Radirgy S

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Re: Radirgy S

Post by m.sniffles.esq »

3-5% aint bad when you can just recoup it on the green powerups tho. Might be worth it for the scoring opportunity(?)
That's what I'm trying to figure. Although, I didn't know the green squares were the ones that recouped health until just right now :oops:

I was just able to get popcorn enemies up to x64 by whacking pretty much every triangle into a pink one, and just being very aggressive. It wasn't exactly easy, and it sinks back down quickly


Okay, I just realized this isn't the Milestone "try to get as many points out of every wave as possible" (Keep in mind, I've been playing a lot of Karous), it's more of what I described above. Be aggressive and blast like the devil. I just doubled my score and moved 100 slots up the leader board.

Right now, I'd give one million spacebucks for a translation of that instruction card...

Hey guys, this game is fun
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Re: Radirgy S

Post by mojilove »

There is a rough translation in the replies to this tweet:

In summary (giving a re-translation in terms of mechanics, rather than a literal translation of the list):
**Made some edits to the list of items**
Yellow "Den" (triangle pointing down): Signal strength goes up (on top left) = multiplier goes up
Blue "Mo" (rhombus): Absonet (bomb) gauge filled
Orange "Tate" (square): Shield activated for a short time (bracket-shaped white line in front of ship)
Red "Chikara" (square): Attack power goes up (not sure in what way?)
Orange "Hai" (triangle pointing up): Junk; the player's part-time job is to collect junk (not sure what this does outside of the bonus unlockable pictures)
[Yellow "Hai" (star; not in the list): there are apparently two types of Junk items; maybe the star one is more valuable?]
Pink "Soku" (triangle pointing down): Speed up (faux Wi-Fi gauge on top right goes up)
Green "Ju" (square): Charge battery = replenish (some) health
Blue "Ten" (triangle pointing up): Score item
[Not seen in this list, but it seems like there are light blue and dark blue score items]

Registered to post this and collect my spacebucks! Hello everyone!

Haven't got the game yet but am very interested.
Will update when I buy it and get to know it.
Last edited by mojilove on Wed Jun 19, 2019 4:35 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Radirgy S

Post by Some-Mist »

awesome! thanks for clearing up few of the questions I had based around the items
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Re: Radirgy S

Post by m.sniffles.esq »

Thank you so much, mojilove.
Now that I know stars are junk, I can stop risking life and limb attempting to collect them (I thought stars just had to be some thing good)

This one:
Orange "Tate" (square): Shield activated for a short time

Puzzles me a bit.

I figure the translation of the symbols is 1/13th of the instruction card
Which entitles you to 76,923 spacebucks. Paypal says that spacebuck support will be implemented by 2063, at which point they be on their way.
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Re: Radirgy S

Post by M.Knight »

It's pleasant to hear some positive impressions here! Is the game more of a return to the fun of the original Radirgy? From what I hear it seems to be very score and time-oriented.
And by the way, I've seen some screenshots with "Change" as an action you can bind to a button. Is this something akin to weapon/shot type change?
m.sniffles.esq wrote: This one:
Orange "Tate" (square): Shield activated for a short time

Puzzles me a bit.
If it's like in the original game, it should bring up the front shield for a short time even if you are using your weapons, while this shield should usually only appear if you're not shooting/slashing.
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Re: Radirgy S

Post by m.sniffles.esq »

I've seen some screenshots with "Change" as an action you can bind to a button. Is this something akin to weapon/shot type change?
Yeah. You can choose between two different mechs. The first has the normal front-spread shot and a 4-way vert/hori shot. The second has the front-spread and a 4-way diagonal (no lasers or bubbles, I'm afraid). It comes in handy as enemies start to flank/pop up behind you.
From what I hear it seems to be very score and time-oriented.
There are three separate leaderboards. Score, Playtime, and in-game distance traveled (there are no "stages" per se. Just one continuous scroll. The color scheme does change to give you some idea of distance travelled/what types of enemies to expect, but you are given no breaks in the action. Once you start, it's full-on until you perish)
Is the game more of a return to the fun of the original Radirgy?
Is it as good as the original? Of course not. It lacks the character (originality, music, etc). But then again, very, very few things have the character of the original Radirgy. But put it this way, I've always been more of a Karous man myself, and I'm really hoping RS34 does Karous next. It's not going to have the original's magic, but I now trust them to stay true to the spirit of the original while delivering a challenging and enjoyable follow-up.
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Re: Radirgy S

Post by mojilove »

Bought the game! It is a lot of fun, especially when you can get a good chain of speed items going!

Will try to translate the important parts of the manual later, but for now (some of this info is from the in-game emails):

* Shots and absonet use battery! (seems like it's best to time absonet uses wisely rather than just holding the button down); unsure about sword
* Going faster apparently uses more battery as well
* Getting speed items in quick succession triggers the "OVER" state where enemy waves and attacks go crazy
* You can hold the shot and sword buttons at the same time to attack in both ways, but this reduces attack power (you can see that the wide shot gets narrower when holding sword at the same time)
* There is extra unlockable equipment! (I have seen "armour" that prevents you from using absonet (!) and a "mystery leaf" that strengthens enemy attacks, but there are about four more, I think). You choose equipment with up and down on the ship selection screen once it is unlocked.
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Re: Radirgy S

Post by m.sniffles.esq »

* Getting speed items in quick succession triggers the "OVER" state where enemy waves and attacks go crazy
I *believe* this also occurs when you get the multiplier over x64

Thank you for the translations. You're certainly earning your spacebucks!
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Re: Radirgy S

Post by Some-Mist »

I believe so too ^ but wouldn't be surprised if that's incorrect. I'm not sure what I'm picking up 90% of the time since I'm playing at the very top of the screen anyway, but it seems to happen to me when I hit x64 and drops as I lose the mulitplier.
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Re: Radirgy S

Post by m.sniffles.esq »

RE: Junk

Is it possible the junk is accumulated to spend in the "fax machine" portion of the menu (below the table-top of batteries)?

There's definitely some sort of shop in that portion of the menu. It appears to be the items on your laundry list. And it seems you can purchase a level increase using some form of currency...

Although it's possible that section is just to inform you how far to reach the next level, since I always seem to be lacking in absolutely every entry...
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Re: Radirgy S

Post by mojilove »

Translation of the instruction card:
I can only do very dry translations, but here goes.

Game Rules
Your goal is to collect items as you get to a small planet near the moon.
How fast can you go, how high can you score, how far can you fly?
It's all up to me... I mean you!
Controls (Not going to translate all of these. The small text at the bottom just mentions that some buttons work in the main screen as well. ZL and ZR move though 10 items in the email list and the fax machine mission list.)
Shot, Sword, Absnet, Weapon change (changes shot direction), Multi (sword+shot at the same time)
+ button is pause.
After the "Umbra Incident" I [Tadayo Aita, main character with glasses] left school and moved into an abandoned train station near Shinjuku a few months ago. I'm getting by with a part time job collecting junk.
Someone else at my workplace, Atora Ataka [character pictured with black hair], gave me a personal request that sounded pretty dangerous. She wanted me to get in a device suit called Byakko, and go to a small planet near the mo--
The moon?! She wants me to go to space?

"What will Tadayo find at her destination after collecting junk and completing work assignments on the way?"
That's pretty much the gist of it. Can you help me out? I don't want to go by myself!
Orders [Fax Machine]
You can check the progress of the orders you did on duty [i.e. while playing the game]. Press the up and down buttons to move by one line each time, or move 8 at a time with ZL/ZR.

[There are 222 different orders. Some examples: "Move" "Don't move" "Kill enemies with the sword" "Absorb bullets with your shield" "Use unlockable equipment" "Get to the city area."

You get bonus pictures and unlockable equipment as you complete orders (I don't know the actual requirements for each one though).

The "000/222" in the bottom center of the fax machine screen shows how many orders you have got to MAX level. You raise the level for each order by doing what it says multiple times.
The "00.0%" is "Progress." It is higher than the "000/222," so it might indicate how many of the orders you have done at least once?
There is a space on the bottom left of the fax machine screen. I wonder if it serves some sort of purpose later...]
Hangar [Rightmost part of the main menu]
Select a machine with the right and left buttons, and head off!. Choose between Byakko and Kanamaki Chiractor [sp?].
[Not in the manual, but you can choose equipment with up and down once unlocked (through completing orders, apparently).]

Tadayo Aita: Aged 17, the main character of the game. I'm piloting the craft this time, rather than offering navigational advice, and I'm not happy about it! I don't really have much of a choice, though.

Atora Ataka: Age unknown (late twenties?). She's a full-time employee, but is generally tasked with chores and other menial tasks at at Cream Corporation. She's in Team Six at the Junk Collection Department. Her glasses don't have prescription lenses - they're just for show.
Items (Skipping the list as I put it up before)
You can get lots of items from enemies. You can change items by slashing them with your sword, but they go away if you slash them too many times [10 times, according to one email].
Absnet and "OVER"
Absnet makes you invincible, raises the score multiplier, and gives other benefits, too.

If you collect several speed items, you go into the OVER state (high-radio state), raising your speed and upping the stakes!

The best way to get to the planet quickly is to use Absnet, get speed items, and keep your OVER state... at least, I think that's what you need to do!
Assign actions to each button, change sfx and music volume, and switch internet ranking on or off.
Check the messages you got on the job. You can find some tidbits, but most of it is useless. Press the up and down buttons to move by one line each time, or move 10 at a time with ZL/ZR.
Three rank lists: time, distance, and score. You can check local and online rankings here.
Game Screen
(1) Orders: Objectives (quests) to do in game. They get a nice red stamp when you clear each one.
(2) Reception and score: The stronger your reception, the higher your score multiplier.
(3) Time: Total time after starting work [the current game].
(4) Wee-Fee strength and battery gauge: Your reception goes up quicker with better Wee-Fee strength. Your battery goes down when you take hits. The battery goes down when using Absnet, or even when you aren't doing anything at all. Watch out: it's game over when it reaches 0%.
(5) Absnet gauge: You can use Absnet when this gauge is full.
(6) Distance: This shows the distance [travelled on your way] to the planet near the moon.
(7) Ship: You control it, and I'm riding in it! You can use shot, sword and Absnet. You can shoot and slash with the sword at the same time, but your attacks get weaker. A shield activates in front of you if you don't do anything [you can move, though] for a while.
You can pause with + and go back. Your score and progress with orders [in that run] will be wiped out though!
Get bonus pictures by gaining further progress in orders. Exciting!

Some other things found elsewhere:
* One email says that you get "better items" if you break enemy parts before destroying them (the big yellow enemies have wings and spikes to break, for example). Not sure what "better" means though.
* The unlockable equipment offers benefits beside the up-front drawbacks. Apparently, the "armor" that stops you using Absnet also makes it more likely for you to get healing items. Reminds me of the "styles" in Downwell in a sense.
* You can overshoot and go past the moon if you fulfill certain requirements (going past the moon means you get extra distance and extra score to climb the leaderboards). The top online player (@bbastg on twitter) says that you need at least 30 of the star junk items (regular junk won't do, it seems), and you might also need to avoid getting hit at all. I'm not good enough at the game to be able to confirm any of this.
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Re: Radirgy S

Post by m.sniffles.esq »

Wow! Thank you so much!
I'm now able to scroll up and down on the mech selection screen and choose between two different options. But I was unable to tell any difference between the two choices. So, whatever it was that I unlocked, it's very subtle.

For a moment, I thought if I did specific actions while keeping an eye on the list, I'd bee able to decipher at least a few of the items. But with 222 of them, suddenly that seems like a fool's errand.

@bbastg currently has like three times the score of the #2 player, so I think it's safe to assume they know what they're talking about.
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Re: Radirgy S

Post by GSK »

I bought this out of morbid curiosity and ended up enjoying it far more than I thought I would--the basic rhythm of trying to maintain OVER with super-precise net spam is fun, and I appreciate this style of fast caravan-y game in general. I was expecting something on the level of those awful 3DS spin-offs so I'm mostly relieved this is an actual game, albeit a simple one.

If you're mainly into Milestone games for the presentation then I wouldn't bother with this one: there are no bosses, no stage transitions nothing the least bit interesting to look at save for whatever pictures come with the chat logs (which I've been completely ignoring, to be fair). I always thought these games looked amateurish but I think they're comparatively uglier now than ever.
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Re: Radirgy S

Post by m.sniffles.esq »

I've unlocked more stuff, the most interesting of which is the option that contains the numeral "2" which seems to be a continue.
If you're mainly into Milestone games for the presentation then I wouldn't bother with this one
Eh, I dunno. The two or three milestone super-fans I know seem to be very fond of S. As I said, it seems to capture the spirit of the original which I think the hardcore milestone-headz are appreciative of.

Also, keep in mind that since this was designed for the switch, it was designed to work well portably (which I think it really does). Intricate boss-bullet patterns don't really fly on the Switch's screen (as the Psikyo ports have demonstrated. They're playable but hardly idea while on the bus).
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Re: Radirgy S

Post by mojilove »

I've unlocked more of the items too - a list of some of them (including the Japanese names as reference):
(**edited the names after checking them in-game. Also added the reflect shield, and "eyesight" whatever that is)
  • 機体輸送券1/2/3/4: Mech transport ticket 1/2/3/4 - lets you start at progressively later parts of the game (rather than a continue, per se as mentioned by m.sniffles.esq above). 4 starts you in space.
    対新法部分装甲: Armor - no absnet, but you get more health items.
    イベダOS: "Evader OS" - you can only move left or right (the name is a play on "space invaders"). It seems like you get more health items.
    ロケットエンジン: Rocket engine - you go faster. Makes the game a lot easier - I got my first clear with this.
    超特価エンジン: Super-budget engine - you move around the screen slower, you might move towards the moon slower as well.
    謎の葉っぱ: Mystery leaf - makes enemy attacks stronger (more bullets, and more points for cancelling them if you can make it through)
    謎の忍耐力強化薬: Mystery endurance-enhancing chemicals - raises enemy HP.
    巨人用拘束具: Restraint device - no shot, no sword, only absnet and shield
    視力強化薬: Eyesight enhancing drugs - makes enemy bullets go faster

    アイテム未使用: Oops, forgot this one - "no items," equip nothing special.
There is also the unlockable "reflect shield" that upgrades your shield to reflect bullets rather than absorb them, as you would imagine. I haven't unlocked it but it seems like it may be a permanent upgrade rather than a selectable item.
**Edit: It is a permanent upgrade. You will notice that you have it when your shield starts flying off and hitting enemies.
Last edited by mojilove on Fri Jun 28, 2019 2:50 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Radirgy S

Post by EmperorIng »

Ugh, this really sounds like something that desperately needs some English localization for mouth-breathers like myself. That is precisely the reason it won't get one.
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Re: Radirgy S

Post by m.sniffles.esq »

mojilove, you are absolutely killing it.
Thank you so much!

(the Space Invader "power-up" is hilarious. Lucky I didn't try to activate that one before I read the translation, I would have thought my joy-con shit the bed)
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Re: Radirgy S

Post by mojilove »

No worries! I've updated the list above - there is only one item that I know nothing about at the moment.

M2's Horii was tweeting about the game yesterday; seems like he and his staff are enjoying it.
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Re: Radirgy S

Post by m.sniffles.esq »

Hey, I've been re-posting your translations on the GameFAQs board (as it stands to reason people looking for a translation would check there first, before finding this thread), giving you full credit, of course (even if I tried to take credit for it, no one would believe me...)
Ugh, this really sounds like something that desperately needs some English localization for mouth-breathers like myself.
Everything you could need is in this very thread. Trust me, there is no bigger mouth breather than yours truly, and I got everything I needed right here. If you're having trouble finding it in the e-shop, just keep it in "new releases" (the tab it starts on) and scroll down until you see this picture:
The only thing that mojilove hasn't translated in this thread is the task list on the left-hand side. And since that just unlocks photos and other extras, I wouldn't even worry about it.
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Re: Radirgy S

Post by KAI »

FXXK I want to play this so bad after reading all that, hope to see a pc port somewhere in the future.

BTW, would be an awesome idea to submit a sub to the official tutorial on YT
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Re: Radirgy S

Post by m.sniffles.esq »

BTW, would be an awesome idea to submit a sub to the official tutorial on YT
They have comments currently disabled, but I guess someone could contact them directly to see if they would want to add something themselves. I e-mailed them a link to this thread, but I'm unsure if they can understand what I'm saying...
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Re: Radirgy S

Post by clippa »

KAI wrote:hope to see a pc port somewhere in the future.
I got an email back from them last week
Thank you for asking our Radirgy Swag.
RS34 staffs hope to port other platforms, too.

Please look forward to development.
Fingers crossed!
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Re: Radirgy S

Post by m.sniffles.esq »

Today, the black haired person appeared to tell me I unlocked something and I noticed there was an "OS" in their message. I was like "Space Invader mode! All right!"

It's fun, it kind of turns it into a different game (well, you need very different strategy)

Here's my puzzlement of the day (this one has actually been bugging me for awhile). Most the time when I start a new game, I'm met with the standard waves of enemies. But, on occasion, there will be all these extra enemies along with the standard waves. It when this happens do I usually make a high-score run, so of course, I want to try to figure out what causes it.

BTW, I'm back in the top 200 for the first time since like June 15th 8)
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Re: Radirgy S

Post by mojilove »

New findings!

* The "vision" upgrade makes enemy bullets go faster. Updated the post above.
* Some enemies can only be destroyed with your sword. They will glow yellow (not red) when hitting them with the shot. Two common examples are the small vertical cylinder shaped enemies, and the big cross-shaped enemies.
* The enemy that glows green in a wave will give you an item, but you get a "better" item if you destroy the green one before any others in the wave.
* The cross shots (yellow or red coloured shots, depending on the mech) are stronger than the green wide shot.
* Sword apparently uses more battery than shot.
* I think the mech on the right has a stronger sword but weaker shot, though I can't remember where I read that...
* Someone on twitter said that they went past the moon despite taking a hit (multiple hits? I don't know). So far only 21 people in the online rankings have gone past the moon.

Can't say much about enemy placement - it seems to be slightly randomised.

No worries about putting it on gamefaqs! I might write a quick and dirty faq if I ever get some spare time (not likely in the near future, I'm afraid!)

I got so close to 200 mil the other day, but I can't get good scores consistently. Still haven't really figured out the best strategy.

EDIT: Good news!!!
https://gematsu.com/2019/06/radirgy-swa ... -this-fall
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Re: Radirgy S

Post by Tokyo-J »

Physical USA release incoming.

Radirgy Swag coming to Nintendo Switch™ this fall!
Dispatch Games has released information on Radirgy Swag, their newest Japanese pop culture inspired shooter coming to the Nintendo Switch™ later on this fall. The exclusive Limited Edition on the City Dispatch Online Store will include:
Physical copy of Radirgy Swag
Original Artbook
Original vinyl soundtrack with custom cover
Custom coin
The Limited Edition will be available for $49.99.
The Standard Edition will be available for $29.99.

About Radirgy Swag:

Take a quick trip to the moon!
Enjoy the radio wave shooter with a Japanese pop culture twist.

Radirgy Swag is a unique shooter with game mechanics that can be enjoyed by players of all different levels. The planes in Radirgy Swag are not only equipped with guns, but you can also destroy enemies with your sword. This feature allows your to attack your enemies from different angles. Use your shield or fill up your Absonet gauge to give you temporary invincibility against your foes. Master both offensive and defensive techniques to conquer your mission.

Nintendo Switch is a trademark of Nintendo.
©2019 RS34

All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.
A Hardcore gamers reaction to the Lack of Kinect games. Apparently i could of played Dodonpachi with it if i beat a entirely in Japanese Visional Novel piece of shit game called Instant Brain
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Re: Radirgy S

Post by KAI »

Vinyl soundtrack... there isn't even an official release for the ost announced yet.
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Re: Radirgy S

Post by m.sniffles.esq »

Thank you for the new findings! One thing
I think the mech on the right has a stronger sword but weaker shot, though I can't remember where I read that..
It's sword is def stronger. and it's shot's spread is a lot narrower. I'm not sure about weaker though. It's the mech I use all the time of late and if it's shot is weaker it's not by much as I haven't noticed.
Sword apparently uses more battery than shot.
Maaaan, I've been trying to use the sword as much as possible because I thought the shot drained the battery quicker....

I guess the US release is good news in theory, but maybe Dispatch should focus on finally getting Psyvariar Delta out rather than making plans for other games. I am sort of surprised they're doing a physical release. I was sort of wondering how it was selling, it seems 'really' really well' is my answer.

Also not sure the vinyl soundtrack album is earned. Don't get me wrong, I think the music is good, but while they got Nagata, they probably should have paid Ko Hayashi whatever he was asking if they wanted special edition vinyl soundtracks in their future.

PS Just topped both my time and distance in Space Invader mode
It ain't fair either. They start sending a ton of the propeller oil cans that can't be shot, and the never descend. They just sit a the top of the screen and rain fire upon you.

Hey guys, Space Invader mode is fun...
Last edited by m.sniffles.esq on Mon Jul 15, 2019 11:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Radirgy S

Post by GSK »

The physical version doesn't necessarily reflect any sort of success for the Japanese digital release--if anything, I'd say it's probably being offered as a justification for why the overseas version costs what it costs.
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Re: Radirgy S

Post by m.sniffles.esq »

There is also the unlockable "reflect shield" that upgrades your shield to reflect bullets rather than absorb them, as you would imagine. I haven't unlocked it but it seems like it may be a permanent upgrade rather than a selectable item.
**Edit: It is a permanent upgrade. You will notice that you have it when your shield starts flying off and hitting enemies.
YES! This happen to me as well. It's exactly what happens when your shield hits lvl.20+ in Karous.
So. Fucking. Cool.

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Re: Radirgy S

Post by M.Knight »

Excellent news for the physical version but why a vinyl OST I wonder. Can't they just put it on a CD like normal, sane releases do?
clippa wrote: I got an email back from them last week
Thank you for asking our Radirgy Swag.
RS34 staffs hope to port other platforms, too.

Please look forward to development.
Fingers crossed!
I sure hope for a PC port too! All the talk about the Switch input lag make me kinda weary of playing shmups on it, and a PC is just so much more convenient when it comes to recording runs and stuff.
RegalSin wrote: I think I have downloaded so much I am bored with downloading. No really I bored with downloading stuff I might consider moving to Canada or the pacific.
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