Bullet Soul: Infinite Burst

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Bullet Soul: Infinite Burst

Post by Mero »

May as well start a thread for this.

All Defaults. No continues.

Code: Select all

*Autobomb On/Off applies to Normal Mode only.


Code: Select all

1. -S.L- -         3,734,217,980 - ALL - Loop
2. ACSeraph -      3,549,582,690 - ALL - Plugsuit Desu
3. Mero -          3,329,945,580 - ALL - Loop
4. M.Knight -      2,926,720,200 - ALL - Yun
5. ashygal -       2,904,766,480 - ALL - Zenichi
6. Jeneki -        2,889,318,810 - ALL - Zenichi
7. OSUANDY -       2,698,093,210 - ALL - Zenichi
8. Iori Branford - 1,526,248,490 - 5   - Zenichi
9. Spyke -           987,225,040 - 5   - don'tknowthecharacter'snames!!

Code: Select all

1. Mero -     2,405,424,330 - ALL - Loop               - Can't remember
2. ACSeraph - 2,030,002,380 - ALL - Officer Garterbelt - OFF
3. M.Knight - 1,842,754,400 - ALL - Yun -                OFF

Code: Select all

1. Mero -        426,988,570 - Loop
2. ACSeraph -    219,756,000 - Officer Garterbel
3. Geekman1222 - 174,905,190 - Yun

Code: Select all

1. M.Knight - 2,372,457,980 - ALL - Yun - OFF
2. ACSeraph - 2,157,952,510 - ALL - Officer Garterbelt - OFF
Last edited by Mero on Wed Feb 19, 2020 9:04 am, edited 24 times in total.
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Re: Bullet Soul: Infinite Burst

Post by Mero »

Mero - 1,715,668,010 - 5 - Loop


True final boss
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Re: Bullet Soul: Infinite Burst

Post by Mero »

Burst mode

Mero - 3,329,945,580 - ALL - Loop


Ha, I got the same score as Kiken.

Managed to reach the true final boss with all 5 portions of the health bar intact, and I needed them; Got hit once in the first phase and 3 times in the second phase, I think the boss died during the window of invincibility after I'd just been hit. Very tough boss fight, you don't have bombs to save yourself either, just one Burst after you've survived the whole of the first phase.

I had about 1.8 billion after I beat the boss, you get an enormous bonus at the end of the game.
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Re: Bullet Soul: Infinite Burst

Post by ACSeraph »

Bit lonely in here isn't it Mero? Did no one really pick this game up? I'm having a lot of fun playing it and focusing on keeping the chain going. Such a massive improvement over the first one. Anyhow I just got this clear and score that I'm pretty satisfied with so I'll post it.


Burst mode

ACSeraph - 2,920,008,140 - ALL - Officer Garterbelt

Was hoping to pull off 3 billion but didn't quite get it. Mostly I preserved my chain without major mistakes through the whole run, but I don't think I quite understand how to maximize the score using burst yet. I have a feeling I'm being too conservative and holding on to it too much.

Yay last place! 8) (nice score btw)
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Re: Bullet Soul: Infinite Burst

Post by Mero »

ACSeraph wrote:Bit lonely in here isn't it Mero? Did no one really pick this game up?
I think some people got a kick out of it judging by some posts I've seen, glad to hear you're enjoying it too. Once you work out the best places to go into burst you'll raise your score above 3 billion.

At some point soon I'll post the normal mode clear that I never posted.
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Re: Bullet Soul: Infinite Burst

Post by ACSeraph »

Yay 3 billion!


Burst mode

ACSeraph - 3,153,353,530 - ALL - Plugsuit Desu

Yeah I'll get around to posting a super half-assed normal score too as soon as I get around to playing it. It's not very enticing when it's competing with Burst mode. I'm not really feeling the draw of Caravan either, just seems like a demo or something.
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Re: Bullet Soul: Infinite Burst

Post by Mero »

Here we go:

Mero - 2,405,424,330 - ALL - Loop - Can't remember


I have no Idea whether this is agood score or not (probably not).
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Re: Bullet Soul: Infinite Burst

Post by ACSeraph »

Well to make things less empty I went ahead and did a clear of Musou, Normal, and Caravan (extremely halfassed, basically I just played it once)



Normal Mode

ACSeraph - 2,030,002,380 - ALL - Officer Garterbelt - OFF

What's up with all the lame cheap shots in normal mode? That part after the stage 4 midboss is fucking infuriating until you find the safe spot.


Musou Mode

ACSeraph - 2,157,952,510 - ALL - Officer Garterbelt - OFF

I have absolutely no clue what's different about this, other than there are no powerups and you are constantly in burst mode. It has no real impact on the gameplay because the damage boost is very minor. It's just a slightly easier seizure inducing normal mode. Wasted opportunity.


Caravan Mode

ACSeraph - 219,756,000 - ALL - Officer Garterbelt

Just because the scoreboard seemed lonely; it wasn't a serious attempt.
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Re: Bullet Soul: Infinite Burst

Post by Spyke »


I'll post a score soon, but I'm trying to find a guide for maximising score. Anyone have a link to a strategy guide? Also, does anyone know in Bullet mode, when the tokens bounce back up from the screen bottom, do they count differently? They look different...

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Re: Bullet Soul: Infinite Burst

Post by ACSeraph »

Spyke wrote:Hi,

I'll post a score soon, but I'm trying to find a guide for maximising score. Anyone have a link to a strategy guide? Also, does anyone know in Bullet mode, when the tokens bounce back up from the screen bottom, do they count differently? They look different...

Well I've been kind of half-assing it up to this point to be honest, but just for you I did a little experimentation this morning to work out the finer details a bit. Might make a System guide in the strategy section later. This is for Burst mode btw, my advice for Normal Mode is simply "Don't play it."

Basically the majority of your score comes from your medal chain. The coins fall down slowly, turn red and then fly up quickly off the screen. Whether going down or up it makes no difference to the score or chain when you collect them. They only turn red to warn you that they will be moving off screen soon. Each coin that flies off screen will remove 1000 from your coin rate, so missing a single group of coins can destroy your multiplier instantly. Basically get all the coins, it's priority one.

The second important part is burst mode which is a bit more complex. The coins dropped in burst mode are red and add a lot more to your multiplier than usual. Once activated the burst meter begins to drain but each coin you pick up refills it a bit. If you burst at a time where there are a lot of enemies and coins to be had for a long stretch of time, and are careful about how you pick up the coins (try not to pick a bunch up when your burst meter is already maxed out) you can keep your Burst going for a very very long time and get huge coin rates. A perfect example would be bursting right after killing that huge golden enemy that appears in stage one. If you do it right, you can keep that burst going all the way through the midboss and almost to the stage boss.

The less obvious thing though is how exactly filling the burst gauge works. Basically each kill fills the gauge a little, but how much it fills depends entirely on how close you are to the top of the screen. If you watch videos of top players you will see them hugging the top edge a lot and point blanking everything. Understand that it's not the point blanking itself that increases burst recharge, it's vertical positioning. If you want to see for yourself start up stage one and try it out. Go down to the very bottom of the screen and just sit there killing the first wave. You'll see that the bust gauge has only filled by a couple pixels, almost nothing at all. Now hug the vertical edge and pointblank them as they come in: middle, right, middle, left. This time your burst gauge is a good 20-25% full.

The other major factor is clearing, because the end game bonus can almost double your score. Remember that every risk you take is weighed against endangering your chances of clearing. No matter how much ass you kick getting there, if you fail to complete your mission your score will not be able to compete with even mediocre 1cc runs. So in conclusion, in order to get the really really high scores you need to be staying towards the vertical edge as much as you can to build you burst quickly while also never missing any medals, and then use the burst at opportune times where you can get a big payout and keep it going for a while. That's basically it but it's easier said than done. My suggestion if you are just starting out is to focus only on clearing without ever breaking the chain and not worry too much about the best times to burst. As you get that down start trying to get a feel for the best times to burst, and then ultimately when you are really comfortable with the game start pushing hard to build the burst quickly and use it more often.
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Re: Bullet Soul: Infinite Burst

Post by ACSeraph »

OK so I decided to put my own research to use and give it a go with my preferred character (lacking any significant route planning of course). The result was an extremely minor improvement over the Plugsuit run:


Burst mode

ACSeraph - 3,156,526,800 - ALL - Officer Garterbelt

My first question was how the hell could a run with actual effort put into it only barely surpass my half-assed Plugsuit run. The answer is because Plugsuit's extreme damage output makes her the undisputed best character for scoring (the online leaderboards reflect this). And I figured out exactly why that is:

IB is in fact something of a caravan shmup. The faster you kill enemy waves the more enemy waves that show up. You'll notice the faster you slaughter things that you'll start facing waves you've never seen before and more treasure boxes will show up too. Plugsuit's damage is such that she accesses extra waves even with the most half-assed survival oriented play. A survival oriented run of the first stage with Garterbelt will have you face against one giant golden enemy in stage one, whereas the same survival oriented run with Plugsuit will have you face two (the second at the very end of the stage). This applies to the entire game, so if you are trying at all you will end up facing and slaughtering far more enemies with Plugsuit than the others, leading to much higher scores.
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Re: Bullet Soul: Infinite Burst

Post by Spyke »

Cool, thanks for that ACSeraph. Very helpful and I can see some of that already from playing the game already, so it all makes sense. I've been close to clearing he game but got killed on third form of the TLB, but then I only had a score of 750,000,000 or so, so having this guide to scoring should help me improve that.

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Re: Bullet Soul: Infinite Burst

Post by Mero »

Yeah just keep grabbing them coins and don't let any float off the top of the screen, if a load of them go off the screen at once it can reduce your multiplier to zero. When the coins chests appear I just used to hover right on top of them to get as much out of them as possible.
Spyke wrote:C I've been close to clearing he game but got killed on third form of the TLB,
I didn't manage it myself but I know you can kill the TLB before he gets really nasty, but you have to stay fairly close to him (i.e. not right at the bottom of the screen all the time).
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Re: Bullet Soul: Infinite Burst

Post by ACSeraph »

Really thought I was going to blow this run because stupid mistakes led to me taking on the TLB with only a sliver of health left:


Burst mode

ACSeraph - 3,549,582,690 - ALL - Plugsuit Desu
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Re: Bullet Soul: Infinite Burst

Post by Spyke »


Burst Modes - 987,225,040 - 5 (TLB) -don'tknowthecharacter'snames!!

Gotta beat that TLB soon...
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Re: Bullet Soul: Infinite Burst

Post by ACSeraph »

^His name is Cap'n McSmirkey, no matter what 5PB says.

Looks like you are getting really close, don't give in. Might help to watch a vid of the TLB because the last attack can be really tricky if you don't know what's coming. The Capn's damage output is really high though, in my case when I got his clear I avoided the final attack entirely by speed killing the boss.
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Re: Bullet Soul: Infinite Burst

Post by ashygal »

worked hard for roughly 2 weeks before I finally exploded the special final boss


Burst mode

ashygal - 2,904,766,480 - ALL - Zenichi
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Re: Bullet Soul: Infinite Burst

Post by ACSeraph »

GD Infinite Burst is now complete!

Hopefully everyone can use the information there to dig deeper into the game and we see some more scores being submitted. I love this game, I really wish more people here would give this one a shot.
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Re: Bullet Soul: Infinite Burst

Post by Jeneki »

Got Infinite Burst a few days ago. First clear for burst mode, Feeeeveeeer!


Jeneki - 2,889,318,810 - ALL - Zenichi
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Re: Bullet Soul: Infinite Burst

Post by ACSeraph »

Really sad there are only like 5 scores on this board. Really great game that flew right under the shmups forum radar due to the bad rep of the original game. Great to have ya here Jeneki!
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Re: Bullet Soul: Infinite Burst

Post by Mero »

Fired up Ye Olde J360 for probably the first time in 2016


Mero - 271,338,970 - Loop


Much higher is possible I'm sure.
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Re: Bullet Soul: Infinite Burst

Post by Mero »


Mero - 426,988,570 - loop

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Re: Bullet Soul: Infinite Burst

Post by Iori Branford »

Iori Branford - 1,526,248,490 - 5 - Zenichi

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Re: Bullet Soul: Infinite Burst

Post by M.Knight »

Normal Mode
M.Knight - 1,842,754,400 - ALL - Yun/Officer Garterbelt - Autobomb Off

Burst Mode
M.Knight - 2,926,720,200 - ALL - Yun/Officer Garterbelt

Musou Mode
M.Knight - 2,372,457,980 - ALL - Yun/Officier Garterbelt -Autobomb Off
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Re: Bullet Soul: Infinite Burst

Post by GeekMan1222 »

Geekman1222 - 174,905,190 - Caravan (EX) - Yun/Officer Garterbelt

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Re: Bullet Soul: Infinite Burst

Post by OSUANDY »

Burst Mode - OSUANDY - 2,698,093,210 - ALL - Zenichi
Link to replay: https://youtu.be/9mDcSA9kGmo
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Re: Bullet Soul: Infinite Burst

Post by -S.L- »

Burst Mode - -S.L- - 3,734,217,980 - ALL - Rupu

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Re: Bullet Soul: Infinite Burst

Post by ACSeraph »

Well done S.L! I finally lost my spot after all these years. I really loved this game but I haven't played it in a very long time. You've made me want to revisit it.
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