Devil Engine (PS4,Switch, PC) 2018- Hyakutarou music

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Re: Devil Engine (PS4,Switch, PC) 2018- Hyakutarou music

Post by ratlhead »

I've tried the demo and found it really good. It definitely has good amount of TF flavor, TFII especially. In addition to outstanding new H. Tsukumo tunes, what can I want from a hori? A fine tune of certain aspects of it maybe... I do not know the exact size but hitbox feels a little bit large. Downsizing it helps to distace the game away from euroshmup feel (high HP zako contributes this feel too). Additionally, the ship speed options seems little off to me. Slow speed is not slow enough and, higher speeds are much higher. A finer tune of slow speed and its increments would be nice. Finally as others have mentioned, visibility of the debris that first boss' attack is quite low. More prominent distinguishment of such attacks would improve the already fine gameplay. All in all, it shaping quite nicely, I will definitely buy when it comes out :)
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Re: Devil Engine (PS4,Switch, PC) 2018- Hyakutarou music

Post by Rue »

The ship hitbox is probably around 3x3, the bullet hurtboxes are full sprite. You can kill everything from a safe distance and 100% kill the stages without too much effort. The bullets are also far too fast and the hurtboxes are large enough that if the ship was any slower than the 1 speed, it would be unplayable. Besides that, the bullet patterns are generally sparse, the bullet speed is average, and you're equipped with a spammable bullet-cancelling mechanic. I don't know where you're getting this "euroshmup feel" from, but that's one hell of an insult to throw out there mate.
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Re: Devil Engine (PS4,Switch, PC) 2018- Hyakutarou music

Post by ratlhead »

As I have stated before, I have actually quite like the demo. Therefore, I did not mean to throw an insult in any means. Maybe, it was just me but certain things seemed to be a little off compared to Infinos Gaiden, Gate of Thunder, TFIII, Eliminate Down, etc. Naturally, I've just tried to share my views on these with the developer. That's all...
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Re: Devil Engine (PS4,Switch, PC) 2018- Hyakutarou music

Post by BurlyHeart »

Started playing the demo, and I really like it. I'll echo the thoughts on the debris from Stage 1 boss being difficult to see.

It looks and sounds very good. I'll almost certainly buy it on release.
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Re: Devil Engine (PS4,Switch, PC) 2018- Hyakutarou music

Post by M.Knight »

I played the demo and so far I can reach the Stage 2 boss, though I haven't been able to beat it yet.

Here are some my thoughts on the game :

What I liked :
-The music is pretty great in both stages!
-The visual style is coherent and the pixel art feels more authentic than your median faux-retro stuff you see out there. It looks a bit different from something that would actually come out of an old console due to...the shading I think? but any way, it's good!
-Your secondary weapon can be used quite a lot! I can't call it a bomb given how it doesn't make you invincible and doesn't cancel bullets, and I suggest making it a lot more obvious that you have gotten more of them when playing. The first time around, I had like 15 of them in stock upon game over and I absolutely had no idea. There only is a small sound that's easily unnoticed in the heat of the action but no visual indication near the ship itself.

What I didn't like :
-The hitbox is supposedly small but it doesn't feel like it at all. If the bullet hitboxes are gigantic, that would explain it.

-The boss telegraphing and difficulty. Oh boy does it need lots of work. While the order of the attacks is thankfully more or less fixed, most of them are basically impossible to understand and clear without dying or abusing the burst (when possible) on a blind first try.

And the speed at which the attacks follow one another makes it that you don't really have time to breathe bewteen two of them which would actually be cool if the patterns were more easily readable. As it is, it a big memorizer. Like, Storm Causer but a lot worse and much less cathartic because instead of a cool final boss fight with killer music and atmosphere, it just the first boss in the game (albeit with killer music and atmosphere!)

The stage 1 boss's main source of frustration is how little room it gives you to dodge its patterns, as the walls and the boss' huge body take up a lot of space. (Fun fact : the walls are hidden by the warning sequence but are still active so you can die there too) And there seems to be a bit of randomization in some of the bullet pattern trajectories so you can sometimes get screwed by the ricocheting lasers or the wall of green bullets because the configuration was trickier than the last time you fought it.

From my experience, stage 2 mid-boss basically traps you in the bottom left corner and when the explosive shots are fired on the ground, you have to hug the bottom edge and hope the safespot works this time.

Stage 2 boss has plenty of attacks that just screw you over if you are at the wrong side of the screen when they are fired. Not under his feet or at the very top when the rain of spread shots comes falling? You are already dead. Not near a corner of the screen ready to bullet herd when the green thingies are spawned? You are already dead. Haven't seen the super tiny smoke coming out of the boss weapon and haven't started moving to avoid the instant flamethrower? You are already dead.
That one pissed me off a lot given how the first few times you die to it, you realize that you should start moving when you see that little bit of smoke, only for the boss to use another variation of the attack with the exact same warning that instead starts firing flames on the top of the screen and then sweeps the flames downwards.

Maybe I just suck (it's more likely than you think!) but this is not enjoyable. When the best strategy against bosses is absuing safespots, spamming the secondary weapons and hoping they die before you, I feel something isn't right. I haven't played much of Thunder Force and I heard the game was inspired by the series, so maybe it is why it doesn't click with me. My experience with TF was trying out AC and TF5 a bit and there were lots of poorly telegraphed "gotcha, sucker!" moments or bosses that are way too huge for the small and cramped screen size but can move a lot which makes it even harder to dodge the patterns. As if the only good thing the series had was the music for long-haired metalheads instead of fun stages. (Well, okay, I do like some the music a lot too lol) If you wanted to recapture that frustration, then, well, you succeeded. But maybe that sucked in TF and shouldn't actually be replicated.

I can understand how difficult it can be to design a boss whose attacks are easily readable when you have tweaked it so much you know it by heart and become unaware of how a beginner will see the attack, and I have also designed some attacks that ended up actually impossible to predict (which I then fixed of course lol), but here I wonder if it's more of a mistake or the actual design intention behind the boss patterns given how predominant it is.

-The default weapon levels suck, aside from maybe the laser which is half-decent. Maybe that was why the other guy mentioned euroshmups? And given how many times you are likely to die in this game, it is easy to get overwhelmed when stuck with a peashooter. I would suggest giving you full power right from the get go and forgetting about power levels because they provide zero fun.

At full power, each weapon is rather alright, though I am still not sure how you are supposed to kill all the blue walls of horizontally-moving enemies with their front gray armor in stage 2's first half without using the secondary weapon. Homing is not very powerful admittedly but that makes sense for a homing weapon and I still find it more useful than the other two weapons in Stage 1's corridor section, as this allows you to kill some of the turrets that are otherwise unreachable, and it is also useful to compensate for the movement restrictions the walls put on you. Speaking of the turrets, they must change their color scheme to stand out a lot more. I played the previous demo so I knew there were turrets here but a newcomer will probably be surprised the background fired a bullet at him.

I also agree that the weapon visuals don't convey enough power and destruction. Even when you are not underpowered, you don't feel like your shot is really effective when you look at the sprites, and the secondary weapons have the same problem.

-Is the burst even useful for scoring? It seems to kill your multiplier, so it is your standard "thou shalt not press" Cave bomb, except a lot less flashy. Apparently it can be used as a multiplier starter but I am not sure there are spots with enough bullets and that are early on in the game to make that worthwhile. I mean, the multiplier often gets to a point where you would need a really gigantic clump of bullets to make the burst to compensate for the multiplier reset.

That said, I feel like there is more to the burst but I haven't messed around with it enough to really grasp its underlying mechanics. Though why would I anyway, when it is a big gamble and failing to use at the proper moment resets the multiplier?

-You can accidentally kill the game's wonderwitches. As if handling their erratic movement pattern wasn't enough of a challenge already. Once you know it, you pay more attention and are more careful, but it feels like the game is trolling you the first time around.


As it is, I don't see myself buying the full game. Not because it is bad, as admittedly it gets much more interesting once you learn the attacks and stages. It's mostly because if those two stages are supposed to be the easiest and I am already pissed off at the telegraphing and the unfair deaths, I won't have any reason to undergo the same painful learning process for the following levels which will probably be worse. The learning curve looks too much like a staircase rather than a smooth curve to me and there isn't any positive aspect that is strong enough to counterbalance the annoyance of getting repeatedly screwed by the boss patterns and the ensuing power losses. This is a game that seems like it would be enjoyable and exciting when you know it inside-out, but getting to that point is not stimulating at all to me.

I'll still give the demo some more tries, if only to clear it. Maybe playing it more will help me click with it more, but that's a big maybe.
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Re: Devil Engine (PS4,Switch, PC) 2018- Hyakutarou music

Post by Durandal »

Some thoughts on the demo:
-The Hunter is really weak compared to Spread/Laser. Of course this should be the case since the homing weapon shouldn't be the strongest to begin with, but in most situations Spread/Laser will suffice just fine. Only in the more in-door areas does Hunter have more of a valid usage, but after those you want to switch it out as fast as possible. It's a highly situational weapon, which is then more annoying when power-up drops are commonly dropped on enemy deaths instead of being placed by hand (f.e. through power-up carriers) which finds you dodging power-ups more often. If you picked up the Hunter at weapon level 1, you've basically memed yourself.

-The power-down recovery on Spread/Homing can be very brutal, especially later on. A LV1 Spreadshot is basically a weaker LV1 Laser, what with firing only in a straight line instead of in a spread. Also consider that power-ups are only obtained by killing regular enemies, which is harder to do with weaker weapons, creating a sort of downwards spiral. I could kind of overlook this if the catch to the Spreadshot is that it's much stronger at LV3 than the Laser at LV3, but much weaker in comparison when both are at LV1, making it a bit riskier to use. However, there aren't many situations where point-blanking with the Spreadshot is really viable, and where killing several tankier enemies spread across the screen at once is concerned, you basically have better luck zipping around with the laser and Bomb Options activated once from the left side of the screen than having to be all close-up to every single enemy and spamming your missile spam bomb several times.

-I found myself naturally gravitating towards the Laser more, which when combined with your high movement speed allows you to dispatch waves of zakos with ease. The area coverage of the Spreadshot isn't as distinct of a characteristic when you can essentially achieve the same effect by zipping around the screen real fast with your straight lazor.

-The audio mix makes most sounds other than explosions barely audible. Sounds such as getting a 1-up or bomb, damaging bosses, bullets being fired, or just firing your own weapon pales compared to the volume of the music. You could adjust this in the audio settings, but a general volume slider which encompasses every single sound effect isn't exactly ideal for any audio mix either when some sounds are better off being louder or more quiet in relation to others. The bomb for the Laser barely makes any noise at all, you activate a Bomb with the Laser equipped and the options... just appear. They don't even make any special sound or anything. It's not very satisfying to use.

-The first time I played I never even noticed that the belly of the ship which appears at the top of the screen after killing the ST1 mid-boss was even an actual stage hazard, nor did I notice the turrets attached to it either. The primary color of the ship is a very dark blue which blends in the background a lot among the other background ships of similar colors, so I didn't even notice when it became an actual foreground element. The turrets are an even bigger offender here because they have the exact same color palette as the main ship they're attached to, which had me think at first they were just part of the ship instead of being actual enemies. The turrets having different colors would definitely be appreciated.

-Those dark-blue dark-red bombs dropped by the bomber enemies from the top of the screen in the second section of Stage 2 stand out from the background rather poorly.

-I wasn't even sure whether the second ST1 mid-boss (the green orb) was even damageable. Its default sprite animation already flashes regularly, so me shooting at it doesn't make it very clear whether I am actually damaging it or not. Add to this the lack of hit sounds, a boss health bar, hit particles, or even score gained on tick damage to know you're doing at least something right.

-What's the deal with the scoring system? The stage clear screen mentions something about BULLETS ABSORBED and you get points for doing so, so I imagine you want to absorb bullets wherever, but doing so also kills your regular multiplier which you might be better off keeping to get the most points off of enemies the regular way. When I look at Zaarock's score run he uses the Burst like twice throughout the entire demo while maintaining a full 6x multiplier for most of the run. The only time he uses it on purpose is when there's enough bullets on screen to absorb to raise his multiplier to a higher point before Bursting. But at the same time the stage clear screen gives me bonus points for absorbing bullets, so I'm getting mixed signals here.

-The stage clear screen itself presents way too much information for the short duration it appears on screen. And even then several score categories seem almost redundant or pointless. Bonus points for grabbing more power-up items? But grabbing a power-up of the same color while at max level gives you a +500pt bonus while the stage clear bonus gives you like +100pts for grabbing 10 power-ups of different colors. A stronger incentive exists to stick to the same weapon type as long as possible than to constantly mix things up. The stage clear screen gives you a bonus for not using bombs, even though bombs are so easy to come by, allow you to kill more enemies at once (and in turn net you more points) than you would without, and allow you to speedkill bosses faster which in turn makes you more likely to gain the highest possible time bonus on the same stage clear screen. The stage clear screen awards you a higher point bonus for Bursts Used the less Bursts you actually use, but at the same time it also gives you bonus points for absorbing bullets, which is primarily done through Bursting (and also killing a boss at an opportune time)? WTF? Isn't a bonus for the highest maximum score multiplier you reached kind of redundant? Keep it simple, man.

-This one's more minor, but the bombs don't feel very intuitive to use. To put it more clearly, at first I wasn't very keen on spamming them, although the game becomes a lot more bearable when you do. When the bombs are presented as a stock of limited uses I felt it'd be better to save it for later, on top of being called BOMBS, which carries its own connotation in the context of shmups. Which feels a bit silly when you consider that Bombs in Devil Engine don't function that differently from the charge attack bar in the Strikers 1945 series, or more accurately the special bar in Hyper Duel where you just hold the bomb button for as long as you want the extra options on screen, but there's it's more clear that your options are a regenerating resource you don't have to feel too bad about spending freely (to be more accurate it's tied to dealing damage, but in a shmup you're constantly damaging things anyways). In Devil Engine you essentially regenerate your super shot the same way, though the way it's presented makes it very prone for Potion Stockpile Syndrome to set in. The fact that you'll constantly be spamming bombs during boss fights to make them shorter and less deadly also makes bombs a bit less satisfying to use because of their spammable nature.

-Stage 1 is... lame. The first half mostly involves sweeping up and down the screen with your Spread/Laser while nothing's really inhibiting you from doing so as the bullet spreads are really thin at this point. Only the laser orbs act as any kind of deterrent by having you decide between going for the kill or getting out of the way, though they don't really overlap with other enemy formations, which is a bit of a missed opportunity considering laser orbs aren't that interesting on their own. For example, a straight horizontal laser makes you move either up and down to dodge it, but there are barely any enemies which make you move left/right while this is happening, making dodging a very basic affair. As a counter-example, consider how the ground tank enemies in Stage 2 which fire those arcing projectiles act in conjunction with the rhino ships charging at you in a straight line and those controller ships with the four options hovering about them fire a stream of bullets at you make you dodge more actively and prioritize targets to prevent things getting out of hand in the first place. In Stage 1 there's very little target prioritization going on because everything has like 10HP and isn't a significant threat when left alone for a while, because they'll fly off the screen after 5 seconds anyways.

-The second part of the stage doesn't fare much better. The Hunter is more suitable for killing enemies behind cover, but using the Hunter is incredibly unsatisfying. Because of its low damage output you find yourself breaking line of sight behind cover for as long as possible so it can kill the enemies before they can actually get a shot at you. With the Spread/Laser the challenge is more to kill things before they can get close to you at all, but even then the slow scrolling speed and the non-threatening hopper enemies only being present for several bits in this part of the stage doesn't make for something very engaging. Not engaging at all is the descent towards the green core, where you can hold down the fire button and not have to move at all because you can all the zakos before they even fire at you.

-The ST1 boss almost feels out of place given how sharp of a difficulty spike he is. Bullet spreads and lasers and rebounding bullets? wooooaaaah
Where were these rebounding bullets in the stage itself? They wouldn't have come out of left field as much if they were introduced before. There's not even a build-up to these layers of attacks. Right off the bat you're expected to play medium ranked chess, leaving first-time enemies to get swamped easily. It's like if some complete stranger suddenly asks how your mother and father are without introducing himself. "Excuse me, but who are y- *CRASHES INTO GIANT ROBOT LEG*"
Take in account the limited space to move around in because of the boss' size and the hazardous walls at the top and bottom, and everyone's ingrained tendency to ignore debris as background effects instead of actual bullets, and you've got yourself a playing field which leaves first-timers very prone to sudden and frustrating accidents. If anything the difficulty of this boss is more on par with something you'd find in a second or third stage. The boss itself is fun and a good challenge, once you get to know it. There's no real breathing space given for the player to get to know and learn how to deal with the attacks in any other way but the hard one.

-If the first half of the boss was a pain to learn, then the second phase is straight up overwhelming and where you're going to crash and burn in your first few attempts. Though the thing that made the definitive difference between life and death here was the knowledge that spamming bombs is A-OK, which practically halves the amount of time it takes to finish the second phase and the difficulty of the fight itself. Seriously, the bombs would feel much more natural to use if they were presented as the special weapon bar in Hyper Duel.

-Stage 2 fares way better, with enemy compositions which are much more engaging to deal with and way harder to destroy 100% of all of them. The only thing that really rubs me the wrong way are those spinning firebombs fired by some enemies in the second half, which because of their huge range and very fast rising/falling speed make them next to impossible to dodge in time even at max speed when you find yourself in the wrong spot right before they descend, making for something again that errs more towards the side of something that only comes off as fair if you knew what it was and that it was coming beforehand. You're probably bound to have your mind on other enemies which pose an apparently more immediate threat at first.

-The stage 2 boss is fun, once you get to know it again, that is. Though it's somewhat less egregious than the ST1 boss. Like the arcing spreading projectiles it launches are similar to what you experienced with those tanks at the start of the stage. However, the flamethrower bursts don't telegraph that they can reach all the way to the left side of the screen at all, especially if you consider how the initial flamethrower sweep the boss does when it first appears doesn't reach all the way either. If anything it's misleading. Though I can't see why the semi-transparent white line used for telegraphing beams primarily in Stage 1 couldn't be used for the flamethrower bursts. With the missile swarm attack I wasn't sure either whether I could only get hit by the missiles if I was standing inside one of the telegraphing crosshairs, or if I just collided with the missiles at all. Different games like to do it differently or reserve crosshair telegraphing only for things that come from the background, so when it's not immediately obvious I can only guess as to how it works. The swarm of firebombs is also one of those left-field moments because the safe spots for dodging it aren't immediately clear, although this one is more dickish because of how the projectile itself works.

-If you kill the blue motorcycle in Stage 2 before the cyan one, then you somehow miss out on the 1-up bonus than if you were to kill the cyan bike before the blue one, which is a bit counter-intuitive considering the blue bike appears on-screen before the cyan one, costing you a free 1-up if you're speedkillin' everything.

I liked this demo more than any Technosoft game, in any case. Though it has a tendency to skip the foreplay and go straight to the rough part without any serious consideration for newcomers.
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Re: Devil Engine (PS4,Switch, PC) 2018- Hyakutarou music

Post by RealPlumpBox »

Steamflogger Boss wrote:
Sinoc wrote:
Steamflogger Boss wrote:This game looks really neat. Is the plan digital only for now?
Thanks! Other than the physical EXA PCB (more details on that later), we don't have anything to announce at this time but are definitely looking into it.
I'd definitely pick up a physical Switch copy.
yup. Me to. Lets do it!
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Re: Devil Engine (PS4,Switch, PC) 2018- Hyakutarou music

Post by FRO »

Same! I'd totally be on board for a physical copy, especially with the game's Thunder Force DNA.
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Re: Devil Engine (PS4,Switch, PC) 2018- Hyakutarou music

Post by jigenbakuda »

Oh wow, very excited for this after watching the trailor. This is an auto buy when it comes out on switch.
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Re: Devil Engine (PS4,Switch, PC) 2018- Hyakutarou music

Post by garrz32 »

Finally got a chance to play the demo ,music is great but I defo need more practice on the actual game..If these two levels are meant to be easiest then am pretty much screwed for the rest of the game :lol:
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Re: Devil Engine (PS4,Switch, PC) 2018- Hyakutarou music

Post by Logge1002 »

Release 2018 on all plattforms?
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Re: Devil Engine (PS4,Switch, PC) 2018- Hyakutarou music

Post by Sinoc »

Logge1002 wrote:Release 2018 on all plattforms?
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Re: Devil Engine (PS4,Switch, PC) 2018- Hyakutarou music

Post by Mero »

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Re: Devil Engine (PS4,Switch, PC) 2018- Hyakutarou music

Post by 2dvertical »

....ps4 and arcade later? :evil:
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Re: Devil Engine (PS4,Switch, PC) 2018- Hyakutarou music

Post by MathU »

Will there be a Steam-free release at some point?
Of course, that's just an opinion.
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Re: Devil Engine (PS4,Switch, PC) 2018- Hyakutarou music

Post by Sinoc »

MathU wrote:Will there be a Steam-free release at some point?
Probably, We're trying to do GOG but they're super picky.
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Re: Devil Engine (PS4,Switch, PC) 2018- Hyakutarou music

Post by qmish »

Sinoc wrote:
MathU wrote:Will there be a Steam-free release at some point?
Probably, We're trying to do GOG but they're super picky.
You considered, playism, (japanese, yeah) etc.?
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Re: Devil Engine (PS4,Switch, PC) 2018- Hyakutarou music

Post by James_Degica »

For what it's worth (this not being a Degica game either), I've had the pleasure of playing this at a couple of shows (thanks Dangen & Sinoc) and really enjoyed it.
It's hard enough to provide challenge, but from what I saw balanced enough that progress was possible with a little practice.
All in all, I'm just happy that a new non-bullet hell(*) shooting game is on the way.
Oh, and the Hyakutaro Tsukumo tunes are going to rock. Of course.

* Nothing against them, but I like variety :)
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Re: Devil Engine (PS4,Switch, PC) 2018- Hyakutarou music

Post by Sinoc »

James_Degica wrote:All in all, I'm just happy that a new non-bullet hell(*) shooting game is on the way.
This was one of the big motivating factors behind making the game in the first place. IMO everything's trying to be DDP/2hu or R-type/Gradius with nothing in the middle. Thanks for playing!
qmish wrote:You considered, playism, (japanese, yeah) etc.? later yea (I need to clear it with Dangen), Playism won't return my emails, and I'm not sure if I'm even allowed on but I'll look into it.
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Re: Devil Engine (PS4,Switch, PC) 2018- Hyakutarou music

Post by reckon luck »

Any chance you can get this available for Steam preorder, so we can buy it for the extra Lunar Sale benefits? :D
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Re: Devil Engine (PS4,Switch, PC) 2018- Hyakutarou music

Post by Sinoc »

reckon luck wrote:Any chance you can get this available for Steam preorder, so we can buy it for the extra Lunar Sale benefits? :D
Valve does not allow non big studios to do preorders anymore. I wish I could, but it's the new policy.
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Re: Devil Engine (PS4,Switch, PC) 2018- Hyakutarou music

Post by 2dvertical »

Sinoc, when do you think we will get the digital release on the PS4?
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Re: Devil Engine (PS4,Switch, PC) 2018- Hyakutarou music

Post by Sinoc »

2dvertical wrote:Sinoc, when do you think we will get the digital release on the PS4?
No clue my dude.
I don't know what I can and can't talk about due to NDA's and stuff like that, but the port is already done (besides trophies/networked leaderboards) but we've been dead locked by Sony from moving forward.
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Re: Devil Engine (PS4,Switch, PC) 2018- Hyakutarou music

Post by BurlyHeart »

Sinoc wrote:
MathU wrote:Will there be a Steam-free release at some point?
Probably, We're trying to do GOG but they're super picky.
That's great news. I put it on the community wishlist. Would be great to get more indie shmups on gog.
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Re: Devil Engine (PS4,Switch, PC) 2018- Hyakutarou music

Post by DietSoap »

Sinoc wrote:
2dvertical wrote:Sinoc, when do you think we will get the digital release on the PS4?
No clue my dude.
I don't know what I can and can't talk about due to NDA's and stuff like that, but the port is already done (besides trophies/networked leaderboards) but we've been dead locked by Sony from moving forward.
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Re: Devil Engine (PS4,Switch, PC) 2018- Hyakutarou music

Post by EmperorIng »

Sinoc wrote:
2dvertical wrote:Sinoc, when do you think we will get the digital release on the PS4?
No clue my dude.
I don't know what I can and can't talk about due to NDA's and stuff like that, but the port is already done (besides trophies/networked leaderboards) but we've been dead locked by Sony from moving forward.
That's what you get when you don't have lolis in your shmup bro.
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Re: Devil Engine (PS4,Switch, PC) 2018- Hyakutarou music

Post by Sinoc »

I'm getting mixed messages here.
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Re: Devil Engine (PS4,Switch, PC) 2018- Hyakutarou music

Post by Despatche »

Game's out. Go play it.
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Re: Devil Engine (PS4,Switch, PC) 2018- Hyakutarou music

Post by Sinoc »

I wasn't gonna do the big shills until the eShops were all updated, but yes the game's out on JP eShop and global Steam right now!

JP Switch

NA/EU eShops will be up on the next update, probably in the morning.
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Re: Devil Engine (PS4,Switch, PC) 2018- Hyakutarou music

Post by soupbones »

Sinoc wrote:I wasn't gonna do the big shills until the eShops were all updated, but yes the game's out on JP eShop and global Steam right now!

JP Switch

NA/EU eShops will be up on the next update, probably in the morning.
Does the JPN version have english menus and whatnot? Any changes compared to the US release?
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