The STG Hall of Records [CLOSED]

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Re: The STG Hall of Records

Post by MauCast »

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Re: The STG Hall of Records

Post by Bloody »


H. Zigraghi

Community: BLO - 4,567,460 - 4-2 - Autofire ON (World ver) ... 590844.jpg
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Re: The STG Hall of Records

Post by Deuceler »

Is anyone familiar with the database the Giga Wing scores were pulled from? I'm particularly interested in the Stuck/Widerstand 296 tril.
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Re: The STG Hall of Records

Post by Plasmo »

What's the question? Maybe i can help out.
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Re: The STG Hall of Records

Post by copy-paster »

Salamander 2

World: KTL-NAL - 2,243,000 - ALL - Autofire ON
Community: sikraiken - 2,034,400 - ALL
Wouldn't community scores today be ShadowWraith with 1,8mil? I looked out sikraiken's score in STGT 12 and saw this:

Code: Select all

1.   sikraiken               TCACTRM                                     2,034,400 banan   wolfmame
I assume this is banned score? given the player has been suspected.
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Re: The STG Hall of Records

Post by Plasmo »

Sikraiken's scores have never been banned. There's no proven incidence of him cheating. Present some evidence first.
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Re: The STG Hall of Records

Post by Ako »

New community scores from Calice Cup

Game Tengoku

Normal - Fighter EX/Jeynus
Community: Maucast - 37,116,700 - ALL

Turbo Force

Community: TodayIsForgotten - 1,116,200 - 2-3 ... IH9FM/view
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Re: The STG Hall of Records

Post by avri62 »

Plasmo wrote:Sikraiken's scores have never been banned. There's no proven incidence of him cheating. Present some evidence first.
This is enough to make me doubt his scores (read all the posts):


Dude is shady af.
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Re: The STG Hall of Records

Post by sikraiken »

Not sure if NTSC-J would be willing to do it (maybe if other people help?), but perhaps it would be good to have a list of the top community scores with video proof. Alternatively, video proof could just be required for all scores, but most of the current scores on the board would probably have to be removed. That's not necessarily a bad thing. It would probably be better to have video proof moving forward, at least.
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Re: The STG Hall of Records

Post by Gus »

I think the rule of thumb up to this point has been that video proof is required when 1. The score is at or near top community score level 2. Several people have expressed suspicions about the score, and 3. The score is performed on a platform where creating a recording would be mostly hassle-free (like MAME). Sikraiken's scores tick all these boxes, and he's also promised videos for several of his scores but still hasn't delivered many years later. I don't think it would be unreasonable or controversial to remove the scores of his that don't have video backing given these circumstances. I also think it would be best to slowly make the move towards scores backed with videos and eliminate controversial scores.
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Re: The STG Hall of Records

Post by BareKnuckleRoo »

It's not an unreasonable request to ask that if it looks like you're going to post a score that's going to be a top 10 score on a scoreboard, or especially if it's going to be a top 3 score, that it's backed with a video/input replay/whatever's available as a recording more than just a photo. You can usually tell when you're working hard on a score (or any particular challenge really) that you're going to get something substantial and that you should be looking at recording runs.

I don't like the idea of mandating video for all runs though, mostly because I fear it will discourage people from submitting lower scoring runs which are valuable in fleshing out the scoreboard (runs which only get halfway through the game for instance). People might find non-clearing scores too onerous to submit if they have to upload videos for them when they're submitted more as a "here's a placeholder score, it's not great but will improve it later".

In the unusual situation where you're playing on an actual arcade cabinet without recording something and you get a really high score worth posting ("oops, I set a record at an arcade and all I have is a photo") sort of situation, it's not out of the ordinary to ask the player to submit a similar recording or showcase live play of the game if there's any question of authenticity.
I think the rule of thumb up to this point has been that video proof is required when 1. The score is at or near top community score level

I also think it would be best to slowly make the move towards scores backed with videos and eliminate controversial scores.
Yeah, I don't think it's unrealistic (especially with recording being a lot easier than in VHS days) to ask that when scores achieved are at a community record level that they're backed with a proper recording or something more than just a photo.
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Re: The STG Hall of Records

Post by NTSC-J »

This is an important discussion but could we move it to the score dispute thread?
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Re: The STG Hall of Records

Post by zlk »

Sik is not shady. If you watch any of his replays, he shows a high level of intelligence in his playing. One thing that is common among high level players is that they are very, very clever in their routes and strategies. He is also good at other genres of games and play those at a high level.

When I was playing donpachi back in 2005, Sik sent me a video of him demonstrating how the 10m chain at the end of 1-5/2-5 was possible. He also figured out some really nice combos on the other stages as well. This was way before any decent information was made public about the game. So we can only conclude one of two things: sik is actually sof-wtn trolling us all, or maybe he is really good at video games.
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Re: The STG Hall of Records

Post by Smraedis »

Hello, I have scores that I may have not posted on this forum before:

Zone Z' - 3,551,580 - Autofire ON ... 1.png?dl=0
Zone V - 4,002,120 - Autofire ON ... 1.png?dl=0
Zone W - 4,080,160 - Autofire ON ... 1.png?dl=0
Zone Y - 4,663,300 - Autofire ON ... 1.png?dl=0
Zone Z - 4,344,730 - Autofire ON ... 1.png?dl=0
Zone V' - 4,398,300 - Autofire ON ... 2.png?dl=0

Darius Gaiden:
Zone W - 10,106,690 - Autofire ON ... 2.png?dl=0
Zone X - 10,329,920 - Autofire ON ... 2.png?dl=0
Zone Y - 10,435,800 - Autofire ON ... 2.png?dl=0
Zone Z - 10,241,080 - Autofire ON ... 2.png?dl=0
Zone V' - 10,337,660 - Autofire ON ... 2.png?dl=0

I have inps of all these, I have some scores on G Darius but can't seem to find them, they could be improved anyway!
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Re: The STG Hall of Records

Post by avri62 »

zlk wrote: So we can only conclude one of two things: sik is actually sof-wtn trolling us all, or maybe he is really good at video games.
Just like in the history of Sports, you can be very skilled and still be a cheater. There's a lot of evidence he is a cheater (see the 'Problem with Perikles' thread for details).
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Re: The STG Hall of Records

Post by copy-paster »

Wing Force (A.I / Atlus), no entry of this game yet.

World, also from community: Shepardus - 11,088,800 - AUTO ON - replay

World, also from community: Jaimers - 7,021,100 - NO AUTO - replay
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Re: The STG Hall of Records

Post by PurpleTheGuy »

Hello, NTSC-J! :)

I just wanted to submit my latest Gunbird 2 Tavia score here, as this score makes me the new community record holder for Gunbird 2 in the Tavia category here in Shmups Forum. :D It also doubles in making me the new overall community record holder for Gunbird 2. :) It's my 1st time ever holding a community record for an arcade game! :mrgreen:

Gunbird 2

Community: VioletHatPurple - 4,205,300 - ALL (NM1B) - 37 max chain pic replay

This score is also over 75% of GAL's world record for the Tavia category in Gunbird 2, so I color-coded it gold (I saw you put gold for over 75% of world record), since that's part of how you have the STG Hall of Records set up. :)

Also, if that happens to matter, I did this run on ShmupMAME 4.2, International Ver.B.
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Re: The STG Hall of Records

Post by NTSC-J »

I wanted to give a heads-up to everyone that, as of the end of this month, I will no longer be updating the Hall of Records. There's a new STG Hall of Records (still a WIP) that features more accurate scores, cited sources for each score, better formatting, and additional information when available, and because it's a wiki it can be updated by anyone, allowing for faster updates and quicker fixes if any errors are found.

The one downside is that I will also no longer be updating the community records, for those that care about that feature. However, the new site includes links to high score threads here for each game for easy reference. At some point the site might feature "legacy" scores, but I'm not entirely sure how that will go.

Also, I'll keep this thread up for a little while longer, but I plan on deleting it at some point to avoid having people still refer to it.

I hope you all enjoyed it, and thanks for the help from the many of you who contributed!
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Re: The STG Hall of Records

Post by Ako »

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Re: The STG Hall of Records

Post by CStarFlare »

Thanks for all the work you put into this NTSC-J. :)
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Re: The STG Hall of Records

Post by EmperorIng »

Sad to see this mainstay go inactive. It took me years of being in the genre to finally see how much of a great resource this has been, and have been referring to it quite frequently since.

Thanks for all the hard work put into this over the years, NTSC-J!
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Re: The STG Hall of Records [CLOSED]

Post by BareKnuckleRoo »

Only when a true counterstop is achieved, the game or category will be closed for competition as long as no special rules apply as is the case with Ultra Mode in Mushihimesama Futari 1.5. In the case of a counterstop, the ranking will be marked in grey color to indicate that it is closed.
I do have a concern that this potentially misses "better" counterstops, i.e. that you could use a metric such as the sooner in the game the counterstop is achieved, the better it is sort of thing as a way to measure the quality of a counterstop. Especially for games where there is footage of the counterstop readily available. That does raise the question though: what's "better"? A counterstop obtained earlier but has several deaths, or one that manages to counterstop later in the game but no-misses the game?

Counterstopping in games is sufficiently rare that you could realistically list every player who's managed to get a counterstop on the game without the list becoming onerously massive, and list according to the date achieved, rather than just closing the score board entirely once a counterstop's obtained. Seems a shame not to record other people who've achieved the highest possible score in a game just because someone else has done it previously.
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