TV you've just watched

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Re: TV you've just watched

Post by vol.2 »

GaijinPunch wrote:Fargo is outstanding.
Haven't tried that one yet. The movie is obviously fantastic. I'll put it on the list.

Stevens wrote:Almost through season one of Deadwood.
That show was great. It was the biggest tragedy of the writers strike (got cancelled early).
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Re: TV you've just watched

Post by Stevens »

vol.2 wrote:
Stevens wrote:Almost through season one of Deadwood.
That show was great. It was the biggest tragedy of the writers strike (got cancelled early).
Yeah I would say Battlestar was a close 2nd as the writers strike is concerned.
You're sure to be in a fine haze about now, but don't think too hard about all of this. Just go out and kill a few beasts. It's for your own good. You know, it's just what hunters do! You'll get used to it.
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Re: TV you've just watched

Post by rapoon »

Deadwood was cancelled before the strike in ‘07 began.
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Re: TV you've just watched

Post by vol.2 »

rapoon wrote:Deadwood was cancelled before the strike in ‘07 began.
Was it? I guess my memory sucked it into that because it was so close to it.
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Re: TV you've just watched

Post by GaijinPunch »

Stevens wrote:Almost through season one of Deadwood.
I'm on a slow burn rewatch w/ my roommate. We got into season 2 and fizzled a bit but should crank that up again soon. Quality to the end.

Deadwood's demise is quite sad. It wasn't the writer's strike unfortunately but more of an unfound audience (despite the fact that it was so amazing).
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Re: TV you've just watched

Post by copy-paster »

Finished the last episode of The Mandalorian Season 2. Holy mother that last act I didn't saw that coming, very great episode.
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Re: TV you've just watched

Post by Mortificator »

I've been officially Done with Star Wars since the Disney buyout and still don't intend to ever see the third trilogy, but a friend who's obsessed with The Mandalorean got me to watch the show's first season. The initial 3-episode arc was surprisingly good, with (relatively) low-key storytelling and a visual style that recalled the seedy parts of the original movies. After it got to the mission of the week stuff, though, it became lot less interesting. Cowboy Bebop did the episodic space bounty hunting better, with less runtime per ep and yet more wrinkles to the narrative. Once it returned to the main plot for the last two shows, whoo, what a mess.
Is there literally anyone on Earth who didn't realize the whole thing was a setup? At least the mando had a cunning pla- oh wait, the only reason he and his crew didn't all get shot in the back is the completely random happenstance of the one mildly moral merc getting mauled by a pterodactyl.

I felt like rolling my eyes at the attempts to play up the moff, who's a terrible fighter, terrible pilot, and terrible commander.

And way to undercut the mighty mandalorean mythos by having nearly all of them lose to this bozo's stormtrooper's, offscreen. A guess a clan of mandos are collectively weaker than one mando, one droid, one soldier, and Carl Weathers.

The scout trooper bit made me crack up, though, I bet one of the writers saw this old skit
And now that I see it in print, a completely trivial observation: why is the short form of Mandalorean mando instead of manda?
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Re: TV you've just watched

Post by BIL »

Recently, my darling Juanita-chan was grasping 4 cash - I mean, doing valuable sociological research by pointing out s2's lady mandos habe bub-bub armour (biology is sexist), so I presume he is "mando" as a naked example of the misogyny choking pop culture to the ground. A better show would call him MANDX Image
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Re: TV you've just watched

Post by rapoon »

GaijinPunch wrote:
Deadwood's demise is quite sad. It wasn't the writer's strike unfortunately but more of an unfound audience (despite the fact that it was so amazing).
Deadwoods airing alongside Rome no doubt contributed to it's cancellation. Even though it was co-produced by the BBC, the cost (of Rome) was a staggering $100m.
Meeting the same fate as Deadwood, it's premature demise leaves a lingering 'what could have been':
Third and fourth season would be set in Egypt. Fifth was going to be the rise of the Messiah in Palestine. But because we got the heads-up that the second season would be it, I telescoped the third and fourth season into the second one, which accounts for the blazing speed we go through history near the end. There's certainly more than enough history to go around. - Bruno Heller
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Re: TV you've just watched

Post by BIL »

Boardwalk Empire got chopped too, in favour of something called "Vinyl" that I'm not very interested in seeing, and which itself apparently lasted all of a season. I think BE did pretty well with the surprise truncated fifth season, tbh. It's a very black-humoured show, as to be expected from Sopranos alumni, and s5 had some of the funniest and darkest material of all. Glaringly obvious how they were forced to skip a vast chunk of time, but the parlay was sound.

And on the other side of these underfed shows, there's Game of Thrones. :| I've never seen a production die of sheer laziness before, with HBO desperately offering to fund season after season after season, and the showrunners being all "No lol, we are sprinting 2 the finish line."


Oh well. At least "master storytellers" *coof* Benioff & Weiss can now enjoy their lucrative Star Wars movie trilogy gig. What? It fell through? Oh wow. And now they're choking down CCP-pandering cock at Netflix? I just can't wait. Blimey, they'd better keep the black characters off the promotional materials. Oh right, there aren't any. lmao!

Tangential Rant Inbound: I used to be sympathetic to the "They have to pay their actors! GRRM doesn't have to pay his characters!" argument. Now, post "MUH QUEEN" and all the other shite they cobbled together for S7/8? Find hungrier actors and give them the roles. Fire the producers en masse, too, if they can't be fucking arsed. Unbelievable. If they'd continued adapting the books to the same standard as S1-4, they'd be hitting the end of Book 4 around now. Maybe.

I started writing out a list of characters, plotlines and scenarios that were either AWOL or unrecognisably simplified for TV, but it'd make this post an even bigger unsolicited ASOIAF spergfest than it already is. I modify my stance - with annual full-length seasons, they'd be 75% through Book 4, with the even more heavingly massive Book 5 still waiting.

(not that I think GRRM would've ever finished his series. As per the aging/expensive actors argument, I'm a lot less sympathetic to his "How dare people ask me about ASOIAF" bullshit now. Nobody outside of his niche gave one utter fuck who he was pre-show, and now he's in his 70s, and fat as fuck, and rich as fuck, and the only thing he's published in the decade since Book 6 is a moderately expanded Targaryen omnibus, with a Sonichu-esque chronology attached, which I bought and read and quite enjoyed, but then I'm a fucking sperg. Of course they're gonna wonder WTF his problem is)
Fire and Blood wrote:According to Eustace, Lord Jasper's sobriquet "Ironrod" derived from his unbending attitudes to matters of law - but Mushroom claims it was from the stiffness of his member.

Oh you!
Some say that Alys Rivers merely raised a hand, and Ser Regis began to scream and clutch his head, until his skull burst apart, spraying blood and brains.
Yo, this one ill bastard paramour broad, five-star fleeting glimpse of eldritch horror as always Jyoji-sensei, tell me mo- George? George?! GEOOOOOORGE - oh, he's flown off to NZ to host another D&D 2nd Ed tournament, phew. Thought he'd carked it!

/tangent over, load blown. :oops:

Did Six Feet Under get shitcanned? I hear great things about it, but suddenly I'm sensing a trend with non-Sopranos HBO stuff. There was #1 Gaijin Super Sentai Show Oz too, holy fuck, now that one shot its load and then some. You might even say it bust until there was only dust!
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Re: TV you've just watched

Post by GaijinPunch »

I won't read ASOFAI 6 until 7 is out. I guess partly b/c of the whole "he won't survive" argument but also I will forget every fucking detail 10-15 years from now when it might come out. Dunno... I think this one is destined to go down in history as an unfinished work.

Six Feet Under
Fantastic. I don't think it got shit canned... was wrapped up in a very satisfying way. Amazingly dark, even in the humorous moments. Tangent: Michael C. Hall was playing Hedwig (in Hedwig and the Angry Inch) when I finally got around to seeing it. This was a bit after Dexter so between the 3 roles he's covered quite a spectrum.
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Re: TV you've just watched

Post by BIL »

GaijinPunch wrote:Six Feet Under
Fantastic. I don't think it got shit canned... was wrapped up in a very satisfying way. Amazingly dark, even in the humorous moments. Tangent: Michael C. Hall was playing Hedwig (in Hedwig and the Angry Inch) when I finally got around to seeing it. This was a bit after Dexter so between the 3 roles he's covered quite a spectrum.
Sounds excellent. :cool: (sound punishing too from what I've always heard, as ofc to be expected of good searching drama)
I won't read ASOFAI 6 until 7 is out. I guess partly b/c of the whole "he won't survive" argument but also I will forget every fucking detail 10-15 years from now when it might come out. Dunno... I think this one is destined to go down in history as an unfinished work.
I was thinking while weeding the back garden this evening, a task I despise with a bloody vengeance but do anyway (HI GEORGE), maybe this is just the teething phase of televisual GRRM adaptations. As bad as GOT got (he! that's a good'un Image) post-s4, the break is nice and clean. Fifteen years down the line, assuming GRRM has gotten off the pot, I bet "A Feast For Crows," "A Dance With Dragons" and the concluding two books would be successful shows. There's so much untouched material in Books 4 and 5, it wouldn't even feel like a redo.

Per Michael Imperioli, The Sopranos is killing it on streaming with 20somethings who missed its TV run. Maybe something similar might happen here. Very interested to see how that one's movie does. Ah, anyway. I hate "what coulda been" talk, but "what might be" is just about alright in small doses imo.

Hell, then go back and re-adapt the first three books - they didn't lose much, but the material is so fun, I bet it'd draw crowds all over again. WTB arcade-perfect Battle Of The Fist ( "RIDE!" :oops: ). The Dunk & Egg stories would make great movies too (people would love Baelor Breakspear, the poor bastard), as would the various schisms of the Targaryen reign they reference (Daemon Blackfyre and Maelys The Monstrous are some iconic chaps, the latter with a killer hook to the main series via Barristan Teh Bold). The man writes superbly entertaining mid/high fantasy that's always a pleasure to see adapted well. Problem is both assets going off a clif circa 2016, but that could change very suddenly if the scam artists fuck off and the old chap finally blows his apocalyptic quarter-century load.
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Re: TV you've just watched

Post by GaijinPunch »

I just want the last book. It ain't gonna happen though. Jesus.
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Re: TV you've just watched

Post by BIL »

Yeah. 3;

If I could get one storyline done, it's Euron and Victarion's Lethal Bromance. A trainwreck beckons! Might be apocalyptic raids. Might be pants-shitting farce. Holy cow, just get the show's mincing Danish cunt out of my brain. Book Vic would interrogate TV Euron, then strangle him. Book Euron would glossectomise TV Euron, then set a train on him so big and so black, nobody would ever accuse the show of lacking diversity again ever.

Somewhat happier news: David Chase Special starts off a little chilly but quickly sorts itself out. *bapbapbapbapbap* Image

"Vinny told me, 'They're killin' me off! Guess you're gonna take my place, how many fat fucks can they have on one show?' "
"Quite a few, as it turned out."

"I trust that this... creature I'm playing is deceased?" - Nancy Marchand re Livia "David Chase PWNS his mom" Soprano. I actually went looking for any contemporary interviews, after my most recent re-watch, just to confirm this wasn't simply a corrosive old BPD playing herself. Never found any - just a very classy award acceptance speech from the 80s. That certainly wasn't Livia-esque, but this is the first time I've heard any comment on her from Mrs. Marchand herself.

Hell of a performance. I'd like to think the stories of her insisting on working until she simply couldn't any more were true. Always thought they did her wrong with that CGI Livia head in S302, should've just let her character rest. Great ep though.
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Re: TV you've just watched

Post by Mischief Maker »

Playing these Arkham games put me in the mood for some Batman, and the only results Netflix spat out were Batmansplainer: The Killing Joke, and Gotham, so I chose the latter. I'm like 3/4ths through the first season.

Much better production values than CW cape soaps! This is an odd show because everything about it is entertaining except the protagonist, young Jim Gordon. Not the actor's fault, the character is just written as a bull-headed moron who never has a plan, just impenetrable plot armor. I'll be enjoying the twists and turns of a young Penguin sliming his way up the Mafia pecking order and then my heart sinks because it's back to yet another scene of someone telling a righteous Jim Gordon to drop the case as if I haven't seen this exact same scene lead to the exact same resolution 15 times in a row already.

Is this some kind of meta commentary by the show that his stupidity is the reason he's going to reply on Batman to do all the real crimefighting work in his middle age?
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Re: TV you've just watched

Post by rapoon »

BIL wrote:Boardwalk Empire got chopped too, in favour of something called "Vinyl" that I'm not very interested in seeing, and which itself apparently lasted all of a season.
:lol: I'd no idea Boardwalk got the axe for Vinyl. Never seen Boardwalk, but I did watch Vinyl. How do you take a concept as sexy and charismatic as 70's rock & punk and muck it up?
let these guys write it:

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Re: TV you've just watched

Post by GaijinPunch »

Yeah that's a shame. Luckily they knocked it out of the park w/ The Deuce.
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Re: TV you've just watched

Post by rapoon »

yea, the deuce is phenomenal although i still feel like it's a season short (namely between 2 and 3).
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Re: TV you've just watched

Post by BIL »

I wonder if Oz was just that cheap to produce, or if it was simply a different time... that thing ran, and ran, and ran, bizarre plotlines and inexplicable choices piling to the heavens. Then it went out in a big airy nothingfart. I liked it well enough, just kinda bums me out. :lol:

Oh well. One good thing about the slightly truncated Boardwalk - you can binge it pretty handily in two/three weeks. I guess knocking off Rome, Deadwood and The Deuce shouldn't be too demanding for the upcoming locked-down winter. Cheers for recs btw!

TBH I wanna rewatch Boardwalk sometime, knowing how it all turns out. Quite elegantly done.

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Re: TV you've just watched

Post by vol.2 »

BIL wrote:I wonder if Oz was just that cheap to produce
I think it was. In those days, HBO was filming in NYC, and I think part of that was finances. NY offered big tax breaks to shows if they did it in state, and HBO took advantage of all that in a big way. The Sopranos and Oz were both primarily in NY, at Silver Cup in queens, and I think there is a film/tv studio on the West side of manhattan, right on the water. I used to see James Gandolfini and David Cross in the bar on my block (Max Fish) like once a week, and it was common to hear of people going to auditions for roles. I had a buddy who got a bit part on Oz. Wasn't a big deal, but he got a couple lines and was in more than one episode. TBH tho, I never watched a single moment of either of them.
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Re: TV you've just watched

Post by BIL »

Aha, makes sense - been hearing lots about Silver Cup via the Talking Sopranos podcasts. I suppose Oz being a prison show must've really saved on location shots, etc, as well (certainly don't recall much of the great outdoors in that one). You could really film a series like that in four cardboard walls, and it'd only gain. Just have to swap out the cardboard after the latest cartoonishly horrifying murder. >_>
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Re: TV you've just watched

Post by GaijinPunch »

Finally watched Mandalorian -- only Season 1 though.
Worth the praise. It's no Fargo, but Star Wars should be relatively simple but entertaining, and this one succeeds. Will probably barrel through Season 2 next week.

Got through Search Party Season 3 on the weekend. Will finish that up soon. Definitely worth a watch, and basically made for shitty winter pandemic season.

GF makes me watch Love Fucking Island in 15 minute spurts for God knows why. Hot trash. The sad thing is she misses tons through the accents, but still finds it entertaining.
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Re: TV you've just watched

Post by Sumez »

The Mandalorian Season 1 happens:
Everyone praises it for doing its own thing and not trying awkwardly tap into the existing characters and story of the existing movies like the now universally hated new trilogy

The Mandalorian Season 2 doing exactly that:

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Re: TV you've just watched

Post by lilmanjs »

More Star Trek Enterprise on blu ray. In the middle of season 2 and enjoying it even if the picture quality at times is shaky (mostly when they're in front of CGI stuff). Before that some Hercules The Legendary Journeys. Sucks that the current complete set omits the pilot movies.
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Re: TV you've just watched

Post by BIL »

You got a bee on your hat! :shock: Image It's FOOORIO aka Federico Castelluccio on Talking Sopranos. Season 4 already, they've really gotten into a groove after the shaky first few eps. One of the most interesting cast members imo. Never guessed for a second he was a NJ guy like the rest of the principle mafiosi actors.

I love season 4. Comfiest season, particularly after the extra-grim season 3. No immediate crises or designated big bads, just lots of odd little micro-arcs on a backdrop of doomed opulence. Chase mentioned in the 90minute TS special that he wanted an unhurried pace and a lack of neat resolutions, something only S6A rivals this for, but being post-S5, the seeds of NJ's destruction are impossible to ignore there.

Imperioli and Schirippa being diametric opposites of their respectively moronic/unassuming characters is like getting a new Bizarro Sopranos every week. :mrgreen:
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Re: TV you've just watched

Post by neorichieb1971 »

All Netflix

Cobra Kai S3 - Ridiculous fight scenes and some coincidences that would make winning the lottery 3x in a row seem like an every day thing. I enjoyed it though. 8/10

Alice in borderland - Japanese TV show about 3 teenagers who get transported to a parallel universe version of Tokyo where only game players exist. Unfortunately the games are life threatening (Think Saw). You find out if you win a game you get a card, so it ends up there are 52 games. What happens if you survive 52 times and get all the cards? Nobody knows because nobody has done it. 9/10.

Glitch - Australian TV show about people coming out of the grave to resume their lives. Some died 200 years ago, some 50 years ago and some 5 years ago. Just like "Lost" and other TV shows that create paranormal story lines it is good at creating the "abnormal" but not very good at explaining it. 6/10.

Dodgy download -

Mandalorian S2 - You know its ok. For me it loses points for being like the Mighty Morphin power rangers. Its a kids show. Except everyone watching it is 45+ with long beards and tattoos. I swear there isn't a star wars fanatic under 35. For that reason I just wish the show would grow up. Lets do a "Deadpool" star wars. The universe suffers from the fact that just about any species or weapon is better than a stormtrooper. Storm troopers are a bit like a red indian of 1720 going up against an Ak47 in this universe. I get the "lets have some familiarity to the original movies" thing, but come on!!! I've never seen Storm troopers as a threat and its getting really silly now. 7/10.

Blu ray -

One Summer - 2 Liverpool delinquents in the 1980's steal a mothers bingo win to start a new life in Wales. I watched this one in 1984 when it aired on TV. I really enjoy it. 8/10 ... s-blu-ray-

David Morrisey was about 17 in this. He played the Governor in the Walking dead a few years ago as a full grown man (had a patch on his eye).

True Blood - Vampires have come out of the dark to live amongst us. They never have to kill another human because a synthetic blood they can drink has been invented. I really loved this back when. Its one of those shows where the sex, action and bizarre is all ramped up to 11. 9/10. I'm up to S2 right now.

I am rewatching Banshee with a friend, never gets old. The most OTT TV show since Spartacus, just totally worth all your time.

Catch you on the flip side.
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Re: TV you've just watched

Post by vol.2 »

neorichieb1971 wrote: For that reason I just wish the show would grow up. Lets do a "Deadpool" star wars.
Haven't watched the Mandalorian yet, but looking forward to it.

TBH tho, I'm not sure I would consider Deadpool to be an example of adult programming; it's more of a male adolescent fever-dream.

Not saying that it doesn't resonate with some part of me, but yeah.
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Re: TV you've just watched

Post by GaijinPunch »

neorichieb1971 wrote: Alice in borderland - Japanese TV show about 3 teenagers who get transported to a parallel universe version of Tokyo where only game players exist. Unfortunately the games are life threatening (Think Saw). You find out if you win a game you get a card, so it ends up there are 52 games. What happens if you survive 52 times and get all the cards? Nobody knows because nobody has done it. 9/10.
I haven't finished this yet but the scenes of a deserted Scramble Intersection in Shibuya are worth the price of admission. No idea how the fuck they did that.
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Re: TV you've just watched

Post by neorichieb1971 »

GaijinPunch wrote:
neorichieb1971 wrote: Alice in borderland - Japanese TV show about 3 teenagers who get transported to a parallel universe version of Tokyo where only game players exist. Unfortunately the games are life threatening (Think Saw). You find out if you win a game you get a card, so it ends up there are 52 games. What happens if you survive 52 times and get all the cards? Nobody knows because nobody has done it. 9/10.
I haven't finished this yet but the scenes of a deserted Scramble Intersection in Shibuya are worth the price of admission. No idea how the fuck they did that.
Yes, I was thinking the same thing. You've got a deserted Tokyo, lights on the buildings giving directions.. they managed to pull off "eerie" in the most congested part of the world. Very confusing. :wink:
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Re: TV you've just watched

Post by neorichieb1971 »

vol.2 wrote:
neorichieb1971 wrote: For that reason I just wish the show would grow up. Lets do a "Deadpool" star wars.
Haven't watched the Mandalorian yet, but looking forward to it.

TBH tho, I'm not sure I would consider Deadpool to be an example of adult programming; it's more of a male adolescent fever-dream.

Not saying that it doesn't resonate with some part of me, but yeah.
I'm just saying that Star Wars should have grown with its audience. Battles should have death, characters should have a vulnerability about them. Its ok to have a few battles where the good guys wipe the floor with the bad guys, but 50 times in a row bar a droid malfunction or a scrape just doesn't cut it. There is no "tense" there for me. Lucas did it well in the first trilogy in the 70's and 80's and even in the Prequels. The Mandalorian is very comic book style. The Good thing about a Last Hope is that it introduces Vadar first and you think "bad ass Mother fucker". The whole time after that your wondering what will happen if the good guys face him because he is so powerful. This is what the Mandalorian lacks, a bad guy that can also kick some ass.
This industry has become 2 dimensional as it transcended into a 3D world.
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