UltraHDMI group-buy ROUND 7 - 2021-01-30 UPDATE

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Re: UltraHDMI group-buy ROUND 7 - 2021-01-30 UPDATE

Post by hushed »

Lopenator wrote:
dryja123 wrote:There’s nothing productive happening on this thread anymore. Can we request that it get locked and only the thread owner and the moderator team post updates? Where’s the moderation on this forum?
I don't think the thread should be locked. Something might be important that needs to be said by someone who is not the the moderator or team. Like how the PixelFX crew comes through once in a while.
I also think the thread should not be locked. It would be good to hear from people when they get their deliveries or refunds. it would also be good to know if people start to say the sheet's notes about them are not accurate.
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Re: UltraHDMI group-buy ROUND 7 - 2021-01-30 UPDATE

Post by Lethal »

alucard971 wrote:
Lethal wrote: Really? Could have fooled me… You might want to indicate that a little more clearly next time grammar nazi because in english when you laugh after your own comments it indicates that you’re laughing at what you said. Surprised a grammar cop like you trying to teach what you clearly don’t know wasn’t able to figure that out…

You know for someone that pretentiously tried to come off as virtuous and cite insults as a reason to be offended and attempt to discredit my argument, you sure try hard to do exactly that. I suppose it’s a good thing that I’m not inbred like you turning out to be a thin skinned soy boy and instead can go about my life not whining about everything on the internet that doesn’t fit the narrative of the bullshit propaganda being regurgitated ad nauseam in your rants.

I’m also not going to address your claim about a second user name any further. I have already set the record straight despite all of the desperate circle jerking taking place grasping at straws for anything to attack me with. You can fabricate all the nonsense you like hinged on shitty whataboutisms but it’s not going to change that fact. Your guess is as good as mine as to what happened to another user maybe do some more of your make belief detective work if you are so concerned.

At the end of the day you’ve come up short yet again and have only further embarrassed yourself by clearly raging over text on the internet. Maybe it’s time these parents that you keep talking about send you to bed for the night. Based on your constant referencing of them, it’s safe to say you still haven’t moved out. I’d suggest reflecting a little more on your position rather then mine but I already know based on your past tantrums that you’d never heed any such advice and will continue to be taken for a ride by the brothers lapping up and recycling their excuses at every possible opportunity. Sadly you’ve only convinced yourself.

Anyway, I found the award you were looking for. Look forward to your next bout of virtue signaling.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Made sure to put it before I typed anything to make it clear on your own terms that I am strictly laughing at your dumb ass.

Oh look! He learned how to use clip art! You can learn, Lethal! I am so proud of you. Gold star! We are going to hang that one on the fridge right after your nap time.
Really? Could have fooled me… You might want to indicate that a little more clearly next time grammar nazi because in english when you laugh after your own comments it indicates that you’re laughing at what you said. Surprised a grammar cop like you trying to teach what you clearly don’t know wasn’t able to figure that out…
You know for someone that pretentiously tried to come off as virtuous and cite insults as a reason to be offended and attempt to discredit my argument, you sure try hard to do exactly that. I suppose it’s a good thing that I’m not inbred like you turning out to be a thin skinned soy boy and instead can go about my life not whining about everything on the internet that doesn’t fit the narrative of the bullshit propaganda being regurgitated ad nauseam in your rants.
There you go with your insults based on zero facts. Really? Inbred? Oh! I've been struck down in my prime! How ever will I come back from such a fatal blow! I never said I was virtuous. *You* called me virtuous because you have no other vocabulary or insults. Also, I never discredited your argument. Another false statement. I simply stated you're an asshole. And boy, if you want to talk about ad nauseam! You are the poster boy for repetitive garble.
I’m also not going to address your claim about a second user name any further. I have already set the record straight despite all of the desperate circle jerking taking place grasping at straws for anything to attack me with. You can fabricate all the nonsense you like hinged on shitty whataboutisms but it’s not going to change that fact. Your guess is as good as mine as to what happened to another user maybe do some more of your make belief detective work if you are so concerned.
Ok. I won't talk about your dissociative identity disorder and denial.
At the end of the day you’ve come up short yet again and have only further embarrassed yourself by clearly raging over text on the internet. Maybe it’s time these parents that you keep talking about send you to bed for the night. Based on your constant referencing of them, it’s safe to say you still haven’t moved out. I’d suggest reflecting a little more on your position rather then mine but I already know based on your past tantrums that you’d never heed any such advice and will continue to be taken for a ride by the brothers lapping up and recycling their excuses at every possible opportunity. Sadly you’ve only convinced yourself.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Got to put the laughing emojis before the statement or you won't understand you're being laughed at. I live a comfortable life on Marine Corps retirement. You want to try again, detective?

Another laughable post by Lethal, the joke of Shmups.
We both know you were laughing at your own jokes because that’s what village idiots do when they seek attention. I normally wouldn’t have said anything but when you’re so desperate to pick apart anything I do since your arguments were nothing but piss poor rehashes regurgitating the same tired excuses the brothers are pedaling that you stoop to being a grammar nazi, it was only fitting that I point out your hypocritical failures.

At the end of the day I guess I can’t expect any more from a marine… I’m sure you of all people are well aware of that though…


Last edited by Lethal on Thu Aug 26, 2021 3:53 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: UltraHDMI group-buy ROUND 7 - 2021-01-30 UPDATE

Post by Lethal »

alucard971 wrote:Everybody

I am starting a drinking game.

Take a sip whenever Lethal

- mentions the Turners
- mentions virtue/virtuous, white knight, irrelevant, logic, word salad
- directs his comment to anyone except the Turners

Take a drink whenever Lethal

- mentions the Google Doc
- mentions unanswered emails / lack of communication
- mentions how he "couldn't care less"
- says retarded (or similar disability), mouth breather, inbred, or any insult that is derogatory.
- mentions how this is a scam

Drink the entirety whenever Lethal

- posts a photo with his comment
- starts an argument with a new / fresh-to-the-conversation user
- mentions how he is being suppressed

Don't plan on driving anywhere when you start.
While you have that magnifying glass and dictionary out, I'd suggesting looking up the word "triggered" while your doing your grammar nazi rounds.
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Re: UltraHDMI group-buy ROUND 7 - 2021-01-30 UPDATE

Post by Lethal »

skitals wrote:
alucard971 wrote:Everybody

I am starting a drinking game.

Take a sip whenever Lethal

- mentions the Turners
- mentions virtue/virtuous, white knight, irrelevant, logic, word salad
- directs his comment to anyone except the Turners

Take a drink whenever Lethal

- mentions the Google Doc
- mentions unanswered emails / lack of communication
- mentions how he "couldn't care less"
- says retarded (or similar disability), mouth breather, inbred, or any insult that is derogatory.
- mentions how this is a scam

Drink the entirety whenever Lethal

- posts a photo with his comment
- starts an argument with a new / fresh-to-the-conversation user
- mentions how he is being suppressed

Don't plan on driving anywhere when you start.
You forgot:

-gets banned and creates a new account but denies it's him
Your user name is quite fitting. You clearly love to taste the brothers rainbows.

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Re: UltraHDMI group-buy ROUND 7 - 2021-01-30 UPDATE

Post by Lethal »

ldeveraux wrote:Please stop quoting OneWhoCausesDeath. I blocked it for a reason, so I didn't have to see it's nonsensical rants. I am enjoying seeing the retorts to it however...
Awww, poor muffin... Is hiding from the problems you created for yourself by initially attacking me in this thread no longer working?

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Re: UltraHDMI group-buy ROUND 7 - 2021-01-30 UPDATE

Post by alucard971 »

We both know you were laughing at your own jokes because that’s what village idiots do when they seek attention. I normally wouldn’t have said anything but when you’re so desperate to pick apart anything I do since your arguments where nothing but piss poor rehashes regurgitating the same tired excuses the brothers are pedaling that you stoop to being a grammar nazi, it was only fitting that I point out your hypocritical failures.

At the end of the day I guess I can’t expect any more from a marine… I’m sure you of all people are well aware of that though…
You are terrible at this troll game. Get a life. Move out of your parents basement (which you didn't deny and deflected at me). Do something with your life. You have nothing left but petty insults. You are a simple child. Mommy and Daddy didn't give you enough attention as a kid I'm guessing. If you have a significant other, they probably can't stand your ass and are waiting for the right moment to leave you (or have a Jody on the side you don't know about). Judging how you wait night and day to reply to me, you must not. Once again, you can't read. I said I was no longer going to share my opinion to you because I have given it to you so many times already and unlike you I am tired of repeating myself. You are a loser who probably has no friends trying to make a scene for attention. Its really pathetic at this point. If you haven't gotten it through your thick Cro-Magnon skull, we do not want to talk to you. We do not want you here. More replies just makes that evidence iron-clad.

Please, give me more Marine Corps jokes I have heard a thousand times before. End of the day, I've done more on a Tuesday than you've done in your entire life. It brings me joy to see you TRY to insult the Corps.

What have you done with yours?
Last edited by alucard971 on Thu Aug 26, 2021 4:12 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: UltraHDMI group-buy ROUND 7 - 2021-01-30 UPDATE

Post by alucard971 »

Lethal wrote:
alucard971 wrote:Everybody

I am starting a drinking game.

Take a sip whenever Lethal

- mentions the Turners
- mentions virtue/virtuous, white knight, irrelevant, logic, word salad
- directs his comment to anyone except the Turners

Take a drink whenever Lethal

- mentions the Google Doc
- mentions unanswered emails / lack of communication
- mentions how he "couldn't care less"
- says retarded (or similar disability), mouth breather, inbred, or any insult that is derogatory.
- mentions how this is a scam

Drink the entirety whenever Lethal

- posts a photo with his comment
- starts an argument with a new / fresh-to-the-conversation user
- mentions how he is being suppressed

Don't plan on driving anywhere when you start.
While you have that magnifying glass and dictionary out, I'd suggesting looking up the word "triggered" while your doing your grammar nazi rounds.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Thanks. Edited. I also have to add regurgitate to it now.

Directing comments at anyone but the Turners, that's a sip.
Village Idiot, that's a drink.
Two images, that's downing two whole drinks. You are going to get me single handed drunk in one comment!

And what's the matter? I thought you said we weren't reading what you said? I figured making you a drinking game would at least make it enjoyable to read anything you post.

Re: UltraHDMI group-buy ROUND 7 - 2021-01-30 UPDATE

Post by mikechi2 »

alucard971 wrote:
Please, give me more Marine Corps jokes I have heard a thousand times before. End of the day, I've done more on a Tuesday than you've done in your entire life. It brings me joy to see you TRY to insult the Corps.
Thank you for your service.
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Re: UltraHDMI group-buy ROUND 7 - 2021-01-30 UPDATE

Post by alucard971 »

mikechi2 wrote:
alucard971 wrote:
Please, give me more Marine Corps jokes I have heard a thousand times before. End of the day, I've done more on a Tuesday than you've done in your entire life. It brings me joy to see you TRY to insult the Corps.
Thank you for your service.
Likewise! Even if you didn't serve, you created multiple devices that allows us to relive our childhood in full HD. Now with the Tink 5X, you are learning software to improve it. I seriously wish that you could make a deal with a big TV manufacturer like LG or Sony and have the Tink available on all of their sets. My buddies and I whipped out the Xbox and the Tink 5x and played Halo the other night like we did in Iraq. One of the better nights I've had in awhile. Thank you for everything you've done for the retro community. You and your wife :mrgreen:
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Re: UltraHDMI group-buy ROUND 7 - 2021-01-30 UPDATE

Post by Lethal »

alucard971 wrote:
We both know you were laughing at your own jokes because that’s what village idiots do when they seek attention. I normally wouldn’t have said anything but when you’re so desperate to pick apart anything I do since your arguments where nothing but piss poor rehashes regurgitating the same tired excuses the brothers are pedaling that you stoop to being a grammar nazi, it was only fitting that I point out your hypocritical failures.

At the end of the day I guess I can’t expect any more from a marine… I’m sure you of all people are well aware of that though…
You are terrible at this troll game. Get a life. Move out of your parents basement (which you didn't deny and deflected at me). Do something with your life. You have nothing left but petty insults. You are a simple child. Mommy and Daddy didn't give you enough attention as a kid I'm guessing. If you have a significant other, they probably can't stand your ass and are waiting for the right moment to leave you (or have a Jody on the side you don't know about). Judging how you wait night and day to reply to me, you must not. Once again, you can't read. I said I was no longer going to share my opinion to you because I have given it to you so many times already and unlike you I am tired of repeating myself. You are a loser who probably has no friends trying to make a scene for attention. Its really pathetic at this point. If you haven't gotten it through your thick Cro-Magnon skull, we do not want to talk to you. We do not want you here. More replies just makes that evidence iron-clad.

Please, give me more Marine Corps jokes I have heard a thousand times before. End of the day, I've done more on a Tuesday than you've done in your entire life. It brings me joy to see you TRY to insult the Corps.
I don't think I've ever seen such a pathetic attempt to downplay a situation. You rant on about how my opinion (you deem it "trolling") means nothing and is so terrible yet you keep typing paragraphs in response evidently after shitting your pants in anger. So who are you trying to fool exactly? The same two other dumbasses in your circle jerk drinking the same braindead kool-aid as you? It certainly isn’t me or any other external viewer likely face palming after reading your poorly cobbled together replies. How ironic that you would cite my response time as some shitty justification for your half baked conclusion of what my life entails when in reality your recent terrible takes masqueraded as retorts have been made significantly faster in response (time stamps don't lie bud). Since you seem so interested in my personal life though, I won't bother giving you any details about it. I'll let you continue to stew in your sad sack shit pile of over used desperate generic internet insults. I know you were a marine and the bar to entry is pretty damn low but I at least had some hope that even a mouth breather like you could muster something better. I'm nearly as disappointed now as I was seeing you stoop to being a grammar nazi despite the significant illiteracy rate in "the corps".

In conclusion I'll simply repeat what I have to your butt buddies previously. You willingly CHOOSE to read my posts. If you don't like them then CHOOSE not to. The choice and power to do so are all tools any basic functioning individual has at disposal in their tool chest. ldeveraux claims he has ignored me. Why can't you do the same princess?
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Re: UltraHDMI group-buy ROUND 7 - 2021-01-30 UPDATE

Post by alucard971 »

Lethal wrote:
I don't think I've ever seen such a pathetic attempt to downplay a situation. You rant on about how my opinion (you deem it "trolling") means nothing and is so terrible yet you keep typing paragraphs in response evidently after shitting your pants in anger. So who are you trying to fool exactly? The same two other dumbasses in your circle jerk drinking the same braindead kool-aid as you? It certainly isn’t me or any other external viewer likely face palming after reading your poorly cobbled together replies. How ironic that you would cite my response time as some shitty justification for your half baked conclusion of what my life entails when in reality your recent terrible takes masqueraded as retorts have been made significantly faster in response (time stamps don't lie bud). Since you seem so interested in my personal life though, I won't bother giving you any details about it. I'll let you continue to stew in your sad sack shit pile of over used desperate generic internet insults. I know you were a marine and the bar to entry is pretty damn low but I at least had some hope that even a mouth breather like you could muster something better. I'm nearly as disappointed now as I was seeing you stoop to being a grammar nazi despite the significant illiteracy rate in "the corps".

In conclusion I'll simply repeat what I have to your butt buddies previously. You willingly CHOOSE to read my posts. If you don't like them then CHOOSE not to. The choice and power to do so are all tools any basic functioning individual has at disposal in their tool chest. ldeveraux claims he has ignored me. Why can't you do the same snowflake?
What kind of moron are you? You really can't read. Let me type this out in bold letters so you can understand.


on some things. The one thing I can't get with you on is you are really drawing straws and being an asshole for no reason. You keep trying to make it look like I'm angry. I just went downstairs, cooked some dinner, and now I am watching The Good Life on Netflix. Played some Brawlhalla with my nephews and am about to go get a shower. Something you should probably do. And yes, trolling is when you exacerbate a situation to bring attention to yourself and seem superior. I don't need to give an example because every post you do is exactly that. You try to keep calling us *brain-dead, but you are the only one who doesn't know the simple definition of objective or bias. You don't put a spoiler tag on your replies so we have to go through a wall of text just to read what you say (which is cancer by the way). And you keep bringing up the Marine Corps like it does something to me. I still have done way more than you. Seen more than you have. Have had a far greater experience than you will ever have. Also, I get a pretty sweet check every month. You won't say what you do because you don't do shit. You are a waste of space. And since you haven't given a shred of evidence of what you do and haven't denied living in your parents basement, I am going to assume you do just that.

Regarding the time stamps, you are mostly right. I did have the last couple of days off. But if you look back there was a time when I took a long break. Said nothing. Check those time stamps out. Also, check out your amount of posts over mine. Yeah, bud, you have verbal diarrhea. It does nothing but make everyone in this forum groan because they see you post CONSTANTLY. You get so butt hurt seeing someone commenting. You are the only one mad here and keep trying to say everyone else is, deflecting again. Everything you say is absolutely garbage. I take that back, at least some garbage has a use and can at least be recycled. "Sad sack shit pile"? Another good one by Lethal Shakespeare.

Now I am going to repeat exactly what you just said.
You willingly CHOOSE to read my posts. If you don't like them then CHOOSE not to. The choice and power to do so are all tools any basic functioning individual has at disposal in their tool chest. ldeveraux claims he has ignored me. Why can't you do the same snowflake?
Follow your own advice, Alice. Otherwise, I might think you have a crush on me.
Last edited by alucard971 on Thu Aug 26, 2021 7:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: UltraHDMI group-buy ROUND 7 - 2021-01-30 UPDATE

Post by mikechi2 »

alucard971 wrote: Likewise! Even if you didn't serve, you created multiple devices that allows us to relive our childhood in full HD. Now with the Tink 5X, you are learning software to improve it. I seriously wish that you could make a deal with a big TV manufacturer like LG or Sony and have the Tink available on all of their sets. My buddies and I whipped out the Xbox and the Tink 5x and played Halo the other night like we did in Iraq. One of the better nights I've had in awhile. Thank you for everything you've done for the retro community. You and your wife :mrgreen:
What I do couldn't possibly be compared to what you and your buddies have done, but I very much appreciate the sentiment. Really happy to hear that :)
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Re: UltraHDMI group-buy ROUND 7 - 2021-01-30 UPDATE

Post by Ghegs »

Alright, let's take a breather. Image spamming, fishing for reactions and wild off-topicness ends here.
No matter how good a game is, somebody will always hate it. No matter how bad a game is, somebody will always love it.

My videos
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Re: UltraHDMI group-buy ROUND 7 - 2021-01-30 UPDATE

Post by RIP-Felix »

CZroe wrote:
RIP-Felix wrote:
CZroe wrote:Due to a miscommunication with Marshall we have WAY too many DACs...
Did Marshall charge you for these DAC's?

- If so, then where did the money for them come from? Escrow or personal account?
- If not, did He not want them back? Would he be okay with you selling them?
Gonna have to go into the weeds on this one, but here goes:
Back in January we did not know how many people would want optional DACs. Marshall didn't want to delay shipping further so he graciously shipped them 1:2 with the HW2 kits before even setting a price with the understanding that we were likely underestimating and could order more if need be. That means we only got 115 for the first 230 kits. While in transit he calculated the price would be about $20 per DAC.

While the rest of the HW2 boards he had were waiting on flex cable production we began distributing the first 230 HW2 kits. It became clear that most people were opting for the DAC and we still owed him for the first 115 so we went ahead and paid for 300 DACs total expecting 185 to ship with the next batch of HW2 kits. As we continued distributing the initial 230 HW2 boards it became clear that we were running out of the initial 115 DACs. We asked if he could ship some of those 185 DACs to us early instead of waiting for the rest of the HW2 kits. Just as the lack of DACs was becoming an issue for distributing the initial 230 HW2 kits, we unexpectedly received 100 more the day of the tornado so I guess he forgot to tell my bro he was shipping which got me unnecessarily excited. I was glad to have them but I actually hoped it would have more HW2 kits. Didn't get an opportunity to moan about it when we suddenly didn't even have functional streets, power, Internet, cellular service, etc.

This means he still owed us 85 DACs when the tornado hit.

When the rest of the HW2 kits arrived, Marshall had already distributed some to GameTechUS and we got fewer HW2 kits than expected (300 instead of 400+). With 100 fewer HW2 kits I worried that 300 DACs total might be too many but then we found that he had included another 300 DACs instead of the remaining 85... WAY too many.

That means we paid for 300 DACs and received 515. Marshall said we could settle up later and that is where things still stand.

Marshall should be OK with us selling them and the extra DAC flexes have been useful for the people who ruin theirs. Of course, that means we will need to buy more DAC flexes when the time comes.
RIP-Felix wrote:Also, is the business making enough profit to cover any shortfall that may arise from overbuying DAC's? Given your financial difficulties during the disaster, our confidence in your ability to cover these cost out of pocket is justifiably shaken. Can you reassure buyers at the end of the list will get their kit? Or are they subsidizing the cost of kits and refund penalties of the people above them on the list?

Sorry for the hard questions objectivity demanded I ask.
We are selling the DACs at cost so there is no profit to cover any shortfall. In fact, multiple people owe us for DACs since we paid it forward and extended the same courtesy to some in order to get things moving... one installer owes over $800 for DACs! Eventually the bill from Marshall will come due. Again, we only make money from completely optional installations and were never doing the group buy as a business. It isn't just DACs either. One person was supposed to send back the unprovisioned kit that was accidentally shipped to him. We even lost more money refunding him enough to cover shipping. He promised a tracking number months ago but never supplied it. No kit either. :(

Of course, we always wanted to order some kits for ourselves to do with as we pleased. The group buy was a way to increase our buying power and put enough money on the table to motivate Marshall. In past rounds we sold any kits that were refunded since it meant we had paid for it and it was ours. Obviously we can't afford to front the cost for everyone who asked for a refund after their money was sent this time, but thankfully most didn't ACTUALLY want out once we contact them with their options (kits or refunds). The terms were always that refunds were available until money was sent but we graciously refunded people after their money was sent anyway. Obviously, many just wanted N64Digital so I can't thanks Dan and Co. enough for helping the first 50. Of course, that means we had to set that money aside early on while we were still trying to distribute the earliest HW2 kits.

Unlike the first several hundred people who are only entitled to a kit, buyers near the end of the list can insist on a refund. We just have to see how far down the list these kits will go, issuing refunds as we go, until we get to them since any remaining kits will change many of their minds too. They would not have had to wait terribly long compared to the others if not for the disasterous circumstances beyond our control. We expected many would be pleasantly surprised that they can get a kit if they want due to people ahead of them backing out. The people entitled to refunds obviously didn't wait nearly as long as the people waiting on kits that were already paid for and produced, so we prioritized distributing the first batch, fully expecting to get to the remainder months ago when they would have been waiting a relatively short amount of time compared to everyone who signed up over a year earlier. 12:04AM on March 26th screwed that up, almost completely halting things until we had even more on our plate (580 kits).

We are still dealing with stuff like reapplying for a denied SBA Disaster loan application, trying to find a place to live, reparing my bro's car after a roommate wrecked it on a learner's permit, septic backing up at the workshop, selling everything we own, dealing with theiving contractors, etc. Every day is still a struggle.
Thank you for answering my question. I am relieved to hear that entrusted funds have not been used to purchase excess DACs. Also it's great that you have been able to resume installations and update the spreadsheet. However, I'm afraid at this point it's not enough to see kit being delivered. That's a good sign, but it doesn't reassure us all the funds are there (minus $$$ paid to Marshall for Kits/DAC's ordered, of course). I am disappointed to hear that you are selling kits at cost. I would have felt better knowing you had business revenue keeping entrusted funds safe! No one "should" fault you for making a profit! Especially for the reasons listed below:
  • 1) What is your plan if/when there are DAC's left over and Marshall wants to settle up? Will you ask for a refund?
    2) You say you have been taking a loss on the paypal fees.
    3) You must be paying rent for that workshop, right?
Now I worry. If you're not making any profit to remain solvent, then where's the money coming from? Proceeds from selling everything you own? I sincerely hope not, but that's better than embezzlement! How else are you able to afford these expenses, if you are not making a profit? I gave you the chance to answer that legitimate question and am shaken at your non-answer. -1 point on the trust meter.

I think people are justifiably concerned! As stated before, a Proof of Funds letter, signed by your bank, will be all the proof needed. This is a routine document. It doesn't contain any information that could be used to steal your money or ID. It's a safe vehicle for exactly this type of situation. Here is an example template from the webpage I linked:
To whom it may concern,

We confirm, that _____[Name of Company/Individual]______ has available the sum of __________ as of this date. Should you require verification of the above mentioned funds, please contact us at your convenience.

Yours truly,

[Authorized Officer]

Date: _____

Contact Info: __________
Everything is good if the amount in the sum line equals the amount entrusted minus $$$ paid to Marshall (for kits & DAC's ordered). That should be easy for everyone interested to cross-reference the spreadsheet. Then they can call the bank to verify the funds are available. If the money is all there, then everyone can relax.

I think one month is more than a reasonable time frame for you to get this done and post the POF on the forum. You cannot claim ignorance, you clearly read my last post in which I first mentioned POF. I have avoided making accusations and will continue to do so until October. However I have steadily increased the rhetoric to impress upon you the importance answering these questions. I honestly can't think of any legitimate reason you would not provide it. I could be wrong, if you can think of a good reason not to provide POF, then by all means state your concern.

I hate to agree with Lethal, but you do seem to be avoiding some questions. If you are unwilling extend the simple courtesy of POF, and can't come up with a good reason not to, I am inclined suspect foul play. I'm not excusing Lethal's behavior! While I was amused reading the past few pages I am sad to see legitimate concern's overshadowed by bitter animosity among members. The insults are uncalled for and counter productive. I wouldn't mind seeing slanderers banned permanently! But it's you who has the real power to silence the critics and restore "decorum to the forum." So if in the future someone demands that you...
...you can provide this letter. And if they trolls continue to slander you, the mods can deal with it without just complaints of censorship. You have no reason not to do this, unless you have something to hide.
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Re: UltraHDMI group-buy ROUND 7 - 2021-01-30 UPDATE

Post by SonicAdvDX »

A Proof of Funds letter might sound like a simple enough idea if you're assuming that these guys went above-and-beyond with their financial preparation, and created a stand-alone checking account explicitly for no other use than storing these funds...

I think it's far more likely the case that all of the money exchanged throughout this process has been messily co-mingled into their personal checking account(s), which probably has had other funding sources like day-job paychecks and eBay sales being added to it, and has probably also been facing abnormal subtractions by surprise expenses incurred during the natural disaster they're still failing to recover from. I'd highly doubt their current financials are as simple as "Here's the amount people paid to us, subtract the amount we paid to Marshall, and here's a POF for an account showing that exact difference"; and because they're just a pair of hobbyist individuals and never pretended to be real 'entrepreneurs running a standard business model,' I don't think that should be much of a surprise, or taken a sign of bad faith.
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Re: UltraHDMI group-buy ROUND 7 - 2021-01-30 UPDATE

Post by juji82 »

I just got a shipment notification, I was 157 in line.
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Re: UltraHDMI group-buy ROUND 7 - 2021-01-30 UPDATE

Post by splits »

SonicAdvDX wrote:A Proof of Funds letter might sound like a simple enough idea if you're assuming that these guys went above-and-beyond with their financial preparation, and created a stand-alone checking account explicitly for no other use than storing these funds...

I think it's far more likely the case that all of the money exchanged throughout this process has been messily co-mingled into their personal checking account(s), which probably has had other funding sources like day-job paychecks and eBay sales being added to it, and has probably also been facing abnormal subtractions by surprise expenses incurred during the natural disaster they're still failing to recover from. I'd highly doubt their current financials are as simple as "Here's the amount people paid to us, subtract the amount we paid to Marshall, and here's a POF for an account showing that exact difference"; and because they're just a pair of hobbyist individuals and never pretended to be real 'entrepreneurs running a standard business model,' I don't think that should be much of a surprise, or taken a sign of bad faith.
There is roughly 500 people listed as having paid in the spreadsheet. That's around $65,000. Who in their right mind would mix that with personal funds?? Honestly, the "this is not a business" line is hard to believe, and in any case is a weak defense for their actions.

The following statements from CZroe also show a lack of financial sense. I have no skin in this game, but I agree with Lethal. The incompetency here is astounding.
CZroe wrote: When the rest of the HW2 kits arrived, Marshall had already distributed some to GameTechUS and we got fewer HW2 kits than expected (300 instead of 400+). With 100 fewer HW2 kits I worried that 300 DACs total might be too many but then we found that he had included another 300 DACs instead of the remaining 85... WAY too many.

That means we paid for 300 DACs and received 515. Marshall said we could settle up later and that is where things still stand.

Marshall should be OK with us selling them and the extra DAC flexes have been useful for the people who ruin theirs. Of course, that means we will need to buy more DAC flexes when the time comes.


We are selling the DACs at cost so there is no profit to cover any shortfall. In fact, multiple people owe us for DACs since we paid it forward and extended the same courtesy to some in order to get things moving... one installer owes over $800 for DACs! Eventually the bill from Marshall will come due. Again, we only make money from completely optional installations and were never doing the group buy as a business. It isn't just DACs either. One person was supposed to send back the unprovisioned kit that was accidentally shipped to him. We even lost more money refunding him enough to cover shipping. He promised a tracking number months ago but never supplied it. No kit either. :(
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Re: UltraHDMI group-buy ROUND 7 - 2021-01-30 UPDATE

Post by ldeveraux »

How many times do you people have to make the same request before you take the hint? Will it take getting banned again to finally comprehend you've gotten the answers already? Here's my summary:

1. You won't get any financial reports
2. This wasn't a profit making venture
3. People are getting shipping notification.

This will answer 99% of the most related questions that the vocal minority of you still insist on harping on with.
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Re: UltraHDMI group-buy ROUND 7 - 2021-01-30 UPDATE

Post by Joearmy96 »

ldeveraux wrote:
fernan1234 wrote:
ldeveraux wrote:You want them to provide bank info? Get real.
Pretty sure that POF can be done without providing sensitive/private bank info. It'd be an absurd instrument otherwise.
You're walking a slippery slope. It's an invasion of privacy they shouldn't have to provide. Maybe every buyer on the list should provide bank account info as well? If not for their policy that heavily favors the buyer, you'd have every ebay member provide proof of funds. And sellers too, in case there's a return.

You trusted them initially, they've explained many times what went wrong. If I'm the only one defending then from this (I'm not) then so be it. It's the right thing to do in my opinion.

How is it an invasion of privacy all they have to do is block out sensitive information. I always thought it was common sense. But that’s my opinion. It also seems everybody was charged for the DAC’s weather we wanted to get them or not. And I believe we should not be paying for them to be selling something we paid for. That’s the only logical reason I can seem to come up with as to why there are so many extra DAC’s.
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Re: UltraHDMI group-buy ROUND 7 - 2021-01-30 UPDATE

Post by Joearmy96 »

citrus3000psi wrote:It's well known that before UltraHDMI firmware v1.09, that the UltraHDMI was mostly limited to operating with a triple buffer (constantly changing lag up to 1 frame) in order to output a compatible HDMI signal. This is in contrast to the N64Digital which can operate at essentially zero lag in all video modes where relevant while keeping very high compatibility. UltraHDMI firmware v1.09 has added a low lag mode that works with 720p/1080p modes. I decided to update my UltraHDMI to v1.09 and put it on my HDMI protocol analyzer to see how this is achived. Here's what I found:

-UltraHDMI's low lag mode compatibility seems to be really hit or miss, to the point that 1080p/720p don't work on my test monitors, which accept most resolutions and devices I throw at it.

-To achieve low latency, UltraHDMI appears to run the HDMI output at a non-constant frame rate/vsync frequency. This is likely due to the UltraHDMI using the FPGAs built in PLL. Whereas the N64Digital has much higher precision fractional PLL clock generator. The frame rate changes over time which might be the only way the UltraHDMI can stay synced up to the N64. This changing HDMI video rate/clock is likely what causes poor display compatibility.

Regarding us supplying kits to group buy:
James wanted us to supply many more N64D kits on our first batch in July but it just was not feasible at the time. This 2nd batch we will have many more units and can help anybody on the group buy get a single kit if they were on the list before 2021. Contact Pixel FX through pixelfx.co with your email used to sign up for the group buy/your info and we will help you secure a N64Digital.
If I already paid for my Ultra HDMI kit why would I be charged to switch to N64 Digital? Not sure why but this seems a little unusual or do I just have to pay the difference in price like normal businesses?
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Re: UltraHDMI group-buy ROUND 7 - 2021-01-30 UPDATE

Post by Syntax »

Why is it so hard for some to realize that Dan offered the people that got ripped off in this group buy a priority position in the next N64 Digital batch.

He is not offering a trade or refund on an inferior product sold by another company.
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Re: UltraHDMI group-buy ROUND 7 - 2021-01-30 UPDATE

Post by ldeveraux »

Joearmy96 wrote:How is it an invasion of privacy all they have to do is block out sensitive information. I always thought it was common sense. But that’s my opinion. It also seems everybody was charged for the DAC’s weather we wanted to get them or not. And I believe we should not be paying for them to be selling something we paid for. That’s the only logical reason I can seem to come up with as to why there are so many extra DAC’s.
For the reasons already explained multiple times by multiple people. It's none of your business, because this wasn't part of their business. I'm sure they put all the funds into a personal account or otherwise stashed it somewhere and only kept track of who paid and how much.

If it's not a big deal to you, put your proverbial money where your mouth is and provide a document about yourself. Or about your business. The tables turn pretty quickly don't they..
Joearmy96 wrote:If I already paid for my Ultra HDMI kit why would I be charged to switch to N64 Digital? Not sure why but this seems a little unusual or do I just have to pay the difference in price like normal businesses?
This I defintely agree with. I never understood how this transaction was supposed to take place. Are you supposed to pay twice but only receive one device? Is there an upgrade cost associated with it? Is this just to secure yourself a spot on their distribution list? Then you've paid twice.
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Re: UltraHDMI group-buy ROUND 7 - 2021-01-30 UPDATE

Post by Joearmy96 »

ldeveraux wrote:
Joearmy96 wrote:How is it an invasion of privacy all they have to do is block out sensitive information. I always thought it was common sense. But that’s my opinion. It also seems everybody was charged for the DAC’s weather we wanted to get them or not. And I believe we should not be paying for them to be selling something we paid for. That’s the only logical reason I can seem to come up with as to why there are so many extra DAC’s.
For the reasons already explained multiple times by multiple people. It's none of your business, because this wasn't part of their business. I'm sure they put all the funds into a personal account or otherwise stashed it somewhere and only kept track of who paid and how much.

If it's not a big deal to you, put your proverbial money where your mouth is and provide a document about yourself. Or about your business. The tables turn pretty quickly don't they..

Joearmy96 wrote:If I already paid for my Ultra HDMI kit why would I be charged to switch to N64 Digital? Not sure why but this seems a little unusual or do I just have to pay the difference in price like normal businesses?
This I defintely agree with. I never understood how this transaction was supposed to take place. Are you supposed to pay twice but only receive one device? Is there an upgrade cost associated with it? Is this just to secure yourself a spot on their distribution list? Then you've paid twice.

When I start my company I would provide all of that information except account numbers if I’m doing a group buy, but that’s just me. I’m going back to school for business management. So I can run my business. I would also have a website of my own with all pertinent info.
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Re: UltraHDMI group-buy ROUND 7 - 2021-01-30 UPDATE

Post by Syntax »

Its really that hard for you guys to comprehend?

I give up. Some people just have no clue.
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Re: UltraHDMI group-buy ROUND 7 - 2021-01-30 UPDATE

Post by 10mile »

Joearmy96 wrote:When I start my company I would provide all of that information except account numbers if I’m doing a group buy, but that’s just me. I’m going back to school for business management. So I can run my business. I would also have a website of my own with all pertinent info.
just quoting this for posterity/hilarity
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Re: UltraHDMI group-buy ROUND 7 - 2021-01-30 UPDATE

Post by RIP-Felix »

SonicAdvDX wrote:A Proof of Funds letter might sound like a simple enough idea if you're assuming that these guys went above-and-beyond with their financial preparation, and created a stand-alone checking account explicitly for no other use than storing these funds...
Thank you for your opinion. I did read this counterpoint before. But I did not address it. For a POF like the example below, it doesn't matter where the funds are. If you have $72,347.27 and $65,000 of that was entrusted money from the group buy, then it doesn't matter if it's mixed in amongst the same account or elsewhere. The bank can verify you have at least $65,000 period. And those funds need to be liquid, they can't be tied up in investments whos value can shift! So a POF will not work if they used those funds to buy Bitcoin!

The bank won't tell you how much money they have in total. They won't give out account information. Nothing that could be used to steal money or identification. And all of this has to be authorized by the brothers before the bank will agree to the POF! Banks know exactly what they are doing! Usually this POF letter is used for real estate deals, but it can work for other purposes.

This is all I'm asking for...
We confirm, that John Smith has available the sum of $65,000 as of this date. [exact accounts and the total in them is none of your business (I added this part)]. Should you require verification of the above mentioned funds, please contact us at your convenience.

Yours truly,

Jane Doe, Head Bank Teller

Date: 8/25/2021

Contact Info: Bank of America, 60 Bullsboro Dr, Newnan, GA 30263 US. (770) 304-3223
I'm not sure they even need to provide their real name. If they have an LLC and separate business account for these funds, then they can provide the name of the business instead. That way you don't even need to provide real names. For this reason and others it's best practice to keep your business and personal accounts separate. If they ever do get sued, then it's only the business assets and funds that are liable. Not their personal accounts and property! Another good reason not to mix accounts.
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Re: UltraHDMI group-buy ROUND 7 - 2021-01-30 UPDATE

Post by Nuggs »

I started at # 159 on the list and I received my modded console back today.

It took me a minute to find the N64Digital user manual so I'll post a link here for future reference : https://docs.pixelfx.co/N64Digital-Details.html
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Re: UltraHDMI group-buy ROUND 7 - 2021-01-30 UPDATE

Post by HolyWhip »

Not sure if my last post went through - I was # 117 or so on the list and got my kit about a month ago. James Turner checked in with me to make sure I got it.
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Re: UltraHDMI group-buy ROUND 7 - 2021-01-30 UPDATE

Post by sanfordseven »

I went through a serious battle with COVID a few weeks ago, even though vaccinated. Thankfully things turned around for me, although I’m dealing with some tough post-COVID issues including Myocarditis, fatigue, major chest pains, etc. At one point during my ordeal, trying to think humorously I imagined that my UltraHDMI kit shipped from the group buy and once I was feeling well again I could throw that bad boy into my N64 and play some WCW vs NWO with my 8 year old son, on my Sony 65” X900H TV…

Unfortunately, the 104° fever was influencing my imagination. Laughter is the best medicine.

In all seriousness, oh how I wish this group buy would have turned out more positively. I’ve been sitting on my N64 for a couple years now waiting for my prepaid kit, but I’m not sure what to think anymore. Before my COVID hit, I was scheduled to be in the Newnan, GA area and hoped that a visit might help me expedite something. Frustrating…

Does anyone have a good source for me getting my hands on a N64Digital kit since I don’t feel confident I’m gonna see this UltraHDMI kit soon. Before I die, whenever it’s my turn I hope to figure this out. Hope all of you are safe and healthy.
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Re: UltraHDMI group-buy ROUND 7 - 2021-01-30 UPDATE

Post by Lopenator »

sanfordseven wrote:I went through a serious battle with COVID a few weeks ago, even though vaccinated. Thankfully things turned around for me, although I’m dealing with some tough post-COVID issues including Myocarditis, fatigue, major chest pains, etc. At one point during my ordeal, trying to think humorously I imagined that my UltraHDMI kit shipped from the group buy and once I was feeling well again I could throw that bad boy into my N64 and play some WCW vs NWO with my 8 year old son, on my Sony 65” X900H TV…

Unfortunately, the 104° fever was influencing my imagination. Laughter is the best medicine.

In all seriousness, oh how I wish this group buy would have turned out more positively. I’ve been sitting on my N64 for a couple years now waiting for my prepaid kit, but I’m not sure what to think anymore. Before my COVID hit, I was scheduled to be in the Newnan, GA area and hoped that a visit might help me expedite something. Frustrating…

Does anyone have a good source for me getting my hands on a N64Digital kit since I don’t feel confident I’m gonna see this UltraHDMI kit soon. Before I die, whenever it’s my turn I hope to figure this out. Hope all of you are safe and healthy.
I would follow the PixelFX crew on Twitter and be ready when they release their next batch of N64 Digital. It's going to be within a few days. Their website will crash from all the buyers, but you'll need to be persistent for about 45 minutes.
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