Super SD System 3

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Re: Super SD System 3

Post by Xyga »

cr4zymanz0r wrote:I got my Super SD System 3 in today and posted this over on the Neo Geo forums since the devs are more active there, but thought I'd share here as well since this forum is generally more inclined to discuss technical details. Here's my copy/paste:

Ok, the package did end up being my Super SD System 3 and I've been toying with it this evening.
I'm going to give a 'quick' review with my findings starting with the summary.

Summary: From my small testing and playtime tonight I'd say most people will probably be happy with the Super SD System 3 (SSDS3). However, if you are an audiophile or videophile you might run into some annoyances.

Test setup:
1.) PC-Engine Duo-R with mickcris RGB amp (for comparison)
2.) Core Grafx (recapped, region modded)
3.) US Turbo Grafx 16 (stock, no repairs or mods)
4.) Genesis model 1 power supply
5.) Random modern switching (3 amp) power supply that runs all my other retro consoles without issue
6.) Packapunch Genesis 2 csync SCART cable
7.) Genesis 2 to RGB break-out box (RCA connectors). Uses csync, gives me flawless video on my Genesis 2 (that's been modded some to get rid of jailbars).
8.) Open Source Scan Converter (OSSC)
9.) Random $100 Vizio sound bar for sound

Sound: I'll start with sound since it'll be a shorter section. The CD audio isn't as good as it is playing from the disc on my Duo-R. Now I'm not an audiophile, so it's not like I have some super expensive sound setup and can tell if something is 1% off. From my very limited testing time the only thing I've noticed so far is the intro for the US version of Ys: Book 1 & 2 when you first boot it up. There's a lot of bass at the beginning, and then when the narrator starts talking he has kind of a deep voice that hits the bass too. On my Duo-R everything sounds clear and normal. On the SSDS3 in that scene it sounds like the bass is overdriven. This kinda distorts and muddies it, sorta like you're trying to go higher than your speakers can handle (except I didn't really have the volume cranked up). I don't really consider it subtle difference. I also ripped my original disc myself with TurboRip and also played back the .wav file on my PC to make sure it wasn't being distorted in the ripping process.

Video: Ok, I did 99% of this testing on with my OSSC on a 55" 4K TV. If you feed a good clean RGB signal to it from pretty much any retro console it looks phenomenal. Now I'm seeing some moving diagonal line interference similar to pictures and videos I saw of the initial release of the SSDS3, but not nearly as prominent.

Now by default the OSSC has a low pass filter (LPF) on for incoming video signals. I generally never turn it off except when I'm messing around or want to see how clean a RGB signal is. When I turn it off on my consoles with 'perfect' RGB it'll let a little bit of interference show up, but it's minor.

Now I tried to take some pictures with my phone that didn't exactly come out the best, but here they are:
Since it's not always clear I'll kinda walk through the tests too.

1.) Tested with a hucard on my Duo-R. The darker green in the Dungeon Explorer title logo seems to be the most prominent place for potential interference. Things look crystal clear on the Duo with the OSSC's LPF on (the default setting). With the LPF off I see typical minor noise in the signal

2.) Tested with a hucard with SSDS3. It's not as clean as my Duo-R but not too bad. Turning off the LPF shows more noise than the Duo-R, but nothing stupid crazy.

3.) Tested the same game with the SSDS3 but loaded from the microSD card. Now I was seeing the moving diagonal lines in the green. Again, not as bad as the initial release of the SSDS3, but enough to be an annoyance if you're a videophile.
Now, turning off the LPF makes it look god awful. there's a bunch of static snow looking noise that I've never seen before on any other system with the LPF off.

Conclusion: I got the same results no matter what power cable I used or what video cable I used. It also didn't really change between me using a Core Grafx or a US TurboGrafx 16.

I'm not saying these are the definitive results and I'd be happy to give further info or help troubleshoot. However, given the various different scenarios I've tried it, I don't really think it's some fluke of me just having a potentially bad cable. I probably won't have time to REALLY dig into it hard until the weekend.

I'm reserving any judgement until other technical people get to really dig into this, as well as TerraOnion potentially getting to look into it as well (maybe the CD sound/bass issue could be fixed in a firmware patch?).
That's off-topic but how did you get rid of your MD2's jailblars? :shock:
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Re: Super SD System 3

Post by FBX »

DirkSwizzler wrote:Why the official discussion thread is on is beyond me. That seems like the best place to gather the worst kind of feedback.
Terra Onion really need to separate themselves from that cesspool of a forum. They might actually get MORE business than they are if they made their own support forums like Krikzz does.
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Re: Super SD System 3

Post by cr4zymanz0r »

Xyga wrote: That's off-topic but how did you get rid of your MD2's jailblars? :shock:
I posted it quite a while ago in the Genesis jailbar thread, but it seemed to get ignored. viewtopic.php?p=1211814#p1211814
If you've got anymore questions about it just reply to that thread so we don't derail this one :P
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Re: Super SD System 3

Post by Xyga »

cr4zymanz0r wrote:
Xyga wrote: That's off-topic but how did you get rid of your MD2's jailblars? :shock:
I posted it quite a while ago in the Genesis jailbar thread, but it seemed to get ignored. viewtopic.php?p=1211814#p1211814
If you've got anymore questions about it just reply to that thread so we don't derail this one :P
Completely missed your post and definitely interested in learning more!

I'll have to check both my MD2's first then I'll post in that thread.

Hope: restored. :D
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Re: Super SD System 3

Post by narshe »

FBX wrote:Terra Onion really need to separate themselves from that cesspool of a forum. They might actually get MORE business than they are if they made their own support forums like Krikzz does.
They have said they are working on at new site and support forum. Should be coming shortly.
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Re: Super SD System 3

Post by opt2not »

FBX wrote:Terra Onion really need to separate themselves from that cesspool of a forum. They might actually get MORE business than they are if they made their own support forums like Krikzz does.
Well that IS what's happening. They're working on putting up their site soon. They just decided to put all their efforts in the product rather than the website. But if they're shipping 50 per day, I'd say the business is doing just fine as is.

But, it's not like this forum is that much better these days. I've seen some real toxicity creep up here in the last year that is very similar in tone. I'm not sure if it's the slew of new members getting into the scene, or the old members getting older and crankier, or moderation getting more lax. Point is, neo-geo is fine old forum that should be taken with a grain of salt. If it gets to you, then it's probably not the right forum for your needs. It's like me and SRK...I've stopped frequenting there for a while because it wasn't jiving with me. YMMV
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Re: Super SD System 3

Post by Syntax »

Yeah a terra run forum would be heaps better. Who are you guys kidding?
The response from NeoSD on Neo regarding cr4zymanz0rs issues was pretty much

"0 shits given, and we might fix the audio via firmware if your lucky"

Imo if they dropped NeoSD and just let NeoDev answer all the questions the world would be a better place.
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Re: Super SD System 3

Post by FBX »

opt2not wrote: Point is, neo-geo is fine old forum that should be taken with a grain of salt. If it gets to you, then it's probably not the right forum for your needs.
I guess I'm just weird. I have a problem when a site is modded by a tyrant that expects deference and sycophant love, meanwhile banning people that post a legitimate critique or issue they might be having. I've seen good people get banned for the most ridiculous of reasons on that forum.

Point is, neo-geo is not a fine old forum that should be taken with a grain of salt. It's more akin to "The Double Deuce" in the movie "Roadhouse" before Swayze gets hired to toss all the bad apples.
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Re: Super SD System 3

Post by Syntax »

FBX wrote:It's more akin to "The Double Deuce" in the movie "Roadhouse" before Swayze gets hired to toss all the bad apples.
The forum intro speaks for itself A Mecca for retro gamers. "Come for the games, stay for teh drama"

All those bans are temporary unless you're a total douche at which point you're called out for it drawn and quartered.

When you have easier places to go and chat about whatever (like here) its kinda nice to have a rougher forum imo.

No good without evil right? :P

Quick question regarding SSDS3 and RGB modded PC Engines.
Could having the RGB bypass board and the SSDS3 RGB amp running at the same time cause dramas?
Double loading the same lines with different components kinda sounds like dramas to me. Voultar?
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Re: Super SD System 3

Post by BuckoA51 »

I had the exact opposite experience, wavy lines on the internal RGB mod and good picture from the SSD, that's even before the new SSD motherboard revision. Still looking into this of course.
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Re: Super SD System 3

Post by Dochartaigh »

I'm actually pretty darn happy with the COMPOSITE picture out of my TurboGrafx-16 (with the simple DIY mod attaching a cut-off yelllow composite cable to a couple pins on the back) - but of course even my stock NES over composite looks passable on a PVM/BVM with a good comb filter (and yes, I have the NESRGB to compare it to ;)

...but, cr4zymanz0r's pretty detailed test on multiple consoles does have me a little bit worried, especially with the past history of the RGB output being flawed on the first revision...but then Todd/Yodd posts a comprehensive review (which I only quickly flipped through since I'm at work) and he seems to be happy with it, so I'll keep my fingers crossed that it'll give a nice clean RGB output.

I know the designer said the RGB output is secondary to the design (and that he'll never do that again), but the SSD3 is going to be the single most expensive part of my entire gaming setup (ok, besides my BVM-D20), and I specifically bought it because it wasn't all that much more than a TG16 RGB mod (done by a professional) + Turbo Everdrive, so in reality I DID buy it just as much for the RGB output than the flashcart-esque features to be honest.
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Re: Super SD System 3

Post by Kez »

I should be receiving mine today. Once I've got it set up I'll investigate the RGB and report back. I can test it on a BVM, OSSC and the FM. I have a fully recapped CoreGrafx with the jailbar fix (produces a great picture with my RGB modded IFU-30) and a stock white original PC Engine.
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Re: Super SD System 3

Post by cr4zymanz0r »

I'd prefer we just stick discussing the product itself. Critiquing how TerraOnion is handling customer service is one thing, but I feel kinda like we're just beating a dead horse by filling this thread with opinions of the Neo Geo forum itself.

Anyway, I'm hoping to get some more in depth time with the SSDS3 this weekend. I won't be able to do much in the way of troubleshooting then without a RGB amp. I ordered one of Voultar's PCE RGB amps. Never used google payments before and for some reason it says it won't clear until the 29th, so then I'll have to wait for shipping after that as well.

If anyone else has a SSDS3 yet and a OSSC I'm curious if you're seeing anything similar to what I describe in my previous post above (Dungeon Explorer title screen logo, from microSD card, is a good test). I've also never seen a RGB signal that's so noisy on the OSSC when the low pass filter is turned off.

I'd really like to rule out if just mine is flawed, or if it's something common across all/many of them.
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Re: Super SD System 3

Post by broken »

Dochartaigh wrote: ...but, cr4zymanz0r's pretty detailed test on multiple consoles does have me a little bit worried, especially with the past history of the RGB output being flawed on the first revision...but then Todd/Yodd posts a comprehensive review (which I only quickly flipped through since I'm at work) and he seems to be happy with it, so I'll keep my fingers crossed that it'll give a nice clean RGB output.
hi! I'm Todd.

I've been doing some further testing and talking to more people with both the original revisions and the new revision board.

I think ultimately it's going to come down to the PCE that is plugged into the SSDS3 as far as the quality of video output. I have a couple PCE units here, some totally stock and some with internal RGB mods. And the RGB output from the SSDS3 widely varies among them. Some really nice like in my review, others...not so much.

And this isn't specific to the SSDS3. I used to have a Super CDrom 2 that I RGB modded and it's RGB output wasn't perfect either. And neither is the RGB output from an IFU setup (though I haven't personally tested that combo).

Maybe someone will come along and try to determine what it is inside the PCE that creates all this noise on the expansion bus.
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Re: Super SD System 3

Post by Dochartaigh »

broken wrote:
Dochartaigh wrote: Maybe someone will come along and try to determine what it is inside the PCE that creates all this noise on the expansion bus.
I hope somebody does as well! I would be totally open to a DIY type mod (which is hopefully within my small skillset ;) if my particular TG16 turns out to be a little noisy. In all honesty though, I figure if I'm happy with the composite from my TG16 right now (well, for it being composite at least), the RGB from the SSD3 (no matter what) should blow it away and I'll be happy (I've been happy with the output from every single system I have hooked up to my BVM/PVM's so I guess I might not be picky which will also help!).
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Re: Super SD System 3

Post by Arasoi »

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Re: Super SD System 3

Post by cr4zymanz0r »

broken wrote: hi! I'm Todd.

I've been doing some further testing and talking to more people with both the original revisions and the new revision board.

I think ultimately it's going to come down to the PCE that is plugged into the SSDS3 as far as the quality of video output. I have a couple PCE units here, some totally stock and some with internal RGB mods. And the RGB output from the SSDS3 widely varies among them. Some really nice like in my review, others...not so much.

And this isn't specific to the SSDS3. I used to have a Super CDrom 2 that I RGB modded and it's RGB output wasn't perfect either. And neither is the RGB output from an IFU setup (though I haven't personally tested that combo).

Maybe someone will come along and try to determine what it is inside the PCE that creates all this noise on the expansion bus.
Crap. I hope you're wrong, just so this doesn't end up being a console lottery situation.
I've got yet another TG16 I could try maybe this evening.
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Re: Super SD System 3

Post by Wolf_ »

cr4zymanz0r wrote: Crap. I hope you're wrong, just so this doesn't end up being a console lottery situation.
I've got yet another TG16 I could try maybe this evening.
Have you tried looking at the output of the base unit in advance to see if you can identify any problems that might get passed on to the ssd3? Also have you tried a recap?
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Re: Super SD System 3

Post by opt2not »

FBX wrote:
opt2not wrote: Point is, neo-geo is fine old forum that should be taken with a grain of salt. If it gets to you, then it's probably not the right forum for your needs.
I guess I'm just weird. I have a problem when a site is modded by a tyrant that expects deference and sycophant love, meanwhile banning people that post a legitimate critique or issue they might be having. I've seen good people get banned for the most ridiculous of reasons on that forum.

Point is, neo-geo is not a fine old forum that should be taken with a grain of salt. It's more akin to "The Double Deuce" in the movie "Roadhouse" before Swayze gets hired to toss all the bad apples.
I think it's best to look at the community as a whole, rather than one mod. And to be fair, a lot of newbie account locking are based around the fact that people are not reading the thread, or even the first post of the thread to get the answer to the question they're asking. This even annoys me. You see comments like "I need to read more than x pages to find my answer", which is irritating given the fact that forums are meant for reading! This may support your point that they would be better off with their own forum, for customers that want to ask a hit-and-run question and not bother to be involved with the community. But it should be understood that neo-geo is an actual community, just like shmups, that is bigger than the tyrant mod you're so rattled by.

I personally have met a lot of great active members there IRL (who are also active members here) who are top-notch people. I don't know, perhaps being 70's born means I'm built from sterner stuff. But I've learned to roll with the punches, not take the acidic reactions to heart, and enjoy discussions about games and collections and the like.
Conversely, I really wished this forum would go back to enjoying the games more, rather than being RGB-videophile centric, where people care more about how the quality of the game looks rather than gameplay discussions. There are some threads here that are still about games, but it seems a lot of the more popular ones are filled with video experts talking about the minutia of Electric Engineering details, colour ranges, etc.

What's a shame is that this device is getting so much attention about the RGB output, rather than the first and most important feature -- the ODE. The ODE is the money-shot here.
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Re: Super SD System 3

Post by Wolf_ »

opt2not wrote:What's a shame is that this device is getting so much attention about the RGB output, rather than the first and most important feature -- the ODE. The ODE is the money-shot here.
You can't have one without the other so that makes them of equal importance. It would be nice to know they were at least looking into it but I've been told the response was to basically say "oh well".
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Re: Super SD System 3

Post by opt2not »

Wolf_ wrote:
opt2not wrote:What's a shame is that this device is getting so much attention about the RGB output, rather than the first and most important feature -- the ODE. The ODE is the money-shot here.
You can't have one without the other so that makes them of equal importance. It would be nice to know they were at least looking into it but I've been told the response was to basically say "oh well".
Sure you can. You can still use your existing RGB mod for video output, rather than what's coming from the SSDS3. You only need to route the audio feed from the SSDS3 if you're going with that choice. To me, the RGB-out is a secondary feature that is a nice bonus to have. And like it was mentioned above, the problem may not be the SSDS3, but the console itself generating noise on the expansion port.
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Re: Super SD System 3

Post by Wolf_ »

opt2not wrote:
Wolf_ wrote:
opt2not wrote:What's a shame is that this device is getting so much attention about the RGB output, rather than the first and most important feature -- the ODE. The ODE is the money-shot here.
You can't have one without the other so that makes them of equal importance. It would be nice to know they were at least looking into it but I've been told the response was to basically say "oh well".
Sure you can. You can still use your existing RGB mod for video output, rather than what's coming from the SSDS3. You only need to route the audio feed from the SSDS3 if you're going with that choice. To me, the RGB-out is a secondary feature that is a nice bonus to have. And like it was mentioned above, the problem may not be the SSDS3, but the console itself generating noise on the expansion port.
Yes, that may be the problem. But they should still look into it. You know, so they can know for sure and figure out how to fix it if the problem is on their end... That's just being a decent company 101
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Re: Super SD System 3

Post by cr4zymanz0r »

opt2not wrote: I think it's best to look at the community as a whole, rather than one mod. And to be fair, a lot of newbie account locking are based around the fact that people are not reading the thread, or even the first post of the thread to get the answer to the question they're asking. This even annoys me. You see comments like "I need to read more than x pages to find my answer", which is irritating given the fact that forums are meant for reading! This may support your point that they would be better off with their own forum, for customers that want to ask a hit-and-run question and not bother to be involved with the community. But it should be understood that neo-geo is an actual community, just like shmups, that is bigger than the tyrant mod you're so rattled by.

I personally have met a lot of great active members there IRL (who are also active members here) who are top-notch people. I don't know, perhaps being 70's born means I'm built from sterner stuff. But I've learned to roll with the punches, not take the acidic reactions to heart, and enjoy discussions about games and collections and the like.
Conversely, I really wished this forum would go back to enjoying the games more, rather than being RGB-videophile centric, where people care more about how the quality of the game looks rather than gameplay discussions. There are some threads here that are still about games, but it seems a lot of the more popular ones are filled with video experts talking about the minutia of Electric Engineering details, colour ranges, etc.

What's a shame is that this device is getting so much attention about the RGB output, rather than the first and most important feature -- the ODE. The ODE is the money-shot here.
To be fair, this is in the Hardware sub-forum. I would expect nuanced discussions on hardware here rather than gameplay. I don't know how the rest of the sections of the forum are holding up.

It's true that chasing video quality can be a hobby itself (though even some stuff like color temperature discussions go beyond my realm of caring). Just because customer X doesn't care about video quality doesn't invalidate customer Y's concerns about video quality issues. If someone is fine with eating McDonalds most of the time, then more power to them. However, if I pay $50 expecting a fancier meal at what is assumed to be a nicer restaurant then I'll be upset if I end up getting served McDonalds :P. I don't think it's too crazy for people to expect all features of a device to be premium when it's at a premium price. It wasn't advertised as "Mind blowing first-in-class ODE, with bonus passable RGB!". Sure, I'm exaggerating some in this post but it does seem like people are just pushing the mentality of "the ODE is good, so just chill that you paid $300 or so when one of the other features is lacking"

As for the SSDS3 itself, I think it's getting the most attention about the RGB output because that's where it's ran into the most issues (and it's the least likely thing that can be addressed with a firmware patch). If the RGB output on it had been fantastic from day 1 but the ODE portion was having issues, I can guarantee that would be getting discussed more. If the AC in your brand new car wasn't working right I don't think you'd be talking much about how powerful the engine is right then.
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Re: Super SD System 3

Post by opt2not »

@cr4zymanz0r I think your points are very fair. I just think the fact that they did a full revision on the hardware already, and the testimony of what Todd wrote above, makes it seems that this is as good as it's going to get. The problem is looking more and more like a console issue, rather than the SSDS3 itself.
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Re: Super SD System 3

Post by cr4zymanz0r »

opt2not wrote:@cr4zymanz0r I think your points are very fair. I just think the fact that they did a full revision on the hardware already, and the testimony of what Todd wrote above, makes it seems that this is as good as it's going to get. The problem is looking more and more like a console issue, rather than the SSDS3 itself.
That's a possibility. My initial assumption was the SSDS3 due a combination of the previous revision having issues, my RGB modded Duo-R looking fantastic, and never having heard of some PCEs having noisy video and some don't. Personally I want more data before making a final verdict. Once I get the RGB amp in I'll probably try to rig up some test bed to try it across my Core Grafx and two TG16s with and without the SSDS3 attached to see how things compare.

If it does turn out to be console noise issue where you just have to win the lottery or hope more skilled people can figure out a solution, then that'll suck but it'll be the only path to take at that point. If it turns out it is indeed the SSDS3, I'm fine with fixing it myself if someone can figure out the fix. Sure, I shouldn't have to but it's not like there's any competition in the PCE-CD ODE market for me to turn to.

I still think NeoSD could've had better customer service when I pointed things out and asked if they could take a look into it once their shipping chaos dies down. NeoDev seemed more level headed and willing to provide feedback.
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Re: Super SD System 3

Post by opt2not »

IMO a little noise on the video lines isn't a deal-breaker. I mean, people are still using their noisy 1-chip SNES's, so this is not really that bad. The first rev, sure you can say that's a showstopper since some people couldn't sync the image at all. But from Todd's review video and others I've been seeing, the video quality looks pretty damn good.

edit: I mean, everything I've seen so far is vastly superior to the composite video I'm using now:




I still am very surprised how good the composite signal is on my coregrafx. It's much better than other console's composite out.
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Re: Super SD System 3

Post by zoopster »

Apologies if this has already been covered, but I have the rev. 1 SSS3 and can't get it to sync with my BVM D24. This is using the packapunch megadrive 2 cable into a gscart scart switch. Works fine via my LED flatscreen via SCART. Tried with original PC Engine and Core Grafx 2. Any suggestions?

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Re: Super SD System 3

Post by Kez »

LDigital is having the same problem, I suspect the sync output of the original board is just way off-spec and BVMs don't like it. You're unlikely to get much support unfortunately as the board is gonna be replaced.

I suspect using composite video as sync may help though, so if you have a cable like that for the MD2 you might see some results.
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Re: Super SD System 3

Post by zoopster »

Thanks Kez. I'm waiting to send off for the Rev 2 board so hopefully that will fix it. I don't have a MG 2 composite cable unfortunately.
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Re: Super SD System 3

Post by FinalBaton »

opt2not wrote:Conversely, I really wished this forum would go back to enjoying the games more, rather than being RGB-videophile centric, where people care more about how the quality of the game looks rather than gameplay discussions. There are some threads here that are still about games, but it seems a lot of the more popular ones are filled with video experts talking about the minutia of Electric Engineering details, colour ranges, etc
You won't find much gameplay discussion in the Hardware sub-forum :) and that's normal, and expected. There are a bunch of very cool threads in Off-topic that focus solely on gameplay. And there's no hardware talk to be found in there.
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