ESPGaluda (Arcade and Arrange)

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Re: ESPGaluda (Arcade and Arrange)

Post by Dumple »

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Re: ESPGaluda (Arcade and Arrange)

Post by EmperorIng »

It's good to watch your video! Congrats on the clear dumple. Man, your route is so different from mine... I need to record a clear (if I can manage again) as I play the game totally differently. I just milk big enemies and use small ones to refill gems, but you milk the zako too. That's some clutch survival on the final boss, too. :)
Despatche wrote:Sadly I've gotten nowhere with this game. I've gotten nowhere with anything lately.

Tateha is waaaaay easier and actually a little better at the game. I don't know why people swear that Ageha's at all easier or better, he's not.
I think because Ageha's straight shot means you have more control over what you are killing, and I THINK his/her focus shot does more damage (in Tateha, in kakusei mode I routinely use the normal shot to quick-kill, though that means it's more dangerous to move around patterns at high-speed). He has more scoring potential I think as a result.

Tateha has a harder time with bosses I would think, but her spread helps kill enemies on the corners before they can do too much damage.
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Re: ESPGaluda (Arcade and Arrange)

Post by Despatche »

I'm not so sure about the scoring potential part. Tateha has a slightly higher world record for the first game. For the second game, Ageha does, but I don't know if that's due to changes to gameplay or simply due to how obscenely hard Galuda II is. The first Galuda is far easier to optimize.
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Re: ESPGaluda (Arcade and Arrange)

Post by EmperorIng »

An improvement, with video to prove it!


EmperorIng - 25,990,580 - ALL - MAMEplus - DISREGARD, SEE RECENT SCORE

A lot better this time, at least for me! I no-miss'd the game until the final stage, and while unfortunately Jakou got the better of me (3 lives lost, sheesh), I had done well enough earlier in the game to boost my score by a few million. Pretty happy with this run. Too bad this scoreboard hasn't been updated since last year...
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Re: ESPGaluda (Arcade and Arrange)

Post by EmperorIng »

I'm still at it, baby!



EmperorIng - 33,626,210 - ALL - MAMEplus
Video of the Run

Check out my ballsy choke on 5-2 before the boss. I don't give a FUCK.

my best run yet, and the first that seriously utilizes the scoring system to wrack up big points. 7+ million better than the previous post! It would have been better had I not died to the stage 4 midboss or one time too many to Jakou. Feeling pretty great about this run, minor gripes aside. There are a lot of opportunities I'm not taking - I just don't know how to take them. Stage 5-1 is still mostly for survival at this point. This goes with the section after the midboss in st4 with the giant enemies. There's gold to be gained, just a question of how...

EDIT: thanks to MrMonkeyMan for updating! :wink:
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Re: ESPGaluda (Arcade and Arrange)

Post by khaaos »

Hi guys. Here is my score on espgaluda (sorry for my bad English, i am French ^^).

Khaaos (chaos) - 52.847.710 - ALL - Ageha - PCB

The picture of my score ... 5589365760 , score establishes at Akihabara's Hey
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Re: ESPGaluda (Arcade and Arrange)

Post by ZPScissors »

ZPS - 32,842,090 - ALL - Tateha - ShmupMAME 4.2
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Re: ESPGaluda (Arcade and Arrange)

Post by ZPScissors »

Apparently the thread hasn't been updated for a while but I already have a pretty major update

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Re: ESPGaluda (Arcade and Arrange)

Post by ZPScissors »

ZPS - 42,488,760 - ALL - Tateha - ShmupMAME 4.2
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Re: ESPGaluda (Arcade and Arrange)

Post by ZPScissors »

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Post by Prales »

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Re: ESPGaluda (Arcade and Arrange)

Post by DenT4F »

DenT4F - 33,377,180 - ALL - Ageha - ShmupMame v4.2

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Re: ESPGaluda (Arcade and Arrange)

Post by CRI »

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Re: ESPGaluda (Arcade and Arrange)

Post by ave »

Since the moment I finally got a Jamma-adaptor for PS2 in April of this year, I have been practicing ESPGaluda Arrange Mode in order to achieve the 1CC. It's one of those games I played a lot sometime before 2010, but I was never able to achieve the clear.

Spoiler alert: I still couldn't clear it. But I am making some progress now, at least...

In April I quickly regained my former abilities, but when I reached the last boss, I quickly realized that without the 2nd and very hard-to-get extend (280mio!), there is really no chance of clearing this game's final boss's final form. My self-developed route pretty much limited me to consistently ~250mio, so I never have any chance to get the last extend.

I found a new Arrange replay, uploaded by SIN in 2018, which taught me a lot of great valuable strategies on how to score better with just a few minor timing tweaks and riskier use of the Kakusei mode in otherwise relaxed moments.

Once I relearned a few things, my intermediate highscores quickly rose to 256m, then 265, 275, 293, 303 and last night to 313m. Each of those scores was finalized at the very last form of the last boss (death pattern).


AVE - 313,463,490 - 5-2 - Black

I really, really can't wait to clear this game. The last boss pattern is just a kick in the scrotum... there is no feasible strategy to beat it without simply using shield and dying repeatedly. I will just need to get there with ideally 2 lives and a shield in stock and it'll be no problem at all, but that lucky prerequisite just hasn't aligned yet.
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Re: ESPGaluda (Arcade and Arrange)

Post by emphatic »

Great work, man!
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Re: ESPGaluda (Arcade and Arrange)

Post by marus »

Arcade (MAME 0.218)
marus-MPO - 38,112,100 - ALL - Tateha


I randomly decided to play a run today and almost got a no-death run. I made it all the way to the final pattern before getting hit - grrrr!
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Re: ESPGaluda (Arcade and Arrange)

Post by The_Chosen_One »

Chosen One - 28,393,800 - All - Ageha

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Re: ESPGaluda (Arcade and Arrange)

Post by Meriscan »

MrMonkeyMan agreed to let me take over this score thread, which you can now find here: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=69637

All scores have been updated!
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