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Re: 2020 (D) Presidential Primary

Post by Specineff »

8BA wrote:I know all the excuses. Your cities are bedlam and your harboring of pedophiles rivals the Catholic church. We're never letting you back in our house.
That's fine. Please keep these guys from getting out of there while you're at it:

Republican Senator Mike Folmer busted for possession of KP

Former Republican State Senator Ralph Shortey sentenced to 15 years in child sex trafficking case.
Don't hold grudges. GET EVEN.
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Re: 2020 (D) Presidential Primary

Post by Mischief Maker »

8BA wrote:I know all the excuses. Your cities are bedlam and your harboring of pedophiles rivals the Catholic church. We're never letting you back in our house.
The Republican Speaker of the House from 1999-2007, Dennis Hastert, went to prison for serial child molestation.
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Re: 2020 (D) Presidential Primary

Post by BulletMagnet »

So yeah, we're taking our troops out of Syria and Bringing Them Home... Iraq. :lol:

Yeah, we're leaving behind the group that's been spearheading our anti-IS offensive in the region, but we need our guys in order to conduct operations against... IS resurgence. :lol:

Yup, everyone else wants war without end, but Daddy? He totally gets it.
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Re: 2020 (D) Presidential Primary

Post by BryanM »

An example of how the media absolutely coddles this ideology would be the Columbine High School massacre. Why did they do that, the media tells us? Because they played too many violent videogames? That they listened to spooky Marilyn Manson? That they were bullied? That they weren't hugged enough as kids?

The only thing true in this list is that they liked to play DOOM. Basically everything else was utter bullshit.


They originally wanted to carry out the attack on the anniversary of the Oklahoma City Bombing. But delayed it to Hitler's birthday since their middleman Mark must have been slacking off on getting that ammunition from K-Mart. If they were remotely more competent, their propane bombs would have worked and killed hundreds of people.

The media bent over backwards to humanize these assholes. Which they still do.
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Re: 2020 (D) Presidential Primary

Post by orange808 »

You're all Russian bots. :mrgreen: hehe
We apologise for the inconvenience
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Re: 2020 (D) Presidential Primary

Post by BryanM »

They'll never take responsibility : (

Revisiting the ghost of christmas past and potential future on the 'ole wayback machine was horrifying. Worse fate than being polymorphed by an evil computer in I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream.
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Re: 2020 (D) Presidential Primary

Post by ED-057 »

The media bent over backwards to humanize these assholes. Which they still do.

You seem to be implying that they had an incurable case of dumb ideology through nobody's fault but their own. Doesn't make much sense. I suppose they were just born that way, and would better have been exterminated by some Nazis for being defective? Why would people who believed they were superior get themselves killed on a suicide mission to take out some "low value" targets? I don't see rich people running into ghettos and blowing themselves up to teach the poors a lesson.
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Re: 2020 (D) Presidential Primary

Post by quash » ... e-is-done/

When a guy who goes by Bronze Age Pervert has a better pulse on the zeitgeist than 99% of pundits, career politicians, and people posting in this thread.
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Re: 2020 (D) Presidential Primary

Post by ED-057 » ... e-is-done/

When a guy who goes by Bronze Age Pervert has a better pulse on the zeitgeist than 99% of pundits, career politicians, and people posting in this thread.
Not bad but there are a few problems with this article.

While exposing the excesses of the establishment and the identity politics loonies, he repeatedly attributes these things to a vague "The Left" making it unnecessarily partisan and one-dimensional (like everything else in US politics).

He doesn't distinguish between the sheep and the shepherd. He faults (mainstream) conservatives for not opposing the lunacy without exploring the reason that they haven't. These things are connected. The establishment media shills promoting wild nonsense are not the same people who buy into the associated ideology.

It's easy to promote race-based politics among minorities who are victims of past and current racist policy. Let's not forget that police are still shooting black people, that the war on drugs is still going on, and we're still number one in incarceration. Blackface may be taboo now, but the aforementioned injustices that serve the establishment are still reality. So from the perspective of said minorities, there isn't really a double standard when racist rhetoric is used against white Americans. It's only the media mouth pieces who blatantly contradict themselves. The 1% pays lip service to identity politics, but do you expect them to reach into their own pockets to pay reparations or give welfare to illegals? Of course not. Do you think that pundits who finger xenophobia as a major cause of all our ills, while actively smearing Russians at every available opportunity, actually believe what they themselves are saying? Not a chance. This stuff is being promoted because it serves an agenda.

The problem is not that "The Left" became too powerful. It's that various causes were co-opted, so that other ones could be ignored.

This is also why some people soil their pants over the kind of stuff that Rob posts. They want to be against "racism" while being for discrimination. If racial differences were real, that would destroy their position. Therefore, the topic is too scary even to debate. Whereas if they were against discrimination, they would realize that it doesn't matter. Even if 99% of Canadians were found to have tiny schlongs, it's still not right to exclude Canadians from porn because that is unfair to the other 1%. Discrimination is wrong because it's unfair to individuals, not because it's unfair to groups.
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Re: 2020 (D) Presidential Primary

Post by Mischief Maker »

Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

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Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: 2020 (D) Presidential Primary

Post by quash »

I'll take intelligent design over 50 genders, drag queen story hour and court mandated chemical castration of 8 year olds.
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Re: 2020 (D) Presidential Primary

Post by Mischief Maker »

8BA wrote:- I'll take intelligent design over 72 genders, socialism, and Socially Acceptable Racism 101
quash wrote:I'll take intelligent design over 50 genders, drag queen story hour and court mandated chemical castration of 8 year olds.
New post same as the old post.

And I'm supposed to be the NPC with pre-programmed responses!
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

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Then he says to the white dude "Watch out for that black dude, he wants a piece of your cookie!"
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Re: 2020 (D) Presidential Primary

Post by quash »

That just means you posted the same dumb ass thing twice. Literally who cares about Palin era conservatism at this point, besides those who let it live in their head rent fee?

Like, come on dude. I keep an ear to the ground in those circles and I haven't heard a single person even mention intelligent design in over a decade. Only boomers and really sad people are still dwelling on petty politics from that long ago.
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Re: 2020 (D) Presidential Primary

Post by BareKnuckleRoo »

Mischief Maker wrote:New post same as the old post.

And I'm supposed to be the NPC with pre-programmed responses!
They're so used to 2-party system domination that they literally don't seem to get that you can not be socially conservative without having to agree with absolutely anything someone liberal says. Political nuance is dead as a concept, you're either for GOD and JESUS or for MURDERING BABIES (never mind how conservatism "abstinence above all else" demonstrably leads to more abortions due to lack of contraceptive education) or SCARY WEIRD PEOPLE.

Protip for quash: not all people who vote liberally identify Jonathan Yaniv as a shining beacon of morality. You're allowed to disagree with views of people on the same political spectrum as you.
quash wrote:Like, come on dude. I keep an ear to the ground in those circles and I haven't heard a single person even mention intelligent design in over a decade. Only boomers and really sad people are still dwelling on petty politics from that long ago.
You do realize that one of the Republican wet dreams among evangelicals is getting the supreme court stacked and theocratical enough to the point where they could eventually seriously do that, right?
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Re: 2020 (D) Presidential Primary

Post by quash »

BareKnuckleRoo wrote:Protip for quash: not all people who vote liberally identify Jonathan Yaniv as a shining beacon of morality. You're allowed to disagree with views of people on the same political spectrum as you.
Sure. But you don't seem to get that for many people, a line has been crossed. Most people have certain boundaries that they are unwilling to compromise on, and usually they involve children. Most people (boomers, as we all know, aren't people so I'm not talking about them) were indifferent at worst when gay marriage was legalized five years ago, and now we have a court in Texas forcing a child to become transgender at the age of 8. Slippery slope was a fallacy, they said.

Despite whatever misgivings many otherwise left leaning people may have with the current administration, don't be surprised to see them vote the other way or simply abstain.
You do realize that one of the Republican wet dreams among evangelicals is getting the supreme court stacked and theocratical enough to the point where they could eventually seriously do that, right?
Sounds like a conspiracy theory to me. Normally I'd joke about Republicans not being able to coordinate a potluck let alone a branch of government, but after that stunt they pulled on Adam Schiff earlier today, maybe there's hope yet.
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Re: 2020 (D) Presidential Primary

Post by Mischief Maker »

quash wrote:now we have a court in Texas forcing a child to become transgender at the age of 8.
Are you referring to this story?
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

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Re: 2020 (D) Presidential Primary

Post by BryanM »

Paul Krugman, the David Brooks of economists, admits that outsourcing slavery hurt the domestic manufacturing sector. (5 million jobs according to him.) Prescription? Do nothing.

It's pretty similar to Alan Greenspan pretending to be shocked his policy prescriptions are maybe not completely sound during the last meltdown. Krugman used to sneer and call everyone "silly" to have concerns with outsourcing. He's still an enormous douchebag about it: "I regret having said that about Reich, but if he foresaw hyperglobalization or the localized effects of the China shock, that’s news to me." And he will be campaigning for Donald Trump as much as he's able to if Sanders is the nominee.

(The fact that manufacturing is nearly flat as population grows is an example of the finite carry capacity inherent to the practice. You only need so many fork printing plants in the world, and they only need so many employees to operate them. Need ~20% more forks? Add a few more hours a year and machines to print them out as needed. Full employment short of a federal jobs guarantee isn't happening.

The Yangbux would be at least something if we're not going to pay people to fill holes/paint/play Warhammer all day. A leftwing dividend like Matt Bruenig talks about would be better.)
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Re: 2020 (D) Presidential Primary

Post by quash »

Mischief Maker wrote:Are you referring to this story?
There is no way in hell I am watching an hour long one man Chapo Trap House. I don't care what anyone has to say about a child becoming transgender, I don't think it should even be legal to transition until you're an adult. In a sane society, we'd correctly label this for the child abuse that it is.

I have to say, I find it funny in a sad way that the same people who claim to have won the fight for children's rights back in the industrial revolution don't see how things like this open the door to children's rights being completely trampled on.
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Re: 2020 (D) Presidential Primary

Post by maximo310 »

quash wrote:
Mischief Maker wrote:Are you referring to this story?
There is no way in hell I am watching an hour long one man Chapo Trap House. I don't care what anyone has to say about a child becoming transgender, I don't think it should even be legal to transition until you're an adult. In a sane society, we'd correctly label this for the child abuse that it is.

I have to say, I find it funny in a sad way that the same people who claim to have won the fight for children's rights back in the industrial revolution don't see how things like this open the door to children's rights being completely trampled on.
I mean, you could just read the court documents released by the dad (which have a majority of the information covered by the video), but the vid is really there to piece together the information collected vs the version of the "story" that has been reported by National Review & copied across a number of different sites (which does inject some of Walt Heyer's personal views into the situation). You might wanna try taking a look at the info & vid before doubling down.
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Re: 2020 (D) Presidential Primary

Post by Mischief Maker »

Fun facts about puberty-delaying hormone treatments:
GnRH analogues are reversible. Cessation of them usually results in patients restarting their genetically intended puberty within six months.
During his 40-year career, he says he has treated some 200 adult transgender patients who would have benefited from biological clock-stopping drugs. Male-to-female adult patients often suffer physically and psychologically—battling male pattern hair loss, undergoing voice training, having their thyroid cartilage shaved to remove their Adam’s apples, and feeling stuck in a body that’s too big for a typical female. The late transformation can also be expensive. Patients spend thousands of dollars on hair removal, breast augmentation surgery, and facial feminization surgery.
Among the arguments for using pubertal blockers to gain more diagnostic time is that patients will not need as many cross-sex hormones later in the transition process. Fewer estrogens in patients means a decreased risk of blood clotting and pulmonary embolism; fewer androgens reduces the likelihood of hypertension. Another plus, Spack said, is that most male-to-female adult patients who took GnRH analogues end up with appropriate size breasts for their frame and never feel the need to have further reconstructive surgery. ... der-youth/

You are correct to fear Chapo Trap House, though. If someone weak of spirit dares to listen to their podcast, they will swallow your soul!

Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

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Re: 2020 (D) Presidential Primary

Post by Steamflogger Boss »

Mischief Maker wrote:
quash wrote:now we have a court in Texas forcing a child to become transgender at the age of 8.
Are you referring to this story?
This was pretty eye opening about this story.
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Re: 2020 (D) Presidential Primary

Post by quash »

maximo310 wrote:I mean, you could just read the court documents released by the dad (which have a majority of the information covered by the video), but the vid is really there to piece together the information collected vs the version of the "story" that has been reported by National Review & copied across a number of different sites (which does inject some of Walt Heyer's personal views into the situation). You might wanna try taking a look at the info & vid before doubling down.
Are you insinuating I haven't already? That's not very nice. ... 51047?s=19

As usual, I'm a step ahead of the game. I hope this entire decision gets thrown out and the mother admitted to a mental hospital.
Mischief Maker wrote: You are correct to fear Chapo Trap House, though. If someone weak of spirit dares to listen to their podcast, they will swallow your soul!
Well this explains a lot.
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Re: 2020 (D) Presidential Primary

Post by maximo310 »

quash wrote:
maximo310 wrote:I mean, you could just read the court documents released by the dad (which have a majority of the information covered by the video), but the vid is really there to piece together the information collected vs the version of the "story" that has been reported by National Review & copied across a number of different sites (which does inject some of Walt Heyer's personal views into the situation). You might wanna try taking a look at the info & vid before doubling down.
Are you insinuating I haven't already? That's not very nice. ... 51047?s=19

As usual, I'm a step ahead of the game. I hope this entire decision gets thrown out and the mother admitted to a mental hospital.
My apologies. I assumed that was the case based on your slapdash response to the video link posted above.
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Re: 2020 (D) Presidential Primary

Post by BareKnuckleRoo »

Whatever postmodern dumpster fires the extreme left is lighting, it's a fallacy to presume that the only way they can be addressed and criticized is to resort to electing the party that has eschewed all sense of ethics and is literally allowing its republic to eat itself and get hardcore trolled by Russia for it: ... 0356253708

This is one of the major problems of election systems such as First Past the Post or Instant Runoff Voting that are mathematically shown to break down into 2 party dominance, resulting in essentially only two choices being realistically available and killing the option of choosing moderate parties, smaller political parties, and independents. Instead of being able to choose between candidates with similar views and rank your thoughts on them relative to each other, you're forced to pick between two parties or essentially waste your vote if you vote honestly for a candidate outside the two major dominant ones. It's a major problem both in the USA and in Canada and you would see more real political nuance and choice if a competent system such as score voting (also called range voting) were used.

Instead, systems that always break down into 2 party domination essentially deny voters any real choice between multiple similar candidates with differing, nuanced opinions, and you're only ever able to select from extreme ends of the political spectrum. 2 party domination election systems contribute to the tribalism we see where the Republicans and Democrats essentially see themselves as fervent enemies of one another.
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Re: 2020 (D) Presidential Primary

Post by BryanM »

It's kind of interesting that AOC was beaten down to accept the status quo is normal and can't be changed, too.

For the longest time I thought similarly, even later than 2013. Politics was just a garbage thing for garbage people that I'd watch at a distance. The demographics in Texas would shift blue sometime perhaps as early as 2020, Hillary Clinton would be president, if the party had any sense Julian would be her VP and succeed her, and we'd have a corrupt blue team controlling everything instead of a corrupt team red controlling everything.

As you can imagine from how close the 2016 election was, my assumptions from back then were extremely close to coming true. If not for the extreme competence in the Clinton team to do everything in their power to lose, and even then barely lost by a few thousand votes.
BareKnuckleRoo wrote:Instead, systems that always break down into 2 party domination essentially deny voters any real choice between multiple similar candidates with differing, nuanced opinions, and you're only ever able to select from extreme ends of the political spectrum. 2 party domination election systems contribute to the tribalism we see where the Republicans and Democrats essentially see themselves as fervent enemies of one another.
There's only ever been three coalitions in the entire history of democracy: Leftists, Liberals (the enemies of leftists and the allies of fascists), and Fascists. That's it. Ron Paul style libertarians don't exist in significant enough numbers to have ever taken power in a democratic state.

Every country with a proportional representative system has two major parties (typically labelled something like labor and the conservatives). Because if you actually want your government to do something, it's typically either to help the wealthy, or the working class. Who have material interests.... diametrically opposed to one another?

And because the majority of a population isn't in the top 15%, the conservatives typically have to resort to majority-flavored identity politics and victimization complexes? A combination of race, country, the dominant religion, nostalgia for the "good old days" when the older half of the electorate were kids, and so on.

This stuff isn't really complicated. Only liberals make it so to rationalize why they're not also responsible for massive amounts of suffering in the world.

It's kind of weird to think that the GOP 40 years from now will be more leftist than the modern social liberals fighting against medicare and raising the minimum wage, and will do things like make appeals toward Super Mario Brothers and crap. Assuming there's a shred of democracy allowed and no mandatory Elon cubes.
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Re: 2020 (D) Presidential Primary

Post by Mischief Maker »

Turns out the Gabbard campaign's latest shot-in-the-arm was a misquote of Hillary Clinton. She didn't say "Russians" were grooming her as a third party spoiler, she said "Republicans." ... i-gabbard/

Enough with Tulsi Gabbard, people! She's not peeling votes from Biden or Warren or Buttigieg, she's taking votes from Bernie Sanders. And if she can shave enough percentage points to flip the election to a weaker candidate, that's a second Trump term. If you're in the Jimmy Dore echo chamber and somehow think she's the next most progressive candidate after Sanders, you need to research her relationship and Financial ties to Narendra Modi: The Donald Trump of India, whose actions in Kashmir are currently bringing things dangerously close to setting off a nuclear war.
Two working class dudes, one black one white, just baked a tray of ten cookies together.

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Re: 2020 (D) Presidential Primary

Post by BryanM »

Mischief Maker wrote:Turns out the Gabbard campaign's latest shot-in-the-arm was a misquote of Hillary Clinton. She didn't say "Russians" were grooming her as a third party spoiler, she said "Republicans."
Seems like that would take a lot of "errors" considering how often it appears in transcripts:
Clinton: "The thing we have to do is get enough people to turn out so that they can’t, you know, steal those votes through suppression in Wisconsin, or convince blacks not to vote in Michigan, all the stuff that they did this last time which was very effective and the Russians play a big role in."

Plouffe: "Right, and they’ll double down on this time. Trump had those advantages but he was not an incumbent. So as we know, whether it’s Ronald Regan, your husband, Barack Obama, those first 18 months of the election cycle were as important as the last six months. …

"You know, Donald Trump, as you know better than anyone in the world, only got 46.1% of the vote nationally. You know he got 47.2 in Wisconsin, 47.7 in Michigan, and if you had said those before the election you would have said he's going to lose in a landslide."

Clinton: "Right."

Plouffe: "But one of the reasons he was able to win is the third party vote."

Clinton: "Right."

Plouffe: "And what's clear to me, you mentioned, you know, he's going to just lie. ... He's going to say, whoever our nominee is, ‘will ban hamburgers and steaks and you can't fly and infanticide’ and people believe this. So, how concerned are you about that? For me, so much of this does come down to the win number. If he has to get 49 or even 49.5 in a bunch of…"

Clinton: "He can't do that."

Plouffe: "...which I don't think he can... So he's going to try and drive the people not to vote for him but just to say, ‘you know, you can't vote for them either.’ And that seems to be, I think, to the extent that I can define a strategy, their key strategy right now."

Clinton: "Well, I think there's going to be two parts and I think it's going to be the same as 2016: ‘Don't vote for the other guy. You don't like me? Don't vote for the other guy because the other guy is going to do X, Y and Z or the other guy did such terrible things and I'm going to show you in these, you know, flashing videos that appear and then disappear and they're on the dark web, and nobody can find them, but you're going to see them and you're going to see that person doing these horrible things.’"

"They're also going to do third party again. And I'm not making any predictions but I think they've got their eye on somebody who is currently in the Democratic primary and are grooming her to be the third party candidate. She's the favorite of the Russians. They have a bunch of sites and bots and other ways of supporting her so far, and that's assuming Jill Stein will give it up. Which she might not, 'cause she's also a Russian asset."

Plouffe: (Inaudible)

Clinton: "Yeah, she's a Russian asset, I mean, totally.

"And so, they know they can't win without a third party candidate and, so, I don't know who it's going to be it but I will guarantee you they'll have a vigorous third party challenge in the key states that they most need it."
Still blaming that 1.07% of the electorate not able to bow their heads and vote blue no matter who. (Also by this logic the 3.28% Gary Johnson got didn't steal votes away from Trump somehow. Only Hillary is entitled to votes. We must ignore that Obama somehow managed to weather the ferocious all-powerful storm that is Jill Stein. And her nefarious ally, Cynthia.)

You can check here if she indeed used a different boogeyman and never mentioned the Damn Reds. The site's racist against my old man web browser and I don't care enough to use a different computer to check. Most websites only disavow the "grooming" part, and substantiate she made the racist "Russian asset" slur. If true, this push is damage control and spin.

An aside, Plouffe was one of the many shills who lied about what the polls said.

... dude looks like Mike Matei.
She's not peeling votes from Biden or Warren or Buttigieg, she's taking votes from Bernie Sanders.
She's not going to reach viability in Iowa. The people who caucus for her will have to chose another candidate or leave. She's not going to reach viability in New Hampshire. The margin she gets in the primary there won't be enough to move 1 delegate. She's dropping out before Super Tuesday.

At best she's stomped out any hope Harris had, convinced a few people that nuking Iran would be a bad thing to do, and endorses Sanders. At worst, she endorses Warren. Her relevancy is only slightly higher in the real world than the 0.00% she's getting here at shmups forum.
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Re: 2020 (D) Presidential Primary

Post by ED-057 »

Gabbard announced that she will not run again for her congressional seat, so as to focus on the presidential race.

She may not have good chances in the primary, what with the world being a terrible place and whatnot. But maybe she intends to stick around just to give the other candidates hell, or has her eye on a VP/cabinet position?
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Re: 2020 (D) Presidential Primary

Post by BareKnuckleRoo »

Mischief Maker wrote:Turns out the Gabbard campaign's latest shot-in-the-arm was a misquote of Hillary Clinton. She didn't say "Russians" were grooming her as a third party spoiler, she said "Republicans."

Enough with Tulsi Gabbard, people! She's not peeling votes from Biden or Warren or Buttigieg, she's taking votes from Bernie Sanders. And if she can shave enough percentage points to flip the election to a weaker candidate, that's a second Trump term.
An important reminder that the concept of "spoilers" where having multiple similarly-aligned politicians running actually hurts their collective chances of winning is indicative of a fundamentally broken electoral system.

(There's also the Borda system where the opposite happens, where you can manipulate the election into almost assured victory by running as many similarly aligned candidates as possible, quantity over quality wins you the race.)
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Re: 2020 (D) Presidential Primary

Post by Steamflogger Boss »

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