Castlevania Miscellanies

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Re: Castlevania Miscellanies

Post by Blinge »

Anyone picking up the rondo/sotn bundle that is Castlevania Requiem for Ps4?

Apparently sotn is the psp version.
So it'll be up to speed unlike my current psn download of the PAL sotn, right?

edit: i'll probs pick it up just to get the trophies hue hue
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Re: Castlevania Miscellanies

Post by Blinge »

I got Castlevania Requiem.

SotN's colours seem oddly washed out, too bright. Was this a 'feature' of the PSP version or something, to make it more portable friendly.

The audio mix is fucking terrible, the sound effects are too loud compared to the bgm, there are no options to change that.
I certainly don't want to hear shitty little sounds coming out of the PS4 controller, but there they are.
I don't think there's an option to have them come through the TV either.
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Re: Castlevania Miscellanies

Post by FinalBaton »

on PS1/PS2, the BGM is also way, WAY down in the mix compared to SFXs

is there really even more of a discrepancy on Requiem? if so and non adjustable, then that's a bit annoying for sure, especially the controller sound part
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Re: Castlevania Miscellanies

Post by Blinge »

I feel like there is but maybe i'm remembering wrong.
It's certainly less annoying once i turnd the controller sounds off in ps menu.

Also the screen is nicer to look at after turning Interlacing on..
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Re: Castlevania Miscellanies

Post by Sumez »

What does "interlacing" even mean on a HD console playing a game designed for 240p?
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Re: Castlevania Miscellanies

Post by Austin »

Sumez wrote:What does "interlacing" even mean on a HD console playing a game designed for 240p?
He means scanlines. Or in this case, fake scanlines.
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Re: Castlevania Miscellanies

Post by Blinge »

Yeah, it gives unhelpfully named options like that.
You can choose 'interlacing' or 'scanlines' which are too extreme.
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Re: Castlevania Miscellanies

Post by Corwill »

This is a great example of a great game from Konami! What we can love and remember it for!)
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Re: Castlevania Miscellanies

Post by Blinge »


I'm rather annoyed by not being able to rebind Mist form from L1+R2 to the trigger buttons, another holdover from the fact that this is a barebones port of the psp version.
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Re: Castlevania Miscellanies

Post by Blinge »

I've had the hairbrained idea buzzing around for a while in my (hair)brain to play through the whole series on my channel.
To a decent or interesting standard of play, that's the goal anyway.

Castlevania I - controller swapping with JWS

Simon's Quest w/ co-commentary by another friend

I'm sitting on 1cc vids from other classicvanias, wasn't sure whether to upload them raw or face the daunting prospect of providing solo commentary, because I'm all out of dance partners. :shock:

I guess there's the option of written commentary too.
I'm open to suggestions, if anyone's interested.
If not; well that's okay too. :]
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Re: Castlevania Miscellanies

Post by opt2not »

Blinge wrote:I'm open to suggestions, if anyone's interested.
I say playback the 1cc videos on stream, and live commentary while drinking a bottle of whiskey. Hilarity will ensue... :D
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Re: Castlevania Miscellanies

Post by Weak Boson »

Finally got round to playing Lords of Shadow 2 and also replayed the first one.

The flaws of the first game stuck out to me more on the replay. The combat system, while fun, is really not made the most of; in part because combat is a surprisingly small portion of the game. The on rails climbing and puzzles do a good job of elevating the game from "corridors and rooms full of enemies" but also slow things down. The great environmental design makes breaks from combat not completely unwelcome, but unfortunately exploring to find hidden upgrades feels very unnatural because of the preponderance unintuitive invisible walls that are there to keep you on track - and whenever you are free to jump around freely the heinous controls make it most frustrating part of the game. The colossus battles should just be deleted.

Still, most of the annoyances are just that. It's a long game and the game has a good rhythm to it once you get into it. The combat encounters could really have done with being fine tuned, though. The game encourages you to perform timed blocks to charge your magic abilities, and doing so feels great. Unfortunately almost every enemy in the game has poor telegraphing and a whole arsenal of completely unblockable attacks. And if you get hit you are essentially back to square one as far as charging magic, so in a lot of encounters where you are completely surrounded, the best tactic is to slowly build your magic by herding and taking potshots. Moments when you fight smaller groups or powerful single targets are the highlights because the combat is really fun at its best.

Probably the thing I was most impressed with on the replay was, surprisingly, the story of the game. It's a simple case of: lords of shadow exist, u go kill them. But it builds up to these confrontations in a satisfying way, with the enemies and environments becoming increasingly more threatening, as does our hero. The ending comes with some twists which I had actually somewhat misremembered.
In my mind, Gabriel becomes Dracula because he defeats all the lords of shadow and takes their power and gets cursed or something ?? but that's not what happened, as was revealed by the DLC. After defeating Satan and saving the world he's actually just fine, but he decides to become a vampire because he really hates some demon that he just heard about. Like, sure, the demon wants to take over the world but it's nothing personal, geez.
Indeed, the DLC is very bad and basically showcases the worst of the game. The first one is mostly puzzles, probably just ones they didn't have space for in the main game. The second one has some horrible platforming and a boss fight. I actually haven't beaten the boss yet and I'm not sure I can be bothered to. Their short length means the storytelling just completely fails to work and feels very at odds with the rest of the game.


Moving onto the squeal and there are quite a few improvements. The most immediately noticeable one is the increased climbing speed which makes the on rails climbing feel like it isn't completely stalling your momentum. Enemies still have bullshit unblockable attacks that come out of nowhere, but the timing for the blockable ones is more forgiving, so you can rely on your reactions a bit more: blocking early and then deciding if you want to dodge out of it isn't really a viable option in the first game, but here you can make plays like this in a pinch. There's also a lot more enemy variety which helps too.

It still fails to reach its full potential, though. There is a special arena for combat challenges which you unlock by finding collectibles which I was quite excited about. Unfortunately the challenges amount to fighting normal enemy encounters under additional restrictions, such as not using your magic abilities, even though that's what's fun about the combat. Still at least there is a pinnacle to aim for, even though it seems to me to be a somewhat missed opportunity.

Now, probably the biggest change is the abandonment of the level structure. The game is still linear, but you explore an interconnected world (well, two seperate ones). This comes with the welcome addition of a minimap which prevents you trying to explore through invisible boundaries. Unfortunately the worlds you explore aren't quite as nice as in the first game. So there are two settings: a modern day gothic city mixing magic and technology ala Blood Omen 2; and a past version of Dracula's castle. Unfortunately the city suffers from much less variety in its environmental design, while the Castle is nice, as you'd expect. While exploring in the end game I had fun going through pretty much all of the Castle world looking for upgrades, but just gave up immediately with the city, because navigating isn't fun when all the streets look the same.

Unfortunately I think the storytelling takes a hit in the sequel. At it's heart is the same simple premise: there are these acolytes of satan, u kill them. But layered on top is the suddenly convoluted lore of the Lords of Shadow universe, and switching between two settings really doesn't help. The Castle stages are dreamlike and, as I eventually concluded, supposed to symbolically represent the internal struggle of our hero; but the rules of this world are never explained, so it's hard to treat what happens there as too significant and it's very confusing and not as tense or interesting as it could be; and their incessant interruptions make the overall pacing of the whole narrative very strange. But the truth is that the story that happens in the city side isn't much better; you go from objective to objective without much real motivation. The ending also seems to be missing a true final boss fight, which is disappointing.

A dubious new feature is that of stealth sections. At first they're not so bad, but as the game goes on the become a bit of a drag, and at times actually infuriating.

Overall, though, there are fewer moments of frustration than in the first game, though I'm sure I'll remember a few more once I've finished typing. I certainly did enjoy the game and would have kept playing if there had been more endgame content, or a new character to unlock (there is in the DLC but no thanks) .


In summary, Lords of Shadow games are not bad, though they have some bad moments. If you need the game with the most technically refined combat system then move along, but for the purposes of enjoying a romp through spooky monster land the gears do turn.
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Re: Castlevania Miscellanies

Post by Leader Bee »

Has anybody seen anything of the updates of the Sotn hack by esco? Been some recent updates on YouTube that look nice. I've been playing the translated copy of rondo on my raspberry pi and I'm looking forward to a better balanced and more difficult version of symphony for years
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Re: Castlevania Miscellanies

Post by Ajora »

Castlevania is easily my favorite video game series, with my favorite entry being Aria of Sorrow. Symphony of the Night comes extremely close but is held back somewhat by its broken difficulty.

edit: Heck, I'm really not sure which of those two is my favorite, honestly.
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Re: let 'em talk

Post by NYN »

There seems to be early talk about sort of a collection for various systems. Yes, the Internet. Keep your calm.
I'll burst laughing if this is just the complete Lords sub-demonology.
But a whip can extend, right? A whip can extend...
Thanks for that. Water was leaking from my eyes. I wonder what it means...

I usually don't watch stuff like "2 Mateys Can Share That Game". Or the adult version of that.
But this was funny, informative, pointed out tricky situations and how to avoid it and got a fair bit of bodily sound fx.

I don't know a thing about Simon's Quest since I never played it. So we will see if that is a hinderance on my rear end.
WhatImageeven mean, though?!
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Re: let 'em talk

Post by Marc »

Ronyn wrote:There seems to be early talk about sort of a collection for various systems. Yes, the Internet. Keep your calm.
I've read they're supposed to be prepping some sort of general compilation for their 50th Anniversary, but nothing specifically Castlevania.
I think it'd be the handheld games I'd be interested in seeing on console at this point.
Though, really, would anybody expect them to make anything approaching a decent job of it?
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Re: let 'em talk

Post by BulletMagnet »

Marc wrote:I've read they're supposed to be prepping some sort of general compilation for their 50th Anniversary, but nothing specifically Castlevania.
There have been signs that some sort of "Konami Anniversary Collection" is in the works, but recently hints of a Castlevania-specific release surfaced as well, unless it's a more pared-down region-specific version of the former or something.
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Re: let 'em talk

Post by Blinge »

Ronyn wrote: I usually don't watch stuff like "2 Mateys Can Share That Game". Or the adult version of that.
But this was funny, informative, pointed out tricky situations and how to avoid it and got a fair bit of bodily sound fx.
Thanks man, means a lot.

I wish JWS was here and available to chill + record more often.
Alas, he's in Japan.
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Re: Castlevania Miscellanies

Post by it290 »

CV Collection announced, 4 games ( of 8 ) confirmed so far:

I, III, II GB, SCIV. Haunted Castle is included in a separate 'Arcade' collection. I'd be kinda surprised (but not shocked) if this collection included Rondo or SOTN given the recency of their release on PS4, so I'm guessing maybe XX, Bloodlines, and (hopefully) X68000 included along with II as the remaining games, though the omission of Simon's Quest so far is puzzling... kinda made me chuckle though as that's the one I always omit from my list when loading up an SD card for a flash cart or whatever.
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Re: Castlevania Miscellanies

Post by Austin »

I'd rather see XX get the re-release treatment at this point since Rondo has been available in multiple different forms over the last decade (Dracula X Chronicles, Wii Virtual Console, PS4 pack). If they include Bloodlines, XX and X68000, I might even invest in the collection even though I don't really need it. It would be pretty convenient to have all of those in one spot.
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Re: Castlevania Miscellanies

Post by BrianC »

I saw the words "Powered by Arcade Archives" on the page for the Arcade collection.
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Re: Castlevania Miscellanies

Post by Marc »

So it's (the 50th Collection that is) a simple compilation of all the titles already released under the AA banner, which anyone that still gives a shit about Konami will already own a good chunk of. Nice, work Konami, nice work.

Just realised there's a grand total of eight games per collection. Eight games. I just.... Capcom just included that many in a random belt-scrolling comp, not something marketed as a 50th Anniversary 'Celebration'. The CV title... a GB game? Really? Weren't those game, even back in the day, good attempts 'for a handheld'? Konami should sell their back catalogue to someone, anyone that gives half a shit and can do it justice.
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Re: Castlevania Miscellanies

Post by Sumez »

Yeah, it feels like if you are gonna release a full scale "50th anniversary castlevania collection", you'd have some sense of completion to it?

Sure, every Castlevania is a little much, but every classicvania would be a good one. Good excuse to bring back ReBirth which is currently impossible to purchase, and make rarities like the X68k game (in its original form) and the arcade game more available. Instead the latter is going in a completely separate collection?

Hell, they could even skip the three Game Boy titles, and it would still be amazing. 8 random ROM releases feels very pointless.
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Re: Castlevania Miscellanies

Post by qmish »

I ll get those collections (castlevania, contra and the one with gradius) for digital artbook they promise with interviews, photos and artworks
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Re: Castlevania Miscellanies

Post by scrilla4rella »

I'm just praying the emulation for the CV collection is at least on the same level as Hamster's ACAs. I'm not expecting M2 level stuff but god dammit it needs to be at least decent.
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Re: Castlevania Miscellanies

Post by JBC »

I had barely read the headline before I thought, "I can already tell they're cocking that up." Then I read it and saw they were.
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Re: Castlevania Miscellanies

Post by BrianC »

Marc wrote:So it's (the 50th Collection that is) a simple compilation of all the titles already released under the AA banner, which anyone that still gives a shit about Konami will already own a good chunk of. Nice, work Konami, nice work.
Not all the titles. It doesn't have Flak Attack.

At least they are now being released on Xbox One and Switch.
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Re: playing bingo in the devils' castle

Post by NYN »

Well, this list so far had to be expected. It's the Nintendo side of the Vania.
For the four remaining titles I dare to expect (dream) more exotica. Rondo, Vampya Killa Mega Drivo (skip They Knew Generation), Sharp, and I'm afeared it's gonna be the Sym-phony Orchestra. Since so many rate it so high.
I'd much rather see two collections. One before and one after the miserable little pile of secrets. For some hygiene. But enough talk.
WhatImageeven mean, though?!
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Re: Castlevania Miscellanies

Post by Marc »

Can't see that, simply because of the existence of the Rondo/SOtN comp. If they were to throw those two in as part of a, say, £20.00 comp after charging £16.00 for them alone I think the shit would hit the fan. Having said that, that's pretty much what they've done with the '50th Anniversary' pack, but the CV release is too recent for them to get away with that, surely....?

I'd be surprised if the MD game wasn't in there, maybe a GBA game or two - whatever takes lease effort and time basically.
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Re: a horrible right to have a nerd

Post by NYN »

Had a watch of The Nerd going on about Super Castlevania.
8-way whip? "Perfection!"
No whip Vs sub-weapons dilemma.
Overall? "A masterpiece!"
Praise the graphics and effects, withhold the 8-bit chandelier, uh, bit.
The performance of a pope on a feast day. You best believe.
3/5. Would exorcise again.
WhatImageeven mean, though?!
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