Prelude to the Apocalypse

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Iran War. When.

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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Mischief Maker »

BIL wrote:The Independent? Image What did your old friend BIRUFORD ever do, MM-san, to make you fling a bag of burning dogshit at his door so? 3;
I just searched youtube for the clip, there's no added commentary besides the title. Coulda got it from anyone else, that was just the top result.
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

An oligarch walks in and grabs nine cookies for himself.

Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BIL »

I apologise, MM-san Image Certain things, they trigger me (`w´メ) I don't do trusted sources (trusted strangers LMFAO). I'll belt-sand the screaming face off of 45's skull, then turn around and put two in an approving JOEPEDO's guts before indulging in a bit of the old trauma-facilitated in/out. Metaphorically, like! Their MSM catamites, and the lesser peanut gallery sorts on TEH TOOB? Pfft! Douse the lot in boiling oil, then dump a truckload of flaming bundles of sticks onto the pitiable howling mass for good measure.

Metaphorically, like!

My trusted source for Barry is B-B-B-Barreh he good self. :shock: Or whoever writes his twatter. I think you're onto something here - has he handed off to that WASCALLY WUPERT - another sunken grey cunt in need of a fatal Minecrafting - for a big Heel Pop? It's what I would do - think of TEH CA$H Image
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BryanM »

The fash's eagerness to use violence to preserve capitalism is a core reason they're so successful. It's why it's always surprising when a leftist attack comes out; someone shoots up a black church, mexicans in a Wal-Mart, or a leftish youth camp? Yawn, that's just another Tuesday. A bernie bro blows off Scalise's balls? What??? That kind of thing never happens!

Andrew Stack is kind of a weird coinflip on the ideological scale. His suicide manifesto sounds very communist, with a lot of concerns like the old woman he knew that had to eat cat food. But his target was the IRS, not a bank or something. And everything else to the story says he was very very personally butthurt with the IRS. The guy was well off enough to own a plane and a house, so not being allowed to get away with tax evasion is the obvious assumption for his grievance.

Once again, the True Story of the Killdozer Guy is a fun story for these typical assholes. Mostly because he didn't actually murder anyone, despite his best efforts to do so. The amount of people bending over massively for him and he was still massively pissed off at them, is especially cartoonish. Guys, they offered to give him a free sewer line and he refused. >_<
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by To Far Away Times »

The gun nutters have decided these domestic terrorist attacks are an acceptable sacrifice for muh freedumbs.

Ted Cruz is out there at his NRA donor convention blaming doors, video games, mental health, and social media - anything but the actual fucking problem. If only there was something we could do about easy access to incredibly powerful killing machines that allow people to end dozens of lives in seconds. I hate that we've normalized it. The gun nutters ought to feel fucking terrible for their selfishness that leads to these tragedies.

Just so sick of it.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BulletMagnet »

To Far Away Times wrote:The gun nutters have decided these domestic terrorist attacks are an acceptable sacrifice for muh freedumbs.
This isn't remotely news; in the wake of the 2017 Las Vegas shooting Bill O'Reilly said, verbatim, that such events are "the price of freedom". As per usual, if anyone on the right, or for that matter the "center", ever bothered to push back at him I sure as hell didn't hear about it.

@Sengoku Strider: I apologize for not responding to your most recent reply, though I haven't had time to post in detail and things have, unfortunately, only been building daily on that front...I will, however, take a moment to note, just in case you hadn't already caught wind of it, that your own government isn't terribly hopeful about where this neck of the woods is headed.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BryanM »

So anyone who's watched some of the ~hour long footage of the cops heroically protecting the school from parents: is there video evidence of people being handcuffed, tazed, and pepper sprayed?
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BulletMagnet »

Well, we finally got new gun control measures proposed...just not in the country where all the shootings actually happen.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by orange808 »

You wouldn't think a country like America would fall behind Canada on basic public safety measures and health care. (Well, actually a lot of us would think so. That's the problem.)

Goddamn boomers. Ask one of those fucks about Canada and they'll spit all kinds of rubbish. I'd say "lies", but you can't lie when you don't know the truth. I would say "ignorance", but you can't be innocently ignorant when you lack the mental capacity/curiosity/flexibility to investigate and understand, in the first place.

Yeah, yeah. Saying it "unproductive". As if kissing their asses ever worked or helped??

And, the apocalypse continues to unfold as scheduled. :mrgreen:
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by orange808 »

A white billionaire from South Africa talking and you listen?? Seriously? ... quality-is

Oh, the news and celebrities don't remind you everyday, so it's all better and fixed there? Or maybe denial is more comfortable? Maybe it's just that you don't really give a shit because it doesn't affect you at all?

Still, you are listening to this man. A man that won't even tell you how his family got the money that gave him and his brother access to opportunity in the first place.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BryanM »

There's always a huge glut of Musk fanboys in comment sections to this day. I understood his appeal in the early days; hoping anything will change through electoral means soon enough to matter is a pipe dream. Machines, new machines have changed society far more than ideology and argument ever has. By this point, if you don't understand he's a Trump for the 100+ iq crowd and you're not supporting him solely to keep your Tesla stock inflated, you're an absolute gibbering moron.

Maybe this kind of knob-gobbling wasn't completely stupid when his antics were less well known, but not now. (Man, it would've been nice if SpaceX was building capability for a moon base right now. But that's way too boring and feasible, so it wouldn't inflate the stonks as much. Better to "work" toward 300 different goals and accomplish none of them, than to accomplish one or two goals but have teeny tiny stonks.)

He has a new kind of fanboy looking for a savior these days: "Elon's going to save us from WOKE CULTURE." Imagine being such an entitled snowflake that your #1 problem in the entire world, is people being different from you, on the internet. >_>

So this week on musk posting: The delusional lunatics who think Neuralink is working toward making Sword Art Line real and might actually be the ones to make it happen. "Getting a brain implant to play video games", is the dream you could say. I'll paraphrase an actually good youtube comment to sum this one up: "I talked to a neurologist once and he told me once the brain is exposed to air, it's never the same."

Somehow Musk has managed to make the dreadful VR world of the comic Ressentiment appealing. This is one of those things where you wear the helmet and roll around the floor in a full body haptic suit like a gross piggy. That's 10,000,000% more appealing than letting Elon inside my brain more than he already is.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by orange808 »

More concerning technology doesn't involve implants.

It's the face recognition and infrared analysis technology we should fear.

Once your emotions can be analyzed, it will be easy to weed out malcontents. For instance, have a meeting and discuss why unions are bad. Next, analyze the face expressions and infrared heat patterns on your employees; the data will reveal labor sympathisers. At last, the company can identify the silent enemies in the crowd and sack them.

Could probably operate a company that tours, delivers the union workshop, collects data, performs analysis, and provides a convenient human resources professional firing service (complete with security) to handle the dismissals. Getting good readings during the firing session could identify dangerous sacked people and the authorities could arrest them immediately. Perfect. :-) Absolutely perfect....

Lemme guess, some of you think human beings care about ethics and it can't happen.

lmao. You rubes.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Hoagtech »

BryanM wrote:There's always a huge glut of Musk fanboys in comment sections to this day. I understood his appeal in the early days; hoping anything will change through electoral means soon enough to matter is a pipe dream. Machines, new machines have changed society far more than ideology and argument ever has. By this point, if you don't understand he's a Trump for the 100+ iq crowd and you're not supporting him solely to keep your Tesla stock inflated, you're an absolute gibbering moron.

Maybe this kind of knob-gobbling wasn't completely stupid when his antics were less well known, but not now. (Man, it would've been nice if SpaceX was building capability for a moon base right now. But that's way too boring and feasible, so it wouldn't inflate the stonks as much. Better to "work" toward 300 different goals and accomplish none of them, than to accomplish one or two goals but have teeny tiny stonks.)

He has a new kind of fanboy looking for a savior these days: "Elon's going to save us from WOKE CULTURE." Imagine being such an entitled snowflake that your #1 problem in the entire world, is people being different from you, on the internet. >_>

So this week on musk posting: The delusional lunatics who think Neuralink is working toward making Sword Art Line real and might actually be the ones to make it happen. "Getting a brain implant to play video games", is the dream you could say. I'll paraphrase an actually good youtube comment to sum this one up: "I talked to a neurologist once and he told me once the brain is exposed to air, it's never the same."

Somehow Musk has managed to make the dreadful VR world of the comic Ressentiment appealing. This is one of those things where you wear the helmet and roll around the floor in a full body haptic suit like a gross piggy. That's 10,000,000% more appealing than letting Elon inside my brain more than he already is.
It's the priorities of the liberals I have a problem with.

Our biggest issues are homelessness, Drug and fentynal addiction, violence and mental health crisis. These can be solved by building jails to capacity and mental health institutions.

Instead our politicians are garnishing votes based on social talking points. Don't get me wrong. You can think whatever you want about pollution, racism, gay rights and abortion. I EXPECT you have your views on these topics based on your walk of life and experiences.
but these issues do NOT supercede the rise of drug crimes and public safety in our cities.

So the worlds a giant rusty shopping cart and here we are sizing up Elon Musk's ill gotten fame because he "only kinda" did some amazing things and made a political stance recently...

All issues should be brought up. But the biggest issues are unresolved because of social priorities of the liberal demographic.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BryanM »

Hoagtech wrote:All issues should be brought up. But the biggest issues are unresolved because of social priorities of the liberal demographic.
There is not a single issue in our country. It is a perfect utopia.

If there was even one single thing wrong in this country, the people with all the money and all the power would snap their fingers and it would no longer be that way. Within a single day. (So far, their only problems have been Obama calling them "fat cats" one time.)

"Homelessness" is a problem? lol? Lazy people would stop working for capitalists if they got free little apartments. As George Carlin always said, the homeless exist to scare the crap out of everyone else and keep them in line.

Pretending there are any "problems" in our system other than hierarchy and who has power is just weird. As a person with money and power, Elon Musk matters. He literally controls a fair portion of our best engineers, and which projects and policy happens. And therefore has had a big hand in shaping our collective futures. The Vegas Loop is a real thing that exists in exchange for something better.

He's literally the poster child for our casino economy: where production and research doesn't matter, only speculation. Stocks that pay $0 dividends and have value based on hoping someone else will be willing to pay more for it. These are called "greater fool" scams. All the money extracted from the people on the bottom of society from rents, goes into maintaining these casinos. Bitcoin is a beautiful example of how arbitrary these all are: it's roughly in lockstep with the stock market. Because they're the same instruments, fundamentally.

And the people with no money and no power do not matter, unless you're an anti-capitalist hippy dude that cares about human life.

Note the only main reason the New Deal is being repealed slowly instead of overnight isn't because people would riot. It's because it's a staggered raise to capital's vanguard - getting a hefty raise every couple years makes you feel like you're always getting somewhere versus a one time thing. It's amusing those in the mid-vanguard class are walking on treadmills, too.
These can be solved by building jails to capacity
We have more people in prison than any other country on earth, and adding more every day. We're literally doing your solution, and have been for tons of decades. You're doing the conservative thing where you've seen what the capitalists have done, what your ideology (which has had absolute uncontested power in this country and always will) has built, and the only way you can resolve the contradiction is to fool yourself into believing you have no power and that your ideas are not being used. As it's obvious that (if you're some kind of caring-about-humans hippy) what you've been told to believe is clearly wrong.

The current classic example is you hear some little hippy or a friend of yours say "defund the police" and you think "oh, that means they're defunding the police!" When the democrats are literally increasing police funding in turbocharge mode. Capitalists do not want their personal forces to be unrewarded, that would be absolutely insane. It'd be like the North Korean dictatorship cutting wages to its military; that's the one thing you absolutely don't do. You don't want to make your enforcers unhappy.

My favorite canard of the liberals is "personal responsibility" with the "learn 2 code" meme. Like that would change an inner-city kid or 50 yo coal miner's prospects, and like that hasn't been trending to a $0 an hour job like everything else.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by orange808 »

America's biggest problem is their inefficient health care system. The numbers are grim. Reform would benefit the US economy.

The United States justice system is extremely expensive and still underfunded. I'm not a huge personal fan of legalizing drugs, but the marijuana reform should ultimately save us a lot of money. I'm troubled that debtor's prison situations are still happening--disguised as "contempt of court".

I'll throw some red meat to the right when I mention that Ms. Heard will simply file bankruptcy and never pay a dime of the legal judgement against her after a fair trial. Funny how some people go to jail for contempt of court if they cannot afford to comply with a court order--while others can easily wiggle free of crippling debt with zero consequences. If she had child support arrears or delinquent court fees/fines that piled up during jail time, she'd go right back to jail. I don't care about morality or your personal agenda. I see two situations where a person is ordered to pay an amount by "the court". One person is punished endlessly (the poor bloke that went to jail) and Ms. Heard (who was found liable for defamation by a jury of her peers) will face no consequence. Everything is subjective. Everything is bollocks.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by orange808 »

America's biggest problem is their inefficient health care system. The numbers are grim. Reform would benefit the US economy.

The United States justice system is extremely expensive and still underfunded. I'm not a huge personal fan of legalizing drugs, but the marijuana reform should ultimately save us a lot of money. I'm troubled that debtor's prison situations are still happening--disguised as "contempt of court".

I'll throw some red meat to the right when I mention that Ms. Heard will simply file bankruptcy and never pay a dime of the legal judgement against her after a fair trial. Funny how some people go to jail for contempt of court if they cannot afford to comply with a court order--while others can easily wiggle free of crippling debt with zero consequences. If she had child support arrears or delinquent court fees/fines that piled up during jail time, she'd go right back to jail. I don't care about morality or your personal agenda. I see two situations where a person is ordered to pay an amount by "the court". One person is punished endlessly (the poor bloke that went to jail) and Ms. Heard (who was found liable for defamation by a jury of her peers) will face no consequence. Everything is subjective. Everything is bollocks.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Sengoku Strider »

Hoagtech wrote: Our biggest issues are homelessness, Drug and fentynal addiction, violence and mental health crisis. These can be solved by building jails to capacity and mental health institutions.
The reason BC decriminalized hard drugs this week is because of the overwhelming evidence that nothing seems to make the drug problem worse than the carceral system. People fall into it either as users or street dealers because they can't deal with life. Adding a prison record that makes meaningful employment nearly impossible only magnifies that.

As for it taking the suppliers out of the equation, all jailing gangs seems to have done is open up territory for more powerful and competent - or at least more ruthless - cartels to move in. The big players always seem to have enough money & clout to keep real consequences off of them.

You know what does seem to kill them off? Successful integration into society through real opportunities in life. The triads are on the ropes because no Chinese kid who's not a hopeless washout or a sociopath is going to waste their time with that life. The Cosa Nostra are going to be a memory in a generation or two for the same reason. And the Irish mafia, who barely even have Irish members anymore, they take whoever they can get that can stay out of jail.

If life stops seeming hopeless for kids in ghettos and small towns, trying to deaden the pain through drugs or escape through crime loses its appeal.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BulletMagnet »

Hoagtech wrote:but these issues do NOT supercede the rise of drug crimes and public safety in our cities.
Someone else on here said something similar awhile back, i.e. that when push comes to shove he was more afraid of being attacked by a crazy person on the street than anything else, and was willing to prioritize that over everything else when deciding what political stance to take.

My response to him then, and to you now, is that I can absolutely guarantee that the people who constantly promise to make all the crazies go away have done, are doing, and will continue to do infinitely more harm to you, your family, and your futures than any random crazy person ever will.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Hoagtech »

BryanM wrote:
Hoagtech wrote:All issues should be brought up. But the biggest issues are unresolved because of social priorities of the liberal demographic.
There is not a single issue in our country. It is a perfect utopia.

If there was even one single thing wrong in this country, the people with all the money and all the power would snap their fingers and it would no longer be that way. Within a single day. (So far, their only problems have been Obama calling them "fat cats" one time.)

"Homelessness" is a problem? lol? Lazy people would stop working for capitalists if they got free little apartments. As George Carlin always said, the homeless exist to scare the crap out of everyone else and keep them in line.

Pretending there are any "problems" in our system other than hierarchy and who has power is just weird. As a person with money and power, Elon Musk matters. He literally controls a fair portion of our best engineers, and which projects and policy happens. And therefore has had a big hand in shaping our collective futures. The Vegas Loop is a real thing that exists in exchange for something better.

He's literally the poster child for our casino economy: where production and research doesn't matter, only speculation. Stocks that pay $0 dividends and have value based on hoping someone else will be willing to pay more for it. These are called "greater fool" scams. All the money extracted from the people on the bottom of society from rents, goes into maintaining these casinos. Bitcoin is a beautiful example of how arbitrary these all are: it's roughly in lockstep with the stock market. Because they're the same instruments, fundamentally.

And the people with no money and no power do not matter, unless you're an anti-capitalist hippy dude that cares about human life.

Note the only main reason the New Deal is being repealed slowly instead of overnight isn't because people would riot. It's because it's a staggered raise to capital's vanguard - getting a hefty raise every couple years makes you feel like you're always getting somewhere versus a one time thing. It's amusing those in the mid-vanguard class are walking on treadmills, too.
These can be solved by building jails to capacity
We have more people in prison than any other country on earth, and adding more every day. We're literally doing your solution, and have been for tons of decades. You're doing the conservative thing where you've seen what the capitalists have done, what your ideology (which has had absolute uncontested power in this country and always will) has built, and the only way you can resolve the contradiction is to fool yourself into believing you have no power and that your ideas are not being used. As it's obvious that (if you're some kind of caring-about-humans hippy) what you've been told to believe is clearly wrong.

The current classic example is you hear some little hippy or a friend of yours say "defund the police" and you think "oh, that means they're defunding the police!" When the democrats are literally increasing police funding in turbocharge mode. Capitalists do not want their personal forces to be unrewarded, that would be absolutely insane. It'd be like the North Korean dictatorship cutting wages to its military; that's the one thing you absolutely don't do. You don't want to make your enforcers unhappy.

My favorite canard of the liberals is "personal responsibility" with the "learn 2 code" meme. Like that would change an inner-city kid or 50 yo coal miner's prospects, and like that hasn't been trending to a $0 an hour job like everything else.
Your reply is hard to quantify because you started sarcastic and then filled the rest of it with cynicism, possibly sarcastic facts and mustache twisting gaffaws.

It made it hard to take the points you were trying to make seriously.

I took a few points from this such as “people with no money don’t matter” until the car jacking stats of Bellingham WA show an inner city increase of 600% in one year.

The denial of defund the police seems to be a trending defense as people are realizing how stupidthat motion is to the point they will deflect its existence. Once again look at the budgets of police in primarily hyper Prgressive or even half proud socialist cities like Seattle, Portland, and LA 2019 vs 2020 vs 2021.

It was average of 24% decrease. Less funds seems like a “defund in progress” to me.

The prison argument is what started the “reform” as mostly liberals operate the biggest cities and you can check the rise in crime and drugs because of it. Or just continue to deflect like the economy and denying large oil leases in Alaska
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Mischief Maker »

Fuck, dude. Wanna eliminate violent drug offenses? Legalize drugs!

Go to any small claims court and you'll see regular people spilling out into the hallways because their business deals -sometimes with friends- went south and they need an arbitrator to resolve things. But when government defines a product as contraband, people dealing in that product no longer have recourse in the courts. How do they prevent people from fucking up business deals? By getting a reputation as such a violent motherfucker that your business partners don't ever want to risk not holding their end up on a deal. Eventually the scariest motherfuckers create their own mini governments performing the same services for the contraband trade that the courts do for legit business, just bloodier.

Boring old alcohol used to be associated with machine gun massacres during prohibition. Hell, the Canadian black market for cheaper cigarettes smuggled in from the US is associated with violent motherfuckers like the 2020 Nova Scotia mass murderer. Make a highly sought-after consumer good contraband, it WILL lead to violence, it's the most predictable thing in the world.
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

An oligarch walks in and grabs nine cookies for himself.

Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BryanM »

orange808 wrote:I'm troubled that debtor's prison situations are still happening--disguised as "contempt of court".
That one story of a judge selling kids to a private prison was blood boiling.
Boring old alcohol used to be associated with machine gun massacres during prohibition.
Those were exciting times!

And weirdly the modern alcohol vendors are among the least evil of our dictators. Guess that happens when what they control is not a universal need or a utility.

And I guess they don't exactly make a lot of money from wars or putting people into prison. It's kind of weird they have comparatively angelic incentives, when compared to other vampires.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BulletMagnet »

Hoagtech wrote:So the worlds a giant rusty shopping cart and here we are sizing up Elon Musk's ill gotten fame because he "only kinda" did some amazing things and made a political stance recently...
As for Musk, someone has to explain to me how anybody could possibly consider him anything other than a mega-troll at this point.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Mischief Maker »

BulletMagnet wrote:
Hoagtech wrote:So the worlds a giant rusty shopping cart and here we are sizing up Elon Musk's ill gotten fame because he "only kinda" did some amazing things and made a political stance recently...
As for Musk, someone has to explain to me how anybody could possibly consider him anything other than a mega-troll at this point.
I think "Elizabeth Holmes with a dick" is a more apt description.
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

An oligarch walks in and grabs nine cookies for himself.

Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Sengoku Strider »

Ah, Sunday morning. Let's check the news, I wonder what's going on in the US today?
Three people were killed and 11 others were injured when "several active shooters" opened fire at a crowded intersection in Philadelphia's South Street entertainment district late Saturday night, officials said.

The shooting was one of at least four across the nation involving four or more victims in a violent 27-hour span, including one that left three people dead at a graduation party in Socorro, Texas, and another that left a 14-year-old girl dead and eight people injured at a strip mall in Phoenix, Arizona, according to the Gun Violence Archive, a website that tracks shootings across the nation.
Damn, that's crazy. At least four shootings like that? I wonder what that Gun Violence Archive site says.


318 shootings involving at least 1 person killed or injured

Is this still preluding, or have you guys hit actual apocalypse speed?
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BryanM »

Theranos is an unfair comparison since it preyed on the rich, greedy and stupid. So it was cool and good.

The Vegas Loop is considered a rawring "success", so The Boring Company is now receiving additional public funds to create additional tunnels with gamer lights and no safety features. So, far far worse.

Anything to make sure not a single train gets installed anywhere.

(Biiiig lol that Holmes was 19 years old when she started her investment scam. At that age, you haven't even figured out how to properly take a dump on a toilet yet, and she's some entrepreneurial genius that's gonna do a medical miracle all these other hundreds of thousands of professionals couldn't? C'mon. Come, the heck on.

Take the E5 bros. These guys are teasing the possibility of the next big treatment, the biggest thing since penicillin. Harold is an old fart in his 80's. His partner is over 50. Their investors give them tens of thousands of dollars to do their little rat experiments, not millions for a TED talk. The difference between obvious scams and actual research is a chasm.

Solar Freakin' Roadways going viral really made me realize how many people do not have a decent working simulation of reality built up in their brains. I knew it was a lot, I didn't know it was like 85%+. It's a lonely world, man.)
Sengoku Strider wrote:Is this still preluding, or have you guys hit actual apocalypse speed?
That's just a regular Sunday here.

Nuclear war, the collapse of car culture, um, constant riots where hundreds of people die every day - by definition the apocalypse will have a high lack of comfort, for the currently comfortable.

When our people start looking back at the days of former president Greene with nostalgia at how gentle things used to be under our first female president, that's how you'll know we've made progress.

And you can look back at the evil people who said "stop being mean to Elon Musk! You're supposed to be mean to broke people who don't have any power!" and wonder why on earth they so strongly supported the murder dogs and the elon cubes that make up so much of our modern hellscape.

And when we look back at the murder dogs and elon cubes fondly when compared to the even more miserable existence that'll come after that, well, I guess that'll be when the apocalypse is wrapping itself up before we're gone for good.

I guess there's technically enough life left in the sun, for single cell life to evolve back into land dwelling life, two, maybe three more times. The likelihood of keeping our atmosphere or a stable temperature where water doesn't freeze or boil, over that period of time, is extremely low though. It was a miracle it lasted this long the first time.
Last edited by BryanM on Sun Jun 05, 2022 7:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by orange808 »

Given that you can't stop an active shooter until after victims are full of holes, does a "good guy with a gun" arrive with 1-up's for the corpses? :mrgreen:

A goodz guyz with a gunz fixez itz allz betterz!
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Hoagtech »

Mischief Maker wrote:Fuck, dude. Wanna eliminate violent drug offenses? Legalize drugs!

Go to any small claims court and you'll see regular people spilling out into the hallways because their business deals -sometimes with friends- went south and they need an arbitrator to resolve things. But when government defines a product as contraband, people dealing in that product no longer have recourse in the courts. How do they prevent people from fucking up business deals? By getting a reputation as such a violent motherfucker that your business partners don't ever want to risk not holding their end up on a deal. Eventually the scariest motherfuckers create their own mini governments performing the same services for the contraband trade that the courts do for legit business, just bloodier.

Boring old alcohol used to be associated with machine gun massacres during prohibition. Hell, the Canadian black market for cheaper cigarettes smuggled in from the US is associated with violent motherfuckers like the 2020 Nova Scotia mass murderer. Make a highly sought-after consumer good contraband, it WILL lead to violence, it's the most predictable thing in the world.
Boring old alcohol? Alcohol is still attributed to the catalyst that causes most domestic violence in America. If that were true why are we trying to abolish menthol cigarettes because of the attraction and consequence to the black communities?

Even so you cant put overdose drugs like, fentanyl, meth, and heroine on the same shelf as Jack Daniels and not expect the obvious repercussions. People lose their lives on a strong dose. Even in countries like Portugal where they decriminalized it. They still apprehend offenders and offered them treatment plans or fines at sentencing instead of sentencing them to a jail stay, not to mention they still sentence harshly for drug dealers, and in the wake of this, theft crimes are through the roof along with a growing homeless population in Portugal.

Where I live they are given a helpline card to call and no arrests can be given until three occurrences (in each county) can be proven. Mix that with police reform stating a perpetrator cannot be pursued and lack of jail space. We have no way have dealing with these people overflowing into our city.

Like any well intentioned liberal notion. There should be a timeline and priority to strive towards the goals and instead people are dying uncomfortably in the streets with no help or mental support while we "figure it out"

Complain all you want about jails but they give people living in their car or tent, committing offenses, to stay alive with a roof over their heads and three meals a day. If there is a problem with social stigma because of it, then then we should reform the jails not abolish them.

Why are there no mental institutions if mental health is the concern?

I still believe the priorities are the problem here.

The lawmakers in liberal demographics are focusing on placeholding topics instead of the overflowing crime being ignored.

Drugs have already been legal in most Blue cities and the crime spikes in them show they are causing an IMMEDIATE issue to public safety with no plan on helping the homeless or funding for mental institutions.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by orange808 »

There's no numbers to back your assertions. You say it's drug addicts trying to get drugs, yet: robbery, burglary, and larceny are down. Yep. They're down. :-) Sorry. That's what the numbers say.

Car theft is up. You think some junkie knows how to jack a BMW? Most cars manufactured from 2000 to right now have extensive anti-theft technology--and that accounts for a huge and rising majority of motor vehicles in the United States. Sounds like a product of inequality to me. High dollar cars are getting taken because there's a black market out there for vehicles. People need them and they can't afford them. I assume the cars go south of the border. Don't know what to tell you. That's obviously organized crime.
Last edited by orange808 on Mon Jun 06, 2022 1:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Hoagtech »

orange808 wrote:There's no numbers to back your assertions. You say it's drug addicts trying to get drugs, yet: robbery, burglary, and larceny are down. Yep. They're down. :-) Sorry. That's what the numbers say.

Car theft is up. You think some junkie knows how to jack a BMW? Most cars manufactured from 2000 to right now have extensive anti-theft technology--and that accounts for a huge and rising majority of motor vehicles in the United States. Sounds like a product of inequality to me.
Numbers are through the roof. State your stats..

This is the annual increase in Seattle alone. I believe Portland, LA are even worse..
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by orange808 »

Hoagtech wrote:
orange808 wrote:There's no numbers to back your assertions. You say it's drug addicts trying to get drugs, yet: robbery, burglary, and larceny are down. Yep. They're down. :-) Sorry. That's what the numbers say.

Car theft is up. You think some junkie knows how to jack a BMW? Most cars manufactured from 2000 to right now have extensive anti-theft technology--and that accounts for a huge and rising majority of motor vehicles in the United States. Sounds like a product of inequality to me.
Numbers are through the roof. State your stats..

This is the annual increase in Seattle alone. I believe Portland, LA are even worse..
And, your numbers clearly state your home is underperforming national average. Murder is right in line with national average, so people aren't dying.

Looks like inequality to me. Your little stat sheet doesn't say shit about drugs or mental health. You're also projecting your local personal experience on the entire nation and the evidence doesn't back your assertion.
Last edited by orange808 on Mon Jun 06, 2022 1:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Hoagtech »

orange808 wrote:
Hoagtech wrote:
orange808 wrote:There's no numbers to back your assertions. You say it's drug addicts trying to get drugs, yet: robbery, burglary, and larceny are down. Yep. They're down. :-) Sorry. That's what the numbers say.

Car theft is up. You think some junkie knows how to jack a BMW? Most cars manufactured from 2000 to right now have extensive anti-theft technology--and that accounts for a huge and rising majority of motor vehicles in the United States. Sounds like a product of inequality to me.
Numbers are through the roof. State your stats..

This is the annual increase in Seattle alone. I believe Portland, LA are even worse..
And, your numbers clearly state your home is underperforming national average. Murder is right in line with national average, so people aren't dying.

Looks like inequality to me. Your little stat sheet doesn't say shit about drugs or mental health. You're also projecting your local personal experience on the entire nation and the evidence doesn't back your assertion.
Fine… Put me to work.. I’ll gather data for this topic. Hopefully the stats might help but deflection is next anyways..
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