Little things that annoy the hell out of you

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Re: Little things that annoy the hell out of you

Post by Dongolopticon »

Uni classes that teach me that which I'll never use.
People who support this and claim that they have a purpose, like we're living in the Renaissance or something.
Exams, from those same classes - having to spend days studying effectively for nothing.

Probably a very common grievance, but yeah.
i am good at shup
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Re: Little things that annoy the hell out of you

Post by Immryr »

drauch wrote:Any of y'all have any buds you game with? I mean, like ones ya can count on?

With age everyone I know has turned into a little bitch, ya dig. Nobody can play for but a few hours; everyone hates a challenge; people don't want to dedicate the time to learn, ETC.

And most of these turkeys don't have a buncha other stuff going on. A couple buds have kids and whatever, so I'm not a complete monster and get that, but these other wankers are just skulking cowards.

I don't wanna journey off into the unknown of the fabled internet. I am doomed to a life of scrubbery.

Regards, a dying man.
nah, i just play on my own too. what are you trying to get into playing that requires other players?
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Re: Little things that annoy the hell out of you

Post by drauch »

Bit of everything, really. We usually LAN everything too, and it's already in place so no moving shit around. Basically just boils down to a lack of interest and always wanting to jump around and give up at the first sign of difficulty or learning.

Yeah, I could go back to playing online, but I think it's pretty understandable why I don't want to.

OH WELL, just a little thing that annoys me, I guess!
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Re: Little things that annoy the hell out of you

Post by Blinge »

I feel ya drauch

The thought of playing a fighting game vs anyone who knows what they're doing near me is a laughable goal.
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Re: Little things that annoy the hell out of you

Post by Sumez »

I have a bunch of people that I know in various different communities who will occasionally meet up and play "real" video games, including shooters, fighters, and actual arcade games. There's some casual scrubbery going on, but most people also have games they care about and really get into.

The only issue here is few people are ever getting into the same thing. The strongest game here is probably Donkey Kong, of which three of my friends have killscreened, with two more being on their way there. Dumb thing is that I don't personally give a crap about Donkey Kong, but at least I can enjoy their passion.
Unfortunately I'm the only one who cares about Rainbow Islands, which sucks, because I would love some sparring on that. Most people have a lot of respect for Ghouls n Ghosts and Bubble Bobble, etc., but I'm not seeing anyone playing them "competitively", which limits my incentives to get into the latter.
In general I'd say I'm pretty well off though, in regards to "video game friends". The trick is meeting them via video games, rather then trying to force "regular friends" into video games. The hard part is meeting people via video games who aren't awkward weirdos.

At least one of my friends shares my passion for Tetris (to the point where he is much, much better than me in the NES version and going to the world champsionships this year trying to win it)

EDIT: I'm more worried about the complete lack of video game discussion on the internet nowadays. Forums seem to be a dying breed.
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Re: Little things that annoy the hell out of you

Post by kaicooper »

when im dreaming and hear a voice from far away
and suddenly wake up...asking me: r u sleeping?
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Re: Little things that annoy the hell out of you

Post by BareKnuckleRoo »

Immryr wrote:Hmm. Mine is a slim, dunno if they have the same issue but I'll have a look into it.
On the big chunky one I ran into an issue where the lens couldn't focus properly and I had to rubber cement it in place. Didn't work for the blue disc games after such as Gradius V if I recall, and I got a slim afterwards...

Slim has never given me trouble. Yours might need a laser replacement or just lens cleaning I hope?
drauch wrote:Any of y'all have any buds you game with? I mean, like ones ya can count on?

With age everyone I know has turned into a little bitch, ya dig. Nobody can play for but a few hours; everyone hates a challenge; people don't want to dedicate the time to learn, ETC.
Southern Ontario is fortunate to have a small but tight-knit group of players of shmuppers who also play other various genres who have a relatively good skill level in a few areas. I get my ass kicked whenever Street Fighter III 3rd Strike gets busted out, but even if I lose >90% of the matches, playing against pros has rapidly upped my skill level to the point where I can put up a close fight. And very rarely actually win. :P

It's definitely nice to find locals to hang with. For online gaming, it's best to find people you know to play with and fire up netgaming (although I have had some good success with random folks on EDF 4.1).
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Re: Little things that annoy the hell out of you

Post by ryu »

blog - scores - collection
Don't worry about it. You can travel from the Milky Way to Andromeda and back 1500 times before the sun explodes.
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Re: Little things that annoy the hell out of you

Post by Immryr »

i bought something on ebay and had to send it back for a refund, the company then didn't sent me the refund so i had to ask ebay to intervene. they sent me an email saying they will resolve it and send me the refund, but told me the refund was going to an old paypal account i haven't used in years, despite the fact i paid with my debit card.

so, i questioned them about this and asked them to cancel that and pay me back by the method i actually used to make the purchase. this was met with a ridiculous back and forth of them now telling me that actually when you buy something with a debit card a paypal guest account is created and the refund had been sent to this guest account, so i would have to contact paypal customer support to fix this.

i thought this was absolutely insane, surely every time someone gets a refund from a debit card purchase and has to ask ebay to step in the money doesn't go to a random guest account and paypal then need to be contacted. surely this can't be the actual system they have in place.

this went back and forth about 5-6 times, then i checked my bank account this morning and the refund is in there..... how do they not know how their own refund system works?
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Re: Little things that annoy the hell out of you

Post by Udderdude »

Immryr wrote:how do they not know how their own refund system works?
Because they outsourced their support and call centres and nobody knows what's going on.

Google Hangouts being a big piece of shit. Caller ID on the Hangouts Dialer app stopped working. Googled it, of course it's "A bug we're working on". And still not fixed, even though this was posted about in July. Apparently the only fix is to uninstall Hangouts, re-install an older version from an APK mirror manually (I used 24 as was reccomended), re-enable and re-verify caller ID, and then upgrade Hangouts again. What a load.
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Re: Little things that annoy the hell out of you

Post by kitten »

Sumez wrote:The only issue here is few people are ever getting into the same thing. The strongest game here is probably Donkey Kong, of which three of my friends have killscreened, with two more being on their way there. Dumb thing is that I don't personally give a crap about Donkey Kong, but at least I can enjoy their passion.
i've got to ask the obvious: was this just because they all watched king of kong? man, that movie set off some serious chain reaction and made competition & general appreciation for that game skyrocket. i swear the amount of people who became aware of the term "killscreen" exclusively through that movie are greater than the number of people who knew it beforehand.
In general I'd say I'm pretty well off though, in regards to "video game friends". The trick is meeting them via video games, rather then trying to force "regular friends" into video games. The hard part is meeting people via video games who aren't awkward weirdos.
i've been here a year and a half and y'all have put up with me pretty well, so i'm gonna reveal a little about myself. gonna spoiler tag this because it's even more frustrated venting about the horrible state of modern gaming, and it's depressing, exhausting, and a thing i dip into at the expense of everyone's time and patience on here too often, already. i hate how often my loathing dictates my posting on here when i really just want to excitedly talk about my fav action games, but having to deal with The Discourse is such an unavoidable thing, these days, that i've just become god damned bitter.
almost all of my friends are through fringe queer social circles (largely outside of common social justice discourse & callout culture but sadly still orbiting it) with a few exceptions that i talk to about games and man it fukken sux. talking about games with most of my friends or people i casually screw around with is painful for both of us because i'm like a repository of history & staunch belief in classic schools of design where they mostly just play popular or heavily narrative-driven indie stuff (lots of twines) that's popular in the circles. neither of us wants to listen to each other on the subject most of the time, though i do maintain interest in some twine devs & their work and occasionally deeply enjoy a popular game.

it's a lot more painful for me than it is for them because of how much of a passion it is for me - i've constantly got to temper talking about many of my favorite things because i cannot find a way to sell it to others in such a way that will get them interested. the discourse surrounding classic games is that everyone is some sort impenetrably fascist monster that believes in societal meritocracy or whatever goddamn fuckawful nonsense and it's unavoidable. meanwhile they're playing gacha games & 80 hour rpgs if they game at all while i am casually consuming 30 minute games in brief sessions - and i'm somehow the weird 'hardcore' obsessive when i talk about it.
it's fucking like, incredibly depressing! i get a headache just thinking about it Image

even though most everyone i talk to is deeply put off by the surface layer crust of the discourse & its constant urge to be in bed with academic morons writing 10,000 word thinkpieces on sonic 06 or whatever (y'all ever looking to morbidly rubberneck, i suggest reading zeal), the prominence of the shitty discourse on old games that considers them byzantine, cruel, and inaccessible despite being near-explicitly designed for 10 year olds and super busy & overworked salarymen and even moms ensures the deeply toxic mentality penetrates everywhere. gaming was never more for everybody than it was 25-30 years ago where the most casual of casuals would play incredibly deep & challenging stuff like tetris rather than have to opt to evils like candy crush just so they can have a game that will occupy sessions of a few minutes at a time.

god damn do i wish gamergate had actually been about how games journalism is a fuckawful circlejerk and needs to experience a violent death instead of deeply paranoid manbabies grouping together in fear of some sort of rainbow-haired feminist zeitgeist whose nepotism will enable the most horrible of evils, like: bravely default getting localized to have the lolita wearing slightly more clothing (ah, whoops, that was just the publisher acting on their own, but let's blame those dreaded SJW's, anyway). almost nothing but dumbass social politics from both sides while classic gaming dies in grueling agony, ignored by both except for when they get together to watch gdq memefests and collectively pretend they remember to give a shit instead of playing the damn games for themselves.

what games have these movements produced? ROM: 2064? which tries to sell itself entirely on having marginalized representation (a good thing, mind you!) without being a remotely decent adventure game (also, by the way, funny story: the guy behind it has been called out as a sexual harasser and abusing unpaid labor of marginalized artists, so fucking lol)? hatred and huniepop, which are both garbage selling on their appeal to edgy politics? i'm always baffled when GG'ers think being the most boring kind of horny for generic anime babes is somehow "owning the sjw's" when most people i see getting labeled as sjw's are incredibly sexually open and include that in their games.

gg always struck me as being almost purely about the divine sanctity of objectifying girls & anime tiddy as the forefront of this imaginary censorship war. nobody is going to stop you from playing senran kagura or pirating embarrassing shit like maiden rape assault: violent semen inferno in your basement, friends, could we instead collectively discredit all the thinkpiece writers crucifying difficulty & deliberately designed challenge as why games are now 'inaccessible?' everybody is screaming bloody murder at anita sarkeesian for talking about how princess peach is misogynist instead of talking about her fucking abominably stupid game design ideas. yes, rescuing princesses has an air of misogyny, can we all just agree that maybe it's not ideal and move past that and actually talk about the substance of games? the superficial is all that is focused on while the actual meat of the games becomes completely anemic and we all starve.

this culture war has raged so fucking hard that nobody wants to touch games discussion, anymore, and many people are left reluctant to touch games in any capacity. everyone is sussing out each others' politics before they agree to talk about game design, something that should ideally be unpolitical. you see "leaders" of these movements like the ian miles cheong's or brianna wu's and the only natural reaction for a person of any reasonable disposition is extreme repulsion. social media like twitter commoditized outrage to the point that even your friends are unwittingly recruited into the ponzi scheme of selling it for the most shitty of people.

i just want to talk with friends about video games and not have to be prepared to dissect & disassemble years of discourse they've picked up from culture vultures. i want to play fun old games and be able to chat about them with people i love without having to go through these hoops. i want to be able to give up on whatever is popular or relevant and just... enjoy myself... with people i care about. i cringe deeply as i think about the upcoming opportunity to try to sell friends on the ninja warriors once again and how i'll probably see some fucking brain geniuses on twitter talking about how the most important thing in the game is the decision to include or censor the partially bare ass on that one enemy. who cares. oh my god who fucking cares. i'm already mad just thinking about it. what if we just played games that look really fun and left our praise or disappointment for superficial nothings like that to the goddamn side.
EDIT: I'm more worried about the complete lack of video game discussion on the internet nowadays. Forums seem to be a dying breed.
goodbye, nuanced discussion

hello, picking between binary options of outrage in culture wars

i miss snes vs genesis as what we had to get mad about, it's all sjw vs gamergate these days :'[

this forum feels like one of the very last vestiges of actual meaningful discussion about the mechanical design of video games.
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Re: Little things that annoy the hell out of you

Post by Blinge »

Brilliant rant, Kitten. You're on the money with so many points.
I'll leave it there though lest some overgrown man babby attacks me for trying to take away his double-D sized anime journalism ethics.
i hate how often my loathing dictates my posting on here when i really just want to excitedly talk about my fav action games
Hah! Maybe this is in some way part of the problem though. If you're approaching your gamur friends with negative points about the things they like playing, it's a hell of a turn off from the games you want to promote.
I'm not saying you do overdo it or do anything that would push people away, but people can be sensitive when it comes to this stuff.
Like me when someone criticises muh dark souls in a simple, absolutist, or harsh manner. Before I can stop it I knee jerk with "you're insulting something i ruv."
Now I'm drawing from fuzzy memory here so forgive me if this is wrong but I'm merely offering an impression I got.
There have been moments on chumpsfarm when you're going in criticising a game with legitimate points and someone responds with 'oh I liked it because X'.
It's generally not a good idea to dismantle X with heavy artillery if you want to nurture friendly discussion. I mean, you may win the debate or be absolutely right, but is it worth?
^ This is probably fine for the farm or *hardcore* gaming forum. However I would warn against doing anything remotely like this with your friends IRL! Maybe you've been harsher than you realise?
In waters personal, there be monsters.

Among some of my acquaintances I have the reputation of being an insufferable elitist nerd, for instance.

Another example was a friend of mine who really wanted his gf at the time to game with him. Tries to get her interested in niche shit, the shmups or weird stuff he was playing. Straight in at the deep end! Nope. Just, nope.
She had fond memories of Ocarina, Sanic Adventure 2, wanted to play them a bit. He should've met her halfway even if he didn't wanna play those games. FFS he grew up with Ocarina too! Playing through those together would've been the start of something more.
But no, she was then overwrought with the expectation on her, whether real or imagined from then on. The gamin' never happened.
It got to the point where I even felt awkward talking about games when chilling at their house.

As for positive advice? hm. Get your friends to try a modern nostalgic gateway drug. Grit your teeth and fire up Shovel Knight or Cuphead :mrgreen:
Passing the controller back and forth on death is a good idea (you might have to throw a life away here and there). This has worked for me with two casul fans before when I had us all playing Megaman 2.
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Re: Little things that annoy the hell out of you

Post by WelshMegalodon »

The problem isn't kitten's friends not being interested in Shovel Knight or Cuphead, though. It sounds more like they're people who just like games more for being movies than for being games.

As for kitten's post, while I can't agree with it enough, I'm also not sure what I could even offer in reply.
Indie hipsters: "Arcades are so dead"
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Re: Little things that annoy the hell out of you

Post by Durandal »

At times I find it hard to understand how publishers went from horse armor DLC to what is the singleplayer MTX-driven pseudo-MMO that is AC: Odyssey now, with no real way to revert the current state of affairs given how many people defend said modern practices as a necessary evil. You give them an inch, and they take a mile.
Xyga wrote:
chum wrote:the thing is that we actually go way back and have known each other on multiple websites, first clashing in a Naruto forum.
Liar. I've known you only from and forums.
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Re: Little things that annoy the hell out of you

Post by Blinge »

WelshMegalodon wrote:The problem isn't kitten's friends not being interested in Shovel Knight or Cuphead, though. It sounds more like they're people who just like games more for being movies than for being games.
Well I don't know the exact games Kitten wants to get them into or talk about. r
Really you could look at SK's upgrades system or the Megaman 11 slowdown mechanic as a way to make the game seem "Fair" to people who aren't really interested in that stuff. That's why I offered those as choices.

The thing is I think we all believe that action platformers are fun at the basic level. This is a universal truth?
Why was Flappy Bird so fucking popular. It's ass, and barely anyone could get past 3 pipes, it was still wildly popular.
Memes? Maybe, but it still had the playerbase.

The questions to ask are what features of [good game] could possibly be appealing to someone who is scared off by retro. How do we amplify those or present them first?

In other news I had a friend try Ninja Gaiden the other day. He loves Super Meat Boy, Bit Trip Runner, Risk of Rain.
puts the controller down after 2 minutes of NG and says "this is gay." In fact he said it immediately after starting too.

So it's not going great for me either.
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Re: Little things that annoy the hell out of you

Post by Sumez »

kitten wrote: i've got to ask the obvious: was this just because they all watched king of kong? man, that movie set off some serious chain reaction and made competition & general appreciation for that game skyrocket. i swear the amount of people who became aware of the term "killscreen" exclusively through that movie are greater than the number of people who knew it beforehand.
Yes. Absolutely. I think most of the people I hang out with and play arcade games with right now are only in it in the first place due to that movie. It has changed so much.

Before it came out no one ever heard of "Twin Galaxies", but all the people who got into arcade games after it seem to hold that website as the golden standard for score keeping. It's ridiculous.
I've never actually watched King of Kong. I mean, I know it's mostly fiction, but it still managed to piss me off over the first 15 or so minutes that I watched, and I didn't feel like seeing more of it.

I can see why Donkey Kong is a game with such a strong competitive scene though. There's an insanely high skill ceiling, and an incredible amount of depth to the barrel stage. I wouldn't want to ever play any arcade game for more than three hours, but watching the top players trying to squeeze every single point out of every single screen in the game is absolutely fascinating.

Another documentary that's affected a lot of people is Ecstacy of Order, on the competitive NES Tetris scene. That one I loved. It initially tries to do what King of Kong does - telling a tale of tough competition, and adding some mystery and history into the mix. But it just can't hide the fact that people just really fucking love this game, and that the community is super friendly and supportive of eachother. It ends up being much more of a feel-good movie than the competitive drama that is King of Kong.
The funny thing is that a competitive NES Tetris scene didn't really exist before the movie was made, and it effectively managed to kickstart it. I've already met a bunch of people via that scene, so I love it.

It is kind of biased though, especially in how it paints NES Tetris as not only the definitive form of classic Tetris, but also it's basically "the" Tetris, with no other variants being of relevance, despite the 40L sprint and vs modes of modern guideline Tetris being a way bigger and much more competitive scene. But it's made by people who love the NES game, so I'll allow it.
kitten wrote: (long rant)
Most of what you wrote went completely over my head, since I don't know the first thing about gamergate, and what it's all about.
But all I can say is basically what you already quoted - don't try to talk about the mechanics of awesome old school action games with friends who are into gacha games and 80 hour RPGs. I know it can be painful, when that's what you care about, but it's always important to find some common ground.
I really hope you are able to find some real-life friends who dig the same kind of games that you do.
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Re: Little things that annoy the hell out of you

Post by BIL »

My shitty yet faithful MP3 player died on me. What in fuck! Stone dead. Blasting the fuck one second, dead the next. This thing is my Moron Dampening Shield For Daily Commute. I'm not well pleased! edit: or it might be the shitty USB cable I suppose.
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Re: Little things that annoy the hell out of you

Post by Zen »

kitten wrote:almost all of my friends are through fringe queer social circles (largely outside of common social justice discourse & callout culture but sadly still orbiting it) with a few exceptions that i talk to about games and man it fukken sux. talking about games with most of my friends or people i casually screw around with is painful for both of us because i'm like a repository of history & staunch belief in classic schools of design where they mostly just play popular or heavily narrative-driven indie stuff (lots of twines) that's popular in the circles. neither of us wants to listen to each other on the subject most of the time, though i do maintain interest in some twine devs & their work and occasionally deeply enjoy a popular game.
I see such complaints more on more for some reason.

Sure, I can understand the desire to share an experience that you love with your friends but surely it should not be an issue if they do not reciprocate with shared taste and depth of knowledge,
either to how you feel nor your ability to enjoy your hobby in the manner that most appeals to you?
kitten wrote:it's a lot more painful for me than it is for them because of how much of a passion it is for me - i've constantly got to temper talking about many of my favorite things because i cannot find a way to sell it to others in such a way that will get them interested. the discourse surrounding classic games is that everyone is some sort impenetrably fascist monster that believes in societal meritocracy or whatever goddamn fuckawful nonsense and it's unavoidable. meanwhile they're playing gacha games & 80 hour rpgs if they game at all while i am casually consuming 30 minute games in brief sessions - and i'm somehow the weird 'hardcore' obsessive when i talk about it.
Wait . . . WAIT!; "some sort impenetrably fascist monster that believes in societal meritocracy or whatever goddamn fuckawful nonsense"


If they feel that way, should it not signify?
I mean, if you start working out, will they think you are gone alt-right?

kitten wrote:god damn do i wish gamergate had actually been about how games journalism is a fuckawful circlejerk and needs to experience a violent death instead of deeply paranoid manbabies grouping together in fear of some sort of rainbow-haired feminist zeitgeist whose nepotism will enable the most horrible of evils, like: bravely default getting localized to have the lolita wearing slightly more clothing (ah, whoops, that was just the publisher acting on their own, but let's blame those dreaded SJW's, anyway). almost nothing but dumbass social politics from both sides while classic gaming dies in grueling agony, ignored by both except for when they get together to watch gdq memefests and collectively pretend they remember to give a shit instead of playing the damn games for themselves.

what games have these movements produced? ROM: 2064? which tries to sell itself entirely on having marginalized representation (a good thing, mind you!) without being a remotely decent adventure game (also, by the way, funny story: the guy behind it has been called out as a sexual harasser and abusing unpaid labor of marginalized artists, so fucking lol)? hatred and huniepop, which are both garbage selling on their appeal to edgy politics? i'm always baffled when GG'ers think being the most boring kind of horny for generic anime babes is somehow "owning the sjw's" when most people i see getting labeled as sjw's are incredibly sexually open and include that in their games.

gg always struck me as being almost purely about the divine sanctity of objectifying girls & anime tiddy as the forefront of this imaginary censorship war. nobody is going to stop you from playing senran kagura or pirating embarrassing shit like maiden rape assault: violent semen inferno in your basement, friends, could we instead collectively discredit all the thinkpiece writers crucifying difficulty & deliberately designed challenge as why games are now 'inaccessible?' everybody is screaming bloody murder at anita sarkeesian for talking about how princess peach is misogynist instead of talking about her fucking abominably stupid game design ideas. yes, rescuing princesses has an air of misogyny, can we all just agree that maybe it's not ideal and move past that and actually talk about the substance of games? the superficial is all that is focused on while the actual meat of the games becomes completely anemic and we all starve.
Dont forget the true, sacred and most secret revelation of what GG "is"!;

Really, this is very poor stuff indeed.
Entryism, was what brought things to a head within Gaming. Just as did in "Atheism Plus", ComicsGate, and the continuing Get Woke Go Broke, co-option fiasco, rife within Hollywood.

kitten wrote:. yes, rescuing princesses has an air of misogyny, can we all just agree that maybe it's not ideal and move past that
. . . I refuse to waste a good gif, on this.
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Re: Little things that annoy the hell out of you

Post by TransatlanticFoe »

Fucking Windows Update and Windows 10. Damn thing failed to install the latest feature update but clogged up Windows Update in the process with a permanent "restart to finish" in the update history and haha nope it won't try again. So upgrade via the downloaded update assistant tool worked. One evening lost babysitting that horseshit.

And then Microsoft pull the offending feature update because it's been "deleting files" but no actual technical breakdown of the problem (looks like it's deleting the user profile and recreating it from scratch). Well shit, guess I should back out of this bastard because who's to say what's wrong with it and indeed will Microsoft test upgrading from it in future? At least that was painless and seems to have worked. Hello corporate update channel and feature updates deferred by 30 days.

Hopefully this incident will make them re-evaluate the shitty update mechanism for Windows 10. Oh there are updates due? Nope Windows is installing them you don't get to see what they are first. Brand spanking new Windows version with an in situ upgrade twice a year that never bloody works first time? Fingers crossed this puts a stop to that too.
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Re: Little things that annoy the hell out of you

Post by BIL »

SOME ASSHOLE wrote:My shitty yet faithful MP3 player died on me. What in fuck! Stone dead. Blasting the fuck one second, dead the next. This thing is my Moron Dampening Shield For Daily Commute. I'm not well pleased! edit: or it might be the shitty USB cable I suppose.
Son of the bitch! It was the shitty USB cable! Now I have two (2) of the shitty (yet reliable) MP3 players! Which is not the worst thing I suppose, 2x battery life! And 2x capacity, but the thing is so shit it lacks folder skip, let alone GUI, so I alone put three on at a time anyway!

Ah, the horrors of portable cassette players. I grew up with 'em. Even this POS is a wondrous friend.
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Re: Little things that annoy the hell out of you

Post by BulletMagnet »

BIL wrote:Son of the bitch! It was the shitty USB cable!
I recently ended up with a "totally intentional spare" PS3 controller because I didn't think to check if the USB cable was the reason it stopped holding a charge.
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Re: Little things that annoy the hell out of you

Post by brentsg »

My ISP just added 1GbE option for business and residential customers. I thought, I'm in finally!!

Well I have a static IP, and they won't allow that on residential for $105/mo even if you pay extra. Ok, the business price isn't terrible then.. maybe I'll do that.

Sorry sir, the price you saw is only available for new customers. Assholes want $315/mo for 1GbE with a static IP, plus $199 to bring out the new modem.
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Re: Little things that annoy the hell out of you

Post by Obscura »

This isn't that little, but holy fuck, who the hell decided that Dying Fetus should headline over Incantation?!?! And that Dying Fetus deserves a 2 hour set, but Incantation only deserves 30 minutes?

Fucking hell, Schopenhauer was right; we really do live in the worst of all possible worlds.

EDIT: And while I'm still being salty about it, why the fuck do lame-ass Genocide Pact and Gaycreeper get just as long of sets as Incantation? Especially fucking Gaycreeper; I'm so fucking tired of hardcore kids buying HM-2s and thinking it suddenly turns their shitty hardcore band into death metal.
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Re: Little things that annoy the hell out of you

Post by FinalBaton »

Obscura wrote:This isn't that little, but holy fuck, who the hell decided that Dying Fetus should headline over Incantation?!?! And that Dying Fetus deserves a 2 hour set, but Incantation only deserves 30 minutes?

Fucking hell, Schopenhauer was right; we really do live in the worst of all possible worlds.

EDIT: And while I'm still being salty about it, why the fuck do lame-ass Genocide Pact and Gaycreeper get just as long of sets as Incantation? Especially fucking Gaycreeper; I'm so fucking tired of hardcore kids buying HM-2s and thinking it suddenly turns their shitty hardcore band into death metal.
Wow. you're pissed off bud, haha. Good, let the hate flow through you :twisted:

going to see this very tour up here next weekend(ticket bought from awhile back)

2nd time seeing Incantation
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Re: Little things that annoy the hell out of you

Post by Obscura »

Have they sorted out their drummer's visa issues? ... &__tn__=-R

Next weekend, I'll be seeing Trenchant, Acerus, Pious Levus, Mortuary, and The Chasm, so I think I have you beat on that one, at least.
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Re: Little things that annoy the hell out of you

Post by FinalBaton »

Damn I didn't know about the visa thingy. That suxxx... hopefully will get sorted out

I don't know any of the bands you mentionned in last post, will check some out
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Re: Little things that annoy the hell out of you

Post by Obscura »







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Re: Little things that annoy the hell out of you

Post by FinalBaton »


I don't know many bands to be honest

especially in death metal, it's a subgenre that I really don't know at all

I'll gladly check those links tho! I love to discover bands
I just don't dig much to find 'em
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Re: Little things that annoy the hell out of you

Post by Blinge »

Obscura wrote:This isn't that little, but holy fuck, who the hell decided that Dying Fetus should headline over Incantation?!?! And that Dying Fetus deserves a 2 hour set, but Incantation only deserves 30 minutes?
They all sound the same anyway m8
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Re: Little things that annoy the hell out of you

Post by Randorama »

Laymansplaining is rather bad for health (i.e. someone who is a layperson comes and tries to explain your job/field of knowledge to you).

Relatives who do that while you are calling them on an intercontinental call (because said parents are unable to use skype, chat programs, etc.) are...a test of patience. Of the divine kind.

Also, native speakers of language X who can only understand their own dialect are fairly unpleasant, especially if they come from some isolated place and thus speak a fairly obscure language.
I can actually have a good laugh riling them up, but I had to quell aa fight brewing between said type of speaker and another person who was, apparently, guilty of speaking the main variety of the language.

Monolinguals in general can be rather annoying, especially if Anglophonic.
Chomsky, Buckminster Fuller, Yunus and Glass would have played Battle Garegga, for sure.
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