What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Anything from run & guns to modern RPGs, what else do you play?
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Sumez »

guigui wrote:Sumez said he could clear the game on Hard, so you can do it too, enjoy.
Full disclaimer: A few of the bosses required straight up exploiting weakness in their patterns that I don't think the developer thought of. It's also possible that there was another strategy that I didn't think of, but I couldn't find anyone on the internet who did either. All videos online are people playing on normal and just tanking damage, which doesn't look fun at all.

Also, don't be too proud to exit a dungeon after getting the magic upgrade there if you find the boss too hard. In fact you can postpone all four of the "elemental bosses" until you are done with all those temples and come back with the best gear in the game, if you really want to.

The "dark demon" type bosses still had me learning their patterns and avoiding damage almost entirely though, and that was pretty rewarding.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Sumez »

Getting further into Romancing SaGa 2 I've grown accustomed to the jank and now fully embrace how fucking amazing this game is.

I already touched on the amazing open ended nature, but tying into that, it does one crazy rare thing I really wish that most other games calling themselves "RPGs" would do.
Basically, the world lives and exists without you. It feels like a real place. Well, obviously most of it does happen as a reaction to your actions (if only because finishing quests/storylines is the only thing that advances time), and it's generally very simplistic. But I love stuff like you commissioning a bridge being built to unite two tiny settlements and when you return a few generations later, a thriving city has been evolving around it, and so on. And there are story scenarios that will arise and then resolve in one way or another depending on whether you take direct action or not (as well as your choices if you do) - and how they end out will in turn affect how other scenarios play out.
It means that some scenarios/quests are, as far as I can tell, completely missable, but going in blind this still creates an incredible dynamic in the game.

Although it's not a wildly driving factor in terms of plot, the game loosely revolves around the return of seven "heroes" (who obviously are more like manipulative demons) and having to defeat them even though that's a process across multiple generations. They turn out to be the driving force behind a lot of the events that happen throughout the game, and depending on how you approach them you can actually fight some of them at different times and places - and being left alone they'll actually be able to grow stronger, causing you to fight a stronger version of them, to balance out the fact that obviously your teams also keep growing stronger over time.

It's very much a living game world, and something that's extremely rare in the world of "open ended" RPGs. It feels like what companies like Bethesda, Bioware and Obsidian clumsily have been failing to do for a few decades now, and Squaresoft did this all the way back in '93.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by BareKnuckleRoo »

Resident Evil 3:

The most action oriented and polished in terms of game mechanics. The first to feature quickturning, and has a dodging system as well as zombie shoving. The dodging is rudimentary and has no invulnerability so sometimes you'll dodge but still take a hit from Nemesis as he punches or such, but lots of stuff in the game can be reliably evaded with dodge. Zombie shoving is more advanced and the timing is tight (press and hold R1 from a normal standing stance just before getting bit, the window increases if you're turned to the side or facing away from a zombie but you risk taking more damage if you're hit). It's great fun and I've played it extensively, though perhaps the plot isn't quite as interesting as RE1 or RE2 in terms of the characters or the various files you can find scattered about. It's a lot like Silent Hill 3 vs 1 and 2, it's much more polished in terms of movement and combat, but probably the weakest in terms of memorable plot and setting.

I was messing around with it yesterday knife-only. It's the easiest one in the series I think to just straight-up beat when you know what you're doing since for the most part you can evade a lot of enemies and there's only one boss in the game you have to direct damage. I was very pleased that Clock Tower Nemesis went down on my first attempt despite a number of mistakes early on in the run meaning I didn't have the full 7 max heal items I wanted.

Then I got to the mini scenario, the hardest part of a knife only run where you play as an alternate character with no items, who doesn't start with healing items, and who gets one First Aid Spray, 2 Green Herbs, and two difficult to obtain Red Herbs in the entire time you play as him. And his encounters are all in tight as hell hallways, first encounters with Hunters, enemies that have an instant kill attack if you're in medium-low Caution health, and has at least one in-your-face encounter with a zombie rush as an elevator opens. On my original knife only playthrough I had to reload a whole lotta times here I think. I was trying for a deathless run and oh gosh I messed it up so bad. Eventually I was running around at low Caution, having chickened the hell out and avoided the red herbs altogether, settling for using the First Aid Spray and knowing I was at the damage threshold for the insta kill leap attack cause I got bitten too many times, but managed a difficult dodge near the end to grab a key and thought I was mostly in the clear when, as I entered a tight hallway again that was previously clear, OH LOOK, it's two Hunters. And one immediately outside the door I just exited. Apparently this is a potential random enemy layout for the room I've never seen before.

RNG plz.

Manage somehow to run to the elevator without taking a hit. "The doors won't close!"


oh right, if an enemy gets in the doorway you can't close it

Hunter rears back, I fail spectacularly to hit dodge in time, game does that distinct, brief pause as it loads up the DECAPITATEDEAD cutscene shortly before you see the hit connect.

oops, no deathless run for me, serves me right for getting bit by like a MILLION zombies outside the building

Also I need to learn how to knife Hunters. Apparently if you get behind them they take ages to actually turn around so it's just a matter of getting close and stabbing them in the back.

Still amused me to pile as much random crap into my item box as I could. I held on to every single useless key and item in the game, and even after combining a ridiculous 200 bullets and various shotgun shells together as one I still had almost all my slots full just over halfway into the game with gunpowders and such. There's also a secret File to be obtained if you grab all the normal files in the exact order they appear in the menu, but since the game is non-linear with a few "pick where you want to go first" options, remembering what files to grab in which order to get the secret unlock really requires keeping notes or a guide.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Marc »

Was never a fan of this one - the Nemesis put me right off it, much as Mr X currently is doing with RE2RE. Probably still end up buying the remake though. Hopefully things will come full circle and we'll get a REmake remake in the new engine :D

Only Goal E left on OutRun now, nice to finally feel as though I've mastered it properly after all these years. I think when the first perfect conversions appeared, I simply didn't want to play it too much as I'd always loved the coin-op and didn't want to 'spoil' it, if you will (my head works in odd ways sometimes). These days, it's just that big a part of my gaming history that it's joined a select list of games I don't think I'll ever get bored of (Manic Miner, F-Zero, OutRun, SFII Turbo, Spelunky just off the top of my head). Think once I've cleared the 'new' version, I'll turn my attention to Virtua Racing properly - again a game I've dabbled with over the years, but put very little time into now I own it.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by BareKnuckleRoo »

Marc wrote:Was never a fan of this one - the Nemesis put me right off it, much as Mr X currently is doing with RE2RE.
What, why?
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Marc »

Hard to really remember with Nemesis, but Mr X is just becoming more of a chore than a genuine threat now. Just necessitates a bit of running and serves to do nothing than interrupt the flow of the game for me.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by BareKnuckleRoo »

As much as I love RE3 and hate to bash it, if your complaint about Nemesis and Mr. X is that they're too persistent and interrupt the slower, more deliberate exploration you normally do, RE3's Nemesis honestly isn't really a major threat and isn't comparable to the RE2 remake's vastly more aggressive, persistent, and unkillable version of Mr. X. He's basically a more persistent Mr. X from the RE2 scenario with more dangerous attacks, but every single one of his appearances can be memorized, and he only appears in specific rooms in each appearance, disappearing and effectively ending the encounter when you leave the assigned area he can appear in. In the rooms he's barred from entering, it will still play his theme music if you're still actively being pursued by Nemesis (i.e. the current encounter is still active because you haven't run far enough to have considered to have "escaped" him).

For instance, in the first encounter outside the RPD, the encounter ends if you enter the RPD, or run back down the street (where Nemesis will appear as soon as the gate is off-screen) and get to the area where the Save Room is.

In his second appearance, Nemesis will show up in the RPD and follow you from room to room, generally being allowed to enter every room except the tiny room with the vaults/lockers (and possibly the upstairs Star Office and the Press Room, but those are purposefully going really out of your way instead of the obvious getting the hell out of the RPD). Bare minimum is two rooms in the encounter, the room at the foot of the stairs, and then the office Marvin's body is in, both of which are easy to run from. If for whatever reason you want to go back and explore the RPD more, you can just end the encounter with Nemesis by running to the main hall (or possibly outside the RPD/outside the gate, can't remember what room triggers Nemesis to vanish from encounter #2), and then you can go back and explore the Nemesis-free RPD all you like.

The subsequent encounters all follow the same pattern, with him only following you in a specific set of rooms and the encounter effectively "ending" with him disappearing if you go back once you've gone far enough away to end the encounter.
This of course doesn't include the 3 mandatory fights you can't run from: the Clock Tower battle, and the final two fights in the sewage facility.
Unlike RE2's remake, where Mr. X follows you pretty much the entire time you're trying to explore the RPD once he's been triggered, RE2 and RE3's big bad trenchcoat dudes can both be dealt with by running from them or killing them, and ending the encounter either way will then allow you to go back and explore at your leisure as much as you please. RE3's Nemesis really isn't that much of a threat when you work out how he functions, which is essentially as a multi-room boss fight that you can run from.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by it290 »

Honestly, Nemesis put me off the first time I played RE3 too and is one of the reasons I still rate it lower than 1, 2, and CV despite the mechanical improvements. I know I'm probably in the minority on this, I just felt like he really ruined the pacing. Once you've played through the game a few times and know all the locations it's easy to understand how he can be gamed, but as a first time player you don't know that stuff and his appearances discouraged me from wanting to play more. None of the stuff you mentioned would be obvious to a first time player.

Surely his persistence is a win from a realism perspective, but I feel that something was lost in making the game less gamey. Granted RE2remake's Mister X is somewhat worse in that respect (at least in the B scenario). It does have me a bit worried for Capcom's plans for the RE3 remake, since I really don't want to be dealing with a gamelong Mr. X scenario.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Mischief Maker »

Giving Battletech for PC another try, this time with all 3 DLCs (bought the Season Pass on sale).

Battlestar Galactica Deadlock was a blah game at release that improved immensely thanks to a series of heroic patches/DLCs, hopefully the same is true for this game.

Also they finally added the Marauder so I HAD TO try that out.

For those who don't know, it's an RPG/tactics hybrid very similar to Battle Brothers based on the old FASA tabletop game.

I'm still in the earlygame and having fun, but part of me is acutely aware this game is 36 goddamn gigabytes of HD space on my relatively small SSD and I don't know if I'm having 36 GB worth of fun. (Especially since X-Morph Defense has way more detailed building destruction physics at only 4 GB.)
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Squire Grooktook »

Marc wrote:Just necessitates a bit of running and serves to do nothing than interrupt the flow of the game for me.
He does a lot more than that. Besides just adding a bit of tension and preventing you from taking your time while re-exploring the RPD, you also need to have a plan to get through certain areas efficiently depending on where he is. IE when the West Wing 1F is repopulated with Lickers, you won't be able to run from him.

It becomes extremely intense in S Rank runs where you can't kill everything, I've had some absolutely intense, improvisational encounters based on him and zombies coming at me from different angles while trying to route through the place.
RegalSin wrote:Japan an almost perfect society always threatened by outsiders....................

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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by BareKnuckleRoo »

So Nemesis sucks because... he's scary and different? Because you can't just stand there and blast him like RE2 PS1 Mr. X? I mean this was part of the billing for the game, Jill is being persued by something that wants to kill her.

"but as a first time player!"

Whoa there, are you seriously arguing he's somehow badly designed for first time players? Can't let that happen, I'm afraid.

Nemesis's encounters are meant to be scary but even if it's your first time in the game his encounters should progress pretty darn naturally in a way that won't throw off the exploration. It's worth noting though that even without Nemesis the game is already much more different because you aren't in one building traversing the same areas most of the game as you attempt to open up new rooms. Even without Nemesis, it already has a very different feel to it.

But let's go over each encounter:
Nemesis 1: The hardest early game fight due to low resources, but you have a wide open area to learn to fight him if you really want to. He's designed to be far more demanding than anything in RE1 or RE2 though, which is exactly why you're given the event option to run from him altogether, ending the fight immediately and safely. If you choose to fight him as a first time player and get killed, this is expected, as this encounter is meant to terrify you.

The correct option is actually to fight him, grab Brad's card case, and get the heck outta there, thus saving you from having to go and grab Jill's from an annoying hallway that potentially has zombie dogs.

Nemesis 2: New players are supposed to crap their pants in terror as he has A ROCKET LAUNCHER. He appears after you've grabbed the lockpick (and likely a shiny new gun) and you've literally just saved. As with his first encounter, there's a save literally a couple rooms away you've used on a first play, so if you attempt to fight him and get killed, you've probably learned your lesson about not fucking with him. The obvious answer to new players, which is something that you've learned from your first encounter, is that you can run from him, so it's pretty damn intuitive that running the hell out of the RPD is an option. Which ends up being relatively easy unless you've somehow managed to leave all the zombies alive in Marvin's office in the harder possible layout, which won't happen to a new player in all likelihood!

Nemesis 3: The first encounter where his appearance is determined by which area you visit first. The newspaper office has a selection where you can grab two red herbs, the restaurant has an option where you get a free Nemesis item!

It's his longest and most persistent encounter, with his theme music following you around a good chunk of the map, however there's only a few rooms he's actually allowed to enter. You have the option of running the hell back towards the RPD away from him which was taught to you in your first few encounters, but if you explore and find the second gem for the City Hall puzzle, his encounter ends immediately after going through the gate.

Nemesis #4: Again, two possible areas to meet him depending on what order you do thing. The post-Pharmaceutical Sales office encounter has that room with stacked crates you can lure him to and climb on those to cheese him in a particular way, and the electrical substation has a relatively easier, open area to fight him in. In both, it's pretty obvious he conveniently shows when you've gotten what you need, and if you run he disappears within a couple of rooms.

Nemesis #5: Shows up as you're off to fix the cable car, disappears like a room after you run away from him (the first Gravedigger fight is the real threat in this area as it can hurt you plenty fast).

Gravedigger #1: Legit annoying for a first time encounter due to the particularly nasty camera angles. It's way easier to run from it by hitting the switches than trying to fight it directly, but it's up to you. Far easier in subsequent playthroughs when you know how you're supposed to escape.

Nemesis #6: Cable Car encounter. You can't kill him here as Mikhail plays hero when Nemesis hits a certain damage threshold. The obvious solution is just to turn around and run for it, so Mikhail can play hero in private. This is the first Nemesis you're far away from a save point for, but I mean are you really going to try fighting him in a first playthrough in an area where you literally have zero room to move? You're a sucker if you do.

Nemesis #7: On top of the clock tower. You have a live selection event, one gives you a free item from him but he gets up and follows you for like a room or two after (whatever, you have a new key and you're leaving anyways) or one gets rid of him immediately. Trivial.

Nemesis #8: The first, and only mandatory boss fight vs Nemmy in the game where all the damage must come from your own weapons with no means of escape or environmental tools to use. Tricky too as your health is obscured and you permanently move as if in Caution status, but you should have plenty of weapons and health items to use. You also can prepare and have enough Freeze Grenades to wreck him pretty well effortlessly if need be at this point, though, and one of the potential options you got on the cable car has Carlos handing you Freeze Grenades at the start of the clock tower.

Subsequent Nemesis encounters all follow the same pattern of being relatively easy to deal with by simply running away. Carlos's encounter is unusual in that if you run away, Jill will get killed and you'll lose the game, you're actually supposed to run to the chapel where Jill is to heal her, which is somewhat unintuitive given you're kinda luring Nemesis to Jill. But if you try to fight him, it becomes clear he knows where Jill is anyways if you let him run offscreen.

Jill's only got like one more optional fight against Nemesis right after you regain control (at full health!) as her before the two final fights in the game and as per usual it's pretty obvious where to run as the only other direction is the one you came from that you've established is a dead end. The last two fights of the game have obvious environmental tools you can use to kill them without issue if you're low on ammo. Same goes for the second Gravedigger fight, where if you wait long enough or damage him enough the environmental tools you can use appear (a straight kill is also possible without them, only the last Nemesis fight necessitates the use of the tool there, a giant railgun).
All of the runnable encounters end pretty quickly if you get the heck out of there allowing you to get back to your regularly scheduled classic slower paced RE exploration.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Ruldra »

Just finished Aggelos on Hard. Yeah, I can see how the difficulty will scare away many players. It just keeps getting harder and harder. The final boss was absolutely crazy with several attacks going off at the same time. Even with the best gear and a high level it's a pretty difficult fight.

Main complaint about this game though is how you can't rebind buttons if you're playing on a keyboard (and using JHGT buttons? Wtf). But other than that, it's a stellar game and I recommend it to everyone. Just don't play hard mode right away unless you want a severe beating.

Is Dragon's Trap as good as Aggelos? Never played it back in the day and I'm considering buying the remake.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by BIL »

BareKnuckleRoo wrote:Jill is being persued by something that wants to kill her.
Or perhaps perused by something. Image (sorry, can't resist a jab at RE ladies and their comically biohazard-inappropriate attire. careful, toots! put some gloves on FFS! :o I'd have every last character geared up for all-out biochemical apocalypse like my boy HUNK :cool: calm down, fappers! S-RANK = NOODZ :shock:)
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by BareKnuckleRoo »

We can mostly forgive them in RE1 and 2 for being wildly underprepared for what they're facing (and modelling being expensive and them not wanting to redesign a new model for when they put on more clothes, etc).

But Jill in RE3 is ridiculous. Her alternate unlockable costumes are all vastly more reasonable, and you'd think if she got caught out in a tube top and skirt she'd put a spare uniform or protective gear on when she hits the RPD. Maybe it's cleaned out by then, dunno.

Or maybe she's attempting to charm Nemmy with her feminine wiles~
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Vexorg »

Konami Pixel Puzzle Collection (iOS/Android)

Looks like there's been at least one recommendation for this in the thread before, but this is my current "play it on the bus ride" game. It's your standard Picross, but all the puzzles are Konami sprite art from a lot of their classic games, with a soundtrack to match (mostly Gradius music, which I'm certainly not complaining about.) So far a lot of the puzzles are on the easy side (I don't think any go higher than 15x15) and there's some of the usual mobile app nuisances (timers on some puzzles, some ads sprinkled in; I'm guessing there's IAPs to remove these in other regions that weren't implented for the US version) but overall there's enough here to keep you occupied for a while.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Sumez »

Ruldra wrote: Is Dragon's Trap as good as Aggelos? Never played it back in the day and I'm considering buying the remake.
Absolutely not!
It hits a lot of the same keys, but it doesn't have the same amount of polish or creative level design that really sets Aggelos apart.
It's still a good game though.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Squire Grooktook »

Re: re3 Jill outfit
Probably belongs in the fan art thread, but fuck it.
RegalSin wrote:Japan an almost perfect society always threatened by outsiders....................

Instead I am stuck in the America's where women rule with an iron crotch, and a man could get arrested for sitting behind a computer too long.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by BIL »


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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Squire Grooktook »

Honestly, as the series went on and became more and more hollywood super hero action, I'm surprised they didn't just go full guyver and give the heroes biopunk superpowers as well. Would've been a lot more fun direction to take.
RegalSin wrote:Japan an almost perfect society always threatened by outsiders....................

Instead I am stuck in the America's where women rule with an iron crotch, and a man could get arrested for sitting behind a computer too long.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by it290 »

BareKnuckleRoo wrote:So Nemesis sucks because... he's scary and different? Because you can't just stand there and blast him like RE2 PS1 Mr. X? I mean this was part of the billing for the game, Jill is being persued by something that wants to kill her.

"but as a first time player!"

Whoa there, are you seriously arguing he's somehow badly designed for first time players? Can't let that happen, I'm afraid.
No, I'm not arguing that at all, just saying that for my first time through I had less fun with RE3 than either RE2 or CV, and Nemesis was a big part of that. Not saying it was bad design, just that it didn't click with me.

I will say that in the newspaper office encounter it wasn't obvious to me (back in 2001 or whenever I played the game) how to escape (or even that I could) and I didn't have enough resources to fight him which was frustrating. I eventually got through it, but it wasn't fun to me. That's as much on me as it is on the game, and I've enjoyed subsequent playthroughs but the first one hits the hardest.

At the very least I can say that the game didn't communicate to me what Nemesis' limitations were. This is probably a strength for a horror game, but it also didn't live within the RE 'ruleset' that I was used to at the time. Again, innovation isn't bad and I don't think this was a bad design choice but my subjective experience was that I had less fun with it.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by CyberAngel »

Simon's Quest. Best metroidvania ever. And also Dark Souls of NES games.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Blinge »

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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by CyberAngel »

"No" to what? The former is a personal opinion, obviously, and as for the latter I found it hilarious myself just how many similarities you can find if you try.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Vanguard »

Everyone knows Zelda 2 is the Dark Souls of the NES.
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by kitten »


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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Blinge »

Lol I'd kill for a 3D 'vania that's actually a soulslike.
'vania series is already an endless bunch of rip-offs anyway. Metroid, dmc, God of War..
CyberAngel wrote:"No" to what? The former is a personal opinion, obviously,
You must be new here. :mrgreen:
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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by Steamflogger Boss »

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Re: What [not shmup] game are you playing now?

Post by WelshMegalodon »

"10 Video Game Mechanics That Haven't Aged Well", by Steamflogger Boss
Indie hipsters: "Arcades are so dead"
Finite Continues? Ain't that some shit.
RBelmont wrote:A little math shows that if you overclock a Pi3 to about 3.4 GHz you'll start to be competitive with PCs from 2002. And you'll also set your house on fire
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