UltraHDMI group-buy ROUND 7 - 2021-01-30 UPDATE

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Re: UltraHDMI group-buy ROUND 7 - 2021-01-30 UPDATE

Post by Ninjafork »

bherdm wrote:If we'd like to add the DAC, should we wait until we're contacted, or should we let someone know ahead of time?

Glad to see things are moving! Thanks

I was asked when James confirmed my shipping address.
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Re: UltraHDMI group-buy ROUND 7 - 2021-01-30 UPDATE

Post by d3763 »

I asked for a refund back in January, then sent a followup in February and have no response. Whats going on here, is this a scam?

Edit: Refund request was approved
Last edited by d3763 on Thu Mar 25, 2021 12:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: UltraHDMI group-buy ROUND 7 - 2021-01-30 UPDATE

Post by CZroe »

Lord_Thoth wrote:Hi,

i made a YouTube Video on how to install the UltraHDMI HW2 including the DAC.


I hope this might be helpful!
Great video! I believe it’s the first one on YouTube for HW2 and it will serve as a great reference for anyone.
bherdm wrote:If we'd like to add the DAC, should we wait until we're contacted, or should we let someone know ahead of time?

Glad to see things are moving! Thanks
When he gets to you he’ll review all past correspondence including anything he hasn’t read yet, so letting him know ahead of time can’t hurt. Of course, he’ll need discuss payment for the DAC and may ask you to re-confirm some things since circumstances have changed (N64Digital!).
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Re: UltraHDMI group-buy ROUND 7 - 2021-01-30 UPDATE

Post by CZroe »

tusecsy wrote:Meanwhile they make 4 paragraph excuses for why they can't hit "refund" in paypal. Or ship people items they actually have in hand.
I can’t even count the trips I’ve made to the airport post office (40 minutes away!) in the last month in addition to daily runs locally. Refunds are processed one at a time as we go through the list/ship, exactly like I said. Not one request has been skipped, yet here you are implying that we aren’t even shipping.

Obviously, this round didn’t go as planned. Not sure what you’re expecting when some suddenly want out after their money was sent. Shipping HW2 to those who are still in, pivoting to N64Digital, offering refunds, and doing everything possible to extend the refund option to even the earliest members is about the smoothest I could possibly imagine this going. Extending that refund option for even the earliest members means the speed is choked as he has to confirm with each before he can ship/refund. Personally, I don’t think it was the right call to allow refunds or switching for the kits we’d already paid for but if he had stuck to the stated policy it would’ve deprived or discouraged people further down the list.

People wanted more updates especially with kits shipping yet you are distorting it into something else. My updates let him keep working without going dark. Where was the excuse in my last post? I finished all I was ever obligated to do (group buy is still his thing) and said I got it done despite my Moderna side-effects. I wanted to do more and continued helping beyond that... like I am now.
tusecsy wrote:Also notice the amazing coincidence that as soon as PixelFX announces a superior product, Marshall suddenly has a fire lit under his ass.
Marshall reacted as expected and we’ve said as much, so not sure what dishonesty you think this exposes. Reacting is undeniably good. N64Digital is everything we’ve been asking for and if it spurs Marshall to do better... GOOD. I’m excited for both.

When we point out that we got the tracking number days before we had ever heard of N64Digital, we’re merely saying that the first batch didn’t start shipping in response to the announcement. As documented in this thread months ago, he was going to ship 80 kits in Dec with the rest to follow shortly until we told him we could wait if he preferred to ship it all together. That bumped it to Jan.
tusecsy wrote:Sorry guys, you've ruined your rep, and your product is obsolete. Maybe you should go waste your time selling that 2007 Sonata.
You forgot what a group buy is: We don’t have a product.

“Rep?” You can try to undermine trust but one by one we will earn it back. OTOH, you burn bridges everywhere you go. I’ve bumped into you here, NintendoAge, AtariAge, etc and I always see others wanting you banned. I don’t know how seriously to take this but I can’t ignore whatever this veiled threat is, so maybe I’m feeding the troll. Who even are you? Are you even in the group buy? Are you trying to cause trouble? Is that weirdly-specific reference to a car I don’t recognize supposed to be a threat? Whatever it is, I don’t appreciate it, and I don’t recall anyone who has or has had a Sonata.

If this is some flubbed attempt to threaten us by pretending to know something you don’t, just know that every group buy member has our address and phone numbers and could show up with pitchforks and torches if they wanted (NOT AN INVITATION! ;)). We are an open book and it seems that you aim to penalize us for that. We just had Bilbo2407 over yesterday and installed HW2 into his personal console. We picked out a decent Jungle Green and did that one for him too. Even had lunch at the landlord’s Thai restaurant a mile away. We also hand-delivered kits to Don777 last month and still have an open invitation for Delloman to come on over to our place.

I drive a beat up manual Corolla that a coworker offered to buy it on the spot when I mentioned the clutch problem. My bro drives a Volt, ironically, after his 2006 Buick was disabled by lightning:

Heck, you’ve probably seen both cars at our old place in a viral video where we found drugs inside NES games.

Our mom still had an Olds when the round started in 2019. I haven’t stayed there since lockdown/isolation but I use that address as her caretaker. That’s also where my little Ninja 250 has been since I got my car nearly 10 years ago. I should sell it but it’s in pieces and unregistered. Point is: None of us have ever had a Sonata to panic-sell so whatever you were thinking is a total misfire.

Friends/roommates? Nope. I had two staying with me last year: One had his Ranger break down and bought a Kia since he works at their factory. The other imported a 25 year old Daihatsu Kei van from Japan just as he was moving out. The new roommate (might not work out) has a bicycle. Another from the 2018 address drove almost exactly the same car as me, for better or for worse:

After sending Marshall payment for nearly 600 kits, DACs, and more, refunding tens of thousands, and needing to keep cash on hand for the group buy’s allotment of N64Digital, we are selling a lot of our stuff to stay as flexible as possible... hence the scammer with a hold on $912 of our eBay funds right now. I very well might sell my car like you bizarrely suggest since I can’t afford a new clutch right now.
Last edited by CZroe on Tue Mar 23, 2021 6:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: UltraHDMI group-buy ROUND 7 - 2021-01-30 UPDATE

Post by Elrinth »

btw, that 3d printed replacement dustflaps-holder you installed in my n64. It makes so once a cart is inserted then removed, the flaps stay open forever cause they get stuck in the edges of the holder. Only way for me to close them again is to disassemble the n64... :(
so I opened it up and filed for crazy until they go open and close very easily. after 1 hour it now works better. but the nice black pvc plastic or whatever was 3d printed now don't look as professional any more :)
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Re: UltraHDMI group-buy ROUND 7 - 2021-01-30 UPDATE

Post by Variant »

I sent an email and a follow up a while back to James and didn't receive a reply; is the email I should be contacting different?
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Re: UltraHDMI group-buy ROUND 7 - 2021-01-30 UPDATE

Post by CZroe »

Elrinth wrote:btw, that 3d printed replacement dustflaps-holder you installed in my n64. It makes so once a cart is inserted then removed, the flaps stay open forever cause they get stuck in the edges of the holder. Only way for me to close them again is to disassemble the n64... :(
so I opened it up and filed for crazy until they go open and close very easily. after 1 hour it now works better. but the nice black pvc plastic or whatever was 3d printed now don't look as professional any more :)
We had to file and lubricate nearly every one before switching to Greg’s design but this is the first I’ve heard of one of those doing it... if it is one of those. Sounds like we might’ve accidentally grabbed one of the old Thingiverse designs from years ago since we still have some black ones around. Greg’s is so much better we deliberately avoid using the older ones.

As a routine since the days of filing the old design we always flutter the doors after reassembling to see if anything catches or drags. It must’ve worked during the test after final assembly too or we would’ve caught that. Environmental differences could cause it to bind later, of course.

As I recall, you bought the console from us so we might’ve put that in years ago. We would’ve included an original if it weren’t adding size/weight to an international package. Still, I would’ve gladly sent another if you couldn’t fix it. Glad you got it working and sorry it wasted your time. That’s exactly why we’d rather just throw in another Greg part than use our old prints! :)
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Re: UltraHDMI group-buy ROUND 7 - 2021-01-30 UPDATE

Post by enrique-ramirez »

Hi! I emailed James back in feb 22 but got no response. I know you're busy, and don't want to flood with emails, so I'll post my original email here:
I know I’m still pretty far away on the queue, but I noticed DAC was also now an option. I’d like to include it on my order, if possible. I’m also wondering if I should be looking for an N64 on eBay and have that shipped over to you or if you were able to find one. Do let me know.
I'm not too over the top with the whole situation, so if anyone could answer the above I'd greatly appreciate it. My name in the buy-group list is "enrique-ramirez", row #383. Thank you!
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Re: UltraHDMI group-buy ROUND 7 - 2021-01-30 UPDATE

Post by NeverCameBack »

Does anyone know the status of the second "batch" of UltraHDMI kits?
The serial numbers only go about 20/100 deep on that scum bag opportunist "Retro-HDMI"'s order. Oh how I would love to know if they get stuck holding the bag when the competition arrives.
But thank you Czroe for the updates. I'm appreciative of your efforts. If I didn't feel so close to getting my kit, I would 100% switch to the N64 Digital out of pure spite toward the creator.
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Re: UltraHDMI group-buy ROUND 7 - 2021-01-30 UPDATE

Post by TickleMyElmo »

NeverCameBack wrote:Does anyone know the status of the second "batch" of UltraHDMI kits?
The serial numbers only go about 20/100 deep on that scum bag opportunist "Retro-HDMI"'s order. Oh how I would love to know if they get stuck holding the bag when the competition arrives.
But thank you Czroe for the updates. I'm appreciative of your efforts. If I didn't feel so close to getting my kit, I would 100% switch to the N64 Digital out of pure spite toward the creator.

Yes i too am curious , as the list has not moved forward in a while, a looong while ..

Agreed retro-hdmi is scum for using a group buy to profit off of.

Last and most confusing/concerning is that a fair amount of those who have serial numbers asigned and who have had product shipped or received according to the list, have no paid in full yet. (still yellow in the list). Soo if thats genuine and you guys are just not updating the part of the list that shows whos paid in FULL, then WTF mate? thats very odd BUT if its true and you are sending kits out to people who have not paid in FULL then WTF even harder.

I Think you guys are decent human beings, so far... but i have to question your work ethic at this point, yes we are allllllll busy as humans most people if not all should have jobs that are in this list as to me this is not something you buy if you are short on food or w.e, so i think we all understand what it means to be busy. On the other hand how does it take months to update a list with serial numbers as you should have recieved the second batch by now as its been well over a month since you accounced the second batch. Not to mention it didnt take long after the digital64 for you to not only have parts just "show up" but to also give serials and start shipping out product .. but seemingly that has all come to a grinding hault.

I think after this hot mess that only you guys have created is sorted, i dont see you guys being at the forefront of groupbuys in the future.


thats an example ... there are many more people like that ... 20 kits delivered and has NOT paid in FULL.
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Re: UltraHDMI group-buy ROUND 7 - 2021-01-30 UPDATE

Post by SonicAdvDX »

It seems like this whole thread has devolved into entitled whiners getting butthurt about not paying into the group-buy as early as they retroactively wish...

Instead of taking out your frustrations on big-batch installers, how about we direct that anger towards the scalpers who are reselling untouched HW2 kits for $700+ on eBay??? At least Retro-HDMI actually has a bunch of customers who paid into their pre-order group at a comparably reasonable price; a stark contrast to the opportunist assholes who are flipping kits for five times the original cost with zero labor on their end. If you ask me, Ichinisan and CZroe are WAY more entitled to that profit than anyone else.
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Re: UltraHDMI group-buy ROUND 7 - 2021-01-30 UPDATE

Post by NeverCameBack »

[quote="SonicAdvDX"]It seems like this whole thread has devolved into entitled whiners getting butthurt about not paying into the group-buy as early as they retroactively wish...

It has nothing to do with my place on the list. There could be 1000 end users in front of me, and I'm happy hobbyists like myself are getting their kits. What makes me not so happy is a reseller cutting a bunch of people out of the group buy - or majorly delaying them - so that HE can sell them to these people at his own prices. I don't know why the brothers let it happen either, if anything they should be getting first dibs on the install service, that should be part of their icing on the cake on this. The fact that he pre-sold product that he does not have possession of doesn't make him any better. I get wanting to sell as many kits as possible (even tho the creator obviously doesn't want this), but knowing the scarcity and limited production of these things... They should have told that reseller they'd put him down for 5 kits and he would be back-ordered on the rest. If I was some inventor of a product, I would def be taking steps to make sure someone else isn't setting up a profitable business off of my limited production capabilities. When scalpers are making more money off your product than you are, you are doing it wrong.
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Re: UltraHDMI group-buy ROUND 7 - 2021-01-30 UPDATE

Post by ldeveraux »

NeverCameBack wrote:It has nothing to do with my place on the list. There could be 1000 end users in front of me, and I'm happy hobbyists like myself are getting their kits. What makes me not so happy is a reseller cutting a bunch of people out of the group buy - or majorly delaying them - so that HE can sell them to these people at his own prices. I don't know why the brothers let it happen either, if anything they should be getting first dibs on the install service, that should be part of their icing on the cake on this. The fact that he pre-sold product that he does not have possession of doesn't make him any better. I get wanting to sell as many kits as possible (even tho the creator obviously doesn't want this), but knowing the scarcity and limited production of these things... They should have told that reseller they'd put him down for 5 kits and he would be back-ordered on the rest. If I was some inventor of a product, I would def be taking steps to make sure someone else isn't setting up a profitable business off of my limited production capabilities. When scalpers are making more money off your product than you are, you are doing it wrong.
That's how scalping works though, there's nothing you can do about it except limit the number of replicates per buyer. That's why (pre COVID) concert ticket vendors put caps on sales. Honestly, what else could have happened when you're selling something at cost and someone buys 100 of them?
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Re: UltraHDMI group-buy ROUND 7 - 2021-01-30 UPDATE

Post by CZroe »

As many of you already know, we took a direct hit from an EF-4 tornado Thursday night. We have no power and when we can get charge into our phones the cellular service is spotty/inconsistent at best (constant disconnects; unexplained issues/failures). The roads were finally cleared enough to start moving things out today. So far everyone’s stuff appears to be OK.

I injured my arm when I fell through the ceiling Friday while trying to put a tarp over the missing roof. It was starting to rain again and I couldn’t stand by and watch people’s stuff get destroyed. My brother finished the job before too much water got through. The clinic put me in a sling and told me to go to the emergency room but they are still overwhelmed and I don’t think my arm is as bad as they are suggesting it might be (fractured/dislocated). I think it’s a sprain/strain injury or else I wouldn’t be able to push (just can’t pull, lift, or even dangle off it’s own weight).

The plan is to finish moving into a workshop that we leased in January. We put the move on hold when we got our shipping notice for the first HW2 batch, expecting to just finish them real quick and resume moving. Wasn’t anticipating the disruptions that forced us to reprocesses/confirm every single person one by one.

We have no light fixtures installed though we bought a pile of them back in January. I can’t do much with my bum arm so my brother would very much appreciate it if someone could help. So many are offering assistance right now that it seems selfish to accept any of it while people around us have their houses leveled, so we’ll probably get started with floor-standing work lights as soon as I can pick up a soldering iron.

Anyway, the sun is coming up now and my battery is almost dead so I will have to leave it at this:

The second shot is my neighborhood (Woodrow Place/Arlington Court). Have a look at the before shots on Google Street View (Woodrow Pl Newnan, GA 30263)

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Re: UltraHDMI group-buy ROUND 7 - 2021-01-30 UPDATE

Post by danthropos »

So glad you both are OK. Truly unbelievable.

I am sure I speak for everyone here when I say (and it goes without saying): take all the time you need to get your own lives back in order, and please do not feel pressure to get back in front of a soldering iron before you are ready. At the end of the day these are just games we're talking about; your own well-being takes priority without question.
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Re: UltraHDMI group-buy ROUND 7 - 2021-01-30 UPDATE

Post by SonicAdvDX »

CZroe wrote:As many of you already know, we took a direct hit from an EF-4 tornado Thursday night.
Good LORD, you guys could not possibly be any more unlucky... I hope not too many of your personal belongings were lost in the wreckage...

I feel like us group-buyers should pitch in somehow to help you guys who have been trying so hard for so long to help all of us out at no benefit to yourselves... Have you guys considered a GoFundMe for repair costs, if they wind up being costly enough??? I just see so many people on eBay who obviously joined this group-buy as a way to make a quick buck (and boy are those bucks being quickly made!), but the fact that you guys - who have been doing SO MUCH MORE work than any recipient - are seeing zero-to-negative benefit for all your organization efforts feels like a crime. Especially now, after all this!!!

Please please please don't feel bad about reaching out to this community for support, because I'd at least like to HOPE that we have enough kind hearts involved in this endeavor to help make a difference for you guys...
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Re: UltraHDMI group-buy ROUND 7 - 2021-01-30 UPDATE

Post by hushed »

And for all the the doubters, who don't believe these two guys are doing their best, go check out additional photos and video here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ultrahdmigroupbuy/. Proof is in the video. Their lives got wrecked. Have some patience, it's just a video game console. And they will get to you.
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Re: UltraHDMI group-buy ROUND 7 - 2021-01-30 UPDATE

Post by Socalju »

I just want my money back. It seems pretty straight forward. Transfer of funds takes two seconds. Please.
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Re: UltraHDMI group-buy ROUND 7 - 2021-01-30 UPDATE

Post by 10mile »

Valuable life lesson: don't invest in fancy video game hardware if you're hard up for money.
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Re: UltraHDMI group-buy ROUND 7 - 2021-01-30 UPDATE

Post by ldeveraux »

10mile wrote:Valuable life lesson: don't invest in fancy video game hardware if you're hard up for money.
You must know that's not the point of asking for a refund.
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Re: UltraHDMI group-buy ROUND 7 - 2021-01-30 UPDATE

Post by SonicAdvDX »

Socalju wrote:I just want my money back. It seems pretty straight forward. Transfer of funds takes two seconds. Please.
Bro... They LITERALLY just got hit by a tornado... Maybe give em a few days to recover???
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Re: UltraHDMI group-buy ROUND 7 - 2021-01-30 UPDATE

Post by tomnook123 »

SonicAdvDX wrote:
Socalju wrote:I just want my money back. It seems pretty straight forward. Transfer of funds takes two seconds. Please.
Bro... They LITERALLY just got hit by a tornado... Maybe give em a few days to recover???
I asked for a refund two months ago and never got a response. They had two months before the tornado to send me a refund. I'll give it a few more days before I just file a complaint with paypal.
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Re: UltraHDMI group-buy ROUND 7 - 2021-01-30 UPDATE

Post by CZroe »

Our assumption about being able to move things out Monday was totally based on our landlord’s ability to get his truck in and out Sunday night but the crews were closing roads again and the police blockades returned with a vengeance on Monday. After spending an hour to get to my brother’s car on charge at City Hall 5 minutes away (where they still had power), we gave up. I decided to go into work since I wouldn’t be much use with my bum arm and at least I could charge my phone (constant struggle).

We were able to move a few things to the future workshop, like the minimum to get eBay off our backs about shipping items that were literally ending during the storm (PC and printers tethered through our cell phones). One piece of good news: eBay finally decided in our favor against a February buyer’s fraudulent claims, freeing up $912 we desperately need.

Another piece of good news: I came back yesterday to find the first couple lamp posts in the neighborhood were back on, though everyone was still dark. Since we are the first house in the neighborhood it may mean we alone have power now but we have specific instruction not to restore the disconnect until everything is checked out. Makes sense when electrical fixtures were ripped off and even the living room light bulbs were full of water (yes, even the bulbs; not just the fixtures).

The missing roof has been tarped over three times now with the latest professionally-installed tarp getting torn off by winds this morning while I was writing an earlier version of this post... a post which I lost due to bad cellular service. Shot from the ground.

It rained all day yesterday and most of the night so it’s a good thing it didn’t happen a few hours earlier. It’s pretty freaky hearing winds howl in your house, especially when there is no heat and there is an active freeze warning. Even if we had power the new HVAC unit was crushed under the balcony (replaced a year ago after a direct lightning strike). Can’t run the oven without power and it would all just go out the broken window if we did. Anyway, my arm is still useless after falling through the ceiling when putting up the first tarp but it’s clear that we have to move everyone’s stuff out now so I called off work hours ago. We’ve been fighting our way through the streets for a couple hours and barely made it what would normally be five minutes away so it’s clear that today is going to be no better for moving than it was before the rain. :(

For what it’s worth, it has since been confirmed that my exact neighborhood is where the EF-4 hit:
https://i.imgur.com/NVBy357.mp4 (sound on)

It literally entered the neighborhood from my side too so I was the first hit. There’s a lot of structural damage but it’s amazing that the walls are still standing and your/our stuff is not strewn all over the neighborhood. Many of my neighbors lost absolutely everything. :(
Last edited by CZroe on Fri Apr 02, 2021 10:24 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: UltraHDMI group-buy ROUND 7 - 2021-01-30 UPDATE

Post by CZroe »

I never really understood the appeal of using a TS-80 or TS-100 soldering iron on battery versus a KSGER. Now I really wish I had gone with one of those!
SonicAdvDX wrote:
CZroe wrote:As many of you already know, we took a direct hit from an EF-4 tornado Thursday night.
Good LORD, you guys could not possibly be any more unlucky... I hope not too many of your personal belongings were lost in the wreckage...

I feel like us group-buyers should pitch in somehow to help you guys who have been trying so hard for so long to help all of us out at no benefit to yourselves... Have you guys considered a GoFundMe for repair costs, if they wind up being costly enough???
A man died while trying to check on his daughter during the storm. He was supposed to walk her down the aisle the next day. We got off amazingly easy for a direct hit, so please send your donations to his family or any of the other victims or charities who are helping:
https://www.gofundme.com/f/Martin-Famil ... r-And-Home

Thank you for the gesture though. :)
danthropos wrote:So glad you both are OK. Truly unbelievable.

I am sure I speak for everyone here when I say (and it goes without saying): take all the time you need to get your own lives back in order, and please do not feel pressure to get back in front of a soldering iron before you are ready. At the end of the day these are just games we're talking about; your own well-being takes priority without question.
Thank you, but I feel the fastest way to put this behind me is a return to normalcy, and that includes resuming mod work. :) It was such a relief when someone recently bought my Hi-Def NES install service on eBay since it started a dialog about the services he wanted, like usual, and gave me even more incentive to get the work shop set up ASAP.
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Re: UltraHDMI group-buy ROUND 7 - 2021-01-30 UPDATE

Post by CZroe »

Don’t know why there was no sound before, but the news clip describing the EF-4 winds as being my specific neighborhood now has audio:

Source without supporting aerial footage/photography:

At the rate things are going it will take ages to get everything out of the house so I really need the roads to clear up soon. I still can’t help with my arm in a sling so my brother would very much appreciate anyone in the Atlanta/West GA area who could help with that. Also, anyone who can help install the workshop’s commercial light fixtures we got back in January (full-size quad-lamp fluorescent light fixtures with diffuser panels) since I can no longer hold while he secures or vice versa. There are many places in the workshop’s open-roof ceiling to tap for wiring but we have to run that too.

Contractors didn’t make it back to secure the tarp again and it’s literally freezing outside right now. The loose tarp ended up breaking the living room window. Even after taping trash bags over them the wind is blowing through all over since there are literally splits in the twisted walls. We had to go ahead and turn on the power without their go-ahead so we could use the oven as a heater. A good bit of the HVAC equipment is crushed under the balcony and the rest was exposed to rain in the missing roof so we made sure to pull the breakers before throwing the main switch.
Socalju wrote:I just want my money back. It seems pretty straight forward. Transfer of funds takes two seconds. Please.
We haven’t been able to boot our laptops in over a week (no power) and we still have no Internet (even mobile Internet is disrupted) so it’s obviously NOT that straight forward.

You were already told that he is processing everyone sequentially but obviously that ground to a halt. Even before that you were basically complaining that we didn’t skip everyone and do you first while blatantly lying and trying to cause trouble at the same time, but in this case the squeaky wheel does not get the grease as that would set a bad precedent. In fact, you would have had it weeks ago since he was also processing refunds as he naturally encounters the requests outside of his sequential processing but he didn’t want to set a precedent by encouraging your unproductive, dishonest, and deliberately disruptive behavior. Each time he was about to do it you’d stir the pot again and we didn’t want to reward that behavior. Just imagine if everyone else went on a “UltraHDMI HW2 is a pipe dream! Get out now!” FUD campaign like you did just because it let them skip the line.

We would have every right to force you to accept your kit instead since the terms were always that you could request a refund up until your money was sent. You don’t seem to recognize how generous it is that you are even being given the option. Rather than appreciating the gesture you inexplicably had the opposite reaction. I didn’t say anything before because I didn’t want you to think we were punishing you and I still hoped to win you over. I’d hoped you would return after a period of silence to apologize after you got your refund but you just never stopped long enough to let that happen.

I give you my word that you will get your refund whether you bully us or not. Unless you have some urgent need, please kindly wait your turn because I will not be bringing you to his attention early as I have done for some others (typically those who knew they were too far down for either HW2 or N64Digital in the first batches so there was no sense waiting for him to offer alternatives with the refund option). I’m sure you understand even though you pretend not to in order to pressure us into dealing with you earlier at the expense of someone else. I can’t wait to wash my hands of this whole thing and take care of you too so please be more considerate of others in the group buy who have waited longer than you.
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Re: UltraHDMI group-buy ROUND 7 - 2021-01-30 UPDATE

Post by samson7point1 »

@CZroe I’m clearly too far down the list to get in on the N64Digital trade up. I’ve sent an email requesting a refund so I can try my luck ordering directly from PixelFx. Thanks.
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Re: UltraHDMI group-buy ROUND 7 - 2021-01-30 UPDATE

Post by rhetoricalnoise »

I sent an email on January 30th, shortly after the N64Digital was announced, and I haven't received any response. I do understand that right now they have their hands full, to put it mildly. But two months without even an acknowledgement of my email is frustrating.

I am at the bottom of the list for the group-buy, so between that and the lack of communication, it really seems like it would make more sense for me to request a refund for the UltraHDMI kit and also try to buy a N64Digital from PixelFX directly when they go up for sale (hopefully later this month).
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Re: UltraHDMI group-buy ROUND 7 - 2021-01-30 UPDATE

Post by Ichinisan »

Socalju wrote:I just want my money back. It seems pretty straight forward. Transfer of funds takes two seconds. Please.
I haven't received an email from you since April last year.

Shoot me an email.

When my brother mentioned it to me previously I thought I had seen your request, but that was actually "Juji82"
Last edited by Ichinisan on Tue Apr 06, 2021 11:02 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: UltraHDMI group-buy ROUND 7 - 2021-01-30 UPDATE

Post by 10mile »

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Re: UltraHDMI group-buy ROUND 7 - accepting participants

Post by CZroe »

UltraHDMI installations have resumed! Syphron and hidef.vega’s installs:

Old post, but new context:
Socalju wrote:Any word on refunds? I requested one weeks ago now. Thanks.
No, you didn’t... despite my repeated explanations. I hope it was just a misunderstanding because it sure feels like you were being deliberately obtuse to stir up trouble.
Last edited by CZroe on Tue Apr 06, 2021 7:28 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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