Bloodstained RotN : Kouji IGA's new "Castlevania" game.

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Re: Bloodstained RotN : Kouji IGA's new "Castlevania" game.

Post by Klatrymadon »

Yeah, it's been really quite sad to discover that the bosses it shares with Curse were all a thousand times better realised as encounters in that game.

The rest of it is great, and it's nice experiencing it as a companion piece to Touhou Luna Nights, which is a really lean, taut game built around a handful of carefully considered systems. This is just a big dumb search-action toybox in a style we haven't had since Ecclesia, really.
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Re: Bloodstained RotN : Kouji IGA's new "Castlevania" game.

Post by Leader Bee »

I'm a little surprised true arrow is getting a mention as the go to directional shard, given all the possibilities, along with this and the wind shard that follows the ground I have so far found myself not needing to switch out so much. I can one shot a lot of enemies with this spell and I'm barely hitting level 20; if only I had known about NIGHTMARE as a character name before I started. I'm enjoying the game but I feel it's going to suffer from symphony of the night-itis and just be too easy to allow it to be as enjoyable as it should
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Re: Bloodstained RotN : Kouji IGA's new "Castlevania" game.

Post by Weak Boson »

My go to op shard was the fire spell you get from the kitty cat enemy in the cathedral. Each rank upgrade adds another column of flame, so after a little investment you can, uh, instantly ignite an entire room the second you enter. I think it's fair to assume that they were trying to include a lot of highly usable spells to play around with. Even the ones you get from bats and ghosts can put in work.
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Re: Bloodstained RotN : Kouji IGA's new "Castlevania" game.

Post by Mischief Maker »

So... I'm considering getting this game, but only if keyboard controls are viable.

Can you remap and/or use the mouse in place of the right stick?
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Re: Bloodstained RotN : Kouji IGA's new "Castlevania" game.

Post by Sumez »

Klatrymadon wrote:Yeah, it's been really quite sad to discover that the bosses it shares with Curse were all a thousand times better realised as encounters in that game.
Yeah, even though the boss fights were clearly the weakest aspect of Curse, I'd say they could still easily have been the best aspect of a worse game.
Their biggest issue is relying on a lot of trial-and-error, as well as waiting around for patterns to leave the boss vulnerable. They are still designed with a no-damage challenge in mind, and I'm not getting that feeling from Ritual of the Night as all. Rather, it feels like they are trying to justify the inclusion of potions (which fortunately aren't too easy to come by).

I'm sure some super skilled player will step up eventually and tell me how I'm wrong, and if you're good enough all of the bosses can be consistently no-missed. And of course it's possible. It just doesn't feel feasible with the amount of visual feedback you are given as a casual player.
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Re: Bloodstained RotN : Kouji IGA's new "Castlevania" game.

Post by CStarFlare »

The bosses apparently drop medals if you perfect them.
I'm shocked how people just brush off all the freeze bugs. "Just wait till they fix it, bro". I guess kids today and PC gamers just don't know any better.
I'm enjoying the game a lot but I have to admit they're really getting on my nerves. They basically only hit me in the crafting menu, so I can safety save and not lose anything - but I had probably 6 or 7 crashes in my several hours of play today and it's quite annoying. The sound glitch seems to either happen a lot or not at all depending on the session.

I've been enjoying some of the lategame stuff. Invert really amuses me for some reason - some of the nods to SOTN are kind of clever, though I'm still not sure if I wish the game had a little more of its own character. I guess if it did that it would just be another indie Metroidvania.
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Re: Bloodstained RotN : Kouji IGA's new "Castlevania" game.

Post by Sumez »

Same. The game obviously takes a lot after SOTN, and I think it's probably the better choice - not to separate it from every other indie metroidvania, but to separate it from the GBA/DS series of Igarashi-vanias. This definitely feels more like "We're going back to SOTN" than those did, for better or worse.

Aside from the areas that are almost modelled after SOTN areas (the huge bell towers separated by hallways, the underwater caves with a huge waterfall, etc. etc.), and all the songs on the soundtrack that are like a single chord from being SOTN songs, there's the incredible surpluss of random stuff to find and experiment with. This was always one of my favourite aspects of the original game, and Bloodstained does a good job at getting a similar effect. What with all the various hats you can wear to be fashionable, the huge selection of incredibly varied weapons, and of course all of your shards. There are a lot of things you can do here and there, and obvious callbacks to SOTN, with the familiar that will sing a song for you, and bumping "alucard's" chair in the library.
As in SOTN this is a very superficial aspect, but it definitely adds to the game. However, where SOTN did this in a way that made it come across as a came with an absolutely breathtaking amount of surpluss, an insanely polished game that would just keep on giving, Bloodstained easily feels like the most rushed game I have ever played. Though the game doesn't look bad, the production quality just feels absurdly cheap, and all the bugs and glitches that come up almost constantly leave a bit of a bad impression.

One aspect of SOTN that I do miss is the less linear castle design. While SOTN might not be the most nonlinear game in the world, I did enjoy how you could easily find some areas earlier than others, and dig around to discover less obvious areas. While Bloodstained does have the latter, they are all mandatory, and only available when you have nowhere else to go anyway. The only area I was able to reach "early" was the underground waterways, and I couldn't go anywhere or find anything interesting at that point anyway.

I do enjoy some of the more obscure ways to proceed that ask you to think a bit for yourself, and don't just guide you there. Stuff like
draining the fountain of blood, forging a train pass in the library, farming for shards off the swimming jellyfish to proceed underwater, or just the whole way you find the armor that lets you move through the spike area - I'm not sure I'd have even gotten this one if I hadn't played SOTN.
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Re: Bloodstained RotN : Kouji IGA's new "Castlevania" game.

Post by Sumez »

Squire Grooktook wrote:Between all the dev time and money it took to create a buggy game (see below) that looks mediocre at best, I think it's time to put to rest the idea that 3d is cheaper/easier. Basic ugly 3d that looks like shit? Yeah, that's cheaper. But it takes just as much if not more of a time/money investment on top of sizable technical expertise to make a 3d title that looks GOOD
I'm almost dumbfounded by this. Four years, more than $5 million, plus extra investments. And this is what we get? I'm talking entirely production quality here, not the quality of the game itself.

It's hard to think of a game more bogged down by engine overhead, and it's not even a Unity game! Asides from all the bugs related to loading screens and stuttering even after loading in a game, as a programmer myself it's just baffling that no one on the team stepped in at any point in the process and said "hey, let's fix this". Maybe I'm talking out of my ass, because obviously the problems have been harder than you'd think, or they would have been fixed, but most of what I'm seeing here feels like it shouldn't be insurmountable to fix.

Let's go through some things - First of all, all the loading screens. As I'm playing on Hard I'm seeing these a lot. Whenever you game over, there's a loading screen for a while, but the first time you die in any area this loading screen will be going for somewhere between 2 and 5 minutes(!), before removing the loading icon, and waiting a while before it transitions into the *next* loading screen, which freezes (loads?) for a while before actually starting to animate.
This is the same that appears when you first start a game or load a save, so it feels to me like this should be the only one necessary, why is the other one there? It even appears when you get the bad ending, also ending with a "game over", and the game just takes you back to the title screen. And no, it's not loading the main menu either, because that one also has its own loading screen.
This seems to be a habit in most modern games, but I can't shake the feeling that if your god damn main menu requires a loading screen, you are doing something wrong.
In general, I always felt like "clearing your RAM and then loading in everything again" after a game over is the easy way out, and devs should do the extra effort to reuse loaded assets to minimize waiting times when you're returning to the same area anyway. But I can also understand they don't want to risk memory leaks etc. from not doing it properly. This game, however, seems to just go the extra step in the opposite direction, and loads even more stuff unnecessarily.

I'm seeing nothing in the game that shouldn't be possible to load into memory in a manner of a few seconds at worst with a console as powerful as a PS4. But obviously they are relying on another engine (Unreal Engine, but I feel like there's probably another layer of something more generic on top of that) with a bunch of inner workings that they don't have the means or skills to tweak into something that actually works with the scope and mechanics of the game in mind. I really hate this super obvious feeling of a game being built on top of something else, instead of it being crafted from the ground up.

I think this kind of approach is excusable if you're not a skilled programmer, but just an enthusiastic game designer who just wants to get something done quick. It's the "should I learn C++ or just rely on Unity" religious debate you see in indie dev circles over and over again.
But this is a game that took four years to develop, and had plenty of means to make stuff work. They could have hired a guy to spend a few days making sure you can always pick up items that drop from enemies, but instead they decided to just add in a mechanic that'll automatically pick them up for you after the bag has been stuck in the ground for a minute or so.

If this is the consequence of "saving money" and creating your game in 3D, is it really, truly worth it? I've created a platform engine more solid than Bloodstained's in a couple of weeks, in assembly. Trying to fit solid 2D gameplay into a massive 3D library is a really roundabout way of doing things, but it definitely could have been done better.
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Re: Bloodstained RotN : Kouji IGA's new "Castlevania" game.

Post by Strider77 »

I've been enjoying the game quite a bit... but the jank that's floating around really needs to be addressed.

It actually looks better than I expected though, at times anyway.
Damn Tim, you know there are quite a few Americans out there who still lives in tents due to this shitty economy, and you're dropping loads on a single game which only last 20 min. Do you think it's fair? How much did you spend this time?
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Re: Bloodstained RotN : Kouji IGA's new "Castlevania" game.

Post by Weak Boson »

Losing faith a little bit with the bosses. Exploring the castle is extra fun in nightmare since you actually have to learn enemy behaviors (even if shard spam is still a big part of each room's strategy). But the double jump boss is trying my patience. It has the same issue as Zangetsu where it's 50/50 which attack he'll do, and dodging one way means you're sure to get hit if the attacks the other way.

In particular with this boss he can back you into a corner so you need to jump over him when he gets close enough to attack. But the lad is tall and there's no guarantee he won't do an uppercut kick which will hit you when you're above him. Waiting for him to commit to a move is no good since he can just walk right up to you and do the same attack which you can only dodge by backing up - not possible if you're running out of space in the narrow arena. This would be fine if there was a way to play the vertical space only in order to avoid this situation, but you start the fight like this !

Looking at other people's runs on youtube it seems the way to get around this is to use one the shards that lets you guard. Maybe it's a matter of taste but it seems like poor boss design to require a random drop from an enemy in order to flawless a boss. Of course the game is all about playing with the different combinations of random shard drops, but you expect a basic standard of fairness regardless of your RNG.

Not all bosses are like this (in particular the 8-bit boss is 100% fixed patterns just like Curse) so I don't know how much this was a conscious design choice about the kinds of fights they wanted to provide, and how much of it was some lack of resources / playtesting / balancing these particular patterns.
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Re: Bloodstained RotN : Kouji IGA's new "Castlevania" game.

Post by Squire Grooktook »

I think imma drop this and just get Touhou Luna Nights instead. Looks more exciting and fun, and I've heard fantastic things about it from friends. Plus the visuals are actually charming, heh.

Bloodstained is a good game, but it's an Igavania that looks ugly and has no atmosphere. All the games (with the exception of MAYBE Eclessia) were mostly shallow, easy, broken little romps that lived on a fun toybox and incredible atmosphere. The prevalence of jank and the utter lack of atmosphere kinda kills it for me. I just don't feel any compulsion to continue exploring.
RegalSin wrote:Japan an almost perfect society always threatened by outsiders....................

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Re: Bloodstained RotN : Kouji IGA's new "Castlevania" game.

Post by Steamflogger Boss »

That Touhou game looks pretty fun. Steam only though so looks like I'm never playing it unless that changes.
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Re: Bloodstained RotN : Kouji IGA's new "Castlevania" game.

Post by Vanguard »

Luna Nights is ok. It could've been a lot better than it is but overall I still like it. I've got a half-written review that I'll probably drop in the Ninja Gaiden thread soonish. There's a good chance it'll go on discount in the next week or two so I recommend holding off on buying it for now.
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Re: Bloodstained RotN : Kouji IGA's new "Castlevania" game.

Post by blackoak »

I started Hard and finished my playthrough a few days ago. Hard did make navigating the castle slightly more perilous and exciting, especially in the beginning, but before long you're just steamrolling through everything all the same. I get that you can purposefully restrict yourself and make these games more challenging, but I've never been into doing that really... I feel like it offloads the "game design" work onto you, when I specifically want to experience a designer's prepared challenge. My memory of SotN is that there weren't *that* many overpowered weapons available unless you were grinding or got a really lucky drop. In fact, I think I mostly used the baselard dagger for the first 1/3 just because I liked the attack speed. Bloodstained otoh was throwing me OP shit 24/7...

I experienced the same frustrations as Weak Boson, re: the bosses. I get the impression they were designed with Normal mode in mind--that is, those difficult-to-avoid attacks are just part of the accepted damage-sponging, so no one batted an eye. They became a bit more fun for me when I started using the "directed shield" shard, which I recommend.

I think my wife would actually enjoy a Normal playthrough (she's always loved SotN), but she heard me ranting to myself about how annoying these bosses were so much, that I think I've turned her off to it lol - translated game developer interviews and more
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Re: Bloodstained RotN : Kouji IGA's new "Castlevania" game.

Post by Squire Grooktook »

I replayed SOTN recently (several times, in fact) and it is much, much easier and has a whole toybox of broken shit to play with. Especially if you know secret combinations or commands.

Like I said, all these games are breezy wacky toyboxes, this is just the only one that has no atmosphere and feels insultingly buggy and unpolished.
Vanguard wrote:Luna Nights is ok. It could've been a lot better than it is but overall I still like it.
That's kind of how I feel about Bloodstained, except Bloodstained is a 1:1 mechanical clone of a game I've replayed countless times alongside it's 5 cloned sequels.

That, and Luna Nights probably won't spontaneously crash 5 steps away from a save point or force me to restart my save file due to a day 1 patch that literally breaks the game.

I'll give it a shot. Looks and sounds wacky and vibrant enough to appeal to my tastes at any rate, even if it's flawed.
RegalSin wrote:Japan an almost perfect society always threatened by outsiders....................

Instead I am stuck in the America's where women rule with an iron crotch, and a man could get arrested for sitting behind a computer too long.
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Re: Bloodstained RotN : Kouji IGA's new "Castlevania" game.

Post by BrianC »

I purchased Bloodstained PS4 because of some of the impressions here and I'm enjoying it so far. Definitely agree about the production values, though. I almost thought something was wrong with the game when it first started up because of the long load times.
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Re: Bloodstained RotN : Kouji IGA's new "Castlevania" game.

Post by kitten »

Weak Boson wrote:It has the same issue as Zangetsu where it's 50/50 which attack he'll do, and dodging one way means you're sure to get hit if the attacks the other way.
we talking about cotm zangetsu? there is actually a reliable tell in the attack i believe you're talking about - though you have to not be looking at the boss, but rather which of your cohorts is about to come out of stun. zangetsu is definitely the most 'inti creates' a boss in that game gets - you're often having to react well ahead of time to attacks with movements that don't otherwise make any sort of logical sense. counter-intuition and choreography run high, as do attacks where the boss spends a humongous period of time either invulnerable or unreachable so they can justify their over-the-top and completely unnecessary presentational lavishments. despite that, i still found myself in surprise and mostly enjoying the game.

even though i just called that an inti creates thing, i think it kind of became an iga thing, too. portrait on its higher difficulty/lvl1 options felt gruelingly tedious and ecclesia was no better - added for these games beyond the already bad design was the frustration of completely indiscernible hitboxes caused by the weird paper-doll assembly of the sprites. is rotn just another ecclesia? or does it hew closer to something like portrait of ruin's mostly laid-back gallery of non-threatening objects to wail on while you get distracted by a fun presentation? or is there not really anything at all to it?

i feel depressed enough that i could frankly go for an igavania, i've been considering replaying portrait. walk in & out of hallways and hit the kill button on a sprite enough times that i start filling out a drop list....
Squire Grooktook wrote:I think imma drop this and just get Touhou Luna Nights instead. Looks more exciting and fun, and I've heard fantastic things about it from friends. Plus the visuals are actually charming, heh.
man this looks a serious cut above and legitimately interesting. any news on a physical release?
Bloodstained is a good game, but [...] I just don't feel any compulsion to continue exploring.
doesn't... sound 'good'
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Re: Bloodstained RotN : Kouji IGA's new "Castlevania" game.

Post by Sumez »

I'm pretty sure we're talking about ROTN Zangetsu?
(first) Zangetsu is still probably the most fair boss in the game. His hitbox is apparent, and if you know his pattern you can consistently dodge him while constantly wailing on him. He doesn't have a combination of attacks that will leave you unable to avoid taking damage if you're unlucky (which almost every other boss seems to have), and there's actually an advantage to moving around a lot while fighting him. He would have been more fun if you'd had the double jump before facing him, but also way too easy.
blackoak wrote: I experienced the same frustrations as Weak Boson, re: the bosses. I get the impression they were designed with Normal mode in mind--that is, those difficult-to-avoid attacks are just part of the accepted damage-sponging, so no one batted an eye. They became a bit more fun for me when I started using the "directed shield" shard, which I recommend.
Then again, Hard Mode seems to add a lot of patterns that aren't even present on normal. I was having serious trouble with the second Zangetsu encounter due to the various talisman attacks he was using that basically leave no room to avoid them. The lightning ones (often line up so they cover the entire width of the room) feel completely undodgeable to me, and the fire ones (fly back and forth around him in a circle) he can choose to just employ at any moment where they'll trap you, pushing you back towards him, making them impossible to escape without taking a ton of damage.
I'm sure there's a way to deal with them, but I never figured out how, and watching videos of people fighting him (which are all on Normal), he never even did any of those attacks, despite being a major part of the fight on Normal.

Maybe I should play around a lot more with the directional shield. It was the only way I found to dodge his one-hit kill "vortex" attack that does 3-5000 HP damage.
Weak Boson wrote:Maybe it's a matter of taste but it seems like poor boss design to require a random drop from an enemy in order to flawless a boss. Of course the game is all about playing with the different combinations of random shard drops, but you expect a basic standard of fairness regardless of your RNG.
Honestly I kinda like that the game openly relies so much on the shards you find. There's one mandatory navigation puzzle in the game that requires a random shard drop, and I found that kind of interesting.
Most shards drop quite commonly anyway, I think there are only very few enemies in the game I don't have shards from, and you definitely get to fight a ton of the shield guys along the way.
Last edited by Sumez on Tue Jun 25, 2019 6:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bloodstained RotN : Kouji IGA's new "Castlevania" game.

Post by Sumez »

kitten wrote:is rotn just another ecclesia? or does it hew closer to something like portrait of ruin's mostly laid-back gallery of non-threatening objects to wail on while you get distracted by a fun presentation? or is there not really anything at all to it?
While exploring new areas the threat is real when you're on Hard Mode. While I already whined about the balance being skewed in favor of managing your MP to murder huge enemies using shard magic (same as the enemy souls/glyphs in the Soma games and Ecclesia), the game doesn't pull its punches. Playing the game still feels involving, and you need to take care not getting hit.

Aside from that though, the game is a lot more SOTN than the other games you mentioned. Finding and experimenting with items is much more interesting and rewarding in this game compared to mostly any other game in the series, and it's where most of the value comes from.
kitten wrote: i feel depressed enough that i could frankly go for an igavania, i've been considering replaying portrait. walk in & out of hallways and hit the kill button on a sprite enough times that i start filling out a drop list....
Bloodstained is definitely about hitting the kill button and filling out a drop list.
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Re: Bloodstained RotN : Kouji IGA's new "Castlevania" game.

Post by BrianC »

PoR was also quite buggy and that one wasn't funded by kickstarter. Doesn't justify the issues, but still worth the mention that an official Igavania was released in a buggy state. Still enjoyed it despite this, as I'm liking Bloodstained so far.
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Re: Bloodstained RotN : Kouji IGA's new "Castlevania" game.

Post by Sumez »

I'm sure there are plenty of bugs in PoR, but I don't recall any standing out while playing it casually?
Bloodstained just feels extremely flimsy as if it could fall apart at any minute.
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Re: Bloodstained RotN : Kouji IGA's new "Castlevania" game.

Post by BrianC »

Sumez wrote:I'm sure there are plenty of bugs in PoR, but I don't recall any standing out while playing it casually?
Bloodstained just feels extremely flimsy as if it could fall apart at any minute.
Yeah, not sure if it's AS buggy, but there are some nasty ones. The game froze on me a few times during a major boss fight and I read forum posts where others had the same issues.

Thankfully, I knew about it before hand, but there's a major glitch in PoR that can permanently soft lock your game.

But yeah, I didn't get the same unoptimized PC feel that I often did with Bloodstained.

edit: According to the video, the glitch was fixed of the EU version and later carts of the Japanese version.
Last edited by BrianC on Tue Jun 25, 2019 8:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bloodstained RotN : Kouji IGA's new "Castlevania" game.

Post by ryu »

Shit Portrait of Ruin looks so much better than Bloodstained
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Re: Bloodstained RotN : Kouji IGA's new "Castlevania" game.

Post by Sumez »

Definitely hoping for some lower-budget Bloodstained sequels with low-res pixel art in the style of the DS/GBA games. It worked out well for Curse of the Moon, which was completed quite fast, and is in many ways a better game than Ritual of the Night.

Iga needs to work on more stuff, and he's struck gold with this, so we definitely haven't seen the last of the Bloodstained franchise.
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Re: Bloodstained RotN : Kouji IGA's new "Castlevania" game.

Post by Squire Grooktook »

BrianC wrote:
Sumez wrote:I'm sure there are plenty of bugs in PoR, but I don't recall any standing out while playing it casually?
Bloodstained just feels extremely flimsy as if it could fall apart at any minute.
Yeah, not sure if it's AS buggy, but there are some nasty ones. The game froze on me a few times during a major boss fight and I read forum posts where others had the same issues.

Thankfully, I knew about it before hand, but there's a major glitch in PoR that can permanently soft lock your game.

But yeah, I didn't get the same unoptimized PC feel that I often did with Bloodstained.

edit: According to the video, the glitch was fixed of the EU version and later carts of the Japanese version.
Bloodstained softlocked multiple times on day 1 (every time I died) and also crashed randomly on day 2. Nothing of the sort ever happened to me on PoR, and I played through it multiple times.

Bloodstained is a whole new level of kuso programming.

It might be the buggiest game I've ever played, honestly. I can't remember ever playing anything this unstable that wasn't some sort of indie game alpha build.
RegalSin wrote:Japan an almost perfect society always threatened by outsiders....................

Instead I am stuck in the America's where women rule with an iron crotch, and a man could get arrested for sitting behind a computer too long.
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Re: Bloodstained RotN : Kouji IGA's new "Castlevania" game.

Post by Sumez »

I can't think of any game I have ever played that was buggier.
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Re: Bloodstained RotN : Kouji IGA's new "Castlevania" game.

Post by Weak Boson »

Yeah CotM Zangetsu is an awesome fight, I was talking about RotN Zangetsu. It's far from the worst offender since you have so much space but I felt like I was detecting some of the problems of the other bosses in there already (I forgo gitting gud in favour of eating all my cookies so I'll never know)

To be honest this game seems more separated from Eccelsia than I was hoping for. In that game getting all the boss medals was second nature on a hard mode level 1 because learning the fights properly was the natural thing to do (along with experimenting with your glyphs and equipment to find out how to do the most damage). In RotN it feels more like you use your shards to nullify the challenge of what might have been a cooler underlying fight. Well, I can't say that part of the game isn't fun, and the amount of choice is staggering, I was hoping to see things flesh themselves out a bit more on nightmare.

I mean if you ask me the game is still a hell of a lot of fun, and I'm going to finish my Nightmare run, but clearly there's still debate to be had over what subgenre of igavania this falls under :mrgreen:

Now as I recall before the double jump boss fight the only places you can get blocking shards are from the two werewolves outside the tower, and that one big shield knight inside. Time to get grinding I suppose.
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Re: Bloodstained RotN : Kouji IGA's new "Castlevania" game.

Post by Sumez »

As much as I don't like grinding, grinding for shards is generally fast and satisfying. My "loot build" now has a LUCK stat of 75 or more, which makes getting most stuff fairly simple. I recommend upgrading some yellow shards to 9.
In general the RPG mechanics of the game are satisfying due to the way they allow you to return to earlier areas and just ravage them. I don't think they stretch as far as to allow you to cheese the game entirely via grinding, though I'm sure that's possible if you familiarize yourself with specific builds. But that's for subsequent playthroughs, so it's ok.
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Re: Bloodstained RotN : Kouji IGA's new "Castlevania" game.

Post by Turrican »

I clearly remember the level of bitching around these parts when POR came out. The bugs were considered unforgivable. I personally got it frozed several times in the Battle against Brauner.

Reality check guys. SOTN was bug ridden. The hunt for 200.6% map (I remember entire websites devoted to It)?that's a bug. SOTN was also embarassingly truncated at launch. The Fairy Is supposed to sing a lullaby for Alucard you know. Back in those days they had patches, only they weren't named "1.02" but "PlayStation the Best" and came at retail price.

I'm at the bad ending around 70% of the map in PS4 Bloodstained and It crashed once. So maybe we need to cool this down a little...
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Re: Bloodstained RotN : Kouji IGA's new "Castlevania" game.

Post by Sumez »

Turrican wrote: I'm at the bad ending around 70% of the map in PS4 Bloodstained and It crashed once. So maybe we need to cool this down a little...
So the game actually crashed on you, and you consider that unimportant?
There's no way you can possibly compare the awful state of Bloodstained to POR or SOTN.

This is the first time I've ever heard any mention of "unforgivable" bugs in POR, so clearly they can't have been that prolific. And SOTN has its share of bugs, sure, but how many of them will you actually run into on a full casual playthrough? At worst it'll be some amusing situations that don't matter. Who cares if the full map completion is 200.6%? It doesn't affect how you perceive the game as you're playing it. Being afraid of the game just crashing every time I teleport does.

And the fairy lullaby was cut because they didn't want to translate the song, not because of a bug. It was also missing from the short-lived original Japanese release, but I'm not sure if that can be credited to a bug.

Either way, the fairy familiar sings just fine in Bloodstained. ;)
Last edited by Sumez on Tue Jun 25, 2019 10:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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