Flamewars, professional shitposting, trolling, etc.

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Flamewars, professional shitposting, trolling, etc.

Post by wht11 »

I've made some sad observations over a time recently. Some new ways or portals for communication appear over years (Disqus, Discord for example), there are good/bad sides to them as for everything but the one problem currently common for both new and old is as in thread topic. Where is all this gone? It almost went unnoticed how tight the Internet has become.

Each forum or site with Disqus implemented is greeting us with: no trolling, no baiting, no this/that. What? Why? It's common sense the guilty is the one who gets tricked and yet they're are the ones to complain, outrageous. Oh, here too some rules of course, I mean no offense, that's all understandable.

One of best places for clowns today seem Steam forums, it's quite the art there. It isn't that simple to score there as it appears on surface though. As time passes average Steam users became more suspicious to "private" profile users, and even this aside with public comments we can't just bust in and hope for a living for months. It is particularly inconvenient due to Steam one account policy and fiddling with that is past the point of "seriously, get a life".

Discord servers, taking aside all generally impractical part and individual posting value, are so extreme leftist no one has anything to say there what-so-ever. Almost like a nail to the coffin, Discord isn't good for too many purposes and certainly not practical for running a good circus.

Disqus on the other hand can actually be quite good but one thing that can be seen sometimes is deleting posts shortly after a score. Why's that? Some say it makes the other people look stupid afterwards but the service has actually quite an ease of access for what it is: keeping all activity private, changing avatar/name easily, but here it would be reflected on past posts so if deleted the chance is higher over prolonged time and thematically close.

Anyway, I gladly invite everyone to post just about anything here. Also anywhere else, actually, truth be told what big deal is garbage if it's in a trash bin to begin with. Otherwise maybe someone has nice findings, again I recommend random Steam discussions, maybe I was just lucky but often really good reading there.
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Re: Flamewars, professional shitposting, trolling, etc.

Post by BulletMagnet »

There's more than enough nonsense floating around already without an open invitation, thank you very much.