liking the PS2 Ace Combats more.
King's Field IV is the best Souls game.
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Re: Games that are Overrated

Post by o.pwuaioc »

Blinge wrote:I've never understood the appeal of TV tropes.

It's like the internet version of someone in the corner at a party/show who just says " yeah this has been done before, yeah seen that, yeah done that. "
he might look superior for a second, but trust me no one fucking likes him :lol:
And it's not even legit literary criticism. They invented terms for things that already existed.

Imagine a bunch of nerds in 2022 started a website where they documented "spashos" (space-shooters) and then talked about flat-orientos and upright-orientos instead of shooters/stgs, horis, and vertis.

TV Tropes is fun, don't get me wrong, but it's unqualified garbage.

Re: Games that are Overrated

Post by xxx1993 »

Air Master Burst wrote:
xxx1993 wrote:I also think the PS2 Ace Combat trilogy is overrated. I prefer Skies Unknown and Electrosphere.
Electrosphere is an interesting case because the western version was so butchered it's hard to fault anyone for liking the PS2 Ace Combats more.
That's why the Japanese version remains the definitive version.

Re: Games that are Overrated

Post by xxx1993 »

Another game I find overrated is Metal Slug 3. Nearly everywhere I went it was often lauded as the best game in the franchise. But why even bother when every Metal Slug game literally plays the same? I don't get the appeal for Metal Slug 3, other than the final mission taking forever to finish. Meanwhile, Metal Slug 4 is often considered the weakest.
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Re: Games that are Overrated

Post by Stevens »

o.pwuaioc wrote:
Blinge wrote:I've never understood the appeal of TV tropes.

It's like the internet version of someone in the corner at a party/show who just says " yeah this has been done before, yeah seen that, yeah done that. "
he might look superior for a second, but trust me no one fucking likes him :lol:
And it's not even legit literary criticism. They invented terms for things that already existed.

Imagine a bunch of nerds in 2022 started a website where they documented "spashos" (space-shooters) and then talked about flat-orientos and upright-orientos instead of shooters/stgs, horis, and vertis.

TV Tropes is fun, don't get me wrong, but it's unqualified garbage.
Whoa I've got a great idea for a new website!
You're sure to be in a fine haze about now, but don't think too hard about all of this. Just go out and kill a few beasts. It's for your own good. You know, it's just what hunters do! You'll get used to it.
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Re: Games that are Overrated

Post by BIL »

xxx1993 wrote:Another game I find overrated is Metal Slug 3. Nearly everywhere I went it was often lauded as the best game in the franchise. But why even bother when every Metal Slug game literally plays the same? I don't get the appeal for Metal Slug 3, other than the final mission taking forever to finish. Meanwhile, Metal Slug 4 is often considered the weakest.
Metal Slug 1, X and 3 are distinguished more by content and tenor than their basic chassis, which saw only subtle refinement over the series' course. By that metric, MS1 fans tend to cite its simple, fast-paced stages, with criticism typically going to the relatively mild difficulty level. MS3 is on the opposite end of the scale; it gets praise for its enormous spread of routes, enemies, and vehicles, but this turns off those who just want to mow down Nazis, and the much harsher cost of dying and losing your gear isn't to everyone's taste, either. MSX tends to be regarded as a happy medium; bigger, tougher, and more varied than the original, without getting into the marathon duration and punishing recoveries of the finale.

IMO, you'd have to be a total ignoramus to write the series off as derivative just because they share a common engine and mechanics. Beyond each having its own exclusive stage and boss highlights, they use those mechanics to very different effects. There's an unmistakable escalation of scale, intensity, and ingenuity, from MS1's unfettered Ikari-style run/gun, to MS3's willfully unruly carnival of one-off setpieces. They've likewise notably diverse followings, with a clear polarisation between MS1 and MS3 advocates. I don't consider them any less varied than Nobuya Nakazato's Contra Spirits/Hardcorps/Shin trilogy.

Noise Factory's MS4 is burdened by 1) recycled, ROMhacky graphics, and 2) a combination of MS1's simplicity and MS3's difficulty. In other words, it's uniquely unsuited to crowd-pleasing. Taken as a "mission pack" affair that goes back to Slug's run/jump/drive roots, I consider its stage design easily on par with, sometimes superior to Nazca's trilogy. In particular, its difficulty curve is better-balanced; attaining serious intensity by stage 2's boss, then maintaining pressure. Nazca's Slugs all feature infamously easy-going early/midgames, capped off by endgame "Fuck you, pay me!" hell-spikes that'll shred new players in short order, and torment intermediates who're going for their first 1CCs.

I guarantee that if Nazca had been contracted for another sumptuous spread of gorgeous pixels and pitch-perfectly epic/farcical BGM, 90% of MS4's decriers would do a 180, instead calling it "A HEROIC RETURN TO FORM FOR THE RESURRECTED SNK" or some other guff.

Their opinions on its quality would remain just as oil-slick deep, ofc, but that's a good 95% of internet commentary on classical arcade gaming for you. :cool:

Re: Games that are Overrated

Post by xxx1993 »

In the case of Metal Slug, why should I bother debating which game is the best or worst when I’m a fan of the entire series?
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Re: Games that are Overrated

Post by BIL »

I mean you can love all of them, absolutely. I do too! At a certain fundamental level, they've a lot in common, as do most serial works from committed artists.

I'm just saying, there is definitely a case to be made for the diversity of each, within their kinship of hardcore classical run/gun. You yourself note MS3's wllfully insane Final Mission All About Love as a major distinguisher, a culmination of the rising mad fury for the bigger and crazier that grew over the trilogy's course.

It's like how some say Motorhead just made the same record over and over for forty years. For some listeners, this is a good thing, a "you know what you're in for" reliability. As a fan, I couldn't disagree more; if I want the aerodynamic slash/gash intensity of Ace of Spades, I'm not gonna put on the much weightier (while still within the realm of violent punk-informed metallic rock n' roll) Another Perfect Day, or 1916, or Inferno; forays into bluesier, more radio-friendly, and more metallic territories, respectively. I'll spin up We Are Motorhead, a rare latter-day return to the slicing punky efficiency of their early 80s breakout period.

I try to love and hate with equal levels of discernment, is all. Tamp down to like/dislike depending on how much I care for the thing being discussed. :wink:
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Re: Games that are Overrated

Post by Sima Tuna »

BIL wrote:
xxx1993 wrote:Another game I find overrated is Metal Slug 3. Nearly everywhere I went it was often lauded as the best game in the franchise. But why even bother when every Metal Slug game literally plays the same? I don't get the appeal for Metal Slug 3, other than the final mission taking forever to finish. Meanwhile, Metal Slug 4 is often considered the weakest.
Metal Slug 1, X and 3 are distinguished more by content and tenor than their basic chassis, which saw only subtle refinement over the series' course. By that metric, MS1 fans tend to cite its simple, fast-paced stages, with criticism typically going to the relatively mild difficulty level. MS3 is on the opposite end of the scale; it gets praise for its enormous spread of routes, enemies, and vehicles, but this turns off those who just want to mow down Nazis, and the much harsher cost of dying and losing your gear isn't to everyone's taste, either. MSX tends to be regarded as a happy medium; bigger, tougher, and more varied than the original, without getting into the marathon duration and punishing recoveries of the finale.
This is pretty much the best summary I've ever heard to explain the difference between Metal Slug 1 and Metal Slug 3's design, and why someone might prefer one over the other. I'm definitely in the Metal Slug 1 camp. I like the shorter stages, milder difficulty, relative simplicity and cohesive WW2-with-numbers-filed-off aesthetics. For me, Metal Slug 3 has a great first level, but quickly becomes too bloated and too frustrating, with damage sponge enemies and stages that seem to take forever. Metal Slug X is almost perfect, if not for that final stage and final boss.

One aspect that I really don't like about Metal Slug 3 and some of the later Slugs is the reliance on autoscrolling vehicle sections. In my opinion, the primary vehicle in every Slug game should be some variant on the main Metal Slug. Either a Metal Slug or a Mecha Slug, but something which fits in with the default hardscrolling 2d action, and which you can freely jump in and out of. Whenever I get to a Metal Slug zone and see the area start to scroll, while my dude jumps into a vehicle or engages some alternate mode of transport (like flying in a jetpack,) I just want to alt+F4 nope the fuck out.

I'm aware these are only my preferences, but Metal Slug 1 wins big points with me for being so simple and retaining its core gameplay for nearly the entire runtime.
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Re: Games that are Overrated

Post by BryanM »

Came to diss the original Metroid again. Total slog, recommend that one plays Zelda 2 or something instead.

Zelda 2, too underrated. Zelda 2 2, please Nintengod. Cadash only lasts for so long.
Blinge wrote:I've never understood the appeal of TV tropes.

It's like the internet version of someone in the corner at a party/show who just says " yeah this has been done before, yeah seen that, yeah done that. "
he might look superior for a second, but trust me no one fucking likes him :lol:
Deconstructing things and seeing how they're interconnected isn't for everyone, I guess. (At the very least any hack writer loves having another well to draw ideas from. It saddens me to see another person who has no aspirations to be a hack fraud : ( )

Literally everything is made up of the same stuff. Fucking spooky protons, man.
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Re: Games that are Overrated

Post by evil_ash_xero »

Rastan78 wrote:Aren't the divine beasts pretty much dungeons? I thought they were incredibly creative and well designed.
Yes they are. However, they're the only break from the normal "tron puzzle" thing. If the sequel has proper dungeons, I'll definitely give it a look.
But this game is so highly rated and loved, it really confused me.

I am a big From fan, and I have issues with Elden Ring using incredibly similar catacombs and caves, so much. However, it still has massive "proper" stages. It would be like if you took
those out, and all you had left were the catacombs and caves.
Playthroughs of BotW look so dull. He's cooking. He's walking around. He's doing a puzzle. And it has that boring music, instead of the cool battle themes of the SNES days. I don't know.. it's a snooze.
xxx1993 wrote:Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. To the point where disagreeing with Metal Gear and Hideo Kojima simps will result in them attacking you.
I love Snake Eater, but I have never gotten the hang of it's radar system. When you get the night vision goggles, then we're good, but other than that... I just have to Rambo thru everything. Which the game lets
you do. It's not perfect, but that and the first one are about as good as MGS ever got.
XoPachi wrote:
Steven wrote:That said, go learn Japanese if you don't already know it and then go play Rebirth, Destiny Director's Cut, Hearts (not Hearts R on Vita, I mean the real Hearts on DS, and make sure you get the anime movie version because the CG version's CG is super hideous), Phantasia Cross Edition, and Destiny 2 and then get back to me~
I'm always thrown off when someone says you should learn a language to play a game. That just seems insane. Then again, my dad was from Spain and I know like less than 10 Spanish words. So, languages arent'
my forte.
As for Tales, I like them OK... but they overdo it on story for me. I just don't like tons of cutscenes. Symphonia is still my favorite (it doesn't overdo it on CS, I feel), but the combat system has been well surpassed in other titles.
The loads of cutscenes and skits are why I gave up on Vesperia. However, if you're totally fine with those things, it's a really solid title.

Re: Games that are Overrated

Post by xxx1993 »

I should also add Radiant Silvergun, Sine Mora, and Elemental Gearbolt, the latter two at least from a critical standpoint. All three are just too depressing to play for shmups or light gun games yet are critically acclaimed. In the case of Elemental Gearbolt, I just want to shoot some things, not hear a depressing story about the rise and fall of some random kingdom I probably won't give a damn about. And Sine Mora, when was the last time we had a story actually dealing with serious personal issues like rape and incest (that isn't an H-game)? Unless you’re an H-game, leave rape out of my shmups.
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