Prelude to the Apocalypse

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Iran War. When.

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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BulletMagnet »

Sengoku Strider wrote:I feel like for all the constant talk about it, people in the US still don't really believe it's happening.
Oh, it's absolutely happening, and has been in the works for a very long time. The problem is that a significant portion of the electorate either a) Outright supports it, because yeeaahhh fuck yooouuu yeeahhh or b) Would rather let it happen than change their vote and thus tacitly acknowledge they were ever wrong.

EDIT: Our South American counterpart, of course, is not to be outdone.

But just keep telling yourself that this is what actual fascism looks like, literally everything else is just media bias.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BIL »

Sengoku Strider wrote:Paul Pelosi Is Undergoing Brain Surgery After Being Attacked with Hammer in His Home: Report | According to U.S. Capitol Police, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was in Washington, D.C. with Her Protective Detail at the Time of the Attack, Which Occurred at the Couple's San Francisco Home

...after an intruder broke into the couple's San Francisco home early Friday morning, reportedly in search of the House speaker.

Nancy Pelosi's Husband Paul 'Violently Assaulted' with Hammer in His San Francisco Home Overnight: Reports
Armed with a hammer, they were unable to locate her — so they instead violently attacked Paul, 82, who was in the residence.

CNN correspondent Jamie Gangel reports that the intruder "confronted the speaker's husband" and shouted, "Where is Nancy, where is Nancy?" Sources told Gangel that the assailant also tried to tie Paul up to await Nancy's return.


I mean, just one random act of stochastic politically motivated home invasion and deadly assault against the spouse of the head of a major branch of government, this isn't indicative of any organized movement or anythi...
QANON meets an archetypal San Francisco Treat. Image Not surprised, given the state of the place lately. Designated shitting streets are a reliable harbinger of chaos.

Quite pleased, ngl. A hammer to the skull by proxy is sublime karma for pulling that "spark of divinity" shit re: MS-13. You know, murderous home invasions being their stock and trade. Regards, the third world. (no, obfuscating the sentment doesn't help; it does quite the opposite, actually!)
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BryanM »

Mischief Maker wrote:Yeah, what's the difference if Trump or Hillary wins?
If Hillary won, would Dark Brandon be half as good as he is?

The man's like the best president we've had in our lifetimes. Granted the bar is sitting on the floor, but I was predisposed to hate the guy's guts and here I am going "wow... not literally on the floor." A lot of that is them pooping themselves knowing they have to give some people something.

Re-alignment is a crazy time to be alive.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BulletMagnet »

BIL wrote:Quite pleased, ngl. A hammer to the skull by proxy is sublime karma for pulling that "spark of divinity" shit re: MS-13.
Have to say, reading this was quite the way to start my Sunday. As someone who's hardly a fan of Pelosi, I wouldn't have blinked at criticism, as found in the article you linked, of her willful widening of the subject of Trump's statement to make it sound worse, but "pro-MS-13"? You can't honestly believe that's what she actually meant, or that anyone stating otherwise is a conspirator in "obfuscating" the truth.

As for the "karma" angle, I really hope you grasp what a truly gruesome Pandora's box that manner of mindset that logic should, say, people in favor of gun control feel they should openly celebrate - and/or encourage sequels to - the infamous shooting of Steve Scalise since he is, and remains, unabashedly pro-NRA? Or, to keep it more on-topic, since it appears that the guy who attacked Pelosi's husband was initially radicalized by Gamergate, should people critical of the movement vocally hope that, should he or others like him end up doing jail time, that they get raped as "comeuppance" for all the rape threats that were sent to others?

I'd love to see what the larger response would be to such sentiments, particularly from self-styled hardcore "free speech" advocates; in any event, the over-arching question is, at what point is someone obligated to check himself and say "I'm starting to go beyond standard-issue schadenfreude into 'the abyss stares back' territory here"?
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BIL »

BulletMagnet wrote:
BIL wrote:Quite pleased, ngl. A hammer to the skull by proxy is sublime karma for pulling that "spark of divinity" shit re: MS-13.
Have to say, reading this was quite the way to start my Sunday. As someone who's hardly a fan of Pelosi, I wouldn't have blinked at criticism, as found in the article you linked, of her willful widening of the subject of Trump's statement to make it sound worse, but "pro-MS-13"? You can't honestly believe that's what she actually meant, or that anyone stating otherwise is a conspirator in "obfuscating" the truth.
It's a gruesome sentiment on my part, the ol' hammertime - you'll hear no defense from me there. I have to object on "pro-MS13," though; I neither implied nor believe Pelosi et al are some gang-affiliated fifth column. I don't even care about her warping an out-of-context soundbite into an abjectly cynical brickbat. Shitty, reductive behaviour, but it's what politicians do. Beneath comment, imo.

The problem is that her little stunt is a two-way street, one that knowingly puts animalistic gangsters on par with refugees often fleeing the very same. It goes beyond the merely craven and opportunistic, into the unforgivably callous. Imagine a politician somewhere in the early 1940s condemning the "inhuman" atrocities of Nazi Germany, only for their rival to cock a leg up and smugly parp out "I don't think declaring an entire country inhuman is good." Image

It's also an open invitation for milquetoast dipshits like this guy to flap their gums and accomplish sweet fuck-all, besides watering down a richly well-earned castigation from your then-president.


Wow, thanks for your insight "John." I thought they might be Martians, or robots, or crustaceans. See you on the fairway?

I have family throughout the Caribbean. The region is generally a shitshow of untrammeled corruption, but some islands are better-ran than others. One such accepted thirty pieces of silver to set up direct flights between their capital and Honduras's, a move greeted with some unease. Few months later? The country's first-ever organised kidnapping case, a pilot scheme of sorts. This is one of MS-13's primary industries, you see, and the wealthy residents and their children offered especially rich pickings. Who wants to see little Timmy burnt alive in an oil drum, mirite?

Fortunately the victim escaped, the perpetrators were caught and deported, and life went on. Could've easily ended in murder. This outfit and the culture they promulgate are utter cancer. As the US was finding out at the time, with those murders described in that story I linked. The island I describe has a tiny, well-guarded border with state-of-the-art policing. Woe to the US with its massive porous border and all the opportunities for criminal gangs that entails.

All this said, I do apologise for weeing on the rug with that oafish post. 3; A less assholic sort might've noted that atrocious home-invading violence is precisely why MS-13 is described as varying shades of inhuman throughout the entirety of the Americas, and wherever else they've managed to afflict. Not literally inhuman, of course, but we all know that.
As for the "karma" angle, I really hope you grasp what a truly gruesome Pandora's box that manner of mindset that logic should, say, people in favor of gun control feel they should openly celebrate - and/or encourage sequels to - the infamous shooting of Steve Scalise since he is, and remains, unabashedly pro-NRA? Or, to keep it more on-topic, since it appears that the guy who attacked Pelosi's husband was initially radicalized by Gamergate, should people critical of the movement vocally hope that, should he or others like him end up doing jail time, that they get raped as "comeuppance" for all the rape threats that were sent to others?
I'd say the same if George W. Bush or Joe Biden or Tony Blair came to similarly literary ends for their instrumental roles in the Iraq horror. Sometimes shitty people get shat upon, that's all. Just as often they don't.

A serial rape-threatener getting bummed to death sounds all well and good, tbh. That's one reason of many to scorn rape and threats of - nobody will object if you later end up on the wrong side of a Fatal Roger. (one of the more ignobly self-preserving reasons, to be sure, but I would assume we're at the baby-steps stage of morality with these types)

I'm not a Buddhist, nor would I even call it a mindset. Just a bit of black-humoured whimsy. (I get that it jars in a post about an old guy getting beaten with a hammer, but as noted I'm a bit of a COONT :shock: Image)
I'd love to see what the larger response would be to such sentiments, particularly from self-styled hardcore "free speech" advocates; in any event, the over-arching question is, at what point is someone obligated to check himself and say "I'm starting to go beyond standard-issue schadenfreude into 'the abyss stares back' territory here"?
I don't like schadenfreude, as a rule. If you don't think a person deserves every last crumb of the shit falling upon them, and you get satisfaction anyway, imo you might be a sadist. (as opposed to a plain old vindictive cunt, like me)
Last edited by BIL on Mon Oct 31, 2022 3:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Mischief Maker »

Oh fuck yeah!

Lula da Silva wins the Brazilian presidency after literally having it stolen from him previously.

Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

An oligarch walks in and grabs nine cookies for himself.

Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Rob »

BulletMagnet wrote:Yes, everyone, regardless of politics or anything else, sometimes believes things that turn out to be wrong, but again, these people aren't complete and utter morons, there's no way the vast, vast majority of them don't know what utter bunk they're peddling (to wit, MM has posted this famous nugget right here on the forum countless times, and it's been highlighted heaven knows how often elsewhere, for years; how many people are fully aware of this but still "believe" in supporting it?); the actual issue is that they don't care, and far too many of the rest of us can't bring themselves to even consider that possibility, let alone how our own attitudes and behavior to that end should change.
You've cited a funny example. One thing we all know about journalists is that they are 100% honest and never make things up to get attention or further an agenda. Here we have one with a clear agenda (Legalize It All) digging up a supposed quote from 1994 (from a man who died in 1999) for an article in 2016. For whatever reason this juicy nugget was left on the cutting room floor for his 1996 book. You take this to be true without question. We get a lot of "facts" like that these days and they do become widespread.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by bottino »

Mischief Maker wrote:Oh fuck yeah!

Lula da Silva wins the Brazilian presidency after literally having it stolen from him previously.
Hey MM,
once again, thank you for your solidarity.

It was pure hell, but we did it :mrgreen:
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BulletMagnet »

Rob wrote:Here we have one with a clear agenda (Legalize It All) digging up a supposed quote from 1994 (from a man who died in 1999) for an article in 2016. For whatever reason this juicy nugget was left on the cutting room floor for his 1996 book.
If you don't believe the author's stated reasons for not publishing the quote earlier, nor the alternate possibility that he was uncomfortable doing so before Ehrlichman's death (Lee Atwater's name was never attached to his infamous "nigger nigger nigger" quote - which, as it happens, serves as a perfect additional example of famously-disproven falsehoods that the right and "center" still claim to prescribe to...and we have that one on tape) until after he died, there's the fact that just before the "war on drugs" was initiated a government commission, backed by most every medical association in the country, recommended going in exactly the opposite direction.

Even so, you could still be right that the quote is fraudulent; based on said surrounding factors, however, I'm personally inclined to doubt that being the case. To circle back to the initial point I was making in referencing it, however, with each passing day I grow increasingly inclined to assume that people who still insist on policies whose ratonales simply don't add up are just as aware of the often-copious evidence against them as I am, but are infinitely more concerned with getting their yeeahhhh fuck yooouuu yeeahhh on than literally anything else, and thus immediately and permanently decry anything contradictory as a *cringe* "hoax". Feel free to argue otherwise when 70 percent of the GOP still openly say they believe the election was stolen even after everything that's happened since November 2020.
bottino wrote:It was pure hell, but we did it :mrgreen:
Hopefully Bolsonaro actually mans up and accepts the results sooner rather than later...though from what I read his supporters are wreaking havoc and he's been holed up in meetings with military leaders, so that possibility seems unfortunately remote.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BryanM »

Watching the Zuckerverse combust into flames is even more satisfying than the collapse of Stadia and subsequent insane refunds. Just imagine, spending a trillion zillion dollars all to make an inferior VRChat. You coulda got into the immortality or AI races instead, but nah dog who needs research when you can have video game avatars with no legs~

A quote on the thing that sums it up well: "Trying to create a metaverse without sex is like trying to create an internal combustion engine without heat." Another compares being able to hit the wrong notes on your virtual instrument in VRChat, but not able to in Zookworld because that would spoil the flawless little bubble they wanted to create.

VRChat was released literally two years before FB acquired Occulus. Or a full seven years before this whole... Meta thing started being advertised. And Tabletop Simulator was out a year later than that.

I guess it was inevitable. I mean, try to put yourself into their shoes: You're an internet landlord. You provide no value to anyone, except some website your tenets occupy. You're pressured to constantly grow, but in a finite world you reach a saturation point eventually, and start to decline. Now, how do you expand your rental properties for minimum effort? Remember, you don't create anything. You just siphon money off the top from people who do. Like Valve, yaknow?

To put it shortly... you're the Zook. What would you have done?
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by orange808 »

BryanM wrote: Like Valve, yaknow?
Easy tiger.

Accidental or not, Valve helps keeps "Win32" executables alive. That keeps the rubbish Windows Store where it belongs: in the dustbin. We must never allow Microsoft to create a large and successful walled garden inside Windows gaming.
BryanM wrote: Watching the Zuckerverse combust into flames is even more satisfying than the collapse of Stadia
I'm enjoying watching Musk flip around like a fish out of water at Twitter. Thinks he can make money with subscriptions. :lol: Nobody pays to write shit on the internet.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Air Master Burst »

Valve at least performs a valuable service by not forcing me to remember which game is on which of a dozen fucking services like whenever I want to watch a damn movie these days.
King's Field IV is the best Souls game.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Hoagtech »

BryanM wrote: "Trying to create a metaverse without sex is like trying to create an internal combustion engine without heat”
I never thought about the future of VR sex but now that you mention it.

The internet has had a huge influence in sexual progress since the home dialup PC.

I can only imagine what happens when Zuck starts the digital reality prostitution economy..
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Mischief Maker »

Hoagtech wrote:I can only imagine what happens when Zuck starts the digital reality prostitution economy..
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

An oligarch walks in and grabs nine cookies for himself.

Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BryanM »

orange808 wrote:Accidental or not, Valve helps keeps "Win32" executables alive.
Steam doesn't support 32 bit operating systems. And will eventually disable the ability to use it on Windows 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, Panda, Windows 0, Windows Windows, etc.

Would have been nice if it wasn't DRM. That's almost a non-concern for city folk sure; still matters to many.

It is nice seeing Microsoft getting kicked in the nuts for constantly being late to the party, like with Android. Hah.

Our cyberpunk dystopia dictates whoever gets a monopoly on the matrix will be bigger dick weasels than all these guys combined. I'd imagine Disneyland daily rates to use the thing at a minimum, with the realistic addition of dastardly manipulation from massive privacy violations that make today's internet stalking look cute.
Air Master Burst wrote:Valve at least performs a valuable service by not forcing me to remember which game is on which of a dozen fucking services like whenever I want to watch a damn movie these days.
Yeah, it is a natural monopoly. Instead of Valve collecting 30%+ of everyone else's revenue, maybe it should have been a non-profit utility to begin with.

Anyway, its competitors give away free games like GTA5 so even that simple peace of mind isn't a firm unyielding rock.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by orange808 »

What is it with the internet? ????

I put "win32" in quotes for a reason. That forms a distinction between standard windows executables and the "universal" signed store apps that Microsoft keeps rebranding.

As far as I can tell, Steam is still based on an extended web browser with hooks into the OS. I don't know when or if they will abandon any operating system, but they are unlikely to leave large amounts of customers behind. Microsoft is the one trying to rush people onto a new version of the OS. Valve just rolls with the punches.

I love that there's competition for Valve from third parties. However, once again, Valve's strength is the main force keeping Microsoft's store from burying everyone. If Microsoft ever gets traction, they will strangle all competition in the cradle--just like Google does with Android. Once people accept that sideloading is a bad idea and the OS vendor effectively "disables" the option, it's game over.

Mind the quotes.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by bottino »

Hey BM, thanks for your support!
BulletMagnet wrote:
bottino wrote:It was pure hell, but we did it :mrgreen:
Hopefully Bolsonaro actually mans up and accepts the results sooner rather than later...though from what I read his supporters are wreaking havoc and he's been holed up in meetings with military leaders, so that possibility seems unfortunately remote.
He's too much of a coward and fascist to do that (he delegated that to one of his political allies); nevertheless, the transition process has already started.

And yes, his more rabid supporters were making roadblocks across the country, but were only successful in creating some ruckus due to the complicity of his justice minister, Brazil's Federal Highway Police (yes, we have that here, unfortunately) and an underground financial network, but that's already falling apart. Even football fans were able to clear the roads and send those fuckers home :lol:

The truth of the matter is that he tried every dirty trick in the book, using the State in a desperate attempt to buy his reelection and still lost! Given those conditions, our victory was almost a miracle. You could say that it was a plebiscite between a fascist autocracy and a flawed democracy, yes, but one in which a better future is open to dispute.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Sengoku Strider »

orange808 wrote:If Microsoft ever gets traction, they will strangle all competition in the cradle--just like Google does with Android. Once people accept that sideloading is a bad idea and the OS vendor effectively "disables" the option, it's game over.
Incidentally this is also why however good a deal it seems, Gamepass is ultimately for fools trading their gaming birthright for a mess of day 1 AAA pottage.
BryanM wrote:Our cyberpunk dystopia dictates whoever gets a monopoly on the matrix will be bigger dick weasels than all these guys combined. I'd imagine Disneyland daily rates to use the thing at a minimum, with the realistic addition of dastardly manipulation from massive privacy violations that make today's internet stalking look cute.
This is why I'm prepping by stocking up on hundreds of Sega Saturn games. The man who is content with Sega Rally, Blast Wind and Vampire Savior is a freedom fighter. "Oh, but emulation is so much better!" Get thee behind me, Microsatan. Forever my own master, never a slave.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Lander »

Late to the party on this Twitter buyout business, having only read through the wikipedia summation last night (living under a rock is great, highly recommend it :) )

Frankly, as one who considers Twitter to be a sizable contributor to the social media-driven degeneration of public discourse over the last decade or so, the whole thing is delectable schadenfreude and so saturated with spite that it's almost unreal. Firing the execs and having security march them out of headquarters? Chef's Kiss. Robbing them of their golden parachute? Citizen Kane Clapping. Musk appointing himself "Chief Twit" as a tongue-in-cheek twist of the knife? Priceless.

Still, it's quite possible that we're just trading one corporate juggernaut for another equally bad corporate juggernaut - on principle I hate them all equally, but for now watching the blood and loose teeth fly from down here in the cheap seats is good popcorn.

What happens next will be interesting, since the options are effectively:

A. Crash it into the ground and throw a party
B. Caustically scour it from the inside out and benefit from owning one of the largest social networks on earth.

Musk is cracked enough that I wouldn't take the former completely off the table, but also mogul enough that the latter is much more likely.
orange808 wrote:I'm enjoying watching Musk flip around like a fish out of water at Twitter. Thinks he can make money with subscriptions. :lol: Nobody pays to write shit on the internet.
I think that's the point. What better way to cut the legs out from beneath the maligned "twitter-approved person" badge than to convert it into the latest in a long line of money-leeching sub services?

It presents as good business for the corpo side by virtue of being a monetization scheme, and another icky touch-me-not for the savvy customer. Win-win if you're looking to pick the platform apart from the inside and replace it with something else, though on some level a loss for the individual since it further hammers in the general "you will never stop paying for anything ever" precedent set by the rise of sub services.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by To Far Away Times »

I would love to see Twitter (and Facebook) go the way of my space and its ilk.

Both Twitter and Facebook are owned by Jackasses and both desperately need moderation.

Facebook is completely unusuable. Its a cesspit of racist family members talking about their favorite statistics on people of color.

Why'd we all ever migrate from myspace anyway? Making your own webpage with html or whatever language that was was really cool. I had these sick animated flames and midi version of Sepharoth's theme. A more innocent time, I suppose.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BryanM »

The point of Facebook was the real names thing. For a long time there were websites claiming to get you in touch with your old classmates, but you had to pay $$$$ buddy. It was awful.

Then Facebook let you use your real name without having to pay them anything, and it became popular. As they said of the thing "get in touch with people you didn't get to have sex with the first time around and have sex with them now". After the younger generation got that out of their system, of course it was going to end up as a boomer graveyard where they can play poker, slots, and have their low-effort racist re-post blogs.

Of course it still has *some* utility function for models to post their pics and companies to notify you when they have a new product for you to buy. Also to get depressed at how flippin' old you are when other people's kids are going to college now when they were babies just yesterday.


It's not a good place, you should stay away from it yeah.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Ddshot »

Always fun catching up with this thread![VICTORY HAND]️
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BulletMagnet »

Still waiting for the "Deep State" screechers to comment. Or for the "government overreach" and "surveillance state"-obsessed to explain how they plan to vote next week.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by orange808 »

So, now Twitter is banning people that impersonate others and the blue check is temporarily disabled after a name change. Wow. Think you made an amazing epiphany, Elon? :lol:


Here's the issue: This was obviously going to happen and I knew it. In fact, everyone with a brain knew it. So, why didn't the billionaire genius see it? Why couldn't the billionaire anticipate this obvious potential issue and get out ahead of it? The internet isn't new. Handle impersonation issues are as old as internet discourse itself. Are you really this thick, Elon?

That check mark should have dropped off pending verification after a name change from the very beginning. What kind of rube pushes out a change to "real name" verification that allows people to change their handle freely and allows mutable handles? Musk looks like a rank amateur because he is. Moron.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Hoagtech »

BulletMagnet wrote:Still waiting for the "Deep State" screechers to comment. Or for the "government overreach" and "surveillance state"-obsessed to explain how they plan to vote next week.
It's not looking good.

People are fed up with [failed] police reform, [failed] drug reform, and [failed] unsustainable sanctuary in the Blue Hierarchy.

Most of our cities are trash piles of increased crime and the best your ideals provide us is, diversion excuses, because of "coincidental circumstance" due to Corona?

I hope they will vote against this Cosmic ball of shit.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Specineff »

Hoagtech wrote:People are fed up with [failed] police reform, [failed] drug reform, and [failed] unsustainable sanctuary in the Blue Hierarchy.

Most of our cities are trash piles of increased crime and the best your ideals provide us is, diversion excuses, because of "coincidental circumstance" due to Corona?
I know it doesn't address the whole issue, but didn't Biden just issue a pardon for minor MJ-related offenses?
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Hoagtech »

Specineff wrote:
Hoagtech wrote:People are fed up with [failed] police reform, [failed] drug reform, and [failed] unsustainable sanctuary in the Blue Hierarchy.

Most of our cities are trash piles of increased crime and the best your ideals provide us is, diversion excuses, because of "coincidental circumstance" due to Corona?
I know it doesn't address the whole issue, but didn't Biden just issue a pardon for minor MJ-related offenses?
He did. That should have been done many years ago. I agree with it but like you said, it does not solve the other issues caused by faulty reform.

Lax drug and crime measures during a fentanyl wave is a bad combo.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by thchardcore »

I see a lot of people here letting their politics guide their recollection of recent events.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BulletMagnet »

@hoagtech: Assuming you were directly answering my query, i.e. why someone ostensibly concerned about government overreach would vote for a party that is unquestionably growing more openly, gleefully authoritarian by the day, it would appear the nutshell version is "because crime is up". If crime is that important an issue for you, I'm assuming you're aware, as detailed here, that according to the hard data we have available, the aforementioned rise has 1) Occurred at roughly equal rates in both rural and urban areas, and within politically left and right populations, and 2) Prosecutorial and police reform efforts have had no discernible effect on accelerating these trends?

(One factor that is specifically named as a possible culprit is, incidentally, the ongoing increase in gun proliferation, almost exclusively at the hands of the self-styled "tough on crime" set and widely opposed by law enforcement; more study would be needed to come to a definitive conclusion on this either way, but as I would hope you also know the "lock 'em all up" crowd have long done their damndest to hamstring any such efforts.)

That all being laid out, I'll ask again - and I'm not really the one who needs to hear the answer here, you are - if you were aware of what the numbers tell us about the rising crime rate, does your stated motivation for your voting preference, supposedly strong enough to allow you to tolerate or even welcome budding totalitarians into leadership roles, make very much sense? On the flipside, if you weren't aware of this information, can you actually claim to know, or even care, as much about this issue as you say you do? Finally, regardless whether you've known for awhile or just found out, do you think this knowledge should affect how you plan to vote, and if not, then is it reasonable to conclude that the crime rate might not be the real reason you're voting the way you are?

Again, you don't need to answer to the likes of me, as I can't know what's going on inside your head any more than anyone else. But if you're going to, as they say, "hold your nose" so hard at the polls that you're willing to line up behind people who have outright rejected the institution of democracy itself, I do hope you've at least put some forethought into it.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Hoagtech »

BulletMagnet wrote:@hoagtech: Assuming you were directly answering my query, i.e. why someone ostensibly concerned about government overreach would vote for a party that is unquestionably growing more openly, gleefully authoritarian by the day, it would appear the nutshell version is "because crime is up". If crime is that important an issue for you, I'm assuming you're aware, as detailed here, that according to the hard data we have available, the aforementioned rise has 1) Occurred at roughly equal rates in both rural and urban areas, and within politically left and right populations, and 2) Prosecutorial and police reform efforts have had no discernible effect on accelerating these trends?

(One factor that is specifically named as a possible culprit is, incidentally, the ongoing increase in gun proliferation, almost exclusively at the hands of the "tough on crime" set and widely opposed by law enforcement; more study would be needed to come to a definitive conclusion on this either way, but as I would hope you also know the "lock them all up" crowd have long done their damndest to hamstring any such efforts.)

That all being laid out, I'll ask again - and I'm not really the one who needs to hear the answer here, you are - if you were aware of what the numbers tell us about the rising crime rate, does your stated motivation for your voting preference, supposedly strong enough to allow you to tolerate or even welcome budding totalitarians into leadership roles, make very much sense? On the flipside, if you weren't aware of this information, can you actually claim to know, or even care, as much about the issue as you say you do? Finally, regardless whether you've known for awhile or just found out, do you think this knowledge should affect how you plan to vote, and if not, then is it reasonable to conclude that the crime rate might not be the real reason you're voting the way you do?
What do you THINK is the REAL reason I am voting the way you think I am?

I would like to clarify that before I refute your stance on the causes of the issues I am facing in my hometown..
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