Guwange (X360) scoring issues: analysis

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Guwange (X360) scoring issues: analysis

Post by CloudyMusic »

In short, I believe that the Xbox 360 port of Guwange -- at least the Arcade mode -- has inaccurate scoring compared to the PCB and MAME. To learn how I arrived at this conclusion and see some data points I've collected, read on.


I’ve been starting to learn Guwange lately, and I’ve been switching back and forth between both versions that are available to me (MAME and Xbox 360) on a regular basis to figure out which version I prefer. In doing that, though, I started to notice something else: my scores always seemed much better on the 360. In fact, they seemed much better than they had any right to. Since I’m new to Guwange, I’m still completely garbage at it, but I had exceeded 54万 a few times on stage 1. In contrast, the two arcade counterstop world record replays that I checked (for two different characters) finished the first stage with 57万 and 59万, respectively. Curious, I checked a couple of the high-scoring replays on the 360 leaderboards and saw that one topped 70万 at the end of stage 1, or nearly 20% higher than Yusemi-SWY on his world record counterstop run. What?

Then I noticed that while my personal scores varied significantly between the two platforms, my chain total did not. Following my usual route and assuming I didn’t make any huge mistakes, I would always end up with roughly the same chain size at the end of the first stage regardless of which platform I was playing on, but my score would always still be 20-25% higher on the Xbox 360 version. The same was true of the leaderboard replays I had mentioned: though their stage 1 scores exceeded even the WR superplayers, their chain totals were noticeably lower, as is expected from players that used fewer high-level techniques.

I asked a few people on Twitter to see if there was just a known scoring issue in the 360 version that I hadn’t heard about, but they weren’t aware of anything. I then searched through whatever Japanese resources I could find, and while I found a few old discussion posts alleging the existence of “scoring bugs” in the game, none of them went into specifics, and most of the chatter around the 360 port seemed to revolve around achievements or the arrange mode.

Finally, if you're not familiar with the scoring system in Guwange, for the sake of following along, here's a brief rundown:
In Guwange, your chain total more or less acts as a straight multipler to the value of all of the coins that you pick up; which, in turn, comprise the vast majority of the points that you earn (exceptions being things like static kill bonuses and small bonuses from collecting excess powerups). Basically, during the stages, each coin is worth a value directly proportional to your chain counter, plus an extremely small base value. Depending on what type of coin it is, it may be further divided by 10 or 100. What matters here, though, is that higher chain count = higher score from each coin, in direct proportion. On that level, at least, it’s extremely simple to understand.

Personal Testing

In an attempt to quantify things, I played 3 test runs each with two different characters through the entirety of stage 1 on each platform and compared the results:


The chain averages are roughly the same (actually ever so slightly lower on my 360 runs) but the scores are still dramatically higher on the Xbox 360. I can attest that I was doing the exact same route and hitting basically the same chain milestones throughout the stage in every run, with nothing that would really explain this level of discrepancy. While I don't expect these numbers to actually prove anything, they made me confident enough to actually deep-dive on this to confirm or deny my suspicions.

High-Level Replay Analysis

The next step was to cross-check a number of high-level replays, both from PCB/MAME and Xbox 360, to see if the differences I was seeing applied to much higher-level players, and if it applied throughout the various parts of the game as well. There aren’t a ton of high-level replays on the Xbox 360 leaderboards, but there are a couple above 40 million, so that should be good enough to figure out if there might be something to this or not.

Since most of the stages are pretty nonstop action from start to finish, it’d be almost impossible to try to determine how many points individual coins are worth when there’s lots of stuff going on on-screen. So, I gathered data points from places that met the following criteria:
  • No points gained from any other sources immediately before, during, or after the event I was examining.
  • No enemies killed immediately before, during, or after.
  • No falling coins, homing coins, or leeched coins anywhere on-screen. There is an obvious exception when I'm explicitly comparing the scores from a bullet-cancel that generates homing coins.
Here are the replays that I used:

Pointgain from coin piles

Ground-based coin piles are ideal for checking this because their score formula is really simple:

Points = (Current chain counter) + (Coin base value)

The coin base value can change depending on different factors that I'm not entirely familiar with, but I believe the highest value it can possibly be is 9 per pile. Since the base value is only a single digit, the score you get from a coin pile is almost entirely based on the value of your chain. As an additional aside, a coin pile created while your skull gauge is flashing will increase your chain counter by 3 when you pick it up, and if your gauge wasn't flashing, it will instead increase your chain by 2.

I frame-stepped a variety of PCB, MAME, and Xbox 360 replays at various parts of the game and noted the player's score and chain value before and after picking up a large coin pile. Here are the results.

Xbox 360: mag0908 (Gensuke)
R=Location&Chain Before&Score Before&Score After&Pointgain&Notes R=Early stage 2&3362&984222&989396&5174&Chain + [color=#00ff00][b]1812[/b][/color] R=Stage 2&3435&1031062&1035874&4812&Chain + [color=#00ff00][b]1377[/b][/color] R=Stage 2&4029&1287644&1293296&5652&Chain + [color=#00ff00][b]1623[/b][/color]

Xbox 360: Archvolt (Shishin)
R=Location&Chain Before&Score Before&Score After&Pointgain&Notes R=Early stage 3&6471&3602920&3611342&8422&Chain + [color=#00ff00][b]1951[/b][/color] R=Early stage 5&19260&19260632&19285040&24408&Chain + [color=#00ff00][b]5148[/b][/color]

Xbox 360: kenzuuuuu (Shishin)
R=Location&Chain Before&Score Before&Score After&Pointgain&Notes R=Stage 2, just before midboss [2 piles]&4508&1362888&1374320&11432&4508¹ + 4511² + [color=#00ff00][b]2413[/b][/color] R=Early stage 4&8051&15118576&15129206&10630&Chain + [color=#00ff00][b]2579[/b][/color]

¹: Chain multiplier as of picking up first pile
²: Chain multiplier as of picking up second pile

Arcade: ? counterstop (Shishin)
R=Location&Chain Before&Score Before&Score After&Pointgain&Notes R=Stage 2, just before midboss [2 piles]&4551&958082&967201&9119&4551¹ + 4554² + [color=#ff0000][b]14[/b][/color] R=Stage 2, at spiders&5889&1630567&1636461&5894&Chain + [color=#ff0000][b]5[/b][/color] R=Early stage 3&8874&4623336&4632215&8879&Chain + [color=#ff0000][b]5[/b][/color]

¹: Chain multiplier as of picking up first pile
²: Chain multiplier as of picking up second pile

Arcade: Prometheus (Kosame)
R=Location&Chain Before&Score Before&Score After&Pointgain&Notes R=Early stage 4&15059&12086593&12101657&15064&Chain + [color=#ff0000][b]5[/b][/color] R=Stage 4, just before midboss&16492&13945509&13978510&33001&16492¹ + 16495² + [color=#ff0000][b]14[/b][/color] R=Early stage 5&21403&18803512&18824920&21408&Chain + [color=#ff0000][b]5[/b][/color]

¹: Chain multiplier as of picking up first pile
²: Chain multiplier as of picking up second pile

Arcade: Icarus (Kosame)
R=Location&Chain Before&Score Before&Score After&Pointgain&Notes R=Early stage 3&6312&2353496&2359815&6319&Chain + [color=#ff0000][b]7[/b][/color]

Conclusion: The Xbox 360 players consistently earned more score from coin piles, far beyond what they should based on the arcade scoring formula.

Pointgain from particular enemies/formations

This is less scientific, but I also observed how many points were gained from certain sections of the game. These generally are enemy formations that are likely to be handled in almost an identical way by all decent players, so the natural variances in score gained should be relatively minor. (The "Chain Increase" column should give you an idea if a section was performed sub-optimally by a given player, though.)

The "Pointgain/Starting Chain" column is a pretty concise representation of the gulf between the platforms. Because the points earned from coin pickups scale linearly with your chain, this value should be roughly the same for all players that execute the same set of actions, have the Skull Gauge filled up high (which, for high-level players, should definitely be the case), and collect the same number of coins in a given situation, assuming there are no differences in the enemy/bullet count.

Stage 1, first arrowhead-bullet turret cart
Note: For this example, because the pointgain is comparatively low, we'll subtract the cart's 640-point destruction bonus from each player's listed pointgain when calculating the ratio, just to keep the numbers more accurate. For all other examples, I won't bother, because the kill bonuses are insignificant.

R=Platform&Player&Character&Before&After&ChainIncrease&Pointgain&Pointgain/StartingChain R=[color=#00ff00][b]Xbox 360[/b][/color]&mag0908&Gensuke&595 chain, 57018 pts&687 chain, 62626 pts&92&5608 [-640]&[color=#00ff00][b]8.35[/b][/color] R=[color=#00ff00][b]Xbox 360[/b][/color]&Archvolt&Shishin&541 chain, 52126 pts&625 chain, 57034 pts&84&4908 [-640]&[color=#00ff00][b]7.89[/b][/color] R=[color=#00ff00][b]Xbox 360[/b][/color]&kenzuuuuu&Shishin&642 chain, 61826 pts&736 chain, 67866 pts&94&6040 [-640]&[color=#00ff00][b]8.41[/b][/color] R=[color=#ff0000][b]Arcade[/b][/color]&? [Counterstop]&Shishin&645 chain, 46755 pts&735 chain, 50967 pts&90&4212 [-640]&[color=#ff0000][b]5.54[/b][/color] R=[color=#ff0000][b]Arcade[/b][/color]&Yusemi-SWY [Counterstop]&Kosame&558 chain, 36472 pts&650 chain, 40457 pts&92&3985 [-640]&[color=#ff0000][b]5.99[/b][/color] R=[color=#ff0000][b]Arcade[/b][/color]&Prometheus&Kosame&519 chain, 33653 pts&559 chain, 36833 pts&40&3180 [-640]&[color=#ff0000][b]4.89[/b][/color] R=[color=#ff0000][b]Arcade[/b][/color]&IcarusFW&Kosame&559 chain, 38879 pts&633 chain, 42123 pts&74&3244 [-640]&[color=#ff0000][b]4.66[/b][/color]

Stage 1, swarms of bats immediately before the boss

R=Platform&Player&Character&Before&After&ChainIncrease&Pointgain&Pointgain/StartingChain R=[color=#00ff00][b]Xbox 360[/b][/color]&mag0908&Gensuke&1767 chain, 406980 pts&2001 chain, 539878 pts&234&132898&[color=#00ff00][b]75.21[/b][/color] R=[color=#00ff00][b]Xbox 360[/b][/color]&Archvolt&Shishin&1497 chain, 358652 pts&1785 chain, 471024 pts&288&112372&[color=#00ff00][b]75.06[/b][/color] R=[color=#00ff00][b]Xbox 360[/b][/color]&kenzuuuuu&Shishin&1995 chain, 470788 pts&2307 chain, 617284 pts&312&146496&[color=#00ff00][b]73.43[/b][/color] R=[color=#ff0000][b]Arcade[/b][/color]&? [Counterstop]&Shishin&1823 chain, 308658 pts&2130 chain, 396674 pts&307&88016&[color=#ff0000][b]48.28[/b][/color] R=[color=#ff0000][b]Arcade[/b][/color]&Yusemi-SWY [Counterstop]&Kosame&1862 chain, 321455 pts&2146 chain, 418107 pts&284&96652&[color=#ff0000][b]51.90[/b][/color] R=[color=#ff0000][b]Arcade[/b][/color]&Prometheus&Kosame&1456 chain, 245721 pts&1713 chain, 323506 pts&257&77785&[color=#ff0000][b]53.42[/b][/color] R=[color=#ff0000][b]Arcade[/b][/color]&IcarusFW&Kosame&1684 chain, 282768 pts&1968 chain, 372538 pts&284&89770&[color=#ff0000][b]53.30[/b][/color]

Stage 3, swarms of bats immediately before the boss

R=Platform&Player&Character&Before&After&ChainIncrease&Pointgain&Pointgain/StartingChain R=[color=#00ff00][b]Xbox 360[/b][/color]&mag0908&Gensuke&13691 chain, 9574204 pts&14010 chain, 10639498 pts&319&1065294&[color=#00ff00][b]77.81[/b][/color] R=[color=#00ff00][b]Xbox 360[/b][/color]&Archvolt&Shishin&12259 chain, 7688780 pts&12606 chain, 8596478 pts&347&907698&[color=#00ff00][b]74.04[/b][/color] R=[color=#00ff00][b]Xbox 360[/b][/color]&kenzuuuuu&Shishin&12551 chain, 10453484 pts&12901 chain, 11428886 pts&350&975402&[color=#00ff00][b]77.72[/b][/color] R=[color=#ff0000][b]Arcade[/b][/color]&? [Counterstop]&Shishin&15217 chain, 8966113 pts&15568 chain, 9893369 pts&351&927256&[color=#ff0000][b]60.94[/b][/color] R=[color=#ff0000][b]Arcade[/b][/color]&Yusemi-SWY [Counterstop]&Kosame&15274 chain, 9765163 pts&15641 chain, 10752223 pts&367&987060&[color=#ff0000][b]64.24[/b][/color] R=[color=#ff0000][b]Arcade[/b][/color]&Prometheus&Kosame&12361 chain, 5903716 pts&12742 chain, 6659389 pts&381&775673&[color=#ff0000][b]62.75[/b][/color] R=[color=#ff0000][b]Arcade[/b][/color]&IcarusFW&Kosame&11705 chain, 5091398 pts&12078 chain, 5786266 pts&373&694868&[color=#ff0000][b]59.37[/b][/color]

Stage 4, first bullet cancel on midboss (from the animal carcass that it spits out)

R=Platform&Player&Character&Before&After&ChainIncrease&Pointgain&Pointgain/StartingChain R=[color=#00ff00][b]Xbox 360[/b][/color]&mag0908&Gensuke&16801 chain, 17020560 pts&16885 chain, 17120638 pts&84&100078&[color=#00ff00][b]5.96[/b][/color] R=[color=#00ff00][b]Xbox 360[/b][/color]&Archvolt&Shishin&15679 chain, 15093610 pts&15776 chain, 15197832 pts&97&104222&[color=#00ff00][b]6.65[/b][/color] R=[color=#00ff00][b]Xbox 360[/b][/color]&kenzuuuuu&Shishin&9900 chain, 17090910 pts&9998 chain, 17160486 pts&98&69576&[color=#00ff00][b]7.03[/b][/color] R=[color=#ff0000][b]Arcade[/b][/color]&? [Counterstop]&Shishin&21214 chain, 36420710 pts&21314 chain, 36524275 pts&100&103565&[color=#ff0000][b]4.88[/b][/color] R=[color=#ff0000][b]Arcade[/b][/color]&Yusemi-SWY [Counterstop]&Kosame&21345 chain, 38538687 pts&21445 chain, 38646302 pts&100&107615&[color=#ff0000][b]5.04[/b][/color] R=[color=#ff0000][b]Arcade[/b][/color]&Prometheus&Kosame&16519 chain, 14023379 pts&16619 chain, 14105539 pts&100&82610&[color=#ff0000][b]5.00[/b][/color] R=[color=#ff0000][b]Arcade[/b][/color]&IcarusFW&Kosame&n/a&n/a&n/a&n/a&n/a

Conclusion: The Xbox 360 players consistently earned more score throughout the game than their arcade counterparts, especially when weighted by their chain value (which, again, functions as a multiplier and is by far the most significant component in score calculations).

  • Points obtained from coins on the Xbox 360 port of Guwange are higher than they should be, for unknown reasons. Additional points are earned from coin piles and bullet-canceled coins alike. I assume the same is true of leeched coins, but those are harder to analyze via frame-stepping since they're generated in large quantities.
  • Things like base enemy kill points, boss-kill bonuses, and end-of-game bonuses are correct on Xbox 360.
  • If this is all true, on our scoreboard here (and other places like Restart Syndrome) should probably separate 360 and PCB/MAME scores.
  • If you're a Guwange player and want to be able to compare your scores to the majority of other players, I strongly recommend playing on MAME.
  • I have done no testing for Guwange Blue, but I wouldn't be surprised if similar issues existed there.
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Re: Guwange (X360) scoring issues: analysis

Post by Chaos Phoenixma »

How is this even?

Isn't the 360 version pretty much an emulator and roms with achievements and practice added as well as some extra stuff for the arrange mode? At least that's why I thought Guwange Blue ended up in MAME in the first place.

Unless something got screwed up in the other modes when they did the arrange, I don't see why this would be happening.
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Re: Guwange (X360) scoring issues: analysis

Post by CloudyMusic »

Yeah, that's what Trap said when I asked around about known issues. I don't really know why it would be happening either, but it seems pretty demonstrable.
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Re: Guwange (X360) scoring issues: analysis

Post by Icarus »

Oh nice, you did framestep score calculations. I figured it'd be the best way to have concrete numbers for something like this, since the coin value formula is already well known and easy to reverse-engineer.
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Re: Guwange (X360) scoring issues: analysis

Post by trap15 »

As Chaos mentioned, this is indeed an emulator. Either they didn't bundle the normal ROM set, or you're just seeing ghosts.
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Re: Guwange (X360) scoring issues: analysis

Post by CStarFlare »

Fascinating. And irritating.

IIRC the Blue Version ROM has been extracted from the 360 files. I imagine no one bothered with the Arcade version's ROM, but if anyone has the ability maybe it's worth dumping them and doing additional testing in MAME? If the assumption is they're using the same version, wouldn't it be possible to run one replay on the 360 ROM and a normal Internet ROM and see if things match up?

There's also just the chance that there are undocumented versions of the arcade release - MAME's usual set has one, while Cave used another for the port.
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Re: Guwange (X360) scoring issues: analysis

Post by CloudyMusic »

Even if it was a different romset for some reason, I can't imagine why they would've made any changes like this. There doesn't seem to be any strong correlation between the extra coin points being awarded and any other obvious factors (chain value, score counter, etc). It just struck me as "something's not working right," though I'm not going to pretend that I have an explanation for the root cause.

The good thing is that everything that I've tabulated here should be able to be double-checked by others. By all means, if you're competent with the game, play a few runs on both platforms. Check a few replays. That Shishin counterstop on Nico is really high-quality, and you can slow down any Xbox 360 replay to as low as 1/16 speed as well as pause/unpause at will. I sampled from multiple places in multiple videos from multiple players specifically to reduce the risk of error on my part. The fact that the coin values are so consistent on PCB/MAME indicates that my methodology was sound.

I bring this up in an effort to confirm or deny something that I think I have reasonably good evidence for. If you're skeptical or would just like to find out more, feel free to try some of this out for yourself.
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Re: Guwange (X360) scoring issues: analysis

Post by Mark_MSX »

I do know that Guwange on pcb runs at 57.5 fps. It could be possible that the devs of the port have bumped the port s frame rate up to 60 and this somehow increased the way score is calculated or something. I m taking a guess here, but I wouldn t be surprised if the emulator inside the port is messed up in some small unexpected way.
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