Prelude to the Apocalypse

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Iran War. When.

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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Ed Oscuro »

More systematic problems, unfortunately!

Yeah, Accelerationism finally! ...right? I don't know if people under- or over-estimate the importance of Roe in the scheme of electoral politics, but if I had to bet I'd say they really miscalculated and will pay for it. In the long run, there is some fundamental truth to the idea that when politicians go too far afield there are corrections. It might take a damn long time, but all told I'm happier to be in America than an Old Bolshevik in 1921, or living in a Feudal society. The pace of change is never good enough, but things could always be much worse.

Keep an eye out for Republican 'dummymanders' - intended Gerrymanders that backfire or outlived the political reality.

That reminds me, US aid officials are looking to make up impending grain shortages to Africa consequent from Russia invading Ukraine. US Bad, Capitalism Bad!
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BryanM »

...or if we wake up and finally switch to publicly-funded elections.
Yeah, I was a huge advocate of this in the early days of this thread. Used to be teased as a WolfPAC fangirl by some of our conservatives, back when we had a few conservatives left. Used to bible thump this video haaaard.

What absolutely killed the illusion that it'd be a panacea was how the liberals absolutely fucked Jeremy Corbyn. There is no mechanism to make anything better when the social liberals, conservative liberals, and fascists are united against it. An extra $400k bucks isn't going to counter all of that. It isn't going to change the non-presidential electorate away from a bunch of upper middle class people with an abundance of free time. They'll continue to want to impose more rents and debts, not less.

I still think it's the absolute bare minimum to even begin pretending we live in a democracy I guess.
Yeah, Accelerationism finally! ...right?
Probably not. The electorate doesn't change much, and it's hard to imagine people staying mad about this for three years as everything continues to get collectively worse.

In theory you could change the electorate by doing good things FDR style, but doing good things isn't on the table. The only people allowed to provide change are the fascists. For most of us, the Trump bucks was the first time they saw the government helping them out, so imagine what impression that's given them.

A fun thing is how we all assume the right of women to vote is absolutely untouchable. And maybe it is... by current standards. When the fash really do have power though, what do you think the first thing they're going to do is?

They aren't democrats. Those guys want change, and they have the 10,000 galaxy brain iq know-how it takes to push buttons.
US Bad, Capitalism Bad!
Yes Ed. Capitalism's debt slavery of Africa is very very very very very very very very very very very very bad. That is self-evident to anyone with a heart.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Ed Oscuro »

The US Bad! Capitalism Bad! is more of a lampshade on the hammer-and-sickle crowd's obsession with pointing out all the ways the US was detrimental to world affairs, yet this may well prove to be a boost that actually helps Africans. Incidentally, the roots of slavery in Africa predate the modern Capitalist economy - at least as I count it; one can look at the early emerging mercantilist states as post-Feudal, pre-Capitalist. It's not quite modern capitalism as we know it, and arguably when you had [copious expletives] like the King of Belgium having Congo as their private property, it still wasn't capitalism either. So it's been a mix of things. Yeah, I'm on board with the "Capitalism got a start with slavery" argument.

I take it you're going to be first in line for reparations AND indigenous land-back, by the way? ;)
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BulletMagnet »

BryanM wrote:I still think it's the absolute bare minimum to even begin pretending we live in a democracy I guess.
I'd pair that with a replacement - popular vote, proportional elector awards, just about any replacement, really - for the awful "winner-take-all" system we use for counting votes.
Ed Oscuro wrote:I don't know if people under- or over-estimate the importance of Roe in the scheme of electoral politics, but if I had to bet I'd say they really miscalculated and will pay for it. In the long run, there is some fundamental truth to the idea that when politicians go too far afield there are corrections.
I wish I could agree, but with the way the "centrists" always seem to inevitably go these days (well sure, one party has outright rejected democracy...but the other one is too nice to minorities, they really are equally bad lololol) I just can't.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BryanM »

I'd pair that with a replacement - popular vote, proportional elector awards, just about any replacement, really - for the awful "winner-take-all" system we use for counting votes.
Yeah. My techno-fantasy election reform would be something similar to a driver's license - a pseudo direct democracy where you go in every four years, any time you feel like it, and entrust your voting power to someone else if you so wish. Or you can be your own damn senator if you want a hobby.

I figure if we're going to dream about impossible things, might as well go as far as you can to an idealized end state.

The whole idea of giving godlike power to a president or prime minister also kind of totally undermines the idea of not having a king.

I remember in highschool one of my buddies claimed the president doesn't have much power, that it's the legislature that has all the muscle. I didn't quite as strongly agree with him at the time but had a similar impression. In hindsight and learning more of history, this impression was another of those things intentionally fostered in us through our education.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Ed Oscuro »

How much power the President has is a question that has different answers at different times, as it turns out. If you're in a high school classroom 20 years ago, you could look at "Congress ended the war in Vietnam, Congress forced Nixon to step down" and come to that conclusion. If you just look at the text of the Constitution (back in the days when it was supposed to be believed in, rather than gamed) you would see "he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed" and come to the same conclusion. Sike! It turns out it's not like that at all if there's no power willing and able to keep the President in check. Sad days when we depend on local investigations to try and criminally prosecute egregious conduct affecting the whole nation.

An interesting thing to note is that other countries aren't totally immune to these kinds of problems either. Britain, for example, has a Constitution that includes "unwritten" rules, an arrangement many fear will be abused after the continual spectacles of PM Johnson's government not following its own rules. For all the faults of the American system it still does seem that we have enough inertia built into the system that normally we keep on going in roughly the same direction as before. Countries that have much fewer barriers to national legislative change, which seems to be most of them, can slide one way or another fairly quickly with big implications for freedom of speech and other liberties.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Mischief Maker »

Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

An oligarch walks in and grabs nine cookies for himself.

Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by ED-057 »

So much for disclaimers, eh? You guys crack me up :)
Let's not pretend this isn't about a misogynistic theocratic movement trying to exercise reproductive control over women as has historically happened for most of the existence of the various abrahamic religions which love to portray women as being second class and subservient to men.
For the relevant voting block it is certainly about that. They'll tell you so. The people running the country don't give a hoot about any of that though. Why would they?
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BryanM »

The Perot sword was always a fun icon back in 2015.

In his book, Sanders speaks of Perot's run in positive terms. The guy would buy these thirty minute infomercial slots and explain his views, often with info charts. And the media used to mock Perot over this, which annoyed Sanders: "Agree with him, disagree; at least he was honest and talked to people like they were adults." (Ironically in one of Sanders' early rallies with a couple hundred people, a woman in the crowd used the same line: "You talk to us like we're adults.")

You've all heard me lament that I don't think Sanders used the infomercial tactic at all. ~$500 for a weird timeslot in a local market is a steal.
Ed Oscuro wrote:How much power the President has is a question that has different answers at different times, as it turns out. If you're in a high school classroom 20 years ago, you could look at "Congress ended the war in Vietnam, Congress forced Nixon to step down" and come to that conclusion.
Yeah, leftists still had a tiny speck of power back in those days. Nixon being our last "communist president" always continues to be a trip. (Honestly I wonder if all those stories pre-Reagan are completely made up, like King Arthur or Moses.)

If the powers that be actually wanted Trump or whatever gone, or cared about abortion being legal, they would snap their fingers and it would be so. It doesn't have anything to do with "respect for norms" or silly made up ephemeral nonsense like that. (Again, there's not a "Norm Gauge" like in a video game... it'd be really fun if there was, though.) We're living in their most perfect of all possible worlds.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BIL »

Ed Oscuro wrote:An interesting thing to note is that other countries aren't totally immune to these kinds of problems either. Britain, for example, has a Constitution that includes "unwritten" rules, an arrangement many fear will be abused after the continual spectacles of PM Johnson's government not following its own rules.
Ol' Blighty and her uncodified constitution with "Parliamentary Convention" clothing ~teh dry bones of law~

One of these rudely-garbed bones is that when the PM done a howler, ie flaunt his own mandates to big it up massively w/slappers behind closed doors, he should retire to his study with a stiff drink and a pearl-handled revolver. Metaforically, liek. :o Curiously this doesn't seem to have happened for dear BoJo! Image

TBH, after Blair's shit-eating rictus grew only more deranged following the Iraq horror, and lesser vermin like Sadiq Khan claimed with a straight face that his knife-wracked London was safer than ever, I doubt anything short of being filmed wiping their ass with a koran would see off an errant PM.

It's a popular first-year law question, "Do u fink UK need a written Constitution?" and I always thought "couldn't Parliament just pass a U Dun Fucked Up Nao statute, thereby holding deliquent leaders to account whilst preserving the vaunted adaptability of an uncodified Constitution?" But then another of those conventions is Parliamentary Sovereignty, the rule that no parliament shall be bound by itself or any previous, meaning the next asshole at the trough - or indeed the current one! - could just snap his fingers and undo the UDFUN bill. Image

Interesting country is old Blighty, as long as you're out of knife/IED range and have the option of escape.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by orange808 »

As always, it's just people making up convenient sh*t whenever they feel like it.

America's Constitution works no better. It's virtually impossible to amend it, so the "flexibility" is bullshit. It's also worshipped like a religion. It's holy. That's problematic, because it's so old and often vague. So, what's legal and illegal amounts to "reading the bones" and inventing "support" in old outdated phrases, written when people couldn't possibly imagine modern circumstances. Can't change the document because you can't get the votes. Can't write a new one, because it's holy.

It's conveniently useful the way it is, so nobody in power cares, anyhow. The status quo works just fine for the people at the controls. Apparently, changing it would just create a new set of loopholes, anyhow.

And, as many people are just now discovering (because they're stupid can't think anything through), the Supreme Court is nothing but a "backstop" to maintain the political aims of the people lucky enough to appoint the "justices" or "judges" that sit on the panel. It's a purely political and subjective entity that exists solely to stop Congress from passing laws. It allows a political regime to guarantee their agenda will not be changed--using fake interpretations of an outdated document that never addresed the issue at hand (in the first place). It's a farce: all of it. And, of course, the holy holy document reinforces the entire charade.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Ed Oscuro »

Federalism: And its original and further Crimes, a True Story.

Just skimming through the last posts - respect for the US Constitution seemed to be *mostly* genuine. The fly in the ointment was that lost-causers and Dixiecrats relied on the Constitution and Congressional rules (especially the Senate rule of the talking filibuster) as bulwarks against desegregation - busing, social integration, and so on. Since the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act passed in 64-65 that energy has been redirected; since the system didn't work for the good ol' boys quite so well their strategy is to game the system for maximum power with minimum representation. That's just my read, anyway; there's more to the true history than that. But no, the days of segregation were not exactly a progressive utopia - people were willing to do some progressive things if the edifice of structural racism were kept intact. Even Teddy Roosevelt, Progressive champion, ended up regretting his dinner with Booker T. Washington at the White House.

In shorter works, Democratic party control of the government is not automatically Progressive control of the government, except in the case of a shaking-out of the party. The stars aligned for civil rights under Johnson; will the stars align again for Roe and Casey?

Some bits of the Constitution are well-written, and others are unfortunate. Good, Amendment IX:
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
Straightforward enough. But then Amendment X hits:
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
I pondered this wording after the Roe & Casey overturn leak. Clearly, as I see it, the thrust of the Constitution is that when some things are controversial (Catholic emancipation, lese-majeste laws), vehement disagreement and even religious convictions are not sufficient to strip a right from the people. But Alito apparently thinks that the proper way forward is to say that 'controversy' is enough to throw it back to the states, at least sometimes, so rights will be decided by state politicians. The worst form of government, except for all the others.

@BIL: Surely you jest when speaking of blood-drenched London streets and anti-Muslim wokeness? One of my boys on Twitter has had an ongoing bit of replying to people daring him into the no-go Zones. He's escaped with all his parts intact as far as I know. Personally I never was too scared in the nights walking the mean ol' streets around '03 but then again I probably could have made it to the wrong-headed eagle of the American Embassy with full diaper.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BIL »

Ed Oscuro wrote:@BIL: Surely you jest when speaking of blood-drenched London streets and anti-Muslim wokeness? One of my boys on Twitter has had an ongoing bit of replying to people daring him into the no-go Zones. He's escaped with all his parts intact as far as I know.
Wasn't Martyn Hett was it :shock: (sorry, bit dark 3;)

I've heard some crazy shit about Sweden, but we don't really have "No Go Areas," per se. Regardless, terror attacks being what they are, those with a hankering for flying shrapnel would be better-served leaving the usual suspects' hoods well alone, and instead enjoying a nice pop concert full of little white girls and their parents, or perhaps taking a stroll along London Bridge. Summer 2017 was quite the time for the city, a blood-drenched one you really could say, even without adding the Grenfell disaster.

However, none of this Islamist carnage has anything to do with the city's world-infamous murder rate - I was a bit surprised to see it referenced tbh. :o
Personally I never was too scared in the nights walking the mean ol' streets around '03 but then again I probably could have made it to the wrong-headed eagle of the American Embassy with full diaper.
Ah, a fond year. Ikaruga GC release, unbelievable for non-importers. (˘w˘) Knife crime didn't really explode until the late 2010s, and Muslims ain't got shit on it tbh. ... s/sn04304/

It's the historic preserve of majority Afro-Caribbean and African street gangs, with the occasional token whitey tagging along because he liek 2 kick it massive bruv. As is also the case for Jamaican and American gang war hotspots, the victims constituting these record bodycounts are overwhelmingly those who live in the afflicted areas, the innocent and criminal alike. So again, a random visitor faffing around London on a dare doesn't have nearly as much to worry about; it's not Mogadishu or even NYC.

Unless he does something really silly like, I don't know, tagging a few buildings while he's at it. Even then, he might escape with a stiff kicking and maybe a "bagging," the popular gangsta practice of stabbing someone in their rectum so they'll need a colostomy bag. What rascals! Brings to mind the logical escalation of slashing a rival's buttocks, known to occur in Italy - it's painful and humiliating, but unlikely to cause serious injury or death. Oh for the days when they just slashed your arse.

Nobody cares about Sasha Johnson anymore because she was shot by the wrong colour people :[

^^^ Guns are a thing too, but exponentially less so because this is Crumpetshire, not Yardieford or even Burgerville. Bottom line: want points? Kill Opps, not civilians. Who's going to bump some shitty diss track about killing random whiteys? Pff! What the leaderboard requires are names.

Anyway, Sadiq Khan famously got up in front of an inquiry and, after being shown the atrocious figures blooming under his watch, was asked if his London was truly Tha Safest Evarr since he got rid of stop and search (a perennial hot potato). He replied in the affirmative, confirming what everyone else in the room already knew: he is a gaping cunt; a cunt for all seasons, and colours, and creeds.

His religion doesn't really come into it tbh, at least not outside of skinhead BNP nutter circles.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by ED-057 »

Did the Ministry of Truth say yet whether it's OK to watch this or not?
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Mischief Maker »

ED-057 wrote:Did the Ministry of Truth say yet whether it's OK to watch this or not?
So a guy who did time for bribery via campaign finance made a documentary about the REAL election fraud?

Kinda like how Ron Watkins, owner of 8kun (aka "kiddie porn central"), started posting under the name Q and telling everyone what the REAL pedophiles were up to!
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

An oligarch walks in and grabs nine cookies for himself.

Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by orange808 »

Ministry of Truth? Because, you're a champion of free speech? lmao :lol:

Nobody gives a shit about free speech. I've got crocodile tears for all this pearl clutching and fake outrage from both sides of the aisle.

Same thing with freedom of religion. You right wing fucks can't even read a sentence and understand it. I don't even know why it matters. How hard is it to leave other people alone and ignore them? Angry about extreme Islam? Those people are right wing. You know that, right? Same song, different verse. Not surprising that you fucks can't let one another alone.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BulletMagnet »

ED-057 wrote:Ministry of Truth
No need to be so down on it, it's the latest excuse for the right to shut down the government AGAIN, what's not to love?
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Ed Oscuro »

Speaking of RELIGIOUS WARS I found this comic by Saladin Ahmed about Ottomans vs. Dracula, looks dope as fuck and it's free right now:

@BIL: I may not be calibrated for Limey levels of rollicking good times - my yardstick for crimin' is adjusted for Burgerland levels where I regularly see stuff like "blue and gray" guys flicking butts out their van windows, and bumper stickers such as "An armed society is a polite society."
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BIL »

TBH, England's baddest GANGSTA HOODS are basically Great Value Kingstons - tiny fraction of the guns, no killer cops what-so-ever (muh narrative! Later Sasha), and worst of all for the confluence of two great musical nations - dogshit tunes. :x "Drill rap?" I wish someone would drill these boring cunts' hard drives, more like.

Like fuck would I move to one though, don't get me wrong! Nice to not be around knifey rich kids and their lame songs, fuck that shit. Best Value Consolation Prize: Abject terror of these LARPy chumps when they get rude in Crumpet Towne & subsequently deported to dread JAMROCK. Blooood claaaaat! Image They cry to the Home Office, "SIR PLS, ahv lived in Ingerland since I were a wee lad, when the scary jungle people ear moi plummy RP accent, and shit - ooh guvna!"

God knows what happens if their appeals don't work, and them a find out that the real ghetto badmans / Poor People Governors kill na fi "clout" (pfff) but FI FUN Image :shock: Well no, it's often because the cops are corrupt as all fucking hell if present at all, but even so, it's a damn sight rougher than Blighty, hence pampered pussy limey boy terror.

...this post isn't very Christian of me Ed, I do apologise. :/ Hang on a sec. Aha! :idea: The last karmic refuge of a scoundrel: a little pro bono >;3

Lads: if this happens to you, TURN A BATTYQUEER STAT. Fire up that INSTA with your lips clamped around the nearest, biggest and HARDEST CAWK you can find - get down on it, omnomnom! Mother Blighty is VERY aware of Jam's atrocious record on gay rights, or rather, its atrocious catalogue of GAY WRONGS! :o I will have to consult my legal journals, but it would not surprise me - AT ALL - if this gambit spared you a one-way ticket to Tivoli Gardens.

Don't think of it as a big hard dick! Think of it as your ejector lever to freedom! Image Image

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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by ED-057 »

The Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex votes to steal another $40 billion.

Fake news addicts bend over and chant "please master, rob us harder!"
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Mischief Maker »

ED-057 wrote:The Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex votes to steal another $40 billion.

Fake news addicts bend over and chant "please master, rob us harder!"
In the meantime, the Ukrainian counterattack has pushed back to the Russian border in places.

I love watching a bully get smacked.

Also, doggy!
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

An oligarch walks in and grabs nine cookies for himself.

Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BryanM »

Aw, little guy's a little stressed out.

Haven't listened to Thom Hartmann in a few years, dipped into his channel to check it out. Same story as everywhere else: "Vampires are going to kill us all, no one is even trying to do anything to stop them." Checked another old channel I used to listen to; Benjamin Dixon's show is a shell of its former self.

One little channel I've been enjoying a bit is the This Is Revolution Podcast. They have like five viewers including me, but I like how they're not bouncing around like a ping pong ball with every news cycle that comes out. Just conversations about broad trends and topics. There's a kind of timelessness to that I find calming.

There was one episode where they had a guy on that dismissed all the current breakthroughs in AI as universally useless and bullshit scams, a mechanical turk. Kind of undermined himself a bit by conceding "okay you can generate a magazine cover or something", something that was impossible even ten years ago. I understand why he wants to feel that way though; he's a humanist and to say that technology is an important or even the most important factor in the structure of society, that's an affront to his ideals. He'd rather our lives and anger actually mean anything, than accept it's all a bunch of levers and pulleys that matter.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by ED-057 »

In the meantime, the Ukrainian counterattack has pushed back to the Russian border in places.

I love watching a bully get smacked.
Pro-war dems gonna pro-war. I knew I could count on you to cheer for Ukrainians being sold for cannon fodder. Did you hear about Lockheed Martin's quarterly sales performance??
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by ED-057 »

BryanM wrote:There was one episode where they had a guy on that dismissed all the current breakthroughs in AI as universally useless and bullshit scams, a mechanical turk. Kind of undermined himself a bit by conceding "okay you can generate a magazine cover or something", something that was impossible even ten years ago. I understand why he wants to feel that way though; he's a humanist and to say that technology is an important or even the most important factor in the structure of society, that's an affront to his ideals. He'd rather our lives and anger actually mean anything, than accept it's all a bunch of levers and pulleys that matter.
There's some machine learning software package for sale on DLsite for $20 that automatically generates anime girl portraits. I didn't buy it because it says it only works on Windows 10, but the reviews say it's legit. These are dangerous times.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Mischief Maker »

ED-057 wrote:
In the meantime, the Ukrainian counterattack has pushed back to the Russian border in places.

I love watching a bully get smacked.
Pro-war dems gonna pro-war. I knew I could count on you to cheer for Ukrainians being sold for cannon fodder. Did you hear about Lockheed Martin's quarterly sales performance??
Silly me! I thought Ukrainians were sentient humans who had free will, and chose to fight. Not chattel who live or die at Putin's whim.

Sometimes I catch myself thinking that Imperialism is bad, when clearly the more nuanced opinion is that Imperialism is only bad when a member of the NATO alliance does it.

And speaking of cannon fodder...
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

An oligarch walks in and grabs nine cookies for himself.

Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BryanM »

ED-057 wrote:There's some machine learning software package for sale on DLsite for $20 that automatically generates anime girl portraits. I didn't buy it because it says it only works on Windows 10, but the reviews say it's legit. These are dangerous times.
Waifu Labs lets you do this for $0 as well as implement it (through source) for free through the MIT license.

I've been spending a lot of time churning through it for character portraits for a simplified incremental wizardy dungeon crawling gacha thing I'll probably never finish like I never finish anything else. I wondered at the start if it would give me some epiphanies on the nature of art, but no not really. Color is still the most important thing. Though I did confirm that having lips and noses makes an enormous difference; they are very good things for your face to have. I have pondered a lot on what makes an anime face male versus female, exactly, since it's an important question that's very relevant to which bucket I toss a face in.

The latent space available to the model is limited; things can get rather samey, stuck at a local maxima. And out of many thousands of images, I've only seen 1 output of good, symmetrical cat ears and a few decent or so-so ones. Occasionally an interesting style comes out, like the colored energy outlines I found last week, but it feels like there's still a lot more that it could be improved. "Hair shit" being resolved into actual hair things would be a major improvement.

Though the failures are often the best part about it. Disgusting messes that'll make you want to lose your lunch, goofy amusing fails, things that are too fuckin' cute as to be allowed within the proper margins of what is allowed to be cute, mixes of all three, etc.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by ED-057 »

I've been spending a lot of time churning through it for character portraits for a simplified incremental wizardy dungeon crawling gacha thing I'll probably never finish like I never finish anything else.
Did they ever explain their stance on licensing for the generated images? When the update happened there were questions on hacker news about this but they were not answered. The DLsite one was explicitly royalty-free FWIW.
Color is still the most important thing. Though I did confirm that having lips and noses makes an enormous difference; they are very good things for your face to have. I have pondered a lot on what makes an anime face male versus female, exactly, since it's an important question that's very relevant to which bucket I toss a face in.
Well, I am also not a trained artist but it's funny you should say that. Noses and lips generally receive no more detail than ears, and certainly less than hair or eyes. For face shapes that could be either male or female (ie. not a long, square-jaw Chad face) what else besides hair and eyes would you have to go by?

I hit the lever a few times and it was always the area below the face where truly weird things might show up. Usually just the tops of shoulders or clothing, but often unsymmetrical, occasionally with unidentified extra limbs jutting out somewhere.
Mischief Maker wrote:Silly me! I thought Ukrainians were sentient humans who had free will, and chose to fight. Not chattel who live or die at Putin's whim.
Chose to fight, eh? I have bad news for you...

Glenn Greenwald: US anti-war left is dead ... d-it..html
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BryanM »

It's almost like there's not a finite, dwindling, oil supply and we're not sitting around in a dying world.
ED-057 wrote:Did they ever explain their stance on licensing for the generated images? When the update happened there were questions on hacker news about this but they were not answered. The DLsite one was explicitly royalty-free FWIW.
Their github license page contains their entire terms, which has no profit motive behind it. They're literally handing out their source, the images generated by it fall under the same terms.
For face shapes that could be either male or female (ie. not a long, square-jaw Chad face) what else besides hair and eyes would you have to go by?
Necks is one, guys have thicc necks. The weirdest thing is getting a sense of gender from the triangle that is their faces, it's just a stupid triangle.

We have it on easy mode irl with our hair cheat. Without it, lots of people look more androgynous. Which is where a chunk of the issue is, this GAN has a feminine bias especially with hair.
I hit the lever a few times and it was always the area below the face where truly weird things might show up. Usually just the tops of shoulders or clothing, but often unsymmetrical, occasionally with unidentified extra limbs jutting out somewhere.
Wonderful eldritch things, yes. Banana hands, tentacle hands, tightneck, it's a wonderful land of adventure and wonder. A weakness in this method tends to be when more dimensions are added, the quality of the others suffers. The full body characters they made for their game aren't production quality.

A perfected version of this would be something able to make 2d renders from 3d generated objects, since the 2d is an abstraction and the 3d is the real thing it's modeling.
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by Mischief Maker »


Glenn Greenwald has gone full Dave Rubin. He's gotten to the point of calling Tucker Carlson a "socialist." It's deeply disappointing.
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

An oligarch walks in and grabs nine cookies for himself.

Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: Prelude to the Apocalypse

Post by BryanM »

A good dehumanizing cartoon of ideological anti-interventionist hippies. Good thing too; they have way too much power and voice. Take that, flower-sniffers >_<

Thankfully "no hippies" is #2 or #3 on the inevitable future voting rights act.
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